Library Building

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Name of the Work : Construction of Library Building in Uppalaguptam(V) of

Uppalaguptam(M), Est.Rs.4.00 Lakhs

Design of Slab S1 : - ( Two Way Slab ) 4.50 m

Lx = 3.59 m
Ly = 3.89 m

Ly/Lx = 3.89/3.59 = 1.08 <2 3.50 m

Hence, the slab shall be designed as a two way slab
Asuume the thick ness of the slab as 100 mm

Dead load of slab = 0.10x25 = 2.50 KN/sqm

Live load = 4.00 KN/sqm
Weight of finishings = 0.75 KN/sqm
Total Load 7.25 KN/sqm
Total factored load = 1.5x7.25 = 10.875 KN/sqm

From IS:456-200, for Ly/Lx=1.29 ( Two adjacent edges discontinuous) ,

- ax = 0.053 -ay = 0.047
+ax = 0.04 +ay = 0.035

There fore, Maximum factored B.M. = (ax)(w)(lx)2

= 0.053x11.625x3.502
= 7.43 KN M
Use M20 concrete and Fe415 Steel
Effective depth , d = sqrt(Mu/0.138xfckxb)
= sqrt(7.43*106/0.138x20x1000)
= 51.879105 mm
d provided = 100-25-5 = 70 mm
Hence adopted overall depth of 100mm is OK.

From Table 35 of SP 16, for M20 concrete and Fe415 grade Steel,
8mm dia steel is to be provided at 180mm c/c

However, provide 8mm dia steel at 150mm c/c in both the directions.
Design of One Way Slab : -
7.75 KN/sqm

Live load = ###

Dead load = 3.75 KN/sqm 4.48 m 3.23 m 3.23 m

Total Load on Slab = 7.75 KN/sqm

Effective Span = 3.50 m

Maximum factored B.M. = (1.5xwdxl2/10)+(1.5xwlxl2/9)

= (1.5x3.75x3.502/10)+(1.5x4.00x3.502/9)
= 15.06 KN/sqm
Use M20 concrete and Fe415 Steel
Effective depth , d = sqrt(Mu/0.138xfckxb)
= sqrt(15.06*106/0.138x20x1000)
= 73.87 mm
d provided = 120-25-5 = 95 mm
Hence adopted overall depth of 120mm is OK.

From Table 37 of SP 16, for M20 concrete and Fe415 grade Steel,
Provide 10mm dia steel at 150mm c/c as main reinforcement

Distribution reinforcement = (0.15/100)xbxd

= (0.15/100)x120x1000
= 180sqmm/m
Spacing of 8mm dia steel bars = 50*1000/180
= 277.78 mm
However, provide 8mm dia steel bars at 250mm c/c as distribution reinforcement.

Design of Beam B1 : - ( T - Beam )

Load from Slab = 7.75 KN/sqm

Effective Span = 7.00 m
Length of slab on one side = 3.50 m
Length of slab on other side = 3.50 m

Asuume the size of the rib as 300x550mm 7.00m

S1 S2

3.50m 3.50m
Load from Slab S1 = (1/2)(7.00+7.00-3.50)x(3.50/2)x7.7 = 71.20 KN
Load from Slab S2 = (1/2)(7.00+7.00-3.50)x(3.50/2)x7.7 = 71.20 KN
Weight of rib = 0.30X0.60x25x7.00 = 31.50 KN
Weight of wall = 0.23x3.00x19x7.00 = 91.77 KN
Total load on beam = 265.67 KN

Facored Load = 1.50x265.67 = 398.51 KN

Factored B.M. = WL/10 = 398.51x7.00/10 = 278.96 KNm

Effecive width of flange :

(i) bf = (lo/6+bw+6Df) = (0.70x7.00/6)+0.30+(6x0.12)

= 1.84 m
(ii) bf = x1+x2+bw = (3.50/2)+(3.50/2)+0.30 = 3.80 m
therefore, bf = 1.84 m
let the depth of the rib be 550mm, then over all depth = 550+120=670 mm
effective depth, d= 550+120-25-20-25/2 = 612.50 mm
Df/d = 120/612.50 = 0.20 & bf/bw = 1837/300= 6.12
From table 58 of SP16, Mulim./bwd fck = 0.55

Mulim. = 0.55x300x612.502x20/106 = 1238.02 KNm > Mu, hence OK.

From chart14, for Mu/b = 278.96/0.30 = 929.87 KNm/m, & for d=612.50 mm
100 As/bd = 0.88
As = 0.88x300x612.50/100 = 1617.00 sqmm
No. of 20mm dia bars required = 5.15 No.s
Hence provide 6 No.s of 20 mm dia bars.

Shear reinforcement : -
d = 612.5 mm & % of steel, pt = 1.03
Factored Shear force,Vu = W/2= 1.50x265.67/2 = 199.25 KN
Nominal shear stress,Tv =Vu/bd =199.25x1000/(300x612.50) = 1.08 N/sqmm
< Tcmax(from Table 5)
From Table 61 of SP16, Tc = 0.62 N/sqmm
Shear capacity of concrete section,Vc = Tcbd = 0.62x300x612.50/1000
= 113.93 KN
Shear to be carried by stirrups,Vus = 199.25-113.93 = 85.32 KN
Vus/d = 85.32/61.25 = 1.39 KN/cm
From Table 62 of SP16, provide 8mm dia 2-L stirrups at 150mm c/c.

2-20mm dia 6-20mm dia

120 mm 120 mm

8 mm dia 2-L
at 150mm
550mm c/c 550mm
6- 20mm 2- 20mm
dia dia

300 mm 300 mm

C/S at Mid Span C/S at Support

Design of Beam B2 : - ( T - Beam )

Load from Slab = 7.75 KN/sqm

Effective Span = 4.50 m
Length of slab on one side = 3.50 m
Length of slab on other side = 3.50 m 4.50 m
Asuume the size of the rib as 230x350mm


3.50 m

Load from Slab S1 = (1/2)x(4.50+4.50-3.50)(3.50/2)x7.75 = 37.30 KN

Load from Slab S2 = (1/2)x(4.50+4.50-3.50)(3.50/2)x7.75 = 37.30 KN
Weight of rib = 0.23x0.35x25x4.50 = 9.06 KN
Weight of wall = 0.23x3.20x19x4.50 = 62.93 KN
Total load on beam = 146.59 KN

Facored Load = 1.50x146.59 = 219.89 KN

Factored B.M. = WL/10 = 219.89x4.50/10 = 98.95 KNm

Effecive width of flange :

(i) bf = (lo/6+bw+6Df) = (0.70x4.50/6)+0.23+(6x0.12)

= 1.475 m
(ii) bf = x1+x2+bw = (3.50/2)+(3.50/2)+0.23 = 3.73 m
therefore, bf = 1.475 m
effective depth, d= 350+120-25-8 = 437 mm
Df/d = 120/437 = 0.27 & bf/bw = 1475/230= 6.41
From table 58 of SP16, Mulim./bwd2fck = 0.622 + (0.718-0.622)x0.41 = 0.66
Mulim. = 0.696x230x437 x20/10 =
2 6
579.78 KNm > Mu, hence OK.
From Table2, for Mu/bd = 98.95/0.23*437 =
2 2
2.25 N/sqmm
100 As/bd = 0.725
As = 0.725x230x437/100 = 728.70 sqmm
No. of 16mm dia bars required = 3.63 No.s
Hence provide 4 No.s of 16mm dia bars.

Shear reinforcement : -
d= 437 mm & % of steel, pt = 0.80
Factored Shear force,Vu = W/2=1.50x146.59/2= 109.94 KN
Nominal shear stress,Tv =Vu/bd =109.94x1000/(230x437) = 1.09 N/sqmm
< Tcmax(from Table 5)
From Table 61 of SP16, Tc = 0.57 N/sqmm
Shear capacity of concrete section,Vc = Tcbd = 0.57x230x437/1000
= 57.29 KN
Shear to be carried by stirrups,Vus = 109.94-57.29 = 52.65 KN
Vus/d=52.65/43.7 = 1.20 KN/cm
From Table 62 of SP16, provide 8mm dia 2-L stirrups at 180mm c/c.

2-16mm dia 4-16mm dia

o o 120 mm o o o o 120 mm

8 mm dia 2-L
at 180mm
350mm c/c 350mm
4- 16mm o o o o 2- 16mm o o
dia dia

230 mm 230 mm

C/S at Mid Span C/S at Support

Design of Beam B3 : - ( L - Beam )

Load from Slab = 7.75 KN/sqm

Effective Span = 4.50 m
Length of slab on one side = 3.50 m
Length of slab on other side = 0.00 m

Asuume the size of the rib as 230x300mm

3.50 m


Load from Slab = (1/2)x(4.50+4.50-3.50)(3.50/2)x7.75 = 37.30 KN

Weight of rib = 0.23x0.30x25x4.50 = 7.76 KN
Weight of wall = 0.23x3.20x19x4.50 = 62.93 KN
Total load on beam = 107.99 KN

Facored Load = 1.50x107.99 = 161.99 KN

Factored B.M. = WL/10 = 161.99x4.50/10 = 72.89 KNm

Effecive width of flange :

(i) bf = (lo/12+bw+3Df) = (0.70x4.50/12)+0.23+(3x0.12)
= 0.853 m
(ii) bf = x1+bw = (3.50/2)+0.23 = 1.98 m
therefore, bf = 0.853 m
effective depth, d= 3000+120-25-8 = 387 mm
Df/d = 120/387 = 0.31 & bf/bw = 853/230= 3.71
From table 58 of SP16, Mulim./bwd fck = 0.349+ (0.454-0.349)x0.71
= 0.4236
Mulim. = 0.424x230x387 x20/10 =
2 6
291.80 KNm > Mu, hence OK.
From Table2, for Mu/bd = 72.89/0.23*387 =
2 2
2.12 N/sqmm
100 As/bd = 0.685
As = 685x230x387/100 = 609.72 sqmm
No. of 12mm dia bars required = 5.39 No.s
Hence provide 2 No.s of 16mm dia bars and 2 No.s of 12mm dia bars.

Shear reinforcement : -
d= 387 mm & % of steel, pt = 0.71
Factored Shear force,Vu = W/2=161.99/2= 80.99 KN
Nominal shear stress,Tv =Vu/bd =80.99x1000/(230x387) = 0.91 N/sqmm
< Tcmax(from Table 5)
From Table 61 of SP16, Tc = 0.55 N/sqmm
Shear capacity of concrete section,Vc = Tcbd = 0.55x230x387/1000
= 48.96 KN
Shear to be carried by stirrups,Vus =80.99-48.96 = 32.03 KN
Vus/d=32.03/38.7 = 0.83 KN/cm
From Table 62 of SP16, 8mm dia 2-L stirrups to be provided at 265mm c/c.
However, provide 8mm dia 2-L stirrups at 250mm c/c.
2-16mm dia 2-12mm dia+2-16mm dia

o o 120 mm o o o o 120 mm

8 mm dia 2-L
at 250mm
300mm c/c 300mm
2- 12mm + o o o o 2- 16mm o o
2-16mmdia dia

230 mm 230 mm

C/S at Mid Span C/S at Support

Design of Beam B3 : - ( L - Beam )

Load from Slab = 7.75 KN/sqm

Effective Span = 3.50 m
Length of slab on one side = 4.50 m
Length of slab on other side = 0.00 m

Asuume the size of the rib as 230x230mm

3.50 m


Load from Slab = (1/2)x(3.50)(3.50/2)x7.75 = = 23.73 KN

Weight of rib = 0.23x0.23x25x3.50 = 4.63 KN
Weight of wall = 0.23x3.20x19x3.50 = 48.94 KN
Total load on beam = 77.30 KN

Facored Load = 1.50x77.30 = 115.95 KN

Factored B.M. = WL/10 = 115.95x3.500/10 = 40.58 KNm

Effecive width of flange :

(i) bf = (lo/12+bw+3Df) = (0.70x3.50/12)+0.23+(3x0.12)

= 0.794 m
(ii) bf = x1+bw = (3.50/2)+0.23 = 1.98 m
therefore, bf = 0.794 m
effective depth, d= 230+120-25-8 = 317 mm
Df/d = 120/317 = 0.38 & bf/bw = 794/230= 3.45
From table 58 of SP16, Mulim./bwd2fck = 0.377+ (0.497-0.377)x0.45 = 0.431
Mulim. = 0.431x230x3172x20/106 = 199.23 KNm > Mu, hence OK.
From Table2, for Mu/bd = 40.58/0.23*317 =
2 2
1.76 N/sqmm
100 As/bd = 0.565
As = 0.565x230x317/100 = 411.94 sqmm
No. of 12mm dia bars required = 3.64 No.s
Hence provide 4 No.s of 12mm dia bars.

Shear reinforcement : -
d= 317 mm & % of steel, pt = 0.62
Factored Shear force,Vu = W/2=115.95/2= 57.98 KN
Nominal shear stress,Tv =Vu/bd =57.98x1000/(230x317) = 0.80 N/sqmm
< Tcmax(from Table 5)
From Table 61 of SP16, Tc = 0.51 N/sqmm
Shear capacity of concrete section,Vc = Tcbd = 0.51x230x317/1000
= 37.18 KN
Shear to be carried by stirrups,Vus =57.98-37.18 = 20.80 KN
Vus/d=20.80/31.7 = 0.66 KN/cm
From Table 62 of SP16, 8mm dia 2-L stirrups to be provided at 300mm c/c.
However, provide 8mm dia 2-L stirrups at 250mm c/c.
2-12mm dia 4-12mm dia

o o 120 mm o o o o 120 mm
8 mm dia 2-L
at 250mm
230mm c/c 230mm
4- 12mm o o o o 2- 12mm o o
dia dia

230 mm 230 mm

C/S at Mid Span C/S at Support

Design of Column : -


B4 B4

GF Ist F(with out wall load)

Load from Beam B1 =265.67/2= 132.84 KN =(265.67-91.77)/2= 86.95 KN
Load from Beam B2 =77.30/2= 38.65 KN =(77.30-48.94)/2= 14.18 KN
Load from Beam B3 =77.30/2= 38.65 KN =(77.30-48.94)/2= 14.18 KN
210.14 KN 115.31 KN
Assume the size of the column as 230x300mm
Self Weight of the column =7.00x0.23x0.3x25 = 12.94 KN
Load from plinth beam = 3.50x0.23x19x3.50+3.50x0.23x0.23x25 = 58.16 KN
Total Load on Column = 396.54 KN
Factored Load = 1.5x338.38 = 594.82 KN
Assume uniaxial bending with Mu as 25.00 KNm
let the effective cover be 46mm on either side.
Mu/fckbd2 = 0.06 d'/D = 0.153
Chart for d'D = 0.15 will be used.
Pu/fck*b*d = 594.82x1000/20x230x300 = 0.43
Referring chart 33 of SP16, p/fck = 0.44 (or) p=0.88
Ast required = 0.88*230*300/100 607.2 sqmm
No. of 12mm dia bars required = 5.37
Hence provide 6 No.s of 12mm dia as longitudinal bars.
Also provide 8mm dia lateral ties at 200mm c/c.

8mm dia lateral ties at

6 -12 mm dia 230 mm 200mm c/c
230 mm

300 mm
S2 3.23 m

3.48 m
4.48 m

4.23 m 3.48 m

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