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Xe AirSERBIA GENERAL INFORMATION A318/A319/A320/A321 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL ABBREVIATIONS Ident: GEN-00012598,0001001 /08 MAR 15 ‘Applicable to: ALL A ‘Abbreviation Term ASB [Ais greater than B ASB [Ais greater than or equal to B ASB [Ais less than a] [Ais less than or equal to B ATER [Autobrake AIC Arroraft AIP [Autopilot IAP [Autopilot AS [Airspeed AISKID. [Ant-skid TATTAR [Auto Thrust AR [Ainworthiness Authorities AB [Abort rABCU [Atemate Braking Control Unit ABN [Abnormal ABV [Above AC [Atemating Current ACARS, [ARINC Communication Addressing and Reporting System CAS. [Airrone Collision Avoidance System ACCEL [Acceleration ACC [Active Clearance Conirol ACCU [Accumulator ACP [Audio Control Panel ACSC [Air Conditioning System Controller ACT [Additional Center Tank ADF [Automatic Direction Finder TADIRS [Air Data Inertial Reference System TADIRU. [Air Data Inertial Reference Unit rADM [Air Data Module ADR [Air Data Reference ADS-B [Automatic Dependent Survellance-Broadcast ADV. [Advisory EVG [Avionic Equipment Ventilation Controler rAEM [Airplane Flight Manual IAFS [Auto Flight System AGL [Above Ground Level Continued on the following page JAT A318/A319/A320/A321 FLEET GEN P 10/30 FCOM L> 18 MAR 15 Uke Air SERBIA GENERAL INFORMATION A318/A319/A320/A321 FUGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL Continued trom the previous page ‘Abbreviation Term AIDS: Aircraft Integrated Data System ATL Aeron AIME [Autonomous Integrity Monftoring Extrapolation ANU [Audio Interface Unit ALT Altitude ALT Alternate ANT rine Modifiable Information ANU [Audio Management Unit ANT fAntenna AOR [Angle of Atack AOC rine Operational Control APP [Approach APPR [Approach APPU JAssymetry Position Pick-off Unit APU [Auxiliary Power Unit AR [Authorization Required ARING [Aeronautical Radio Incorporated ARN Aircraft Registration Number ARP [Aerospace Recommended Practice ARPT port ASAP [As Soon As Possible ASI Rit Speed Indicator ASP [Audio Selector Panel ATC ir Traffic Control ATM. Air Traffic Management ATN [Aeronautical Telecommunications Network ATE [Automatic Test Equipment ATIS [Airbus Technical information System ATS [Auto Thrust System ATSAW. irbrone Traffic Situational Awareness ATSU Air Traffic Service Unt ATT Atitude AUTO [Automatic AVNCS fAvionies AWY, [Airway B ‘Abbreviation Term BIC Back Course BARO Barometric Continued on the following page AT A318/A319/A320/4321 FLEET GEN P 11/30 FCOM els 18 MAR 15 Xe AirSERBIA GENERAL INFORMATION A318/A319/A320/A321 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL Continued from the previous page ‘Abbreviation Term BAT Battery BCL Battery Charge Limiter BCDS Bite Centralized Data System BCU Backup Control Unit BODY Brake Dual Distribution Valve BITE Built-In Test Equipment Biv BITE Interface Unit BFE Buyer Furnished Equipment BFO Beat Frequency Osellator BMC Bleed Monitoring Computer BNR Binary BAG Bearing BAK Brake BAT Bright BSCU Braking Steering Control Unit BTC Bus Tie Contactor BTL Bottle BUS Busbar c ‘Abbreviation Term cre (Circuit Breaker cB (Circuit Breaker CAL Checklist cL (Checklist CAB (Cabin CAPT (Captain, Capture CAS Calibrated Airspeed CAT Category ceMS Circuit Breaker Monitoring System icc (Cursor Control Device cDL (Configuration Deviation List coLS (Cockpit Door Locking System CDSS, (Cockpit Door Surveillance System cou (Control Display Unit CF Cost of Fuel (CFOIU (Centralized Faulk Display Interface Unit [CFDS (Centralized Fault Display System ca (Center of Gravity [CHAN (Channet Continued on the folowing page JAT AS18/A319/A320/A321 FLEET GEN P 12/30 FCOM «L4 18 MAR 15 Uke Air SERBIA GENERAL INFORMATION A318/A319/A320/A321 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL Continued from the previous page ‘Abbreviation Term CHG [Change cRK [Check ci [Cost Index (cbs [Cabin Intercommunication Data System CKPT [Cockpit CL [Climb CLR [Clear ciso [Closed [emia [Crewmembar 1 (left seal) or 2 (right seat) (ew [Crewmember 1 (left seat) feme [Crewmember 2 (right seat) CMPTR [Computer coms [Constant Mach Segment cms [Centralized Maintenance System ONSU [Cabin Network Server Unit eo, [Company CORTE [Company Route [COND [Conditioning CONF [Configuration CONT [Continuous lopc [Cabin Pressure Controller (oPCU [Cabin Pressure Controller Unit (CPDLC [Controler-Piot Data Link Communication [ERC [Continuous Repetitive Chime CRG [Cargo crs [Course cRT [Cathode Ray Tube [oRZ [Cruise CSAS [Conditioned Service Air System escu [Cargo Smoke Control Unit [esb [Constant Speed Drive CSMIG [Constant Speed Motor/Generator csTR [Constraint cr [Cost of Time (or [Control (CTL PNL [Control Panel (cTR [Center [ove [Cockpit Voice Recorder JAT A318/A319/A320/A321 FLEET FCOM els GEN P 13/30 18 MAR 15 Xe AirSERBIA GENERAL INFORMATION A318/A319/A320/A321 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL D ‘Abbreviation Term DA Drift Angle DAC Digital to Analog Converter DAR Digital AIDS Recorder DC Direct Current DCDU Datalink Control and Display Unit DCL Digital Cabin Logbook DDRMI Digital Distance and Radio Magnetic Indicator DECEL Deceleration DES Descent DEST Destination DET Detection, Detector DFA Delayed Flap Approach DFDR Digital Fight Data Recorder DH Decision Height DIR Direction DIRTO Direct To DISC Disconnect DISCH Discharge, DIST Distance DITS Digital Information Transfer System DIV Diverter DNC Display Management Computer DME Distance Measuring Equioment MU Data Management Unit (Aids) DN Down DSDL Dedicated Serial Data Link DTG Distance To Go DTO Derated Takeoff DU Display Unit DU Documentary Unit E ‘Abbreviation Term WD Engine/Waming Display ECAM Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring ECAS [Emergency Cockpit Alering System ECB Electronic Control Box (APU) ECM Engine Condition Mentoring ECON Economie Continued on the folowing page JAT AS18/A319/A320/A321 FLEET GEN P 14/30 FCOM els 18 MAR 15 Uke Air SERBIA GENERAL INFORMATION A318/A319/A320/A321 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL Continued from the previous page ‘Abbreviation Term ECP FECAM Control Panel ECS Environmental Control System ECU Engine Control Unit EDP Engine-Driven Pump EEC Electronic Engine Computer EFB Electronic Flight Bag EFCS Electronic Flight Control System EFIS Electronic Flight Instruments System EFOB Estimated Fuel On Board EGPWS [Enhanced Ground Proximity Warring System EGT Exhaust Gas Temperature EIS Electronic Instruments System EIU Engine Interface Unit ELAC Elevator Alleron Computer ELEC Electrics ELT [Emergency Locator Transmitter ELEV Elevator ELV Elevation EMER [Emergency EMER GEN Emergency Generator ENG Engine EO Engine-Out EOSID [Engine-Out Standard Instrument Departure EPE Estimated Position Error equal to EPU) EPR Engine Pressure Ratio EPU [Emergency Power Unit EPU Estimated Position Uncertainty (equal to EPE) EROPS Extended Range Operation ESS Essential EST Estimated ETA Estimated Time of Arrival ETE Estimated Time Enroute ETOPS Extended Twin Operations ETP Equal Time Point EVM [Engine Vibration Monitoring Unit EWD EngineWaming Display [EXP Expedite EXT PWR Extemal Power EXTN Extension JAT A318/A319/A320/A321 FLEET FCOM els GEN P 15/30 18 MAR 15 Xe AirSERBIA GENERAL INFORMATION A318/A319/A320/A321 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL E ‘Abbreviation Term F Fuel FAA Federal Aviation Administration FAP, Forward Attendant Panel FIG, Flight Crew FIO First Officer FO First Officer FAC Flight Augmentation Computer FADEC Full Authority Digtal Engine Control System FAF Final Approach Fix FAP, Forward Attendant Panel FAR Federal Aviation Regulations FAV Fan Air Valve FODG, Fight Control Data Concentrator FCS Fuel Control and Monitoring System FCOM Flight Crew Operating Manual FOU Fight Control Unit FD. Fight Director FOIMU Fight Data Interface and Management Unit FOU Fight Data Interface Unit FOU Fire Detection Unit FEP Final End Point FF Fuel Flow FG Fight Guidance FGC Fight Guidance Computer Fos FLS Glide Slope FIDS Fault Isolation and Detection System FL Fight Level FLV Fuel Lower Heating Value F-LOC FLS Localizer FLP Flap FLS FIAS Landing System FLT Fight FICTL Fight Control FLT CTL Flight Control FLXTO Flexible Takeoff FM Flight Management FMA Fight Mode Annunciator FMGC Fight Management and Guidance Computer FUGS Fight Management and Guidance System Continued on the following page JAT A318/A319/A320/A321 FLEET GEN P 16/30 FCOM els 18 MAR 15 Uke Air SERBIA GENERAL INFORMATION A318/A319/A320/A321 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL Continued from the previous page Abbreviation Term FMS Flight Management System FNL Final FOB Fuel On Board FOM Figure Of Mert FPA Flight Path Angle |F-PLN Flight Plan |FPD Flight Path Director |FPPU |Feedback Position Pick-off Unit FPV Flight Path Vector FOr Fuel Quantity Indication FOU Fuel Quantity Unit FREQ Frequency FRT Front FRV [Fuel Return Valve FU Fuel Used FWC Flight Warning Computer FWD Forward ws Flignt Waming System & Abbreviation Term es [Gidesope GA [Go-Around GAPCU [Ground and Auxilary Power Control Unit GBAS [Ground Based Augmentation System |GCU |Generator Control Unit |GDU |Group of Documentary Unit IGEN |Generator (GES [Ground Earth Station [etc [Generator Line Contactor [ets [GBAS Landing System [Gus [GNSS Landing System GMT |Greenwich Mean Time |GND_ Ground |GND TEMP |Ground Temperature [Pou [Ground Power Control Unit [GPIRS [Global Positioning and Inertial Reference System GPs [Global Positioning System GPwS [Ground Proximity Warning System |GRND Ground Continued on the following page JAT A318/A319/A320/A321 FLEET FCOM GEN P 17/30 18 MAR 15 els Me Air SERBIA A318/A319/A320/A321 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL GENERAL INFORMATION Continued from the previous page ‘Abbreviation Term [GRP (Geographic Reference Point GRVTY, Gravity es (Ground Speed few (Gross Weight H ‘Abbreviation Term HC amess Connector CU Hydraulic Control Unit HDG Heading HDGIS Heading Selected HDL Handle HF igh Frequency Hl igh HLD Fold HM Holding Pattem with a Manual Termination MU Hiydrau-Mechanical Unit MS. Heat Management System HP igh Pressure HPA Hectopascal HPV igh Pressure Valve HUD. Head Up Display HYD iydraulic ! ‘Abbreviation Term TO Inputs/Outputs iP Input or Intercept Profile TAF Initial Approach Fix iAS indicated Airspeed TATA intemational Air Transport Association ICAO Intemational Air Transport Organizaton TDENT Téentification DG Integrated Drive Generator FE In Flight Entertainment FR instrument Fight Rules iGGS inert Gas Generation System GN ignition is instrument Landing System iM inner Marker Continued on the folowing page JAT A318/A319/A320/A321 FLEET FCOM elo GEN P 18/30 18 MAR 15 Uke Air SERBIA GENERAL INFORMATION A318/A319/A320/A321 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL Continued from the previous page ‘Abbreviation Term ivi immediate INB inbound INBO. Inboard INCREM Increment INT Initialization INOP inoperative INR inner INST instrument INTCP Intercept INV Inverter Ir Intermediate Pressure IPC Intermediate Pressure Check valve IPPU Instrumentation Position Pick-off Unit IR inertial Reference IRS inertial Reference System ISA Intemational Standard Atmosphere Iso Initial System Display Unit Isis Integrated Standby Instrument System ISOL solation ISPSS in Seat Power Supply System J ‘Abbreviation Term K ‘Abbreviation’ Term L ‘Abbreviation Term UG Landing Gear LAF Load Alleviation Function LAT Latitude LATREV Lateral Revision LAV Lavatory Leb Liquid Crystal Display LON Load Classification Number LDA Landing Distance Available Localizer Directional Aid LOG Landing LOS Lapiop Docking Station Continued on the folowing page JAT A318/A319/A320/A321 FLEET FCOM els GEN P 19/30 18 MAR 15 Xe AirSERBIA GENERAL INFORMATION A318/A319/A320/A321 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL Continued from the previous page ‘Abbreviation Term TED) Light Emiting Diode TEDU List of Effective Documentary Unis EOE of Effective Operations Engineering Bulletins LESS List of Effective Section/Subsections UF Low Frequenoy LCi Landing Gear Control Interface Unit TGP Landing Gear Position Indicator Unit TH LeftHand uM Limitation Us Localizer Inertial Smoothing UK Look i Latitude/Longitude ts LefLine Select key TO. Tow TOC Localizer TONG: Longitude iP Low Pressure LARA Low Range Radio Altimeter LRU Line Replaceable Unit ts Loudspeaker TSK Line Select Key iT Light TTS Toad and Trim Sheet Tv Level LWUGH Level Change LVR Lever WwW. Landing Weight M ‘Abbreviation Term MABH Minimum Approach Break-off Height MAC Mean Aerodynamic Chord MAG Magnetic MAG DEC [Magnetic Declination MAG VAR Magnetic Variation MAINT Maintenance MAN Manual MAP Missed Approach Point MAX Maximum MAX CLB [Maximurn Climb Continued on the following page JAT A318/A319/A320/A321 FLEET GEN P 20/30 FCOM els 18 MAR 15 Uke Air SERBIA GENERAL INFORMATION A318/A319/A320/A321 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL Continued from the previous page Abbreviation Term |MAX DES Maximum Descent [MAX END- Maximum Endurance IMC Master Caution MCDU Multipurpose Control and Display Unit MCT Maximum Continuous Thrust MCU Modular Concept Unit MDA. [Minimum Descent Altitude |MDDU_ Multifunction Disk Drive Unit MDH [Minimum Descent Height MECH Mechanic MEA Minimum En Route Alitude MED Medium MEL Minimum Equipment List MFA. Memorized Fault Annunciator MIN Minimum MKR_ Marker MLA (Maneuver Load Alleviation MLS Microwave Landing System MLW Maximum Landing Weight MM. Middle Marker IMMEL Master Minimum Equipment List MMO [Maximum Operating Mach [MMR Multi Mode Receiver MN Mach number. MORA Minimum Off Route Alitude MRIU Maintenance and Recording Interface Unit MSA Minimum Safe Altitude MSG Message MSL Mean Sea Level MSU Mode Selector Unit MTBF Mean Time Between Failure MTOW Maximum Takeoff Weight IMZEW. Maximum Zero Fuel Weight ‘Abbreviation: Term NA Not Applicable INA Not Applicable Ni Low Pressure Rotor Speed (in %) IN2 High Pressure Rotor Speed (in %) Continued on the following page JAT A318/A319/A320/321 FLEET GEN P 21/30 FCOM «Lo 18 MAR 15 Me Air SERBIA A318/A319/A320/A321 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL GENERAL INFORMATION Continued from the previous page Abbreviation Term NACA National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NAL [Engine Nacelle Anti-Ice NAV Navigation NAVADD Navigation Aid NCD Non Computed Data ND Navigation Display NDB Non Directional Beacon NLG Nose Landing Gear NORM Normal NW Nosewheel NWS Nosewheel Steering Q Abbreviation Term oP [Output [OANS [On-board Airport Navigation System (OAT [Outside Air Temperature }OBRM On Board Replaceable Module EB [Operations Engineering Bulletin OFFIR |Off Reset [OrsT [Offset ors. [Onboard Information System for [Onboard Information Terminal ou [Outer Marker [OP [Open OPP [Opposite [OPS [Operations ‘OPT [Optimum [OUTE [Outbound fouTR [Outer fovED [Overboard }OVHD |Overhead }OVHT Overheat }OVRD Override }OVSPD |Overspeed [OXY [Oxygen JAT AS18/A319/A320/A321 FLEET GEN P 22/30 FCOM Lo 18 MAR 15 Ybe AirSERBIA A318/A319/A320/A321 FLIGHT CREW ‘OPERATING MANUAL GENERAL INFORMATION ‘Abbreviation Term PIN Part Number PN Part Number PA Passenger Address PALT Profile Alttude PAX Passenger PBE Portable Breathing Equipment P-CLB Profile Climb PCU Power Control Unit P-DES Profile Descent PDB Performance Data Base POU Pilot Display Unit PERF Performance PES Passenger Entertainment System PF Plot Flying PFC Porous Friction Course PFD Primary Fight Display PHC Probes Heat Computer P-MACH Profle Mach PM Pilot Monitoring PNC Panel POB Pressure Off Brake POS Position PPOS, Present Position PPU Position Pick-off Unit PR Pressure PRED Prediction PRESS Pressure, Pressurzation PROC Procedure PROCT Procedure Turn PROF Profile PROG Progress PROTEC Protection P-SPEED Profile Speed PSL Product Structure Level PSU Passenger Service Unit PT Point PTR Printer PTT Push To Tak PTU Power Transfer Unit (Hyaraulc) Continued on the following page JAT A318/A319/A320/A321 FLEET FCOM els GEN P 23/30 18 MAR 15 Xe AirSERBIA GENERAL INFORMATION A318/A319/A320/A321 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL Continued from the previous page ‘Abbreviation Term PV Paravisual Indicator PWR Power PWS Predictive Windshear System Q ‘Abbreviation Term [OAR [Quick Access Recorder QFE Field Elevation Atmosphere Pressure Oru Runway Heading fQNE ‘Sea Level Standard Almosphere Pressure (1013 hPa) CM [Sea Level Atmosphere Pressure faRA (Quick Reference Handbook oT [Quart (US) lary [Quantity R ‘Abbreviation Term RIL Radiofinertal RA Radio Atimeter RA Resolution Advisory ACC Rotor Active Clearance Control RAD Radio RAIN Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring RAT Ram Air Turbine ATC Remote ATC Box CDR, Recorder RCL. Recall RCVR Receiver REAC Reactive REC Recommended RED Reduction REG Regulation REL Release REV Reverse RH Right Hand RLSK Right Line Select Key RMI Radio Magnetic Indicator RMP Radio Management Panel RNAV [Area Navigation ANG Range Continued on the folowing page JAT AS18/A319/A320/A321 FLEET GEN P 24/30 FCOM els 18 MAR 15 Uke Air SERBIA GENERAL INFORMATION A318/A319/A320/A321 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL Continued from the previous page ‘Abbreviation Term ANP Required Navigation Performance ROP Runway Overrun Protection ROPS Runway Overrun Prevention System ROW Runway Overrun Waring RPCU Residual Pressure Control Unit RPM Revolution Per Minute RPTG Repeating RORD Required RSV Reserves RTE Route RTL Rudder Travel Limit RTO Rejected Takeoff RTOW Regulatory Takeoff Weight RUD Rudder VSM Reduced Verlical Separation Minimum RWY Runway s ‘Abbreviation Term s [South SiC [Step Cimb SD [Step Descent iD [Shut Down SF SlatsiFlaps SiN Serial Number SN Serial Number [SAAAR [Special Aircrew and Aroraft Authorization Required SAT [Static Air Temperature [SATCOM Satelite Communication SC [Single Chime SCP [Software Control Panel SD [System Display [SDAC [System Data Acquisition Concentrator sDCU [Smoke Detection Control Unit SDF [Simpified Directional Faciity SEC [Spoiler Elevator Computer SEL Selector SFCC Slat Flap Control Computer SFE Seller Fumished Equipment SID [Standard Instrument Departure Continued on the following page JAT A318/A319/A320/A321 FLEET FCOM els GEN P 25/30 18 MAR 15 Me Air SERBIA A318/A319/A320/A321 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL GENERAL INFORMATION Continued from the previous page Abbreviation Term SIM. [Simulation SLT Slat SPD Speed [SPD LIM [Speed Limit ISPLR Spoiler [SRS Speed Reference System ISTAR [Standard Terminal Arrival Route STAT Static STAT INV. Static Inverter STBY Standby STD Standard [STEER Steering STRG Steering ISTS Status SWIG [Switching SYNC Synchronize SYS System T Term TO Takeoff i) Takeoff TO Takeoff TIC Top of Climb T/D |Top of Descent TA Traffic Advisory TAC |Taxiing Aid Camera. ITACAN [Tactical Air Navigation TACT |Tactical TAS True Air Speed TAT Total Air Temperature TAU | Time to intercept TAWS ‘Terrain Awareness and Waming System TBC | To Be Confirmed TBD |To Be Determined FTCAS Trafic Alert and Collsion Avoidance System TOU [Temporary Documentary Unt TEMP. Temperature TTS Terrestrial Fight Telephon System TOT Target Continued on the following page JAT A318/A319/A320/A321 FLEET FCOM GEN P 26/30 18 MAR 15 elo Uke Air SERBIA GENERAL INFORMATION A318/A319/A320/A321 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL Continued from the previous page ‘Abbreviation Term THR Thrust TH Trimmable Horizontal Stablizer TK Tank TK Track angle TKE Track Angle Error TA Throttle Lever Angle Tu Travel Limitation Unit TMA Timer TOGA, FTakeofl- Go-Around TOaW Taxeoft Gross Weight TOW Takeoff Weight TP Tum Point TPIS Tire Pressure Indicating System TR Transformer Rectifier TR Transmitter Receiver TRANS Transition rTRK Track TROPO FTroponause TRU Transformer Rectifier Unit TRV Travel TSM Trouble Shooting Manual TTS Time to Go rTM Minimum Control Speed Temperature TW FTaxiway u ‘Abbreviation Term [UFO Unit Fault Data ULB [Underwater Locator Beacon UNLK Unlock UP Up, Upper lure Universal Coordinated Time v ‘Abbreviation Term vis Vertical Speed vi Decision Speed v2 Takeoff Safety Speed VAPP [Approach Speed vv Variable Bypass Valve Continued on the following page JAT A318/A319/A320/321 FLEET GEN P 27/30 FCOM «Lo 18 MAR 15 Xe AirSERBIA GENERAL INFORMATION A318/A319/A320/A321 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL Continued from the previous page ‘Abbreviation Term ve Calbrated airspeed VOEV Vertical Deviation VEL Velocity VERT Vertical VERT REV Vertical Revisor VEE Maximum Speed for each Flap configuration VFEN IVFE Next VETO Final Takeoff Speed Var [Very High Frequency WAV Very High Vokage VB Vibration VP Vertical Intersection Point VLE Maximum Landing Gear Extended Speed VS Lowest Selectable Speed VV Valve VM Maneuvering Speed MAK Maximum Allowable Speed CA Minimum Control Speedin the Air MCG Minimum Control Speed on Ground MIC. Minimum Control Speed at Landing VMN Minimum Operating Speed io Maximum Operating Speed MU Minimum Unstick Speed VOR VHF Omnidirectional Range VORD VOR-DME VR Rotation Speed VREF Landing Reference Speed VSI Vertical Speed Indicator Sv Variable Stator Vane vw Visual Unit WwW ‘Abbreviation Term WAT [Wing Antrice WARN Warning WBC [Weight and Balance Computer Wes [Weight and Balance System wep Windshield Guidance Display WHC [Window Heat Computer WNW Window Continued on the folowing page JAT AS18/A319/A320/A321 FLEET GEN P 28/30 FCOM «L4 18 MAR 15 GENERAL INFORMATION Ybe AirSERBIA A318/A319/A320/A321 Tuli CRE OPERATING HAMUAL Continued from the previous page Abbreviation Term WPT [Waypoint IWSHLD- Windshield wT Weight WTB Wing Tip Brake WXR |Weather Radar x Abbreviation Term XBLD |Crossbleed XCVR Transceiver XFR Transfer XMTR Transmitter XPDR Transponder XTK |Crosstrack Error Y Abbreviation Term z ‘Abbreviation Term ZFCG [Zero Fuel Center of Gravity ZFW Zero Fuel Weight ZFWCG |Zero Fuel Weight Center of Gravity field JAT A318/A319/A320/A321 FLEET GEN P 29/30 FCOM eL 18 MAR 15

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