Counter Strike World - Counter Strike 1.6 SteamCMD Non-Steam Server Setup Guide (Hybrid Server)

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014 Search This Blog
Counter Strike 1.6 SteamCMD Non-Steam Server Setup Guide [Hybrid
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In the following tutorial you will learn how to install a hybrid Counter-Strike 1.6 server on a
Linux powered server at your own. A hybrid Counter-Strike 1.6 server is a Counter-Strike 1.6 Unknown
game server that allows Steam clients (legit Steam accounts) and non Steam clients (non View my complete profile
Steam game clients) as well as owners of old game clients with the game protocol version 47
to enter your server.

This hybrid mode is achieved by a metamod plugin called "Dproto" by Crock from a Russian
Counter-Strike community. The guide is written within the new standards of SteamCMD by
Valve as HLDSUpdateTool has become outdated. However SteamCMD is not as final as
HLDSUpdateTool was so you may experience certain issues.

In cases of issues or if you need help feel free to ask for help here.

1. Create a new Linux user for your gameserver

It is highly not recommended to run a gameserver from your root account or a Linux
user account that already runs other applications.

Therefor you will create a totally new Linux user account which will be used to run your
Counter-Strike 1.6 hybrid server.

Use the following command to create a new Linux user account:

adduser <username>

(New Linux user accounts can only be created by root)

Replace "<username>" with the username you'd like to use for the gameserver. You will be
asked to fill in the password twice and some other information. Do this steps to create the
user. You don't have to fill out things like Full name, Room Number and so on. To leave them
empty just hit enter. When you are asked if the information is correct press Y and then hit your
ENTER key.
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After you've hit your ENTER key the user creation process will finish if all information was
entered correct.

Login as the new user with the su command:

su <username>

Replace "<username>" with the username of the user you created. After you typed the
command hit your ENTER key to login. You can also logout from your account by closing your
SSH session and opening a new session where you login with the new user.


After you've logged into the user with su you still will be located at "/root" where normal users
cannot operate.

Use the cd command to go to your own home directory:


Just type in cd and hit your ENTER key and you will be in your home directory. If you have
opened a new SSH session as the new user you don't have to do this because you are
already in your
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2. Download and extract SteamCMD
Now you have to download the SteamCMD client to your home directory and extract it to use
it for the installation of the actual gameserver.

Make a new folder for it called "steamcmd" with the mkdir command:

mkdir steamcmd


Just type in the command and hit ENTER to create the folder. After that change directory to
that folder with the cd command.

Change directory to steamcmd:

cd steamcmd/

Just type in the command, hit ENTER and you are already in the folder.

You are now in the folder for Valve's tool SteamCMD. Time to download the tool from Valve's
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Download SteamCMD:
usage statistics and to detect and address abuse.


Type in the command and hit ENTER and watch it downloading.


Extract the downloaded archive with the tar command:

tar -xvzf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz

Enter the command and hit ENTER. A progress will be shown and you can watch all files
being extracted.


You have successfully downloaded and extracted the SteamCMD tool.

3. Installation of the Counter-Strike 1.6 gameserver files

Time to download the gameserver files for Counter-Strike 1.6 files to your server.
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Start steamcmd:
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Just type in this command and hit ENTER. You will see the tool starting and updating itself.


Wait until it has downloaded and installed the updates for SteamCMD and you will be able to
see a command line starting with "Steam>".


Now login as anonymous in the SteamCMD command line.

Login as anonymous:

login anonymous

Enter the command from above and hit ENTER. If the login was successful you will get a
message like this one: "Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Success.".

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Time to set the directory where you want the gameserver files to be installed. I recommend
them to be installed in a folder called like the game in your home directory.

Set installation path:

force_install_dir /home/username/cs

Replace "username" in "/home/username/cs" with the name of the user you are logged in and
then hit ENTER to set the path.


Now let's download the files with the app_update command.

Download the server files:

app_update 90 validate

Just type in this command hit ENTER. WARNING: SteamCMD has a bug related to HLDS
games. You are required to run command to download the files multiple times to
download all files!

Screenshot (1st attempt)

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You are not done because the bug is doing it's job right now. Run the command again.

Screenshot (2nd attempt)

If you think you are done you're wrong. Run the command again to try to defeat the bug.

Screenshot (3rd attempt)

Now SteamCMD has started downloading the files and we have defeated the bug. Wait until it
has finished the download process.
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Run the command a last time to validate all files to avoid broken files or incomplete

Screenshot (successful validation)

Everything is good and you've downloaded and validated the gameserver files. Quit
SteamCMD with the command "quit".

Quit SteamCMD:


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If SteamCMD was successfully closed you will see a half broken SteamCMD command line
entry and your real command line as in the screenshot above. This is a sign of success for
the quition process.

4. Install metamod

We have the plain gameserver files that only allow legit Steam clients to access your
gameserver but not non Steam clients or clients with older game protocol versions.

We need metamod and Dproto to achieve the hybrid mode.

Change directory to the gameserver files:

cd ../
cd cs

First type in "cd ../" and then "cd cs" to change directory to the gameserver files.


Once you are in the folder change directory again to the "cstrike" folder.
Change directory
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cd cstrike/


Enter the command in your command line, hit ENTER and you're there already.


Now create a folder called "addons" with mkdir which will be used for the plugins metamod
and dproto.

Create addons folder:

mkdir addons

Change directory to addons:

cd addons/

Create metamod folder:

mkdir metamod

Change directory to metamod:

cd metamod/

Create folder dlls:

mkdir dlls

Change directory to dlls:

cd dlls/
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Extract metamod:

tar -xvzf metamod-1.20-linux.tar.gz


Go up one level and create a file called "plugins.ini" that we'll need to load up Dproto through

Go up one level:

cd ../

Create plugins.ini:

touch plugins.ini

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Go back to the cstrike folder with the cd command.

Go back to cstrike:

cd /home/username/cs/cstrike

Replace "username" with the username of the user where you have the gameserver files
installed on.


Open the file "liblist.gam" with a text editor like nano or vi. I recommend nano for newbies
because vi will only confuse you and you will get very angry with it (if you don't have it install it
as root before doing this step through a second SSH session).

Open liblist.gam with nano:

nano liblist.gam

Just type in this command and hit ENTER. The editor will load up the file and you will see the
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Navigate through the editor with your up, down, right and left keys. Go to the line with
"gamedll_linux "dlls/" and change it to "gamedll_linux


Save the file with the following key combination: CTRL + X, then Y and ENTER.

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Now metamod is installed successfully and the gameserver will use metamod's .so files to
launch with plugin support.

5. Install Dproto

Now it's time to install Dproto to enable hybrid mode.

Change directory to addons:

cd addons/

Create dproto folder:

mkdir dproto

Change directory to dproto:

cd dproto/

Download dproto dlls:



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Go back to the cstrike and download the dproto configuration file.

Go back to cstrike:

cd /home/username/cs/cstrike

Replace "username" with the username of the user where you have the gameserver files
installed on.

Download dproto.cfg:



Now you have to enable Dproto as a metamod plugin.

Change directory to addons:

cd addons/
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Change directory to metamod:
usage statistics and to detect and address abuse.

cd metamod/ LEARN MORE OK


To enable it as a plugin open plugins.ini with nano.

Open plugins.ini with nano:

nano plugins.ini

Add the following to the file "linux addons/dproto/".


Save the file with the following key combination: CTRL + X, then Y and ENTER.
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Now we've activated Dproto in metamod and enabled the hybrid mode.

6. Start the server

Time to start the server. First go back to the folder with all gameserver files and then issue the
startup command.

Go back to the gameserver files:

cd /home/username/cs

Replace "username" with the username of the user where the gameserver files are installed.


Now let's start the gameserver.

Start the gameserver:

./hlds run -console -game cstrike -ip <ipofyourserver> -port 27015 +maxplayers 32 +map de dust2
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Replace "<ipofyourserver>" with the IP address of your VPS and then hit ENTER to start the
statistics and to detect and address abuse.

It is likely that you will get a error like:


[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning()

FATAL ERROR (shutting down): Unable to initialize Steam.

If this happens press CTRL + X to exit the crashed server and to continue the guide to fix the
error. Otherwise you have started the server success and the last you see is " VAC secure
mode is activated.".

The fix: Run the server startup command again and the server will launch properly.

You're done. This is everything. You have started the server and it is running. Now you can
connect and play. It will close when you leave the SSH session so I recommend to start it up
in a screen or tmux session.

Posted by Unknown at 12:03 AM

Labels: amx mod, automix, counter strike, CS 1.6, knife, steam, steamcmd

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