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Globally, literacy provision has progressed during the last five decades

Promoting Literacy,
as a result of significant improvements in school enrolment levels; a
reflection of the political and financial commitment demonstrated

Youth and Adult

by national governments and the international community. In many
countries, this commitment was also reflected in the expansion of
access to literacy program. However, there are now more adults

Education without literacy compared with 50 years ago, meaning that our efforts
have not kept pace with population growth. An estimated 750 million

Promoting Literacy,
people worldwide cannot read and write at the basic level of
proficiency. Counting also the number of people who lack the
literacy and numeracy skills needed to function as active
Youth and Adult members of society would probably increase this estimated figure
substantially.4. Literacy is an essential component of the right to

Education education and a prerequisite for accessing other human rights. Hence,
ensuring access to youth and adult literacy provision constitutes a
major undertaking for changing the lives of millions of people
who have received little to no formal education. For them, the
inability to read and write at basic levels of proficiency and to
actively participate in an increasingly literate and digitized world is
potentially a source of exclusion and a major barrier to their engaging
The international community has set an ambitious 2030
more actively in political, social, cultural and economic activities.
Agenda for Sustainable Development with education and
learning central to its achievement. The vision of the Incheon
Declaration2, Education 2030, is fully captured by Sustainable
Development Goal 4 (SDG4) “ensure inclusive and equitable
quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities
for all”. Education 2030 devotes considerable attention to literacy
and adult learning including through Target 4.6 and related
indicative strategies

Make It Your Own Overview
If you think a document that looks this good has to be difficult to format, During the past two decades, armed conflict in Afghanistan has killed
think again! hundreds of thousands of people. The conflict has its roots in cultural,
ethnic and religious clashes underpinned by sovereignty, political and
We've created styles that let you match the formatting in this brochure
economic issues. In the post-war Afghanistan of today, “learning to live
with just a click. On the Home tab of the ribbon, check out the Styles
together” in diversity is one of the greatest challenges facing Afghanistan.
The available empirical evidence clearly suggests that Afghanistan faces
a situation of widespread illiteracy, especially in the rural areas, among
women and marginalized groups. The illiteracy rate is estimated to be
This is the Quote style. It’s great for close to 80 percent or even more, one of the highest in Asia. It has been
calling out a few very important points. found that there is a latent demand for education among the poor,
especially women and girls, who not only realize the value of education,
but want to attend schools and literacy classes in order to lead a better
life. They acknowledge the empowering role of education. Ability to read
Customize in Almost No Time and write is seen as a necessity to access information, and above all, to
walk with one’s head high and participate at local level, in the national
To try out other looks for this brochure, on the Design tab of the ribbon,
effort of construction.
check out the Themes, Colors, and Fonts galleries.
In this context, literacy and non-formal education should serve socially
Have your own company fonts or colors? No problem! Those galleries
constructive purposes to prepare Afghan citizens to actively participate
give you the option to add your own.
in the process of social, cultural and economic development. It should
contribute positively towards building a culture of solidarity and
tolerance within a framework of multi-ethnicity and cultural and
Make It Picture Perfect
linguistic diversity. Policy makers and international organizations need
To replace any photo with your own, just right-click it and then click to rethink the role of literacy and non-formal adult education so that they
Change Picture. impart not only knowledge and skills, but more importantly, social
inclusion. The unification and development of the country will require a
If your photo is not a flawless fit for the space, you can crop it to fit in
major effort to raise the levels of literacy and to convey important
almost no time. Just select the picture and then, on the Picture Tools
messages through a wide range of information channels.
Format tab, click Crop.

4 1
Getting Started If your business doesn’t lend itself to photos as easily as the beautiful
culinary examples shown in this template, have no fear. You can just
select and delete a page of photos and replace it with text using the
What to Include? styles provided. A picture is worth 10,000 words, but only if it’s the right
one. In marketing materials, remember that any image you use—good
We know you could go on for hours about how great your business is.
(And we don’t blame you—you’re amazing!) But since you need to keep or bad—makes a statement about your business.
it short and sweet, here are a few suggestions …

“Your company is the greatest. I can’t

imagine anyone living without you.” —
Very smart customer

Focus on What You Do Best

If you’re using this booklet for a company brochure, these middle pages
are a good place for a summary of competitive benefits or some of those
glowing testimonials, like the one above.

You might also want to mention a few of your most impressive clients

 Big, important company

 Really well-known company

 Very impressive company

Additionally, you could include a bulleted list of products, services, or

major benefits of working with your company. Or just summarize your
finer points in a few concise paragraphs.

2 3

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