General Studies All Exam-2015

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wow. rrbrecruitment Werre set verter ud ster ferstates wite-2015 1. GENERAL STUDIES 1. Whose birthday was celebrated as National Unity lay ? (A), Jawaharlal Nekire (®) Indira Gans (C). Sardar Vallabhbthai Patel (D) Mahatma Gandhi Ans-C 2. Match List 1 with Elst Tr and select the comect answer using codes given below : List 1 List - 11 (@) Cement) Sodium salt of higher fatty acta (©) Glass (i) Carbon Black: (©) Ink ——_fl)_Sodinm oni, calcium oxideand sia (4) Soap Gv). Aluminates-and sicates of calei @ oO © @ wc) ® (6) Ge) Oo ® w w& ©) &) @ oH) a Ans: A 3. Howe macy African Countries have taken part in Indo-Afican Summit ? (a) a4 @ st ( 64 (0) Nowe of these Ans — 0 Sica’ See betcotas! 3 1, By eT adhe eae fe Fare or er sre sar er? (A) eee Fee (8) Fea niet () Rec aeawe ven (0) ame mi oar = apt gehen emt oe fron et can @ ay ad = er apr aie “pea ma art Be sifean eam wah hs “ison seenes, ‘eferem steare wh fare = wesfire wi ‘afeiee @ 0 ow) Gy) @ (a) a o © @ it) a2 @ wy) (b) i) on) aw @ « @) w a ay w (8) oa @) tw) war A Sra ante water Hf fleet opetet ei 2 am fern? (A) 44 e 54 (2 64 (0) Pa eT wr-D Siaek ahigen eek wow. rrbrecruitment 4 In the fort of which of the following 4, Prosaftan #31 Feayrare fed area} places Akbar had built the Jangiti actin see rar on? Mabal 7 (A) Detht (A) Reet ®B) Aga @) Heo (C) Allahabad (C TEAR {D) tahore ©) ante Ans —B Ans — B 5. Artice20 of Constitution of india consiots 8, wna iy arqebe ond Freniea a a ‘which of the following ? sea aftaiaa (A). Proteetion from ex post facto taw (a) sata fai & afr (8) Protection from deuble jeopardy @ wrest tes (C) Protection trom seli-incrimination (Q aerateafen i stot {D) Attot above (0) sehen fea 8 Ans - D How many industries are included in 6, PRR sehr sie! Ox mh #7 "Core! Sector ? ia 6 (A) 6 ®) 7 7 © Bs «8 (B) Nowe of these (0) wi a wT Ans.— C Ans = € 7. As per population (Census 2011) whic 7, 2001 8 arenerm & sme Tein ys dlistrct has highest gravrih tate: crommen fren se am? (A) Kurung; Kame, Arunachal (a) pig, sera (8) Paducher, Pondichert Re teen (C) Dantewara, Chhattisgarh () Gham, wba (D) Narayanpur, Chhattisgarh (0) ee we ee Ans — A thio PEK tadasinnidon' ined ied have de: aid! Fae MMe ce naied Ce iat hehe eRe wow. rrbrecruitment Who of the following was the founder of Pushtimarga, a Bhakti Philosophy ? (A) Ramanujacharya (B) Ramanandacharya (©) Nimbarkacharya (B) Vallabhacharya Ams — D Which of the following famous novels was written by Govardhantam Tripathi in Gujarati ? (A) Saraswati Chandra (8) Samaj (©) Devi Choudharani (D) Bharat - Darshan Ans — A 10, After the fall of the Vakatakas who of the a following founded the Kingdom of Kadamba in the coastal strip of northern Karnataka ? « ®) Yashovarman Mayursharman (©) Ishanvarman {D) Bhaskarvarman Ans - B Which of the following seulpture arts was developed in the valleys of the Krishna and the Godavari during ancient period ? (A) Gandbara Art (8) Amravati Art (©) Pallava Art {D) Chatukya Art Ans — 8 uu. {8 iek Sa Fasienéd on Picea Hed heve Te) and! ne latent s/t ae aah Oe ue fsa aia — gfean! $1 demos fresfsfare 4 ate 1? (8) wep @) wrt (©) Prarie (OD) aerred Ans — 0 pdt fern a chren weg =o irate frac) 5 pe evan eT eT? (A) are ewe tc) tet ther (D) wa - er Ans — A erent i cee cy Freie a frat oad wine muerte ee wet ere et? (A) wee ven (© trek (D) weecat Ans — B seen open fh ere fee ec 4 fretafaa 4 2 5a afiines wer et free =? (A) Ties (8) sere ver Oa (0) RR FT Ans — B analic wow. rrbrecruitment 12. In which article of the constitution of India, the Judicial review is based ? (A) Articte 19 (®) Article 20 ( Artice 21 (D) Article 22 Ans — 13. India covers how much Land. and Population of the world (A) 242% 17.5% (8) 33%-20% (C) 23% - 18% (D) None of the above Ans— A 14, In which of the following years the famaus Congress ~ League Pact was concluded ? (a) 1914 @) 1915 () 196 (D) i917 Ans — © 15. Vegetation of Sunderban is : (A) Mansoon type (B) Temperate evergreen (©) Tropical evergreen (D) Mangrove type Ans —D a 12, sree wna & few eqs of mae ‘pieces emits #2 (A) aR ® aTer2 (Q sper 21 (0) aR Ans = € an fees Yom et ge Porth Gaze # ate ‘Fait pe fad rc fren ¢7 (A) 242% - 175% @ 33%-20% © 235-186 (D) Feta ati ae Ans — A 1. fofefen a @ fea al a ofeg site ager gs? (a) i914 ® is () 1916 @) 1917 Ans — € 15 Geers areva Bait: (@) ach ® tere (Q 2asteete wom ©) fest Ans — D ‘seta Shia Atiex cneRaehsdahS wow. rrbrecruitment 16. When huge amount of sewage is dumped into a river, the BOD will : (A) Decreases (B) Increases (©). Slightly decreases (D) Remain unchanged Ans — 8 17. What is Karakoram ? (A) Mountain (8) Plain (C) Place (B) None of the above Ans = A 18. Banded Tit discovered in Arunachal Pradesh is a species of which of the following ? (A) Wild buffalo (B) Hilt Mynah (C) Butterfly (D) Fish Ang — ‘What are the indicators of Broad Money (Mi) in Inia ? (A), Currency with the Public (8) Demand deposits with banks (©) Time deposits with banks {D) All the above 18. ‘Ans — 0 etka Sey Fasblasated ek: SAcntR eM Maneids Ta CADE Pere atic 16. 18. aa a) sree apa 8 aa Siar a "8 SH BOD (A) Sawant) (8) FeuRN ee (Q servant (D) srawifera cert) Ans — 8 Tee art? via ar eH (D) FAA ae aT Ans — A ts de weerse vin fant ae fees an #7 cy) (B) (A) sei fy © with (©) frm (D) eet Ans — ee a Sa AET (Ma) et TE eg? (a) ek ae wih tT sro (Q) Staaten aa (0) Few Ans — 0 ‘seta Shia Atiex cneRaehsdahS wow. rrbrecruitment 20, India gets rain due 0 + {A} Nosth West Monsoon (®) South West Monsoon {C) North South Monsoon {D) Fast West Monsoon Ans — B 21, Which of the following Kingdoms was first conquered by Allauddin Kbit as Sultan daring his southward campaign ? (A) Devin (8) Warangal (©) Dwarsamudra (D) Malabar Ans — A 22, Maximum Contribution of O, in atmosphere is from AA) Herbs and Shrubs (®) Phytoplanktons (©) Grays land {D) Dense forests Ans — B 23, What is-correet shou! Salictor Genoral 7 (a) Its a constitutional post (b) Iisa legal post (©) He assists the Attorney General of India (@) He is a chiet legal advisor of President of India () Heis a Chief legal advisor of Govt, of Indio (a) ae B ©. (a (C(O (D) (bt) Ans ~ DB sea ae Fr at @ wt 4 (ay Bae fem res (eam eer ore (©) a een ergs (0) pi vier ae An — 8 get ey Horace gm are giant aes a frafsfern @ fn ea] ‘yen fina Frans? (a) aint @ ate (Q wR (0) Henan ‘Ans — A sama sofia Oe afestn om frst wait? (A) meee ent (8) ware (Q wae AR (0) ae Ans = 8 ‘efcer eee i Pore weet aa? @) weatete et (0) Rew Aare ve tr (6) Reson tere a AeA t (dy ae wen a reais oer eet Mes ween ti (eo) Fe wre aeere eT yee define waren fi A @.o ® Gia (©) @) we Ans ~D ieee tePcaeientéd ons ined Heed hee De caida! Fee Maia nade she aa hee eke: wow. rrbrecruitment 24. Consider the following statements (a) Tonic compounds are soluble in water. (b) Covalent compounds ionize in water. Coordination compounds on ionization give all constituent ions. Among following statements which is true? (A) Statement (a) and (b) ane correct, statement (e) is wrong. ( (8) Statement (a) and (c) are correct, statement (b) is wrong (©) Stavement (b) and (¢) are wrong, statement (a) is correct All statements (a), (b) and (c} are correct Ans — @) 25. Who of the following was the founder of Paramhansa Sabha, the first reform organization of Maharashtra in 1840 7 (A) Vishoushastri Chiplunker (8) Dadoba Pandurang Tarkhedkar (©) Ganesh Vasudey Joshi {P) Gopal Ganesh Agarkar Ans — 8 26, Minamata disease in Japan was caused ‘by pollution of water by (A) Mercury (By) Lead (©) Cyanide (D) Methyl isocyanate Ans — A {8 iek Sa Fasienéd on Picea Hed heve Te) and! ne latent s/t ae aah Oe 28, 26. fre rit a fran ia: (eo) arafre aire wer # fede 1 qo) apneic et A carafe wre (9) aR a eget arity et ast sora or Ft F1 Pre eel a ata et PP (A) Fy @) ae Fw (eg) eT * iB) aaa 1 ic Trae ger swriane 1 (D) set BUT (a), (bo) STKE) TH RL Ans —C 1340 3 Festa 8 Fea? errs oe “gree snes, were aon at eee a a? (A) feet forge (B) were sigh weteet (© Weragts at (0) ser ree aT Ans —B ‘sagt Hf farmer at ae firs og rm? (a) 3H (@) aa (©) rs (D) fie srpsrererte Ans — A. analic

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