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Healthcare in the Philippines is variable, ranging in quality from excellent to dire. Hospitals in
the major cities are generally of a high standard, while many in rural areas lack infrastructure
and investment.

Healthcare is provided through both private and public hospitals in the Philippines. Although
healthcare is generally expensive for the average Filipino, expats may find it more affordable
than in their home country.

Local medical staff are well trained, especially in big cities. Many have studied and practised
medicine overseas, and speak English. The Philippines is one of the biggest exporters of
medical staff in the world, with many nurses and doctors leaving the country to work abroad.
While the remittances sent home from these workers are an important contributor to the
Philippines economy, healthcare provision in the Philippines has been undermined by the
departure of so many medical professionals.

All citizens are entitled to free healthcare under the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
(PhilHealth). The scheme is government-controlled and funded by local and national
government subsidies, as well as by contributions from employers and employees.

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