Flood Situation in Ichalkaranji (Sy Tpe 2019-20)

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E Society’s
Textile & Engineering Institute, Ichalakaranji
( An Autonomous Institute )

Department of Textile Plant Engineering


Names PRN No.

1. Sanmedha S. Ambure 18UTP002
2. Rohit R. Bongale 18UTP006
3. Akif M. Desai 18UTP009
4. Sushant D. Godase 18UTP010
5. Manthan P. Karwatkar 18UTP021

Project Supervisor
Prof. R. S. Patil

Year of Submission

This is to certify that the work presented in this field work

report entitled, “Flood Situation in Ichalkaranji” is a bonafied
work done by Sanmedha S. Ambure, Rohit R. Bongale,
Akif M. Desai, Sushant D. Godase, Manthan P. Karwatkar
submitted to the D.K.T.E Society’s, Textile & Engineering
Institute an autonomous Institute, Ichalkaranji in partial fulfilment
of the environment studies subject in S.Y.T.P.E was carried out
under my supervision and guidance during the year 2019-2020.

Project supervisor Head of the Department

Prof. R.S. Patil Prof. Dr. U. J. Patil


Prof.(Dr.) P.V. Kadole


Place: Ichalkaranji
Seal of

We undersigned below declare that the project report entitled “Flood

Situation In Ichalkaranji” is written and submitted by us under the
guidance of Prof. Patil R.S. is our original work. The empirical
findings in this project are based on data collected by us. The mater
presented is not copied from other sources.
We undersigned any such copy is liable to be punished
in any way the university authorities seems fit.

Names Signature

1. Sanmedha S. Ambure
2. Rohit R. Bongale
3. Akif M. Desai
4. Sushant D. Godase
5. Manthan P. Karwatkar

Place- Ichalkaranji.


1. Introduction & Methodology 1-4
2. Reporting 5-17
4. Summary & Conclusion 18-19
5. Bibliography 20-21

2.1 The affected crops & their area 8
2.2 Rainfall received in Ichalkaranji last 10
10 years
2.3 Rainfall received in last 6 years about 11
the 2nd week of July
2.4 Water levels in Dams on 1st July 13



2.1 Rainfall accepted in Ichalkaranji last 10 10
2.2 Rainfall received in last 6 years about the 2nd 13
week of July
2.3 Rainfall in catchment area of different dams 15
in Kolhapur district

Photo No. Name Page No.

2.1 The water of the river 15
flowing above the flood
2.2 Water released from 16
Koyana Dam due to high
level in river
2.3 A train passing over a 16
bridge which is half
under flood water
2.4 People escaping to a safe 16
2.5 Vehicles under water due 16
to flood
2.6 Houses under flood 17
2.7 Temple under flood 17
2.8 In this bridge road is 17
totally under flood water
2.9 Bridge and road under 17
flood water
The environment means the circumstances or conditions that
surround us & to the totally of circumstances surrounding organisms,
especially the combination of external physical conditions that affect
& influence the growth, development & survival of organism.
‘Environment’ is noun derived from French word means ‘to
live’. Environmental studies deals with every issue that affects an
organisms, the complex of social & cultural conditions affecting the
nature of individual or a community. It is an applied science as it
seeks practical answer to making human civilization sustainable on
the earth’s resources.
In environmental studies major components include ecology,
Atmosphere, Biosphere, Lithosphere & Hydrosphere.
Environment is a heritage & common property of everybody &
therefore the responsibility of all. Environmental concern has become
centre of all human activities the world over today. For a couple of
years the adjective ‘Environmental’ has become a synonym for the
awareness among the global societies towards ‘Save Earth’ & as the
need for sustainable development to the future of man kind. The
planet Earth is facing at acute consideration the problem of pollution,
loss of forest, solid waste disposal, degradation of environment, issues
like economic productivity & national security, global warming, the
depletion of ozone layer & loss of biodiversity have made literally
everyone, irrespective of their nationality or superiority, aware of
environmental issues. Even the United Nations Conference of world
summit on sustainable development at Johannesburg in 2002 has
drawn the attention of people around the globe to the deteriorating
condition of our environment. It is clear that no citizen on the earth
can afford to be ignorant of environmental issues. Environmental
management has captured the attention of health care managers
&similarly managing the environmental hazards become very
The destruction of habitats, over use of energy resources &
environmental pollution has been found to be responsible for the loss
of large number of life forms. It is feared that a large proportion of
life on the earth may get wiped out in the near future. So considering
the present growing deteriorating status of the environment, which
has become a global issue everywhere, the study of environment has
acquired a status of priority level for students of all faculties.
NaturalDisasters: Majority of disasters are associated with
natural activities as well as known human activities. Natural disasters
are such as Earthquake, volcanoes, Avalanches, Floods, Cyclones,
Droughts & Forest fires. Natural disasters threaten life, property,
environment & other things.
Natural disaster is defined as any natural events due to which
society, environment has to face severe dangers includes losses to its
members & physical property. Natural calamities occur abruptly with
deep impacts on environment & its factors. Recent natural disaster
caused due to sea earthquake is Tsunamis, which affected property,
life & social factors in environment.
Disasters are divided into several different categories:
These include earthquake, volcanic irruptions, tsunamis,
landslides, floods, subsidence, impacts with outer space objects etc.
Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Droughts, severe Thunderstorms,
Lightening etc. are major atmospheric disasters.
Insect infestations, Disease, Wild fires are some other natural
Natural hazards can also be divided into ‘catastrophic disaster’
like world wide disease epidemics & world wide droughts. ‘Rapid
onset disaster’ likes Landslides, severe Thunderstorms, Lightening &
wildfires, Floods, Earthquakes. ‘Low Onset Disaster’ likes drought,
insect infestations & disease epidemics take years to develop.
Flood simply means inundation of extensive land areas with
water for several days in continuation, huge amount of water coming
out from river through overlapping of river banks during peak
discharge period. In world 3.5% of total geographic areas get covered.
By flood plains & about 16.5% population is affected by flood.
In India notorious floods occur in Ganga, Krishna, Bramhaputra,
Mahanadi, Godavari Tapi etc. Another way flood can be defined as
the overwhelming of usually dry land by a large amount of water that
comes from an overflowing river or lake, exceptionally high tide,
melting snow or sudden excessive rain.
In early years flood occurred in Ichalkaranji town of Kolhapur
district. Usually in this area flood occurs once or twice in a year but
this year i.e., 2008 flood occurred almost 3 to 4 times.
Kabnur and korochi villages of Ichalkaranji receive more
rainfall than sangli & satara district, they also face drought conditions
1. To study the detailed account of environment.
2. To study the various natural disasters.
3. To study the flood- natural disaster in detail.
4. To study impacts, causes, control measures of flood
5. To study the government action.
(Flood situation in Ichalkaranji)

As we see the flood occurs in most of the cities or villages
which are on the bank of river & also which are nearest to dams. Due
to sudden release of excess water from different dams such as
radhanagari, Tulsi & kanher dams of satara, worst flood condition
occurred in Ichalkaranji city & adjoin villages on the bank of
Panchaganga River & in sangli to Krishna.
Krishna flows from Karad to sangli, then from Ichalkaranji &
then to Karnataka. Krishna River flows with huge size of water due to
collection of Panchaganga water at Nrusinhwadi. Considering the
geographical situation of sangli part of miraj, Ichalkaranji, Chikodi &
Athani of Karnataka from belgaon & due to high level of river, water
spreads over on a huge area in above areas.
As there are dangerous flood conditions due to Krishna &
Panchaganga River we select this area to study real situation of flood.
Ichalkaranji is in Hatkanagale tahsil of Kolhapur & it is nearly 30 to
35 km from Kolhapur. There is famous temple so many people come
to the temple.
In Hatkanagale flood is mainly occur due to Koyna dam &
Almatti dam. Because of excess storage of water in Almatti, mostly
flood occur in Ichalkaranji in Maharashtra.

A. Observation:
Flood condition in Ichalkaranji is very dangerous because of
most of the houses or shops are located near the bank of river
Krishna. So in rainy season the excess water is flow in houses &
shops, as water level increases the water in nearby area increases.
In Ichalkaranji flood occurs in July-September months due to
Krishna River. As we see, the nearest area of Ichalkaranji is under
agriculture field. But in rainy season there is disturbance of all
business. In flood condition all shops & hotels are under water. So
there is loss of these people. As the nearest area of Ichalkaranji is
under agricultural field, so the farmers have to sustain loss. Nearest
cities imports fabrics from Ichalkaranji for the production of
garments, under the situation of flood these cities loose their contact
with Ichalkaranji. Hence there is a big loss to the business.
Transportation services like State Transport systems get interrupted.
So there is a big loss of such businesses.
B. Survey:
As we observed the real situation of flood in Ichalkaranji, we are
survey this area to get detailed information about flood. As we see all
businesses are affected by flood, we take the interviews of farmer &
hotel manager.
By taking interviews of such people we understand the real
difficulties & problems created in flood situation which are faced by
victims of flood.
By flood plains & about 16.5% population is affected by flood.
In India notorious floods occur in Ganga, Krishna, Bramhaputra,
Mahanadi, Godavari Tapi etc. Another way flood can be defined as
the overwhelming of usually dry land by a large amount of water that
comes from an overflowing river or lake, exceptionally high tide,
melting snow or sudden excessive rain.
In early years flood occurred in Ichalkaranji town of Kolhapur
district. Usually in this area flood occurs once or twice in a year but
this year i.e., 2019 flood occurred almost 3 to 4 times.
The flood can be effect on all the things that is effect on
transport, communication, health, agriculture lands, roads, livestock,
banks, schools, colleges and children, but the most effect can be done
on the crops and environment.
Environment means the surroundings. Which include human
beings, plants, animals, valley, water, ice that is all of the things, of
the world? Due to the flood many microorganism in soil can be
affected like the people, crops, cattle, frogs, snakes, rabbits, fox and
many plant species also affected. Insects, birds their nests are
affected. These all factors resulted in imbalanced environment and
caused for some series and dangerous problems and also they can be
solved very hardly.
Effect on crops due to the flood it is very important and
dangerous part of effect of flood. In the Kolhapur district there are
1004 villages 6 city area affected by the flood. In month of June and
July total 21 crore 54 lack rupees can be loss for the crops. It include
rice, soybean, groundnut and sugarcane these crops mostly affected
due to the flood.
The total area affected due to flood in Ichalkaranji is 9231.23
hector areas.
Table no: 2.1
Title: Theaffectedcropsandtheirarea
Name of affected crops Area (Hectors)
Rice (paddy) 2576.46
Sugarcane 2368.00
Soya bean 1612.55
Groundnut 1082.08
Jawar 353.82
Vegetables 647.00
Banana 22.26
Grain 134.77

Due to the flood affect on Ichalkaranji is very dangerous and

serious matter. Because it is number one on the loss of crops.

The important national and state highways, local roads in

Ichalkaranji district were closed due to this flood, rail is also stopped.
The transportation process will be stopped they can be transported to
the expected places.
Electricity supply, power generation, telephone service were
failed totally. Drinking water problem in villages was made serious
matter because non supply of electricity. The people could not drink
river water as it was polluted water due to flood. So many important
things can not be available so it becomes a very bad condition. Due to
bad sanitation and submerged fields of crops for example soya bean a
bad smell was spread in the surroundings. Due to rottening &
decaying of dead animals bad smell the living in that area was became
difficult thin bad caused in Junes to rural health. It spread of disease
& also many peoples lost their lives in flood, many animals dead due
to flood.
The problem of sanitation is the main problem after flood relief.
Especially rural people faced most difficulties regarding sanitation.
Large area is submerged on the flood, the water is here and there that
is everywhere but no single drop of water for drinking. But that time
drinking water and unavailability of latrine facility in rural area is the
two main serious problems of pollution of water, people were unable
to boil the water and use for drinking. Due to this conditions disease
like gastro, jaundice, fever, omitting, headache and leptospirosis
occurred in that region leptospirosis is a serious and dangerous
disease recorded in Ichalkaranji.
Flood control measures include various steps such as
 To delay the return of run off resulting from torrential rainfall to
the rivers.
 To reduce the volume of water.
 To hasten the discharge of water.
 To divert flow of water.
 To reduce impacts of floods by reforestation.
 Canalization widening and depending of river streams.
 Removing of bends of river.
 To control soil erosion, to avoid siltation, proper flood plan
 The most effective way of flood management is the reduction of
run off by including and increasing infiltrations into the ground
in the river catchments area by increasing the forest canopy,
which will also help reduction of soil erosion and siltation.
 The volume of water can be controlled by construction of
restoring storage reservoir and dams along the river course.
 The flood level in a region can also be reduced by construction
of canal network and flood disaster management plan.
These are various things which can reduce the flooding
Table no: 2.2
Title: Rainfall accepted in Ichalkaranji during last 10 years


1999 1031.9
2000 1138.8
2001 844.8
2002 744.8
2003 744.0
2004 572.5
2005 1026.4
2006 1919.7
2007 2758.0
2019 3124.8
Graph no: 2.1

Rainfall accepted in ichalkaranji during the last 10 years

Rainfall (mm)

1999 2000
2001 2002
2003 2004
2005 2006 2007 2008

If we observed the rainfall received during last decade, it could

be concluded that the rainfall during 2001-2004 year is very low but it
sufficient during the year 2005. However during the year 2006-2008
the rainfall received are too high.
In year of 2005 a new record of 995mm down fall in a day at
Mumbai on 27th July 2005 out of which 876 mm rainfall received
only in 12 hours.
In year of 2007 the rainfall is 2758.0 mm received in
In year of 2008 a new record is carried out the total 3124.8 mm
rain is fall in Ichalkaranji in the rainy season.
This is enough to prove heavy and intensive rainfall in
Maharashtra and also in Kolhapur district total 2141 mm received rain
up to that day.
Only in 15 days rainfall of Ichalkaranji is half or more annual
average can be done. In this year of 2019 mrug nakshtra went
complete dry. June 22 ardra nakshtra start the rainfall last 6 years
rainfall about the 2nd week of July is
Table No. 2.3
Title: Rainfall received in last 6 years about 2nd week of July


2002 686
2003 530
2004 598
2005 643
2006 767
2007 838
2008 1021

In this year in Ichalkaranji 1021 mm rainfall is the highest

record in that day, rainfall received in 30th June 2008 in different areas
of Ichalkaranji are as follows

The Karnataka government recently constructed a dam on

Krishna at Almatti in Bijapur district about 250 km away from sangli
city, but before that there is another in Karnataka on Krishna named
Hippargi. Almatti is at height of 529.4 m and Sangli is on 539.6 m
height. That means encouragement of new constructions in low level
area, roads network, bridges on rivers and upliftment of roads on both
sides of bridges and also due to inefficient management of water
release through the gates of dams, the water could not flow with
expected speed and hence it spread over a huge area in places of
During the flood condition overall government political parties
was meeting to the flooding area and looking their conditions such as
a Raju Shetty, Harshvardhan Patil, R. R. Patil, Munna Mahadik, Satej
Patil etc. The minister of Kolhapur district Shri Harshvardhan Patil
declared Rs. 1000/- to every person who suffered in flood in
In the state the victim of relatives the state government
announce the 0.1 million rupees can give that is help their. This is
declared by the governor S.M. Krishna. The chief minister of
Maharashtra Vilasrao Deshmukh announced for the affected farmer to
give free beans, grain for two time cultivation of paddy crop.
For the flood management system in monsoon season 50 million
rupees will be provided. This announced by health management
system manager Suhas Ranade in 5th July 2008.
The government only announces the help to people who
suffered from the flood. Some places get the help but some places can
not get or can’t reach help.
Considering the points under this study, it can be concluded that
the flood in Ichalkaranji was mainly due to recorded heavy rainfall of
this century. However undamaged water released from dams is also a
reason for certain extent which cannot be ignored here. The Almatti
and Hippargi dams, uncontrolled encroachment of buildings in water
spread area rivers in low lying areas also are to considered here as a
cause of flood. But both Maharashtra and Karnataka governments by
appointing separate committees drawn convenient controversial
conclusion. When these conclusions are drawn on scientific bases
they should not differ among two committees. Hence it can be
necessary to appoint Central Government committee with impartial
specialists and members. And both the status should honor the
remarks of that committee and act accordingly. Otherwise, in the
Years to come again tremendous situation can occur to take many
lives. Similarly uplifted roads of bridge sides cannot be neglected
from the causes of flood. The latrine facilities and drinking water
facility in rural area are other serious problem where both people and
government need attention. And people from flood prone need great
promptness to come out of flood in the beginning only, therefore we
satisfy the objectives of project.
Graph no: 2.2

Rainfall received in Ichalkaranji about 2nd week of july

Rainfall (mm)



Last 2 days of 1st July the rainfall is continuous which is in June

month 648 mm is higher average rainfall that time in last year 2007, it
is only 407 mm so in this month one and half extra rainfall as that
year of month.
That day water in dams was as follow:
Table no. 2.4
Title: Water level in dams in 1st July

Dams Water level (million cubic meter)

Radhanagari 123.75
Tulsi 55.04
Warna 451.99
Dudhganga 110.73
Kasari 35.80
Kadvi 45.25
Kumbhi 33.95
Patgaon 47.17
Chikotra 15.16
Chitri 16.58
Jungamhatti 9.77

From 22 June to 5 August 3rd time flood come for Panchaganga

or the entire river that time of 5th August the dam’s water levels are in
million cubic meters.
Graph no. 2.3

Rainfall in catchment area of different dams in Kolhapur

Water level (million cubic meter)







2.1 The water of the river flowing above the flood level
2.2 Water released from Koyana Dam due to high level in river

2.3 A train passing over a bridge which is half under flood water.

2.4 People escaping to a safe place.

2.5 Vehicles under water due to flood.

2.6 Houses under flood water.

2.7 Temple under flood water

2.8 In this Bridge Road is totally under flood water

2.9 Bridge and roads under flood Water


Considering the points under this study, it can be

concluded that the flood in Ichalkaranji was mainly due to
recorded heavy rainfall of this century. However undamaged
water released from dams is also a reason for certain extent
which can not be ignored here. The Almatti and Hippargi dams,
uncontrolled encroachment of buildings in water spread area
rivers in low lying areas also are to considered here as a cause of
flood. But both Maharashtra and Karnataka governments by
appointing separate committees drawn convenient controversial
conclusion. When these conclusions are drawn on scientific
basis they should not differ among two committees. Hence it
can be necessary to appoint Central Government committee with
impartial specialists and members. And both the status should
honor the remarks of that committee and act accordingly.
Otherwise in coming Years again tremendous situation can
occur to take many lives. Similarly uplifted roads of bridge sides
can not be neglected from the causes of flood. The latrine
facilities and drinking water facility in rural area are other
serious problem where both people and government need
attention. And people from flood prone area need great
promptness to come out of flood in the beginning only.
Therefore we satisfy the objectives of project.


1. Local daily newspaper ‘Pudhari’ dated on 27th, 28th June 2008.

2. Daily newspaper ‘Lokmat’ Kolhapur dated on 1st and 3rd July.
3. Local newspaper ‘Sakal’, Kolhapur dated on 11th, 15th, 28th, 29th,
30th July 2008.
4. A.M. Dhere, A.V. Mane, C.B. Pawar, D.A. Patil, Environmental
Studies, Phadake Prakashan, page no. 13, 125, 126.
5. Local daily newspaper ‘Tarunbharat’, dated on 22nd, 30th June

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