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36 | EIBTM Show Daily | day 1 37 | EIBTM Show Daily | day 1

Tuesday 30th November Tuesday 30th November


Crisis management? Technology can help, Isn’t it hard for people to follow And the winner is…

say Ruud Janssen and Sam Smith

a meeting from their computer?
Email and thousands of cool web Sherpa’s
pages are calling out for a user’s
attention... Who would leave the Mobile App
The two famous tech-savvy consultants of our industry
are back this year. This time, after a year in which
What was the most interesting example
of how technology helped a meeting
mouse alone and focus?
Ruud: Distractions are possibly the big- wins EIBTM
many events rediscovered crisis management, they will
when the volcano erupted in Iceland
and grounded many flights?
gest threat to the ability for anyone to
concentrate on a single stream of infor-
talk about how technology can save an event by doing
things like maintaining communication or finding
Ruud: I was asked the same in a tweet
after the volcano erupted. As a result, I
mation. But allow me to draw the com-
parison to the effect of an average book
alternative broadcasting solutions. You too have to be wrote an account of my personal experi-
ence when I was due to speak at an event
or that of a page-turner that you read
back to back through the night. The key
ready, so read on…
in Poland and all speakers got grounded. word is audience engagement.
We created a plan B which used the sim- In September, Sam and I were involved
plest tools, ones practically all present- in a hybrid event experience where audi-
ers were comfortable using. All speakers ence engagement was at the core of the
reverted to a remote presentation using event design. Event Camp Twin Cities was
Skype and phone as a backup. an experiment around innovation, col-
The other case was the creation of laboration and social experimentation.
a spontaneous event when many del- The results show me that if we learn
egates were stranded in London after how to design hybrid events correctly,
the Skoll World Forum in Oxford. One of we can engage audiences. Participants
the stranded delegates took the initia- want to be heard, listened to and engaged.
tive to organise a spontaneous TEDxVol- When they feel they are being served,
cano, one that was live streamed and put they withstand the distractions and pay
together in less than 24 hours. attention. What we must not do is try
to replicate the type of events we have
always participated in live and then try
Ruud’s advise: to “televise” them.
It is called ActivTouch and it is a
“The key in any If these technologies enable mobile application for trade shows.

Elevator pitch: tell me one technology I should consider for my next sales
crisis plan is delegates to follow the
conference’s content and connect
It manages the relevant “here and
now” data of the event. How does
convention, and why. opening up a direct with others remotely, won’t it work? Information on speakers,
attendees, exhibitors and products
Ruud: Making a connection point with Sam: I see too many people chasing shiny meetings turn into continuous
those outside the room. Use a conversa- objects and wanting to use a technol- communication online connections? If the “place” are stored in the ActivTouch database
tion aggregator (preferably a rich con-
tent) to start the dialogue and keep it
ogy because it is cool. Before looking
at any specific technology, I ask event
line to your key dimension disappears, won’t the
“time” element also disappear?
and can be accessed at any time via
the mobile web. For example, enter
going. Make the content, context, con- planners this question: What are your audience members” Sam: Yes, we are going to see more and the name of an exhibitor or a product
and the device automatically gener-
nectivity and continuity of the dialogue objectives? To increase attendee dialogue more meetings and events turn into a
the core priority whether the dialogue and interaction? Extend the duration of single touchpoint in a continuous stream ates a map of the show floor, with
is public or proprietary. In both cases your event? Include more participation? What should a meeting planner do of conversations and dialogue that will a highlighted route from the cur-
content aggregators exist to give eve- Make operations more efficient? Once I during the next volcano eruption: last all year. However, we are still social rent location to the desired booth.
ryone a voice and chance to contribute. understand the event’s objectives, I can have a logistics plan B and a creatures and we still want to meet face-
recommend technology tools that can technology plan B? to-face. Also, we are still going to want
match these needs. Ruud: The key in any crisis plan is open- to work together on projects, both online
ing up a direct communication line to and offline. I recently organised a con- The solution combines
your key audience members. Participants, ference where we had over 550 people a database of all
Ruud’s advise: Sam’s advise: speakers, key suppliers and organising working online with attendees in three exhibitors, products
remote sites to brainstorm and rank
“Making a “I see too many team members must know where to look
for reliable up-to-date information on those solutions. By working together,
and sessions with a
localisation solution
connection point people chasing the event. The organisers must always
know how to reach employees, team
more people had a stake in that out-
come than if it were just done in an more precise than
with those outside shiny objects and members, speakers, suppliers and other online discussion group. GPS systems for easy
the room, using wanting to use key stakeholders. This can be via a web-
site, a Twitter hash tag, multiple real-time
a conversation a technology channels or a mass notification system. Sam’s advise:

aggregator to start because it is cool.

The contingency planning should
include a crisis team split in two key
“We are going Thanks to this “Here&Now” fea-

the dialogue and Planners have to areas: communication; and contingency to see more and ture, participants can find exhibitors,

keep it going” think thoroughly

planning, logistics and quick financial
impact scenarios. This is where the real
more meetings products, sessions and keynotes that
are happening that very moment

about their
organisers will distinguish themselves from and events turn within an area of 50 to 100 feet
(the GPS systems already included
the amateurs. Being ready to connect to
objectives first” your audience not only live but also in into a single in most smartphones are too impre-
hybrid ways (and being able to set this
up in a flash) is probably the key way
touchpoint in a cise to be of use in a trade show).
In October and November, Activ-
to save the event from going to ashes. continuous stream Touch was used in Vision Expo West
2010 and Global Gaming Expo, both
You were judges of the WWTW. Any trend you would like to highlight?
Ruud: Many submissions were focused Sam: I was pleased with the quantity
As a planner you must know one or two
people in your direct network that can of conversations held in Las Vegas, ASIS International
on putting the power of technology in
the attendee’s hands. The mobility of the
and quality of entrants. The big trend
that I saw was the drive to “freemium”
help or guide you through the crisis. and dialogue that 2010 (Dallas) and ISC Solutions (New
York). Over 30 events are sched-
technology function is key, whether it or simple low-cost solutions. This is last all year” uled for 2011.
be in Mobile Apps, lead retrieval, busi- great news for the industry because
ness (card) exchange, or connectivity lower cost options will mean greater Stand: 0260
to the Internet when it is not avail- adoption. Sam and Ruud will hold the ses-
able by default. sion “Mission Possible”, moderated Meet Sherpa at the Technology
by Patrick Delaney, today at 13:00, Hour Extra session, Lecture
Lecture Theatre Theatre, 14:30-15:30

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