You Use A Glass Mirror To See Your Face

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“You use a glass mirror to see your face.

You use works of art to see your soul,” as stated by George

Shaw. Art has been part of our daily life. Sometimes it is a way to escape reality and let your
imaginations guide you through fantasy. Indeed, art is everywhere, as we walk by our journey, art will
always be on your footsteps. Even the world is an art created by God. Sometimes, it can be our
sanctuary, our savior, our lending hand as we go through hardships. But, does everyone know its
existence? Does everyone appreciate it? Does everyone know the value of art and how it changes life?
After all, art is a powerful weapon we can use in the battlefield of life and death.

The virtue of art in our world has been rapidly expanding as the generation by generation goes by. New
innovative art have been on trend because of its uniqueness either on painting, singing, and dancing. Art
Appreciation has taught me how art flows throughout the world and what its significance in my life is.
Even smallest things can be appreciated when it comes to art. For example, when you go outside, you’ll
see a tree, standing and waving in the flow of the wind, if you put art in it, you’ll imagine a tree standing
firm and brave as the wind tries to bring him down. Art Appreciation is looking on things in different
way, either on its soul or on its strike in your heart.

One of the activities we did in this subject is to paint a specific subject with different art movements
showing different meanings and explanation. On that activity, I’ve got the chance to draw nature in
fauvism art movement. At first, I’m clueless on what will I’m going to do because I don’t know how to
paint but this subject proved me wrong. Imagination is a big aspect in art. Without it, how can you
express what you want to show deeply in your work? So, as my instructor tells us to think of a subject, I
remember the tree that I example on the previous paragraph. So I draw and put my feeling in there. In
my painting, It has a mix of bright rainbow colors through dark colors signifying that life isn’t always on
the good side of the world, life will always bring you down, one way or another. And to inform you, the
tree signifies ME, that sometimes I’m torn between being guided by the light or just stay out of darkness
to escape pain and sometimes, happiness.

It was just last year when I don’t care about art. When I saw this subject on my loads of units, I felt
frustrated because I don’t know how to draw. Yes, I can sing, but in arts, I don’t think that’s enough. But
this subject proved me wrong because if anyone can do it, you can do it too. Just believe and yourself
and let your feeling and imaginations flow into you as you appreciate art in your life. Until, then I was
able to express my feelings not just by drawing but also on writing poems. For your information,
Kapampangans are known for their literary works and the art of cooking. Yes, there is an art in cooking
because we think and analyze before we came up with a masterpiece. Our culture in cooking has been
developing because of arts innovative techniques that help other people to make our culture be well-
known and preserved.

Lastly, let’s talk about kids. I know, you will ask, why kids? Kids are the start of the art. We all became
kids. We all play outside and as a young human being; you don’t know that simply playing is a way of
showing art like on how kids draw “piko” in the past. It’s already an art. And as those children develop,
their skills develop too, just how we witness the artistic side of the kids in ACSCI in paper folding,
singing, or even creating a sound by hand or by cup. Kids are the evidence that art is everywhere.
Starting from crawling and how teachers taught us how to draw and color different things. As I
remember it, being a kid is just like a masterpiece. We, adults, sometimes we wish to go back to the past
where sleeping is just our problem and playing is our escape. But, realizing it, as we grow older, we
become braver and just so you know, art has been our emblem in our heart to move forward through
hardships and downs that people on our way bring for us to stumble and will always remember to stand
up. Always remember, appreciate little things just like how a child appreciate a piece of candy for
his/her success.

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