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Code No.______


Dear Respondent,

Please note that this questionnaire has no room for you to put your name, or the
dealership from where you purchased the car. Therefore you can be assured that your
answers are completely confidential. Your completed questionnaire will be used
solely by the researcher as part of the dissertation.

The researcher is concerned with appraising the kind of marketing strategies

that are prevalent in the Indian automobile industry, impact of these strategies on car
buyers and consumers’ expectations from the car manufacturers. Marketing strategies
in this study refers to all the marketing efforts/plans that are to place the product in the
hands of the buyers and to satisfy them to the extent of loyalty. Current evidences
suggest that there are positive or negative effects of marketing strategies of car
manufacturers on the expectations of their stakeholders for the car brand preferences.
However, the reasons for these effects are not yet fully understood. Completion of the
enclosed questionnaire will assist towards developing an understanding of the nature
of these different outcomes.

Completion of the questionnaire should only take you a few minutes, and will
help enormously with the research. Kindly be sure how important or un-important the
attribute/ factor/ parameter is to you or how strongly you agree or disagree with the
statement and then mark the appropriate response category with a tick in the
appropriate box. Most of the statements included in the schedule are measured on a
five-point response scale as under:
1 NAI: Not at All Important SD: Stands for Strong Disagreement HD: Stands for High Dissatisfaction
2 NI: Not Important D: Stands for Simple Disagreement D: Stands for Dissatisfaction
3 SI: Somewhat Important OR I: Stands for Indifferent/Not sure OR N: Stands for Neutral
4 I: Important A: Stands for Simple Agreement S: Stands for Satisfaction
5 VI: Very Important SA: Stands for Strong Agreement HS: Stands for High Satisfaction

For the successful completion of the study your cooperation is very important,
therefore, it is requested to answer each statement included in the schedule correctly
after due consideration.

Research Scholar,
Faculty of Management Sciences,
M. D. University, Rohtak.
In case you have owned a car within a year, please (√) in the suitable box where asked to indicate
your answer otherwise return back this questionnaire.

Section – 1: About you

1. Gender:
Male O Female O

2. Age:
< 35 years O 35-45 years O
> 45 years O

3. Educational qualification:
Diploma or below O Graduate O
Post graduate or above O

4. Occupation:
Employee O Self-employed O
Retired O

5. Marital status:
Single O Married O

6. Family income:
< ₹ 7 lakhs O ₹ 7 lakhs - ₹ 15 lakhs O
> ₹ 15 lakhs O
7. Job position (In case, you are retired, please tick your ex-job position/In case,
you are in family/partnership business, please tick the level of your position in
the business):
Top management (e.g. CEO) O
Middle management (e.g. Department head) O
Support staff (e.g. Supervisor) O
Section – 2: Car buyers’ buying behavior and brand preference
8. Please write name of the brand and model of car, you bought recently
(within last 12 months).
(e.g. Maruti SX4)__________________________________________________

9. Please indicate each of the activity you participated in, during the process of
purchase and brand choice.

Sr. No. Activities in purchase decision Participation of buyers

1 Purchase decision of a new car O
2 Decision of the budget O
3 Initial choices of brands and models O
4 Contact car dealers O
5 Collecting information about the brands and models O
6 Visit dealers O
7 Test drive O
8 Price bargaining O
9 Final decision on maker and model O

Part A – Buyer behavior stimuli

10. I bought my present car because of:

Sr. No. Parameters Criterion

1 Increase in my disposable income SD D I A SA
2 Better safety at roads SD D I A SA
3 My family needs SD D I A SA
4 Increase in my family size SD D I A SA
5 Suits my lifestyle and personality SD D I A SA

11. Please indicate the payment method used for purchasing your present car.

O Cash O EMI

12. Type of fuel used in your present car is (Please tick more than one, if

O Petrol O CNG O LPG O Diesel O Electric

13. Your role in the car purchase:

O I was the only decision maker
O I was one of the decision makers, and played the decisive role
O I was one of the decision makers, but not played the decisive role
O Totally decided by others
14. Please report your opinion on the factors/sources that influenced your
present car purchase decision and brand choice.
Sr. No. Factors/sources Criterion
1 Friends SD D I A SA
2 Relatives and neighbors SD D I A SA
3 Co-workers SD D I A SA
4 Wife SD D I A SA
5 Children SD D I A SA
6 Other family members SD D I A SA
7 My job position SD D I A SA
8 Type/nature of my institution/ trade SD D I A SA
9 Color SD D I A SA
10 Size SD D I A SA
11 Design SD D I A SA
12 Shape of the car (e.g. hatchback or sedan) SD D I A SA
13 Decision of the head in my family SD D I A SA
14 Car class (e.g. economy or luxury) SD D I A SA
15 Car type/form (e.g. hatchback or sedan) SD D I A SA
16 Manufacturer’s/Brand image (e.g. Maruti versus Hyundai) SD D I A SA
17 Models (e.g. package sizes such as Alto Lxi) SD D I A SA
18 Ways to purchase (e.g. dealers that sell it) SD D I A SA
19 Previous experience with the brand SD D I A SA
20 Car manufacturers’ websites SD D I A SA
21 Reviews of existing customers on internet SD D I A SA
22 Brochures/Car magazines/Published consumer reports SD D I A SA
23 Television/Newspaper/Radio advertising SD D I A SA
24 Dealer sales staff SD D I A SA
25 Exchange melas/car shows (Auto-Expo etc.) SD D I A SA

15. Please report your opinion on the risk factors you perceived on the following
dimensions about your purchase decision of your present car brand.
Sr. No. Perceived Risks Criterion
1 I feel that this car does not have functional option like air bags SD D I A SA
2 I fear the audio system in my car may look substandard SD D I A SA
I fear I am buying a model which people complain of break
4 I believe it will take a long time for me learn to drive a car SD D I A SA
5 I believe I wasted a lot of time in searching the car of my choice SD D I A SA
I am worried I can easily find a buyer when I want to dispose
my car
I am worried I am settling for a car that does not have ABS
(Antilock braking system)
8 I am worried about the waiting time to get my car SD D I A SA
I am not sure that local technician can handle this
technologically superior car
I am not sure if my friends will complement me for my decision
10 SD D I A SA
to purchase this car
I am not sure if I need to spend my time in search of service
11 SD D I A SA
I am not sure if I get a sense of more importance among my
12 SD D I A SA
friends after I own the car
13 I am not sure about the mileage that my car can give SD D I A SA
14 I am doubtful this car does not have a road grip SD D I A SA
I am doubtful if the air conditioning system in the car can hold
15 SD D I A SA
good in these days of global warming
16 I am doubtful if I can get a good after sales service SD D I A SA
17 I am confused if the car is worth the money I spend SD D I A SA
18 I am confused if the car is liked by all members of the family SD D I A SA
19 I am buying a car that is entering the market for the first time SD D I A SA
I am afraid the price of the car will come down after I buy the
20 SD D I A SA
21 I am afraid the cost of spares for this car can be expensive SD D I A SA
22 I am afraid that my car can be stolen SD D I A SA
23 I am afraid that I will make a poor choice of a car SD D I A SA
24 I am afraid if the shape of my car will add my social status SD D I A SA
25 I am afraid if the price of car is within my budget SD D I A SA
26 I am afraid if the color of my car is pleasing to others SD D I A SA
I am afraid if the car loan procedure will consume a huge
27 SD D I A SA
amount of time
28 I am afraid if my car would provide a great driving experience SD D I A SA
29 I am afraid if I can have nationwide service outlets SD D I A SA
30 I am afraid I may not be able to clean/cover the car properly SD D I A SA

16. Please report your opinion on the following factors that can decrease the risk
you perceived about your purchase decision of your present car brand.
Sr. No. Risk decreasing factors Criterion
Word of mouth (my friends own a similar car) helped a lot in
reducing the level of risk in my purchase decision
The sales executive of the dealer helped a lot in reducing the
level of risk in the purchase of my car
The test drive offered by the dealer helped a lot in reducing
the level of risk in my purchase decision
4 My preference for this brand right from my childhood SD D I A SA
The frequent advertisements that I saw in television helped a
lot in reducing the level of risk in my car purchase decision
The availability of company authorized Sales/service stations
contributes in decreasing the level of risk in purchase decision
The chosen car manufacturers' country of origin contributes in
decreasing the level of risk in purchase decision
The announcement of extended free service/price reduction/
8 insurance contributes in decreasing the level of risk in car SD D I A SA
purchase decision

17. Please report your opinion on how the ‘country of origin’ influenced your
purchase decision of your present car brand.
Sr. No. Country of origin effect Criterion
Foreign car brands are superior in terms of quality and
I will not bother to pay more to purchase a domestic car brand
because of my patriotism
I will not bother to pay more to purchase a foreign car brand
because of its better quality and performance
I will not bother to pay more to purchase foreign car brands
because of that country’s image
Part B – Marketing stimuli
18. How important is each of the following product related attributes to you
while making a car purchase decision?
Sr. No. Product related attributes Criterion
Product referent
1 Type of fuel consumption (Petrol/Diesel/CNG etc.) NAI NI SI I VI
2 Storage and cargo capacity NAI NI SI I VI
3 Sportiness and fun element in design NAI NI SI I VI
4 Safety features (e.g. airbag etc.) NAI NI SI I VI
5 Road clearance NAI NI SI I VI
Looks of the car/Exterior design/Exterior styling/Attention
7 Length of warranty NAI NI SI I VI
8 Interior features NAI NI SI I VI
9 Environment friendly vehicle NAI NI SI I VI
10 Engine power NAI NI SI I VI
11 Creativity and innovation NAI NI SI I VI
12 Colors available NAI NI SI I VI
13 Advancing Technology NAI NI SI I VI
Task or outcome referent
1 Safety NAI NI SI I VI
2 Price quality inference/Value for money NAI NI SI I VI
3 Ride Quality on highway NAI NI SI I VI
4 Interior comfort NAI NI SI I VI
5 Fuel efficiency/Fuel economy NAI NI SI I VI
6 Performance NAI NI SI I VI
7 Glamour and style NAI NI SI I VI
8 Luxury NAI NI SI I VI
9 Fun to Drive/Delight from driving NAI NI SI I VI
10 Road-holding/Handling NAI NI SI I VI
11 Resale value NAI NI SI I VI
12 Feeling of reliability/Dependability NAI NI SI I VI
User/Surrogate referent
1 The family car NAI NI SI I VI
2 The bestselling car NAI NI SI I VI
Status conferred on you by ownership of car/Prestige due
to car ownership/Gives you respect
4 Representative of premium car with best quality NAI NI SI I VI
5 Pioneer status of car NAI NI SI I VI
6 Give a high-tech appearance NAI NI SI I VI
Customer service related attributes (additional services)
1 Informing customers about new cars NAI NI SI I VI
2 Information regarding service centers NAI NI SI I VI
3 Information regarding repairing and maintenance services NAI NI SI I VI
4 Providing training to customers about new car features NAI NI SI I VI
5 Information regarding car news NAI NI SI I VI
19. How important is each of the following attributes to you while making a car
purchase decision?
Sr. No. Price related attributes Criterion
1 Initial price of the car/ Cost to buy NAI NI SI I VI
2 Cost of spare parts etc. NAI NI SI I VI
3 Price negotiation with customer offering discounts NAI NI SI I VI
Place/availability related attributes
1 Dealer’s location NAI NI SI I VI
2 Superior service NAI NI SI I VI
3 Waiting time post booking NAI NI SI I VI
4 Facilities available with the dealer NAI NI SI I VI
Promotion related attributes
1 Cash rebates NAI NI SI I VI
2 Low financing rates NAI NI SI I VI
3 Schemes and discounts NAI NI SI I VI
4 Festive season offer NAI NI SI I VI
5 Campaigns/Exchange melas/Car shows (Auto-Expo etc.) NAI NI SI I VI
6 Test ride NAI NI SI I VI
7 Advertising image NAI NI SI I VI
Post purchase related attributes
1 After-sale service NAI NI SI I VI
2 Availability of the service network NAI NI SI I VI
3 Cost of maintenance NAI NI SI I VI
4 Likely cost of repairs and maintenance NAI NI SI I VI
5 Warranty schemes NAI NI SI I VI
6 Hospitality of the service station NAI NI SI I VI
7 Facilities available with the service station NAI NI SI I VI

Part C – Other marketing stimuli

20. How important is each of the following attributes to you when choosing a
new car?

Sr. No. Electronic marketing Criterion

1 Website use for searching car model specifications NAI NI SI I VI
2 Website use for comparing price and features of competitors NAI NI SI I VI
3 Website use for finding finance options NAI NI SI I VI
Online forums/ virtual brand communities for consumers’
reviews and experiences
Customer relationship management
Dealer’s proper greeting to make the customer feel
Sales executive of the dealer to speak about the product and
the corresponding benefits
3 On payment, customers be given the delivery immediately NAI NI SI I VI
Dealer to act as a mediator between the finance company and
the customer
Car manufacturers to provide excellent network to facilitate
their customers in purchasing car
Car manufacturers to provide excellent network to facilitate
6 customers in accessing spare parts, and getting their cars NAI NI SI I VI
Option of extended warranty to be provided by car
24 Hour ‘On-Road Service’, in case customer's car breaks
down anywhere
9 Free checkup camp facility provided by car manufacturers NAI NI SI I VI
Customers’ feedback regarding dealer service, presale service,
after sales service, complaints etc.

Part D – Perceived Brand Positioning - Brand Association

21. How much do you agree/disagree with the association of the

features/attributes given below with your present car brand?
Sr. No. Brand association attributes Criterion
1 Advancing Technology SD D I A SA
2 Creativity and Innovation SD D I A SA
3 Engine Power SD D I A SA
4 Initial Price SD D I A SA
5 Performance SD D I A SA
6 Glamour and Style SD D I A SA
7 Quality SD D I A SA
8 Sportiness and fun element in designing (youth oriented) SD D I A SA
9 Fuel Economy SD D I A SA
10 Safety SD D I A SA
11 Comfort SD D I A SA
12 Superior Service SD D I A SA
13 Attention getting SD D I A SA
14 Luxury SD D I A SA
15 Driving fun SD D I A SA
16 Gives you respect SD D I A SA
17 Pioneer Status SD D I A SA
18 The bestselling car SD D I A SA
19 High-tech appearance SD D I A SA
20 The family car SD D I A SA

Section – 3: Car buyers’ brand preference, satisfaction and loyalty

22. Which of the following brands you considered, in top three, while purchasing
your present car?

О Chevrolet О Fiat О Ford О Honda О Hyundai О Maruti Suzuki

О Nissan О Renault О Skoda О Tata О Toyota О Volkswagen
23. Please rate the level of your satisfaction at the time of purchase of your
present car in terms of following parameters.
Sr. No. Point of purchase service quality Criterion
1 Professionalism of the sales representative HD D N S HS
2 Kindness and good manners of the sales representative HD D N S HS
3 Sales rep willingness to inform customer HD D N S HS
4 Ease of contact with the sales rep HD D N S HS
5 Atmosphere in the showroom HD D N S HS
6 Wide range of product offer HD D N S HS
7 Availability of additional services (financing, test drives etc.) HD D N S HS
8 Promptitude of service realization HD D N S HS
9 Abidance of timing of the service HD D N S HS
Design of the car
1 Exterior styling HD D N S HS
2 Quality of workmanship HD D N S HS
3 Shininess or smoothness HD D N S HS
4 Seats design HD D N S HS
5 Leg Room HD D N S HS
6 Dash Board HD D N S HS
7 Interior Color HD D N S HS
8 Music System HD D N S HS
9 Adjustable Front seat Headrest HD D N S HS
10 Modernity of design HD D N S HS
11 Uniqueness of design HD D N S HS
Engine performance
1 Fuel Consumption HD D N S HS
2 Mileage (Km/liter) HD D N S HS
3 Pick Up HD D N S HS
4 Stability at higher speed HD D N S HS
5 Top speed HD D N S HS
Comfort and functionality of the car
1 Seats comfort HD D N S HS
2 Visibility from driver’s seat HD D N S HS
3 Functionality of steering elements HD D N S HS
4 Interior space HD D N S HS
Possibilities of interior space management (folding, removing
seats etc.)
6 Boot capacity HD D N S HS
7 Communication systems (radio, navigation etc.) HD D N S HS
8 Air-conditioning/ventilating systems HD D N S HS
1 Crossbar under Dashboard HD D N S HS
2 Air Bags for driver safety HD D N S HS
3 Anti-Lock Breaking System HD D N S HS
4 Aerodynamic Shape HD D N S HS
5 Intensity of front lights HD D N S HS
6 Antitheft system HD D N S HS
7 Seat belts HD D N S HS
8 Pulling forward safety brakes during severe accidents HD D N S HS
9 Reverse warning system (reverse sensor) HD D N S HS
10 Fog lights HD D N S HS
Sr. No. Quality of the car Criterion
1 Reliability of the car HD D N S HS
2 Quality of exterior painting HD D N S HS
3 Quality of interior materials and finishing HD D N S HS
Quality of the upholstery (fabric, furniture, wooden frame
5 Driving quality (driving and steering systems) HD D N S HS
6 Suspension quality HD D N S HS
7 Breaking quality HD D N S HS
Brand image
1 Assurance of safety when driving HD D N S HS
2 Stable position of the brand on the market HD D N S HS
3 Technological leadership of the brand HD D N S HS
4 Brand involvement in environmental protection HD D N S HS
5 Brand involvement in making drivers’ lives easier HD D N S HS
6 Brand involvement in customers’ satisfaction improvement HD D N S HS
Brand involvement in promotional events (trades, advertising
campaigns, sponsoring etc.)
Dealer/after-sale service quality
1 Distance ( Proximity) HD D N S HS
2 Advertisements (Promotions) HD D N S HS
3 Technical Facilities HD D N S HS
4 Cost of Service HD D N S HS
5 Availability of spare parts HD D N S HS
6 Professionalism of the after-sales representative HD D N S HS
7 Sales rep willingness to inform customer HD D N S HS
8 Service Time HD D N S HS
9 Charges HD D N S HS
10 Car Handling ( Delivery & service) HD D N S HS
11 Ambience of the dealer showroom/ Service Center HD D N S HS
12 Promptitude of service realization HD D N S HS
13 Abidance of timing of the service HD D N S HS
Costs of ownership
1 Fuel usage HD D N S HS
2 Insurance costs HD D N S HS
3 After-sales service costs HD D N S HS
4 Repairing costs HD D N S HS
5 Spare parts exchange costs HD D N S HS
Value for money
1 Quality with respect to the price of the car HD D N S HS
2 Price with respect to the quality of the car HD D N S HS
Overall brand satisfaction
1 With usage of the car HD D N S HS
2 With the car compared to expectations at the time of purchase HD D N S HS
3 Overall customer satisfaction HD D N S HS
Brand loyalty intention
1 This car brand is my first choice SD D I A SA
2 I will recommend my car brand to my friends/relatives/others SD D I A SA
I will recommend the dealer to others from where the vehicle
was purchased
24. If you are going to buy a new car, will you buy in the

O Same segment, same manufacturer

O Same segment, different manufacturer

O Upper segment, same manufacturer

O Upper segment, different manufacturer

25. Any other Suggestions for car manufacturers:

26. Do you have any comment/suggestion on this questionnaire? If any

question(s) are difficult to understand or to answer, please mention them.


Thank you for your time and kind cooperation.


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