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= Building OSCAM =
The OSCAM building (compilation) process is fairly straight forward. You get OSCAM
subversion (svn) then go to the directory where the OSCAM source code is and
it by running `make`. In the usual case no extra programs and libraries are
except `gcc` (or `clang`), `make`, libc and subversion to get the source code. The
openssl development librairies and headers are required too, in order to built
OSCAM with support for SSL among others. For distributions based on Debian /
Ubuntu, the openssl package to install is `libssl-dev`.

Here are the basic commands to compile your own OSCAM:

svn checkout oscam-svn
cd oscam-svn

The full documentation of the build system and lots of examples is available
at [[]].

== Staying current == #updating

To update the source code from SVN, run this:
cd oscam-svn
svn update
# You'll see a list of the updated files
After the update is finished build the OSCAM like you normally do.

'''NOTE:''' Do not use {{{svn checkout}}} to update the source tree, that is the
wrong thing to do! {{{svn checkout}}} should be used only for getting the source
for the first time, to '''update''' the source to latest version you must use
{{{svn update}}}.

== Building specific revisions == #specific_revision

Sometimes a certain svn revision is not working or you want to test something
specific. In that case you can use svn to switch to the revision you want by
running the following:
cd oscam-svn
# Update to revision 7400
svn update -r 7400
# Go to newest revision
svn update -r HEAD
# Get info about the currently checkout revision
svn info .

== Cross compiling == #cross_compiling

If you want to build OSCAM for different system than yours, you probably should
take look at [wiki:crosscompiling OSCAM cross compilation] page.
== Build configuration == #build_config
OSCAM contains a lot of features that can be removed from the final binary
in order to save space. To configure the OSCAM features that you want, start
the graphical configuration utility (`dialog` program must be installed in
order for this to work) and select/unselect options:
make config

Other useful configuration targets are:

# Disable everything in the config
make allnoconfig

# Enable everything in the config

make allyesconfig

# Restore default config values

make defconfig

The above targets are shortcuts that are running {{{}}} tool
which deals with OSCAM configuration. You can use the tool to control and view
OSCAM build parameters from the command line. You can read
[ --help] to
see what the tool offers. Here are some examples:

# Enable WEBIF and SSL
./ --enable WEBIF WITH_SSL

# Disable WEBIF but enable WITH_SSL

./ --disable WEBIF --enable WITH_SSL

# Restore defaults and disable WEBIF and READER_NAGRA

./ --restore --disable WEBIF READER_NAGRA

# Use default config with only one enabled reader

./ --restore --disable readers --enable READER_BULCRYPT

# Disable everything and enable webif, one module and one card reader

== Testing patches == #patch

Patches are files that contain code changes and are often posted in trouble tickets
or forum threads from developers. Usually users are asked to test them in order
to confirm that certain bug is fixed. Once the patch is saved in `oscam-svn`
directory you have to apply it by running `patch` program:
patch -p1 < file.patch
# or
patch -p0 < file.patch
The `-p1` instruct `patch` program how much directories to cut from file names
in the patch description.
If the patch is applied you'll see something like this:
$ patch -p1 < test.diff
patching file globals.h
patching file module-camd35.c
patching file module-cccam.c
Hunk #1 succeeded at 3200 (offset -2 lines).
Hunk #2 succeeded at 3251 (offset -2 lines).
patching file module-gbox.c
patching file module-lcd.c
patching file module-serial.c

Once the patch is applied build OSCAM like you normally do, test it and
post the results.

== Special OSCAM builds ==

=== Building OSCAM with support for smartreader (libusb) === #libusb
To build OSCAM with libusb (smartreader) support on you have to
install libusb first. If your distribution do not have libusb
or libusb-dev package installed you have to install them or
install libusb from source.

To install libusb from source, just download libusb (or libusbx)

from their site, unarchive it and build it without any options.
These following commands would download, compile and install
libusb in {{{/usr/local}}}.
cd /tmp
tar -xf libusb-1.0.22.tar.bz2
cd libusb-1.0.22
sudo make install

Now to build OSCAM with libusb support you need the following commands:

# To build OSCAM with static libusb you have to change LIBUSB_LIB variable to point
to the static library
make USE_LIBUSB=1 LIBUSB_LIB=/usr/local/lib/libusb-1.0.a

# Since OS X is kind of special to build with static libusb you have to use the
following command
make USE_LIBUSB=1 LIBUSB_LIB="/usr/local/lib/libusb-1.0.a -lobjc -framework IOKit
-framework CoreFoundation"

# If libusb is installed by macports or with different than the default prefix (for
example /opt/local)
make USE_LIBUSB=1 EXTRA_FLAGS="-I/opt/local/include -L/opt/local/lib"

# Using predefined libusb target

make libusb

=== Building OSCAM with PCSC support === #pcsc

To build OSCAM with PCSC support on you have to install pcsclite first. For example
for Debian: {{{apt-get install libpcsclite-dev}}}.
If your distribution do not have pcsclite installed you have to install
it from source.

To install PCSC from source, just download pcsclite from their site,
unarchive it and build it without any options. These following commands
would download, compile and install pcsclite in {{{/usr/local}}}.
cd /tmp
tar -xf pcsc-lite-1.8.25.tar.bz2
cd pcsc-lite-1.8.25
sudo make install

Now to build OSCAM with PCSC support you need the following commands:
make USE_PCSC=1

# build with smartreader and PCSC support


# Using predefined pcsc target

make pcsc
make pcsc-libusb

=== Building OSCAM with SH4 with STAPI support === #sh4_stapi

=== Building OSCAM on OS X === #osx

You can build OSCAM on OS X just like you build it on Linux. The build
system detects that you are building on OS X and finds the SDK versions

All of the examples posted in this page should work just fine. If there
is a special OS X case it'll be pointed out (libusb static build require
listing of additional libraries, see [#libusb].

=== Building OSCAM on Windows with cygwin/Eclipse === #windows

* Download Eclipse e.g. Eclipse Indigo CDT
* Install Cygwin
* Download cygwin setup
* Start cygwin setup
* Install the following packages:
* gcc4
* gcc4-core
* make
* subversion (use latest version)
* dialog
* Add cygwin install directory (e.g. C:\cygwin) and bin directory (e.g.
c:\cygwin\bin) to path environment variable
* Start Cygwin terminal and add some required links
cd /usr/bin
ln -s strip.exe i686-pc-cygwin-strip.exe
* Start Eclipse
* Add new C or C++ project
* Select a proper project name
* Disable "Use default location" and select the trunk folder of the checked out
OScam sources
* Select Makefile Project\Empty Project, afterwards select Cygwin GCC toolchain
* Nothing else to change during the project creation
* To avoid cygwin dos file warnings, you can set an environment variable in the
project settings. Variable name: CYGWIN, value: nodosfilewarning
* Create a make target for the OScam project, called "cross-i386-pc-cygwin"
* Build the make target
* That's all folks.
To build with PCSC support on cygwin copy the winscard.dll into the cygwin lib
folder and compile with:
make i386-pc-cygwin-pcsc USE_LIBUSB=1 CONF_DIR=./ EXTRA_LDFLAGS="-L/cygwin/lib/"

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