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Objectives: At the end of 60 minutes discussion, 75% of the students are expected to,

a. identify the fundamental positions of arms and feet in folkdance.

b. execute the fundamental positions of arms and feet in folkdance.
c. value the importance of the fundamental steps of arms and feet positions.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Fundamental steps in Folkdance

References: MAPEH 7,
Materials: Pictures, envelop, laptop, projector

III. Procedure

Teacher's Activity Student’s Activity

Preliminary Activity

Jean…will you please lead the prayer Heavenly Father_____________

Good morning class! Good morning Sir. Alolor!

Checking of attendance
Class! Who are absent today? No absent sir.

I’m glad to tell you that no one is absent today.


Class, I want to show you a video presentation. Yes sir.

Please, keep silent and watch the video
carefully because after that I have a question to

What can you see about the video Sir! Sir!


Yes, Carol The dance steps in folkdance.

Very good answer.

Other answer? Sir!

Yes, Pal It is the basic steps in folkdance sir.

Very good.
Come up from your ideas what do you think
our lesson today?

Yes, Ben Sir, our lesson today is all about the basic steps in
That’s right, our lesson today is all about the
basic steps in folkdance and which is also called
the fundamental steps of arms and feet in


Now, I want to divide you into two groups and

give you this two envelops from each group.
Inside the envelops has a picture of five
fundamental steps of arms and feet. Each
group will choose a member to put the
pictures in the right arrangement of arms and
feet from first to fifth position at the board.

Class! do you understand the instruction? Yes sir.

I give you five minutes to arrange the pictures

from first to fifth position of arms and feet in
folkdance and put at the board.

You me now begin.

We’re done sir.

Okay, let me check first.

Very good! you got the correct arrangement.

And the other group got also the correct

arrangement of arms and feet position.

It is all correct, class.


These concepts taught in the dance are the five

basic positions of the arms and feet. These
positions comprise the most basic and most
important strong hold in dancing.
Five Fundamental Positions of Arms and Feet

Arms positions

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