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DATE Marks: 80
Important instructions;
This paper consists of 4 pages and 3 sections.
General instructions:
1- All questions are compulsory
2- You may attempt any section at a time
3- All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

SECTION A : READING : 20 marks

On December 1, 1955, our Nation was forever transformed when an African-American seamstress in
Montgomery, Alabama, refused to give up her seat on a city bus to a white passenger. Just wanting to get
home after a long day at work, Rosa Parks may not have been planning to make history, but her defiance
spurred a movement that advanced our journey toward justice and equality for all.

Though Rosa Parks was not the first to confront the injustice of segregation laws, her courageous act of civil
disobedience sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott -- 381 days of peaceful protest when ordinary men,
women, and children sent the extraordinary message that second-class citizenship was unacceptable. Rather
than ride in the back of buses, families and friends walked. Neighborhoods and churches formed carpools.
Their actions stirred the conscience of Americans of every background, and their resilience in the face of
fierce violence and intimidation ultimately led to the desegregation of public transportation systems across
our country.

Rosa Parks's story did not end with the boycott she inspired. A lifelong champion of civil rights, she
continued to give voice to the poor and the marginalized among us until her passing on October 24, 2005.

As we mark the 100th anniversary of Rosa Parks's birth, we celebrate the life of a genuine American hero
and remind ourselves that although the principle of equality has always been self-evident, it has never been
self-executing. It has taken acts of courage from generations of fearless and hopeful Americans to make our
country more just. As heirs to the progress won by those who came before us, let us pledge not only to honor
their legacy, but also to take up their cause of perfecting our Union.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the
authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim February 4,
2013, as the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Rosa Parks. I call upon all Americans to observe this day with
appropriate service, community, and education programs to honor Rosa Parks's enduring legacy.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of February, in the year of our Lord
two thousand thirteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-


1. i) What did Rosa Parks refuse to do on December 1, 1955?

ii) What was the direct effect of Rosa Park‟s civil disobedience?
iii) Through the Montgomery Bus Boycott, African-Americans showed they were tired of being treated as
inferior to white Americans. What evidence from the passage best supports this conclusion?
iv) What was the main reason why President Obama gave this speech?
v) What is this passage mostly about?
vi) Read the sentence. „Just wanting to get home after a long day at work, Rosa Parks may not have been
planning to make history, but her defiance spurred a movement that advanced our journey toward justice and
equality for all.”
What does “defiance” mean as used in this sentence?
vii) Find a word in the passage that is opposite of fake. (para 4)
viii) Find a word in the passage that is synonym of birthright or inheritance. (para 5)

2. Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow; (12)

Try to think of some countries you know in Asia. Thailand might be one of them! It is a popular destination
for tourists around the world.

Thailand is located in between Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia. It has beautiful beaches, bustling
cities, and even exciting hiking trails in big forests! What more could you want?

Thailand has a long, complicated history. Archaeologists (scientists who study people from the past) have
found remains from civilizations that lived 20,000 years ago in the area where Thailand is now. That‟s a
really long time ago! Since then, many kings have ruled, and many kingdoms have fought against each other
to rule the people who live in Thailand (who are called “Thai”).

It‟s interesting to know where this name came from. There was a group of people who used to call
themselves the “Tai.” They lived in China. They slowly moved to central Thailand over the course of
hundreds of years, a long, long time ago. However, there were already people living in Thailand. When a
Tai leader started to create his own kingdom in the area, the native people of Thailand wanted to show that
they weren‟t a part of his kingdom. Therefore, they called themselves “Thai,” which means “free” in their
language. This name still remains today. It reminds us that the people of Thailand have always been free
from foreign power.

But let‟s come back to today‟s Thailand. Bangkok is the capital, a very busy city. Buildings stand high
above the horizon, food carts line the loud streets, and people rush from place to place. Like New York City,
Bangkok has many taxis that cover the streets. However, instead of being yellow, they‟re all different
colors! The most popular ones are yellow and green, but there are some that are blue and red, green, or pink.
Bangkok has very colorful streets!

The food of Thailand is very delicious. One of the most famous dishes is called Pad Thai. It is made of
skinny noodles mixed with fried eggs, fish sauce, red chili pepper, bean sprouts, and can include chicken,
shrimp, or tofu. It is very popular all over the world since many people love its flavors! Thai food uses a lot
of seafood, since the country is located on the water. That‟s why fishing is so popular. Many parents who
live along the Gulf are fishermen who provide food for their families.

But Thailand isn‟t only known for Bangkok. There are beautiful, lush forests in the North and relaxing,
sandy beaches in the South. Chiang Mai is the most famous city in the North, known for the highest
mountains in the country. Phuket is one of the more popular islands in the South, where many tourists go to
scuba dive, snorkel, and enjoy other fun things on its beaches.

Therefore, Thailand is very diverse. Even though it‟s very modern now, you can still see what is left of its
long history. Ancient temples and old buildings can still be found around the country. There are many
different types of environments in Thailand—and they are all special in their own way.

i) What is Thailand? (2)

ii) What does this passage describe? (2)
iii) Thailand is a diverse place with many different environments. What evidence from the passage supports
this statement? (2)
iv) What might be one reason that people from around the world visit Thailand? (2)
v) Read the following sentences: “One of the most famous dishes is called Pad Thai. It is made of skinny
noodles mixed with fried eggs, fish sauce, red chili pepper, bean sprouts, and can include chicken, shrimp or
tofu. It is very popular all over the world since many people love its flavors!”
i)What does the word "popular" mean? (1)
ii) _______ is loved for its taste. (1)
vii) Find the word from the passage that is opposite of identical. (para 8) (1)
ix) Find the word from the passage that is the same as lavish or opulent. (para 7) (1)


3) A teacher motivates and inspires her students. Write an article in about 120-150 words talking about the
role and importance of teachers in our lives. (8)
4) Write a story in about 150-200 words with the following beginning and give a suitable title to it. (10)
It had been over two hours waiting for the train. Ruhi was getting restless. Suddenly
5) Complete the passage given below by choosing the correct alternatives from the ones that follow: (4)
As a small boy, I used to play cricket with my mother. She used to bowl (a) …………….. me in a small
room in our house. There was (b) …………. space so she would kneel and throw the ball gently to (c)
…………… Once I hit hard and hit her (d) ………….. the nose. It started bleeding and I was frightened.
(a) i) for; ii) at; iii) over; iv) to
(b) i) few; ii) little; iii) hardly; iv) any
(c) i) her; ii) me; iii) us; iv) them
(d) i) in; ii) for; iii) on; iv) into
6) Rearrange the following words or phrases to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done for
you. (4)
a) railway station / my parents / one evening / along with / to the / I went
b) crowd at / counter / there was / the ticket / a huge
(c) their voices / at the / the hawkers / top of / were shouting
(d) arrived / started / compartment / the passengers / from one / running / to another / the train / and

7) The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is given.
Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. The first
one has been done for you as an example. (4)
Incorrect Correct
An inter-school football match is been eg. been being
organised among our school and City (a) ____ ____
Montessori School. The match will be playing (b) _____ _____
on 18th March on are school grounds (c) _____ _____
since 5 p.m. onwards. (d) _____ _____
SECTION C [Literature] (30 Marks)
8) Read the following extract from ‘a Legend of the Northland’ and answer the following questions. (4)
They tell them a curious story—
I don‟t believe „is true;
And yet you may learn a lesson
If I tell the tale to you.
Once, when the good Saint Peter
Lived in the world below,
And walked about it, preaching,
Just as he did, you know,
i) Does the poet think this is a true story?
ii) What is the meaning of a tale?
iii) Why is she narrating the tale in spite of not believing in it?
iv) Where did Saint Peter live?

9) Answer the following questions in about 20-30 words. (2x5=10)

i) Why does Evelyn remove her shoes on the wooden platform?
ii) The child was attracted by the music of the snake-charmer, yet he moved on. Why?
iii) Why was the listener‟s father termed the true murderer?
iv) How did Toto get along with other animals?
v) How did Iswaran often make even the simplest incident interesting?

10) Answer the following question in about 100-150 words. (8)

Describe the sufferings of poor people in the city. How did the Happy Prince help them?

11) Answer the given question in about 100-150 words (8)

What are the similarities between the behaviour of the doctor and of the snake?



DATE Marks: 80

Important instructions;

This paper consists of 4 pages and 3 sections.

General instructions:

1- All questions are compulsory

2- You may attempt any section at a time
3- All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order.
SECTION A : READING : 20 marks

i) What did Rosa Parks refuse to do on December 1, 1955?

ans) Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a city bus to a white passenger.

ii) What was the direct effect of Rosa Park’s civil disobedience?

ans) Rosa Park’s defiance spurred a movement that advanced their journey toward justice and
equality for all.

iii) Through the Montgomery Bus Boycott, African-Americans showed they were tired of being
treated as inferior to white Americans. What evidence from the passage best supports this

ans) The evidence from the passage that best supports this conclusion is: Though Rosa Parks was not
the first to confront the injustice of segregation laws, her courageous act of civil disobedience
sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott -- 381 days of peaceful protest when ordinary men, women,
and children sent the extraordinary message that second-class citizenship was unacceptable.

iv) What was the main reason why President Obama gave this speech?
ans) The main reason for this speech was to observe that day with appropriate service, community,
and education programs to honor Rosa Parks's enduring legacy.

v) What is this passage mostly about?

ans) This passage is mostly to honour the fearless legacy of Americans who worked to make
the country fair and also to take up their cause of perfecting the Union.

vi) Read the sentence. ‘Just wanting to get home after a long day at work, Rosa Parks may not have
been planning to make history, but her defiance spurred a movement that advanced our journey
toward justice and equality for all.”

What does “defiance” mean as used in this sentence?

ans) disobedience

vii) Find a word in the passage that is opposite of fake. (para 4)

ans) genuine

viii) Find a word in the passage that is synonym of birthright or inheritance. (para 5)

ans) legacy

2. Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow; (12)

i) What is Thailand? (2)

ans) Thailand is located in between Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia in Asia.

ii) What does this passage describe? (2)

The passage describes Thailand – its location, history, capital, culture, habits, cuisines, forests,
beaches and environment.

iii) Thailand is a diverse place with many different environments. What evidence from the passage
supports this statement? (2)

But Thailand isn’t only known for Bangkok. There are beautiful, lush forests in the North and
relaxing, sandy beaches in the South. Chiang Mai is the most famous city in the North, known for the
highest mountains in the country. Phuket is one of the more popular islands in the South.

iv) What might be one reason that people from around the world visit Thailand? (2)

ans) Many people around the world visit Thailand for many attractions. Phuket is one of the more
popular islands in the South, where many tourists go to scuba dive, snorkel, and enjoy other fun
things on its beaches.

v) Read the following sentences: “One of the most famous dishes is called Pad Thai. It is made of
skinny noodles mixed with fried eggs, fish sauce, red chili pepper, bean sprouts, and can include
chicken, shrimp or tofu. It is very popular all over the world since many people love its flavors!”

i)What does the word "popular" mean? (1)

ans) famous

ii) _______ is loved for its taste. (1)

ans) Pad Thai

vii) Find the word from the passage that is opposite of identical. (para 8) (1)

ans) diverse

ix) Find the word from the passage that is the same as lavish or opulent. (para 7) (1)

ans) lush


3) A teacher motivates and inspires her students. Write an article in about 120-150 words talking
about the role and importance of teachers in our lives.
4) Write a story in about 150-200 words with the following beginning and give a suitable title to it.

It had been over two hours waiting for the train. Ruhi was getting restless. Suddenly

5) Complete the passage given below by choosing the correct alternatives from the ones that follow:

As a small boy, I used to play cricket with my mother. She used to bowl (a) to me in a small room in
our house. There was (b) little space so she would kneel and throw the ball gently to (c) me . Once I
hit hard and hit her (d) on the nose. It started bleeding and I was frightened.

6) Rearrange the following words or phrases to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been
done for you. (4)

a) One evening I went along with my parents to the railway station.

b) There was a huge crowd at the ticket counter.

(c) The hawkers were shouting at the top of their voices.

(d) The train arrived and the passengers started running from one compartment to another.

7) The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is
given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank
number. The first one has been done for you as an example. (4)

Incorrect Correct

An inter-school football match is been eg. been being

organised among our school and City (a) among between

Montessori School. The match will be playing (b) playing played

on 18th March on are school grounds (c) are our

since 5 p.m. onwards. (d) since from


8) (i) She does not believe the story to be true.

(ii) A tale means a story, a legend or a fictional account.

(iii) She is telling it because it preaches a lesson and builds moral in children.

(iv) He lived on the earth below.

9) i) Evelyn used to remove her shoes on the wooden platform so that the sound waves and echoes
may reach her bare feet and then she could sense the music. Evelyn use to remove her shoes when
performing on a wooden stage so that she could feel the waves of sounds flowing through her body.

ii) The child was attracted by the music played by the snake charmer but being a child he was afraid
of the cobra and hence moved on.

iii) The listener’s father was termed the true murderer because the wall of the house that had
collapsed on the thief and had killed him was built by the listener’s father.
iv) Toto did not get along well with other animals. He troubled Nana, the family donkey. He fastened
himself on to her long ears with his sharp teeth. He did not allow other animals to sleep in peace.

v) Iswaran was a master storyteller. He narrated even the smallest of incidents by creating a loss of
suspense. For example, if he had to describe a fallen tree, he would not simply say that he saw an
uprooted tree on the highway but be creative and make it appear as something fearful . The
listeners would imagine as if there were a monster on the highway.

10) Describe the sufferings of poor people in the city. How did the Happy Prince help them? (100-
150 words)

The poor people in the city lived a miserable life. There was a poor seamstress. She had nothing to
give her son who was sick. So the Happy Prince sent a ruby for her. There was a playwright who had
no firewood to keep himself warm. The prince sent him a sapphire. There was a match-girl who had
no shoes or stockings. Her matches had fallen in the gutter. She was crying. The prince sent her his
second sapphire. There were hungry and homeless children. The prince sent them all the gold leaves
he had on his body. The Happy Prince saw the misery of the poor people. His heart melted with pity
for them. Their sufferings brought tears to his eyes. He gave away his ruby, sapphires and all the
gold for the poor. He became blind. His body looked ugly. But he was happy at heart because he had
given away his all for the poor. The Happy Prince came to know that real happiness lay in the service
of the poor. God blessed him and kept him in His city of gold.

11) What are the similarities between the behaviour of the doctor and of the snake? (100-150

The behaviour of the doctor and the snake did have certain similarities. Both of them were
enamoured by their reflection in the mirror and stood looking longingly at it. However, the similarity
ended at this aspect of their respective behaviour since the doctor could not ascertain confidently
the reason behind the snake getting charmed by its own image. The doctor was certainly compelled
by his vanity to repeatedly look at his image. So, when he notices the snake looking into the mirror,
he thinks that perhaps it too was admiring its beauty or was trying to make some ‘important’
decisions just like him. But these two were as frivolous as the doctor’s decision to shave daily and
keep a thin moustache.

Just like the doctor’s obsession with his looks landed him in trouble, the snake too seemed to be
“taken with its beauty.” It releases its victim to have a better look at itself in the mirror. Thus both
the doctor and the snake display narcissistic tendency.

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