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Principles of Interior Design

 Balance
 Emphasis
 Harmony
 Scale and Proportion
 Rhythm
 Unity and variety

The principle of balance is to keep the user brain in equilibrium. Balance of a space can be
attained by three methods as follows

 Symmetrical
 Asymmetrical
 Radial
Symmetrical Balance
In this case, the whole space is divided into two halves by central axis. The objects are
placed in similar positions in both sides of axis. One side of axis is like mirror image to the
other side.

Asymmetrical Balance
In this case, odd number of elements are used. An imaginary central axis is assumed and
visually attractive elements are placed near the imaginary axis and dull objects are placed
farther from axis.

Radial Balance
In radial balance, a central point is considered around which the objects are arranged
radially in a circular manner.
The design principle of emphasis suggests that the central point or focal point of a space
should be more attractive and all other elements of that space should be emerged from that
point. So, the focal point should be carefully designed with impressive texture, color, size
and shape.
The principle of contrast refers to the change in the color or luminance of objects. One
object may be bright color and object next to it may be light color here contrast varies.
Likewise, contrast can be achieved by form and space. Contrast makes dull objects more
beautiful by placing it next to brighter objects.

Scale and Proportion

Scale and proportion, both suggests about the relationship between two different objects
or two parts of an object. Scale refers only size while proportion refers magnitude, quality,
color etc.
The design principle of Rhythm is based on the arrangement of elements of interior design
in a space. The arrangement should create a rhythm in mind while looking at it.

There are three types of methods to achieve rhythm:

 Repetition
 Alteration
 Progression
In this method, elements of same size, color and shape are used repeatedly for the design.

Alteration means, two or more elements are arranged in alternative manner to achieve
In progression, elements are arranged in such a way that the size or color gradient of
elements are gradually increasing or decreasing.

Unity and Variety

In interior design, the designed space should obey unity throughout its which enable the
user to impress without any confusion. Unity should be maintained in such a way that the
eye of an observer should move smoothly from one object or shape to another. At the same
time, the observer should not feel monotony.

So, variety should be shown in the form of textures, colors, shapes or sizes etc.

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