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Question 1

List three communication techniques you might use to help your customers tell you what
their needs are.

1. Verbal communication consists of delivering your information by the use of the spoken word.
If you can give clear and easy to follow directions over the phone, then you are a good verbal

2. Non-verbal communication includes the use of body language and facial expressions. Actors
are masters of this style of communication; because they have been trained to portray emotions
or deliver whole messages simply by the way they hold their body and position their facial

3. Written communication is simply the conveyance of information or instruction by utilizing the

written word. This type of information exchange is often the easiest, especially for people who
are uncomfortable with face to face encounter


What communication strategies can you use to establish regular communication with your
customers to let them know about products and services that might meet their needs? Provide at
least three strategies.

1. Listen actively

Did you ever get the feeling, when talking to someone, that you were really talking to a wall? The
person may have heard you but gave no indication of it at all. Avoid doing the same thing. When
communicating with others, it's just as important that people be aware that you're listening as it is
that you're actually listening.

2. Be sensitive to differences in technical knowledge

Chances are, your customers have less technical knowledge than you do. Be careful, therefore, when
explaining things to them. If you use acronyms, be sure you identify what the acronym means.

3. Use analogies to explain technical concepts

A good way to explain a technical idea is to use an analogy. Though they have limitations, analogies
are helpful in explaining an unfamiliar idea in terms of a familiar one.


It is important to make sure that customer service delivery is targeted to your workplace’s
products and services. How could you make sure that the information you have about customers is
up to date, and that they will receive information that is specific to them and their needs? Provide
four examples.

1. There are a number of ways you could make information available, including by email, as a
printed copy, on a disk, or by arranging for the requester to view the information. Normally, you
should send the information by whatever means is most reasonable. For example, if the requester
has made their request by email, and the information is an electronic document in a standard form,
then it would be reasonable for you to reply by email and attach the information.

2. If you wish to charge a fee, you should send the requester a fees notice. You do not have to send
the information until you have received the fee. The time limit for complying with the request
excludes the time spent waiting for the fee to be paid. In other words, you should issue the fees
notice within the standard time for compliance. Once you have received the fee, you should send
out the information within the time remaining.

3. You should double check that you have included the correct documents, and that the information
you are releasing does not contain unnoticed personal data or other sensitive details which you did
not intend to disclose.

4. You should ensure that staff responsible for answering requests understand how to use common
software formats, and how to strip out any sensitive metadata or source data (eg data hidden
behind pivot tables in spreadsheets).

Question 4

a) Describe three communication techniques you could use when interacting with someone
from a different culture or background to your own.

1. Learn about the culture beforehand. A little knowledge can go a long way. If you have time
before embarking on a trip or meeting with someone from another culture, try to take time to learn
the basic “do’s and dont’s” of that culture. You can find information on this from internet sources
such as those provided by the National Center for Cultural Competence.
2. Expect differences. Different cultures will speak at different volumes, be more or less direct in
showing emotion, may or may not expect to engage in “small talk,” and exhibit other dissimilarities
in communication. When communicating with people from other cultures, be prepared to encounter
such differences, including ones that you were not aware of.

3. Be respectful and tolerant. Each culture has its own set of dominant values, beliefs, and
prejudices. Signs of these may emerge when communicating with people from other cultures. Basic
communication, however, it is not the time to judge people based on these differences. Instead,
respect them for what they are, and tolerate them. You may even learn something new.

b) Describe two communication strategies you could use when interacting with someone who
has a hearing impairment.

 1. Face the hearing impaired person directly, on the same level and in good light whenever
possible. Position yourself so that the light is shining on the speaker's face, not in the eyes of
the listener.

 2. Speak clearly, slowly, distinctly, but naturally, without shouting or exaggerating mouth
movements. Shouting distorts the sound of speech and may make speech reading more

Question 5

Research the Australian Consumer Law and summarise the nine consumer guarantees that
apply to goods.

 1. Match descriptions made by the salesperson, on packaging and labels, and in promotions
or advertising

 2. Match any demonstration model or sample you asked for

 3. Be fit for the purpose the business told you it would be fit for and for any purpose that
you made known to the business before purchasing

 4. Come with full title and ownership

 5. Not carry any hidden debts or extra charges

 6. Come with undisturbed possession, so no one has a right to take the goods away or
prevent you from using them

 7. Meet any extra promises made about performance, condition and quality, such as life
time guarantees and money back offers
 8. Have spare parts and repair facilities available for a reasonable time after purchase unless
you were told otherwise.

 9. Be provided with acceptable care and skill or technical knowledge and taking all necessary
steps to avoid loss and damage

Question 6

Research the Australian Consumer Law and summarise the nine consumer guarantees that
apply to services.

 1. Tradespeople

 2. Professionals

 3. Online traders

 4. Finance companies

 5. Retailers.

 6. Received as a gift

 7. Bought on credit

 8. Bought at auction, online, door to door or other types of sales

 9. Hired or leased.

Question 7

What is meant by ‘informed consent’?

Consent given with full knowledge of the risks involved, probable consequences, and the
alternatives. In medical treatment requiring invasive (and possibly life threatening) procedures, a
doctor or healthcare provider must disclose sufficient information to the patient for him or her (or
his or her guardian) to give an informed consent.

Question 8

a) Why is it important to document processes used when meeting customers’ needs?

 Correctly identifying customers’ needs is essential for ensuring customer satisfaction

and loyalty. If you fail to properly identify customers’ needs, or if you are indifferent
to their needs, they will take their business elsewhere.
b) Why is it important to document customers’ satisfaction with products and services they
have been offered or purchased?

An approach that points at the actual benefit the customer is after. It’s meant to
filter the possible options of products based on features that grant this benefit. If the
customer does not need but wants a product (remember the distinction), the benefit
of the product is rather abstract and not practical – like its recentness, its design or
its trendiness.

Question 9

Write a paragraph about developing and maintaining networks that can support customers
and their needs. Identify network partnerships for an organization in an industry of your
choice/interest and name three examples of partnerships that would be beneficial for customers.

Networking involves good communication, developing and strengthening relationships and sharing
information, skills and expertise.

Working collaboratively and networking with others ensures that people’s individual needs, goals
and preferences can be supported thoroughly and efficiently. Networks allow you to gain support
from colleagues, agencies, services and individuals to support each person’s individual needs

Networking creates good communication, reciprocal skill-sharing and mutual respect. These aspects
create strong working relationships and support a sense of community. People with support needs
benefit from perceiving that they are valued, supported and respected members of the community

If you are considering a potential partnership, you should become familiar with several key
components of the most common approaches to partnerships:


Partnerships imply a shared leadership among respected individuals who are recognized and
empowered by their own organizations and trusted by partners to build consensus and resolve

Common Understanding

A common understanding of the framework, culture, values, and approach of partner organizations
needs to exist. Also important is a clear understanding of individual members’ roles and
responsibilities regarding the division of labor.


A shared common vision and purpose that builds trust and openness and recognizes the value and
contribution of all members also needs to exist. Additionally, shared and transparent decision-
making processes—extending the scope of influence over and involvement with other services and
activities—will prove essential to your partnership. Shared goals and aims, understood and accepted
as being important by each partner, lead to improved coordination of policies, programs, and service
delivery, and, ultimately, better outcomes.

Case Study 1: SYLVIA

1. Why did this customer come to/contact your organization?

She is not very technology literate.

2. What was your customer’s demographic (for example, in some cases this helps you better
identify their needs)?

She is not really sure what type of mobile phone she should buy for her granddaughter and
doesn’t seem to be aware of the different brands and models available.

3. What questions would you ask the customer to help you thoroughly identify their needs?
List three.

- What do you need to know?

- What information are you going to collect?

- How much money they have

You'll be more successful if you can match what you're offering to what you know your
customer can afford.

4. What types of communication strategies would you need to use to work out their needs?
Provide two.

Explain the vision, plans, anticipated benefits and progress of the change initiative.

Consistent, timely, honest, accurate communication

5. How would you ensure the customer had enough information to make an informed choice
about the product she should purchase? List three forms of information you could provide.

6. How did you make sure the products/services you were offering your customer were current
and readily available?
7. How did you ensure you had obtained agreement (i.e. informed consent) from the customer
that the products/services to be provided were right for them?
8. What was the outcome of this business transaction?
Case Study 2 : Anton

1. Why did this customer come to/contact your organization?

2. What was your customer’s demographic (for example, in some cases this helps you better identify
their needs)?

3. What reassurances would you provide the customer and what you would say to ensure the
speedy resolution of his problem? Provide three sentences you would use.

4. How would you ensure you retain Anton as a customer and that he continues to use your
company’s services? Provide two ways.

5. How would you prioritise Anton’s case and what would be the preferred action taken?

6. What was the outcome of this situation? Explain how you would follow up.

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Your answers for Case study 1

Your answers for Case study 2

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