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Jackson Wright

Ms. Reed

English 9

12 February 2020

What was your favorite line in your memoir (or one of them)? Why was it your favorite?

My favorite line was my last line which was “For the rest of the night, I got only one more first

place. However, I was the only one swimming in that heat.” I like it the most because I like

funny, comedic like things and I thought that this one was pretty funny.

What advice would you offer to someone writing a memoir and why?

I would say that you should first just reminisce in your mind of events that were meaningful to

you, pick your favorite, and then start to write it. I would also make sure you have it peer-edited

with someone you are comfortable seeing it. Especially if it is very personal.

What changes did you make from the first draft to the final product? How did you decide

on changes and what impact did it have on the product?

I had many people peer edit it. I think overall it was 6 people and each and every one of them

gave good edits/suggestions. Most of them had to due with commas and paragraphing and I

always fixed those. And sometimes I would et suggestions to more detail in and I did. I think

without there feedback my memoir would have a lot more grammatical mistakes and would not

be zoomed in much if at all.

What was your favorite/most meaningful part of the memoir-writing process?

My favorite part was reminiscing over things that have happened in my life. And just writing it,

in general, to bring my reminiscing to words on a page.

What risk did you take in the project? Why was it a risk? What was the result?

My risk was that I had to share it with people. It is a risk because I am the kind of person that

doesn’t like to give details about their lives to people who are not close to them.

What does this project illustrate about you as a writer?

I think it illustrates improvement as a writer because a few years ago and I use to write essays

and stuff like that would not be almost all simple sentences. Now I can write a good memoir. I

kind of get better at writing the more I wrote, so this project just helps me get even better at


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