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Name of student teacher: Andrea Carolina Bracamonte Macea



Cooperating teacher: yamile gutierrez vergara

University teacher: Emily Garces

Grade: 5 1 and 52
Number of students: 30 and 30

Topic: Classroom language, giving instructions, rules

Language Analysis: This lesson will focus on the grammatical structure of the present
simple tense.

Stage 1: Desired Results

 Sigo atentamente lo que me dice mi profesor y compañeros durante un juego o una
actividad (2,3)
 Participo en juego y actividades siguiendo instrucciones simples (2,3)
 Sigo y doy instrucciones básicas cuando participo en juegos conocidos(1,2)

Basic learning rights:

 Intercambia información sobre hábitos, gustos y preferencias

Established goals: -
To learn to understand and respond to classroom commands.

Pre-requisite knowledge:
 Students should be familiar with images and concept related to classroom rules.
 Students should spatial concepts (, above, below, .........

Students will know: Students will be able to:

 Students will know how to  Students will be able to act properly

identify simple expressions to according to the commands that the
perform during classes. teacher gives them.
 Students will able to learn to give and
 Students will know to Perform follow orders using short phrases in the
the directions that the teacher imperative form.
gives them in English.  Students will able to follow directions
accurately that will make easier the role
of the teacher the whole semester.

Stage 2: Assessment/Homework
Assessment/ Evidence of Learning Homework:
Flash card
Worksheep Drawn the commands
Homework Worksheet
Established goal (s):
 To learn to understand and respond to classroom commands.
 To learn to give and follow orders using short phrases in the imperative form.

Pre-requisite knowledge:
 Students should be familiar with images and concept related to classroom rules.
 Students should spatial concepts (, above, below, .........

Students will know: Students will be able to:

 Students will be able to act properly according to the
 Students will know how to identify simple commands that the teacher gives them.
expressions to perform during classes...  Students will able to learn to give and follow orders using
short phrases in the imperative form.
 Students will know to Perform the directions that the  Students will able to follow directions accurately that will
teacher gives them in English. make easier the role of the teacher the whole semester

Learning plan
Stage of lesson Procedure Type of interaction (T-S/S- Resources Time

Motivation Phase in order to activate the vocabulary, language T-S 5 min

motivation, and breaking the ice and to star
this new English process the teacher going to
be present a game named WHISPERING
NAMES, this game, the students will form a
line, and the first student will say his/her name
accompanied by the name of his/her favorite
fruit and whispers it in the ear of the second
Partner on the line. The second students repeat
the message to the third, and so on. When the
last is reached, they announce all the names
he/she listened. The teacher will be the first
participant in this game.

Input continuously, the teacher will socialize the T-S poster 10 min
rules of the classes through a poster, this is
done in order to create a harmonious
environment, where respect is the basis of
communication and interaction between group
members. Establishing norms and rules within
the classroom is essential to maintain a healthy
coexistence and the objectives and goals can
be achieved satisfactorily.
After, presenting the rules the students signed

Procedure Phase:
a)Focus/Working Next, the teacher explains the purpose of the
activities T-S S-S Colored papers 20 minutes
b)Transfer/ class, giving students the theme to work, in flashcards
Application this case they will be the most used
activities commands in a classroom.
later, the teacher will expose the game "the
d) Homework (if colors"; which consists of organizing colored
pópincluded in papers forming a circle on the floor, one less
this phase)
than the total number of students will be
placed, everyone should dance to the rhythm
of the music, when the music stops playing,
everyone sits down and the student that
remain stand , she/he will say the name in
Spanish and, or if know it in English, of one
of the flashcards that will be pasted on the
board. in these flashcards will the picture of
the commands that the students going to be
learn. 20 minutes
The teacher will explain the correct
pronunciation of each command, by means of
flashcards, Teacher will make the students
repeat them several times, thus they will be
able to identify them.
 Raise your hands
 Quiet please
 Listen please
 Look
 Repeat after me
 Draw 10 minutes
 Sit down T-S
 Stand up
 Speak louder
 Come here please
 Open your book
as soon as the previous activity ends, the
students who will play a game ", Simon
says. the students have to follow the
directions that the teacher will tell them.
They have to perform the actions just as the
teacher says “Simon says...” The students
that perform the actions, and the teacher
didn’t say “Simon says…” will have a simple

Example: Simon says, sit down.

Simon says, say good
afterwards, the teacher asks each child to T-S 10 minutes
take a piece of paper from the bag, there is paper
written the command in English and Spanish,
the child must perform the action and others
will try to guess it and say it in English.
10 minutes
S Worksheet
The teacher indicates to the students the
homework, which is the realization of a soup
of letters in which they must enclose some
commands seen in class.

Closing Phase The teacher will give a copy of the commands

Homework (if T-S
included in this worked to each student, so that they keep it in Copy 10 minutes
phase) the notebook and can review it at home. White paper
The teacher will ask the students to draw the
most used commands in the classroom, they
must do it on a white paper, these works will
be hung in the English corner.
Reinforcement The teacher will implement a diagnostic test T-S
activities for diagnostic test 30 min
with the purpose of determining at what level
students with survey
special needs of performance the fifth grade students (51-52)
were, taking into account the Basic Standards
of Competence in Foreign Languages and a
survey to know the tastes of students in terms
of English class, the type of favorite images
and cartoons, in particular, the most
recognized and accepted characters by
children to encourage their learning.
AppendiX A
Repeat after me
 Speak louder
 Open your book
 Come here please

 Come here please

Appendix 2

 Raise your hands

 Quiet please
 Listen please
 Look
 Repeat after me
 Draw
 Sit down
 Stand up
 Speak louder
 Comehere please
 Open your book
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Prueba diagnostica
7. enumera los dibujos animados que mas te gusten.

1. …………………………………………………………………………
2. …………………………………………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………………………………….
4. ……………………………………………………………………………

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