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Nova Apaza Dana Esthefani, Chura Taca Dany Daniel, Reymer Medina Almendra Kasandra



Ayahuasca or also known as Yagé or Nishi Cobin is a drink used by Amazonian

indigenous peoples for more than 5 thousand years; made from the combination of two
plants. One of the most common preparations is the mixture of the liana (ayahuasca)
Banisteriosis caapi with Psychotria viridis or better known by its native name Chacruna
which is a shrub with green leaves; Familiar of the coffee plant. It can also be found
mixed with Diplopterys cabrerana or chacopranga, or with Mimosa hostilis. These plants
would provide the molecule dimethyltryptamine or DMT.

"Ayahuasca" is a Quechua word that means "liana or rope of the spirits"

Ayahuasca medicine, is a tool to connect with the deepest part of our being,
saves us years of therapies and initiates us in a dramatic way, the DMT molecule is
undoubtedly the most sacred substance that exists on earth. The effect of introspection,
understanding and raising the consciousness of medicine lasts for several days after its
intake. Hundreds of testimonies speak of a positive radical change in the short and long
term. The effects and / or symptoms that a person may have during intake are:

• Nausea

• Vomiting

• Tremors

• Lethargy

These symptoms are completely normal; the plant is doing its job; clean and
purify your physical body; although the symptoms in many people are usually very
strong especially in their first experience; at the end of the process they usually feel a
great relief; lighter the body, healthier and especially purer.

Ayahuasca does not cause addiction; Conversely; the plant is used precisely to
help eliminate addictions; which are always tied to emotional processes; by healing
emotions; you eliminate the need to use any drug or similar

Nova Apaza Dana Esthefani, Chura Taca Dany Daniel, Reymer Medina Almendra Kasandra


Traditionally the drink is offered in ceremonies assisted by a shaman; It is who

prepares the drink, serves and guides the entire process during the duration of the
ayahuasca effect; ceremonies vary greatly depending on the area and the shaman; but
in general a rigorous previous preparation of the participant is required; Certain diets
are necessary days before and other requirements such as not having sex prior to the
ceremony are suggested.

The shaman offers the drink several times in very small quantities; while the
effect arrives and throughout the night while the effect of ayahuasca is present, the
shaman performs offal and traditional songs called -icaros- that help to connect with the
whole. Native music and songs are essential; The use of instruments such as drums and
sounds made with bunches of straw, sticks and rattles are part of the ritual. "You cannot
imagine an intake of ayahuasca without the icaros and traditional instruments
throughout the ceremony." The effect of ayahuasca can last between 5 or 6 hours on
average, however; This effect and symptoms are totally variable in each person.

No one should consume ayahuasca for fun; lonely and especially without
knowledge; since it is a drink with a specific purpose; It is a sacred medicine that aims to
take from you everything you have stored emotionally, it faces you; the physical
symptoms of purification are usually strong; It is for that reason that the shaman's
assistance is essential.


 The taking of Ayahuasca causes a kind of very personal state of meditation in

which the deepest and most entrenched problems are exposed to you, often
finding a solution.
 The experience is very intense, emotional and revealing, sometimes it is scary, it
even goes wrong but the end result is extraordinarily satisfactory.
 The experience is very intense, emotional and revealing, sometimes it is scary, it
even goes wrong but the end result is extraordinarily satisfactory.

Nova Apaza Dana Esthefani, Chura Taca Dany Daniel, Reymer Medina Almendra Kasandra

 Rituals with Ayahuasca differ among the various practitioners and communities.
 The ceremonies, whatever the current, are very musical and always guided by a
shaman or other experienced person, with the goal of growth and personal
cleanliness whether through vomiting, deep crying or sitting in the bathroom.


For several years, dozens of people have talked about their experiences when
trying ayahuasca, and in all cases they agree that it is a sacred drink with which they
have managed to treat psychological problems, visualize their surroundings and connect
with themselves and their outside world . Even great writers have achieved through the
use of ayahuasca to consecrate their literary works.

Ayahuasca, unlike other drugs, allows people to be in a much more conscious

state. The effects begin to occur about an hour after consuming it, but are usually
present in the body for up to 8 hours, but not everything is as beautiful as it seems,
because there have been cases in which people who have undergone this ritual, they
have died because of the negative effects that ayahuasca can bring on the body.


• Releasing conscious or unconscious charges.

• Allows a greater rest when sleeping.
• Physical and mental relaxation.
• Helps cure psychosomatic diseases.
• It can attack physical ailments, from the astral plane.
• It helps to understand the meaning of meditation.
• Face fears, anger, jealousy, envy, etc.
• Deep release of emotional traumatic burdens.
• The pineal gland is activated and detoxified.
• Stimulates the immune system.
• It reconnects you with your Soul and integrates it into your body.
• You put aside fears and negative schedules.

Nova Apaza Dana Esthefani, Chura Taca Dany Daniel, Reymer Medina Almendra Kasandra

• Release your past.

• You give freedom and peace to your mind.
 Great help in treatments for:
• Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Blocks.
• Chronic fatigue.
• Drug addictions.
• Heroin addictions.
• Addictions to Nicotine and Marijuana.
• Alcohol addictions.
• Pain Pill Addictions.
• Addictions to psychological behaviors.


There are several adverse effects after the consumption of ayahuasca, all related
to the amount (dose) ingested:

• Nausea.
• Vomiting.
• Diarrhea (when taken in a ceremonial setting, shamans or ayahuasqueros
provide instructions to mitigate or avoid this effect).
• Persistent pupillary dilation.
• Rarely, double vision (where the eyes have trouble focusing).
• Uncontrolled rapid eye movement.
• Disturbances in deep perception.
• Increased blood pressure and heart rate, or even chest pain (at very high doses).
• Fever-like symptoms (in very high doses).
• Reduction of motor skills and coordination.
• Dizziness.

Many people report a "trip" to past traumatic events, seen as a spectator. The
intense nature of the experience can evoke feelings of fear, paranoia and emotional
pain. There have been cases of persistent psychosis and persistent perception
(hallucinogen) disorder after drug use by some people.

Nova Apaza Dana Esthefani, Chura Taca Dany Daniel, Reymer Medina Almendra Kasandra


The Pusanga or Puzanga is a substance that consists of the maceration of plants

and roots of the Peruvian jungle, for the purpose of falling in love, because as it is known,
the aroma of this substance causes an unstoppable taste in every person, altering their
sex hormones, none person can resist you, when you have the put in you, she can help
you conquer that person you want in your life. As it usually happens to us, sometimes
we meet someone who attracts us quickly, perhaps because we are shy we don't get
close, or it is that simply the fear of being ridiculous surpasses us. For that and thousands
of other reasons, it is that today a product is put within your reach, with thousands of
years of tradition, the Pusanga.


The pusanga or puzanga, commonly known as the Elixir of Love, is a liquid

preparation that conquers the maceration of many plants and roots from the depths of
the Peruvian jungle, its high concentration of native and native Peruvian jungle spices,
make This preparation is able to uncontrol the hormones to whom it is applied. Its effect
is so great on hormones that it can even be considered a Magic substance, for this
reason, it is that the Pusanga is called the Elixir of Love, also Pusanga of Love.

Its exact chemical composition is uncertain, but it is based on a mixture and

maceration of the roots and plants strictly, which causes an intense explosive reaction
in the sex hormones, of absolutely any person, which makes it an effective substance,
to who seek love, pleasure, or lust.


The meaning of the pusanga is partially unknown, but it is denoted as all that plant-
based substance that contains aphrodisiac properties, focused on pleasure, of those
who seek to attract someone sexually. The true meaning is known only to those
ancestors of the immense Peruvian Amazon, it is reported that they wrote a symbolic
meaning, with universal connection, on the Pusanga, these who have already left this

Nova Apaza Dana Esthefani, Chura Taca Dany Daniel, Reymer Medina Almendra Kasandra


Many call it "Pusanga Perfume", but put it in itself, it is not a perfume at all,
because this liquid must be mixed at once with a cologne or personal perfume, to
conceal its intense smell of alkaloids due to its maceration , but I will explain this more
fully in the article How to Make Pusanga and How to use Pusanga.

Many sell a pusanga that has a scented smell, as if it would already be mixed with
a cologne or lotion, I totally advise you not to acquire it, since it is being mixed with
another compound as time passes it begins to lose its essence completely. The Pusanga
mixed with some perfume, only lasts approximately 4 to 6 hours, after this, it would be
totally bland to use it, since its effect would have vanished.


As you may have seen in other places, they will be presented with all kinds of
Pusangas variety, this was born mainly because the people who sell it tend to change its
name, or make it more colorful, they even make variations with it, as I said, there are
those They sell it with perfumes and other derived products. This is about to be a scam,
I would recommend you not to believe in these.

There are only two types of integral pusanga, original ponanga, or as some say the
true pusanga, which follows the ancestral processes.


Pusanga or Puzanga Original although many mention it as Pusanga de la Selva, as

it is told and recounted, this substance was born in Peruvian territory, exactly in its
jungle, in the Amazon, using ingredients from the deepest part of this jungle. Ponanga
collects the knowledge of the ancestors who created it.

It is original and legitimate because in its creation it does not vary absolutely, in
addition to being totally effective, since years ago, based on the tradition it reflects.


Nova Apaza Dana Esthefani, Chura Taca Dany Daniel, Reymer Medina Almendra Kasandra

This Pusanga is also effective, the drawback is that it only sells in Brazil. Although
there are two theories of obtaining this, it is not that they are two recipes, simply that it
has been achieved in two ways.

The first theory tells us, that it is a pusanga made with the same ingredients, but
in Brazilian territory, its effects are very similar to the Peruvian, or the Original ponanga,
but both are totally effective, the only thing that can vary, is its presentation or the
packages in which it is sold.

The second theory reveals to us that the Brazilian pusanga would be the original
Peruvian Pusanga that has been marketed to Brazil, so they decide to change its
packaging and with that also change its name.

Dimension, both pusangas carry the same essence, although the Brazilian may
suffer some alteration in its preparation, so it is totally advisable to use the original
Pusanga or Legitima.


This is a combination that is performed in Peru. It consists of combining the

Pusanga with the perfume follow me follow me, which also has a function similar to the
pusanga, between them they complement each other to try to increase its effectiveness,
although with the Puzanga alone it is enough. But if you doubt the pontanga, and you
want to mix it with the Follow Me Follow me you should be very careful at the time of
mixing, because we can fade its effects.


The Pusanga or Puzanga being a special macerate and achieve stimulate the sex
hormones of the human being, will result in:

 You will fulfill any desire related to someone's love.

 You will be seen in a more handsome way due to the smell you will emanate.
 You can relive the flame of love, you will recover that relationship that you are
taking for granted.

Nova Apaza Dana Esthefani, Chura Taca Dany Daniel, Reymer Medina Almendra Kasandra

 You will make any platonic love fall at your feet.

 You will become a sexually more active person.

We simply denote that the Pusanga is totally effective when referring to Love and
Sex issues, with the smell that it emanates you can conquer the woman you want, this
will generate excitement above normal when it is close to you, from this point there are
thousands the uses that you can give it, is an extremely complete substance.


You can also perform spells with the Pusanga, these try to increase
effectiveness, or seek to have a minimal alternative of being close to the person you
want to conquer, or also the spell, can help you use the Pusanga on someone, but at a


So far, there are still people who would swear that the Pusanga does not work,
perhaps it is because these people bought fake Pusanga, such as the Pusanga that is
already scented, although there are also other variations of this product, today, It is
marketed until the put in soap and shampoo, I invite you not to believe in these
products, because they are totally false, and even generates a bad reputation for
Pusanga, which is a product that works, a product with a tradition of years.


The pusanga, works for a simple reason, the reaction of sex hormones, the
correct combination and maceration of certain roots, and plants of the Peruvian jungle,
generate a tasty substance to the unconscious of the person, which will have an
explosion in the sex hormones, this causes taste, pleasure and excitement, to any
person, and even certain animals.

This is the reason for the functionality that pusanga presents, and its reaction in
humans always acts in a constant and linear manner

Nova Apaza Dana Esthefani, Chura Taca Dany Daniel, Reymer Medina Almendra Kasandra


A main point to talk about the Pusanga would be to comment on its effects,
despite understanding that there is an explosion in sex hormones, people always reflect
many more features, such as a fit of laughter or something similar.


When that person approaches you, and feels the smell of the pusanga, it is a
matter of minutes to feel that desire for you. The time varies, but generally it would be
10 to 20 minutes, so that she shows her taste for you. In other people, the time usually
varies even more, but that is also due to the smell of the environment, perhaps that
person perceives other aromas, and that opaque to yours.

It is always recommended that you meet that person in an environment with a

neutral smell, in this way you will ensure that the smell of the pusanga is much more


This is somewhat uncertain at present, the amount of duration is a function of

many things, for example of the mood, the state of his body, his intelligence, his
nutrition, even the amount of water that person consumes.

But if you want to make a generalization I would tell you that the average time
would be 1 day, I do not mean that this person is excited all day, since it is impossible,
what will happen is that this person will be aware of you , as if you were someone very
important, the excitement will also exist, technically you can decide what approach to
give it, you can mold it to you, since she will not be able to resist you, and whatever you
decide. When the effect of the Pusanga is over, you will want to feel that smell again,
which is why this person unconsciously tries to get back in touch with you.


Nova Apaza Dana Esthefani, Chura Taca Dany Daniel, Reymer Medina Almendra Kasandra

 The negative effects of the Pusanga, are extremely scarce, but there is always
one another.
 There may be a slight headache when you feel the smell of Pusanga, but this is
 The person to whom you apply it may feel too much attraction for you, so you
should measure your Pusanga proportions very well.
 If you use it too much in someone, you can get bored, and it no longer works in
that person, but the probability is very low.
 My advice is to use the Pusanga very carefully, you must have already realized
that this is a great substance, with many uses. But above all you should always
have the responsibility for good use first.


The dance of the pusanga dates back to the pre-Inca cultures of Peru, exactly in
the Peruvian Amazon thousands of years ago, where men being rejected by women,
turn to Pusanga, as a means to conquer and fall in love with them. They managed to stay
with them. This tells the story of the dance of the Pusanga that is danced today.


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