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Chapter 3 / CIS2200

 Utility patent, you have to describe the process in the most obvious way
 Strategic Initiatives for competitive advantage
o Break through; products that are significantly differentiated,
that distinguishes itself
o Reliable experience that meets or exceeds expectations.
 Must be agile operator in environment
 Process transactions accurately hassle free (streamline)
 Business process
o Set of activities that accomplish a task, such as processing a
customer’s order
o Transforms inputs into outputs,
o Hardware, software, people and practices } using people and
 Work flow
o Includes task, activities required to execute each step in a
business process
o Adapt to dynamic
o Workflow control system
 Monitor process to ensure critical tasks are executed as
 Norm has to be enforced by an entity that’s capable of
 Static Process
o Operate systems as efficiently and effectively
o Uses a systematic approach to improve bus effectiveness
o Eg: running payroll, calculating tax, creating
o Cyclical process, regular schedule, objective info, structured
decisions, predictable
 Dynamic process
o Always changing
o As business strategies change, dynamic process adjusts
 Systems thinking
o Orgs are dynamic, so it’s hard to predict how business will
o Managers must anticipate deploying both static and dynamic
 Functional thinking
o Some process can be contained within a single dept
o Most process are cross functional not siloed and span the entire
o Eg: process of “order to delivery”
 Customer-facing processes
o Collection of process that directly interact with customer
 Business facing process
o Customer is never supposed to see or interact with it
 Back-office process
 If they do see it’s a security breach
o For effective management of business
o Essential to competitive advantage, a lot of proprietary has
trade secrets

o To reduce organizational layers, redesign workflow
o Eliminate
o Turn functional depts into cross functional teams
o Mis is central nervous system, proves info gets info
o Bpr may redefine best practices for an entire industry
 Business process patent
o Patent that protects a specific set of procedures for conducting a
particular business activity
 Supply chain MANAGEMENT is the management of info flows between
and among activities in a supply chain to maximize total supply chain
effectivieness and corporate profitability
 Core processes are business process such as manufacturing goods, sell
products and provide a service
 Sales analytics, studing company sales data to analyze product cucles,
sales pipelines and competitive intelligence

Chapter 12
 ERP provides decision-making support
 Central nervous system – functional clearing house of info,
 Can’t react internally and external changes with speed wo erp
 Collaboration with other depts, to communicate in a timely manner
 Goals:
o Operational efficients
o Lower costs
o Improved supplier and cust relations
o Increased revenues and market shares
 Heart of erp:
o Central database that collects info from and feeds info into all
erp system’s individual application components (modules)
o When user enters in one it automatically updates whole system
 Automates bp’s
o Order fulfillment
 Efficiency and effectiviess
 Originally erp was developed for automation, and help facilitate
manufacte process
o Was unable to extend to other functional areas

Chapter 13
- Disruptive technolgogies
o Poloroid failed to analyze threat of substitute – 1hr film process,
digital cam
o Digital Darwinism: orgs that cannot adapt to new demands
placed on them for surviving in the info age are doomed to fail
- Disruptive tech: new way doing things that initially does not meet the
needs of customers
o Tend to open new markets and destroy old ones
o Typically enter the low end of the marketplace, a value
o Ppl are willing to take a chance cuz its cheap
- Sustaining tech: produces as improved product customers want to buy
like faster car, larger hard drive
o Tend to provide with better, faster, cheaper products in current
o Once disruptive tech becomes normal, you add on to it using
o Incumbent companies lead sustaining techs

Chapter 10
- Only end-to-end view or integrated supply chain can uncover supply
- Supply chain performs 3 business processes:
Chapter 11

- Cross-selling and up-selling
o These are 2 key sales strategies
o Cross-selling: selling additional products or services to an
existing customer
 Eg: amazon, if you buy 1 item it will ask if u want to buy
another thing
o Upselling: increasing the value of the sale
 Eg: MCd asks customers if they want to super-size meal
o CRM offers info abt cust, products that help identify up and
cross opps
- Sales and operational crm
o Sales dept was first to begin CRM systems
o Motivation came from:
 Sales rep struggled to track big amt of cust info
 Managers didn’t have vital cust & sales info
o Finding a way to track cust info became a CSF (critical success
o Customer Service and Support (CSS): part of operational CRM
that automates complaints, product returns, requests
o Sales process begins with opp, and ends with biling the cust for
o Sales force automation (SFA): automatically tracks all steps in
the sales process
 Focus on ^ cust satisfaction, cust rels, improve sales
- Three primaru operational crm technologies a sales dept can use:
o Sales management crm systems
o Contact management
o Opportunity management
- Sales Management
o Automates each phase of the sales process, help individual sales
reps coordinate
o Calendars, reminders etc
o Can provide analysis of sales cycle and of performance

- Contact Management CRM
o Maintains customer contact info and identifies future customers
using tolls like organizational charts, sales info
o Eg: can take an incoming number and automatically display
persons name and history, including comms with company
o Allowing sales rep to personalize convo eg: “how is ur new
laptop working”
- Opportunity Management CRM systems
o Target sales opps by finding new customers or companies for
future sales
o Determine potential cust and competitors and define selling
o Advanced: probability of sale
o Diff between contact and opp is that contact deals with existing
cust this deal with potential
- Customer Service and Operational Crm 3 primary techs:
o Contact center
o Web-based self-service
o Call scripting
- Contact center
o Or call center, is where reps answer inquiries
o Services:
 Automatic call distribution (routes to agents)
 Interactive voice response (directs to use keywords to
 Predictive dialing (dials outbound calls n forwards
answered to agents)
o Can also track customer comms along with resolutions
- Web-based self service
o Allows customers to use web to find answers to questions
o Fedex uses this to let customers track packages
o Another feature is Click-to-talk: allows customers to click and
talk to rep via the internet

- Call Scripting
o Companies that market and sell highly technical products have
difficult time find competent reps
o Gathers product details and issue resolution information that an
be automatically generated into a script for the representative
to read to the customer
o Provides q the reps can ask customer to troubleshoot

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