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Effective Employee Management

Delivery of a video module on the mobile app is the service offering at Byjus. The video
modules on the app which provide the learning experience forms the front stage action in
Byju’s service blueprint. The work that goes in preparing the videos and delivering them on
the app constitute the back stage actions in the service blueprint. Byju’s content and media
team consists of founders former students . The founder believes that the creating high quality
videos require the firm to do everything in-house.
The employees at Byjus can be broadly divided into three categories when it comes to the core
operations. The first category deals with the With this driving idea, Byju focuses on building a
good team of content creators. The content specialists create the scripts for the videos and the
assessments. They are divided into small teams each tasked with creating the content for a
specific subject grade level. Each team consists of three to four recent graduates who have
excelled at college and other exams, with one or two subject researchers and a seasoned teacher
with 10-15 years of experience. Byjus focuses on creating a diverse team to ensure the quality
of content helps in providing the necessary subject knowledge to the users with an
contemporary approach to learning. Creating a script is a iterative process that takes between
one to three weeks for 1.5 hour module. The content team extensively researches the topic to
determine what they want to teach the students. Then the team develops suitable metaphors to
help students understand the key concepts. The media team has a mix of technology experts
and creative people such as designers, visual effects specialists and musicians. The media team
also works on converting the finalized script into a second by second story board which appears
on the screen while the video lesson is in play. Finally the teachers record the lesson.

Apart from the above mentioned teams, a huge human resource is employed to develop,
maintain and improve the technical aspects of service like app design, data, etc. Thus it can be
observed the tasks involved in delivering a video module involves huge number of human
resource with diverse skillsets. The competencies of the employees thus defines the quality of
service being provided by Byjus learning app.

Frontline Employees: The frontline employees include the teachers who deliver the lectures.
The performance of these employees in ensured through preparation of proper & well
researched scripts. Thus the scripted performances of the teachers help Byjus maintain
consistency in service delivery.
Back Stage Employees: The backstage employee include the content team, media team and
the technical team which enable the quality service delivery. The performance of these
employees is ensured through high engagement with firm through various activities. These
activities are directed towards personal development of these employees. This keeps the
motivation levels of the employees high. The culture of the organization also plays an
important role in ensuring the quality of work done by these employees.

It is important to understand how Byjus has been able to maintain the ‘Employee Cycle’ to
maintain the ‘Cycle of Success’. The selection process of employees ensures that people with
high motivation are appointed. This helps in keeping the motivation high without incurring any
costs. Through test centres, Byjus provide training to the frontline teachers to improve on the
communication skills. Employee satisfaction and positive service attitude is ensured through
internal services provided to the employees. BYJU’S has dedicated an entire week in a year to
pamper its employees. Every day of the week is dedicated to learning a new skill - from origami
to public speaking and salsa dancing. Pravin Prakash, Chief People Officer, BYJU’S, claims,
“The objective has always been to create a collaborative and inclusive workplace where
employees can interact frequently to invoke the feeling of being one big family. Multiple
employee engagement events are organized at workplace that pep up the work
atmosphere.” The company also designs appreciation cards in which employees write personal
messages and shares them with colleagues.

The Service Talent Cycle: Using the service talent cycle framework it can be observed that
Byjus performs well in all three aspects of effective employee management.

The hiring process for the core operational roles is based on the experiential learning which is
reflected by the preference given to the students who have gone through the exam experience
previously. Similarly the teachers hired for front line service delivery have experience of 10-
15 years. This policy helps Byjus to get right people for the service production.

Real time training provided to teachers through promotional sessions conducted in various
cities helps them to understand the requirements of students and adapt accordingly in delivering
their lectures. Also the back stage operations team consists of diverse people from various
backgrounds like design, creative writing, media, engineers. Such diverse team helps enables
high productivity at work place.
3. Motivate & Energize Your
People: 1. Hire Right People:

>Collaborative & Inclusive Workplace > Former Students with Experience

with Competitive Exams
> Employee Engagement Events to
pep up work atmosphere >Seasoned Teachers with 10-15 years
of Expirience
>Skill Development workshops

2. Enable Your People:

> Training provided to frontline employees to

empower them
> Diverse and cross functional settings with creative
& technical teams working together

The Service Talent Cycle

The work environment has been curated to be collaborative and inclusive which keeps the
motivation level employees high. Employee engagement programs and skill development
workshops help in building a sense of belonging to the organization which reflects in the
process of service production. Byjus has been able to tick most of the boxes when it comes to
the Service Talent Cycle which focuses on managing the in house talent to deliver service

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