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Maintenance, in general, can be defined as efforts taken to keep the condition and
performance of a machine always like the condition and performance of the machine
when it is still new.

Objective of Maintenance

Maintenance is the function whose objective is to ensure the fullest availability of

production equipment, utilities and related facilities at optimal cost and under satisfactory
conditions of quality, safety and protection of the environment.

Importance of Maintenance

Maintenance is an important factor in quality assurance and in some cases determines

the long-term success of a company. Poorly maintained resources can cause instability
and partially or completely pause the production. Malfunctioning machines or complete
breakdowns can become a costly process for most companies.

Types of Maintenance

Maintenance activities can basically be divided into two parts: planned maintenance
activities and unplanned maintenance activities.

Planned maintenance refers to any maintenance activity that is planned, documented,

and scheduled. The aim of planned maintenance is to reduce downtime.

Planned maintenance is maintenance that is organized and carried out with thought to
the future, control and recording in accordance with the plans that have been determined

Benefits of Planned Maintenance Include:

 Reduced production downtime due to fewer unexpected machine breakdowns

 Planned, or anticipated, equipment shut down can be strategically worked into
production planning to minimize impact on production schedules.
 Replacement parts can be properly budgeted and planned for in advance.
 Costs are decreased significantly. Ultimately the cost of an unexpected failure is
comprised of not only the price of the parts themselves, but also in labor costs, lost
production time and possibly missed delivery dates. With a planned maintenance,
you can avoid all of that.

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