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Imtiez Prep. School End-of- Semester Test 1 Teacher: Mrs.

January 3rd, 2017 9th Grade Timing: 1 hour

Reading Skills : ( 6 MARKS)

It was Friday and Egbert was angry. He was angry at his parents. Why didn't
they name him something else?
He was angry at himself for being a chicken when the other kids teased him. He
decided the next time anyone made fun of his name, he would punch them.
It didn't take long. At lunch on Monday, it started again. Two boys walked by
and one of them called him "Egg Salad". Then the other one said, "If I had a
name like Egbert, I'd change it". He was mad, but he was scared because they
were both older and bigger.
When the second boy said "What's your mother's name? Chickenbert? ” Egbert
totally lost his temper. He jumped up and hit the boy and knocked him down.
Both of the children were surprised. Then a teacher came over and took Egbert
to the principal's office.
He had to stay after school because the principal didn't think calling someone
a name was reason to hit them. But that was only the beginning of his trouble.
He missed the bus and had to walk home alone. The two boys he had fought were
waiting for him outside school. Now Egbert was really scared and started to run
as fast as he could.

1)Circle the right alternative ( 1 mark)

Egbert was bullied because of his: a) accent b) clothes c) name
2)These statements are false .Correct them with details from the text(2
a) Egbert didn’t want to fight the bullies back because he hated
b) Egbert complained to the teacher when the kid made fun of his
mother’s name.
3)Answer the following questions with details from the text:(2 marks)
a)Who was punished (Egbert or the two bullies)? Justify your answer.
c) Was Egbert safe outside the school ?

4)What does the underlined sentence He had to stay after school in the text
express ? Tick the right function: (1mark)
a) warning b) prohibition c) obligation
Imtiez Prep. School End-of- Semester Test 1 Teacher: Mrs. Samia
January 3rd, 2017 9th Grade Timing: 1 hour

Language Skills : ( 8 MARKS)

1) Complete with 8 words from the box ( 4 marks)
yourself teenagers must instead had overspending don’t was about

Like most of my friends, I get about £30 a month in pocket money. This may
seem a lot, but in practice, it isn’t so much,
What do I buy with my pocket money ? Well, I think that most of the money
goes on music.. Then, of course, I go out to fast-food restaurants, cinemas and
sometimes a disco. Of course, when your parents give the money, you then have
to listen to a few stories like “when I ……………..your age..” Stories about when
they were your age, I don’t know how many years ago, they …………. to live on £1
for five years !
Anyway, the first thing I do when I’ve got the money is to forget about any
family birthdays that month. You and your family, ………. realize that if you have
to buy birthday presents with your pocket money, you won’t have any money for
………………. ! Today’s ……………. may seem very rich, but in reality they aren’t. It’s
only parents who have no idea ………… how expensive life really is, who think we’ve
got a lot of money. We are not paid too much, but too little. ………….of £30 a
month, we should get £200 a month.
Unfortunately, my parents …………….. agree with me.
2) Circle the right alternative:(2 marks)
Nowadays, we know many different types of (1) (dreaming /bullying
/cheating) at school. there is a possibility to have a test in advance, because
someone (2) (stole /wrote /erased ) the paper from the teacher or just took a
photo of it with a mobile. I have also seen students(3) (who/when /where )were
sending the text messages during the test to find out the answers. If you ask
me, this is the worst thing it can be. You are working hard, studying all night and
it turns out that people who did nothing get the same (4) ( certificate / diploma
/grade) as you !
3) Put the verbs between brackets into the right form: (2 marks):
Yesterday I had a very bad day ! I (1) (hear)………………………… alarm clock but
(2) ( go) ……………………………back to sleep. Of course I left home late and (3) ( not
catch)……………………………………the school bus. When I arrived at school ,I had a
horrible history test. I was so nervous that I broke my pen and couldn’t
(4)(remember)……………………………………..everything I knew.
Imtiez Prep. School End-of- Semester Test 1 Teacher: Mrs. Samia
January 3rd, 2017 9th Grade Timing: 1 hour

Writing Skills : ( 6 MARKS)

Read Robert’s letter thenWrite an article in your School magazine to give him some advice

Hi everyone!
There’s a group of kids at my school who are making my life hell. A few weeks ago they
asked me for money. I said No, but then they pushed me and hit me. Like a fool, I gave them my
bus fare and so I had to go home on foot. But that was only the start of it. Every day after that they
asked for more. I had to take money from my mum’s purse to pay them. Now I can’t face them
anymore. I didn’t go to school for over a week. I’m so afraid of them! I’ve got fever and I throw
up everything I eat. I just can’t stop thinking “why me”?! What should I do? I can’t talk to anyone
else about my problem. Please help me.

Robert, 14 (Edinburgh )
Imtiez Prep. School End-of- Semester Test 1 Teacher: Mrs. Samia
January 3rd, 2017 9th Grade Timing: 1 hour



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