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SUBJECT: Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship
SEMESTER AND TERM: 1st Semester / Midterm GRADE LEVEL: 12
PREPARED BY: Ms. Charlene Mae P. Palma

UNIT TOPIC: Community Action

The learners demonstrate an understanding of the integration of social science perspective and
community action initiatives

The learners shall be able to synthesize the integrative experience of implementing community-
action initiatives applying social sciences’ ideas and methods
Your objective is to conduct an outreach program that will recognize the
GOAL(S) importance of solidarity in socio-political processes in promoting national
and global community development.

ROLE(S) Outreach program volunteers

AUDIENCE(S People of some urban slums in Quezon City or Manila

You are given an opportunity to contribute to community development
through solidarity that is initiated by your school. It is one of your school’s
mission to prepare their students to be an active global citizens by
SITUATION engaging them in service activities that enhance the quality of life for both
others and themselves. That is why your school decided to conduct an
outreach program where you and your classmates volunteered to
A. Outreach program volunteers- responsible helping, guiding, and do
volunteer works in the said outreach program
You must be able to integrate your learning about Concepts and
perspective of community, and Community action.
STANDARD(S) Your performance is a total of 105 points. It will be divided into three:
Strategic Practice- 35 points
Planning Practice- 35 points
Execution Practice- 35 points

To assist with your outreach assessment, this rubric has five different performance levels that you can
assign to each current outreach practice.

1. Integrated (INT) 5 points: The practice is a routine part of your organization’s outreach program. Your
project or center has determined the best way to perform the practice and has systematized it,
coordinating with other aspects of your project or center. A practice at this level is proactive, valued,
and successful.
2. Well-Developed (WD) 4 points: The practice has resources allocated, responsibilities are assigned,
and the process is managed. The practice may still not be completed regularly, perfectly, or
punctually, but it’s deliberate and proactive.
3. In Development (DEV) 3 points: The practice is unorganized, unassigned, and has little to no resources
committed to it. This doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s completely unsuccessful—it may just mean that
one individual is performing the practice with very little assistance. Because of this, these practices are
often inefficient, overdue, over budget, or just plain incomplete. A practice at this level is often
performed in a reactive (rather than proactive) manner.
4. Not Performed (NP) 2 points: The practice hasn’t been attempted by your organization, or hasn’t
been accomplished for a long time. It doesn’t mean that the practice isn’t applicable, just that it’s
been overlooked or set aside.
5. Not Applicable (NA) 1 point: The practice, for any number of reasons, is impractical or not a viable
option for your project or center. It’s possible that the viability of this practice will improve with time and
planning, but it doesn’t apply to the organization’s current situation.
Checked by: Noted by:

Ms. Charlene Mae P. Palma Mr. Christian A. Ais Dr. Arsenia T. Lozano
Subject Coordinator SHS - Academic Coordinator Basic Education Principal

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