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Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s

NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42
Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42


CONTENTS President’s Welcome

Message from the Mentor

SVKM's Managing Commi ee

Principal’s Message
Brief History, Vision, Mission and Objec ve of NM 07
Infrastructure 08
College Rules & Regula ons 13
An -Ragging Warning 14
Documents Issued by the College 15

– Junior College 17
– Degree College 18
Administra ve Staff 19
Courses a er Xth 21
Courses a er XIIth 33
Post Graduate Courses and other Cer ficate Courses 51
Co-Curricular & Extra Curricular Ac vi es 59
College Prayer 71

President's Welcome
Gree ngs to all of you!

I have great pleasure in conveying my best wishes to all of you. Narsee Monjee College has a
reputa on for a rac ng the best students in their chosen faculty. Today, we are living in a
world which has become smaller due to the advancements in transport, communica on
and informa on technology. As a result of this, trade and commerce has increased
substan ally and has come to dominate the rela ons between countries. This means that
educa on in Commerce and Economics is becoming more relevant to the past.

However, Challenges and Opportuni es are two sides of the same coin. Modern educa on,
curriculum development and teaching methodologies have to keep pace with the demand
of the economic environment.

The manager, businessman and the entrepreneur of today need many more weapons to
complete educa on should include all round development of a student.

I am glad that all of you undertake various co-curricular ac vi es which sharpen your
personality, managerial and inter-personal skills. At SVKM we con nue to encourage all
forms of ac vi es which contribute to the overall development of the student. I am also
par cularly glad that you students are also engaged in ac vi es like NSS Camp in rural
areas which sensi ze you to the reali es of lives of different sec ons of the society in our
country. All this has been possible only due to the dedica on and commitment of the
Teaching Faculty and the Non-Teaching Staff of the College.

I wish you all the best for achieving greater success and scaling newer heights in your
educa on and career ahead.

My good and warm wishes to all the new entrants to our Parivar.

Shri Amrish R. Patel

President, SVKM

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

Message from the Mentor, NM College

The passion of the faculty towards teaching and all round development of the students, the
commitment and care of the non-teaching faculty for the college and the students and the
overall environment of pursuit of excellence in all areas have o en been termed as the
“NM Culture”. This NM Culture has created a unique and everlas ng bond among the
College staff and the students. A bond which keeps on bringing the students back to College
whenever any occasion demands. As alumni and as part of the management of SVKM it has
been my privilege to have both – studied in this College and associated with the College as
the representa ve of SVKM Management. I am sure that we shall not rest with the glories
that have been a ained in the past but shall con nuously seek to redefine ourselves in the
light of changing environment around us.

My best wishes to you all!

Shri Shalin S. Diva a

(Mentor, N.M. College)




Shri Amrish R. Patel

Hon. President

Shri Bhupesh R. Patel Shri Bharat M. Sanghvi Shri Chintan Patel

Hon. Jt. President Hon. Vice President Hon. Vice President

Shri Sunandan R. Diva a Shri Utpal H. Bhayani Dr. Jayant P. Gandhi

Hon.Secretary Hon.Treasurer Hon. Jt. Secretary

Shri Shalin S. Diva a Shri Harshad H. Shah Shri Harit H. Chitalia

Hon. Jt. Secretary Hon. Jt. Treasurer Hon. Jt. Treasurer

Amit B Sheth Shri Nimir K. Mehta

Shri Bhargav N. Patel Shri Pravin H. Doshi
Shri Bhupen G. Bha Shri Pruthviraj C. Shah
Shri Harshad B. Kawa Shri Rajendra K. Shah
Harish J Patel Dr. Rajesh L. Jani
Shri Jagat A. Killawala Shri Rajgopal C. Bhandari
Shri Jagdish B. Parikh Shri Ranjeet Dudeja
Shri Jayesh P. Choksi Shri Sanjay A. Desai
Shri Jayesh R. Gandhi Smt. Sneha A. Parekh
Shri Kirit P. Mehta Shri Tapan M. Patel
Shri Maherdas J. Patel Shri TNV Ayyar
Smt. Minaxi K. Mehta Shri Tushar H. Mehta
Shri Mukesh H. Patel Shri Vamanrai V. Parekh
Shri Mukul P Patel Shri Vinod M. Goradia
Mukesh A Shah Shri Vinod M. Patel
Shri Naresh K. Sheth Shri Vivek C. Vaidya
Shri Nayan M. Patel

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

From Principal's Desk

How swiftly time flies! One more year has been added to the glorious saga of Narsee
Monjee College of Commerce & Economics. Over the years the College has
established itself as one of the premiere institution of learning and quality
education in the country .With each passing year , the College only continues to
grow in strength, size and levels of excellence. The academic year 2017-18 has been
exciting, challenging and invigorating – An year of new learnings, of new
opportunities, of triumphs .

Academics is the soul of the college and we have reasons to be happy on this count.
Our results for the University exams conducted in 2017 , have been stupendous and
our students have achieved commendable grades. These encouraging results
reflect positively on the conducive student-centred teaching-learning environment
that the College has set in place. Looking at the quality of our students , this year too
we have very good placements .

Awards and recognitions have kept our academic calendar ticking. Besides excelling
in academics , it gives us immense satisfaction and pleasure that our students have
also been very active in the field of sports, co-curricular and extra curricular

The College invests, encourages and supports the professional development of its
teaching staff. Every year our teaching staff attend workshops, conferences ,
Orientation course and refresher course conducted by University of Mumbai. This
year too our faculty have attended a number of training programmes. We have
always strived to ensure that all the learning and updates from these programmes
are translated into more effective and better teaching-learning in the classrooms.

I would like to place on record my most sincere thanks to the Management , thank
you very much for the trust and support you have bestowed upon me .We are
indeed fortunate to have you as our mentors and guide , working tirelessly towards
the growth and development of the Institution.

I take this opportunity to convey my sincere thanks to our Vice Principals, Head of
Departments, Course Co-ordinators and the entire teaching staff for their relentless
and unflinching support & co-operation. I would also like to extend my sincere
thanks to all the administrative and non-teaching staff who work meticulously to
ensure smooth functioning of the Institution. My gratitude to our alumni, all the
students and their parents for the support extended to us .

The learning, the evolution, the growth must never cease. Let's keep learning, let's
keep growing!!

Dr. Parag Ajagaonkar



Brief History of Vision, Mission and

N.M.College Objec ves
SV K M's Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & • VISION
Economics, popularly known as NM College, is a leading To provide affordable quality educa on, while
college affiliated to Mumbai University. It was established equipping students with knowledge and skills in their
in 1964 by Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal (SVKM), a chosen stream, inculcate values, iden fy hidden
professionally managed trust with a large number of talents, provide opportuni es for students to realize
pres gious academic ins tu ons, under its umbrella. their full poten al and thus shape them into future
SVKM is the brain child of leading industrialists and leaders, entrepreneurs and above all good human
socially conscious philanthropists who wanted to beings.
contribute to the local area by founding educa onal
ins tu ons. • MISSION
To strive for quality educa on in keeping with the
The Mandal has an extensive local base with a large
mo o of the college, “Excellence in Educa on” and
primary membership. The Status of NM as a minority
prepare young minds for imbibing knowledge, skills
ins tu on for the Gujara Linguis c Community is a
and sensi vity.
significant achievement in providing access to students
from the Gujara Speaking Community, to the most
coveted college in the Commerce and Business
1. Impart educa on of the highest standard through
Management Streams.
value based holis c teaching and learning by
integra ng tradi onal and innova ve prac ces.
Although the College started by focusing on educa on to
2. Create a pla orm for students for exploring their
make students self-reliant and to prepare them for careers
crea ve poten al and nurturing the spirit of
in the commerce field, it gradually extended the scope of
entrepreneurship and cri cal thinking.
its ac vi es to include the molding of the overall
3. Inculcate a strong belief in hard work and core values
personality of the students. With greater compe on in
of gender equality, human rights and ecology in order
every walk of life it has become a necessity to prepare
to make them socially responsible ci zens.
students to shine in all areas.
4. Equip students with the skills needed to adapt be er
to the changing global scenario and gain access to
The Alumni Associa on of the College , Narsee Monjee
mul ple career opportuni es.
Alumni Associa on & Movement (NAAM) which now is a
5. Provide inclusive educa on by making it accessible to
registered body extends their support to the college in
all sec ons of society.
conduc ng various academic and related ac vi es like
6. To maintain and promote quality, transparency,
felicita ng students for their academic achievements at
compliance and sustainability in governance and
the University, Board and College level, felicita ng the
service delivery.
te a c h i n g a n d t h e n o n - te a c h i n g staff o n t h e i r
superannua on etc. Ex-students associated with NAAM
who have shown extraordinary entrepreneurial skills are
involved with the Intent business programme every year.

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

N M provides excellent infrastructure to facilitate the
educa on process and enhance the learning ability of the
students. It aims at developing intellectual capabili es and
an understanding of the rela onship between educa on
and the real world.

The new college building includes a Wi-Fi campus, modern

air-condi oned office block, modern well equipped air-
condi oned classrooms, well planned corridors and 3
elevators. The college also has a dedicated seminar room
to conduct various speaker sessions and other academic
ac vi es.

The college uses state-of-art technology in its teaching

process making use of mike systems, overhead projectors, similar mee ngs, including break-out sessions for larger
LCD projectors. A well-equipped resource Genera on mee ngs.
Room is set-up for the faculty to prepare their lectures and
carry out research in their subject. Every faculty is Some highlights and features of our class rooms include:
assigned with a Laptop. Air Condi oner for each room Inbuilt LCD Projector
Whiteboard, flip chart and markers Natural ligh ng for a
Hygienic rest rooms are available on each floor. A separate brighter and more invi ng atmosphere. Fluorescent and
ladies common room is there for girl students to relax. incandescent ligh ng with clearly marked controls Hard
wri ng surfaces for easier note taking Comfortable,
Classrooms ergonomic sea ng.
The Center offers 30 dedicated Lecture rooms that seat
between 60 to 140 students. Our lecture rooms are UGC network resource center is started in library with
chosen by dozens of companies and organiza ons every 5computers with internet having Wi-fi connec vity and
year for small groups mee ngs, such as internal staff 1HP laserjet network printer with scanner and fax for use
mee ngs and training , board mee ngs, client of students and teachers.
presenta ons, internal strategy discussions and other


objec ves of the college.

• To include in collec on various fields of knowledge as
well as of career and character building.
• To provide quality services to faculty and students for
achieving their curricular as well as co-curricular
goals, with the help of technology, but not as a
subs tute for personal service.
• To inculcate reading habit among students and to
encourage collabora ve efforts among library staff
and students to maximum u liza on of library
Computer laboratory: The well-equipped computer
laboratories with 90 computers and Wi-Fi facility enhance
the learning process and enable the proper conduct of
The library has 2 reading rooms to cater to the need of the
University prescribed courses. Branded Personal
students. The library also has a UGC Network Resource
Computers are installed in two computer labs, all
Center with five PC terminals which is available free of
networked to facilitate teaching on small batches, with
change for accessing databases, OPAC (computerized
adequate faculty a en on. All new computers in lab have
catalogue) and Internet, strictly as per the rules. The
dedicated leased line for internet connec vity and two
network printer provides the facility to print the pages.
network printers, which can be used by staff and students.

I.J. Patel Library Sugges on Box: Students can drop their

Library is where people, One frequently finds, Lower their recommenda ons for books and any other sugges ons in
voices And raise their minds. this box kept near book showcases. The sugges on box
~ Richard Armour, An American Poet and Author. opens on every Saturday at 2-00 p.m.

The Library Commi ee consists of the staff members from

Objec ves of Library
Degree College, Junior College, Unaided Courses,
• To acquire, update, maintain and provide a qualita ve
Librarian and Assistant Librarian.
and quan ta ve collec on of books, periodicals and
Collec on of books, journals and magazines on
other instruc onal material of electronic resources to
biographies, career guidance, personality development,
support the academic programme and educa onal

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

compe ve examina ons, CA studies, ICWA, General Library Services

Knowledge, etc. The library has ins tu onal membership The students can approach the counter for any purpose
o f B r i s h C o u n c i l L i b ra r y like Current Reading, Home Issue, Reference or ge ng
www.mylibrary.bri informa on related to any topic of interest.

American Centre library, Indian Commerce Associa on

I - General services:
and Maharashtra Economic Development Council.
1) Computerised catalogue (OPAC) where one can locate
for books according to author, tle, publisher,
Direct access to several databases related to online
journals, company data, laws, e-books, etc. useful for your accession number and classifica on number.
studies, projects and exercises from 2) The following material is made available from the
h p:// library counter

For login Id and password of these databases please

contact UGC-NRC Resource Centre in library. Some other
important online resources can directly be accessed from
our college website.
Books for current reading Reading lists of interested books Syllabus

Books for home issue for a week Bibliographies on various topics Compe ve Exams related books

Ques on papers CDs. Books on careers

Reference sources such as Journal ar cles Index Newspaper clippings on various

dic onaries, encyclopedia’s, topics useful for student’s
year books assignments and projects

3) Home lending of books - textbooks and other books 9) Reading Room for self-study – facility a er the library
are issued for one week. hours.
4) Periodicals - Journals and magazines are displayed in 10) Internet access through UGC Network Resource
the reading room. In case of any journal not found on Center and Wi-Fi. Anybody using these facili es is
display please ask at the counter. The periodicals are required to register themselves.
available for reading within the library. However, if 11) Services to ex-students and visitors.
any student wants any periodical for home issue, they
should contact the person at the counter. II Extension Ac vi es:
5) Daily newspapers are kept at the counter and 1) Inter library loan & referral service for other libraries
available for reading to everybody. within Mumbai.
6) Electronic Journal Databases accessible from UGC-
2) CD-ROMs viewing on mul media computers any
NRS in library and also from home.
student can view the CDs available in library.
7) Reference Service - This service is especially for
3) Scanning and prin ng.
projects and assignments.
8) Book-Bank - Textbooks are provided for use during
Rules for Students using Library
one academic year. The books are required to be
returned as soon as the exams get over. The • Talking loudly, discussing, loitering, ea ng, smoking,
applica on forms are made available from the library spi ng, using mobile, shi ing chairs, reserving
counter only during the prescribed dates on the chairs, scratching on furniture is strictly prohibited.
no ce put up at the beginning of every year. • All persons using the Library are subject to the


discipline of the college. Libsys with the help of U R L :

• All those entering the library are requested to h p://
observe silence, behave in decent manner and • This URL is accessible from any computer within the
maintain discipline campus.
• Please take permission of the counter staff for entry • On this URL select site of NM College, Mumbai.
inside the counter or UGC Network Resource Center. • Click on New Search menu.
• For entry inside the counter the students are required • In search window enter keyword and select to browse
to keep all their belongings aside and allowed to carry the documents by Author, Title, Subject, or class
only their library card and iden ty card. number op ons in the box next to “in”. Deselect
• Please handle the books carefully and do not mu late other college names, except NM College, Mumbai.
them in any way while using. • You can also do this by selec ng “none” first at the
• The books issued for home reading must be returned bo om of this box and then select only NM College,
on the due date men oned on date slip behind the Mumbai. This will give you the list of books available
book. If the same book is required again for the next in NM College only.
week, student must renew it on the due date or is • For detail descrip on you can click on full detail.
subjected to pay fine of Rs. 1/- per day per book or as • Click on “Back” to go back to the list.
per the then no ce. • Please note down Class number and Accession
• In case of loss of a library book the Librarian should be number of the book you have selected and show it at
contacted immediately. The lost book is supposed to the counter to ask for that book.
be replaced immediately. The cost of the book will be • “Back to Search” will take you back to search window.
recovered only if the book is not available in the • With OPAC you can search books
• Other material like syllabus copies, ques on papers, By Author - It is the search for books if the Author of the
periodicals, CDs, books for current reading, etc. book is known. Search begins with the surname of the
issued from the counter are expected to be returned author.
on the same day, failing which a fine of Rs. 5/- per day
will be levied. By Title - It is the search for books if the Title of the book is
• The reference books marked with “R” are for using known.
within the library and not allowed to be taken out of
the library for any purpose. Classified - This is the search for books by Classifica on
• All the students are required to strictly adhered to the number
above rules and cooperate with the library staff for
smooth func oning of the library. The Librarian has Note: A er comple ng use of OPAC in library please do
authority to maintain order in the library and take not shut the so ware and computer.
ac on against any user who knowingly or persistently
breaks any library regula on.

Procedure for using Computerised Catalogue through

LIBSYS So ware
• At SVKM's N M College library we are using LibSys for
library automa on. Users can access library books
through OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) in

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

The following databases are accessible from the UGC Network Resource Centre as well as from your own computer.

N-List Pro Quest Central EBCSOhost

ISI Emerging Markets CEIC Manupatra
ASTM CMIE : Economic Outlook McGraw-Hill
Frost & Sullivan Cabell's Directory Indiastat
JSTOR Science Direct IEE + POP
WestLaw TVADINDX E-brary
Capitaline WARC Pearson E-books
ASCE Springer (Mech. Engineering) ASME

Other Facili es
Auditoriums and halls:
The talent of the students is given a suppor ve pla orm
through the auditoriums and conference rooms of the
SVKM. The SVKM Juhu Jagru Hall, BhaidasMaganlal
Sabhagriha, Jashoda Rang Mandir and Santokba Hall are
available to the college for its events

The spirit of sportsmanship is encouraged by the college. A

spacious gymkhana has infrastructure and facili es for
indoor games. The gymkhana staff is highly qualified. The
college par cipates in games from the district to the
na onal levels. Well-known coaches train students for
indoor and outdoor games, training them to excel at inter-
Above: Physician on duty
college tournaments at na onal and interna onal levels.

The college has ensured that the staff and students have
access to health facili es regularly. A Health-cum-
Counseling Centre has been opera onal for several years.
A qualified medical prac oner visits the college daily.
Students and staff consult the doctor. In mes of
emergency, help from the doctors in the vicinity is taken.
The physicians on duty are Dr. Geeta Shah & Dr. H.O.Goyal.

Hostel Facility
The Vile Parle KelavaniMandal has a common men's hostel
for all its ins tu ons at a distance of a half-kilometer from
the college and a hostel for girls opposite UtpalSanghavi
School, which is also close to the college.


College Rules & Regula ons

• Every student must obtain on admission, the Iden ty However, students may make a claim for lost property
Card which must have his/her photograph duly at the office, if it is deposited in the College Office.
a ested and present it for inspec on on demand. • Students applying for cer ficates, tes monials, etc. and
• Every student is required to maintain a minimum of those requiring the Principal's signature on any kind of
75% a endance in each term in each subject, failing document or applica on should first contact the
which the college authori es may not allow the College office. Students should not bring any paper
student to appear at the final examina on, as per directly to the Principal for his/her signature.
University norms. • If, for any reason, the con nuance of a student in the
• Students must not loiter in the College premises while College, is, in the opinion of the Principal, detrimental
the classes are going on. to the best interest of the College, the Principal may ask
• In case of illness, the Principal should be informed by such a student to leave the College without assigning
the parents personally. any reason.
• Students must not a end classes other than their own, • Students joining the College are bound by the rules and
without the permission of the Principal. regula ons of the College.
• Smoking is strickly prohibited on the College premises. • Insubordina on and abusive language or misconduct
• Students are required to maintain strict discipline and on the part of a student are sufficient reasons for his /
orderly conduct & refrain from engaging themselves in her suspension or dismissal.
any kind of unruly behaviour. • Students receiving Government or College Scholarships
• No Society or Associa on shall be formed in the College or any remission in fees, must note that the grant and
and no person invited to address a mee ng without the con nuance thereof are subject to good behaviour,
Principal's prior permission. regular a endance and sa sfactory progress and good
• No Student shall collect any money or contribu on for results at the College and Board Examina ons.
picnic, trip, educa onal visit to some place, get- • Students using unfair means at Examina ons will not be
together, study-notes, charity or any other ac vity readmi ed to the College.
without prior sanc on from the Principal. • It is responsibility of the student to read the no ce
• No Student will be allowed to take ac ve part in current boards regularly for important announcements made
poli cs. by the College office from me to me. They will not be
• No student shall communicate any informa on or write excused or be given any concession on grounds of
about ma ers dealing with the College administra on ignorance.
to the Press. • Ma ers not covered by the exis ng rules will be at the
• Students are expected to take proper care of college absolute discre on of the Principal.
property and help in keeping the premises clean. • Disciplinary ac on will be taken against students found
Damaging college property e.g. disfiguring walls, doors, carrying cellphones, pagers, walkmans, diskmans, or
fi ngs, or breaking furniture, misuse of A.C. etc., will any other electronic devices etc.
be considered as a breach of discipline and the guilty • Use of cell phones, is strictly prohibited in the college
will be duly punished. premises. Cell phones of all such students found using
• Students should not leave their books, valuables and them on the college premises on the college premises
other belongings in the classroom. shall be confiscated and shall be returned to them at
• The College is not responsible for lost property. the end of academic year.

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

An -Ragging Warning
Ragging is cognizable offence under the law on par with b. The An -Ragging Commi ee may, depending upon the
rape and other atroci es against women and ill-treatment nature and gravity of the guilt established by the An -
towards persons belonging to SC/ST. Ragging is strictly Ragging Squad, award, to those found guilty, one or
prohibited in the en re ins tu on, including its more of the following punishments, namely;
department, cons tuent units, all its premises( including i. Suspension from a ending classes and academic
academic, residen al, sports, canteen etc. ) whether privileges.
located within the campus or outside. ii. Withholding/ withdrawing scholarship/fellowship
Students indulging in ragging other students will be and other benefits
punished as per 'The Maharashtra Prohibi on of Ragging iii. D e b a r r i n g f ro m a p p e a r i n g i n a ny te st /
Act, 1999 (Mah. XXXIII of 1999) Published in Maharashtra examina on or other evalua on process.
Govt. Gaze e on 15th May 1999'. iv. Withholding results.
In pursuance to the judgement of the Hon'ble Supreme v. Debarring from represen ng the ins tu on in any
Court of India dated 08.05.2009 in Civil Appeal No. regional/ na onal or interna onal meet,
887/2009, the University Grants Commission has framed tournament, youth fes val, etc.
“UGC Regula ons on curbing the menace of ragging in vi. Suspension/ expulsion from the hostel.
higher educa onal ins tu ons,2009”which have been vii. Cancella on of admission
no fied on 4th July,2009 in the Gaze e of India”. viii. Rus ca on from the ins tu on for period of
Administra ve Ac ons in the event of Ragging: ragging from one to four semester,
The ins tu on shall punish student/s found guilty of ix. Expulsion from the ins tu on and consequent
ragging a er following the procedure and the manner debarring from admission to any other ins tu on
prescribed herein under: for a specified period.
a. The An - Ragging Commi ee of the ins tu on shall
take an appropriate decision, in regard to punishment Provided that where the person commi ng or abe ng
or otherwise, depending on the facts of each incident the act of ragging are not iden fied, the ins tu on shall
of ragging and nature and gravity of the incident of resort to collec ve punishment.
ragging established in the recommenda on of the
An - Ragging Squad.

Prohibi on of sale of Cigare es or Tobacco Products

Sec on 6 of the cigare es and other Tobacco Products (Prohibi on of Adver sement and Regula on of Trade and
Commerce, Produc on, Supply and Distribu on) Act,2003 provides that no person shall sell, offer for sale or permit
sale of cigare es or any other Tobacco Product:
a) To any person who is under eighteen years of age.
b) In an area within a radius of 100 yards of any educa onal ins tute.

Sale of Cigare es and other Tobacco Products in an area within a radius of 100 yards of an educa onal ins tute is
strictly prohibited and is a punishable offence under Sec on 24 of the Act with a fine which may extend up to 200


Documents Issued by the College

A valid Iden ty Card is issued to every bonafide student at Students desirous of pursuing further studies abroad
the me of admission. It is compulsory for every student to should apply for transcripts to the college office well in
carry the Iden ty Card while being on the campus. advance. A er verifica on of marksheets, the college will
Students will not be allowed in the Examina on hall hand over the transcrips in ten to fi een days me.
without a valid Iden ty Card. Charges for issuing the transcripts is Rs.1000/-for 5 set of
copies. Every addi onal copy will be charged at rate of Rs.
For University Examina ons, candidates are required to 50 per copy.
produce their iden ty cards bearing their photographs
a ested by the Principal, alongwith their Hall Tickets at BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE
the examina on centres. Students with a genuine reason can apply for a bonafide
cer ficate to the college. Students may contact the
RAILWAY CONCESSION Informa on Counter to apply for a Bonafide Cer ficate.
Students can avail concessional fares for rail travel by local Charge for issuing the Bonafied cer ficate is Rs.20/-
trains between the sta ons nearest to the place of their
residence in Mumbai and the College (Vile Parle Sta on). TRANSFERENCE CERTIFICATE
Students are requested to enter their local and permanent (1) In a transfer case, no student will at any me be
addresses correctly in the Admission Forms to facilitate admi ed to this College unless he/she produces a
issue of Railway concession orders. Transference Cer ficate from the College he/she
The place of permanent residence, in the applica on for (2) College is en tled to charge a fee of Rs.100/- for
admission, means the place where the student and/or his issuing the cer ficate.
parents normally reside. This address will not be allowed (3) As a result of a student leaving one College to join
to be changed during the academic year. another, it will be necessary for him/her to count the
a endance kept by him/her in more than one
Students can also avail, during vaca on period, College to enable him/her to make up the necessary
concessional fares by rail for journeys between their place percentage of a endance. A Transferance Cer ficate
of permanent residence and Mumbai during voca on. shall not be granted except for reasons, which
appear to be sufficient and except with the wri en
AIRLINE CONCESSION permission of the Principal of the College that the
Students can also avail of concessional fares for air travel student wants to leave and the Principal of the
during vaca on period. Students desiring to avail the College, which he/she intends to join.
Airline concession should submit the prescribed form to (4) Applica ons for Transfer Cer ficate shall be made by
the college office atleast 3 days in advance, for the students without unnecessary delay through the
endorsement. Principal of the College to which they wish to be

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

SCHOLARSHIPS & FREESHIPS (iii) Government Free Studentship to Pupils of Central

Deserving students can apply through the appropriate Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College Students.
channel, for Scholarships and Freeships. Prescribed forms (iv) Government Free Studentship to Pupils of Minority
for freeship for wards of Ex-Servicemen, Freedom Community (Viz. Muslim, Budhist, Chris an, Parasi,
Fighters, Secondary School Teachers, Primary School Sikh, Jain, Jew etc.)
Teachers are available. Freeship forms for SC, ST, DT, NT, (v) Post Matric Scholarship to students of Minority
OBC and SBC category students are available in the Community.
college office. Forms for scholarship by Department of
District Social Welfare for SC/ST students with a minimum (b) Following are the scholarship available to students
of Second class are also available at the college office. that can be applied OFFLINE
(i) Government Free Studentship to Pupils of
Requirement for Reserve Category Economically Backward Classes.
For E.g. SC/ ST / DTNT / VJNT / OBC / SBC (ii) State Government Open Merit Scholarship.
1. Online applica on form (iii) Scheme for the educa on to the sons and daughters
2. Caste Cer ficate of primary school teachers /secondary school
3. SSC & HSC Mark-sheets teachers/ Higher Secondary School teachers and Non-
4. Income Cer ficate teaching staff of Primary / Secondary / Higher
5. Fee Receipt Secondary Schools/ Colleges.
6. Ra on Card (iv) Government of India Scholarships for the Blind/ Deaf
7. Non Creamy layer cer ficate (OBC/ VJNT / DTNT) and Physically Handicapped.
8. Aadhar Card (v) KapoleBaniaFreeship.
(vi) Award of Educa onal Concession to the Children /
All the above a ested photocopy of documents to be Wives / Widows / of the Defence service and Ex-
submi ed in the office. Service Personnel.
(vii) Scholarship to the economically backward class
Scholarships &Freeships that can be availed by the students.
Students: (viii) ANGC Scholarship.
(a) Following are the scholarship available to students
that can be applied ONLINE NOTE:
(i) Scholarship to the scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes/ The terms & condi ons for the Scholarships/ Freeships
V.J./ N.T./ Special Backward class students/(OBC) vary from Scholarship to Scholarship and students are
other Backward Class Students. required to refer to the no ces for the same on website as
(ii) Award of Free studentship/ Examina on Fees to well as the college no ce board. They may also approach
Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribes/ Deno fied Tribe/ Ms. Sarita and/or Mr. Prathamesh Parab in the college
Other Backward Class. office for further informa on.


Teaching Staff (HSC Regular)

Dr. Parag Ajagaonkar
Ms. Amee Vora Ms. Kusum Mahadik
Vice-Principal (Degree College) Vice-Principal (Junior College)

Junior College
Kusum S. Mahadik (OC) Vice-Principal Jimit Mull (CHB)
Supriya Wadia (BK)
Shivani Bha (OC) Mamata Jha
Girish Ambekar (OC) Savita Nayak (CHB)
Dharmesh Divecha (BK)
Maxwel Lopes(Shikshan Sevak) FRENCH DEPARTMENT
Blossam Rumao (Shikshan Sevak) Divya Kaushik (On Contract)
Jinal shah (Contract) Sangeeta Mundra (CHB)
Prap Mehta (CHB) Kasturi Kulawade (CHB)


Geetha Menon (Supervisor) Sandeep Kadam (CHB)
Pri Singh
Asha Balasubramaniam Shailendra Pathare
Bhavin Kothari Smita Vikas Khutal (On Contract)
Bhavna Menon
Rajkumar Chaudhary (Shikshan Sevak) ENVIORNMENT EDUCATION
Ayan Bha acharjee (Shikshan Sevak) Sakshi Parab
Kri ka S. Devadiga (CHB)
Shru S. Kale (Shikshan Sevak)
Disha D. Ashar (Shikshan Sevak) VOCATIONAL COURSE
Kausar M. Kadri (Shikshan Sevak) Sonee Patra (Co-ordinator)
Pronomita Shrotriya (CHB) Anupama S. Chavan
Sunita Yadav (CHB) Pushpita D. Roy
Vibhu Gunjal (CHB) Shridhar P. Prabhu
Mamta Baid (On Contract)
Levinda Alphonso Pragya Jain (CHB)
Meenal Deshmukh Dip Deshmukh (CHB)
Josphina Varghese
Sumana Kanjilal
Sonal Trivedi

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

Degree College Teaching Staff - 2018-2019

Dr. Parag Ajagaonkar - Principal Anupama Chavan (Coordinator)
Amee H Vora, Vice Principal
Dr. Ritu Vashisht Deepa Chitnis
Tessy Philji Mr. Gaurang Nallawala (Contractual Basis)
Vaishali Kurhekar
Rekha Katheeth Radhika Wadke


Sunil Kadam Geeta Desai
Deepa Surve
Dr. Vandana Misra DIRECTOR OF PHY. EDN.
Dr. Meena Vazirani Dr. Shivesh Shukla


Dr. Muktha Manoj (H.O.D.) Vaishali Dawar
Dr. Jennifer D'souza
Shashi Surana B.M.S. SECTION
Conrad Coelho (Coordinator)
Savita Desai (H.O.D.) Heena Kanakia
Dr. Kedar Bhide Sneha Vaskar
Piyush Pandya
Harish Sharma Huzefa Bhagat (Coordinator)
Darshan Panchal Prerna Dedhia
Ketan Shah (Contractual Basis)
Vishal Shah (Contractual Basis) BFM SECTION
Pooja Singh (Coordinator)
Sneh H Choithani (H.O.D.)
Nirmala Atul Chavan B.Sc. I.T. SECTION
Dr. Ritika Khurana Anupama Jawale (Coordinator)
Kesia Varghese Prashant Jadhav
Avanti Kale (Leave Vacancy) Dhanraj Jadhav (Contractual Basis)
Shital Parmar (Contractual Basis)


Administra ve and Support Staff 2018-2019

S.N. NAME Designa on
1 SHRI VIKAS VICHARE Accountant - Unaided
2 MRS KALPANA S. SAKPAL Office Superintendent
4 MS MAMTA SHARMA Assistant Librarian
7 SHRI VINOD V NAIK Senior Clerk
8 MS DIPTI KHANNA Senior Clerk
11 MRS SARIKA PATIL Junior Clerk
12 MRS RUTUJA SALVI Library Clerk
13 MR VISHAL BUDE Library Clerk
15 MR AKSHAY SALVI Junior Clerk
17 MR AJAY GOND Library Clerk
20 MR RITESH JADHAV Junior Clerk
22 MRS SUSHMITA S DALVI (HSC-Voca onal) Junior Clerk
23 MR SUSHANT SAWANT Junior Clerk - Unaided
24 MRS SARITA KADAM Junior Clerk
25 MS. MRUNALI SURVE Junior Clerk
26 MS RIYA VILAS GHATGE Data Entry Operator
27 MRS. DIPEEKA JADYAR Data Entry Operator
30 SHRI SURESH S RADYE Library A endant
31 SHRI C R WARLI Library A endant
32 SHRI M G PAGARE Library A endant

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

S.N. NAME Designa on

33 SHRI N K PAWANARKAR Library A endant
34 SMT ALKA K GAVANE Library A endant
35 SHRI D K SOLANKI Library A endant
36 SHRI RAVINDRA B SINGH Library A endant
37 SHRI SUNIL N SURVE Library A endant
38 SHRI SANJAY Y GURAV Library A endant
39 SHRI RAJKUMAR SINGH Library A endant
40 SHRI SURESH S NAGARE Library A endant
41 SHRI UMED WAGHELA Library A endant
42 SHRI PRAKASH YEDAGE Library A endant
43 SMT. PRITI PATIL Library A endant
61 SHRI DINESH SHUKLA (HSC-Voca onal) Peon


Terms for Academic Year 2018 – 2019 are as under

First Term : 15th June, 2018 to 4th November 2018
Second Term : 21st November 2018 to 01st May 2019
Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42


ADMISSION TO F. Y. J. C. Category – E: Government, Transfer cases, Defense,

The college enjoys the status of Gujara Linguis c Freedom fighters, Ex – serviceman.
Minority Ins tu on. Hence 50 percentage of seats are (1) If discharged from duty: pension cer ficate, pay
reserved for Gujara Linguis c Minority students. cer ficate, Sainik Welfare Associa on cer ficate.
Categories for admission are as follows: (2) If in service: photo copy of the Iden fy card, Transfer
order of govt. service and joining report in Mumbai.
A: Open Merit (Online, as directed by govt. of
Maharashtra) Category – F: Handicapped.
B: Gujara Linguis c Minority (1) Cer ficate from specific ins tu ons like Ali Yavar
C: Smt. G.P.P. High School and CNM School Students (In Jung Na onal Ins tute for Hearing Impaired, Worli
– house) Rehabilita on Center. For Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and
D: Sports and Cultural Ac vi es (Online) Dyscalculia, cer ficate of Learning Disability must be
E: Government, Transfer cases, Defence, Freedom obtained Nair hospital or Sion hospital from
fighters, Ex-Servicemen. (Online) appropriate authori es.
F: Handicapped (Online)
DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR THE ABOVE (MVM/Eligibility Cer ficate/2904, Dtd. 10.05.2004)
OFADMISSION: Students who have passed Std. X examina on from the
1. Admission form duly completed. boards other than Maharashtra Board and are admi ed to
2. Original Mark sheet + 2 a ested photo copies. the FYJC class in this college should submit the following
3. Original School Leaving Cer ficate + 2 a ested documents for confirma on of their admission:
photo copies 1. Applica on form for Eligibility Cer ficate (with one
4. One Photo copy of the first and the last Page of the photograph pasted and a ested by the Head of the
Ra on Card (For girls applying for government free Ins tute last a ended) which is available at the
ship staying in Maharashtra for more than 15 years Mumbai Divisional Board, Vashi, New Mumbai.
and who is the first or the second child) 2. A ested photo copy of Mark Sheet
5. Eligibility cer ficate (for students other than 3. A ested photo copy of Passing Cer ficate /
Maharashtra Board) Provisional Passing Cer ficate
4. A ested photo copy of School Leaving / Transfer
Category – B: Gujara Linguis c Minority 5. Original Migra on Cer ficate
1. Gujara as a subject in std. Xth, or parents having 6. In case of foreign students duly completed
passed Xth with Gujara as language at higher level. Appendix “A'
2. Caste directory with Bombay Public Trust 7. Original Passing Cer ficate
Registra on Number, having students name in the 8. Original School Leaving Cer ficate/ Transfer
directory. Cer ficate.
3. Authen c Proof such as Caste Directory
4. Note: - The authori es reserve the right to accept or 9. Deed of Undertaking on Stamp Paper of Rs. 20/-
reject the above documents in doub ul cases. Charges for Eligibility Cer ficate (payable in Cash):
Category – D: Sports and Cultural ac vi es Rs.300/- for Indian Students
(1) A ested photo copies of Cer ficates from DSO, Rs.500/- for Foreign Students
State, Na onal level – compe ons, tournaments in
various sports and cultural ac vi es. (Intra Class /
Inter School Cer ficates shall not be considered.)


NOTE: Admission for the F.Y.J.C. classes (Open merit) will be

1. Photo copies should have original signature and not through the ONLINE ADMISSION process implemented
rubber stamp signature. by the Government of Maharashtra. However, admissions
2. The student should have three iden cal ID size under the Minority (Gujara Linguis c Minority) and In-
copies of recent photograph for Iden ty card. house quota will be undertaken by the college. Students
3. Fees have to be paid on the day of admission by D.D. who have passed the SSC/Equivalent examina ons
in favour of Narsee Monjee College of Commerce conducted by the concerned board/ authority (in
and Economics Junior February / March 2016) in one a empt from Smt.
4. Students are advised in their own interest, that GokhalibaiSchool / CNM School / SVKM Interna onal will
before submi ng cer ficates, mark sheets etc., in be treated as In-house Students. Detailed procedure for
original, to the College office, they should retain true Gujara Linguis c Minority admission will be displayed on
copies of the documents with themselves. The the College no ce board as well as on college website as
Original School Leaving Cer ficate or Transfer and when instruc ons are received from the Government.
Cer ficate will be kept by the college permanently
and under no circumstances will it be given back to
the students. Hence, students should keep sufficient
number of photo copies of School Leaving or Transfer
Cer ficates with them.

The Curriculum
First Year (F.Y.J.C) Second Year (S.Y.J.C)
Compulsory Subjects: Compulsory Subjects:
English English
Economics Economics
Environment Educa on Environment Educa on
Book-Keeping and Accountancy Book-Keeping and Accountancy
Organisa on of Commerce and Management Organisa on of Commerce and Management
Mathema cs & Sta s cs Paper I & Paper II Mathema cs & Sta s cs Paper I & Paper II
Health & Physical Educa on Health & Physical Educa on
Op onal Subjects:(Any one) Op onal Subjects:(Any one)
(Offered on the basis of merit) (Offered on the basis of merit)
Second language: Second language:
Gujara / Hindi / Marathi / French / Informa on Gujara / Hindi / Marathi / French / Informa on
Technology Technology

Attendance Norms
According to the norms prescribed by Regulation 88(1) (a) of the Maharashtra Secondary and Higher Secondary
Education Boards Regulations, 1977, reference No.III TO V the student failing to have 75% attendance
consequently becomes ineligible to appear for the Final examination conducted by the college for STDXI and HSC
Board Exam for STD XII.

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

Scheme of Examina on
F.Y.J.C. S.Y.J.C.
1. There will be two tests of 25 marks each in the 1) There will be one term end examina on of 50 marks
middle of the each term. First term end at the end of first term and one preliminary
examina on will be of 50 marks and second examina on in the month of January.
term end examina on will be of 80 marks.
2. Organisa on of Commerce And Management 2) Preliminary Examina on will be of 80 marks in every
and Book Keeping & Accountancy will have 20 subject:
marks internal assessment which includes, Ø Languages : 80 marks wri en test
Ø 15 marks project 20 marks orals
Ø 05 marks viva Ø IT : 80 marks wri en test
20 marks Prac cals
Ø Maths/ Stats: 80 marks wri en test (40 marks each
for Paper I and Paper II) and 20 marks Prac cals.
3. Economics will have, 3) Organisa on of Commerce And Management and
Ø 16 marks project Book Keeping & Accountancy will have 20 marks
Ø 4 marks viva. board internal assessment which includes,
Ø 15 marks project
Ø 05 marks viva
4. Maths/ Sta s cs will have 20 marks prac cals in 4) Economics will have,
second term end examina on. Ø 16 marks board project
5. English/Hindi/French/Marathi/Gujara will have Ø 4 marks viva.
orals of 20 Marks in the second terminal
examina on.
6. IT (Informa on Technology) will have 20 marks 5) Languages will have 20 marks board orals and IT will
prac cals in second term end examina on. have 20marks board Prac cals .
7. Health and Physical Educa on will have an exam 9. Health and Physical Educa on will have an exam of
of 100 marks 100 marks
Wri en exam: 20 marks Wri en exam: 50 marks
Prac cals: 50 marks Prac cals: 50 marks
Project:30 marks 6) Environmental Educa on will have,
8. Environmental Educa on will have, Ø Journal/Seminar 20 marks
Ø Journal/Seminar 20 marks Ø Project 30marks
Ø Project 30 marks Ø Out of 50
(Marks will be shown in marksheet) o 30marks by Internal
o 20marks by External
v The average score of the students shall be out of
(Marks will be shown in marksheet, not graded.)
v The students will appear for HSC Board examina on
v Student will pass F.Y.J.C. exams if
conducted in the month of February -March every
he/she scores minimum 70 marks in each subject,
out of 200


Fee Structure
Statement showing the Fees payable by the student per annum during the academic year 2018-2019
(for First and Second Term) for FYJC and SYJC Classes
Fees to be paid by Demand Dra / Pay Order in favo ur of “NarseeMonjee College of Commerce and
Economics Junior”
Fees for Regular Students
Par culars FYJC SYJC F Y J C(with IT) S Y J C (with IT)
Tui on Fees 240 264 240 264
Admission Fees 20 0 20 0
Term Fees 40 44 40 44
ID Card Fees 25 25 25 25
Exam Fees 10 0 10 0
Library Deposit 0 0 0 0
HSC Board exam fees 0 445 0 645
I T Subject 7500 7500
Total 335 778 7835 8478
Girls Students eligible for free educa on
Par culars FYJC SYJC F Y J C(with IT) S Y J C (with IT)
Tui on Fees 0 0 0 0
Admission Fees 0 0 0 0
Term Fees 0 0 0 0
ID Card Fees 25 25 25 25
Exam Fees 10 0 10 0
Library Deposit 0 0 0 0
HSC Board exam fees 0 445 0 645
I T Subject 0 0 7500 7500
Total 35 470 7535 8170
For the FYJC Classes IT fees of Rs.7500/- is collected separately a er the subject alloca on is done i.e. in the month of

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

Cancella on and Refund of Fees

Mode of Refund of Fees term fee and laboratory fee (if any) in full. The Library and
If a student, informs the ins tute before the Laboratory deposit should, however, be refunded. So far
commencement of the academic year, that he/she wants as the tui on fee is concerned, the ins tute should retain
to withdraw the admission and that he/she cannot the tui on fee only for the month(s) beginning from the
con nue his/her educa on in the ins tute for any month in which the academic year has commenced and
reason, the ins tute shall refund to him/her in full the ending with the month in which the student had applied
tui on fee, term fee, laboratory fee (if any) and library for withdrawal and refund of fees. The tui on fee for the
deposits, if any, actually recovered. remaining months of the term should be refunded. For
example, if a student applies for refund of fees in the
The admission fee may however, be retained by the month of July a er the commencement of academic year
ins tute. in that month itself, the ins tute should retain the
propor onate amount of tui on fee for one month only,
Explana on: namely the month of July. On the other hand, if a student
A)As far as the F.Y.J.C. Classes are concerned, the applies for refund of fees in the month of August, a er the
academic year should be deemed to have commenced commencement of academic year in month of July, the
from the eighth working day (i.e. excluding Sundays and ins tute should retain the propor onate amount of
if the said day of declara on of results is working day tui on fee for two months only, namely the months of July
immediately following Public Holidays) from the day of and August. If student applies for refund of fees in the
declara on of the S.S.C. result. month of August a er commencement of the academic
year in the month of June, the ins tute should retain the
B) If a student desires to withdraw admission and applies propor onate amount of tui on fee for three months
for refund of fees a er the commencement of the only, namely the month of June, July and August.
academic year (Vide explana on under (A) above), the
ins tute concerned should retain the admission fee, By order and in the name of the Governor of Maharashtra

HSC Voca onal

H.S.C. Voca onal - STD. XI Guidelines for admission to Std. XI Voca onal 2017-2018
The College offers H.S.C. Voca onal H. S. C. in the following 1. Students who have passed the STD X of any Board are
subjects: eligible for admission to Std. XI HSC Voca onal.
1. Tourism and Hospitality Management 2. Students who have passed Std. X of a Board other than
2. Marke ng & Retail Management Maharashtra State Board must submit the applica on
3. Accoun ng and Office Management form for eligibility (Obtainable from the HSC Board) as
and when asked for through the no ce by the College.
Each course is of two years (Std. XI & XII) leading to HSC 3. Only 20 students will be admi ed to each course. (OR
Board Examina on. as per Govt. direc ves)
4. From this year ie 2017-18 FYJC admission for HSC
Students who complete this course become eligible for Voca onal will be online as per the direc ves given by
employment or for star ng their own business early in life, the Government of Maharashtra. The college enjoys
without having to wait for gradua on. They are registered the status of Gujara Linguis c Minority Ins tu on,
as Voca onal Technicians. hence 50% of seats are reserved for Gujara Linguis c
Minority students. The categories and procedure for
admission will be the same as men oned for HSC


Regular Students. NOTE:

5. Merit list of students selected for admission will be put 1. Admission shall be given in accordance with the
on the No ce Board as per the me schedule, which guidelines received from the Educa on Department.
will be no fied later. 2. Admission to HSC Voca onal stream does not imply
automa c admission to the F.Y.B.Com class.
DOCUMENTS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF ADMISSION 3. Xerox Copies should have original signature and not
1. Admission form duly completed rubber stamp signature.
2. Original Mark Sheet + 2 a ested Photo copies of the 4. The Student should have three iden cal ID size copies
mark sheet. of recent photograph for the iden ty card,
3. Original School Leaving Cer ficate + 2 a ested Xerox 5. Fees have to be paid on the day of admission by D.D. in
copies of the School Leaving Cer ficate. favour of “NarseeMonjeeJunior College of Com. &
4. One Xerox copy of the first and the last page of the Economics HSC Voca onal.
Ra on Card (for girls applying for government free- 6. Students are advised in their own interest, that before
ship staying in Maharashtra for more than 15 years and submi ng cer ficates, mark sheets etc. in original, to
upto the second child) the College office, they should retain true copies of the
5. Eligibility cer ficate (for students other than documents with themselves. The Original Cer ficate
Maharashtra board) will be kept by the College permanently and under no
circumstances will it be given back to the students.
ELIGIBILITY CERTIFICATE (MVM / Eligibility Cer ficate / Hence, students should keep sufficient number of
2904, Dtd. 10.05.2004) Xerox copies of School Leaving or Transference
Cer ficate with them.
Students who have passed Std. X examina on from the
boards other than Maharashtra Board and are admi ed to Admission for the F.Y.J.C. classes (open merit) will be
the FYJC class in this college should submit the following through the ONLINE ADMISSION process implemented
documents for confirma on of their admission: by the Government of Maharashtra. However, admissions
under the Minority (Gujara Linguis c Minority) and in-
1. Applica on form for Eligibility Cer ficate (with one house quota will be undertaken by the college. Students
photograph pasted and a ested by the Head of the who have passed the SSC/Equivalent examina ons
Ins tute last a ended) which is available at the conducted by the concerned board/ authority (in February
Mumbai Divisional Board, Vashi, New Mumbai. / March 2015) in one a empt from Smt. GokhalibaiSchool
2. A ested photo copy of Mark Sheet / CNM School / SVKM Interna onal will be treated as In-
3. A ested photo copy of Passing Cer ficate / Provisional house Students. Detailed procedure for Gujara linguis c
Passing Cer ficate minority admission will be displayed on the College No ce
4. A ested photo copy of School Leaving / Transfer Board as well as on college website as and when
Cer ficate. instruc ons are received from the Government.
5. Original Migra on Cer ficate
6. For foreign students duly completed Appendix ‘A’
7. Original Passing Cer ficate
8. Original School Leaving / Transfer Cer ficate.
9. Deed of Undertaking on Stamp Paper of Rs. 20/-
Charges for Eligibility Cer ficate (payable in Cash):
Rs.300 /- for Indian Students
Rs.500/- for Foreign Students

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

The Curriculum
HSC VOCATIONAL - Industrial / Field Visits.
THESE COURSES ARE OF TWO YEARS (i.e. XI AND XII) - On the Job training in Summer Vaca on.
Students passing XII STD. (HSC Voca onal) are equivalent - Guest Lectures
to HSC pass students. - Appren ceship Training offered by BOAT (BOARD OF
Excellent teaching learning process. 2. MARKETING AND RETAIL MANAGEMENT
- Class room teaching / prac cal training 3. ACCOUNTING & OFFICE MANAGEMENT

Tourism and Hospitality Management

1. Concepts of Tourism Paper I 1. Event Management Paper -I
2. Transport Paper II 2. Travel Agency Opera ons Paper - II
3. Basic Hospitality Management Paper III 3. Advance Hospitality Management Paper III
4. English 4. English
5. Hindi 5. Hindi
6. General Founda on Course 6. General Founda on Course
7. Environmental Educa on 7. Environmental Educa on
8. Physical Educa on 8. Physical Educa on


Students are eligible to take admission to the following 1. In Central / State Tourism Organiza on, Tourist Guide,
Degree Courses: Tour Conductor, Informa on Staff, Reserva on
1. Tourism Degree/ Diploma Course offered by various Assistants.
Universi es in India 2. I N T R AV E L A G E N C I E S: Tourist Guides, Tour
2. Bachelor in Tourism Studies (BTS) by IGNOU. Conductor, Airlines/ Railways / Hotels / Front Office,
3. Diploma in Tourism Studies. Bell Captains.
4. Diploma/ Degree in Hotel Management. 3. SELF EMPLOYMENT: Tour Operators / Consultants /
5. IATA Passport & VISA Agents.
6. Degree Course by Indian Ins tute of Tourism and
7. Diploma Course by Indian Interna onal Trade Centre Students of Travel and Tourismcelebrate “World Tourism
(IITC) Day”. They organize Programslike Quiz and other tourism
8. B.Voc awareness ac vi es and alsopar cipate in events
organized by other tourismorganiza ons.


Marke ng and Retail Management

1. Marke ng &Salesmanship Paper - I 1. Advanced Retail Marke ng Management Paper I
2. Retail Marke ng Services Paper - II 2. Marke ng Research &Foreign Trade Paper II
3. Retail Marke ng Paper - III 3. Rural Marke ng & Stock Exchange Paper III
4. English 4. English
5. Hindi 5. Hindi
6. General Founda on Course 6. General Founda on Course
7. Environment Educa on 7. Environment Educa on
8. Health and Physical Educa on 8. Health and Physical Educa on


Students can join the following Degree courses: • Retailer
1. Bachelor of Commerce – B.Com • Take Up Agency
2. Bachelor of Management Studies – BMS • Whole Saler
3. Bachelor of Business Administra on – BBA • Stockist
4. Bachelor of Financial Market – BFM • Commission Agent
5. Bachelor of Banking Insurance – BBI • Packaging Services / Supplier
6. Bachelor of Accoun ng and Finance – BAF • Input Dealer


They can work as: General Salesman, Sales Assistant / Guest lecture arranged for Stock market, Sales Tax,
Demonstrators, Retail salesman, Wholesale Salesman, Insurance and Entrepreneurship.
Selling Agent, Purchasing Agent, Share Broker Grader,
Export Salesman, Market informa on Reporter,
Procurement Agent, Co-opera ve Assistant.

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

Accoun ng & Office Management

1. Office Management &Organisa on Paper - I 1. Office Mo va on Paper - I
2. Fundamentals of Accoun ng Paper - II 2. Advanced Financial Accoun ng Paper - II
3. Fundamental of Cos ng & Audi ng Paper - III 3. Advanced Cos ng & Audi ng Paper - III
4. English 4. English
5. Hindi 5. Hindi
6. General Founda on Course 6. General Founda on Course
7. Environment Educa on 7. Environment Educa on
8. Health and Physical Educa on 8. Physical Educa on

Studies can join the following Degree Courses: JOB OPPORTUNITIES:

1. Bachelor of Management Studies – BMS They can work as Account Assistant Billing Clerk, Cashiers,
2. Pursue the Career of Chartered Accountant and Cost Assistants, Audit Assistants.
appear for CPT
3. Bachelor of Mass Media – BMM CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES:
4. Bachelor of Accoun ng and Finance- BAF Guest lectures arranged for Income Tax, Sales Tax, Audit
5. Bachelor of Banking & Insurance-BBI Report, Valua on & Verifica on of Assets and Liabili es,
6. Bachelor of Business Administra on-BBA G e n e ra l I n s u ra n c e , E n t re p re n e u rs h i p , C a re e r
7. Pursue the career of Company Secretary Opportuni es.
8. Pursue the career of Cost Accountant
9. Pursue the career of Law of 5 years.
10. Bachelor of Financial Management - BFM

Attendance Norms
According to the norms prescribed by Regulation 88(1) (a) of the Maharashtra Secondary and Higher Secondary
Education Boards Regulations, 1977, reference No.III TO V the student failing to have 75% attendance
consequently becomes ineligible to appear for the Final examination conducted by the college for STDXI and HSC
Board Exam for STD XII.


Scheme of Examina on
For Voca onal Paper I,II,III For Voca onal Paper I,II,III
There will be 2 Unit test (in the middle of There will be one term end examina on of 50
each term) of 20+30 = 25marks marks, at the end of First Term and one
2 Preliminary examina on in the month of
WHERE– January.
20marks – THEORY First term end examina on = 50 marks
30marks – Journal / Project / Assignments. Theory – 40, Prac cal – 60:
First term end Examina on: 40 + 60 = 50marks
40 marks – Theory, 60 marks – Prac cal 2
40 + 60 = 50 marks Preliminary Examina on
2 Theory – 80, Prac cal – 120:
Second term end Examina on : 80+120= 100 marks.
80 marks – Theory, 120 marks – Prac cal 2
80+120 = 100marks
Languages – English and Hindi Languages – English and Hindi
There will be two Unit tests of 25 marks each in the First term end examina on will be of 50 marks,
middle of each term. and Preliminary examina on will be 80 marks,
First term end examina on will be of 50 marks and 20marks for orals.
Second term end examina on will be 80 marks and
20marks for orals.
General Founda on Course General Founda on Course
There will be 2 Unit test of 25marks: First term end examina on – 50 marks.
25 marks – Theory Theory – 40 marks
First term end examina on 50marks : Project – 10 marks
40marks – Theory Preliminary Examina on will be of
10marks – Project/Assignment 60marks (Theory) + 40 marks (Project)
Second term end examina on 100 m arks:
60marks – Theory
40marks – Project/Viva/Assignment

Health and Physical Educa on Health and Physical Educa on

Wri en exam: 20 marks Wri en exam: 50 marks
Prac cals: 50 marks Prac cals: 50 marks
Project:30 marks
Environmental Educa on Environmental Educa on
Journal/Seminar: 20 marks Journal/Seminar : 20 marks
Project : 30marks Project : 30marks

Out of 50
30marksby Internal
20marks by External

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

Fees Chart
Statement showing the Fees payable by the student per annum during the academic year 2018-2019
(for First and Second Term) for FYJC and SYJC Classes

Fees for Regular Students Girls Students eligible for free educa on
Tui on Fees 240 300 0 0
Admission Fees 20 0 0 0
Term Fees 40 50 0 0
ID Card Fees 25 25 25 25
Exam Fees 10 0 10 0
College Development Fund 600 600 600 600
Library Deposit 0 0 0
HSC Exam Fees 0 520 0 520
Total 935 1495 635 1145

Demand dra to be made in the name of “Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics HSC Voca onal”.

Cancella on and Refund of Fees

Mode of Refund of Fees fee and laboratory fee (if any) in full. The Library and
If a student, informs the ins tute before the Laboratory deposit should, however, be refunded. So far
commencement of the academic year, that he/she wants as the tui on fee is concerned, the ins tute should retain
to withdraw the admission and that he/she cannot the tui on fee only for the month(s) beginning from the
con nue his/her educa on in the ins tute for any reason, month in which the academic year has commenced and
the ins tute shall refund to him/her in full the tui on fee, ending with the month in which the student had applied
term fee, laboratory fee (if any) and library deposits, if any, for withdrawal and refund of fees. The tui on fee for the
actually recovered. remaining months of the term should be refunded. For
example, if a student applies for refund of fees in the
The admission fee may however, be retained by the month of July a er the commencement of academic year
ins tute. in that month itself, the ins tute should retain the
propor onate amount of tui on fee for one month only,
Explana on: namely the month of July. On the other hand, if a student
A) As far as the F.Y.J.C. Classes are concerned, the academic applies for refund of fees in the month of August, a er the
year should be deemed to have commenced form the commencement of academic year in month of July, the
eighth working day (i.e. excluding Sundays and if the said ins tute should retain the propor onate amount of
day of declara on of results is working day immediately tui on fee for two months only, namely the months of July
following Public Holidays) from the day of declara on of and August. If student applies for refund of fees in the
the S.S.C. result. month of August a er commencement of the academic
B) If a student desires to withdraw admission and applies year in the month of June, the ins tute should retain the
for refund of fees a er the commencement of the propor onate amount of tui on fee for three months
academic year (Vide explana on under (A) above), the only, namely the month of June, July and August.
ins tute concerned should retain the admission fee, term


Terms for Academic Year 2018 – 2019 are as under

First Term : 18th June, 2018 to 5th November, 2018 both days inclusive
Mid Term Break : 13th September, 2018 to 17th September, 2018 both days inclusive
Second Term : 26th November, 2018 to 4th May, 2019 both days inclusive
Winter Break : 26th December 2018 to 01st January 2019 both days inclusive
Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

Under Graduate Courses

About B.Com It also involves prac cal orienta on of the theory studied,
College offers tradi onal BCom course as per guidelines summer placements, training in so skill and other
prescribed by University of Mumbai. Bachelor of placements. Summer training programmes and
Commerce (B.Com.) is a Three year Degree Program placements are features unique to these Self Finance
comprising Two Semesters every year i.e. over all B.Com. is Courses.
a Six Semester Degree Program.
At N.M., we have excellent track record of summer training
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) is a tradi onal course in and placements. Managers are the backbone of any
India that has gained instant popularity in the recent industry and market and are synonymous with perfec on.
mes, if pursued from a renowned college. Gradua on in They are expected to do the right things at the right me
commerce opens up myriad career opportuni es, both, in and ensure that others do the same. Such are the people
public and private sectors. required in today's globally compe ve market. N M
produces such people in abundance. The long illustrious
list of alumni of N M College bears proof of the same.
About Self Finance Courses
Keeping in view the demand of the industry and the
If you wish to be a part of this growing compe ve global
market and ensuring that the students gradua ng from
market possessing the required knowledge and the
the University are trained according to the requirement of
necessary skill sets and wish to excel in life and reach the
the industry and equipped with the required skill sets,
pinnacle of glory with an all round personality, these are
University of Mumbai had introduced the Self Finance
the courses for you and the place to be is at SVKM's Narsee
Courses in 1999. Ini ally it offered Bachelor of
Monjee College of Commerce &Economics.
Management Studies (BMS) and Bachelor of Science
(informa on Technology) B.Sc. (I.T.) and later added a
series of courses in the growing sectors like Banking & Objec ves
Insurance, Financial Markets, Hospitality Studies, 1) To create for the students of University of Mumbai an
Avia on, Nau cal Science etc. The Curriculum, Course addi onal avenue of self employment and also to
Content and the methodology used by the teachers to benefit the industry by providing them with suitable
deliver the content not only ensures that the students trained manpower.
excel in his/her chosen field but also acquires the 2) To prepare students to explore opportuni es being
necessary skill sets. Unlike the other tradi onal courses newly created in various professional fields.
where the student strength in a class is 120, in Self Finance 3) To inculcate training in the use of modern technology
Courses it is restricted to 60 students per division. All the for the benefit of all par es concerned.
Self Finance courses provide comprehensive training to 4) To help the students get specialized knowledge in
these students by way of interac ve mode of delivery of various technical fields of educa on.
the course content, real me projects, presenta ons, 5) To provide opportuni es for an all round
industrial visits, and lectures by experts from the industry. development of students' personality.


Admission Informa on
Bachelor of Commerce: list, weight age has to be given to students from Arts,
The en re admission procedure is according to the Commerce and Science Stream at 12th Standard level.
guidelines issued to thecolleges by the University of
Mumbai. According to the Hon'ble High Court verdict, The stream wise weightage to be given is as under:
preference is given to in-house students (on the basis of Streams Commerce / Arts / Science / Diploma in
merit) up to the sanc oned capacity of the F.Y.B.Com Class. Engineering and other
A er admi ng all in-house students, if there is any Percentage 45% / 25% / 25% / 5% The applica on are to be
vacancy, it is filled according to the University guidelines. accepted and processed by the colleges stream wise
separately and the merit list is to be displayed stream wise
Amended Ordinance 2151 is read as under: taking into account the reserva on policy prescribed by
First Year B.Com the Government of Maharashtra. The merit list also is to
• 0.2151: be prepared and displayed stream wise.
A candidate for being eligible for admission to the three
year course leading to the Bachelor of Commerce should In case if no applica on is received from any stream the
have passed the his/her secondary examina on form vacant seats are to be distributed equally between the
different divisional boards of the Maharashtra State remaining two streams only. A er the first merit list is
Secondary and Higher Secondary Educa on. displayed, if any seat allo ed to one stream remains
OR vacant, the same shall be distributed equally between the
Must have passed the Higher Secondary School Cer ficate remaining two streams. In case of vacancy in one stream is
(Std. XII) leading with voca onal subjects / State of of single/odd number of seats, the single seat is to be
Secondary and Higher Secondary Educa on. allo ed to the Commerce stream. In case if no applica ons
OR are available from the two streams, then all the vacant
Must have passed an Examina on of another University or seats must be transferred to the third stream. Step (d) to
Board recognized as equivalent to Higher Secondary be repeated for the subsequent merit lists ll all the forms
School Cer ficate (Std.XII) Examina on. are exhausted or the final merit is displayed, whichever is

Bachelor of Management Studies :

Bachelor of Commerce (Accoun ng & Finance)
O 3941: A candidate for being eligible for admission to the
0 5204 (a) A candidate for being eligible for admission to
BMS Degree Course shall have passed HSC Examina on of
the Bachelor of Commerce (Accoun ng & Finance) Degree
the Maharashtra State Board of Higher Secondary
Course shall have passed XIIth Std. Examina on of the
Educa on or its equivalent examina on or Diploma course
Maharashtra Board of Higher Secondary Educa on or its
in any Engineering Branches with two years or three years
equivalent examina on and secured not less than 45%
a er S S C conducted by the Board of Technical
marks in aggregate at first a empt (40% in case of
Examina on or its equivalent examina on.
reserved category).

“No college shall conduct any entrance test in any form

(b) Every candidate admi ed to the degree course in the
and the admissions are purely based on merit duly
cons tuent / affiliated college / recognized ins tu on,
following the reserva on policy as per the norms of
conduc ng the course, shall have to register himself /
Government of Maharashtra". While drawing the merit
herself with the University.

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

Bachelor of Commerce (Financial Markets) University of Mumbai for a Cer ficate of Enrolment.
(a) A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Applica on forms for enrolment together with statement
Bachelor of Commerce (Financial Markets)Degree of HSC marks and copies thereof are to be submi ed along
Course shall have passed XIIth Std. Examina on of with the fees to the University of Mumbai through the
the Maharashtra Board of HigherSecondary college.
Educa on or its equivalent examina on and secured
not less than 45% marks inaggregate at first a empt Procedure for securing admission for students who have
(40% in case of reserved category). passed their HSC / Equivalent Examina on from other
(b) Every candidate admi ed to the degree course in the than Maharashtra Board:
cons tuent / affiliated college / recognized • Students will have to apply for “Provisional Statement
ins tu on, conduc ng the course, shall have to of Eligibility”. The prescribed form is available in the
register himself/herself with the University. college office. Students are required to fill the form,
a ach the a ested photocopy of the mark sheet and
make the necessary payment in the college office. The
Bachelor of Science (Informa on Technology)
cer ficate will be issued to the student as and when
(B.Sc. (IT)
the cer ficate is received from the university.
0.5051: A candidate for being eligible for admission to the
• The applicant is required to a ach the cer ficate of
Degree course Bachelor of Science (Informa on
“Provisional Statement of Eligibility” to the applica on
Technology) Degree Course shall have passed XIIth
form along with the other documents as specified
Standard. Examina on of the Maharashtra Board of
during the admission process and submit the same to
Higher Secondary Educa on or its equivalent examina on
the college as per the schedule specified.
with Mathema cs and Sta s cs as one of the subject and
should have secured not less than 45%marks in aggregate
No applica on form will be accepted without the:
and 40% marks in aggregate in case of reserved category
'Provisional Statement of Eligibility: or the receipt of its
applica on to the college/university.
A student passing the H.S.C. examina on of the
Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher
Secondary Educa on, and eligible for admission to the
First year B.Com. Class shall apply to the Registrar of


Bachelor of Commerce - B.Com.

First Year First Year Second Year Second Year
(Semester I) (Semester II) (Semester III) (Semester IV)
Business Economics Paper I - Business Economics Paper Business Economics Business Economics
Micro Economics II - Micro Economics Paper III Paper IV
Commerce Paper I - Business Commerce Paper II - Commerce Paper III : Commerce Paper
System and Society Business System and Fundamentals of IV: Fundamentals of
Society Marke ng & Finance Marke ng & Finance
Accounts and Financial Accounts and Financial Accountancy & Accountancy &
Management Paper I Management Paper II Financial Financial
Management Paper III Management Paper IV
Business Communica on Business Communica on Specializa on: Specializa on:
Paper I Paper II Financial Accoun ng Financial Accoun ng
Or Or
Business Management Business Management
Mathema cal and Mathema cal and Applied Component Applied Component
Sta s cal Techniques Sta s cal Techniques (any one): Paper I (any one): Paper II
Paper I Paper II 1. Adver sing 1. Adver sing
2. Computer 2. Computer
programming programming
Founda on Course Paper I Founda on Course Paper II Founda on Course Founda on Course
Paper III Paper IV

Environmental Studies Environmental Studies Business Law Paper I Business Law Paper II
Paper I Paper II
*Students have an op on to graduate with three papers of Accountancy or Business Management.
*Students will not be allowed to change the specializa on subject at the TY level.

Third Year (Semester V) Third Year (Semester VI)

Business Economics Paper - V Development issues in Business Economics Paper - VI Development issues in the
the Indian economy Indian economy
Commerce Paper V: Marke ng & Human Resource Commerce Paper VI: Marke ng & Human Resource
Management Management
Specializa on Subjects: Specializa on Subjects:
Financial Accoun ng & Audi ng: Paper VIII : Financial Financial Accoun ng & Audi ng: Paper V : Financial
Accoun ng Accoun ng
Financial Accoun ng & Audi ng : Paper IX: Cost Financial Accoun ng & Audi ng : Paper VI: Cost
Accoun ng Accoun ng
Business Management: Management & Business Management: Management &
Organiza onal Development Organiza onal Development
Business Management: Financial Management Business Management: Financial Management

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

Third Year (Semester V) Third Year (Semester VI)

Applied Component combina ons (any one): Applied Component combina ons (any one):
1. Direct & Indirect Taxa on (Paper I) and Psychology 1. Direct & Indirect Taxa on (Paper II) and Psychology
of Human Behaviour at Work (Paper I) of Human Behaviour at Work (Paper II)
2. Computer Systems (Paper I) and Psychology of 2. Computer Systems (Paper II) and Psychology of
Human Behaviour at work (Paper I) Human Behaviour at work (Paper II)
3. Opera ons Research (Paper I) and Direct & Indirect 3. Opera ons Research (Paper II) and Direct & Indirect
Taxa on (Paper I) Taxa on (Paper II)
4. Computer Systems (Paper I) and Direct & Indirect 4. Computer Systems (Paper II) and Direct & Indirect
Taxa on (Paper I) Taxa on (Paper II)
5. Computer Systems (Paper I) and Opera ons 5. Computer Systems (Paper II) and Opera ons
Research (Paper I) Research (Paper II)
6. Export Marke ng (Paper I) and Psychology of Human 6. Export Marke ng (Paper II) and Psychology of Human
Behaviour at work (Paper I) Behaviour at work (Paper II)
7. Computer Systems (Paper I) and Export Marke ng 7. Computer Systems (Paper II) and Export Marke ng
(Paper I) (Paper II)

Bachelor of Commerce (Accoun ng Finance) - BAF

Semester I
1. Financial Accoun ng-I 2. Cost Accoun ng-I 3. Economics-I
4. Commerce - I 5. Business Communica on-I 6. Founda on Course-I
7. Financial Management

Semester II
1. Financial Accoun ng-II 2. Audi ng-I 3. Taxa on-I
4. Business Law-I 5. Business Communica on-II 6. Business Mathema cs
7. Founda on Course-II

Semester III
1. Financial Accoun ng-III 2. Cost Accoun ng-II 3. Taxa on-II
4. Commerce-II 5. Business Law-II 6. Business Economics-II
7. Informa on Technology in Accountancy-I

Semester IV
1. Financial Accoun ng-IV 2. Taxa on-III 3. Wealth Management
4. Management –I 5. Business Law-II 6. Research Methodology in Accoun ng & Finance
7. Informa on Technology in Accountancy-II

Semester V
1. Financial Accoun ng-V 2. Cost Accoun ng-IV 3. Financial Management-II
4. Taxa on-IV 5. Management-II (Management Appl.) 6. Project - I

Semester VI
1. Financial Accoun ng-VI 2. Cost Accoun ng-V 3. Financial Management-III
4. Taxa on-V 5. Economics-III 6. Project-II


Bachelor of Management Studies - BMS

Semester I
1. Introduc on to Financial Accounts 2. Business Law 3. Business Sta s cs
4. Business Communica on - I 5. Founda on Course - I 6. Founda on of Human Skills
7. Business Economics-I

Semester II
1. Principles of Marke ng 2. Industrial Law 3. Business Mathema cs
4. Business Communica on -II 5. Business Environment 6. Principles of Management
7. Founda on Course - Value Educa on and So Skill - II

Semester III Semester IV

1. Informa on Technology in Business Management – I 1. Informa on Technology in Business Management – II
2. Founda on Course III: Environmental Management 2. Founda on Course IV: Ethics & Governance
3. Business Planning & Entrepreneurial Management 3. Business Economics-II
4. Accoun ng for Managerial Decisions 4. Business Research Methods
5. Strategic Management 5. Produc on & Total Quality Management
Finance Group Elec ves: Finance Group Elec ves:
1. Basics of Financial Services 1. Financial Ins tu ons & Markets
2. Corporate Finance 2. Audi ng
Marke ng Elec ves: Marke ng Elec ves:
1. Consumer Behavior 1. Integrated Marke ng Communica on
2. Adver sing 2. Rural Marke ng

Semester V Semester VI
1. Logis cs & SCM 1. Opera ons Research
2. Project Work - I 2. Project Work - II
Finance Group Elec ves: Finance Group Elec ve:
1. IAPM 1. Direct Taxes
2. Commodity & Deriva ve Market 2. Interna onal Finance
3. Wealth Management 3. Indirect Taxes
4. Strategic Finance Management 4. Project Management
Marke ng Group Elec ves: Marke ng Group Elec ve:
1. Service Marke ng 1. Brand Management
2. E-Commerce & Digital Marke ng 2. Corporate Communica on & Public Rela ons
3. Sales & Distribu on Management 3. Interna onal Marke ng
4. Customer Rela on Management 4. Media Planning & Management

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

Bachelor of Commerce (Financial Markets) - BFM

Semester I
1. Financial Accoun ng - I 2. Introduc on to Financial System 3. Business Mathema cs
4. Business Communica on - I 5. Founda on Course - I 6. Business Environment
7. Business Economics - I

Semester II
1. Financial Accoun ng- II 2. Principles of Management 3. Business Sta s cs
4. Business Communica on - II 5. Founda on Course - II 6. Environmental Science
7. Computer Skills - I

Semester III
1. Debt Markets-1 2. Equity Markets-1 3. Commodi es Markets
4. Business Law-1 5. Management Accoun ng 6. Computer skills -2
7. Founda on course III : Money Market

Semester IV
1. Debt Markets-2 2. Equity Markets-2 3. Commodi es Deriva ves
4. Business Law-2 5. Corporate Finance 6. Business Economics -2
7. F.C.-IVForeign Exchange Markets

Semester V
1. Marke ng in Financial Services 2. Technical Analysis 3. Equity Research
4. Corporate Accoun ng 5. Financial Deriva ves 6. Business Ethics & Corporate Governance

Semester VI
1. Venture Capital & Private Equity 2. Mutual Fund Management 3. Strategic Corporate Finance
4. Organisa onal Behavior 5. Risk Management 6. Project -I

Bachelor of Science in Informa on Technology - B.Sc.(IT)

Semester I
1. Impera ve Programming 2. Digital Electronics 3. Opera ng Systems
4. Discrete Mathema cs 5. Communica on Skills

Semester II
1. Object oriented Programming 2. Microprocessor Architecture 3. Web Programming
4. Numerical and Sta s cal Methods 5. Green Compu ng

Semester III
1. Python Programming 2. Data Structure 3. Computer Networks
4. Database Management System 5. Applied Mathema cs


Semester IV
1. Core Java 2. Introduc on to Embedded Systems 3. Computer Oriented Sta s cal Techniques
4. So ware Engineering 5. Computer Graphics and Anima on

Semester V
1. Network Security 2. ASP.Net with C# 3. So ware Tes ng
4. Advanced JAVA 5. Linux Administra on

Semester VI
1. Internet Technology 2. Project Management 3. Data Warehousing
4. Project 5. Elec ve I – IPR and Cyber Law / GIS / Digital Signal And Systems

Scheme of Examina on B.Com.

Examina ons will be conducted at the End of each Semester. Those paper that do not have internal / prac cal
examina ons, the dura on of exams shall be of 3 hours and of 100 marks. While those paper that have internal /
prac cal examina on, the dura on of exam will be of 2 ⁄ hours and 75 marks.

Scheme of Examina on for BMS / BAF / BFM / B.Sc. IT

The scheme of examina on shall be divided in two parts
a) Internal Assessment – 25% (25 Marks)
For Courses without Prac cal

Sr. No. Par culars Marks

1 One class test / case study / online examina on to be conducted in the given semester* 20 Marks
2 Ac ve par cipa on in rou ne class instruc onal deliveries and overall conduct as a 05 Marks
responsible learner, mannerism and ar cula on and exhibit of leadership quali es in
organizing related academic ac vi es

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

For Courses with Prac cal (Commerce Sec on)

Sr. No. Par culars Marks
1 Semester End Prac cal Examina on 20 Marks
Journal 05 Marks
Viva 05 Marks
Laboratory Work 10 Marks
2 Ac ve par cipa on in rou ne class instruc onal deliveries and overall conduct as a 05 Marks
responsible learner, mannerism and ar cula on and exhibit of leadership quali es in
organizing related academic ac vi es

b) Semester End Examina ons – 75% (75 Marks)

• Dura on – These examina ons shall be of 2.5 Hours dura on
• Theory ques on paper pa ern
• There shall be five ques ons each of 15 marks.
• All ques ons shall be compulsory with internal choice within the ques ons.
• Ques on may be subdivided into sub-ques ons a, b, c… and the alloca on of marks depends on the weightage of the

Passing Standards and Promo ons

Standard of Passing:
The learners to pass a course shall have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate for each course where the course
consists of Internal Assessment & Semester End Examina on. The learners shall obtain minimum of 40% marks (i.e. 10
out of 25) in the Internal Assessment and 40% marks in Semester End Examina on (i.e. 30 Out of 75) separately, to pass
the course and minimum of Grade E in each project, wherever applicable, to pass a par cular semester. A learner will be
said to have passed the course if the learner passes the Internal Assessment & Semester End Examina on together.

Performance Grading
The PERFORMANCE GRADING of the learners shall be on the TEN point ranking system as under:

Letter Grades and Their Equivalent Grade Point

Marks Grade Grade Performance

80 and above 10 O Outstanding

70 - 79.99 9 A+ Excellent

60 - 69.99 8 A Very Good

55 - 59.99 7 B+ Good

50 - 54.99 6 B Above Average

45 - 49.99 5 C Average

40 - 44.99 4 D Pass

Less than 40 0 F Fail

*The performance grading shall be based on the aggregate performance of Internal Assessment and Semester End
Examina on (Wherever applicable). For more details please refer university website


Admission Cut-Off for 2017–2018

Bachelor of Commerce BFM Cutoff
Category Cutoff Category Cutoff
In-house All Open 92.80%
Gujara Minority 83.08% Gujara Minority 87.83%
Open 88.80% Sports/Cultural/Handicap/Ex-servicemen 88.40%
SC (13%) 43.08% Physically Handicapped/Learning Disability 80.77%
ST(7%) 79.23% (Separate category from academic year
OBC (19%) 49.23% 2014-15)
Others like Ex-servicemen (3%) 77.69%
NTB 62.92%
BAF Cutoff
NTD 76.15% Category Cutoff
SBC 86.15% Open 94.17%
DTA 71.54% Gujara Minority 89.60%
Physically Handicapped / 47.00% Sports/Cultural/Handicap/Ex-servicemen 94.40%
Learning Disability (Separate category from Physically Handicapped/Learning Disability 86.15%
academic Year2014-2015) (3%) (Separate category from academic year

BMS Cutoff
Category Cutoff
BSc. IT Cutoff (Marks in Mathema cs)
Commerce 95.40%
Category Cutoff
Science 86.15%
Open 46/100
Arts 84.77%
Gujara Minority 48/100
Diploma (Engg., IB etc.) 95.00%
Sports/Cultural/Handicap/Ex-servicemen 41/100
Gujara Minority 88.62%
Physically Handicapped/Learning Disability 80/100
Sports/Cultural/Handicap/Ex. Servicemen 91.00%
(Separate category from academic year
Physical Handicapped & Learning 88.15%
Disability (Separate category from
academic year 2014-2015)

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

Revised Fee Structure for the Academic Year 2008-2009 onwards As per the University Circular No. CONCOL/FEE/292 of 2008 dt. 07.07.2008
Tui on Fee 800 800 800
Library Fee 200 200 200
Gymkhana Fee 200 200 200
Other Fees / Extra Curricular Ac vi es 250 250 250
Admission Processing Fee 200 200 200
Magazine Fee 100 100 100
ID & Library Cards 50 50 50
Group Insurance Fees *** 40 40 40
Students Welfare Fund 50 50 50
U lity Fee 250 250 250
Development Fees 500 500 500
Enrolment Fee 220
Examina on Fee 1965 1965 1965
Convoca on Fee 250
E – Suvidha 50 50 50
Univ. Sports & Cult. Fee 30 30 30
Vice-Chancellors’ Fund 20 20 20
‘E’ Charges 20 20 20
Project Fees 0 0 0
Univ. Disaster Relief Fund 10 10 10
Alumni Fee 25 25 25
N.S.S. 10 10 10
Refundable Deposits:
(i) Laboratory Deposit 0
(ii) Library Deposit 250
(iii) Cau on Money 150
(iv) Security Deposit
Fees for students from Maharashtra Board 5390 4770 5020
Eligibility Fees 320 0 0
Document Verifica on 400 0 0
Fees for students Other Than Maharashtra Board 6110 4770 5020
Fees for NRI/ Foreign Students 27715 23465 24715
Fees for All Reserved Categories from Maharashtra Board 2345 2345 2595
Fees for All Reserved Categories(Other than Maharashtra Board) 3065 2345 2595

Fees to be paid for BCom Course by Demand Dra in favour of Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics
*** Rs.40/- on Rs.2,00,000/- Policy
Fees men oned in the chart are subject to revision from me to me by the University of Mumbai


Revised Fee Structure for the Academic Year 2008-2009 onwards As per the University Circular No. CONCOL/FEE/292 of 2008 dt. 07.07.2008
B.M.S. (Rs.) B.F.M. (Rs.) B.Sc. (I.T.) (Rs.) B.A.F (Rs)
Tui on Fee 10000 10000 10000 10000
Laboratory Fee 1000 1000 6000 1000
Computer Prac cals 1000 1000 1000 1000
Library Fee 300 600 1200 600
Gymkhana Fee 400 400 400 400
Other Fees / Extra Curricular Ac vi es 250 250 250 250
Admission Processing Fee 200 200 200 200
Magazine Fee 100 100 100 100
ID & Library Cards 50 50 50 50
Group Insurance Fees*** 40 40 40 40
Students Welfare Fund 50 50 50 50
U lity Fee 250 250 250 250
Development Fees 500 500 500 500
Enrolment Fee 220 220 220 220
Examina on Fee 1965 1965 1965 1965
Convoca on Fee
E – Suvidha 50 50 50 50
Univ. Sports & Cult. Fee 30 30 36 30
Vice-Chancellors’ Fund 20 20 20 20
‘E’ Charges 20 20 20 20
Project Fees 0 0 1000 0
Univ. Disaster Relief Fund 10 10 10 10
Alumni Fee 25 25 25 25
N.S.S. 10 10 10 10
Refundable Deposits :
(i) Laboratory Deposit 400 400 400 400
(ii) Library Deposit 250 250 250 250
(iii) Cau on Money 150 150 150 150
Fees for students from Maharashtra Board 17290 17590 24196 17590
Eligibility Fees 320 320 320 320
Document Verifica on 400 400 400 400
Fees for students Other Than Maharashtra Board 18010 18310 24916 18310
Fees for NRI/ Foreign Students 87440 88940 121970 88940
Fees for All Reserved Categories from Maharashtra Board 2345 2345 3345 2345
Fees for All Reserved Categories(Other than Maharashtra Board) 3065 3065 4065 3065
Fees to be paid for BMS Course by Demand Dra in favour of Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics BMS A/c
Fees to be paid for BAF/BFM/BSc IT by Demand Dra in favour of Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics Unaided A/c
*** Rs.40/- on Rs.2,00,000/- Policy
Fees men oned in the chart are subject to revision from me to me by the University of Mumbai

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

Revised Fee Structure for the Academic Year 2008-2009 onwards As per the University Circular No. CONCOL/FEE/292 of 2008 dt. 07.07.2008
B.M.S. (Rs.) B.F.M. (Rs.) B.Sc. (I.T.) (Rs.) B.A.F (Rs)
Tui on Fee 10000 10000 10000 10000
Laboratory Fee 1000 1000 6000 1000
Computer Prac cals 1000 1000 1500 1000
Library Fee 300 600 1200 600
Gymkhana Fee 400 400 400 400
Other Fees / Extra Curricular Ac vi es 250 250 250 250
Admission Processing Fee 200 200 200 200
Magazine Fee 100 100 100 100
ID & Library Cards 50 50 50 50
Group Insurance Fees*** 40 40 40 40
Students Welfare Fund 50 50 50 50
U lity Fee 250 250 250 250
Development Fees 500 500 500 500
Enrolment Fee
Examina on Fee 1965 1965 1965 1965
Convoca on Fee
E – Suvidha 50 50 50 50
Univ. Sports & Cult. Fee 30 30 36 30
Vice-Chancellors’ Fund 20 20 20 20
‘E’ Charges 20 20 20 20
Project Fees 0 0 1000 0
Univ. Disaster Relief Fund 10 10 10 10
Alumni Fee 25 25 25 25
N.S.S. 10 10 10 10
Refundable Deposits :
(i) Laboratory Deposit 0 0 0 0
(ii) Library Deposit 0 0 0 0
(iii) Cau on Money 0 0 0 0
Fees for students from Maharashtra Board 16270 16570 23676 16570
Eligibility Fees 0 0 0 0
Document Verifica on 0 0 0 0
Fees for students Other Than Maharashtra Board 16270 16570 23676 16570
Fees for NRI/ Foreign Students 81190 82690 118220 83940
Fees for All Reserved Categories from Maharashtra Board 2345 2345 3345 2345
Fees for All Reserved Categories(Other than Maharashtra Board) 2345 2345 3345 2345
Fees to be paid for BMS Course by Demand Dra in favour of Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics BMS A/c
Fees to be paid for BAF/BFM/BSc IT by Demand Dra in favour of Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics Unaided A/c
*** Rs.40/- on Rs.2,00,000/- Policy
Fees men oned in the chart are subject to revision from me to me by the University of Mumbai


Revised Fee Structure for the Academic Year 2008-2009 onwards As per the University Circular No. CONCOL/FEE/292 of 2008 dt. 07.07.2008
B.M.S. (Rs.) B.F.M. (Rs.) B.Sc. (I.T.) (Rs.) B.A.F (Rs)
Tui on Fee 10000 10000 10000 10000
Laboratory Fee 1000 1000 6000 1000
Computer Prac cals 1000 1000 2500 1000
Library Fee 300 600 1200 600
Gymkhana Fee 400 400 400 400
Other Fees / Extra Curricular Ac vi es 250 250 250 250
Admission Processing Fee 200 200 200 200
Magazine Fee 100 100 100 100
ID & Library Cards 50 50 50 50
Group Insurance Fees*** 40 40 40 40
Students Welfare Fund 50 50 50 50
U lity Fee 250 250 250 250
Development Fees 500 500 500 500
Enrolment Fee
Examina on Fee 1965 1965 1965 1965
Convoca on Fee 250 250 250 250
E – Suvidha 50 50 50 50
Univ. Sports & Cult. Fee 30 30 36 30
Vice-Chancellors’ Fund 20 20 20 20
‘E’ Charges 20 20 20 20
Project Fees 500 1000 1900 0
Univ. Disaster Relief Fund 10 10 10 10
Alumni Fee 25 25 25 25
N.S.S. 10 10 10 10
Refundable Deposits :
(i) Laboratory Deposit 0 0 0 0
(ii) Library Deposit 0 0 0 0
(iii) Cau on Money 0 0 0 0
Fees for students from Maharashtra Board 17020 17820 25826 16820
Eligibility Fees 0 0 0 0
Document Verifica on 0 0 0 0
Fees for students Other Than Maharashtra Board 17020 16820 25826 16820
Fees for NRI/ Foreign Students 84940 83940 128970 83940
Fees for All Reserved Categories from Maharashtra Board 2595 2595 4495 2750
Fees for All Reserved Categories(Other than Maharashtra Board) 2595 2595 4495 2750
Fees to be paid for BMS Course by Demand Dra in favour of Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics BMS A/c
Fees to be paid for BAF/BFM/BSc IT by Demand Dra in favour of Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics Unaided A/c
*** Rs.40/- on Rs.2,00,000/- Policy
Fees men oned in the chart are subject to revision from me to me by the University of Mumbai

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

Refund of Fees
Refund of fees can be claimed as per Mumbai University's Circular No. UG / 412 of 2008

0.2859: Refund of Tui on, Development and all other fees a er cancella on of admissions:
The candidates who have taken admission in under graduate courses in Govt. colleges, in Govt. aided and unaided courses
conducted by affiliated colleges, and recognized Ins tu ons may request for refund of fees a er applying in wri ng for
cancella on of their admission to the course. The refund of fees as applicable shall be made on or before the 30th day
a er the date of cancella on and therea er. The percentage of fees for the course shall be refunded to the candidate a er
deduc ng charges as follows:

Table – 1: Fees Deduc on on cancella on of admission

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)

Prior to Up to 20 days From 21st day From 51st day From A er

Commencement A er up to 50 days up to 80 days September 1st September

of academic commencement A er a er the to September 30th

term and of the academic Commencement commencement 30th

instruc on of term of the of the academic of academic

the course Course term of the term of the

Course course or

August 31st

whichever is


Deduc on Rs. 500/- 20% of the total 30% of the total 50% of the total 60% of the total 100% of the total

Lump Sum amount of less. amount of fees. amount of fees. amount of fees. amount of fees.


NOTE: rules of relevant agencies) for the 1st year admission.

The total amount considered for the refund of fees from In case of admission to subsequent years of the
the commencement of academic term of the courses course, 0.2859 is applicable for cancella on of
including the following : admission. Provided further that this refund rule is
ii) The fee charged towards group insurance and all fee concurrent with the rules and guidelines of other
components to be paid as University share (including professional statutory
Vice-Chancellor fund, University fee for sports and
cultural ac vi es, E-charge, disaster management bodies appointed for admission for relevant courses.
fund, exam. Fee and Enrollment fee) are non- Further that 0.2859-A & 0.2859-B have been repealed and
refundable if payment is made by the college prior to the amended 0.2859 rela ng to the refund of Tui on Fees,
the date of cancella on. Development and all other fees a er cancella on of
iii) Fee collected for iden ty card and Library card, admission for the Under Graduate Courses has been
admission form and prospectus, enrollment and any brought into force with effect from the academic year
other course specific fee are not refundable a er the 2008-2009.
commencement of the academic term.
iv) All refundable deposits (Laboratory, Cau on Money
Refund of College Deposit
and Library etc.) shall be fully returned at the me of
Applica on for the refund of college deposit must be
cancella on.Provided that wherever admissions are
made within one year of the applicant ceasing to be a
made through centralized admission process for
student of the College, failing which the deposit amount
professional and / or for any other courses by other
will be forfeited.
competent Authori es, the Refund Rules are
applicable if specified by such authori es (as per the

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

ATTENDANCE FOR LEARNERS AS PER ORDINANCE to the a endance in charge in the college office on a
6086 OF UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI daily basis in case of an event held by the college or
1. Every bonafide learner shall ordinarily be allowed to within two working days of comple on of events
keep terms for the given semester in a program of his held by other colleges.
enrolment, only if he fulfills at least seventy five
percent (75%) of the a endance taken as an average 3. The Principal of the concerned College shall be the
of the total number of lectures, prac cal's, tutorials competent authority to condone the absentee of any
etc. wherein short and/or long excursions/field learner further up to addi onal 25%, if deemed fit
visits/study tours organized by the college and and on recommenda on of the a endance
supervised by the teachers as envisaged in the commi ee of the college, wherein it is mandatory on
syllabus shall be credited to his a endance for the the commi ee to do natural jus ce by giving
total no of periods which are otherwise delivered on personal hearing to every learner falling short of
the material day/s. Further it is mandatory for every minimum a endance for keeping terms and
learner to have min 50% a endance for each subject recommending case by case to the competent
& an overall average a endance has to be 75%. authority having verified the genuineness and
gravity of the problem that jus fies the learner to
2. Students par cipa ng in sports, cultural ac vi es, remain absent, which generally shall be limited to his
N.S.S, N.C.C, Adult and Con nuing Educa on and own sickness, sickness of his parent, death of his
Extension will be permi ed full credit for p a re nt etc . s u p p o r te d by va l i d ev i d e n c e ,
lectures/prac cal/tutorials missed by them as a documentary or otherwise.
result of their par cipa on in N.C.C/N.S.S/A.C.E.E
camps, Inter-collegiate, Inter-University, State, 4. Steps by College
Na onal and Interna onal tournaments/ 1. Undertaking signed by parent as well as
compe ons and coaching camps, / training student at the me of admission.
sessions organized in par cipa on of these 2. Signatures taken from students against their
tournaments / compe ons. This credit shall be monthly a endance.
allowed on the basis of produc on of cer ficate of 3. Display of monthly a endance on student
par cipa on in such authorized ac vity from the no ce board.
concerned organizers. The same shall be submi ed 4. Monthly le ers and emails sent to Parents
along with a prescribed form appended as Annexure informing of their wards a endance.
F which shall be verified by the teacher in charge and 5. Periodical parents mee ng addressed
the vice principal. This form then shall be submi ed

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

Post Graduate Courses

About M.Com List of Required Documents
Masters of Commerce is a natural extension of the A. For applica on along with the duly filled form:
undergraduate course in Commerce i.e. B.Com. The most 1. Photocopies of mark sheet of Gradua ons (TY
common specializa ons are in Advance Accountancy, B.Com./B M S/B A F/B M M / B B I) / equivalent
Business Management and Banking & Finance. Keeping in
examina on
view the growing demand by our students to start the
M.Com.course, we at NM College have offered the 2. Cer ficate in case of Gujara Speaking Minority
M.Com. (Advance Accoun ng) from the academic year candidates
2010-2011, M.Com (Business Management) and (Banking 3. Caste Cer ficate, if applicable
& Finance) Course from the academic year 2013-2014. It is 4. Any other cer ficate for claiming benefit in admission
a two year masters program comprising of two semesters
under different quota like Sports, Cultural Ac vi es,
every year. i.e overall M.Com is a four semester masters
program. Physically handicapped, Freedom Fighter etc.
5. In case of students from boards other than Mumbai
University, “Provisional statement of Eligibility” issued
Admission Informa on by the University of Mumbai is necessary for
O.5977: A learner for being eligible for admission to the acceptance of the applica on form.
Post Graduate Programme i.e. Master of Commerce, shall B. For confirma on of admission:
have passed the examina on for the degree of Bachelor of 1. Originals of the above men oned documents.
Commerce (three years / Six Semester integrated course) 2. 3 passport size colour photographs (recent)
or the degree B. Com. (Old Course) or the other Semester 3. 3 Self addressed envelopes with Rs.5/- stamp pasted
based Programmes i.e. Bachelor of Commerce (Banking & on the envelope.
Insurance) or Bachelor of Commerce (Accoun ng & 4. Cheque or DD in favour of “NarseeMonjee College of
Finance) or Bachelor of Commerce (Financial Markets) or Commerce and Economics”. Payment of fees is by
Bachelor of Management Studies (B.M.S.) of this cheque/DD only.
University, or an examina on of any other University All admissions are made in the college according
recognized as equivalent thereto. to the admission schedule sent by the university.
Any seat that falls vacant due to cancella on is
Students seeking admissions to this college are required to filled on merit basis in the next list
apply in the prescribed form. Students must affix recent
photograph on the filled admission form along with copies M.Com Cutoff - 2017-18
of the statement of TY mark sheet for verifica on to the Category AA B&F BM
office staff. Incomplete forms will be rejected. The merit Open 71.25% 71.08% 66.60%
list will be displayed in the college as per University Gujara Minority 70.35% 64.43% 64.63%
guidelines, and all selected students should submit Others 67.93% 60.18% 62.20%
original documents as men oned in the list below. PH / LD 54.00% 49.58% --


The course consists of 16 papers, 8 at part I and 8 at part II.
(Special Courses in Advanced Accoun ng, Business Management and Banking & Finance)

Semester I Semester II
Common subjects for all three courses
Strategic Management Research Methodology for Business
Economics for Business Decisions Macro Economics concepts and Applica ons
Cost and Management Accoun ng Corporate Finance
Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility E-Commerce
Semester III Semester IV
Business Management
Entrepreneurial Management Supply Chain Management and Logis cs
Human Resource Management Adver sing & Sales Management
Organiza onal Behavior Retail Management
Project Work I Project Work II
Banking & Finance
Commercial Bank Management Investment Management
Financial Markets Interna onal Finance
Treasury Management Financial Services
Project Work I Project Work II
Advanced Accoun ng
Advanced Financial accoun ng Financial Management
Advanced Cost Accoun ng Indirect Tax
Direct Tax Corporate Financial Accoun ng
Project Work I Project Work II


Applicable to the students admi ed to Part I of the course from the academic year 2016-2017 and to the students
of Part II admi ed from the academic year 2017-2018.

The performance of the learners will be evaluated in two Components. One component will be the Internal Assessment
component carrying 40% marks and the second component will be the Semester wise End Term Examina on component
carrying 60% marks. The alloca on of marks for the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examina ons will be as shown
A) Internal Assessment - 40% (40 Marks)
The Internal Assessment will consist of one class test of 40 marks for each course excluding projects. These examina ons
shall be of 1 hour and 30 minutes dura on.
B) Semester End Assessment - 60% (60 Marks)
i. Dura on - These examina ons shall be of 2 Hours dura on.
ii. Ques on Course Pa ern:-
a. There shall be four ques ons each of 15 marks.
b. All ques ons shall be compulsory with internal choice within the ques ons.
c. Ques on may be subdivided into sub-ques ons a, b, c...and the alloca on of marks depend on the weightage
of the topic.

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

Responsibility of Assessment
The assessment of Internal Assessment as men oned above for the Semester I to IV shall be processed by the Colleges /
Ins tu ons / University Departments of their learners while the University shall conduct the assessment of the Semester
End Examina on for Semesters I to IV. The Internal Assessment marks of learners appearing for Semester I to IV shall be
submi ed to the University by the respec ve colleges/ Ins tu ons before the commencement of respec ve Semester
End Examina ons. The results shall be declared by the University a er processing the marks obtained by the learner in the
Internal Assessment and the marks awarded to the learners in Semester End Examina on. The grade card shall be issued
by the University a er conver ng the marks into grades.

The learner to pass a course shall have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate for each course where the course
consists of Internal Assessment & Semester End Examina on. The learner shall obtain minimum of 40% marks (i.e. 16 out
of 40) in the Internal Assessment and 40% marks in Semester End Examina on (i.e. 24 out of 60) separately, to pass the
course and minimum of Grade E in the project component, wherever applicable to pass a par cular semester. A learner
will be said to have passed the course if the learner passes the Internal Assessment & Semester End Examina on together.

Grade Marks Grade Points SGPA / CGPA

O 70 & above 7 7 & Above
A 60 to 69.99 6 6 to 6.99
B 55 to 59.99 5 5 to 5.99
C 50 to 54.99 4 4 to 4.99
D 45 to 49.99 3 3 to 3.99
E 40 to 44.99 2 2 to 2.99
F (Fail) 39.99 & below 1 1 to 1.99

Allowed to Keep Terms (ATKT)

1) A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester II irrespec ve of number of courses of failure in the semester I.
2) A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester III if he/she passes each of the semester I and Semester II OR a
learner fails in not more than two courses of Semester I and not more than two courses of Semester II.


Revised Fee Structure for the Academic Year 2008-2009 onwards As per the University Circular No. CONCOL/FEE/292 of 2008 dt. 07.07.2008
M.Com. M.Com. M.Com. M.Com. M.Com. M.Com.
(AA) (BF) (BM) (AA) (BF) (BM)
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Tui on Fee 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Registra on Fee 800 800 800 0 0 0
Registra on Form Fee 25 25 25 0 0 0
Laboratory Fee 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500
Library Fee 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Gymkhana Fee 400 400 400 400 400 400
Other Fees / Extra Curricular Ac vi es 250 250 250 250 250 250
Admission Processing Fees 200 200 200 200 200 200
Magazine Fee 100 100 100 100 100 100
Iden ty Card 50 50 50 50 50 50
Group Insurance 40 40 40 40 40 40
Students Welfare Fund 50 50 50 50 50 50
U lity Fee 250 250 250 250 250 250
Development Fee 500 500 500 500 500 500
Convoca on Fee 0 0 0 250 250 250
University Examina on Fee 2888 2888 2888 2888 2888 2888
E-Suvidha 50 50 50 50 50 50
University Sports & Cultural Fee 30 30 30 30 30 30
Vice – Chancellors’ Fund 20 20 20 20 20 20
E-Charges 20 20 20 20 20 20
Disaster Relief Fund 10 10 10 10 10 10
N.S.S. 10 10 10 10 10 10
Alumni Fees 25 25 25 25 25 25
Ashwamegha Fees 20 20 20 20 20 20
Refundable Deposit
(ii) Library Deposit 250 250 250 0 0 0
(iii) Cau on Money 150 150 150 0 0 0
Total 14638 14638 14638 13663 13663 13663
Fees for All Reserved Categories 3288 3288 3288 3538 3538 3538
from Maharashtra Board

Fees to be paid for MCOM by Demand Dra in favour of Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics Unaided A/c
*** Rs.40/- on Rs.2,00,000/- Policy
Fees men oned in the chart are subject to revision from me to me by the University of Mumbai

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

Refund of fees
Students can cancel the admissions, and the documents deduc on of 25% of the tui on fees therefrom as
will be returned immediately or latest within 48 working the administra ve charges. An applica on by the
hours. candidate for such refund will only be
NOTE: The total amount considered for the refund of fees entertained if it is received by the Registrar/Head
from the commencement of academic term of the courses of the University Department within fi een days
includes the following : from the date of commencement of the lectures
a. The fee charged towards group insurance and all of the academic year for which the fees is paid.
fee components to be paid as University share 3. The tui on fees paid by a candidate for the
(including Vice-Chancellor fund, University fee course in which he is registered as a post
for sports and cultural ac vi es, E-charge, graduate student will be refunded to him if he
Disaster Management Fund, Exam Fee and leaves the said course and joins another course of
Enrolment fee) are non-refundable if payment is this university for which he has applied at the
made to the college prior to the date of same me and the selec on of the new course of
cancella on. this University is made later, subject to the
b. Fee collected for Iden ty card and Library card, deduc on of 25% therefrom as administra ve
admission form and prospectus, enrolment and charges. An applica on by the candidate for such
any other course specific fee are not refundable refund will only be entertained if it is received by
a er the commencement of the academic term. the Registrar/Head of the University Department
c. All refundable deposits (Laboratory, Cau on within fi een days from the date of
Money and Library etc.) shall be fully returned at commencement of the lectures of his paying the
the me of cancella on. tui on fees for the new course.
Given below are the ordinances regarding refund of fees
for the M.Com. Class: REFUND OF COLLEGE DEPOSIT: Applica on for the
O.3574: refund of College deposit must be made within one year of
1. The registra on fees once paid for the post the applicant ceasing to be a student of the College, failing
graduate course will not be refunded for any which the deposit amount will be forfeited.
2. The tui on fees paid by the candidate for the
course in which he is registered as a post
graduate student will be refunded to him, if he
leaves the said course without a ending any
lectures, seminars or prac cal, subject to the


Other Cer fied Courses & Oral Training Centres

a. SAP ERP Training Programme Management Consultant providing
• Courses offered in SAP - FI, SD, MM, HCM, ABAP Management Consultancy Services in nature of
• Key Differen ators investment advisory, informa on technology,
– Expert personalised profiling etc. An individual may also opt for Industry
– Classroom / Online training Employment and may hold top posi ons like
– Extended career support services Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of an organiza on,
b. Chartered Accountancy
SV K M's Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & c. Cost & Management Accountant (formerly known as
Economics is the one of the colleges selected by WIRC of Cost & Works Accountant)
ICAI to offer the Oral Coaching Program for Chartered SV K M's Narsee Monjee College of Commerce &
Accountancy examina ons. Economics is one of the centres nominated by ICAI to
impart training to the students intending to pursue their
Brief: The Chartered Accountancy course consists of Career in Cost Accoun ng. NM College In associa on with
three levels i.e. Common Proficiency Test (CPT), ICAI provides classroom coaching to the students.
Intermediate (integrated Professional
Competence) Course ( I P C C ) and Final Brief: The course consists of three levels i.e. Founda on
Examina on (CA Final). Course, Intermediate Course and Final Course

Timing: The lectures are generally conducted from 6pm Timing: The lectures are conducted from 6pm to 9pm.
to 9pm. However mings may change
depending on batch requirements. Fees: Founda on Course: Rs. 4,000
Intermediate Course: Rs. 20,000
Fees: CPT: Rs. 11,000
IPCC: Rs. 24,000 Dura on: Founda on Course: Approximately Six Months
Intermediate Course: Approximately Six
Dura on: CPT: Approximately Four to Five Months; Months
IPCC: Approximately Six Months.
We are also in the process of offering Crash Write-up: On becoming a Cost and Management
Course for CPT and IPCC which shall be held for Accountant (CMA) an individual can become a
15 days and 1 month respec vely. Professional Prac oner prac cing as a Cost
Auditor or a Tax consultant, etc. A CMA may
Write-up: On becoming a Chartered Accountant (CA) an also be a Management Consultant providing
individual can become a Professional C o n s u l ta n c y S e r v i c e s i n t h e a re a s o f
Prac oner prac cing as an Auditor or a Tax Management Repor ng, Budge ng, etc. An
c o n s u l ta n t , e tc . A C A m ay a l s o b e a i n d i v i d u a l m ay a l s o o p t fo r I n d u s t r y

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

Employment and may hold good posi ons like Timing: The lectures are conducted from 6.00 pm to
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of an organiza on, 9.00 pm five days a week.
loca on head for Manufacturing Facili es, etc.
Fees: Rs. 20,060 (Inclusive of GST)
d. NSE Cer fied Capital Market Professional (NCCMP)
Course Dura on: 100 hour course which spans approximately
SV K M's Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & over 3 to 4 months
Economics in associa on with Na onal Stock Exchange
offers a 100 hours program, spanning over 2 – 3 months Write-up: On comple on of the course an individual
and covering theore cal and prac cal training in subjects should be able to make well informed
related to capital markets. investment decisions for himself in shares of a
company as well as in the newer avenue of
Brief: The course consists of five subjects, namely deriva ves. An individual may also become a
M a c ro Eco n o m i c s , F i n a n c i a l M a r ket s , professional advisor a er acquiring more
Deriva ves, Fundamental Analysis and prac cal experience; he may also opt for
Technical Analysis. Industry Employment and may become
research analyst, etc.

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

College Festivals & Meets

Umang 2017 The Global Youth Economic Summit
One of the pioneers in intercollegiate fes vals in the city of A pioneering event conducted to provide students an
Mumbai, is the NMs very own Umang. Umang is not just a
opportunity to express their views and exper se on a
cultural fes val, but a huge pla orm for the youth to
professional pla orm. Aimed at developing a futuris c
express themselves freely. It is visited by more than 50,000
people and more than 200 colleges and universi es take world economy, GYES a racted 300+ delegates and came
part in Umang with students from all over Mumbai and out to be one of the largest Summits organized by a
outsta on, there's an array of different events, ranging student body in the country. The meet consisted of three
from gaming to crea ve wri ng, from management to main agendas- Blockchain Technology, Emerging
performing arts. There are also some exci ng workshops.
Superpowers of the Near Future and Ar ficial Intelligence
Umang is sponsored by big companies while there are
separate sponsors for the workshops conducted, media - specifically chosen to provide opportuni es for the youth
partners, and cafeteria partners. Umang 2017, in its 18th to tune into the latest economic issues. Honourable Union
year, a journey packed with mys cism, thrill and Minister Mrs. Smri Irani's gave the Valedictory address of
adventure awaited all owing to its theme of 'A Passport The Global Youth Economic Summit. The Union Minister
Full of Stamps'.
chose to have an interac ve session to establish a be er
connect with the youth and to directly address their
concerns about the economy and the future of our na on.
It succeeded to engage the youth in understanding
developments in emerging areas impac ng economies of
the world and to provide the par cipa ng students an
opportunity to express their views and exper se on a
professional pla orm.

Developed under the aegis of Finance and Investment Cell,
Insight, NM's college business, finance and economics
meet was held on 7th - 9th of February. It turned out to be
a huge success. With its innova ve events and outstanding
speaker sessions it stood out uniquely from the other fests
happening in the city. Students from various colleges like
Christ University of Bangalore, Gargi College from Delhi;
SLS Pune; Jindal College Sonipat; St. Stephens, Delhi; and
various top colleges from Mumbai par cipated for events.


Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

Social Outreach Programs

Na onal Social Service Scheme (NSS UNIT)
The college also aims at the social development of the students & crea ng
awareness regarding their role as a part of the society. Na onal Social
Service (NSS unit) of the college introduced in 1966, aims at involving
students in the mainstream society, as a part of their social responsibility.

Department of Life Long Learning and Extension (DLLE)

The Department of Life Long Learning and Extension is a
statutory department of the University of Mumbai, set up
on 12th October 1978. It has been formed to promote and
to have meaningful and sustained rapport between the
university and the community. The mo o of DLLE is “To
reach the unreached”. A total of 77 students have
registered. This year the college has undertaken three
projects. Survey of Women Status: This project has been
designed to study the status of women and to understand
their challenges and problems in today's mes, while
Career Project aims at educa ng students of the various
careers available to them and how to make right career
choices. While the industry oriented project Aims at
building skills of the students.
Enactus is an interna onal nonprofit organiza on • Students are eligible to get grace of 10 marks under
dedicated to inspiring students to improve the world ordinance 0.229 of the university of Mumbai a er
through entrepreneurial ac on. It provides a pla orm for successful comple on of 120 hours in NSS and DLLE.
teams of outstanding university students to create • Students are eligible to get grace of 10 marks under
community development projects that put people's own ordinance 0.229 of the university of Mumbai for
ingenuity and talents at the center of improving their par cipa on in Sports and Cultural Ac vity.
livelihoods. Guided by educators and supported by
business leaders, the students take the kind of
entrepreneurial approach that empowers people to be a Rotaract Club NM College (RCNM)
part of their own success. Their work transforms both the In its 21st year, the Rotaract club of NM College organised
lives of the people we serve, and in turn, the lives of the a number of social and cultural ac vi es, endeavouring to
students as they develop into more effec ve, values- a make a difference and bring about palpable change in
driven leaders.
society. These ac vi es directly target the youth and
ensure all round development, providing them a pla orm
Key Partners & Donors: KPMG, Zee Channels, Walmart,
Unilever, Ford, Coca-Cola, Hersheys, etc to name a few. to hone their skills.


Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

Sports at NM
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics provides excellent infrastructure for sports such as stadiums, best
coaches for training. It encourages students to par cipate in various sports such as Chess, Badminton, Cricket at
Intercollegiate level, state level, Na onal level and Interna onal Level.

Sport Stars of N.M. College

Chirag She y Jainam Ranawat Tanshi Agarwal

T.Y.B.Com. T.Y.B.Com S.Y.B.Com
Badminton Diving Shoo ng

Shivani Desai Urmil Shah Vatsal Gandhi

T.Y.B.Com S.Y.B.Com S.Y.B.Com
Tennis Gymnas cs Tennis

Research & Other Ac vi es

Envisage cash prizes to encourage them to put their plans into
The college publishes an interdisciplinary students' ac on.
Research journal 'ENVISAGE' with ISSN 2395-7212,
which gives an opportunity to students to develop cri cal Ebulle n
thinking skills needed to succeed in academia and the real Every department of the college publishes a monthly e-
business world. bulle n wherein students contribute ar cles on
contemporary issues both within and beyond the syllabus.
Department of Economics organizes An Annual Academia-Industry Interac on
Intercollegiate Research paper presenta on compe on 1. Mr. NIlesh Shah, MD & CEO, Kotak Mahindra AMC
'EPSILON', wherein students undertake research work 2. Mr. Prashant Jain, CIO & Execu ve Director, HDFC
and present papers in the subjects of Economics, Poli cs, Mutual Fund
Commerce and Finance. 3. Mr. Chintan Haria, Fund Manager and Head of Product
Development & Stratergy, ICICI Pruden al Mutual
Intent Fund
The college organizes an Annual Business Plan 4. Ms. Amisha Vora, Joint MD, Prabhudas Lillader
Compe on, INTENT wherein par cipa ng students 5. Mr. Raamdeo Agarwal – Chairman ,Mo lal Oswal
conduct market research. It encourages the students to 6. Mr. TN Manoharan- Chairman of Canara Bank
have an entrepreneurial outlook. Winners are awarded 7. Mr. Jaimin Bha ( CFO, Kotak Mahindra Bank)


8. Mrs. Bhavna Doshi (Senior Advisor , KPMG) 15. Ms. Sneha Bendre, Marke ng Manager Star Sports,
9. Mr. Anil Bhandari ( Former Chairperson, WIRC) formerly Account Director at Ogilvy.
10. Mrs. Shru Shah ( Chairperson, WIRC) 16. CA Deepak Thakkar, Founder and Senior Partner at
11. Ms. Deepika Grower, Senior Execu ve, Book My Show PHD & Associates
12. Mr. Chintan Haria, Head – Product Development, ICICI 17. Mr. Hemant Panpalia ( Co-founder, India Nivesh)
Ltd 18 Mr. Deven Choksey ( Chairman, KR Choksey securi es)
13. Mr. Komal Parekh, Sales Head, ICICI Bank Ltd. 19. Mr. Priyesh Kamdar( Founder, Cartridge Junc on)
14. Mr. Sa sh Bendre, Consultant Johnson & Johnson 20. Mr. VIdhyadhar Prabhudesai (Global Shaper, World
Economic Forum )

Other Associa ons

NM College aims at the overall development of its The Debate and Literary Society organizes the Classic
students. In addi on to the academic excellence, students Debate and Get Set Go-presenta on skill event for
are encouraged to par cipate in various co-curricular & encouraging the deba ng skills among the students
extra- curricular ac vi es as per their inclina ons & besides other literary events.
interests. The college offers a wide plethora of
opportuni es to its students to plan and be a part of The Event Planning & Organizing skills of students find
events related to their specific interest areas through the expression through The Planning Forum.
memberships in various.
The Entrepreneur inside students are encouraged &
Associa ons & par cipa on in their events. The crea ve fanned into flame through 'INTENT'– the Business Plan
facet of the students in mul ple languages are given vent Compe on. Students can develop their latent talents &
through the ac vi es of English Literary Associa on & organize interes ng events for others to par cipate in
Speakers&Writers' club, Marathi Sahitya Mandal, Hindi various areas of their interest such as Adver sing,
Sahitya Mandal & Gujara Sahitya Mandal. Computers, Economics through associa ons such as
'Adver sing & Marke ng Club', 'The Computer Society'
Hobby Centre encourages students to come up with &'The Economics Associa on'.The Researcher inside
crea ve ideas such as photography, art formssuch as students get vent through the Students' Journal 'The
rangoli & give them a chance to convert those ideas into Visage'. With the objec ve of enabling our students to
some interes ng events. Workshops such as Salsa dance establish a link between “Theory and Prac ce” and to
workshop, Graffi workshop also organized to train the establish “Ins tute- Industry” rela onship on a
students in different hobbies. permanent basis, an exposure is given to students by
conduc ng Guest Lectures of eminent personali es from
Wildlife & Nature Club brings out the nature lover inside the corporate world.
students through the events like naturetrail, Trekking,
clean up drive, Gi a Sapling etc., giving them the Enterprising students are given chance to bag corporate
opportunity to promote the concern for Environmental opportuni es in the noted companies such as Barclays,
protec on through their events. Tech Mahindra, TCS,ICICI, Wipro, Birla Sun life etc., before
passing out of the college through the 'Placement Cell'.
The Psychology Club envisages to influence & develop the
behavior & a tude of students in rela onto the situa ons Women's Development Cell in the college tries to raise
& challenges in their prac cal life. the awareness & is involved in Gender sensi za on of
students & staff and in resolving issues related to sexual
harassment & exploita on.

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

by Various


Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42


Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42

Training and Placement Cell

Highest pay package - Rs. 8.5 lacs per annum.

Average pay package - Rs. 4 lacs per annum.

The Facilita ng Interface A Proven Track Record

One of the features at N.M. College is its commitment not A number of past students of the Ins tu on are now
only to produce quality manpower, but also to guide and occupying highly responsible posi ons in various reputed
shape the career of the students. In order to meet this and pres gious organiza ons including MNCs, PSUs,
objec ve, the Ins tute has a Training & Placement Cell banks, Govt. organiza ons, ins tu ons of learning etc. in
which acts as the interface between the recrui ng various places across the globe. The NM College Training
organiza ons and the College students. It facilitates and Placement Cell maintains a vibrant industry-academia
recruitment events on-campus. It organizes various pre- rela onship. College invites top notch firms in their
placement training programmes to enhance the so skills organiza on for the final placement. Companies that
of the students besides providing opportuni es for the visited our campus in the last academic year include:
young minds to sharpen their intellect through regular
interac on with leaders from industry and academic- KPMG, E&Y, Ci Group, JP Morgan Chase, Edelweiss
industry interface .College training and placement cell Securi es, Royal Bank of Scotland, ICICI Pruden al,
accentuates the holis c development and assist the Futures First, Wipro, Infosys, Edelweiss Finance to name a
students in iden fying and achieving their own personal few.
poten al.

No. Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s
Institutions run by Mandal with the year of establishment
Sr. No. Institute Year of Establishment
01. SVKM's NMIMS Deemed-to-be University - Mumbai
- Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering 2006
- School of Business Management 2006
- School of Distance Learning 2006
- Shobhaben Pratapbhai Patel School of Pharmacy & Technology Management 2006
- Anil Surendra Modi School of Commerce 2007
- Balwant Sheth School of Architecture 2007
- School of Science 2007
- Institute of Intellectual Property Studies 2009 (2000)
- Sarla Anil Modi School of Economics 2010
- Kirit P. Mehta School of Law
- Jyoti Dalal School of Liberal Arts
- School of Design
02. SVKM's NMIMS Deemed-to-be University - Shirpur
- Academy of Aviation 2007
- Centre for Textile Functions 2007
- Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering 2007
- School of Pharmacy & Technology Management 2007
03. SVKM's NMIMS Deemed-to-be University - Off Campus Centres
- Bengaluru Campus
- Chandigarh Campus
- Hyderabad Campus
04. Smt. Gokalibai Punamchand Pitamber High School 1934
05. Mithibai College of Arts, Chauhan Institute of Science 1961
06. Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic 1963
07. Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics 1964
08. Shri Gangaprasad Ranchodbhai Jani Boys Hostel 1968
09. Shri Manilal Vadilal Nanavati Prathmik Shala 1974
10. Chauhan Jr. College of Arts & Science 1976
11. Jitendra Chauhan College of Law 1977
12. Amrutben Jivanlal College of Commerce 1980
13. Shri Dhirajlal Vrajlal Parekh ShishuVilhar 1981
14. Parag Vijay Datt Drama Academy 1989
15. Harkisan Mehta Foundation Institute of Journalism & Mass Communication 1990
16. Shri Chhotabhai B. Patel Research Centre for Chemistry & Biological Sciences 1990
17. Acharya Ambalal V. Patel Jr. College 1992
18. Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering 1994
19. Chatrabhuj Narsee Memorial School & ND Parekh Pre-Primary School 1997
20. Mukeshbai R. Patel Military School, Shirpur 2003
21. Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Management 2003
22. Matushri Kundangauri Manharlal Sanghvi Girls Hostel 2003
23. Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Pharmacy 2004
24. Pravin Gandhi College of Law (5-Year) 2004
25. Institute of International Studies 2006
26. SVKM International School 2008 • 022-26615123

27. Centre for Performing Arts 2010

Other Infrastructure Facilities
28. Shri Bhaidas Maganlal Sabhagriha 1973
29. Jashoda Rang Mandir 1975
30. Santokba Sanskar Sadan 1975
31. JuhuJagruti Hall 1990
32. Babubhai Jagjivandas Hall 2000
33. Pravin Gandhi Pavilion 2004
34. Smt. Jashwantiben Vinod Goradia Auditorium 2011

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s

Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics
NAAC Reaccredited “A” Grade, CGPA: 3.42
Bhakti Vedant Swami Marg, Gulmohar Road, Juhu Scheme, Vile Parle (W), Mumbai-400056
Tel: 4233 8000 • 4233 8001 • Email:

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