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Hi, I’m Melinda Romo and I am a 3rd and 4th grade ELA and social Studies teacher at Our

of Fatima, a catholic school in Artesia, CA. Currently I am pursuing in clearing my credential to
continue teaching. I graduated with my Masters of education from the University of San Diego. I
have had prior experience in the education field before teaching as an aide in a variety of
classrooms. I feel that having such a vast understanding of classroom dynamics has set me up
to understanding how to plan my curriculum for my classroom. One thing I find that impacts
student learning is the relationships that are built and connections we make with the students;
being present and making lessons relevant and engaging to them. An achievement would be
that my 3rd graders got the opportunity this year to have their writing published in a class book
through a program called student treasures. This class book was based on things they know
how-to do. This was a great way to get them to be encouraged to write.It was also a great way
to show their families, friends, and the school community their writing. Plus it made for a great
keepsake to look back on when they get older. I look forward to what each class brings each
year and the growth that they achieve at the end of the school year.

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