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4th Semester(Final-Term)

Q.1 What role play the genre generally in the global world?

Genre is a French word, it is a particular type and style of literature,

linguistics, art, film, and music that one can recognize because of its
special features. The world Genre is a French word which means kind and
sort. It begins as an absolute classification system for ancient Greek,
literature, poetry, prose and performance.

One of the most striking aspects of classical literature is its highly

developed sense of genre. Of course, a literary work’s genre remains an
important factor today. It is too distinguished broad categories of poetry,
prose, and drama, but also sub-genres (especially within the novel, now
the most popular literary form) such as crime, romantic or historical
fiction. We do the same in other creative media, such as film, with
thrillers, horrors, westerns, and so on.

All ancient writers had an idea of who the top figures in their chosen genre
were (Homer and Virgil in epic; Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides in
tragedy, and so on.

Moreover, genre plays vital role in the following categories: -

1. Composition of music
2. Writing of literary work
3. Writing of literary fiction
4. Writing of literary mystery
5. Writing of horror story
6. Writing of non-fiction
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1. Composition of music

Genre generally plays the role in composition of music. Genres are

important as genres often dictate what a musician puts out and what
the audience expects from it and often tells a history of that music's

2. Writing of literary work

Genres of literature are important to learn about. The two main

categories separating the different genres of literature are fiction and
nonfiction. There are several genres of literature that fall under the
nonfiction category.

3. Writing of literary fiction

A genre is a category of literature identified by form, content, and style.

Fiction genre includes ; drama, poetry, fairy tales horror story etc

4. Writing of literary mystery

Mystery is a genre of fiction that deals with the solution of a crime or

the unraveling of secrets.It can take the form of a novel or short story.
This genre may also be called detective or crime novels. The purpose of
a mystery novel is to solve a puzzle and to create a feeling of resolution
with the audience.

5. Writing of horror stories

In literature, horror is a genre of fiction whose purpose is to create

feelings of fear, dread, repulsion, and terror in the audience—in other
words, it develops an atmosphere of horror.

6. Writing of non-fiction
Writing of non-fiction genre includes; essays, biography,
autobiography, textbooks, journals, reports, news etc.
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Therefore, genre has very crucial role in global world, nobody can deny
importance of genre

Q.2Elaborate painting gene and professional genre analysis.

What is Painting Genre?

The term genre painting refers to paintings which depict scenes of

everyday life. In other words, Genre painting is the painting of scenes
from everyday life, of ordinary people in work or recreation, showed in a
generally realistic manner.
The term Genre Painting arose in 18th-century France to describe
painters specializing in one kind (genre) of picture, such as flowers or
animals or middle-class life, and was originally used in great manner in
The term is still most popularly used to describe the works of such
17th-century Dutch and Flemish painters i.e (15th to 17th Century
painting art.)

Pictorial Presentation

Genre painting is the pictorial representation in any of various media of

scenes or events from everyday life, such as:
Markets, domestic settings, interiors, parties, inn scenes, and street

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Different Genre of Painting
1. History Painting
2. Photography-Painting
3. Genre Painting
4. Landscape-Painting
5. Still Life Painting

Genre painting contrasts with that of landscape, portraiture, still life,

religious themes, historic events, or any kind of traditionally idealized
subject matter.
Towards the end of the nineteenth century a new focus for genre
painting emerged. Artists wanted to capture the excitement and the
nature of the modern life they saw around them in fast-growing cities
such as London and Paris.

Professional Genre Analysis:

Basically, studies of professional genres are always seen as completing
each other. In that it not only influences each other but often co-
constructed in specific professional contexts. However, professional
genres have often been analyzed in isolation, leaving the study of
professional practice.
The analysis of professional genre does not differ greatly from the
analysis of the other specific kind of genre.In recent years a particular
perspective has emerged in Genre studies.

Brief History of professional Genre.

Historical investigations of professional genres including genres of the
“academic workplace,” such as research articles have illustrated how
such genres evolve in relation to changes in social context and cultural
ideology. Thus, Genre is being recognized throughout the world. Many
Genres' theorists added to the accepted forms of poetry with a lap of

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time. Many writers have made numerous attempts and expansion
revision of Genre.

Q.3How genre system shapes the world of literature?

Genre is a particular style or type of writing.Genres give writers a

specific type of literature to work within. They allow writers to specialize in
one genre or to experiment in others. Students in creative writing may
focus in a variety of genres from poetry to prose to nonfiction to
playwriting. Genres allow us to classify literature, to think what is
appropriate for a certain type of literature, and to judge the merit of
literature based on its genre.

In general, genre is a classifying tool which allows us to compare

and contrast works within the same genre and to study how works extend
or challenge. New genres like media (writing for television, film, websites,
radios, posters, etc.) and the graphic novel (comic books) are expanding
what we consider literature today.

Genre in Literature:

Genres of literature are important to learn about. The two main categories
separating the different genres of literature are fiction and nonfiction.
There are several genres of literature that fall under the nonfiction

A literary Genre is a category of literary composition. Genre should not be

confused with age category by Which literature may be classified as either
adult young and children. The most general Genre in literature are; Short
stories, epic, tragedy, comedy and creative art. They can all be in the
Genre of prose and poetry or pastoral might appear in any of the above in
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In literature, every piece of writing falls under a general category, also
known as a genre. We experience genres is other parts of our daily lives,
such as movies and music, and in each case, the individual genres
typically have distinctive styles in terms of how they are composed.

Role of Genre of literature in world.

Genre is being recognized throughout the world. Many Genres' theorists

added to the accepted forms of poetry with a lap of time. Many writers
have made numerous attempts and expansion revision of Genre.

Genre means a type of art, literature, or music characterized by a specific

form, content, and style. For example, literature has four main genres:
poetry, drama, fiction, and non-fiction. All of these genres have particular
features and functions that distinguish them from one another. Hence, it
is necessary on the part of readers to know which category of genre they
are reading in order to understand the message it conveys.

Q.4How genre differentiate discourse prospective of society?

Basically, discourse is the use of language both in written and spoken. On

the other hand genre refers to the type and structure of language typically
used for particular purpose in particular context.

Discourse analysis is genre analysis

Why should we use genre to analyze discourse?

(i) Discourse is unlimited

(ii) Genre is limited

How do we analyze discourse through genre?

(i) Characteristics
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(ii) Language features
(iii) Structures
Discourse analysis is a collection of methods for studying language in
action, looking at texts in relation to the social contexts in which they are
used, but this broad definition has been interpreted in various ways
across the social sciences. This is because language is an irreducible part
of social life, and connected to almost everything we do.

Genre analysts set out to offer descriptions of "typified acts of

communication" based on the form and purposes of texts. Basically,
genres are kinds of broad rhetorical templates that writers draw on to
respond to repeated situations.

In the ESP perspective, discourse structures are usually described in

terms of communicative purpose, which has an important role. At the
same time, the ESP approach to genre is some way influenced by new
rhetoric genre theory. Miller's notion of 'genre as social action' is highly
influential in ESP.

Focusing on matters of power and difference, discourse theories offer

productive ways of understanding literate practice. Additionally, rhetorical
theories of genre provide ways of understanding how actors adapt genres
to suit unique events of space and time. However, theories of discourse

prospective do not offer ways of assessing how and why actors from
different social groups produce different kinds of generic texts that are
assessed in different ways. In short, although genre theory provides ways
of seeing how communicants perform identities and mediate situations, it
does not offer robust ways of analyzing power and difference.

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