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Cristiana Popa

Unit 6

1. Understand how public services are organised locally.

1.1. Clarify key local public services

Local government provides a variety of services including education,

environmental health, architecture, heritage and housing, social services,
surveying and town planning, media and communications, social services,
youth and community work. Local authorities include City Councils, County
Councils, District Councils, London Borough Councils, Metropolitan Councils
and Unitary authorities.

1.2. Explain how key services are structured and funded

An example of public service is YOTs (Youth Offending Teams):

Youth offending teams are part of the local council and are separate from the
police and the courts.
Youth offending teams work with young people that get into trouble with the
They look into the background of a young person and try to help them stay
away from crime.

They also:

 run local crime prevention programmes

 help young people at the police station if they’re arrested
 help young people and their families at court
 supervise young people serving a community sentence
 stay in touch with a young person if they’re sentenced to custody

They work with the police, probation officers, health, housing and children’s
services, schools and education authorities, charities and the local

Funding for YOTs is provided by councils and their partners, with additional
grant funding from the Youth Justice Board which oversees YOT activity.
Prevention funding has been transferred to police and crime commissioners,
who are increasingly taking an interest in youth offending services.

There are three main aims for youth offending services:

• to reduce first time offending

• to reduce repeat offending
• to reduce entry into custody.

Cristiana Popa

Another example of public service is Social Housing.

Social housing is owned and managed by registered providers.Registered

providers (often known as social landlords) are the bodies that own and
manage social housing. They tend to be non-commercial organisations such
as local authorities or housing associations. Housing associations are
independent, not-for-profit organisations that can use any profit they make to
maintain existing homes and help finance new ones.
It is now possible for commercial organisations to build and manage social
housing, although this is not yet common practice.

Social housing is let at low rents on a secure basis to those who are most
in need or struggling with their housing costs. Normally councils and not-for-
profit organisations (such as housing associations) are the ones to provide
social housing.
A key function of social housing is to provide accommodation that is
affordable to people on low incomes. Limits to rent increases set by law mean
that rents are kept affordable.
Registered providers are financially regulated and funded by the
government through the Homes and Communities Agency, which is responsible for
the construction of new social homes. The government department currently
responsible for overseeing the social housing sector is the Department for
Communities and Local Government (CLG).

2. Understand the role of the voluntary sector

2.1. Summarises a range of local services provided by the voluntary


Asylum Help is part of the Migrant Help charity organisation, who provides
free independent advice and guidance to asylum seekers across the UK.

They offer support through their Helpline in 15 different languages, translated

leaflets and their website also being accesible in 15 different languages.

They work with Clear Voice, a non-profit organisation established by Migrant

Help charity, who provides interpreter and translation services.
They provide training sessions for future interpreters.
They’re funded by donations.

They work directly with refugees and supporting them to rebuild their lives.
They work with a range of partners and in collaboration to ensure the best
support to their clients.
They provide training courses free of charge.
They’re funded by fundraisings, donations, corporate support, legacies.

Cristiana Popa

They offer support and advice for refugees and asylum seekers struggling
with the asylum process, poverty and homelessness.

They provide comprehensive basic training that may include refugee

awareness, working with people from different cultures, confidentiality and
boundaries, safeguarding.
They’re funded by fundraising, donations and legacies.

3. Understand public service terminology

3.1 Identify terminology from a range of public services.

Local Council
Youth Offending Teams
Social Housing
Housing association
Immigration adviser
Asylum seeker
Housing Benefit
Sure Start Maternity Grant
A Level (Advance Level)
GCSE - General Certificate of Secondary Education

3.2 Translate given terms from a range of public services

Local Council - Consiliu Local

Youth Offending Teams - echipa de prevenire si combatere a delicventei
Social Housing- Locuinte sociale
Housing association - Asociatii de locuinte
Immigration adviser - Consultant pe probleme de imigratie
Asylum seeker - Solicitant de azil
Housing Benefit - compensatie la plata chiriei
Sure Start Maternity Grant - Alocatia unica la nasterea copilului
A Level (Advance Level) - Examen de bacalaureat
GCSE - General Certificate of Secondary Education - Diploma de absolvire a
ciclului gimnazial

3.3 Compile a glossary in an appropriate format, including explanations

for terms lacking direct equivalents.

See glossaries at the end of the portofolio.

Cristiana Popa

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