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Haroun and the Sea of Stories​Writing Task

Due Date: Friday, February 28th (MUST be submitted to  

For this writing task you will have a choice between writing an ​analytical paragraph​or writing ​your
own Hero’s Journey story​.

Prompt #1:​Write a thesis-driven paragraph responding to this prompt:​​“What's the Use of Stories that 
Aren't Even True?”. U ​ se two pieces of textual evidence (quotes) from “Haroun and the Sea of Stories” 
to support your claim.  
❏ Start w ​ ith a focused and clear body thesis statement  
❏ Use ​WHAT?/HOW?/SO WHAT? Structure from HoMS outline  
❏ Support ​thesis with two pieces of evidence (quotes) with citations  
❏ Write​ 200-300 words (total word count with Works Cited and quotes)   
❏ Include​ at least ​3 vocabulary words​ from “Haroun and the Sea of Stories” 
Prompt #2: ​Write your own creative story using Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey” as a guide. 
Include a brief (3-4 sentence) response to this question: “​ What is the use of your story if it isn’t true?” 
with y​ our original story.  
❏ Include​ ​all stages​ of the “Hero’s Journey”  
❏ Label​ the story to clearly indicate all stages (Reference stage explanations in your 
“Haroun” packet). NOTE: Alternatively, you may use the Joseph Campbell stages from 
the quiz: S
​ tatus Quo, Call to Adventure, Assistance, Departure, Trials, Approach, Crisis, 
Treasure, Result, Return, New Life, Resolution (Same concept, different names)  
❏ Word Count: ​Write min. 500 words 
❏ NOTE: Word count is ​flexible​ to allow for creativity!  
❏ Include​ the following:  
❏ At least ​6 vocabulary words f​ rom “Haroun and the Sea of Stories” 
❏ An ​original title 
❏ A ​glossary​ explaining the names in your story (like in the back of “Haroun”) 
❏ Write​ a brief (3-4 sentence) explanation about your story responding to the question: “​ What is 
the use of your story if it isn’t true?”  
❏ Format​ all typed assignments using MLA formatting guidelines.   
❏ Turn in​ to by Friday, January 28th.  
Prompt #1:​Write a thesis-driven paragraph responding to this prompt:​​“What's the Use of Stories that 
Aren't Even True?”. U ​ se two pieces of textual evidence (quotes) from “Haroun and the Sea of Stories” 
to support your claim.  
❏ Start w ​ ith a focused and clear body thesis statement  
❏ Use ​WHAT?/HOW?/SO WHAT? Structure from HoMS outline  
In “Haroun and the Sea of Stories” by Salman Rushdie,  
________________________________________________________________________________________ (HOW?),  
suggesting _____________________________________________________________________________(WHY?)  
HINT: Make sure your “WHY?” answers the question: “What’s the use of stories that aren’t even true?”. 
❏ Support ​thesis with two pieces of evidence (quotes) with citations  
Evidence #1: __________________________________________________________________________ (p. ____) 
Evidence #2: __________________________________________________________________________ (p. ____) 
❏ Write​ 200-300 words (total word count with Works Cited and quotes)   
❏ Include​ at least ​3 vocabulary words​ from “Haroun and the Sea of Stories” 
Prompt #2: ​Write your own ​creative story​ using Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey” as a guide. 
Include a brief (3-4 sentence) response to this question: “​ What is the use of your story if it isn’t true?” 
with y​ our original story.  
My Story Title: _____________________________________________________________________________________ 
The 6 ​“Haroun” vocabulary words​ I will use in my story:  
1. _______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________  
4. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. _______________________ 
Ordinary World 
Call to Adventure 
Crossing the Threshold 
Tests, Allies, Enemies 
Approach to the Inmost Cave 
Seizing the Reward 
The Road Back 
Return Home 
Write​ a brief (3-4 sentence) explanation about your story responding to the question: “​ What is the use 
of your story if it isn’t true?”  
(Name) _____________________: (Meaning) ___________________________________________________________ 
(Name) _____________________: (Meaning) ___________________________________________________________ 
(Name) _____________________: (Meaning) ___________________________________________________________ 
(Name) _____________________: (Meaning) ___________________________________________________________ 

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