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Aimee Nettleton - Lesson Idea

Title: Foundation and Trustee Georgia Timeline

Grade Level: 8th
Content: Social Studies
Standard Addressed: SS8H2: Analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s history.
Amount of Time: 55 minutes
Technology Standard Addressed: 3. Knowledge Constructor.
SMAR Level: Augmentation.
Essential Question(s):
What crucial events shaped the history of Trustee Georgia? How did different desires from
different groups influence the history of Trustee Georgia? Which topics are most interesting to
me personally, and why? Who were the main people involved in creating Trustee Georgia’s
Learning Activity
This activity will serve as an introduction to colonial Georgia. Students will be instructed to
research into the key events from 1732-1752 that shaped Georgia history. They will be divided
into groups to create timelines that feature images and links to these important events. They will
build their knowledge by researching online. This will also be how they utilize digital tools.
To introduce the activity, I will show them an example of Padlet and how to use it. I will also
give a brief summation of colonial Georgia. I will then direct the groups of 3 students to use their
time to add 3 pieces of information to their timelines (a total of 9 pieces of information). The
final product should be a historically accurate timeline pertaining to colonial Georgia. The
students’ timelines will be embedded into the class website. This will then be assessed based on
historical accuracy, grammatical accuracy, and participation.
Reflective Practice
This project can, and will, be published for people outside of the classroom to see. Students will
have embedded their timelines to the class website which will be shared with peers, parents, and
future students. We could have the students view a video prior to creating this timeline so that
they have a little more background information before beginning their research. Since the
students are creating and designing their own timeline together, this project is already
functioning at the highest level of Bloom’s taxonomy. To push this activity to a higher
technology level, students could have to begin by researching the time period for themselves
with no introduction. Students could also be instructed to record themselves presenting the
timeline to get additional feedback. We could enhance this activity overall by inviting a History
of Georgia lecturer to the classroom or coupling the timeline with a historical day with outfits
and foods common to colonial Georgia.

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