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Task – 2

2. A.

Choosing a methodology depends on the nature of system that is essential for

developing a system. There are several methodologies are available like Waterfall,

Agile, etc. In order to develop the proposed calendar system, Agile software

development methodology would be appropriate. This section of the document outlines

how Agile will be preferable method for the new system with proper justification and its


Agile software development methodology is a practice to develop a solution that

determines planning, continuous iteration of development and testing. It enables the

development team to deliver the solution within time with greater quality and

predictability. It also encourages the development team on responding to change.

In order to develop a solution Agile divides the requirements into small chunks and

prioritize the requirements based on business goals. After completing each chunk, it

takes end users feedback (Andrew, 2017).

In the following of this section the phases of agile methodology is given with diagram

and proper evaluation.

Figure 1: Phases of Agile Methodology

At planning stage, the requirements and functionalities of system are identified. For

developing the calendar system of TBTR organization, the managing director,

department head, project manager and system analyst are the main people involved at

this stage. Also employees are involved to know what functions they want in the system.

At design and development phase, requirements are prioritized based on business

goals and initialized functionalities of planning phases will be integrated into new system

and tested. If any functionality is not implemented into system then these stage will be

repeated. The system analyst and the programming team will be involved at this phase

(Ransom, 2017).
At testing phase, system analyst and programming team find out whether functionalities

work according to requirements. Also the management team and employees of TBTR

will be involved at this stage because this could be final system that goes to release.

After testing phase the management of TBTR will provide feedback and if any

stakeholder is not satisfied nor need changes of requirements then the whole process

will be repeated from the planning stage.

2. B.

Although agile software development method is more flexible with the nature of the

proposed calendar system there are several advantages and disadvantages are noted.


From the initial stage of development it ensures the participation of potential

stakeholders, their feedback, reviews, and thoughts. Also clarifies the requirements and

functionalities that minimizes the probability of building wrong solution and enables real-

time visibility of system.

In agile software development methods key stakeholders are always involved

throughout the development from the initial stage and ensure the real business goal

through incremental delivery. It allows changes if there any needs to change the

requirement during development. Thus the way it deliver an efficient solution that meet

the business requirement.

In agile software development method, requirements are divided into small chunks and

follows incremental development that ensure smooth development. Through this

method requirements are prioritized based on business needs and deliver the essential

features within the time frame that is more likely to get the early benefits of system.


In agile software development, requirements can be changes dramatically within the

each iteration during the development. It can increase the workload to the development

team and lead to late delivery of system and increase cost.

Agile software development always focuses on more producing working software rather

than its documentation. So that if there any changes are required for the calendar

system later that will be difficult for system analyst to implement.

Agile software development method always recommends highly skilled team for both

development and technical aspects that can increase the budget. Also as there user

involvement and collaboration is essential so that lack expertise users involvement may

lead to system failure.

Task – 3

3. A.

In order to identify the risks or threats of a system, risk management plan is essential. It

enables the development team to integrate the functionalities to the system more

efficiently and fulfill user expectations. It also reduces the possible ricks or threats of

system that may affect confidential data of an organization (Pelling, 2014).

Figure 2: Risk Management Process (Pelling, 2014)

Risk identification determines several activities that ensure which risks may affect the

system from achieving its business goals. There are various types of methods are

available to identify risks for developing a solution.

 Consult all available information/data: Each stakeholder of organization has

different perspective of using a system. Risks may occur while they performing

their job and these are valuable resource of identifying risks.

 Project acceptance criteria: It represent specific and defined list of risks that

need to be considered in the system. It helps the project team to reduce possible


 Functionality requirements: It defines the required operations of a system and

its possible risks that need to be considered during the development.

 Technical requirements: Different types of technical aspects like performance,

reliability, and availability of a system are considered.

 Project team skills: Skilled and experienced development teams have the ability

to capture possible risks of a system and their potential solutions for wider

audiences (Kelly, 2015).

3. B.

In this section of the document outlines possible risks for new calendar system of the

proposed TBTR organization is explained with proper evaluation.

Functionality Requirements:

The required operations of a system are defined through functionality requirements. In

order to develop a successful system, functionality requirements should be clearly

defined and identified at the initial stage of system development. There are several risks

may be occurred if functional requirements are not clarified initially such as time, cost,

performance and quality. For example - if TBTR organization identifies extra

functionality for the new calendar system during the development there will need extra

time to implement the extra functionality that may affect the deadline of delivery of

system and also will increase the cost.

Project Team Skills:

Skilled and experienced development teams have the ability to develop functionalities of

a system within the deadline maintaining the quality and considering different aspects

and possible risks. But lack of expertise team is not skilled enough to produce a

successful system that can increase the project cost, delivery time.

If the proposed organization develops the new calendar system with inexperienced

development team then there will be probability of occurring uncertainty that would

affect performance, quality, functionality, reliability and security of the system. There is a

risk that the delivery date will be pushed back.

Project Acceptance Criteria:

Project acceptance criteria determine the specific and defined list of deliverables of a

system that need to be considered to final system. If there are no project acceptance

criteria with the management team of proposed TBTR organization from the initial stage

then there will be a risk of building wrong solution and there will not be any criteria to

measure the success of the solution. This risk would affect the business and project

objectives that increase the cost and delivery time and also affect client satisfaction.
3. C.

Proactive risk Management:

Proactive risk management reduces the tendency of threats that may be occurred in

future through identifying the boundaries of activities.

 Identify precursors that may lead to risk

 Identify threats and its it impacts to organization

 Includes creative thinking and prediction

Reactive Risk Management:

Reactive risk management reduces the tendency of similar threats that happened in


 Depends on analysis and response of past threats

 Defines specific types of actions and behavior

 Decision making ability to prevent threats (Keth, 2015)

3. D.

ISO 31000 is a risk management standard that guides the structure and operation of

risk management. It helps organization with identifying, analyzing, and treating risks.

Through implementing this international standard the proposed TBTR organization will

be able to improve operational efficiency and stakeholder’s confidence minimizing

Figure 3: ISO 31000 Risk Management Process (Institute of Risk Management, 2018)

If the proposed organization implements IO 31000 for the new calendar system, it will

enable the following aspects to the organization.

 It can help organizations to improve operational efficiency proactively.

 Improve management system resilience and performance

 Provide best practice structure for risk management

 ISO 31000 anticipates, detects, acknowledges and responds to changes

 Increase the likelihood of achieving objectives of an organization

 Improve controls and minimize losses

 Improve operational effectiveness and efficiency

 Provide the best practice structure for risk management

Task – 4

4. A.

Software deployment is the procedure of getting new software up and running. There

are several methods are available such as Pilot, Parallel, Big Bang and Web based

installation for releasing new system. In this section of the document outlines how

different methods would be applied for releasing the new calendar system.


Pilot method of implementation is the process of installing the new system for a small

number of users where they can evaluate the new solution.

 It ensures the functionality and operations of new system.

 It can be viewed as final testing of system in real environment.

 It allows users to learn the new system before full implementation.

 It assists the development team to evaluate the operational aspects of new

system (Wigmore, 2017).

As the proposed TBTR organization has existing computerized system, pilot

implementation would be feasible. So that it will be easier to evaluate the functionalities,

quality, performances and operations of the new calendar system.

Big Bang:

Big bang installation involves getting rid of the old system and the new system will be

installed and old system being no longer available. Before implementing the proposed

new calendar system, it is needed to be sure that the new system is fully functional and

operational. Also need to ensure that users are fully trained to interact with the new

system that can be costly. So that the big bang installation for the proposed system

would not be feasible.


The parallel implementation is the way to run the new system in parallel with the

existing system for a period of times.

 Major problems of new system can be found without the loss of data.

 Existing system remain operational as the backup of new system.

 Users have enough time to understand the operations of new system and

minimize the impacts (Ransom, 2016).

For the proposed new calendar system, parallel installation would not be feasible

because it increases the workload for users as they have to perform on both the existing

and new system. Also running both systems parallel is very difficult and costly.

Web Based installation:

Web based installation is the way of running a system over a network using a web

browser. For web based installation the system is managed centrally and accessed

from any computer at any time.

 URL- driven solution

 Unlimited number of users

 No additional hardware or software is required

 Fasters of application depends on number of users

4. B.

After analyzing the business goals of the proposed system and the number of users, it

is decided that web based installation would be more feasible for the new calendar

system. The reasons of choosing web based installation for the proposed solution are

noted in the following with proper evaluation.

 No additional hardware or software is required to install in users computers that

will be more cost effective.

 Web based installed system can be run on any operating system that will

increase the usability and flexibility of the new system to users.

 In web based system the maintainability will be easier as the data is managed


 The new system will be more accessible to users that will increase the

accessibility and performance of the system.

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