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Ingles 3

My favorite food is Pasta and I always prepared it at home. It is easy to prepared you just need
a few tomatoes, onions, garlic, a little salt and that's all. It is really delicious!. Pasta is from Italy
and I usually eat it on Saturdays because I have to cook something fast. I prepared it twice a

My favorite city in the world is Maracaibo because I am living here. It is located in Zulia -
Venezuela. If you come , you should go to the lake and also there are many places to eat, you
can visit Cuentatrez and you can go to the disco at night. On the other hand you shouldn't walk
on the streets at night because it's dangerous and you shouldn't drive with the car glass down.
The weather in Maracaibo is always sunny and hot.

Ingles 4

Last weekend I didn't go to church but I visited my grandparents and had dinner with then, I
also ate hamburger and I went out with friends on Saturday at night. I didn't help to clean the
house so my mother was arguing with me. I had to buy some stuff in the supermarket because
I didn't have any food.

I was born on june 26th in 1997 in Maracaibo. Last Friday night I had a difficult exam, I had a
good weekend, I had fun with friends and also I went to the disco and had some drinks. I didn't
go out on Sunday but I was happy at home.

Ingles 5

Unit 3
Hi luisa, I was wondering if you are free this weekend. I have a trip with my boyfriend so would
you mind to take care of my dog? because I can't carry it, it is difficult for me beside I am
planning a romantic trip. I am sure that you can do this but I need to know if you would be
willing to do this. You can also walks my dog in the park if you have time. You don't have to
pay nothing because I would give to you some money and I know you would have fun. You
won't regret and after that you will want a new dog I am sure of that.

Unit 4
I would like to visit Italy because I like very much pizza. I have been abroad about two time. I
have gone to USA and also to Colombia. I was just a kid but I remember all, I would like to go
there again. I love meeting new people and tasting new food, I am interesting to learn new
thing and right now I am doing a italian curse because I am planning to go on a trip next year. I
am a spontaneity person like my mom and also I like to travel around the world.

Unit 3
Hello Mariana, I am planing to go to the beach next Saturday with my family and I was
wondering if you can take care of my dog for me. I don't know what to do. I wouldn't like
to lef him with a stranger so I really apreciate if you can do it, I will pay for everything and
It is a good dog you know it.

Unit 4
I would like to visit Argentina because I really would like to know its history, I have been
abroad about three time, I have been in Madrid Spain, Curacao and Egypt too, It was
amazine, I tasted new food and learned others cultures, how to say hi and bye in other
language. In others words It was awesome. I love meeting new people and learn new
things. I always like visiting, walking and see the world and I consider myself as an
adventurous person.

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