Joan Pratt Amended Financial Disclosure January 2020

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‘BALTIMORE CITY ETHICS BOARD FINANCIAL DIscLosuRE EO) 626 City Hall, Baltimore, Mayland Late Fee: $10 Phone: 410-396-4730 Fax: 410-396-8483 mire Recs “1/3120 Cover Pack Prate | oan Me ParrA:Omice HELD Conperotier Orne — DsTRCT FARLEY 100 N. HolLiday Street, Room 204 410.396.4755 joan. pratté CCaxinaTes on ELecr¥@OnFIE ONLY: Ornice SoueTT_Compe rol Lex fs etn Cre 12012-0631. Cl emeystammuec (9 casooar'gsraromens C1 beratvassareue fe recon Pa 0X2) ‘Parod Creed an 207% towgh F®_/ 31209) ATTACHALL APPLICABLESCHEDULES. DONT ATFACH BLANK SCHEDULES. (rox ArPucants SCHEDULES (ALL FLERS MUST INCLUDE SCHEDULE = CONFIDENTIAL AFFIRMATION: DScmouunt-renrtrotenry — EScneoine2:Deanesetnrines — Cl scnsnuanPoamona te fe seme Se See ee roraLnuwnrnor races: 6 TRRTD VERIFICATION pJoann M_ Pratt _ sousxny ai unos PENAL OF PERIURY THAT TE CONTENTS OF 1S ub fect Sia) ‘ScunDULE 1: IvreRESTS 16 REAL PROEREY Include you principal resldence, whether loated Inside or outside ofthe City. {Make coples ofthis Schedule for addition PRINGPAL RESIDENCE Wacuwr) Joan Ms Peace, CPA 112 B. orthern Parlosay Baleinore, MD 21212 HoueR() ov Zerenesr Name i CSpouse OPueat Other Navune ov Joronesr Te ip Renal Hom Solely elt Coil eit Monrasce WIA Name of Company: Date named ‘ow derenesr Was AcoutneD Compete this Hem Sif you purchased your home ess ‘han 10 years ag. Name of prion om whom interest saul: Date acquired Miner of Asgison: ifuchase Other: (Check the range hat epresnts the mount pid for the ret os sat cae by puch a ashe ‘ae wen sequie: ‘DUnder $25.00 CB s2s 0001 $19 959 [Dssno0owS74939—_G§7S;a0040$95959, 13 $100.00 and over Complete this tam 6 allo any pat of the intrest was ‘wansferred to another durag the period eovered by is State Nae and ou of erent sold trate: ante and dolar vale of emsidentionesived fr Interae roperties} ‘Oren Rea Paorecry 1. Locarion axb Tyre oF Pore 2 Mouoea(s) oF Ivrenesr Nene: Name: Reltinship Statement Maker: Sat" Spouse CParat Othe 3. NaTeRE oF terexesr ‘Types ClOwnerhip How Solely elt Rena ‘oi held 4 Mowroace ‘5 How Jvrenss7 Was AcoumD {Complete his Kem $ you purchased the property es ‘han year age Nae of perso om whos terest soured: Date sours: Manner of Aegon: DParchase © Oder ‘Check the range tt erent the moun pid the lerest wasn't eared by suchas se market ‘ale when segura: HUader 25000 $80.00 1 $74,959 15$100,00 aed over 325.000 1 $49 99 11875;000 1 $99,999 Sas axw Tenses ‘Complete his em 6 tranaerred to anater du Statement ya ofthe interes was rerio covered by thls Nature an aroun nee ol reseed Nature an dlr vale of considetioneeive for tees, SCHEDULE 24: FIVANCIAL IVTERESTSN BUSINESS ENTITIES {Male copies of this Schedule for additional holders or business entities) Sa agp a a E fee ‘DSpome Chie ess 11 Fe Roster fares) | Buea Ging G.amibuable Eni 2 Navtae ano AMOUNT or FvancratIurenesT “Type of merest: CJSole proprietor CGeneralPartoer CiStockholder ULC Other: Amount of ance ners ora non-equity mere, notes er bonds any buses ey, dete vale of eres § Foran gut iter ina publicly raed ety, specie (dia value of test ” (Gy munber of shares owned Foran equity ioteest na norpbily aed ey, specter: (alla slo of he nt. rs (ib: (suber of shelownenp unit owned {pee eny omer nent BeTacen 22. Articles of Dissolution Filed on April 26, 2019 4. Coxpmionso Ecunmnasces ‘Deseret of any cnn or encumbrance on he nancial ret an ideal pies vol ‘5 How Frsancut vrenesr AcquiRED yt Statement the intrest () was acre by divide (i) coms eel a ions o etn ply tect neon) al a ea Sj a mh el ed "hae of Acguion” Person roa whom nee! see Nom wagons Nez (Purchase CGA inbearce es tir segue by purchase, vase aid for ieteest § ‘Waoqued other than by pucase, ir maker vale oT eet when soquid 6. Trassrens ‘Complete ths em 6 Ia or any part ofthe nunca erst was transferred to another during the period wovered by ‘oir Statemen: ame ofpersomto whom eres waste ‘hes fh pena Nature and snout of tr aster [Nats and ole valu of onsierton Sed Tor re + eco ‘SCHEDULE 28: PAYMENTS MADE TO CERTAIN BUSINESS ENTITIES FROM PERSONS DOING BUSINESS ITU CITY 2. Bating the rpotng pred covered by this Sateen, il you or your spouse hve ay ane intrest of 30% se more in ‘ny bance oni 1 Yes (ileus edule as neces) 1X) No (ip to next ppp scbodul) ‘Doyou decline to respond because disclosure ofthis nformaton because Is confidential and would be a vation of aw 1D. Yes: Please sate ow or hy this imation is conentia D Pleas ist al persons ding Basins wt the Cy whe paid the above eereoced bales nay or ees!) an amt wang ‘51,000 or more inh agpezntoF 2) an amount tht nthe agpezate consti 5% Bae of he goss income of tht entity, if ‘the gross income hat ene than $20,000, [Make copies ofthis Schedule for additional payments} 1. IDENTITY oF Pexsow MAKING FAY ENT "ently here thera enh mating he pymen Se ie te eunge (hile __27OT W_ Fat rROGnE AVENUE BSTETROTET MD 21223 Ttly Nene: __Joan M. Pratt, OPA 6 Associates ‘Aes: 1900-E Northern Parkway, Suite 7-10 ratrinore, 21239 Deserve ne oferty nee |. AGGREGATE PAYMENT AMOUNT 1,500.00 soveseeeeraenantvaeegecgeuncetesssasenssnrenreneenriseseeisesneensnnnneey 1, Ioesrir¥ or Pesow Maxine PAYMENT "ent her the perso rent making the payment Name" "Negash, Ine. Addes 2804 Bastera Avenue Baltimore, HD 21224 2 REGIE gs Joon He Pratt, CPA 6 Associates [Addn | ——T900-E-Wortnern Parevay; SuCTET-10 Sere Deseie tre ofowneship:—_ O¥nEE AcomncaTs raya AMUN 5_14225.00 SCHEDULE 7: OTHER SOURCES OF EARNED INCOME (your spouse isa lobbyist before the City, please see reverse page) ames Nan: joan Ma Pratt, CPA ‘des OE Northern Park Relitionsip Statement Maker, Raiziaatee Mn 2212 ait 'Spame Ch Business By Naie —foanM- Pratt EDA 4 Aasaciataa! SPavat CSibing veeesnveveneeesvaneceteesanen Earp Relation 9 Sutenent Maker Gsarr “DSpawe Chie Business Bap Ran at Si Tite nd NEO FTO ranensvasonsecnveneenentenes venesnvuvaneceovaretereveenennvanaienanet ames Nae: ‘es ‘ares Relation © Satenent Maker Gsae OSpoue OCha CPaeat OSibing sins Eig NE ies Tie nd NEO FTO arper's Relationship Statennt Maker Ser “OSpoue Ochld Part CSiing "arn Relation © Sutenent Maker CsA Dspoue Call sins Enya |S at Sie ‘dese Tit nd EO FeO evcennvananeneesaneneeana see ames Relationship to Statenet Maker. Sar“ OSpoue chia Parent Sibling “Te and Nat of Poin ‘SCHEDULES: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Reserve the ability to update this Financial Disclosure with nev information, Sf necessary. i will Immediate! | Is. eva [Comptroller loan M. Prat, CPa\ erry or TO “cd] ofan C7 BALTIMORE ie3)_Sotes meno Upto aaron sce An feb 1.2018 tiny on Inthe interest of full diciosure, | am incuding in addition to board directorships /trustee postions entities in which 1am a member including those that are not prohibited pursuant to Baltimore City Charter Article & Section 6-9. Serces with entity on City behalf ‘Thank you. ‘Inetachments ancy DIRECTORSHIPS HELD BY THE PUBLIC SERVANT ‘Comptroller Joan M. Pratt, CPA Use Schedule 38 to identity all board directorships (including trustee positions) he (cegardless of whether the entities do business with the City) 1. IDENTITY OF BUSINESS ENTITY Name: Cityf Baltimore Space Utlizaon Committee Department af RealEstate 304 City Hall 400, Holiday Street Baltimore, MD 21202 Date Startedas drector/trustee: 1995 - Chairwoman 2. IDENTITY OF BUSINESS ENTITY Name: Cityf Baltimore Department af Human Resources Expenditure Control Committee 7, Redwood Street, 20" Foor Baltimore, MD 21202, Date Startedas director/trustee: 1995 -Chalrwoman 3, IDENTITY OFBUSINESS ENTITY Name: Baltinore Museum of art ‘Adsress: 10 Art Museum Drive Baltimore, MO 21218 Date Startedasdector/ustee: 1995 - Officio Member 4, IDENTITY OF BUSINESS ENTITY Name: City ef Baltimore Employees snd Elected Oficial’ Reticement System Address: 7€ Redwood Street, 12" Floor Baltimore, MD 21202 Date Startedas drector/trustee: 1990 Trustee Page 12 SCHEDULE 38: DIRECTORSHIPS HELD BY THE PUBLIC SERVANT ‘Comptroller Joan M. Pratt, PA ‘Use Schede 38 to identity all board directorship including truste positions) held Iregardles of whether the entities do business withthe City) IDENTITY OFBUSINESS ENTITY Name: City of Baltimore Fire & Police ‘mployees’ Retirement System ‘Address: 7 € Redwood Street, 19 Floor Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Date startedas directortrustee: 1990 -Trustee IDENTITY OF BUSINESS ENTITY Name: City of Baltimore ‘Address: Retizement Savings Plan (RSP) 7€. Redwood treet, 11" Floor Baltimore, Marland 21202 Date Started as drector/trstee: 2014 Board Member IDENTITY OF BUSINESS ENTITY Name: Cty of Baltimore Board of Finance ‘Address: 200 Holiday Street, Room 7 Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Date Started as drector/trustee: 1995 - Board Member 8, IDENTITY OF BUSINESS ENTITY "Name: Cit ofBatimore Department of Public Works Architectural & Engineering Awards Commission Addeess: 4S Frederick treet Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Date Started as directortrstee: 1995 ~Board Member Page |2 20. a. wv. SCHEDULE 38: DIRECTORSHIPS HELD BY THE PUBLIC SERVANT Comptroller loan M. Pratt, PA ‘Use Schedule 38 to identify ll board directorships including truste positions) held (regardless of whether the entities do business withthe City) IDENTITY OF BUSINESS ENTITY ‘Name: Baltimore Hotel Corporation C/O Baktimare Development Corporation Address: 365. Charles Steet, Suite 200 Baltimore, MD 21201 Date Stated director /trustee ~ 2005 Treasurer & Member ofthe Ault Committee IDENITTY OF BUSINESS ENTITY Name: Bethel AME Church Address: 130 Druid Hil Avenue Baltimore, MD 21216 Date startedas drector/trustee: 2000-Member / Trustee IDENTITY OF BUSINESS ENTITY Name: The Empowerment Academy Address: 851 Braddish Avenue Baltimore, MD 21216 Date started as drector/rustee: 2014 ~ Board Member IDENTITY OF BUSINESS ENTITY Name: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Rho Xi Omega Chapter [Addvess: 1777 Reisterstown Road PB 369, Suze 22 Baltimore, MD 21208, Date Started 2s diectorfrustee: 1988 - Member Page 13 a x SCHEDULE 38: DIRECTORSHIPS HELD BY THE PUBLIC SERVANT Comptroller Joan M. Pratt, CPA Use Schedule 38 to identity ll board directorship including trustee postions) held [regardless of whether the entities do business withthe City) IDENTITY OF BUSINESS ENTITY Name: Helping Up Mission ‘Women & children Center (WCC) Addeess: 1029 €, Baltimore Street Baltimore, MD 21202 Date Startedas drector/trustee: 2018- Member IDENTITY OFENTITY OF BUSINESS ENTITY Name: The Harbor City Chapter of The Link, Ine, ‘Address: P. 0, Box 41160 Baltimore, MD. 21230 Date Started drector/rustee ~ 2008 - Member Page | 4

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