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70 Nations Invited to Recognize Sanhedrin in Jerusalem

“On Monday night, approximately one thousand people gathered at the foot of the
Temple Mount for the World Creation Concert. However, what took place was not
merely wonderful music accompanied by a spectacular light show: the event
actually encapsulated several prophetic incidents taking place at once. In the not-
so-distant future, the event may be identified as the moment a new, Biblically
correct United Nations was established, potentially leading to a new era of
global cooperation...

“For several months preceding the event, the Sanhedrin had worked to contact
foreign governments, inviting them to take their place as representatives of the 70
nations who populated the world, listed in the Bible as the grandsons of Noah.
Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico answered the call, sending high-ranking
delegations to attend.

“Rabbi Hillel Weiss, spokesman for the Sanhedrin described that the concert has a
vital role to play in helping the nations of the world in joining together to address
these universal threats the world today.

“‘The world is being threatened in so many ways; ecologically, atomic weapons,

terrorism, economically,’ Rabbi Weiss told Breaking Israel News. ‘The United
Nations has failed to unite the world in any effort to cope with these issues. That is
because the UN is not based on Biblical principles that unite mankind. Human
rights originated in the Bible, as did laws governing war. Ecology is a Biblical
concept. When the nations came to Jerusalem to pray together in the Temple, they
did so in recognition of the human principles that we all share. The United Nations
rejected these human principles that bind and as such, has become a political
battlefield that only makes these problems worse. They have appointed human
rights violators to preside over the Human Rights Council. There is no justice in
the International Court of Justice.’...

“We are seeing the end of the UN, as the US and Israel separate themselves from
it, ‘Rabbi Weiss said. ‘The United Nations should have collapsed long ago but it
has drawn power from its decision to establish the State of Israel in 1948.’

“The Biblical Sanhedrin in Jerusalem was a gathering point for universal

cooperation and justice. The high-point of the concert came when the foreign
representatives went up to the stage to sign an agreement with the Sanhedrin.”

Sanhedrin Invites Nikki Haley to be Honorary President of Organization of

Seventy Nations

Sanhedrin Issues Nikki Haley Commemorative Coin

Israeli Group Mints Trump Coin to Honor Recognition of Jerusalem



Barbara Aho
February 1, 2019

A researcher in Alberta, Canada who writes informative updates on the US/Israel

plan to attack Iran believes “There is more than enough evidence regarding the
attack/war with Iran, looming.” (See: The Coming Storm)

On the home front, President Trump may yet declare a national state of emergency
in order to secure the southern U.S. border with a steel barrier. State and local
governments have been conspiring with the State of Israel and Israeli military
companies to database and conduct surveillance on American citizens.
These events, plus the inevitable civil unrest, would be the perfect storm for
Martial Law in America, which would suspend the Bill of Rights. The inalienable
rights of American citizens would be lost overnight: Freedom of Religion, Speech,
and the Press, The Right to Bear Arms, the Right to Life, Liberty, and Property, the
Right to a Speedy and Public Trial by Jury, with the Presumption of Innocence and
Due Process under Constitutional Law and Domestic Privacy; also forfeited would
be Protections from Excessive Bail, Fines, Cruel and Unusual Punishments,
Unreasonable Searches and Seizures.

Christians have for the most part expressed solidarity with America’s genocidal
crusade in the Middle East and a border wall, which may end the tidal wave of
illegal immigration but will also prevent U.S. citizens from leaving the country
when their Constitutional rights are abrogated. Many Christian churches have
been infused with the liberal Social Gospel through government and corporate
faith-based funding, which requires them to welcome sexual perversion into their
congregations. Most seminaries have been receiving these federal and corporate
grants for years, which explains why young ministers today think they must
‘engage the culture’ and ‘work for the common good’ instead of preach the gospel.

The book of Revelation prophesies a period of unprecedented violence, suffering

and genocide, when peace will be taken from the earth, after which a kingdom
shall arise that will devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in
pieces. This rebellious world will not repent of its sexual perversion despite the
warnings and judgments of God,

Mankind is presently rushing headlong into this Tribulation period but large swaths
of the Church seem not to notice. Reformed Neo-Calvinists think the theocracy
they are building is the Kingdom of God. Instead of stanching the floodtide of sin
in the culture, the apostate Church has joined the culture and is leading the human
race to Judgment.

Luke 21:35 warns “For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face
of the whole earth.” The day of the Lord will take the world and the apostate
Church by surprise.









IX Marks is the church planting organization of Mark Dever, the pastor of Capitol
Hill Baptist, a Southern Baptist church located on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.
six blocks from the United States Capitol. Jonathan Leeman is the Editorial
Director of IX Marks which ministers to a network of over 4,000 churches

Jonathan Leeman has Masters degrees from the London School of Economics and
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He also has a Ph.D. in “political theology”
from the University of Wales which was established by Royal Charter in 1893 and
whose Chancellor is Prince Charles of Wales. The London School of Economics is
not found in Leeman’s various biographical profiles probably because it was
funded in 1894 by the Third-Way socialist/fascist Fabian Society which
established the LSE to educate and train an elite workforce to carry out the
schemes of the British Eugenics Society. IX Marks, the organization of
Cambridge-educated Mark Dever, equips pastors and church leaders to preach and
put into practice the Social Gospel. Most of the Reformed leadership have
advanced degrees from universities in the United Kingdom—Oxford, Cambridge,
London School of Economics, University of Edinburgh—whose liberal theology
and politics have liberalized the Church of England and the UK.

Graduates of these institutions of Marxist learning have migrated to the U.S. as

agents of social change. They have infiltrated our seminaries, colleges and
denominations for the purpose of shipwrecking Christian faith in America,
especially of university and seminary students. The Reformed New Calvinist
movement has theologically and often physically taken over Christian churches.
Posturing as the “conservative resurgence” (launched in the late 70s by Banner of
Truth Trust UK) Reformed operatives are now peddling every liberal theological
and political position of the radical Left, including sexual perversion, abortion,
Marxism, Gnosticism, racism, illegal immigration, etc. (See Thomas Littleton's

In the photo below, Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman are speaking to pastors at
the 2018 Southern Baptist Convention on the need to abandon their conservative
convictions, such as pro-life, in order to advance political agendas for social
justice. (See “9Marks Dever & Fabian Socialist Lecture Pastors on How to Ditch
Your Pro-Life Voting Habit”)
Apparently in the Reformed Calvinist SBC a doctorate in “political theology” from
a secular university qualifies one as a theologian who is competent to counsel
Christian ministers about moral issues like abortion. Jonathan Leeman’s political
theology degree sounds more like a religious cover for political operatives like him
to move conservative Christians away from sound doctrine into liberal theology
and politics. Interesting that Dever and Leeman chose to publicly advocate for pro-
abortion voting as a Christian option just months before the 2018 elections which
filled the vacated Republican seats in the House of Representatives and many state
governments with radical liberals. Who knew that the prospect of legalizing
infanticide would follow in the soon to be euthanized USA? Did Dever and
Leeman have prior knowledge of this plan to legalize the murder of newborn
babies? Abortion leading to infanticide will pave the legal road to euthanasia
which will lead to the mass extermination of Christians, which is the subject of this

There are many such left-wing political operatives in the New Calvinist movement.
Having assisted the ruin of the faith and morals of future generations with their
pseudo apologetics, the New SBC Calvinists are now positioned to offer their
predetermined alternative to conservative Christianity and Western Civilization
through their Fabian Socialist spokesman, Jonathan Leeman, who also advocates
for revolution in his book, Political Church: The Local Assembly as Embassy of
Christ’s Rule:

“I am not positive there is biblical license for overturning an unjust government,

but I think there probably is, and I believe that Genesis 9:5-6 provides that

“Rebellion is justified not according to the withdrawal of consent (since consent is

not what creates the obligation to obey); rebellion is justified when the government
fails to do what God has obligated it to do (since God creates the obligation to
obey by assigning government with its task).

“In other words, the formally designated holder of the sword has no authority to set
aside the demands of the justice mechanism in the process of fulfilling its mandate,
lest it boomerang back and strike him as it does the vigilante. The mere fact that a
particular government is in place by God’s secret providence does not mean that all
its actions or directives are morally legitimate. God gives authority to government
for certain ends only, and its rule is legitimate to the extent it pursues just ends by
just means. A characteristically unjust government, by virtue of its injustice, has
exceeded its authorization and self-refuted its own mandate, thereby triggering the
operations of God’s Noahic justice mechanism to strike back. And precisely
because Scripture does not specify how a society must form a government, it just
might leave a society with the freedom to topple an unjust ruler and to establish a
new one by just means.”

Leeman, Jonathan. Political Church: The Local Assembly as Embassy of Christ’s

Rule (Studies in Christian Doctrine and Scripture) (pp. 195-196). InterVarsity

Political Church is not a theological treatise of “Studies in Christian Doctrine and

Scripture” as stated in the subtitle. It is political propaganda which advocates for
the replacement of secular governments, which have not produced the desired
utopia, with a global theocracy. The book promotes the Jewish Polity (government
by theocracy) of the Old Testament, with a flimsy, legalistic application to the New
Testament Church. (Polity; 1. a form or process of civil government or
constitution. 2. an organized society; a state as a political entity. New Oxford

“ political theology depends upon a doctrine of two ages... Just as the state is a
political institution because it has been authorized by a King to borrow and wield
his own sword in the ‘age of creation’ upon rebellious subjects, so the local church
is a political institution because it has been authorized by a King to borrow and
wield his own office keys for declaring who is and who is not a citizen in the ‘age
of new covenant.’.... Local church membership, like good works, is the mark,
proof, badge or, to use citizenship language, ‘passport’ of a true Christian.” (p.

This description resembles the “political theology” of the Roman Catholic Church
which blended Old Testament theocratic rule with Babylonian worship. We have
seen how their “church polity” has turned out. (See Mystery Babylon: Catholic or
Jewish?) In fact, political theology is a course of study in Catholic universities
such as the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC and Villanova
University in Pennsylvania.

Jonathan Leeman's Political Church is calculated to Judaize and politicize the

Christian Church. Leeman conceives of the New Testament Church as a political
institution having a legal contract with God—a ‘new covenant’ which is an
extension of the old covenants between Yahweh and his former ‘subjects.’
Leeman’s version of the new covenant minimizes the personal and intimate
relationship between the Jesus Christ and His Church. Salvation is a legal
arrangement, a contract, after which the Christian is ‘tasked’ as a ‘citizen’ installed
in the ‘body politic’ of Jesus’ ‘regime’ with the civic duty of displaying God’s
righteousness to the world.


“Jesus. We start with Jesus. The New Testament declares Jesus to be the new
Adam, the offspring of Abraham, the true Israel and the son of David who will rule
over Yahweh’s new covenant body politic....

“I will argue that Jesus Christ came as the new Adam to execute God’s kingdom
rule through the new covenant in the salvation of God’s people, thereby
establishing them individually as God’s citizens and corporately as his model body
politic before the nations....

“Jesus Christ, as the new Adam, manifested God’s rule through the prophetically
promised new covenant by saving God’s people, the church. Specifically, he
fulfills these prophetic promises by declaring that the nations belong to him,
forgiving once-rebellious subjects by offering a new covenant in his blood,
installing them as citizens within his regime, tasking them with displaying the
heavenly Father’s righteousness and justice in their political life together before the
onlooking nations, and granting them his Spirit to these ends.” (p. 297)

Jesus’ regime? The language is absurd, portraying Jesus as a military dictator

instead of a Savior. Did God so hate the world that he sent his only begotten Son to
establish a ‘regime’ and a ‘political institution’ to improve his image and enforce
his commands in the world?” Maybe in the Political Bible but not in the inspired
Word of God.

The problem is with Leeman’s Reformed Calvinist theology, which is the man-
centered Dominionist / Reconstructionist philosophy of Rousas Rushdoony that the
Church must create an earthly Kingdom of God before Jesus returns. Jesus Christ
is not the “new Adam,” as Leeman avers, but the “last Adam” according to
Scripture. “And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the
last Adam was made a quickening spirit.” 1 Cor. 15:46 (KJV) The accurate
translation of this verse is crucial to understanding the Cross, the Gospel and
Christian sanctification. A very helpful exposition of 1 Cor. 15:45-47 is found in
Watchman Nee’s classic, The Normal Christian Life:

“The death of the Lord Jesus is inclusive. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus is
alike inclusive. We have looked at the first chapter of I Corinthians to establish the
fact that we are ‘in Christ Jesus’. Now we will go to the end of the same letter to
see something more of what this means. In I Corinthians 15:45,47 two remarkable
names or titles are used of the Lord Jesus. He is spoken of there as ‘the last Adam’
and He is spoken of too as ‘the second man’. Scripture does not refer to Him as the
second Adam but as ‘the last Adam’; nor does it refer to Him as the last Man, but
as ‘the second man’. The distinction is to be noted, for it enshrines a truth of great

“As the last Adam, Christ is the sum total of humanity; as the second Man He is
the Head of a new race. So we have here two unions, the one relating to His death
and the other to His resurrection. In the first place His union with the race as ‘the
last Adam’ began historically at Bethlehem and ended at the cross and the tomb. In
it He gathered up into Himself all that was in Adam and took it to judgment and
death. In the second place our union with Him as ‘the second man’ begins in
resurrection and ends in eternity—which is to say, it never ends—for, having in
His death done away with the first man in whom God’s purpose was frustrated, He
rose again as Head of a new race of men, in whom that purpose shall be fully

“When therefore the Lord Jesus was crucified on the cross, He was crucified as the
last Adam. All that was in the first Adam was gathered up and done away in Him.
We were included there. As the last Adam He wiped out the old race; as the second
Man He brings in the new race. It is in His resurrection that He stands forth as the
second Man, and there too we are included. ‘For if we have become united with
him by the likeness of his death, we shall be also by the likeness of his
resurrection’ (Romans 6:5). We died in Him as the last Adam; we live in Him as
the second Man. The Cross is thus the power of God which translates us from
Adam to Christ.” (The Normal Christian Life)

Jonathan Leeman’s reference to Jesus Christ as the ‘new Adam’ and ‘second
Adam’ is calculated to leave the office of ‘last Adam’ vacant, to be filled by
another. As Thomas Littleton wrote, “On the issue of the Last Adam – the idea of a
second Adam – as if to leave the door open for another looks like the perfect door
for anti Christ. There is no need for another to come. No need for a second but for
the last Adam – because this is the resurrected Christ – the Prince of Life whom
death could not hold, talked about in the great Resurrection chapter – 1st
Corinthians 15.”

Leeman must resort to misquoting Scripture to support his false “second Adam”
teaching. His misleading interpretation of the Cross of Christ continues:

“Recommissioned in Adam’s office. For our purposes here, we are interested in

the fact that the church identifies with Christ in his Adamic office, and that the
church is deputized as possessing a renewed Adamic commission. Just as Adam
played the role of Everyman and federal head, meaning that all humanity received
the commission given to him, so Christ plays the role of second Everyman and
second federal head for a new humanity (see Rom 5:12-19). If, then, Adam’s office
transmits to Christ, it would seem that the same office likewise transmits to
Christ’s people. Greg Beale observes, It is important to recall that Jesus’s titles
‘Son of Man and ‘Son of God’ reflect respectively both the OT figures of Adam
and Israel. This is because . . . Adam and Israel are two sides of one coin. Israel
and its patriarchs were given the same commission as was Adam in Gen. 1:26-
28. . . . The church is also identified with what it means to be the true Adam,
especially in its identification with Jesus, the true Israel and last Adam.

“Just as the church receives Christ’s righteousness, so the church receives Christ’s
perfect Adamic sonship. All Christians are declared and named ‘sons’ of God and
the new humanity (e.g., 2 Cor 5:17; Gal 3:26, 4:6; cf. 6:16). This is our identity by
virtue of the new covenant and new birth. And just as the church ‘puts on’ Christ’s
righteousness, so the church ‘puts on’ Adam’s political and priestly vocation. This
is our authority and work, again, by virtue of the new covenant and new birth. This
combination of identity, work and authority is nothing other than an office, and it
is an office for every Christian. Scripture, by referring to Christians as ‘sons’ and
‘born again’ and ‘new creations,’ commission every saint to occupy the office of
priest-king with Christ.” (pp. 303-304)

“We also saw that God intended to use a special people to model for the nations
what a true politics looks like. When Israel failed at this task, it was handed to the
divine Son, who came to do what Adam and Israel could not do. This second
Adam, new Israel and Davidic son came to rule obediently by laying down his life
for the sins of the nations and rising from the grave. In so doing, he offered a new
covenant in his blood, so that all who would repent and believe might receive a
pardon from sin and a share in his kingly authority. To that end, he granted them
the keys of the kingdom, enabling them to fulfill their covenantal responsibilities to
identify themselves with God and one another, distinguish themselves from the
world, fend off any serpentine intruders and pursue together the life of
righteousness and justice that rightly represent the Son, the Father and the Spirit.”
(p. 390)

Nowhere does God’s Word say, “the church puts on Adam’s political and priestly
vocation.” Leeman’s political theology, which is liberal theology, gives him
license to expound a social gospel which is about fixing this world system. Note
the reference to tikkun olam (the repair of the universe) in the excerpt from his
book below. The social gospel fosters preoccupation with worldly affairs and law-
keeping... instead of the believer’s heavenly citizenship with all spiritual blessings
in Christ.

Jonathan Leeman seems to have a low view of the ‘new covenant’ (lower case) as
being inferior to the old covenants. The new covenant is merely added onto the
series of God’s covenants—the Adamic, Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic—
which are incorporated in what is (falsely) termed the Noahic Covenant.
“After the fall, God’s rule was given institutional expression through common and
special covenants. His rule exists comprehensively by virtue of the fact that he is
creator, which means that human life is intrinsically and comprehensively political,
but these political realities formally institutionalize through the covenants. The
biblical covenants provide the “constitutionalization’ and “institutionalization’ of
human relationships. Daniel Elazar writes,
“The Bible necessarily holds that the covenantal relationship is the only proper
basis for political organization—that is, the structured allocating of authority and
power among humans—as well. In a political sense, biblical covenants take the
form of constituting acts that establish the parameters of authority and its division
without prescribing the constituting details of regimes.
“Thus, the Sinai covenant establishes once for all God’s kingship over Israel and
the partnership between God and Israel in tikkun olam* (the repair of the
universe). It does not establish any particular political regime.
“We can therefore define politics as the mediating of God’s covenantal rule, a
definition that encompasses the concept both narrowly conceived (in reference to a
society’s governing institutions) and broadly conceived (in reference to all of life).
“Politics narrowly conceived implements God’s sword-wielding covenantal rule
invisibly through the justice mechanism of the Noahic covenant (Gen 9:5-6) and
visibly through the oaths and institutions of the special covenants.
“Politics broadly conceived is the acknowledgment that all of life exists within
the jurisdiction of God’s comprehensive rule or judgment (as indicated in the
Adamic covenant), yet it awaits the visible performance of that judgment in the
eschaton (the larger share of the Noahic covenant: Gen 9:1-3, 7-17).
“Also, a righteous politics gives rise to righteous and just political communities.
The common covenants call all humankind to the citizen’s life of righteousness
and justice; the special covenants bear the purpose of putting this just body
politic on display as a model to the nations. They make God’s rule visible
through (1) the covenantal signs, (2) the terms of the covenants and (3) the
activities of salvation or judgment that they either enact or anticipate. Salvation
and judgment represent the execution of God’s rule, or the asserting of his royal
prerogatives.” (pp. 236-237)
[*“‘Tikkun olam’ (Hebrew for ‘world repair’) has come to connote social action
and the pursuit of social justice. The phrase has origins in classical rabbinic
literature and in Lurianic kabbalah, a major strand of Jewish mysticism originating
with the work of the 16th-century kabbalist Isaac Luria.” (Tikkun Olam: Repairing
the World)]

Citing the work of two Jewish professors of political science, Leeman elevates
Jewish polity over Christian and other traditions which, they claim, emphasize
“structure” or “regime” over relationships:

“The Bible does not moralize the manner in which a government should be formed
or the earthly foundation of its sovereignty. In this regard, Christian political
philosophers have something to learn once again from Jewish counterparts.
Daniel Elazar and Stuart Cohen offer an instructive word from their own tradition:
The Jewish political tradition, like every other political tradition, is concerned with
the question of power and justice, but it differs from the political traditions
growing out of classic Greek thought in that it begins with a concern for
relationships rather than structures. More specifically, it is less concerned for the
best regime than with the proper relationships between power and justice, the
governors and the governed, and God and man.” (pp. 189-190).

“Elazar and Cohen argue the same. They spend the entirety of a book, The Jewish
Polity, chronicling the precise path of institutional change in both the Jewish Bible
and post-biblical Jewish commonwealth, while observing the common threads that
run through all such changes. They observe that “no single form of political
organization is mandated by Jewish law or tradition”; rather, “a Jewish polity is
one which embodies a proper set of political relationships rather than any
particular structure or regime,” and “there is latitude in choosing the forms of
government as long as the proper relationships . . . are preserved.” (p. 230)

May we ask, was the Jewish nation on display in the Old Testament a just body
politic until God overthrew the whole system in 70 A.D.? What about the “post-
biblical Jewish commonwealth”? Have the Jewish people been a stellar example
of righteousness through faith in Jesus Christ since they crucified Him? By what
standard does Jonathan Leeman evaluate “a proper set of political
relationships?” Does God require a “proper set of political relationships” or does
He require people to be in a proper relationship with Himself through faith in His

Under the Noahic Covenant, the stated divinely ordained purpose of human
governments is to enforce the worship of God and the religion of the Old

“Specifically, I will argue (1) that God rules over all humanity after the fall as a
king over subjects with the power of the sword, requiring obedience and
worship; (2) that he uses covenants to enact and publicize that rule; (3) that he
specifically uses the common covenants to command all people to worship him
by acting as his image-bearing citizens; and (4) that he specifically uses the special
covenants to create a people who will model true citizenship and worship. The key
lies in properly relating the common covenants (the covenants with Adam and
Noah) and the special covenants (the Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic and new
covenants)...” (pp. 180-181)

“Seventh, the governments of this world exist to aid and abet the cause of true
worship by providing the platform for the activity of Adamic citizenship... The
proximate goal of government may be judgment. But this proximate goal must not
be separated from the ultimate goal, which is to help subjects become citizens
and worshipers.

“,,,it makes no sense to say that the Noahic covenant as a whole merely serves
‘common cultural concerns’ and not the cause of worship or religion.
Governments invisibly mediate God’s rule over matters of temporal judgment for
the larger purpose of abetting God’s plan of salvation. They exist to implement his
judgments, which is why Oliver O’Donovan goes as far as to say that ‘within every
political society there occurs, implicitly, an act of worship of divine rule. When
people assent to a government’s decisions, they implicitly assent to God and
thereby honor him. Indeed, this is the very nature of mediated rule. Also, relatedly,
common cultural concerns like politics can never be separated from worship.
People’s political and cultural convictions always root in their valuations of who or
what deserves worship.” (pp. 208-209)

Jesus, however, said that true worship is in the Spirit and sincerity, not in religious
ceremonies to be seen of men...“the hour cometh, and now is, when the true
worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh
such to worship him.” John 4:23 God rejects worship that is coerced, however,
Lucifer will force mankind to worship himself during the Tribulation period. “And
he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast
should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the
beast should be killed.” Rev. 13:15

God does not command all people to worship Him but He does command all men
everywhere to repent. Acts 17:30

Where did Jonathan Leeman come up with this Judaized version of


The Chabad Lubavitch Worldwide Institute of Noahide Code presents the same
false interpretation of the Old Testament covenants that Jonathan Leeman presents
in his book, except the Chabad does not mention their plan for the New Testament

The Noahide Code

“G-d gave the first six commandments to Adam and

Hava (Eve), the first human beings.

“These commandments were repeated to Noah, and a

seventh commandment was added, when, after the
Flood, G-d established the Covenant of the Rainbow
with Noah and all of the world’s creatures. This
covenant is not dependent on mankind’s observance
of these Seven Laws of Noah. Rather, the Noahide
Code established the context and the eventual goal
for a renewed world in which this covenant could be
the open and enduring expression of G-d’s love for
His creation…

“The entire Book of Genesis, and the Book of

Exodus up to and including the arrival of the
Israelites at Mount Sinai, were dictated by G-d to
Moses when they arrived there. There was then a
first covenant made between G-d and the Israelites
on that first part of the Written Torah, which
included their acceptance of the Noahide Code. Thus,
the Divine moral code of Seven (Universal)
Commandments was renewed, after it had become
neglected by the rest of the nations. That was four
days before the Ten (Jewish) Commandments were
spoken openly by G-d to all of the Israelites, at which
point they became the Jewish people.

“At Mount Sinai, G-d taught the essentials of the

Torah’s precepts through Moses, and this is called
the Oral Torah. Included in this are the details of G-
d’s directive for all Gentiles to observe their Seven
Noahide Commandments. These details, as G-d
specified them to Moses, are the true foundation of
the universal Noahide Code. A righteous Gentile
merits to receive a place in the eternal future World
to Come, in the Messianic Era, through observance
of these commandments. That is a Gentile’s part in
the Torah of Moses, which is G-d’s “Tree of Life”
(Proverbs 3:18). It all begins with recognizing the
perfect Unity of the Creator.”
The Institute of Noahide Code is an NGO in Special
Consultative Status of the United Nations. See also the
Institute of Noahide Code on Facebook:

On the list of UN NGOs is also the Ethics & Religious

Liberties Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention.
As previously mentioned, Jonathan Leeman is the Editorial
Director for the IX Marks church planting operation of
Mark Dever, who is pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist which is
Southern Baptist. Leeman also has a Masters degree from
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, is an adjunct
professor and lecturer at SBTS and is affiliated with the


Professor Leeman does not enumerate the laws contained in the Noahic Covenant
except to state that they incorporate the commands of the covenants God made
with Adam, Noah, Moses, Abraham and David. The Jewish Encyclopedia states
that 7 Laws were derived from the Torah by Jewish Rabbis who codified them as
the Seven Noachian Laws and made them binding on all mankind. These seven
laws actually originated in the Babylonian Talmud.

By: Isidore Singer, Julius H. Greenstone

The Seven Laws.

“Laws which were supposed by the Rabbis to have been binding upon mankind at
large even before the revelation at Sinai, and which are still binding upon non-
Jews. The term Noachian indicates the universality of these ordinances, since the
whole human race was supposed to be descended from the three sons of Noah, who
alone survived the Flood. Although only those laws which are found in the earlier
chapters of the Pentateuch, before the record of the revelation at Sinai, should, it
would seem, be binding upon all mankind, yet the Rabbis discarded some and, by
hermeneutic rules or in accordance with some tradition (see Judah ha-Levi,
‘Cuzari,’ iii. 73), introduced others which are not found there. Basing their views
on the passage in Gen. ii. 16, they declared that the following six
commandments were enjoined upon Adam: (1) not to worship idols; (2) not to
blaspheme the name of God; (3) to establish courts of justice; (4) not to kill;
(5) not to commit adultery; and (6) not to rob (Gen. R. xvi. 9, xxiv. 5; Cant. R. i.
16; comp. Seder ‘Olam Rabbah, ed. Ratner, ch. v. and notes, Wilna, 1897;
Maimonides, ‘Yad,’ Melakim, ix. 1). A seventh commandment was added after the
Flood—not to eat flesh that had been cut from a living animal (Gen. ix. 4). Thus,
the Talmud frequently speaks of ‘the seven laws of the sons of Noah,’ which
were regarded as obligatory upon all mankind, in contradistinction to those that
were binding upon Israelites only (Tosef., ‘Ab. Zarah, ix. 4; Sanh. 56a et seq.”

Like Jonathan Leeman’s Noahic Covenant, the Noahide Laws are an abridgement
and distortion of the Noahic Covenant plus the Mosaic Law. (“As in the days of
Noë” Matt. 24:37). What might be the source of Leeman’s deceitful handling of
God’s Word? The Political Theology Network lists the Talmud among the
“classical” texts of political theology. The Babylonian Talmud, which is the bible
of modern Judaism, permits the sacrifice of children to Moloch, also called
infanticide, which was just made legal in New York. Also commended in the
Talmud are pedophilia and bestiality. The Talmud states that Gentiles are
subhuman animals and blasphemes Jesus Christ as the illegitimate son of a harlot
and a libertine father. “Yeshu” was also a magician who was initiated into the
secret doctrine and deceived the people by means of miracles. (See: The Talmud
Unmasked, also a review of this book, Genuine verses from the Talmud.)

The Talmud encourages Jews to commit all manner of criminal activity without
fear of punishment, but the Jewish Encyclopedia states that the penalty for Gentiles
who violate even one of the 7 Noahide Laws is death. Note the disparity. “Due
process” is not required in the criminal prosecution of a Noachid / Gentile and the
death penalty does not apply to Jews,

“In the elaboration of these seven Noachian laws, and in assigning punishments for
their transgression, the Rabbis are sometimes more lenient and sometimes more
rigorous with Noachidæ than with Israelites. With but a few exceptions, the
punishment meted out to a Noachid for the transgression of any of the seven
laws is decapitation, the least painful of the four modes of execution of criminals
(see Capital Punishment). The many formalities of procedure essential when the
accused is an Israelite need not be observed in the case of the Noachid. The latter
may be convicted on the testimony of one witness, even on that of relatives, but not
on that of a woman. He need have had no warning (‘hatra’ah’) from the witnesses;
and a single judge may pass sentence on him (ib. 57a, b; ‘Yad,’ l.c. ix. 14). With
regard to idolatry, he can be found guilty only if he worshiped an idol in the
regular form in which that particular deity is usually worshiped; while in the
case of blasphemy he may be found guilty, even when he has blasphemed with
one of the attributes of God’s name—an action which, if committed by an
Israelite, would not be regarded as criminal (ib. 56b; see Blasphemy).


“The Noachidæ are required to establish courts of justice in every city and
province; and these courts are to judge the people with regard to the six laws and
to warn them against the transgression of any of them (ib.; ‘Yad,’ l.c. ix. 14, x. 11;
comp. Naḥmanides on Gen. xxxiv. 13, where the opinion is expressed that these
courts should judge also cases other than those coming under the head of the six
laws, as, for example, larceny, assault and battery, etc.). In the case of murder, if
the Noachid slay a child in its mother’s womb, or kill a person whose life is
despaired of (‘ṭerefah’), or if he cause the death of a person by starving him or by
putting him before a lion so that he can not escape, or if he slay a man in self-
defense, the Noachid is guilty of murder and must pay the death-penalty,
although under the same circumstances an Israelite would not be executed (ib.
57b; ‘Yad,’ l.c. ix. 4; comp. ‘Kesef Mishneh,’ ad loc.).”

The Noahide Laws are also found in Freemasonry, the secret fraternal organization
which descended from the medieval order of the Knights Templar—the Knights of
the Order of the Temple of Solomon. According to Albert Mackey’s History of
Freemasonry, Rev. James Anderson, the Presbyterian minister and theologian who
wrote the Constitutions of Freemasonry, developed the Noachide legend from
Ancient Egyptian mystery religion of Hermes Trismegistus, author of the
Hermeticum, and the moral laws for Freemasons which were derived from the
Rabbinic laws of Talmudic Judaism. Mackey wrote concerning the importance of
Noah and the Noahide laws in the Constitutions and Charges of Freemasonry.

“It is not, therefore, surprising that Noah should have become a mystical
personage, and that the modern Speculative Masons should have sought to
incorporate some reference to him in their symbolic system...

“In the Dowland MS. and in all the other manuscripts of the Legend of the Craft
that succeeded it, the reference to Noah is exceedingly meager, his name only
being mentioned, and that of his sons, from whom descended Hermes, who found
one of the pillars and taught the science thereon described to other men...

“Anderson, who, in the Book of Constitutions modified and enlarged the old Craft
Legends at his pleasure, calls Noah and his three sons ‘all Masons true,’ and says
that they brought over from the flood the traditions and arts of the antediluvians
and communicated them to their growing offspring. And this was perhaps the first
time that the Patriarch was presented to the attention of the Fraternity in a Masonic
“Anderson seems to have cherished this idea, for in the second edition of the
Constitutions he still further develops it by saying that the offspring of Noah, ‘as
they journeyed from the East (the plains of Mount Ararat, where the Ark rested)
toward the West, they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and dwelt there together
as NOACHIDÆ, or sons of Noah.’ And, he adds, without the slightest historical
authority, that this word, ‘Noachidæ’ was ‘the first name of Masons, according to
some old traditions.’...

“Having thus invented and adopted the name as the distinctive designation of a
Mason, he repeats it in his second edition or revision of the ‘Old Charges’
appended to the Book of Constitutions. The first of these charges, in the
Constitutions of 1723, contained this passage: ‘A Mason is obliged by his tenure to
obey the moral law.’ In the edition of 1738, Dr. Anderson has, without authority,
completed the sentence by adding the words ‘as a true Noachida.’...

“About that time, or a little later, a degree was fabricated on the continent of
Europe, bearing the name of ‘Patriarch Noachite,’ one peculiar feature of which
was that it represented the existence of two classes or lines of Masons, the one
descending from the Temple of Solomon, and who were called Hiramites, and the
other tracing their origin to Noah, who were styled Noachites... the term...has
become of so common use that Noachida and Freemason have come to be
considered as synonymous terms.

“What does this word really signify, and how came Anderson to adopt it as a
Masonic term? The answers to these questions are by no means difficult.

“Noahchida, or Noachides, from which we get the English Noachite, is a gentilitial

name, or a name designating the member of a family or race... And so Noachides,
or its synonymous Noachida or Noachites, means descendant of Noah.

“But why, it may be asked, are the Freemasons called the descendants of Noah?
Why has he been selected alone to represent the headship of the Fraternity? I have
no doubt that Dr. Anderson was led to the adoption of the word by the following

“After Noah’s emergence from the ark, he is said to have promulgated seven
precepts for the government of the new race of men of whom he was to be the

“These seven precepts are: 1, to do justice; 2, worship God; 3, abstain from

idolatry; 4, preserve chastity; 5, do not commit murder; 6, do not steal; 7, do
not eat the blood.

“These seven obligations, says the Rev. Dr. Raphall, are held binding on all men,
inasmuch as all are descendants of Noah, and the Rabbins maintain that he who
observes them, though he be not an Israelite, has a share in the future life, and it is
the duty of every Jew to enforce their due observance whenever he has the power
to do so.

“In consequence of this, the Jewish religion was not confined during its existence
in Palestine to the Jewish nation only, but proselytes of three classes were freely
admitted. One of these classes was the ‘proselytes of the gate.’... They were not
admitted to all the privileges of the Jewish religion... So that, although they were
Noachidæ, they were not considered equal to the true children of Abraham.

“Anderson, who was a theologian, was, of course, acquainted with these facts, but
with a more tolerant spirit than the Jewish law, which gave converted Gentiles only
a qualified reception, he was disposed to admit into the full fellowship of
Freemasonry all the descendants of Noah who would observe the precepts of the
Patriarch, these being the only moral laws inculcated by Masonry.” (Mackey, pp.


On January 17, 1951, the Orthodox Jewish Chabad-Lubavitch elected Rabbi

Menachem Mendel Schneerson to be the Lubavitch “Rebbe.” The “Rebbe,” who
is regarded by the International Lubavitch Movement as the “messiah,” was also
recognized as a moral leader by many U.S. presidents, starting with President
Richard Nixon. According to the Chabad-Lubavitch, the Rebbe enjoyed an
especially close relationship with Ronald Reagan, who began the process of giving
legislative status to the Lubavitchers’ “ Seven Universal Laws”:

“The President was an early and

enthusiastic adherent of the Rebbe’s call to
make all people aware of the Seven
Universal Laws, based on the belief in a
Supreme Being. The Rebbe’s call for a
moment of silence in the public schools,
and his persistent belief that America must
export to the world faith-based moral
values, were among the themes that found
a welcoming ear in President Reagan.”
In 1982, in honor of the 80th birthday of Rebbe Menachem Schneerson, President
Reagan, an Honorary Scottish Rite Mason, issued a declaration, which Congress
confirmed, that April 4 would become a National Day of Reflection on the Seven
Noahide Laws as a moral code for mankind.

“One shining example for people of all faiths of what education ought to be is
that provided by the Lubavitch movement, headed by Rabbi Menachem
Schneerson, a worldwide spiritual leader who will celebrate his 80th birthday on
April 4, 1982. The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s work stands as a reminder that knowledge
is an unworthy goal unless it is accompanied by moral and spiritual wisdom and
understanding. He has provided a vivid example of the eternal validity of the
Seven Noahide Laws, a moral code for all of us regardless of religious faith. May
he go from strength to strength.
“In recognition of the Lubavitcher
Rebbe’s 80th birthday, the Senate and the
House of Representatives of the United
States in Congress assembled have issued
House Joint Resolution 447 to set aside
April 4, 1982, as a ‘National Day of
“NOW, THEREFORE, I, RONALD REAGAN, President of the United States
of America, do hereby proclaim April 4, 1982, as National Day Reflection.”

Nine years later, in 1991, the Seven Noahide Laws became Public Law 102-14
after a vote by the U.S. Congress on the recommendation of Reagan’s successor,
President George H. W. Bush, a member of the Masonic Order of Skull & Bones
(’48). Before a joint session of Congress, President Bush honored Rabbi
Menachem Schneerson, the now deceased “messiah” of the Lubavitch Movement,
by establishing the observance of Education Day, USA. This national observance
was intended “to return the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the
Seven Noahide Laws.” In reality, P.L.102-14 established the Talmud as the
supreme Law of the Land.
Jared Kushner – Vice President of Friends of Chabad at Harvard

All U.S. Presidents since Richard Nixon have endorsed the Chabad Lubavitch
Noahide legislation which the U.S. Congress passed as Public Law 102—14 (H.J.
Res. 104) on March 20, 1991. Furthermore, the Lubavitcher Universal Institute of
Noahide Code, UN NGO (ECOSOC), being also an international movement, has
been endorsed globally by world leaders who will be representing their countries in
the Sanhedrin's Organization of 70 Nations in Jerusalem.

Government Leaders Encourage Adherence to the Seven Noahide Laws

“Other world leaders have joined the call for further observance and knowledge of
these laws. For example, Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European
Union wrote (in July, 2014) that he seeks greater ‘dissemination of the universal
values known as the Noahide laws’ and Major General Michael Jeffery, Governor
General of Australia, lamenting family breakdowns and drug and alcohol abuse
in modern society in a 2008 letter wrote that he believed that observing the
fundamental values of the Noahide Laws can be an antidote to such ills of society.”

Jewish Sleeper Law Remains Dormant in Canadian House of Commons

In the House of Commons June 11, 2003

“There are 72 Chabad centres in Canada. There are 37 centres in Quebec, 21 in

Ontario, eight in British Columbia, two in Alberta and Manitoba and one in New
Brunswick and Nova Scotia. These centres serve the needs of Jews no matter what
their level of knowledge or observance.

“Only a few weeks ago for the first time ever, Chabad organized a reception here
at the House of Commons commemorating the Jewish festival of Purim.”
The Chabad Lubavitch claims that Jews enforcing the Noahide Laws and
overseeing their execution will reverse the moral degeneration of mankind and
restore the world to the pristine conditions that existed in the Garden of Eden
before the fall of Adam and Eve. Their marketing ploy is that their utopian “new
world order” of peace and universal brotherhood will reverse the moral collapse
and the global chaos engulfing mankind.

70 Nations Invited to Jerusalem Sanhedrin Declaration, Replace U.N.

“Rabbi Yoel Schwartz, president of the Sanhedrin’s Court for the Noahides, has
been charged with preparing the declaration, called “The Song of Israel and the
World,” that would describe the spiritual basis for the organization...

“Humanity created religions such as Christianity and Islam that served as

instruments throughout history to bring humanity closer to this great day, when
everyone would recognize the God of the world that was revealed on Mount Sinai
in a desert that belongs to no people...

“We see God’s hand clearly in the miracle of the Jewish state that arose again two
thousand years after its destruction. It is incumbent upon all those who accompany
us to try as much as possible to spread the belief according to the prophets, just as
the Jews guarded and observed their words and to prevent, God forbid, the spread
of man-made religions. Those who do so must also aid the Jews in observing what
God commanded them. God required of the Jews an additional amount, more than
he required from the other nations, since the Jews will serve as the priests of the
mankind. And the other nations should not, God forbid, try to influence his
people to join their religions.”

“Rabbi Dov Stein, secretary of the Sanhedrin, described the need to replace the
United Nations: ‘We now live in an era when threats are global and not limited to
one country. This is true of weapons, environmental issues, and even social issues.
The solutions must come from a universal effort. The United Nations has failed in
its mandate by rejecting God as the creator and the Noahide Laws common to all
of mankind.’
“As an example, Rabbi Stein described the resolution being drafted to make
abortions and assisted suicides a ‘universal human right’ which the rabbi said
violated the Noahide law prohibiting murder.
“‘They have rejected the basics of humanity that were given at Sinai,’ he said. ‘We
have to re-educate the world in order to address these issues. We need a universal
organization that will return to the Bible, re-educate the world. This is not a
religious initiative. This is a national initiative with each nation bringing its special
aspect, all nations joining together in Jerusalem, where the world was created.’”
Unfortunately, the real agenda of the Sanhedrin is not peace and justice for all but
a dystopian world disorder that will destroy civilization.


According to the Noahide Laws, Christians who worship Jesus Christ are guilty of

The Noachides & Rome’s Chief Rabbi, Riccardo Di Segni

“In Rome, on January 17, 2002, in the Lecture hall of the Major Roman Pontifical
Seminary, a meeting was organized by the Diocese of Rome, part of the Day of
Jewish-Christian dialogue. Present on the Catholic side were Cardinal Jorge Maria
Mejia and Msgr. Rino Fisichella, and on the Jewish side, Rabbi Riccardo Di Segni,
who replaced Rabbi Elio Toaff as Chief Rabbi of Rome...

“Rabbi Di Segni...explains [the seven precepts that all noachides must respect]:

“These rules are: interdiction of all worship except monotheism, interdiction on

blasphemy, the obligation to form tribunals, the interdiction on homicide, theft,
adultery, and incest, and the interdiction on eating food torn from living animals.

“...The Rabbi’s attention is completely fixed on the first precept, that of

monotheism: ‘As to the monotheist cult, apparently, it poses no doubt for the major
religions.’ Aren’t Judaism, Christianity and Islam defined, in post-conciliar
language that has become colloquial today, as ‘the three major monotheist
religions’? In fact, Di Segni sees no difficulty in defining Muslims as strict and
even circumcised monotheists. But, as to Christians, he has some doubts....

Christians: monotheists or idolators?

“This is where Di Segni—who is the author of the re-publication of the Toledoths

Jehsu, under the new title, Il Vangelo del Ghetto [The Gospel of the Ghetto], with
the Toledoths Jehsu being the most inflammatory Jewish legends against Jesus
(1)—‘speaks clearly’ to the prelates who heard him:

“At the point we have now reached, it is necessary to make a clarification on

Jewish theology, which, on the subject of monotheism and how it is lived by
Christianity, gives rise to a debate that is essentially a dilemma. The point in
question is in view of establishing whether Jesus’ divinity can be compatible, for a
non-Jew (because for a Jew it is absolutely not) with the monotheistic concept.

“In other words: The Jew who would become a Christian, thus then believing in
the divinity of Jesus, would cease to be a monotheist in order to become an
idolater. Must one say the same thing of a non-Jew? Is believing in Jesus’ divinity
a sin of idolatry, a violation of the first precept of the Noachide law? Rabbi Di
Segni advises:

“‘As to be expected, in Jewish theology, the answer to this question is not

unanimous: some firmly deny it, others place certain conditions on it. The
consequence is that, according to the literal opinion, the Christian would not be on
the path of salvation’ since he is guilty of idolatry...

“Di Segni concludes: ‘If one must literally apply the Noachide system of laws, it
[the punishment of death] would be applied to all, so that the Noachides might
observe it. Likewise, the punishment of death would apply to what treats
forbidding the worship of strange gods,’ in view of monotheism.”

Source: “The Noachides and Rome’s Chief Rabbi, Riccardo Di Segni,” Father
Francesco Ricossa, Sodalitium, French Edition, No. 53, July, 2002, translated by
Suzanne M. Rini, Trans Et Alia, Vol. 3, Nowa 3, Sept. 2002.

The Chief Rabbi of Rome was putting the Roman Catholic hierarchy on notice that
the Jewish elite, which even now controls the world from behind the scenes, will
soon have legal authority to prosecute and execute Christians for the crime of
idolatry. According to the Sodalitium article, not one of the Vatican prelates
protested the agenda of the Jews: “Today, the unthinkable has been realized. But
the Cardinals present at the lecture of...Rabbi Di Segni, keep silent.” Nor did the
prelates question the Jewish power in a court of law.

In a 2006 meeting on Rome’s Capitol Hill, the same Rabbi di Segni who
threatened the execution of those who worship Jesus Christ, met with Roman
Catholic, Muslim and Jewish leaders in a show of interfaith unity. What do the
leaders of Roman Catholicism, Islam and Jewry have in common? Are they
conspiring to enforce the Noahide Laws to eliminate their common enemy,
Christians and Christianity?
From left, Rome’s Chief Rabbi Riccardo Di Segni, President of the
St. Egidio Community Andrea Riccardi, Pontifical Council of
Interreligious Dialogue’s French Cardinal Paul Jean Poupard, Secretary
of the Islamic Cultural Center Abdallah Redouane, Rome’s Mosque
Imam Sami Salem, Rome Mayor Walter Veltroni, and President of the
Jewish Community of Rome Leone Pasermann join their hand in unison
at the end of an interreligious meeting held in Rome’s Capitol Hill,
Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2006. Three top religious representatives - Di Segni,
Salem, and Poupard - gathered Tuesday in a symbolic meeting to
present a new magazine and called for renewed interreligious dialogue,
only days after Pope Benedict XVI’s remarks about Islam and violence
prompted anger in part of the Muslim world. (AP Photo/Pier Paolo
Cito) (Corriere Della Sera, Martedì 19 Settembre 2006, 18:19)

In 2013, on March 20, which was the feast of Passover, Rabbi de Signi was
warmly welcomed at the Vatican by Pope Francis.
“Here is a translation of the note that Pope Francis sent to the Chief Rabbi of
Rome, Riccardo di Segni, for the feast of Passover, which starts today at sundown.
The Holy Father met Rabbi di Segni on March 20, during his audience with
delegations from other Christian confessions and non-Christian religions.

“A few days on from our meeting, and with renewed gratitude for your having
desired to honor the celebration of the beginning of my ministry with your
presence and that of other distinguished members of the Jewish community, I take
great pleasure in extending my warmest best wishes to you and Rome’s entire
Jewish community on the occasion of the Great Feast of Pesach. May the
Almighty, who freed His people from slavery in Egypt to guide them to the
Promised Land, continue to deliver you from all evil and to accompany you with
His blessing. I ask you to pray for me, as I assure you of my prayers for you,
confident that we can deepen [our] ties of mutual esteem and friendship. -
FRANCIS [Translation by Vatican Radio]” (Zenit)


Meanwhile, in Jerusalem, Orthodox Jewish yeshivas have been educating Jews
about the forthcoming Jewish monarchy, their Jewish privilege and the draconian
Noahide laws. The Kingdom of Israel will be the Antichrist's servile slave state
into which the damnable heresy of Dominionist / Kingdom Theology of the
Calvinists is leading those who believe their false teachings.
Kingdom of Israel: Extremist Rabbis Dream of Jewish Monarchy, With a Special
Role for Non-Jews

Having a king seems like such a simple concept. Instead of the tiresome processes
of democracy, a king can be anointed – a single sovereign with extraordinary rights
who can enslave prisoners of war and do as he pleases. No elections and no High
Court of Justice.

The second part of “Torat Hamelech” (“The King’s Torah”) – written by rabbis
from the Od Yosef Hai yeshiva in the West Bank settlement of Yitzhar – is written
in the language of halakha (Jewish religious law) and quotes Jewish sources, while
revealing the secret aspirations of the most extremist settlers.

The compendium is devoted entirely to laws pertaining to “the public and the
kingdom.” In other words, to the establishment of a religious-Jewish monarchy that
will replace secular democracy in Israel. It describes a world in which the king is
omnipotent, owning slaves and handmaidens. A world in which Jews have extra
rights and non-Jews cannot hold public office; a world in which there is no private
property (everything belongs to the king) and rebels are put to death...

The first volume of “The King’s Torah” concerned laws relating to life and death
between Jews and non-Jews. It detailed the laws that permit the killing of non-Jews
under different circumstances – such as during wartime, or when a non-Jew
threatens a Jew.

The new volume gives a set of – totally dystopian – laws that will prevail in the
kingdom of Israel. It discusses how the king will be chosen; what his rights will be;
and what rights (if any) his subjects will have...

The first chapters in the second volume of “The King’s Torah” dwell on the
importance of anointing an Israeli king, and how he is to be chosen. “Everybody
needs a king,” the text explains, quoting Pirkei Avot: “If not for awe of the king,
people would eat each other alive.” The king is, naturally, an authoritative leader.
The power of the kingdom is based on the people’s need for it to exist. The king is
“given power to take care of himself, not just the public partnership,” they explain
– and this is for the greater good, because “the king encompasses the entire nation,
and the good of the nation depends upon him.”

Maimonides (also known as the Rambam), the authors note, writes that gentiles
who respond to the call to peace and immediately agree to convert need to
understand that they will remain inferior and unfit for any office in Israel. The
Rambam’s intention, they clarify, was that gentiles should be treated with
compassion, but should not participate in government.

Regarding non-Jews who do not observe the Seven Laws of Noah, they add that
the Rambam says gentiles we conquer become like slaves to us; it is permissible
not to return a loan to a gentile, since the failure to involve them in decisions
amounts to less than expropriating a loan as it does not involve financial loss.

According to WikiNoah. a United Noachide Council is training Yeshiva students

from every country to be Noachide Judges:

United Noachide Council

“One of the primary organization’s goals and future purpose is to support a

democratically run General Noachide Council that represents the interests and
needs of ‘All’ Noachide Communities throughout the world, and ultimately to
support a Supreme United Noachide Council composed of only qualified Noachide
judges which will have graduated from a yeshiva for B’nei Noach in Israel.

“Branch UNC, Inc. organizations are in process of formation at various locations

throughout the world. The goal of the UNC, Inc. organization is to have branches
in every country....

“The goals of the United Noachide Council are:

“To set up a democratically run Noachide Council, which will seek to sponsor
Noachide Yeshiva students from every Noachide Country in the world to study to
become fully qualified Noachide Judges. A five to ten year Hebrew only program
of study in Noachide and Oral Laws is currently being formulated and will be
administered by Various Orthodox Rabbis, and will be located in Israel.”

The Orthodox Jewish yeshivas are also teaching Christians. This is a trap for
Zionist and Messianic Christians. They will not be learning the Torah but the oral
traditions of the Rabbis, and Jewish magic from the Talmud, and the Kabbalah,
which is Jewish mysticism and the Soul of Judaism.

Yeshivas for Christians? Evangelicals Flock to Jewish Learning Centers in Israel

Whether online or at actual brick-and-mortar facilities in the Holy Land, thousands

of evangelical Christians are increasingly turning to Jewish educators in pursuit of
‘authentic Torah teaching’

“It’s become a phenomenon,” Rivkah Lambert Adler, an Orthodox-Jewish

educator, told Haaretz. “What we’re seeing is a profound hunger and thirst among
Christians for authentic Torah teaching.”
Haaretz said Lambert Adler, who published a book on the subject last year called
“Ten From the Nations: Torah Awakening Among Non-Jews,” said many
evangelicals “see the Jewish people as leaders in Bible scholarship and as
individuals who are able to open the door to a better understanding of the Hebraic
roots of their own faith.”
One of the first ventures of its kind, Root Source, was launched in April 2014 by
Gidon Ariel, an Orthodox Jew, and Bob O’Dell, a Christian philanthropist and
high-tech entrepreneur.
Online subscribers to Root Source can access prerecorded lectures on topics such
as biblical Hebrew, women in the Bible, Jewish prayer, the Holy Temple, God,
Moses and the Book of Proverbs.
Founder AnaRina Heymann says there is “a genuine and growing wave of interest
from pro-Israel Christians, and we have a responsibility to respond and engage
through the common ground of biblical narrative – which in turn provides them
with advocacy tools to stand with us against the growing wave of anti-Semitism in
the world.”...
Lambert Adler estimates that “a few thousand” Christians have participated in
classes offered by this new crop of yeshivas now open to them. The only hindrance
to growth, she said, is the lack of qualified and available teachers.
She acknowledged that Orthodox Jews in general tend to be “very defensive about
“We tend not to trust them, we tend to think they have a missionizing agenda 100
percent of the time, and we tend to want them to just leave us alone,” she said.


Arthur Greenwood of British War Cabinet Sends Message of Assurance Here


English Rabbi Delivers to Dr. S.S. Wise

New Statement on Question After War

October 6, 1940

“In the first public declaration on the Jewish question since the outbreak of the
war, Arthur Greenwood, member without portfolio in the British War Cabinet,
assured the Jews of the United States that when victory was achieved an effort
would be made to found a new world order based on the ideals of ‘justice and

“Mr. Greenwood, who is Deputy Leader of the British Labor party, declared that in
the new world the conscience of civilized humanity would demand that the wrongs
suffered by the Jewish people in so many countries should be righted.' He added
that after the war an opportunity would be given to Jews everywhere to make a
‘distinctive and constructive contribution’ in the rebuilding of the world.”

Vengeance is Mine: The Great Tribulation as a Purim Sacrifice by Emma


“The Jews see the destruction of their enemies as part of the deliverance of their
god. They consider their actions as part of God’s divine plan for the destruction of
the Amalekites. The deliverance of the Jews from all enemies became part of the
plan for all ages. The Jews were to always be delivered from their enemies through
their own actions. They did not wait for God to act. They took action unto
themselves and asked God to bless it. It has been thus ever since. There is no
turning the other cheek. There is no forgiving enemies or praying for those who
despitefully used them. There is only death, and the death of their enemies meant
God had blessed them.

“Unfortunately, Christians believe the same thing. They too expect God to deliver
the Jews from all modern enemies through overwhelming fire power. The death of
innocents is just God’s blessing on the Jews. The Feast of Purim is from where this
idea comes. God is expected to perform for “His” people regardless of repentance
or righteousness. It is true the people fasted, but no where is it recorded that the
fast led to a deeper knowledge of God and repentance from sin. That is because the
Jew does not have any knowledge of personal sin. All sin is national. According to
the Rabbis, Jews are ‘saved’ by their own blood. This destruction of their enemies
by the Jews is known as the law of vendetta. We can see this law enacted every
day in modern Israel. That is what happens when Jews come into political and
military power. All who oppose them are marked for destruction and God will
bless it.

“The law-of-vendetta is a blood feud. There is no ending it. It is the Jewish

Hatfields and McCoys. The law is based on old Babylonian law. It has found its
way into modern jurisprudence under the name lex talionis, or law of retaliation.
The Bible calls it an ‘eye for an eye.’ This means that the punishment should be
equal to the offence. Of course, Jewish retaliation is always 10 times greater than
the offence. That, too, was evident in the Book of Esther. Revenge is a trait so
ingrained so deeply into the Jewish consciousness that it is almost genetic. A Jew
never forgives and never forgets. They still avenge supposed wrongs to their tribe
committed 1,000 or 2,000 years ago.

“Breach for breach, eye for eye, a tooth for a tooth: as he hath caused a blemish in
a man, so shall it be done to him again.” (Leviticus 24:20)

“Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord.” (Rom. 12:19)

The time “18:15” on Prince Harry’s iPhone is military time for 6:15 p.m. which
may be a code for a date, probably on the Hebrew calendar, which is Adar 15,
which is the Talmudic celebration of Purim. Purim is not a Biblical feast but a “day
of the Jews’ own choosing” to execute vengeance for their captivity in Babylon
based on Esther 9.

In 2003, President George W. Bush announced he would commence the bombing

of Iraq at the “time of our choosing” which turned out to be March 17 or Adar 13,
the Fast of Esther, the day before Purim.

Researcher in Alberta, Canada who writes informative updates on the US/Israel

plan to attack Iran: “There is more than enough evidence regarding the attack/war
with Iran, looming. Probably within weeks.”

Purim falls this year on March 9-10, 2020.

“March” is derived from Mars, the Roman god of War.







Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Holds Cabinet Meeting in Israel

Florida Gave $10 million in Bonds to State of Israel

Los Angeles Police Department Goes to Israel to Learn Mass Surveillance

Obama Signs $70 BILLION Pledge to Israel


The Trap! Nikki Haley Sanhedrin's pick for President of 70 Nations Organization

Sanhedrin Invites Nikki Haley to be Honorary President of Organization of 70 Nations

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President Reagan Welcomed Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem & Congress Established

National Day of Reflection

Under the Talmudic Noahide Laws

Sanhedrin Calls President Trump to Uphold Noahide Laws

Moldova Praised for Adopting Antisemitism Definition


White House Drafting National Emergency Proclamation to Include Border Wall

Rabbi Yekutiel Fish: Lunar Eclipse Sign Jews Must Leave Diaspora

Biblical Origin of 70 Nation Anti-Israel Paris Conference


An IDF Air Strike in Syria in Broad Daylight and a Dangerous Reply

Did War Just Begin: Iran Fires Rocket at Golan. Intelligence Minister: This is Open


Rabbi Schneerson

“But his leadership transcended the monastic world of

philosophical debates and book-lined studies like his own,
penetrating the secular world with toll-free telephone
numbers, satellite television hookups and faxes of Talmudic
disquisitions. Fusing the 18th century with the 20th, he
presided over a religious empire that reached from the back
streets of Brooklyn to the main streets of Israel and by 1990
was taking in an estimated $100 million a year in
contributions. His ‘mitzvah tanks’ — converted campers
that are rolling recruiting stations whose purpose is to draw
Jews to the Lubavitch way — roamed streets from midtown
Manhattan to Crown Heights. And the Lubavitchers’
Brooklyn-based publishing house claimed to be the world’s
largest distributor of Jewish books.”

Rabbi Schneerson Led a Small Hasidic Sect to World


Chabad Met with Benjamin Netanyahu

Will End of Netanyahu's Coalition Signal Beginning of


Hundreds of Thousands in Donations Tie Kushner &

Trump to Chabad

Kushner Foundation Gives $342k to Chabad

Kushner Foundation Bankrolls Radical Jewish West Bank

Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner Visit Lubavitcher Rebbe's

Trump to Endorse Chabad Movement in Event Attended by

Jewish Leaders

Trump Meets with Chabad Leaders in Oval Office


7 Days Until Dedication of 3rd Temple Altar

“…the Sanhedrin’s ongoing effort [is] to establish a Bible-

based international organization to replace the United
Rabbi Yoel Schwartz, president of the Sanhedrin’s Court
for the Noahides, has been charged with preparing the
declaration, called “The Song of Israel and the World,” that
would describe the spiritual basis for the organization…
“These are the seven messages of the Creator of the world
to humanity known as the Seven Noahide Laws:..
2. “Blessing Hashem (God, literally ‘the name’):
Respecting the Creator and the sages who are familiar with
His Torah, and respecting the places of worship where the
Torah is learned and prayers are recited to him. It is
forbidden, God forbid, to speak harshly against them or
to curse them…
4. “Laws: To establish courts to judge justice and to
direct society and obey the orders and decisions of the

* * *

“And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that
were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:” Rev. 6:9

“And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them:
and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the
word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither
had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and
reigned with Christ a thousand years. Rev. 20:4
The Seal of Solomon: Mark of the Beast

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