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Effects of Non-use of Corporate Charter BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND TRUSTEES

Rule: Basic Rules:

• Non-commencement of business within 5 years from the date of 1. Conducts all the business and controls and holds all the property of
incorporation corporation.
– Certificate of Incorporation shall be revoked 2. Composed of not more than 15 members elected from the
stockholders or members of corporation;
Effect of Continuous Inoperation 3. Elects the administrative officers of the corporation such as president,
Rule: treasurer, secretary, and such other officers as may be provided for in
• Started the business but subsequently becomes continuously the by-laws;
inoperative for a period of at least 5 consecutive years 4. Directors or Trustees are elected to hold office for one (1) year and until
– Corporation will be placed on delinquent status, after due notice such time their successors are elected and qualified.
and hearing by SEC 5. The directors are elected by cumulative shares.
• Failure to resume operation within 2 years 6. The Directors or Trustees must act as a Board in order to bind the
– Is a cause for revocation of the corporation’s certificate of corporation by their acts.
a. Where the directors are themselves the sole stockholders
b. Where the contract is entered into by a corporate officer
A corporation which actually exists for all practical purposes as a
authorized by the Board
corporation, but which has no legal right to corporate existence as against
c. Where the transaction is ratified at a subsequent meeting
the State.
d. Where all the stockholders or trustees consent
It is one which has not complied with all the requirements necessary to be e. Where the corporation is guilty of estoppel
a de jure corporation but has complied sufficiently to be accorded
corporate status as against third parties although not against the state. 7. They cannot delegate discretionary powers vested exclusively in them
by law or by laws.
Requisites of De Facto Corporation 8. Cannot validly act by proxy as they are required to exercise their
1. The existence of a valid law under which it may be incorporated; personal judgment.
2. A bona fide attempt in good faith to incorporate under such law;
3. Actual use or exercise in good faith of corporate powers; and
Is a person who, apart from shareholdings and fees received from the
4. Issuance of a certificate of incorporation by the SEC as a minimum
corporation, is independent of management and free from any business or
requirement of continued good faith.
other relationship which could, or could reasonably be perceived to
Defects which Preclude the Creation of a De Facto Corporation materially interfere with the exercise of independent judgment in carrying
1. Absence of Articles of Incorporation out the responsibilities as a director.
2. Failure to file articles of incorporation with SEC; and
3. Lack of certificate of incorporation from SEC Corporations Required to have ID:
1. Corporations whose securities are registered with SEC
Defects which DO NOT Preclude the Creation of a De Facto Corporation
2. Banks and quasi-banks, NSSLA, pawnshops, corporations engaged in
1. The name of the corporation closely resembles that of a pre-existing
money service business, pre-need, trust and insurance companies, and
corporation that it will tend to deceive the public;
other financial intermediaries; and
2. The incorporators or certain number of them are not residents of the
3. Other corporations engaged in business vested with public interest
similar to the above.
3. The acknowledgment of AOI is insufficient or defective in form, or it was
acknowledged before the wrong officer. Election of Directors/Trustees
1. Owners of a majority of the outstanding capital stock/member, in
Validity of Corporate Existence of a De Facto Corporation
person or by their authorized representative as such by written proxy,
1. Existence of a corporate entity cannot be collaterally attacked or
must be present at the election of the directors/trustees.
questioned by private individuals
2. When authorized in the by-laws, or majority of the BOD, the
2. Its existence as a corporation can only be attacked by the State in a
stockholders/members may also vote through remote communication
direct proceeding (i.e. quo warranto)
or in absentia.
Corporation by Estoppel 3. The election must be by ballot, if requested by any voting stockholder
An unincorporated association which represented itself to be a corporation or member.
will be estopped from denying its corporate capacity in a suit against it by a 4. No delinquent stock shall be voted.
third person who relied in good faith on such representation, liabilities and 5. In stock corporation, the total number of votes cast shall not exceed
damages incurred or arising as a result thereof. the number of shares owned by the stockholder multiplied by the
number of directors to be elected.
6. In non-stock corporation, members may not cast more than 1 vote for
• A corporation by estoppel has no real existence in law. 1 candidate
• All persons who assume to act as a corporation knowing it to be 7. Nominees receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared
without authority to do so shall be liable as general partners for all
debts, liabilities, and damages incurred or arising as a result thereof. 8. In case of failure to hold election, the reasons therefor shall be reported
• When any such ostensible corporation is sued on any transaction to the Commission within thirty (30) days from the date of the
entered by it as a corporation or on any tort committed by it as such, it scheduled election. The report shall specify a new date for the election,
shall not be allowed to use as a defense its lack of corporate which shall not be later than sixty (60) days from the scheduled date.
• A third party who, knowing an association to be unincorporated,
nonetheless treated it as a corporation and received benefits from it,
may be barred from denying its corporate existence in a suit brought
against the alleged corporation.
Methods of Voting 2. Filled by the members of the Board –
1. Straight voting – every stockholder may vote such number of shares for a. If still constituting a quorum, at least a majority of them are
as many persons as there are directors to be elected. empowered to fill any vacancy occurring in the board other than by
2. Cumulative Voting for One Candidate – a stockholder is allowed to removal by the stockholders or members or by expiration of term.
concentrate his votes and give one candidate as many votes as the Compensation of Board Members
number of directors to be elected multiplied by the number of his General Rule:
shares shall equal. Directors are not entitled to receive any compensation except for
3. Cumulative Voting by Distribution – by this method, a stockholder may reasonable per diems.
cumulate his shares by multiplying also the number of his shares by the
number of directors to be elected and distribute the same among as Exceptions:
many candidates as he shall see fit. 1. When their compensation is fixed in the by-laws
Methods of Voting for Trustees in Non-Stock Corporation 2. When granted by the vote of stockholders representing at least a
1. The manner of voting provided in the articles of incorporation or in the majority of the outstanding capital stock at a regular or special meeting
by-laws, otherwise 3. When they are also officers of the corporation
2. The members may cast as many votes as there are trustees to be CORPORATE OFFICERS
elected but may not cast more than one vote for one candidate. 1. President
Limitations on the Election of Directors/Trustees – Must be a member of the Board
1. At any meeting of stockholder or members called for the election of – Cannot held the position of Corporate Secretary or Treasurer at the
directors or trustees, there must be present either in person or by same time
representative authorized to act by written proxy, the owners of the – Has general control and supervision over the affairs of the
majority of the outstanding capital stock or majority of the members corporation
entitled to vote. 2. Vice President
2. The election must be by ballot if requested by any voting stockholder – To act in the absence of the president
or member. – Conferred certain executive duties by the Board
3. A stockholder cannot be deprived in the articles of incorporation or in 3. Corporate Secretary
the by-laws of his statutory right to use any of the methods of voting in – Must be a resident and citizen of the Phils.
the election of directors. – Not allowed to act as Secretary and President at the same time
4. No delinquent stock shall be voted. – Make and keep corporate records
5. The candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared – Make proper entries of vote
elected. A majority vote is not necessary. However, it is necessary that – Prepare resolutions and proceedings of the shareholders and
there is a quorum. And in the absence thereof, election shall be directors
considered invalid. 4. Treasurer
Requisites for Board Meeting – Must be resident of the Philippines
Validity of a corporate act is predicated on the presence of the following – Entrusted with the authority to receive and keep the money of the
requisites: corporation and to distribute them as he may be authorized
– Treasurer may not hold the position of the President at the same
• Meeting of the Directors or Trustees duly assembled as a board;
• Presence of quorum time
– May or may not be a director
• Decision of the majority of the quorum, or in other cases, a majority of
5. Such other officers as maybe provided for in the by-laws
the entire board; and
6. In case of corporation is vested with public interest
• Meeting at the place, time, and in the manner provided for in the by-
– Must elect a Compliance Officer
Removal of Director or Trustee Authority of Corporate Officers
Requisites: Generally derived from:
1. The removal should take place at a regular or special meeting duly 1. Law
called for the purpose; 2. By-Laws
2. The director or trustee can only be removed by at least 2/3 of the 3. Authorization from the Board, either expressly or impliedly by habit,
outstanding capital stock or of the members entitle to vote; custom or acquiescence in the general course of business.
3. There must be a previous notice to members or stockholders of the Extent of Powers of Corporate Officers
corporation of the intention to propose such removal at the meeting. 1. The authority which he has by virtue of his office;
4. The removal without cause may not be used to deprive minority 2. The authority which is expressly conferred upon him or is incidental to
stockholders or members of the right to representation to which they the effectualness of such express authority;
may be entitled under Sec. 23 of the Code. 3. As to third persons dealing with him without notice of any restriction
Vacancies in the Board thereof, the authority which the corporation holds the officer out as
1. Filled by the stockholders or members: possessing or is estopped to deny.
a. If the vacancy results from the removal by the stockholders or 4. The nature of the corporate business must also be taken into
members or the expiration of term; consideration; and
b. If the vacancy occurs other than by removal or by expiration of term, 5. The act of an officer though originally unauthorized may become
such as death, resignation, abandonment, or disqualification, if the binding upon the corporation by a subsequent ratification
remaining directors or trustees do not constitute a quorum for the DOCTRINE OF APPARENT AUTHORITY
purpose of filling the vacancy; If a corporation, knowingly permits one of its officers, or any other agent, to
c. If the vacancy may be filled by the remaining directors or trustees act within the scope of an apparent authority, it holds him out to the public
but the board refers the matter to stockholders or members; or as in possession of the power to do those acts, and thus, the corporation
d. If the vacancy is created by reason of an increase in the number of will, as against anyone who has in good faith dealt with it through such
directors or trustees. agent, be estopped from denying the agent’s authority.
Liability of Director/Trustees EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
1. Willfully or knowingly votes or assents to patently unlawful acts of the A body raised by the by-laws and composed of some members of the board
corporation which, subject to the statutory limitations, has all the authority of the board
2. Guilty of gross negligence or bad faith in directing the affairs of the to the extent provided in the board resolution or by-laws.
3. He acquires any personal or pecuniary interest in conflict with his duty Powers of Executive Committee
as such director or trustee The executive committee has all the authority of the board to the extent
4. Liable to account to the corporation for the profits obtained by him provided for in the resolution of the board or in the by-laws.
from a business opportunity which should belong to the corporation • May act by a majority vote of all of its members.
• If the executive committee is not validly constituted, the members
Rules on Contracts entered into by Directors/Trustees or Officers
thereof may be considered as de facto officers.
1. Contracts of Self-dealing Directors, Trustees or Officers (Sec.31) • Its decisions are not subject to appeal to the board.
– Self-dealing directors, trustees or officers are those who
• However, if the resolution of the Executive Committee is invalid, i.e. not
personally contract with the corporation in which they are
one of the powers conferred to it, it may be ratified by the board.
directors, trustees, or officers.
Limitations on the Powers of the Executive Committee
Self-dealing Transaction of a BOD It cannot act on the following:
• Such contracts are VOIDABLE, at the option of the corporation unless: 1. Matters needing stockholder approval;
– The presence of such director/trustee in the board meeting 2. Filling up board vacancies;
approving the contract was not necessary to constitute a quorum 3. Amendment, repeal or adoption of by-laws;
for such meeting; 4. Amendment or repeal of any resolution of the Board which by its
– The vote of such director/trustee in the board meeting approving express terms is not amendable or repealable; and
the contract was not necessary for the approval of the contract; 5. Cash dividend declaration.
– The contract is fair and reasonable under the circumstances; Corporate Powers
– In the case of an officer, there was previous authorization by the The right or capacity of a corporation to perform all acts or things, except
board of directors. only those forbidden by law and its articles of incorporation in furtherance
– In case of corporations vested with public interest, material of its purpose or purposes.
contracts are approved by at least 2/3 of the entire membership of
the board, with at least a majority of the independent directors Classification of Corporate Powers
voting to approve the material contract; 1. Express – those expressly authorized by the Corporation Code and
other laws, and its Articles of Incorporation or Charter.
Rules on Contracts entered into by Directors/Trustees or Officers 2. Incidental – those that are inherent to the existence of the corporation.
• Although not all conditions are present, the corporation may elect not 3. Implied – those that can be inferred from or necessary for the exercise
to attack or question the validity of the contract, without prejudice, of the express powers.
however, to the liability of the director/trustee for damages. General Power and Capacity
• Where any of the first two conditions is absent, said contract may be 1. To sue and be sued;
ratified by the vote of the stockholders representing at least 2/3 of the 2. Perpetual existence
outstanding capital stock or 2/3 of the members in a meeting called in 3. To adopt and use of corporate seal;
for the purpose, provided that full disclosure of the adverse interest of 4. To amend its Articles of Incorporation;
the director/trustee involved is made at such meeting and the contract 5. To adopt its by-laws;
is fair and reasonable. 6. For stock corporations: issue and sell stocks to subscribers and
Contracts of Inter-locking Directors treasury stocks; for non-stock corporations: admit members;
A contract between 2 or more corporations having interlocking directors 7. To purchase, receive, take or grant, hold, convey, sell, lease, pledge,
shall not be invalidated on that ground alone. mortgage and deal with real and personal property, securities and
These contracts are valid, provided that: 8. To enter into merger or consolidation;
a. The contract is not fraudulent; and 9. To make reasonable donations for public welfare, hospital, charitable,
b. The contract is fair and reasonable under the circumstances. cultural, scientific, civic or similar purposes, provided that no donation
is given to any (i) political party, (ii) candidate and (iii) partisan political
Doctrine of Corporate Opportunity
Under this doctrine, a director who, by virtue of his office, acquires for activity.
himself a business opportunity which should belong to the corporation, 10. To establish pension, retirement, and other plans for the benefit of its
directors, trustees, officers, and employees.
thereby obtaining profits to the prejudice of such corporation, is guilty of
11. To exercise other powers essential or necessary to carry out its
disloyalty and should therefore, account all such profit by refunding the
same to the corporation, notwithstanding that he risk his funds in the purposes
venture. Other Corporate Powers
1. Extension/Shortening of Corporate Term (Sec. 36)
Applicability: 2. Power to Increase or Decrease Capital Stock (Sec. 37)
Unless his act is ratified, a director shall refund to the corporation all the 3. Power to Incur, Create or Increase Bonded Indebtedness (Sec. 37)
profits he realized on a business opportunity which: 4. Power to Deny Pre-emptive Right (Sec. 38)
1. The corporation is financially able to undertake;
2. From its nature, is in line with corporation’s business and is of practical
advantage to it; and
3. The corporation has an interest or a reasonable expectancy.

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