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3. I have known Michael David Taylor for four years.

He is the cousin of Victoria Alice

Rintoul; my son’s partner. Our friendship began in February 2015 when his family in the
United Kingdom asked if I could make contact with him as he was coming across to Perth to
attend the University of Western Australia to complete post-graduate study. At this time, he
came to my home for a meal and I was able to assist him with a few household items while
he settled into accommodation at UWA University House. I met Michael’s partner Freya Lea
Crozier about a year later when they both came across to my home.

In the ensuing years we have all met on social outings either at my home; open air markets
across Perth and at Michael and Freya’s flat in Jolimont. I would say that over the years that
I have known both of them we have met more than a dozen times. These get togethers have
often meant sharing a meal together. The most recent contact was Christmas 2018 when
they both shared part of Christmas day at my home together with my son Oriano Lizza and
Michael’s cousin Victoria Alice. They came across to my home for a barbecue, having spent
the day with Freya’s family, and then spent the night. I have provided Michael with
photographs of the evening to support this claim.

Apart from maintaining contact with both of them over the years I have met Michael’s
parents Andrew and Diana Taylor who have regularly visited Perth. We all attended the
opening of the Perth Festival in January 2019, this was preceded by a barbecue at which
Michael, Freya and Michael’s parents were present. Apart from these social family
gatherings I regularly maintain email contact with Michael’s parents. In addition, Michael,
Freya and I share a connection via email and What’s App.

I know that Michael and Freya visited the UK on a holiday in 2018 so that Freya could see
Michael’s home, meet Michael’s family and have a holiday together. I am also aware that
whenever Michael’s parents visit Australia, they spend time in Bridgetown with Freya’s

4. It is very plain to see that Michael and Freya are in a committed relationship. This is
evident by the affection and care that they very naturally display when I am in their
company. In the last couple of years, they have moved in together in their flat in Jolimont.
When you go there you can see signs of their individual and combined hobbies. It is very
clear that they have mutual interests which include a great many outdoor pursuits. They
spend time away on getaways, continue to pursue study and employment and have created
a very lovely home which reflects their personalities. When they entertain it is clear that it is
a combined effort in the preparation and serving of the meal; also done with a great deal of
care and affection.

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