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Chapter I

The Problem and its Background

“Pre-service teachers enter teacher education programs with well-

established beliefs about the teaching profession that are shaped by their

experiences as students, and these beliefs typically remain stable throughout their

teacher preparation program and into the early years of teaching”. In addition to

general teaching beliefs, pre-service teachers who are prepared to teach all subject

areas may have more precise and varying beliefs in particular subject areas, such

as mathematics and science (Book, Byers, & Freeman, 1983; Buchmann, 1984;

Fajet, Bello, Leftwich, Mesler, & Shaver, 2005; Feiman-Nemser, McDiarmid,

Melnick, & Parker, 1988; Taylor & Sobel, 2001; Weinstein, 1989). Therefore,

examining pre-service teachers’ beliefs in these areas are important in order to

enhance their understandings of teaching strategies and content in mathematics.

Teachers’ and students’ mathematical beliefs have been a topic of interest

in mathematics education research for the last three decades and have been

studied from different perspectives (Handal, 2003; Kagan, 1992; Leder et al,

2002; Roesken, 2011). For more than decades ago an individual’s attitude toward

mathematics was brought up as one of the central research topics in mathematics

education. But, the focus of research has changed from broadly defined attitudes

to more specific sub-concepts: emotions, narrowly defined attitudes, values, and,

most commonly, beliefs (Pehkonen, 2004, p.2). Goldin (2002) also distinguished

emotions, attitudes, beliefs and values in mathematics education: (1) emotions

(rapidly changing states of feeling, mild to very intense, that are usually local or

embedded in context), (2) attitudes (moderately stable predispositions toward

ways of feeling in classes of situations, involving a balance of affect and

cognition), (3) beliefs (internal representations to which the holder attributes truth,

validity, or applicability, usually stable and highly cognitive, may be highly

structured), and (4) values, ethics, and morals (deeply-held preferences, possibly

characterized as “personal truths”, stable, highly affective as well as cognitive,

may also be highly structured), (p. 61).

This research examines the nature and role of teachers’ mathematical

beliefs in instruction and student learning. It is argued that teachers’ mathematical

beliefs can be categorized in multiple dimensions. These beliefs are said to

originate from previous traditional learning experiences mainly during schooling.

Once acquired, teachers’ beliefs are eventually reproduced in classroom

instruction. It is also argued that due to their conservative nature, educational

environments foster and reinforce the development of traditional instructional

beliefs. Although there are evidences that teachers’ beliefs influence their

instructional behaviors, the nature of the relationship is complex and mediated by

external factors.

After conducting the research, the researchers will be able to:

A. Determine the beliefs of pre-service teachers in nature, learning, and

efficacy in teaching mathematics.

B. Create generalizations based on the findings in the interpretation of data.

In line with the objectives, researchers will try their best in order to answer the

following questions:

1. What are the different beliefs of pre-service teachers in the nature of


2. What are the different beliefs of pre-service teachers in the learning of


3. What are the different beliefs of pre-service teachers in the teaching efficacy

in Mathematics?

Significance of the Study

What goes on in the mathematics classroom may be directly related to the

beliefs teachers hold about mathematics. For this reason, it has been argued that

teacher beliefs play a major role in their students’ achievement and in their

formation of beliefs and attitudes towards mathematics (Emenaker, 1996).

Student teachers need to be aware on how their beliefs affect their class

management and performance. Studies show that the rapport between teachers'

mathematical beliefs and their instructional practice is dialectical in nature and is

mediated by many contradictory factors (Thompson, 1992; Wood et al., 1991;

Pajares, 1992, Ponte, 1999). Teachers’ beliefs do influence their instructional

practice; however, a precise one-to-one causal relationship cannot be asserted

because of the interference of contingencies that are set in the school and

classroom culture. Teachers’ teaching methods and classroom practices convey

little by little their view of mathematics to students (Laine at al., 2004). At the

same time, according to results of various research studies, beliefs of teachers

about the nature and the teaching of mathematics influence both efficiency of

teaching of mathematics and the occurrence of their students' beliefs about those

subjects (Bulut & Baydar, 2002).

Teachers’ mathematical beliefs are personal and are therefore mental

constructs peculiar to each individual (Brown & Rose, 1995). A number of studies

have been conducted to obtain “typical” teachers’ mathematical beliefs.

Mathematical beliefs of teachers have been analyzed statistically and in many

instances judgments were passed on right-and-wrong criteria by researchers.

Although patterns are identifiable within representative samples, these studies

have at the same time revealed a broad diversity in the direction and intensity of

these beliefs (Carpenter, Fennema, Loef, & Peterson, 1989; Moreira, 1991;

Schmidt & Kennedy, 1990). This fact led some researchers to think that these

differences could be alternatively interpreted either as stages of a developmental

process, individual cognitive differences, or simply due to differences in socio-

economic status, educational systems, or cultural environments (Moreira, 1991;

Stonewater & Oprea, 1988; Thompson, 1991; Whitman & Morris, 1990).

Firm beliefs about what it takes to be an effective teacher are usually

carried by pre-service teachers as they enter teacher education programs (Book,

Byers, & Freeman, 1983; Buchmann, 1984; Fajet, Bello, Leftwich, Mesler, &

Shaver, 2005; Feiman-Nemser, McDiarmid, Melnick, & Parker, 1988; Taylor &

Sobel, 2001; Weinstein, 1989).

Pre-service teachers’ mathematical and science teaching beliefs are often

mixed with anxiety, hesitancy, and feeling of incompetent.Cheng, 2002; Hart,

2002; Kiviet & Mji, 2003; Sottile, Carter, Murphy, 2002; Tosun, 2000; Watters,

& Ginns, 1997). Frequently, these beliefs do not surface until new teachers start

teaching in their own classrooms (Doolittle, Dodds, & Placek, 1993; Zeichner &

Tabacknick, 1981). Therefore, in order to create a substantial paradigm shift

teacher education programs must challenge pre-service teachers’ beliefs (Pajares,


A recurring theme in the teacher education literature is that teacher

education programs do little to change pre-service teachers’ beliefs (i.e., Bandura,

1997; Cakiroglu, & Boone, 2002; Hart, 2002; Jesky- Smith, 2002; Kelly, 2001;

Kiviet & Mji, 2003; Plourde & Alawiye, 2003; Tosun, 2000).

Through participating in appropriate method courses that are taught by

teacher educators who scaffold the students in confronting their beliefs (Kiviet &

Mji, 2003), it is well established that pre-service teachers’ beliefs can be enhanced

and/or changed (i.e., Bandura, 1997; Cakiroglu, & Boone, 2002; Hart, 2002;

Jesky- Smith, 2002; Kelly, 2001; Kiviet & Mji, 2003; Plourde & Alawiye, 2003;

Tosun, 2000) Furthermore, according to several studies, university professors and

mentor teachers influence the pre-service teachers’ beliefs during their practicum.

(Calderhead, 1988; Hoy & Woolfolk, 1989). The goals embedded within methods

courses include developing positive beliefs systems with pre-service teachers

(Finson, et al., 2002) and convincing them that mathematics and science are

interesting (Crowther, 1998). Therefore, invaluable opportunities for teacher

educators are provided by science and mathematics methods courses to change

pre-service teachers’ beliefs.

A growing body of literature suggests that pre-service teachers, that is,

student teachers attending teacher education institutions, hold sets of beliefs more

traditional than progressive with respect to the teaching of mathematics. Research

findings reveal that pre-service teachers bring into their education program mental

structures overvaluing the role of memorization of rules and procedures in the

learning and teaching of school mathematics.

Frank (1990) surveyed the mathematical beliefs of pre-service teachers

and found a high level agreement in items such as: (a) “Some people have a

mathematical mind and some don’t”, (b) “Mathematics requires logic not

intuition”, and (c) “You must always know how you got the answer”. Moreover,

Foss and Kleinsasser (1996, p. 438) surveyed, observed, and interviewed pre-

service elementary teachers and found that the participants placed great emphasis

on practice and memorization. Teachers were of the opinion that ability in

mathematics was innate. Southwell and Khamis (1992) surveyed 71 pre-service

teachers and found that most participants perceive that mathematics learned in

school should be based on memorization of facts and rules. Lappan and Even

(1989) and Wood and Floden (1990) reported similar findings.

Taking account into the reasons which mentioned above, the research

about mathematical beliefs of pre-service secondary mathematics teachers is

important and useful in education. In addition, investigating relationship between

nature and teaching of mathematics will enable a better understanding of

mathematical beliefs.

Scope and Limitation

This research focused on the student teachers’ mathematical beliefs. The

scope of this research is on the beliefs in the nature of Mathematics, learning

Mathematics, and teaching efficacy in Mathematics of student teachers of

Philippine Normal University. The answers to the survey questionnaire were

obtained from the students of the said university. This study was limited to 36

Fourth Year BSE Mathematics students who were chosen using random sampling.

Assumption of the Study

In this study, the researchers assumed that the participants answered the

instrument truthfully which reflect their true beliefs encountered in teaching


Theoretical Framework

Many researches discuss about beliefs and practices of the teachers or the

students toward mathematics. Many are in the field of the art of teaching the

subject itself or the art of learning mathematics lesson. If we are going to

conceptualize the ideas of these various we may arrive at certain questions on

what happens to those who belong to the “middle portion” of the persons involve-

the future mathematics teachers or the student teachers who teach Mathematics.

One of the factors affecting the teachers’ performance in mathematics is

their beliefs. Previously stated, “Not . . . what opinions are held, but . . . how they

are held: instead of being held dogmatically, [liberal] opinions are held

tentatively, and with a consciousness that new evidence may at any moment lead

to their abandonment.” (Russell B., 1950). Beliefs are viewed as “psychologically

held understandings, premises, or propositions about the world that are felt to be

true” (Richardson, 1996, p. 103), across disciplines of anthropology, social

psychology and philosophy. One of the more common distinctions drawn between

belief and knowledge is that the notion of belief is thought to be true (Pajares,

1992; Thompson, A. G. 1992), with researchers often viewing knowledge as

“belief with certainty” (Clement, 1999). Plato’s definition of knowledge as

“justified true belief” (McDowell, 1987, cited in Furinghetti & Pehkonen, 2002, p.

42) is similar with Pajares and Thompson’s definition, but with one more

important difference. Plato implied the existence of an external reality of which

one could know and be certain, by using the term true, and von Glasersfeld’s

observation that there reigns the conviction that knowledge is knowledge only if it

reflects the worlds as it is (von Glasersfeld, 1984, p. 20) captures the sense that

the view of knowledge put forth by Plato continues to prevail.

Figure 1: Factors affecting teacher’s mathematical beliefs
(adapted from Raymond’s model)

School experiences, along with early childhood experiences form a

category of factors that falls in the realm of student mathematical beliefs. It is

important to look at these as determinant in the process of belief formation and as

a guide in understanding the strength, centrality and resilience of some beliefs.

The strong influence of past school and childhood experiences has been

suggested, among others, by Harel (1993), Cooney and Wilson (2002) and Handal

(2002) and confirmed, among others, by Cross (2009) and Frost (2010) who

investigated the correlation of biographical factors and episodes and teaching


Immediate classroom situations (students’ abilities, attitudes, and

behaviour, time constraints, the mathematics topic at hand), however, seem to

play their short term role in activating sets of beliefs.

Definition of Terms

The following terms need to be considered as we go through the entire research


1. Beliefs (Psychologically held understandings, premises, or propositions about

the world that are thought to be true). Beliefs are more cognitive, are felt less

intensely, and are harder to change than attitudes. Beliefs might be thought of as

lenses that affect one’s view of some aspect of the world or as dispositions toward

action. Beliefs, unlike knowledge, may be held with varying degrees of conviction

and are not consensual. Beliefs are more cognitive than emotions and attitudes.

(We do not indent this definition under affect because, although beliefs are

considered a component of affect by those studying affect, they are not seen in

this way by most who study teachers’ beliefs.) Beliefs are internal representations

to which the holder attributes truth, validity, or applicability, usually stable and

highly cognitive, may be highly structured.)

2. Efficacy (belief in a teacher’s ability to teach effectively and positively affect

student learning outcomes)

3. Affect (a disposition or tendency or an emotion or feeling attached to an idea or

object. Affect is comprised of emotions, attitudes, and beliefs.)

a. Emotions (feelings or states of consciousness, distinguished from

cognition. Emotions change more rapidly and are felt more intensely than

attitudes and beliefs. Emotions are rapidly changing states of feeling, mild to very

intense, that are usually local or embedded in context Emotions may be positive

(e.g., the feeling of “aha”) or negative (e.g., the feeling of panic). Emotions are

less cognitive than attitudes.)

b. Attitudes (moderately stable predispositions toward ways of feeling in

classes of situations, involving a balance of affect and cognition. Manners of

acting, feeling, or thinking that show one’s disposition or opinion. Attitudes

change more slowly than emotions, but they change more quickly than beliefs.

Attitudes, like emotions, may involve positive or negative feelings, and they are

felt with less intensity than emotions. Attitudes are more cognitive than emotion

but less cognitive than beliefs.)

4. Conception (a general notion or mental structure encompassing beliefs,

meanings, concepts, propositions, rules, mental images, and preferences.)

5. Beliefs System (a metaphor for describing the manner in which one’s beliefs

are organized in a cluster, generally around a particular idea or object. Beliefs

systems are associated with three aspects: (a) Beliefs within a beliefs system may

be primary or derivative; (b) beliefs within a beliefs system may be central or

peripheral; (c) beliefs are never held in isolation and might be thought of as

existing in clusters.)

6. Knowledge (beliefs held with certainty or justified true belief. What is

knowledge for one person may be belief for another, depending upon whether one

holds the conception as beyond question.)

7. Value (the worth of something. A belief one holds deeply, even to the point of

cherishing, and acts upon. Whereas beliefs are associated with a true/false

dichotomy, values are associated with a desirable/undesirable dichotomy. Values

are less context-specific than belief.)

8. Ethics, and morals (deeply-held preferences, possibly characterized as

“personal truths”, stable, highly affective as well as cognitive, may also be highly

structured), and

9. Pedagogy (the art or science of teaching).

10. Identity (the embodiment of an individual’s knowledge, beliefs, values,

commitments, intentions, and affect as they relate to one’s participation within a

particular community of practice; the ways one has learned to think, act, and


Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature

According to Richardson (1996), beliefs are “psychologically held

understandings, premises, or propositions about the world that are felt to be true”.

Raymond (1997) defined mathematics beliefs as personal judgments about

mathematics formulated from experiences in mathematics, including beliefs about

the nature of mathematics, learning mathematics, and teaching mathematics.

Teachers’ beliefs are “implicit assumptions about students, learning, classrooms,

and the subject matter to be taught” (Kagan, 1992).

The concept of Mathematical beliefs is broad and therefore can be

classified into different groups and types, or can be categorized into groups.

Gorman (1991) divided mathematics beliefs into three parts: beliefs about

mathematics as a discipline, beliefs that individuals hold about themselves and

how they learn mathematics, and beliefs about what an individual do to learn

mathematics. Since the range of an individual’s beliefs is very wide, they are

usually being grouped in clusters. Beliefs form systems that have a quasi-logical

structure, and that might or might not be in connection with other belief systems.

Therefore, the term belief system is used as a metaphor to represent how the

individual’s beliefs are structured (Pehkonen, 2004).

In a meta-analysis of a study conducted by Kagan (1992), she concluded

that teachers’ beliefs about their profession fell into two categories: teaching self-

efficacy and content-specific beliefs. Self-efficacy is the ability to produce the

intended influence on students and has two faces: personal teaching efficacy and

general or outcome teaching efficacy. Personal teaching efficacy refers to the

belief teachers have in themselves as effective teachers. General teaching efficacy

deals with outcomes expectancy, such as the ability to improve students’

achievement. Learning and knowing the field to be taught are considered content-

specific beliefs (Ashton, 1884; Hoy & Woolfolk, 1990; Riggs, & Enochs, 1990).

Beliefs can also be categorized into two: transmission and child-


Transmission: The traditional view of mathematics as a static discipline

which is taught and learned through the transmission of mathematical skills and

knowledge from the teacher to the learner and where "mathematics [is seen] as a

rigid system of externally dictated rules governed by standards of accuracy, speed

and memory." (National Research Council 1989, p.44; cited in Perry et al., 2006,


Child-centeredness: Students are actively involved with mathematics

through "constructing their own meaning as they are confronted with learning

experiences which build on and challenge existing knowledge." (Anderson, 1996,

p. 31).

Furinghetti and Torner (2002) discuss two other constructs from which

beliefs are often distinguished: knowledge (e.g., considering beliefs as subjective

knowledge and viewing knowledge as objective facts, within the limits of

subjective philosophical definitions of both) and attitude (which brings in an

element of affect). The affective component and its role in the teaching and

learning process are highlighted by some of them. Goldin (2002) expresses the

interrelatedness of attitude, emotions and belief systems:

The consensus is that beliefs, attitudes and values are the consequence

of an evolutionary process that involves all of an individual’s experiences

with mathematics throughout their entire life. An exception is emotions,

which are based on an individual’s general mental mechanisms, evoked

when reacting to situational and local problems. Nevertheless, these

reactions can also lead to longer-term consequences. (p. vii).

Teacher knowledge is directly related to student achievement. (Hill,

Rowan & Ball, 2005). Efficacy is a teacher’s belief in his or her ability to teach

effectively and positively affect student learning outcomes (Bandura, 1986;

Enochs, Smith & Huinker, 2000), and is an important factor for successful

teaching. An individual’s sense of efficacy is a judgement of his or her

capabilities to accomplish certain levels of performance. A teacher’s sense of

efficacy is a judgement of his or her capabilities to bring desired outcomes of

student engagement and learning, even among students who may be difficult or

unmotivated (Tschannen-Moran & Hoy, 2001). The pre-service teachers’ efficacy

in mathematics can be a predictor of their future ability to teach mathematics

since teacher efficacy is context specific (Bandura, 1986), academic domain

specific (Bandura, 1997), and subject-matter specific (Tschannen-Moran et al.,


Teachers’ concepts of efficacy affect instructional decision-making, which

impacts students learning (Pajares, 1992; Soodak & Podell, 1997). A relationship

between mathematics and content knowledge and concepts of efficacy for

elementary teachers taking a mathematics methods course was found by (Newton,

et al. 2012). According to Swars et al. (2006) lower mathematics anxiety was

related to higher concepts of efficacy. Bandura (1986) and Ernest (1989) said that

it is possible that beliefs about efficacy may be a greater variable in quality

teaching than content knowledge alone. Evans (2010) found a significant

relationship between attitudes toward mathematics and concepts of efficacy.

Mathematics anxiety and teaching efficacy was found to have a significant

inverse relationship for pre-service teachers (Bursal & Paznokas, 2006; Gresham,

2008; Swars et al., 2006).

Highly efficacious teachers are more likely to use inquiry and student-

centred teaching strategies (Wenta, 2000), while teachers of low level efficacy are

more likely to use teacher-directed strategies (Czerniak, 1990). The teacher

efficacy has positive effects on their personal commitment to teaching and

students (Coladarci, 1992), and also to the student outcomes such as academic

achievement (Moore & Esselman, 1992) and motivation (Midgeley, Feldlaufer &

Eccles, 1989).

Related Studies

One of the most important aspects in doing a research on beliefs is to

define or sufficiently describe what is meant by the term “beliefs”. According to

Pajares (1992), it is inevitable that any research be preceded by “deciding what

(we) wish belief to mean and how this meaning will differ from that of similar

constructs” (p. 308). This decision seems to be given a varying degree of

importance and meticulousness, ranging from the adoption of previously loosely

defined constructs — such as Pajares’ or Thompson’s — and their inherent

characteristics (Andrews, Hatch, 1999; Barkatsas, Malone, 2005; Leatham, 2006),

to leaving the term itself undefined, focusing rather on the objects and

characteristics of beliefs (e.g., Stipek et al., 2001; Speer, 2008), and/or attempting

to arrive at a precise definition (Torner, 2002; Goldin, 2002) .

On a study conducted by A.G. Thompson (1992) on changing teachers’

conceptions, she reported studies of pre-service teachers who showed little

change, and she noted that teachers often assimilate new ideas to fit their existing

schemata instead of accommodating their existing schemata to internalize new

ideas. She suggested that studies providing in-depth, detailed analyses would be

required to better elucidate teachers’ difficulties in accommodating new ideas into

their existing schemata.

Ernest (1989) gave a basic outline in which he states that as relates to

teaching mathematics, it makes sense to study teacher’s views, conceptions or

models of

 the nature of mathematics,

 the nature of mathematics teaching, and

 the process of learning mathematics.

Obviously, these categories are too broad and may still be explored and

further subcategorized. Pehkonen (2004) noticed a trend to add further

subcategories (especially including an affective domain): beliefs about

mathematics education, beliefs about self, and beliefs about the social context.

Restricting to teachers’ mathematical beliefs, Goldin (2002) makes a “preliminary

list” of sub-categories that also include affective and cognitive elements:

 Beliefs about the physical world, and about the correspondence of

mathematics to the physical world;

 Specific beliefs, including misconceptions, about mathematical

facts, rules, equations, theorems, etc.;

 Beliefs about mathematical validity, or how mathematical truths

are established;

 Beliefs about effective mathematical reasoning methods or

strategies and heuristics;

 Beliefs about the nature of mathematics, including the foundations,

metaphysics, or philosophy of mathematics;

 Beliefs about mathematics as a social phenomenon;

 Beliefs about aesthetics, beauty, meaningfulness, or power in


 Beliefs about individual people who do mathematics, or famous

mathematicians, their traits and characteristics;

 Beliefs about mathematical ability, how it manifests itself or can

be assessed;

 Beliefs about the learning of mathematics, the teaching of

mathematics, and the psychology of doing mathematics;

 Beliefs about oneself in relation to mathematics, including one’s

ability, emotions, history, integrity, motivations, self-concept,

stature in the eyes of others, etc. (pp. 67–68)

Based from this list, it is perceptible that the object of mathematical

beliefs can range from a very specific mathematical concept or process to a

philosophical question, from a particular educational strategy to a role of

mathematics, etc.

Skott (2001) attempted to solve the problem of viewing beliefs and

practice as inconsistent by limiting the types of beliefs he studied. He did this by

focusing his research on beliefs he described as ‘‘teachers’ explicit priorities’’.

These are beliefs of which teachers are explicitly aware and that they can

articulate. His purpose was then to study the relationships that might exist

between these priorities and what takes place in the classroom. Skott focused on

finding what made these explicit priorities and practices consistent rather than



The study of various literatures from different sources provided the bases

of our study because these studies focused on the nature and understanding of

mathematical beliefs.

It is believed that there is a need to determine the mathematical beliefs in

terms of nature of Mathematics, the learning of Mathematics, and the teaching

efficacy in Mathematics of student teachers of Philippine Normal University. This

will be beneficial to us in our future researches in our teaching profession.

From the union of ideas taken from the reviewed literature, the researchers

enriched their background on the subject of their study specifically on the

mathematical beliefs of student teachers on the nature of Mathematics, the

learning of Mathematics, and the teaching efficacy in Mathematics. In general, the

review provided a solid foundation upon which this study was based.

Chapter III


Research Design

Participants of the Study

Student teachers are the sole participants in this research. Thirty-six fourth

year BSE Mathematics students from the Philippine Normal University-Manila

were randomly selected regardless of their gender to answer the research

instrument. It is assured that the students have undergone their practice teaching

by the time they have answered the questionnaire.


The flow chart in Figure 2 represents the visual summary of the steps that

the researchers followed in the construction of the instrument that was used in this


Figure 2. Flow Chart of the Development of the Research Development

The researchers had undergone various researches in different libraries

and websites. They had found out that there are varieties of instruments with

regards to beliefs but only few focuses on the beliefs of practice teachers in

learning mathematics. With this, they had adapted the research instruments

Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M) developed

by Tatto, Ingvarson, Schwille, Senk, Penk, and Rowley (2008), and the

Mathematics Teaching Efficacy Beliefs Instrument (MTEBI) by Enochs and

Riggs (2002), which were both used in international researches. By the approval

of their research adviser, the research instruments that have been mentioned above

will be used for the data collection.

In this research, three Mathematics Belief Scales were used namely; (a)

the beliefs about nature of mathematics, (b) the beliefs about learning

mathematics, and (c) the mathematics teaching efficacy belief instrument. The

first two instruments are six-point Likert scale and were developed by Tatto,

Ingvarson, Schwille, Senk, Penk, and Rowley (2008). The first instrument is

composed of 12 items and the items included in this area include questions that

explore how future teachers perceive mathematics as a subject (e.g., mathematics

as formal, structural, procedural, or applied). The items are based on works by

Grigutsch et al. (1998) and by Ingvarson et al. (2005, 2007) while the second

instrument is composed of 14 items and the items included in this area includes

questions about the appropriateness of particular instructional activities, questions

about students’ cognition processes, and questions about the purposes of

mathematics as a school subject. The items were scaled as (1) Strongly Disagree,

(2) Disagree, (3) Slightly Disagree, (4) Slightly Agree, (5) Agree, and (6)

Strongly Agree. The third instrument is a five-point Likert scale composed of 23

items and was developed by Enochs and Riggs (2002). The items were scaled as

(A) Strongly Agree, (B) Agree, (C) Uncertain, (D) Disagree, and (E) Strongly


Data Gathering Procedure

The flow chart below gives a visual summary of the sequence of data

gathering procedures performed by the researchers in the study.

Figure 3.Flow chart of the Data Gathering Procedure

The group decided to select 36 BSE Mathematics students who finished

their practice teaching from the Philippine Normal University-Manila. The group

had coordinated with the respective students who had been chosen to be a part of

the research and agreed that any answer that they will give in the research

instrument is confidential and will not be directly attributed to them. March 6,

2013- the respondents had answered the beliefs scales and after administration,

the researchers had retrieved and tabulated the answers.

Statistical Treatment of Data

For the group of respondents, the proportion of responses endorsing the

statements could then be presented as a measure of the student teachers

endorsement about the belief. If 90 percent of responses fell into the agree and

strongly agree categories, their responses indicated strong support for the belief.

On the contrary, if only 10 or 20 percent of responses fell into these categories,

the belief is seen as receiving little support from the group (Tatto, Schwille, Senk,

Ingverson, Peck, & Rowley, 2008).

The interpretation of the computed mean of the responses for the beliefs in

nature of mathematics and learning mathematics are based on the table below:

Range of the Computed

4.6 – 6.0 The Mathematics Student Teachers Strongly Agree

1.0 – 4.5 The Mathematics Student Teachers Strongly Disagree

The interpretation of the computed mean of the responses for the beliefs in

teaching efficacy will be based on the preceding table:

Range of the Computed Mean Description

3.6 - 5.0 The Mathematics Student Teachers Agree

1.0 – 3.5 The Mathematics Student Teachers Disagree

Chapter IV

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

4.1 Introduction

This chapter describes the analysis of data followed by a discussion of

research findings. The findings relate to research questions that guided the study.

The data were analyzed to identify and describe the Mathematics belief of student

teachers in the nature of mathematics, learning mathematics, and teaching

effectiveness in mathematics. Data were obtained from self-administered

questionnaires, completed by 36 student teachers (n=36), a 36% response rate.

Based on the information that came from the class presidents of the Fourth Year

BSE Mathematics students that all of them had undergone their practice teaching,

this mean that 99 students is the total population (N=99).

A total of 36 questionnaires had been received and all of these 36

questionnaires for this study had met the required inclusion criteria as discussed in

the previous chapter. This represented 36% of the total population.

The questionnaire is comprised of three sections and data gathered will be

presented as follows:

 The first section is the Beliefs about the Nature of Mathematics.

 The second section is the Beliefs about Learning Mathematics.

 The third section is the Beliefs about Teaching Efficacy in


4.2 Methods of Data Analysis and Presentation of Data

Descriptive statistical analysis was used to identify frequencies and

percentages to answer all of the questions in the questionnaire. All of the

respondents answered all the questions therefore percentages reported correspond

to the number of sample (n=36).

4.3 Discussion of Findings

4.3.1 The Beliefs about the Nature of Mathematics

A. Mathematics is a collection of rules and procedures that prescribe

how to solve of problem.

B. Mathematics involves the remembering and application of

definitions, formulas, mathematical facts, and procedures.

C. Mathematics involves creativity and new ideas.

D. In mathematics, many things can be discovered and tried out by


E. When solving mathematical task, you need to know the correct

procedure or else you would be lost.

F. If you engage in mathematical tasks, you can discover new

things (e.g., connections, rules, concepts).

G. Fundamental to mathematics is its logical rigor and preciseness.

H. Mathematical problems are can be solved correctly in many


I. Many aspects of mathematics have practical relevance.

J. Mathematics helps solve everyday problems and tasks.

K. To do mathematics requires much practice, correct application of

routines, and problem-solving strategies.

L. Mathematics means learning, remembering, and applying.

All questions generated positive responses (agree or strongly agree)

indicating a favourable response (positive attitude) towards the beliefs in the

nature of mathematics.

The following results were obtained indicating a support with regards to

the beliefs about the nature of mathematics.

 Question A – 72% of the participants (n=26) either agreed or strongly

agreed that Mathematics is a collection of rules and procedures that

prescribe how to solve of problem.

 Question B – 69% of the participants (n=25) either agreed or strongly

agreed that Mathematics involves the remembering and application of

definitions, formulas, mathematical facts, and procedures.

 Question C – 92% of the participants (n=33) either agreed or strongly

agreed that Mathematics involves creativity and new ideas.

 Question D – 86% of the participants (n=31) either agreed or strongly

agreed that in mathematics, many things can be discovered and tried out

by oneself.

 Question E – 61% of the participants (n=22) either agreed or strongly

agreed that when solving mathematical task, you need to know the correct

procedure or else you would be lost.

 Question F – 86% of the participants (n=31) either agreed or strongly

agreed that if you engage in mathematical tasks, you can discover new

things (e.g., connections, rules, concepts).

 Question G – 83% of the participants (n=30) either agreed or strongly

agreed that fundamental to mathematics is its logical rigor and


 Question H - 83% of the participants (n=30) either agreed or strongly

agreed that Mathematical problems are can be solved correctly in many


 Question I - 83% of the participants (n=30) either agreed or strongly

agreed that many aspects of mathematics have practical relevance.

 Question J - 83% of the participants (n=30) either agreed or strongly

agreed that Mathematics helps solve everyday problems and tasks.

 Question K - 86% of the participants (n=31) either agreed or strongly

agreed that to do mathematics requires much practice, connect application

of routines, and problem-solving strategies.

 Question L - 83% of the participants (n=30) either agreed or strongly

agreed that Mathematics means learning, remembering, and applying.

Thus, the above findings manifest a positive response from the

respondents since the percentage of responses is greater than 50%. The

statement Mathematics involves creativity and new ideas got more than 90%

of responses and is said to be strongly supported by the participants (see page

28). Classification of Each Item

The items included in this area include questions that explore how

future teachers perceive mathematics as a subject. Based on the work of

Grigutsch et al. (1998), the items were classified into four subgroups:

a) Mathematics as formal

b) Mathematics as procedural

c) Mathematics as structural; and

d) Mathematics as applied

a. Mathematics as formal subject

The first subgroup includes the first three items (A, B, and C

respectively). The third item as stated a while ago, got the strongest

support from the respondents. Generally, this subgroup was supported and

therefore, can be said to be accepted by the respondents. Also, this

subgroup got an endorsement mean of 5.05 that indicate a strong support

from the respondents (see page 28).

b. Mathematics as procedural subject

The second subgroup that is comprised of items D, E, and F was

also seemed to be supported by the respondents (see page 29) , items D

and F got the same endorsement from the respondents (86%) while it is

noticeable that item E got the least support yielding only 61%. Also,

notice that even if items D and F got some percentage (86%) of support, it

cannot be necessarily denoted that the endorsement mean of items D and F

are also the same (refer to Appendix A.1.2.2). Item D got an endorsement

mean of 5.31 while item F got 5.39. This is due to deviation of

respondents between their decisions whether to agree or strongly agree on

the items. This subgroup gathered an endorsement mean of 5.13,

generally, agreed by most respondents.

c. Mathematics as structural subject

The third subgroup is composed of the consecutive items G, H, and

I which were remarkably seen on page 29 because of the same support

(5/6 of the sample) gathered from the respondents. Hence, this subgroup

also gained endorsement from the sample. As stated, in the previous

discussion, it is evident that items under this subgroup got same support

but the endorsement mean differs significantly. Item G got an average of

5.17, H and I got 5.36 specifically. But still, this subgroup seemed not to

change its position and gathered a favourable and highest among the four

subgroups and got total endorsement mean of 5.30. Notice also that items

H and I are still having the same mean but as compared to the deviation of

scores the statement many aspects of mathematics have practical

relevance (Item I), got a lower standard deviation equal to 0.76 (see Table

1.1 on page 76). This means that the respondents favoured item I than item

H, but still, as stated, both gathered the support of the participants.

d. Mathematics as applied subject

The fourth subgroup includes the last three items specifically items

J, K, and L. This subgroup of items also gathered strong support from the

respondents. As noticed in pages 27 and 28, no item got an endorsement

less than 80%. Notice that items J and L gathered same percentage of

endorsement but item J got a lower mean than item L. This gradually

implies that item L which is, mathematics means learning, remembering,

and applying is more favourable to the respondents. Generally, this

subgroup got an endorsement mean of 5.24 which indicate a strong

support from the respondents. Thus, it can be said that student teacher

holds a belief that Mathematics is an applied subject. The Two scales of Beliefs about the Nature of Mathematics

Aside from the perception of Mathematics as a subject, the items

are used in this research are separated into two scales:

1. Mathematics as a set of Rules and Procedures

2. Mathematics as a Process of Enquiry

The respondents were not forced to choose between the two sets of beliefs

about the nature of Mathematics; it is quite possible for them to endorse both set

of propositions that is to believe that Mathematics is a set of Rules and

Procedures and a Process of Enquiry. Using these two scales, the research team

expected that future teachers would lean toward one on other view of the nature of

Mathematics which implies that there should be a negative correlation between

the two scales. as a set of Rules and Procedures

Respondents who typically agree with statements are precisely the

ones who score highly in this scale and therefore tend to see mathematics

as a set of procedures to be learned, with strict rules as to what is correct

and what is incorrect. The items included in this scale are the following:

1. Item A - Mathematics is a collection of rules and procedures that

prescribe how to solve of problem.

2. Item B - Mathematics involves the remembering and application of

definitions, formulas, mathematical facts, and procedures.

3. Item E - When solving mathematical task, you need to know the correct

procedure or else you would be lost.

4. Item G - Fundamental to mathematics is its logical rigor and preciseness.

5. Item K - To do mathematics requires much practice, correct application of

routines, and problem-solving strategies.

6. Item L - Mathematics means learning, remembering, and applying.


Items included in this scale tend to have lower endorsement than

other items (specifically A, B, and E) but this scale got an overall

response mean of 5.01 indicating an evidence that the respondents hold a

strong belief that Mathematics is a set of rules and procedures. Evidently,

on the results of the study conducted by Tatto et al. (2008), out of 17

participating countries, Philippines remarkably set the highest percentage

of support from this scale ranging from 88.6% to 89.8% respectively. Mathematics as a Process of Enquiry

Respondents who typically agree with the statement included in this

scale are definitely the ones who scored the items highly. They see

mathematics as a means of answering questions and solving problems.

They see mathematical procedures as tools of enquiry. This scale is

comprised with the following statements:

1. Item C - Mathematics involves creativity and new ideas.

2. Item D - In mathematics, many things can be discovered and tried out by


3. Item F - If you engage in mathematical tasks, you can discover new

things (e.g., connections, rules, concepts).

4. Item H - Mathematical problems are can be solved correctly in many


5. Item I - Many aspects of mathematics have practical relevance.

6. Item J - Mathematics helps solve everyday problems and tasks.


Items in this scale on the other hand, tend to have higher

endorsement than other items. Similarly, this scale got an overall response

mean of 5.34 indicating a stronger support compared to the first scale

from the respondents. Thus, student teachers hold that Mathematics is a

process of enquiry. An evidence of this finding is the result of the study

conducted by Tatto et al. (2008), that Philippines had shown strong

support for this scale ranging from 89% to 92%.

Overall Findings

As expected by the researchers, the two aforementioned scales should be

negatively correlated but the coefficient of correlation for these two scales yields

0.51 from which, as stated by Garret (1981) that this coefficient indicates a

substantial or marked correlation. Likewise, as stated by Sevilla et al. (1992) that

this coefficient is indicating a moderate correlation. Thus, this finding signifies

that the student teachers prove the possibility that they can endorse the same

proposition at the same time.

The items are found to be really substantial in general when it comes to

the practice of teaching since the student teachers possess beliefs that are

beneficial to their future profession.

4.3.2. The Beliefs about Learning Mathematics

In this section, the researchers focus on the appropriateness of particular

instructional activities, questions about the purposes of mathematics as a school


The items on this scale are as follows:

A. The best way to do well in mathematics is to memorize all the


B. Pupils need to be taught exact procedures for solving mathematical


C. It doesn’t really matter if you understand a mathematical concept.

D. To be good in mathematics you must be able to solve problems


E. Pupils learn mathematics best by attending to teacher’s explanations.

F. When pupils are working on mathematical problems, more emphasis

should be put on getting the correct answer than on the process


G. In addition to getting a right answer in mathematics, it is important to

understand why the answer is correct.

H. Teachers should allow pupils to figure out their own ways to solve

mathematical problems.

I. Non-standard procedures should be discouraged because they can

interfere with learning the correct procedure.

J. Hands-on mathematics experiences aren’t worth the time and expense.

K. Time used to investigate why a solution to a mathematical problem

works is time well spent.

L. Pupils can figure out a way to solve mathematical problems without a

teacher’s help.

M. Teachers should encourage pupils to find their own solutions to

mathematical problems even if they are inefficient.

N. It is helpful for pupils to discuss different ways to solve particular


Not all questions generated positive responses towards the beliefs in

learning mathematics. The following results were obtained indicating the

percentage response of the respondents.

 Question A - 8.33% of the participants (n=3) either agreed or strongly

disagreed that the best way to do well in mathematics is to memorize all

the formulas.

 Question B – 27.78% of the participants (n=10) either agreed or strongly

disagreed that pupils need to be taught exact procedures for solving

mathematical problems.

 Question C – 2.78% of the participants (n=1) either agreed or strongly

disagreed that it doesn’t really matter if you understand a mathematical


 Question D - 2.78% of the participants (n=1) either agreed or strongly

disagreed that to be good in mathematics you must be able to solve

problems quickly.

 Question E – 36.11% of the participants (n=13) either agreed or strongly

disagreed that pupils learn mathematics best by attending to teacher’s


 Question F –25% of the participants (n=9) either agreed or strongly

disagreed that when pupils are working on mathematical problems, more

emphasis should be put on getting the correct answer than on the process


 Question G – 75% of the participants (n=27) either agreed or strongly

disagreed that in addition to getting a right answer in mathematics, it is

important to understand why the answer is correct.

 Question H – 83% of the participants (n=30) either agreed or strongly

disagreed that teachers should allow pupils to figure out their own ways to

solve mathematical problems.

 Question I – 11.11% of the participants (n=4) either agreed or strongly

disagreed that non-standard procedures should be discouraged because

they can interfere with learning the correct procedure.

 Question J – 5% of the participants (n=2) either agreed or strongly

disagreed that hands-on mathematics experiences aren’t worth the time

and expense.

 Question K - 83% of the participants (n=30) either agreed or strongly

disagreed that time used to investigate why a solution to a mathematical

problem works is time well spent.

 Question L – 36% of the participants (n=13) either agreed or strongly

disagreed that pupils can figure out a way to solve mathematical problems

without a teacher’s help.

 Question M – 50% of the participants (n=18) either agreed or strongly

disagreed that teachers should encourage pupils to find their own solutions

to mathematical problems even if they are inefficient.

 Question N – 86% of the participants (n=31) either agreed or strongly

disagreed that it is helpful for pupils to discuss different ways to solve

particular problems.

Based on the findings above, it can be evidently seen that most items

generated negative responses from the respondents. Only items G, H, K, and M

were supported based on the percentage of responses. In addition, items A, C, D,

I, and J received little support from the respondents. Classifications of Each Item

The items in this area are classified into three:

a) appropriateness of particular instructional activities,

b) cognitive processes of students, and

c) purposes of Mathematics as a school subject

a. Appropriateness of Particular Instructional Activities

This subgroup includes five items (E, F, H, M, and N). As seen on

page 38-39, only items H and N got the support of the respondents. Items

E, F, and M did not get the support of the respondents. Item E got a mean

of 4.00 while item F got 3.17 similarly, item F got 4.53. These three

statements from this subgroup got minimal disagreement on the part of the

respondents. Items H and M on the other hand both yielded a mean of 5.36

which reveals that these items are supported by the respondents.

Generally, this subgroup yielded a mean of 4.18 that signifies

minimal disagreement from the respondents due to the low support of the

participants on other statements included in this subgroup.

b. Cognitive Processes of Students

The second subgroup is comprised of items B, C, G, K, and L

respectively. Items B, C and L did not get the endorsement from the

respondents while items G and K were favoured by the participants

gathering an at least 75% of the support.

Items B, C, and L, as stated, were not endorsed by the respondents.

Aside from low frequency of participants who either agreed or strongly

agreed these three items only gathered the following averages: 3.78, 2.53,

and 4.22. On contrary, items G and K, also as stated, were seemed to be

endorsed by the student teachers that gathered high averages (5.13 and

5.19) that resulted to a conclusion that student teachers believe that it is

also important to understand why the answer is correct aside from only

getting it correctly, and the time used to investigate why a solution to a

mathematical problem works is time well spent.

Generally, this subgroup yielded a mean of 4.18 that indicates a

minimal disagreement from the respondents. Again, as stated a while ago

that the mean that was computed from this subgroup was affected by the

statements which were not agreed by the respondents.

c. Purposes of Mathematics as a School Subject

This subgroup is composed of four items- items A, D, I, and J

respectively. As seen on pages 37-39, none of these items were endorsed

by the student teachers. Similarly, all these items got low mean (see Table

2.4 on page 88).

Generally, this subgroup yielded a mean of 2.65 that denotes

disagreement on the part of the respondents. Thus, this shows that the

respondents do not accept the statements that were proposed to them. Two Scales of Beliefs about Learning Mathematics

There were two scales developed under this area and these are as follows:

1. Learning Mathematics through Following Teacher Direction.

2. Learning Mathematics through Active Involvement.

As with the scales reflecting the beliefs about the nature of

mathematics, respondents are not forced to choose between the two sets of

beliefs about mathematics learning, and can thus endorse both sets of

propositions, believing that mathematics is learned both through active

student involvement and by following teacher directions. Our expectation

was that future teachers would learn toward one or the other view of

learning, and that the two sets would be negatively correlated. This proved

to be the case.

41 Learning Mathematics through Following Teacher


Respondents who score highly on this scale tend to see

mathematics as being heavily teacher-centred: the students’ role is to

follow instructions from the teacher, and through doing so learn

mathematics. These respondents typically agree with the following

statements which were included in this scale:

1. The best way to do well in mathematics is to memorize all the


2. Pupils need to be taught exact procedures for solving mathematical


3. It does not really matter if you understand a mathematical problem,

if you can get the right answer.

4. To be good in mathematics you must be able to solve problems


5. Pupils learn mathematics best by attending to the teacher’s


6. When pupils are working on mathematical problems, more

emphasis should be put on getting the correct answer than on the

process followed.

7. Non-procedures should be discouraged because they can interfere

with learning the correct procedure.

8. Hands on mathematics experience aren’t worth the time and



Items in this scale have relatively low mean (see Table 2.5

on page 89). Considering the items, the respondents disagreed to

the first statement. This may imply that the best way to excel in

Mathematics is not to memorize all the formulas. Similarly, pupils

should not always be taught the exact procedure for solving

mathematical procedures because there are easier ways in solving

mathematical problems. Another thing that can be implied from

this result is that the students still need to understand the problem

even if they got the right answer. With regards to the fourth

statement, respondents do not believe that solving mathematics

problems quickly implies being good in mathematics itself.

Another, student teachers did not also agree about putting more

emphasis on getting the correct answer than on process that

supposed to be followed. Student teachers also disagreed about

discouraging non-standard procedures because it can interfere with

the correct learning procedure. Lastly, many respondents did not

agree that the time and amount of money spent for hands on

experience are not worth.

Generally, the mean of this scale is 3.01 which directly

imply that these respondents tend not to see mathematics learning

as heavily teacher-centred. An evidence of this finding can be seen

on the research conducted by Tatto et al. (2008) that the student

teachers from the Philippines do not consider teacher-centred

instruction in learning Mathematics. Learning Mathematics through Active Involvement

Respondents who score highly on this scale tend to see

mathematics learning as being active learning; students must do

mathematics, conduct their own enquiries, and develop ways to solve

problems if their mathematics learning is to be effective. These

respondents usually agree with statements such as the following, included

in the scale:

1. In addition to getting a right answer in mathematics, it is important to

understand why the answer is correct.

2. Teachers should allow pupils to figure out their own ways to solve

mathematical problems.

3. Time used to investigate why a solution to a mathematical problem

works is time well spent.

4. Pupils can figure out a way to solve mathematical problems without a

teacher’s help

5. Teachers should encourage pupils to find their own solutions to

mathematical problems even if they are inefficient.

6. It is helpful for pupils to discuss different ways to solve particular



Items in this scale have relatively high mean (see Table 2.6 on

page 90) and thus can be inferred as accepted by the student teachers

compared to the preceding scale presented. Respondents agreed on the

statements presented in this scale except items L and M.

Generally, this scale got a mean of 4.97 which implies that student

teachers believe that students learn mathematics through active

involvement. The respondents believe that learning takes place more

effectively using a student-centred classroom. On the study carried-out by

Tatto et al. (2008), it has been revealed that student teachers from the

Philippines hold a belief that students are learning mathematics through

active participation and involvement.

Overall Findings

As expected by the researchers, the two aforementioned scales should be

negatively correlated and the coefficient of correlation for these two scales yields

-0.17 from which, as stated by Garret (1981) that this coefficient indicates a

negligible correlation. Likewise, as stated by Sevilla et al. (1992) that this

coefficient is indicating a negligible correlation. Thus, this finding signifies that

the student teachers lean on one belief, that is, learning mathematics is best

whenever students are actively involved in classroom discussion.

The items are found to be really substantial in general when it comes to

their practice teaching since the student teachers possess beliefs that are beneficial

to their future profession.

4.3.3 Mathematics Teaching Efficacy Beliefs

In this section, the researchers focus on the beliefs of student teachers

based on their personal efficacy beliefs and the outcome expectancy. The

following items are the statements included in this scale:

1. When a student does better than usual in mathematics, it is often because

the teacher exerted a little extra effort.

2. I will continually find better ways to teach mathematics.

3. Even if I try very hard, I do not teach mathematics as well as I do most


4. When the mathematics grades of students improve, it is often due to their

teacher having found a more effective teaching approach.

5. I know the steps necessary to teach mathematics concepts effectively.

6. I am not very effective in monitoring mathematics activities.

7. If students are underachieving in mathematics, it is most likely due to

ineffective mathematics teaching.

8. I generally teach mathematics ineffectively.

9. The inadequacy of a student’s mathematics background can be overcome

by good teaching.

10. The low mathematics achievement of some students cannot generally be

blames on their teachers.

11. When a low-achieving child progresses in mathematics, it is usually due to

extra attention given by the teacher.

12. I understand mathematics concepts well enough to be effective in teaching


13. Increased effort in mathematics teaching produces little change in some

students’ mathematics achievement.

14. The teacher is generally responsible for the achievement of students in


15. Students’ achievement in mathematics is directly related to their teacher’s

effectiveness in mathematics teaching.

16. If parents comment that their child is showing more interest in

mathematics at school, it is probably due to the performance of the child’s


17. I find it difficult to use manipulatives to explain to students why

mathematics works.

18. I am typically able to answer students’ mathematics questions.

19. I wonder if I have the necessary skills to teach mathematics.

20. Given a choice, I would not invite the principal to evaluate my

mathematics teaching.

21. When a student has difficulty understanding a mathematics concept, I am

usually at a loss as to how to help the student understand it better.

22. When teaching mathematics, I usually welcome student questions.

23. I do not know what to do to turn students on to mathematics.

Not all questions generated positive responses (agree or strongly agree)

indicating a favourable response (positive attitude) towards the teaching efficacy

in Mathematics.

The following results were obtained indicating a support with regards to

the beliefs about the nature of mathematics.

 Question 1 – 58.33% of the participants (n=21) either agreed or strongly

agreed that when a student does better than usual in mathematics, it is

often because the teacher exerted a little extra effort.

 Question 2 –97.22% of the participants (n=35) either agreed or strongly

agreed that they will continually find better ways to teach mathematics.

 Question 3 – 2.78% of the participants (n=1) either agreed or strongly

agreed that even if they try very hard, they do not teach mathematics as

well as they do most subjects.

 Question 4 – 86.11% of the participants (n=31) either agreed or strongly

agreed that when the mathematics grades of students improve, it is often

due to their teacher having found a more effective teaching approach.

 Question 5 – 88.89% of the participants (n=32) either agreed or strongly

agreed that they know the steps necessary to teach mathematics concepts


 Question 6 – 8.33% of the participants (n=3) either agreed or strongly

agreed that they are not very effective in monitoring mathematics


 Question 7 – 41.67% of the participants (n=15) either agreed or strongly

agreed that if students are underachieving in mathematics, it is most likely

due to ineffective mathematics teaching.

 Question 8 – 5.56% of the participants (n=2) either agreed or strongly

agreed that they generally teach mathematics ineffectively.

 Question 9 – 91.67% of the participants (n=33) either agreed or strongly

agreed that the inadequacy of a student’s mathematics background can be

overcome by good teaching.

 Question 10 – 66.67% of the participants (n=24) either agreed or strongly

agreed that the low mathematics achievement of some students cannot

generally be blames on their teachers.

 Question 11 – 47.22% of the participants (n=17) either agreed or strongly

agreed that when a low-achieving child progresses in mathematics, it is

usually due to extra attention given by the teacher.

 Question 12 – 94.44% of the participants (n=34) either agreed or strongly

agreed that they understand mathematics concepts well enough to be

effective in teaching mathematics.

 Question 13 – 55.56% of the participants (n=20) either agreed or strongly

agreed that increased effort in mathematics teaching produces little change

in some students’ mathematics achievement.

 Question 14 – 72.22% of the participants (n=26) either agreed or strongly

agreed that the teacher is generally responsible for the achievement of

students in mathematics.

 Question 15 – 77.78% of the participants (n=28) either agreed or strongly

agreed that students’ achievement in mathematics is directly related to

their teacher’s effectiveness in mathematics teaching.

 Question 16 - 75% of the participants (n=27) either agreed or strongly

agreed that if parents comment that their child is showing more interest in

mathematics at school, it is probably due to the performance of the child’s


 Question 17 – 8.33% of the participants (n=3) either agreed or strongly

agreed that they find it difficult to use manipulatives to explain to students

why mathematics works.

 Question 18 – 91.67% of the participants (n=33) either agreed or strongly

agreed that they are typically able to answer students’ mathematics


 Question 19 – 19.44% of the participants (n=7) either agreed or strongly

agreed that they wonder if they have the necessary skills to teach


 Question 20 – 5.56% of the participants (n=2) either agreed or strongly

agreed that given a choice, they would not invite the principal to evaluate

their mathematics teaching.

 Question 21 – 8.33% of the participants (n=3) either agreed or strongly

agreed that when a student has difficulty understanding a mathematics

concept, they are usually at a loss as to how to help the student understand

it better.

 Question 22 – 97.22% of the participants (n=35) either agreed or strongly

agreed that when teaching mathematics, they usually welcome student


 Question 23 – 8.33% of the participants (n=3) either agreed or strongly

agreed that they do not know what to do to turn students on to


Furthermore, this belief scale had been divided into two sub scales:

1. Personal Mathematics Teaching Efficacy.

2. Mathematics Teaching Outcome Expectancy.

The researchers expect that personal beliefs and outcome expectancy should

accompany each other and thus can be established as positively correlated.

Further, the researchers also expect that the student teachers should not lean on

one subscale from another. Personal Mathematics Teaching Efficacy

Respondents who scored higher in this subscale tend to hold on

that their beliefs about personal teaching efficacy were substantial in their

teaching practices. These respondents usually agree with statements such

as the following, included in the scale:

1. I will continually find better ways to teach mathematics. (Item 2)

2. Even if I try very hard, I do not teach mathematics as well as I do most

subjects. (Item 3)

3. I know the steps necessary to teach mathematics concepts effectively.

(Item 5)

4. I am not very effective in monitoring mathematics activities. (Item 6)

5. I generally teach mathematics ineffectively. (Item 8)

6. The inadequacy of a student’s mathematics background can be

overcome by good teaching. (Item 9)

7. I understand mathematics concepts well enough to be effective in

teaching mathematics. (Item 12)

8. I find it difficult to use manipulatives to explain to students why

mathematics works. (Item 17)

9. I am typically able to answer students’ mathematics questions. (Item


10. I wonder if I have the necessary skills to teach mathematics. (Item 19)

11. Given a choice, I would not invite the principal to evaluate my

mathematics teaching. (Item 20)

12. When a student has difficulty understanding a mathematics concept, I

am usually at a loss as to how to help the student understand it better.

(Item 21)

13. When teaching mathematics, I usually welcome student questions.

(Item 22)

14. I do not know what to do to turn students on to mathematics. (Item 23)


Of the 14 items included in this subscale, six items (items 2, 5, 9,

12, 18, and 22) were agreed by the respondents while eight items (items 3,

6, 8, 17, 19, 20, 21, and 23) were not agreed by the respondents (see

Tables 3.1-3.2 on pages 93-94).

According to the student teachers, good teaching can overcome the

inadequacy of a students’ mathematics background. When teaching

mathematics, they usually welcome students’ questions. They are typically

able to answer students’ mathematics questions and at the same time, they

understand mathematics concept well enough to be effective in teaching

mathematics. Further, these student teachers know the steps necessary to

teach mathematic effectively and they will continually find better ways to

teach mathematics.

The response of the student teachers also denoted their refusal to

agree on other statements presented into them in this subscale. They

believe that they have the necessary skill in teaching mathematics. They

are always ready for an evaluation, if given a choice, from the principal.

Further, they also believe that they teach mathematics well to their

students. They find it not difficult to use manipulatives in explaining

students why mathematics works. They know what to do to turn students

on to mathematics and that whenever the student has difficulty in

mathematics; they know how to help the student understand it better.

On the test conducted by the researchers, the results showed that

the personal mathematics teaching efficacy beliefs of student teachers

really affect their beliefs in their teaching effectiveness in mathematics.

Therefore, student teachers tend to have positive beliefs about their

personal teaching efficacy in mathematics. Mathematics Teaching Outcome Expectancy

Respondents who scored higher in this subscale tend to hold on

that their beliefs about their mathematics teaching outcome expectancy

were substantial in their teaching practices. These respondents usually

agree with statements such as the following, included in the scale:

1. When a student does better than usual in mathematics, it is often

because the teacher exerted a little extra effort. (Item 1)

2. When the mathematics grades of students improve, it is often due to

their teacher having found a more effective teaching approach. (Item


3. If students are underachieving in mathematics, it is most likely due to

ineffective mathematics teaching. (Item 7)

4. The low mathematics achievement of some students cannot generally

be blames on their teachers. (Item 10)

5. When a low-achieving child progresses in mathematics, it is usually

due to extra attention given by the teacher. (Item 11)

6. Increased effort in mathematics teaching produces little change in

some students’ mathematics achievement. (Item 13)

7. The teacher is generally responsible for the achievement of students in

mathematics. (Item 14)

8. Students’ achievement in mathematics is directly related to their

teacher’s effectiveness in mathematics teaching. (Item 15)

9. If parents comment that their child is showing more interest in

mathematics at school, it is probably due to the performance of the

child’s teacher. (Item 16)


Of the 9 items included in this subscale, six items (items 4, 10, 11,

14, 15, and 16) were agreed by the respondents while three items (items 1,

7, and 13) were not agreed by the respondents (see Tables 3.1-3.2 on

pages 93-94).

According to the student teachers, a new found more effective

teaching approach may lead to the improvement of the students’ grade;

similarly, extra attention given by the teachers to the low-achieving

children may result to progresses in Mathematics. More interest shown in

Mathematics by the child may also be probably due to the performance of

the teacher. But, the students low mathematics achievement cannot

generally be blamed on their teachers even though the latter has generally

the responsible for the students’ achievement.

Also, according to the student teachers, when a student does better

than usual in Mathematics, it is often because the teacher exerted a more

extra effort; likewise, increased effort in Mathematics teaching produces a

big change in the students’ mathematics achievement.

Overall Findings

As expected by the researchers, the two aforementioned scales should be

positively correlated and the coefficient of correlation for these two scales yields

0.47 from which, as stated by Garret (1981) that this coefficient indicates a

substantial or marked correlation. Likewise, as stated by Sevilla et al. (1992) that

this coefficient is indicating a moderate correlation. Thus, this finding signifies

that there is a relationship between the personal mathematics teaching efficacy

beliefs and the mathematics teaching outcome expectancy.

The items in this instrument are found to be really substantial in general

because the aforementioned items are visibly seen, based on their responses, in

their practice of teaching.

4.4. General Discussion

The student teachers’ responses on the questionnaire about the nature of

Mathematics revealed that they believe there are rules to be strictly followed as

what is correct and what is not. Also, their responses denoted that they see

Mathematics as a means of answering questions and solving problems.

In learning Mathematics, they have considered the role of the students as

to not directly following all the instructions given by the teachers in solving

problem. They see mathematics learning as being active learning; students must

do mathematics, conduct their own enquiries, and develop ways to solve problems

if their mathematics learning is to be effective.

According to their responses on the Mathematics Teaching Efficacy Belief

Instrument, they believe that they teach mathematics effectively to their students

and effectively monitor the mathematics activities. In addition to that, it was also

shown in the data gathered that students’ achievement in Mathematics is directly

related to the teacher’s effectiveness in Mathematics teaching.

Chapter V

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

Summary of Findings

The Pearson-Moment Correlation Coefficient (Pearson r) was performed

as a means to identify the relationships between the different mathematical beliefs

of the student teachers. For the beliefs on the nature of Mathematics, which was

divided into Mathematics as a set of rules and procedures and Mathematics as a

process of inquiry, the correlation coefficient indicated that there was a substantial

or marked correlation between the two (Garret, 1981), which was contradicting to

the assumption of the researchers that they should be negatively correlated. This

might be due to the possibility that student teachers can endorse the same

proposition at the same time.

For the beliefs on learning Mathematics, which was further scaled into

Learning Mathematics through Following Teacher Directions and Learning

Mathematics through Active Involvement, the correlation coefficient computed

indicated a negligible correlation. This signifies that the student teachers lean on

the beliefs that learning Mathematics is best whenever students are actively

involved in classroom discussion.

Furthermore, for the Mathematics teaching efficacy beliefs that was scaled

into Personal Mathematics Teaching Efficacy and Mathematics Teaching

Outcome Expectancy, the correlation coefficient showed that the two scales have

substantial or marked correlation (Garret, 1981), which implies that there is a

relationship between the two scales.


This study on the mathematical beliefs add further evidences that student

teacher hold beliefs even before their practice teaching and apply these in their

teaching practice. The result of the study implies that there are connections

between their beliefs in the nature and learning of mathematics towards their

beliefs in their efficiency in teaching. This study also found that the beliefs in the

nature of mathematics held by student teachers are also related to their beliefs in

learning mathematics. The results give support to the researchers’ assumptions in

the literature that the beliefs about nature and learning mathematics held by

student teachers are evident in their practice to their field. The significance of

beliefs in the mathematics teaching efficacy is becoming obvious, with support

found in other research literature and this study. Thus, mathematics teaching

efficacy beliefs are expected to become more significant in analysis of teacher

education, not only in understanding the current teaching performance of

mathematics teachers but also in understanding the performance of the students.

In summary, student teachers’ beliefs in mathematics are essential tools in

their future teaching career. It can also be noted that the performance of students

are also affected by the beliefs held by their teacher.


Good teaching can overcome the inadequacy of a students’ mathematics

background. Pre-service teachers should welcome students’ questions when

teaching mathematics and be able to answer students’ mathematics questions. At

the same time, they should also understand the concept of mathematics well

enough to be effective in teaching mathematics. Further, the pre-service teachers

should continually find better ways to teach mathematics.

Pre-service teachers should have the necessary skill in teaching

mathematics and thus teach mathematics effectively to their students; they should

also find a more effective teaching approach that may lead to the improvement of

their students’ grade; similarly, they should give extra attention to the low-

achieving children for the students to progress in Mathematics. Pre-service

teachers should increase their effort in teaching mathematics for this will give a

positive result to the performance of the students.


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