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Decodable Book Instructions

Materials needed:

Teachers craft decodable books. You will do the computer option, ensure that the family has computer
access. If the family does not have access, make sure that the book can be printed. Some software
programs limit print options without payment.

Materials: Heavy duty plain white paper, pictures, crayons or colored pencils, heavy duty paper or
cardboard for book covers, scissors, rings for binding, black markers (e.g., thin, medium point for
printing). OR - this book can be created through many of the software programs. However, make sure
that the families have access to computers and support or PRINT the book.

Academic purpose of a decodable book:

A decodable book provides REVIEW and PRACTICE for students with words that they have the skills to
figure out. It is NOT initial instruction. It does not include any elements that have not been taught.

What is a decodable book? A decodable book is a teacher constructed book. Text is chosen for students
to apply their skills. For example, if a student knows the most common sounds for /t/, /a/, /m/, /p/, /o/,
the student could decode the words “tap”, “pat”, “pot,” “tamp,” “map,” “mop,” “pam.” Therefore, a
teacher only chooses words that a particular student can figure out for the purpose of this book. The
teacher also may choose some irregular words that the student knows. These words can be assessed
using the Dolch High Frequency List.* Words that the child knows may be incorporated into the story
(e.g., was, a, I, said, of). No words from the list that a child does not know may be used. Names of
siblings, friends, or pets may be used. The more you personalize the book, the more meaningful it will be
to the student and the student will practice it over and over. It will also be meaningful for the student’s
parents. Often, the parents will keep the book for years and remember the teacher fondly for caring
about their child.

*(NOTE: This list is not for teaching, only assessing. Do not teach this list or any word on this
list that the child does not know for the purpose of this decodable book. Some words on this
list are regular words and some are not. Do not assess the entire list.)

Commercial companies publish decodable books. The difference between a commercial decodable book
and the teacher constructed decodable book is that the commercial one is not specifically developed for
any particular student based upon individual results of an assessment. Therefore, one student may be
able to read some of the words in it and another student may not. A teacher constructed decodable
book is set up for each specific child or small group and based specifically upon mastery of the sounds. A
teacher constructed decodable book is much more beneficial for a specific student or small group
because it is tailored specifically for the individual, individualized instruction. Decodable books are used
for practice and an opportunity to gain independence in connected text.
Steps in preparation of a decodable book:

A. Administer the Beginning Phonics Assessment. Administer an irregular word assessment, such as
the Dolch High Frequency Word List. Do not assess the entire 220 words. Select words that the
child will most likely know (e.g., I, am, was, etc. Do not assess most four or more letter words)
B. Make sure you include the sounds, regular word types, capital letters, and the irregular words
s/he knows, based upon the Beginning Phonics Assessment and the Dolch High Frequency Word
List. (Keep these assessments for later use.)
C. Assume the child knows how to read his name AND the name of their best friend, sister,
brother, or pet.
D. The book needs to contain all of the elements from the Beginning Phonics Assessment that the
child knows and no elements that the child has NOT been taught (e.g., letter sounds, phonic
combinations, irregular words, word types, capital letters.)
E. Use font or orthography that the student knows. Some bookmaker options are fancy print.
Students, especially with disabilities, have difficulty generalizing to other types of font, thus
limiting their ability to read the words. I suggest Times New Roman.
F. Use correct punctuation.
G. The book must be at least seven-pages in length with at least one sentence per page. The least
number of words is 75. The maximum number is 150. Use a shorter book for lower skilled
readers and longer ones for more skilled readers. Adjust appropriately.
H. The book must contain a title page with the names of the authors included. It must be a
narrative that has a clear beginning, middle, and an end. It has characters and tells a story. It is
not exposition (an explanation or content such as science). It is not random thoughts and
I. The book must be illustrated to appeal to the age of the student. If this book is handcrafted, it
does not mean you need to be an artist. You may use clip art, line drawings, cut outs from
magazines or newspapers, etc.
J. The book must be publishable in some form and must use correct spelling and mechanics (e.g.,
use heavy stock paper or cardboard for cover, use spiral binding or rings to bind the book
instead of staples, publish on web, etc.) For the assignment, you MUST use software and publish
to your E-ATRC site.
K. Publish the book to your E-ATRC site. One team member send an email to your instructor with
the link of your book to both team members sites. Include the scoring rubric and the Beginning
Phonics Assessment and the Dolch Word Assessment.
Decodable Book Rubric (40 points)

Team member names

_____________________________________ _______________________________

5 4 3 2
Assessments Assessments are A few Many Not
administered irregularities irregularities assessed
correctly accurately
Content based upon All elements A few missing Many Not based
assessments (words are correctly or added missing or
decoable based upon known represented added
sounds, irregular words are
chosen correction )
Selection of font and structure Appropriate Not
Elements of the book(e.g., title All included and A few missing Many Not
page with authors’ names, accurate missing complete
number of pages, sentences per
page etc.)
Book is narrative with story Content of the Plot is Book does Book is
elements book is thoughtful developed and not have exposition
and plot is has beginning, beginning, and not
developed and middle, end middle, end narrative
has beginning,
middle, end
Illustrations Quality and Mostly Some Poorly
quantity of quality/quantify quality/and determined
illustrations that and match. quantity illustrations.
match the story
Mechanics No errors Mostly error Some errors Many errors
Upload Book is uploaded Book is Book is not
on time to E-ATRC uploaded uploaded
Site and email late or email
sent to instructor is not sent

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