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Written by: Doctor

*Special thanks to Krowbar for many of the maps


I. Intro
a. Opening
b. Character Classes
c. Creating Your Party
d. Settings
II. Online Play
a. Intro
b. Chat
c. Guilds
d. Full List of Commands
III. Beginning Journey
a. Larkwood
b. Flinton
c. The Cave of the Wisp
IV. The Two Towers
a. Kanticle
b. Tower of the Western Sky
c. Tower of the Eastern Sky
V. Breckerton
a. Town
b. Spinebreak
VI. Clarrow
a. Town
b. Path to Norwind
c. Norwind
d. Path to Sky Reach
e. Sky Reach
VII. Cinderstorm
a. Solace
b. Cinderstorm
c. Crypt of Embers
d. Smoldering Thicket
e. Cinderstorm Part 2
f. Serevok the Firstborn
VIII. Cratos
a. Cratos
b. Abondoned Village
c. The Tainted Caverns
IX. Thundraka
a. Town
b. Quest for the Forge Part 1
c. Thunderhead Mines
d. Zeffrin’s Camp
e. Quest for the Forge Part 2
f. Depths of Kalgor
g. Forge of the Ancients
X. Dragonreach
XI. Gem Hunting
a. Thieves

I. Intro
a. Opening

Welcome to Dragon’s Blade! Soon you’ll be experiencing a turn-based fantasy RPG inspired by the
classic games of the past.

Any bug fixes, feedback, comments or suggestions should be emailed to Your
feedback is very much appreciated

To begin, you will need to create your party of four characters by selecting a class and name for each

Please note that you will be able to modify your party makeup while playing from within any Inn. Also,
the characters near the top of the order will be attacked more than those near the bottom.

b. Character Classes

Select a class and enter a name for each party member:

NOTE: Members near the top of the order will be attacked more often.
There are seven classes:
*as seen on wiki*


A melee 'tank' built to take damage and protect others. Warriors can sometimes protect others from
harm by absorbing enemy blows intended for their party members. This can be annoying sometimes,
since he can get a bashing from enemies to the point of near-death and then suicidally throw himself in
front of a completely unscathed support character.

Stats: Str 2.5/lvl. Spd 1.7/lvl, Vit: 5.25/lvl

Warrior equipment tends to further emphasize the warrior's natural durability by enhancing vitality
above other attributes.


A hybrid Warrior/Cleric. Not as powerful at fighting as Warriors, they also have less mana than Clerics.
They have their own set of defensive/healing spells that are slightly weaker clones of those used by

Templars high vitality means they have a similar capacity to absorb damage as warriors, which is helpful
as they also throw themselves in front of blows aimed at weaker party members. Their melee ability is
less than warriors but more than clerics.

It's your choice to go with a templar or cleric in order to balance out stronger melee attacks from the
templar with better healing and defensive spells from the cleric, but you probably don't need both - two
sorcerers would be more deadly. The templar's lack of mana relative to the cleric means that the cleric is
an easier choice, as the templar will require many potions of mana to perform all the necessary healing,
although you can choose to equip your templar with equipment and rings aimed at spell-casters in order
to boost his mana ability, although this will mean inferior melee powers.

Stats: Str 1.33/lvl, Spd 1.5/lvl, Vit 4.5/lvl, Foc 1.27/lvl, Spi 2/lvl

Templars can use all the same armor and weapons as warriors, and also all the same armor as clerics
and sorcerers, as well as all weapons shared between clerics and sorcerers.


A melee fighter that deals damage using heavy, powerful weapons with single attacks. They can
sometimes swing wildy, damaging all of their foes. The most powerful melee character in the game.

Stats Str 5/lvl, Spd 1/lvl, Vit 3/lvl

Juggernauts have their own set of equipment: armor is average, while weapons deal typically double the
damage of other classes and also commonly boost strength. Speed-boosting rings and seeds of speed
can help combine the juggernaut's raw power with additional blows to kill multiple enemies.


A melee fighter that deals damage using light weapons with multiple attacks. Thieves wear medium
armor and may sometimes poison their enemies.
Stats: Str 1/lvl, Spd 5/lvl, Vit 3/lvl

Thieves have their own set of equipment which tends to be similar in defense and attack to the average
and will tend to enhance the thief's natural speed.


Like thieves, the archer deals very many relatively weak blows on the enemy. The archer is slightly
stronger but slower than the thief.

Their special ability, which cannot be negated, is that if you aim at an enemy anywhere behind the front
row, the effect of the archer's attacks will be divided equally between all enemies up to that point in the
line. So if you hit the back enemy of four, this will be divided between four.

This makes archers good for softening up multiple enemies in order to allow a sorcerer to cast an
'affects all enemies' spell to finish them off. This can also be a negative if you are targeting a single
dangerous enemy who is located at the back of the line.

Since the archer is using a ranged weapon, he is not affected by enemy shield spells.

Stats: Str 2/lvl, Spd 4/lvl, Vit 2.75/lvl

Archers, like thieves and juggernauts, have unique equipment, which is generally average in
damage/defense but will tend to boost the archer's speed over other attributes.


A support class who is ineffective at melee fighting and lacks any attacking spells, but has invaluable
healing and defensive buff spells. Clerics when casting a spell may sometimes channel their power to
add additional healing to the entire party.

You will want to include at least one healer in your party, although you could fill this role with a Templar.

Stats: Str 0.5/lvl, Spd 0.5/lvl, Vit 2.5/lvl, Foc 3/lvl, Spi 3.5/lvl

Clerics can use most of the same armor as Sorcerers with some armor unique to only Clerics and
Templars, and many weapons can be used interchangeably by Clerics / Templars and Cleric / Sorcerers.


A primarily offensive spell caster more powerful than any other class in battle. Sorcerers wear light
armor and when casting a spell may sometimes channel their power to boost their own mana

This is one class that every party should include, the reason being that their spells are far more powerful
than melee attacks - an 'all enemies' spell cast by a sorcerer will often do as much damage to each of
seven enemies as a warrior does to only one.

The two main disadvantages of sorcerers is that their attacks use mana, the cost of which at higher
levels is considerable, meaning that you will require many mana potions in addition to the boost earned
at level up, and secondly their speed stat is very low, so they are likely to act last in battle, so other
characters need to consider their actions in view of the sorcerer most likely going last.
Compared with Clerics and Templars, Sorcerers lack any healing spells, but both are able to cast
defensive buffs that enhance stats and create offensive shields around players.

Stats: Str 0.25/lvl, Spd 0.6/lvl, Vit 2.25/lvl, Foc 3.25/lvl, Spi 4.5/lvl

Sorcerers use all the same armor as Clerics and many of the same weapons, but some are unique to
Clerics or Sorcerers.


VITALITY: Increase your total health points (HP). HP is calculated according to this formula: Current Level
* (Vitality/4.55 + 11)

STRENGTH: Works with your damage stat (determined by your weapon) to determine the amount of
damage per hit.

SPEED: Increase the number of hits per attack, increases your chance to go first in battle, and increases
your chance to escape.

SPIRIT: Increases your total mana pool (if applicable). (Only applies to TEMPLAR, CLERIC and SORCERER).
Your mana is equal to Current Level * (Spirit/10 + 5)

FOCUS: Increases the power of your spells (if applicable). The boost percent has cap depending on the
spell, so beyond a certain point this will not help. Higher level spells require higher focus in order to earn
the same level of boost. (Focus only applies to TEMPLAR, CLERIC and SORCERER)

Certain spells can temporarily improve your stats, while most equipment will boost one or more of the
stats. These boosts take effect immediately. In the case of vitality and spirit, the boosts will boost only
affect your maximum HP/mana. So if you increase your vitality you will then need to heal that character
to enjoy any effect from the boost.

Stats increase each time you level up and the amount of increase depends on the class - as shown

c. Creating Your Party

There are many varying opinions on how to setup your party. Keep in mind as you choose your party
that you can acquire or purchase seeds to boost stats to make up for specific class weaknesses. In this
section, I’ll give you my personal opinions of how to create your party to suit your play-style. These
suggestions are by no means the only viable way to setup your party. Feel free to get as creative as you
please. Since the frequency in which the characters are attacked is determined by position, I’ll advice
party members by slot:

SLOT 1 – Tank

Since your first slot is targeted the most often, you’ll want someone that can soak up the damage
effectively. This is means you’ll need high Vitality. Any Seeds of Vitality you come across should go to
your tank. You have two options:

 Warrior: The most logical choice. The Warrior does decent damage, has high Vitality, and will
occasionally shield teammates from damage. He makes an effective shield for the rest of the
 Templar: The Templar is very similar to the Warrior in terms of shielding capability. The Templar
has a high Vitality and will occasionally shield teammates. In addition, the Templar can cast
healing and support magic, but the downside is that the Templar is not as strong as the Warrior.
In order for the Templar to be an effective tank, one must prioritize vitality and defense over
spirit and focus. Therefore trying to make the Templar act as both tank and healer will be
difficult and tedious. However, if one boosts the stats for either Spirit/Focus or Vitality/Defense
and supports the other with equipment, then you’ve made your tank much more versatile.

SLOT 2 – Melee Damage

This slot should be used for the character doing the most physical damage throughout the game. Any
Seeds of Speed and Strength should go to your Melee Fighter. You have four options:

 Juggernaut: Has the highest strength in the game. The Juggernaut’s damage output will far
outclass any of the other classes. He also has a chance to hit every enemy with a ‘wild swing’
after every attack. The problem with the Juggernaut is his Speed. If you’re appropriately leveled
then the Juggernaut can probably single-handedly take out any random encounter monster, but
his effectiveness is greatly diminished with large groups of enemies. He might take out one or
two while a Speed focused class might take out the whole group. This can be countered by
seeding speed as much as possible.
 Thief: The thief also has a high damage output, though less than the Juggernaut’s. The thief has
the highest speed in the game which allows him to plow through groups of enemies. He also
has a chance to poison enemies after every attack. While the Juggernaut might hit twice for 500
damage per blow, the Thief might hit 6 or 7 times at 100 per blow. The damage might be less
but arguably more useful.
 Archer: The Archer is probably the least used class in the game. Since the Archer’s ability to
divide the damage dealt to a monster to every monster in front of him isn’t optional, this class
often limits strategy more than expands it. During boss fights, you’ll probably end up wishing
for that extra strength or speed offered by the other two classes. Again, this is an opinion.
Players have successfully used an Archer to complete the game, and the class is certainly not
 Warrior: The Warrior is capable of fulfilling this role, but the Warrior’s Strength and Speed are
both average, so he would probably be a poor choice for this position.

SLOT 3 – Sorcerer

I have no idea how anyone could beat this game without a sorcerer. This class can produce WAY more
damage than any other class. The Sorcerer can also cast certain buffs along with an offensive shield that
damages any monster attempting to inflict melee damage on you. Most importantly, the Sorcerer can
cast mana regeneration spells. If maintained, these spells will allow you indefinitely sustain mana for
both Sorcerer and Healer without the need for any mana potions. So far, I’ve only ever needed mana
potions when one of my casters dies which depletes their mana to zero. The Sorcerer also has a chance
to rejuvenate her mana after every attack. Lastly, unless you’re an incredible player, the hardest bosses
can only be handled by stacking poison spells on them. Casting different types of poison spells on
monsters can have them lose massive amounts of HP every round. Seeds of Focus should primarily go to
the Sorcerer.

SLOT 4 – Healer
During the course of this game, you will have your rear-end handed to you on a platter. You need
someone in back maintaining stat buffs and defensive spells, keeping your party healthy, and
occasionally raising the dead. Seeds of Spirit should primarily go to the Healer. You have two options:

 Cleric: The Cleric casts the strongest spells, but is relatively useless at doing any sort of melee
damage. The Cleric also has a chance to heal your party after every attack.However, in a boss
fight your healer will be too occupied keeping the rest of your party alive to try hitting anyone.
Also, the buffs that the Cleric casts on the rest of the party usually make up for the damage lost
due to lack of Strength.
 Templar: The Templar can buff your party and keep you alive with the added bonus of being
able to pack a decent punch. However, the Templars spells are weaker than their Cleric
counterparts. In a boss fight, your Templar won’t lift a finger. She’ll be too busy healing and
buffing your party. When this happens you’ll probably be grateful for the extra spell power. This
can be mitigated by taking a few Seeds of Focus away from your Sorcerer. The vast majority of
your fighting will be with random encounter monsters, so you might be more grateful for a
sword than a medic.

Examples of popular party combinations:

Slot Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6

1 Warrior Warrior Templar Templar Warrior Templar
2 Juggernaut Thief Juggernaut Thief Thief Thief
3 Sorcerer Sorcerer Sorcerer Sorcerer Sorcerer Sorcerer
4 Cleric Cleric Cleric Cleric Templar Sorcerer

Example 6 is only really attempted by players that have played until late game with a more conventional
party then used Seeds to compensate for the obvious weaknesses of this build. The point of this
configuration is to take advantage of the massive damage output of double Sorcerers. This is a foolish
build to begin with because it makes your party much to mana heavy. When a character dies, their mana
is completely drained. With three of your party members relying on mana, a player needs to be able to
afford Elixirs to regenerate their health and mana when they die.

d. Settings

The Settings and the options on the Pause Menu are pretty self-explanatory, but there are a few
important ones you should be aware of:

 Backup: Under the Settings option, you can activate online backup. If activated, your save state
will be backed up online whenever you save your game. You will be provided with a code to load
your save data on any phone with the game. It’s worth noting that auto-saves will not be backed
 AutoBuff: Under the Settings option, you can activate AutoBuff. This option will have your
casters automatically renew buffs that wear off while you’re travelling. One should keep a
constant array of buffs on the entire party as long as the caster’s mana can sustain them. Once
you get to a high enough level, you may find yourself putting 5 or more buffs per character.
They all wear off at different intervals, so this option is incredibly convenient.
 Online Play: On the Pause Menu, you can activate online play which will allow you to interact
and chat with other players around the world. More on online play in the next section.
II. Online Play
a. Intro

Online Play is an amazing feature that immeasurably expands upon this game. Unless you have a great
data plan then make sure you have a Wi-Fi connection before enabling this feature.

Screen Changes
Upon activating online mode, your screen will go through a small transformation. A small box will
appear in the lower right corner of the screen displaying the last few lines of the chat. There will be a
small button in the lower right corner of the box to expand the chat. To chat with others, press the chat
button in the upper right corner

Your Identity
The chat operates on commands based on periods. To create your persona, type “.n yournamehere”.
You can ignore others by typing “.ignore username”. You can friend others by typing “.friend username”.
Please see the full list of commands at the end of this section. *You should friend me: DoctorWho*

b. Chat

There are basic rules of etiquette on the chat. All offensive language is censored any spamming or
trolling is met with strong disapproval. There are moderators on the chat almost all the time, and if you
cause a great enough disturbance they have the authority to ban you from online play. So be careful and

c. Guilds

Guilds are the most important part of online chat. You can make your own guild or join one of the
existing ones. See the list of commands to see how you go about doing this. By typing “.g” you may send
messages via guild chat. Guild chat is only viewable by the fellow guild members of the sender. The
guilds are ranked by points earned by their members. There are several ways to go about earning guild

Collect a bounty: The server randomly selects an online player to put a bounty on. The first
player to find the person with a bounty and type .tagged will win points for their guild.

Escape a bounty: If a bounty is placed on you and you go a full 7 minutes without being found
then you will win points for your guild.

Defeating thieves: If you find and defeat a thief then you will win points for your guild. See the
crystal hunting section for details on thieves.

Defeating bosses: If you defeat a boss then you will win points for your guild. Pretty

Clearing Larkwood Mine: If you clear the Larkwood Mines, then you earn points for your guild.
Be warned though, the mines increase in difficulty as you increase in level.

When anyone in the guild earns points, then entire guild is given a buff labeled “Guild Buff.” It restores
50HP and 25 mana per round. It also increases all of your stats by 50 and causes 100 damage to your
attacker. The buff lasts 100 rounds and will not go away if you leave online play. The cool part is that the
buff is multiplied by a percentage depending on how well your guild is doing. For example, my guild buff
is 389% greater than the base effect.

d. Full list of Commands

.help = gives you a list of available commands

.close = chat only with players nearby
.g = chat with your guild
.tell <name> <message> = send a private message to a player
.newname <name> = change your chat name
.report = report bad behavior by another player
.who = gives a list of players currently online
.who <name> = show player details
.title = list your available titles
.icon = list available avatar icons to use
.friend = access your friend list
.ignore = access your ignore list
.rank <partial boss name> = show boss rankings
.rank <arena tier number> = show arena tier rankings
.rank instance,robber,mines = additional rankings
.rank capture,evade = hide and seek rankings
.notes <notes> = set notes for others to read
.gamertag <gamertag> = set your xbox live gamertag for others to see
.guild = list all guild commands
.task = list all current tasks available
.feedback <your comments> = send instant feedback to the developer
.chatcolor = changes open chat color
.guildcolor =changes guild chat color
You can specify a color by name or use RGB coding
The colors are based on the RGB coding chart.

Guild Commands:
.guilds = list top 10 guilds by members count
.guild create <guild name> = create a guild by this name
.guild disband = disband and delete the guild
.guild invite <Player> = invite a player to your guild
.guild officer <Guild Member> = promote this player to officer
.guild demote <Guild Officer> = demote this officer to regular member
.guild remove <Guild Member> = remove this player from guild
.guild roster = list all players within your guild
.guild leave = leave your current guild
.guild join = join a guild if invited by another player
.guild chain = view current chain status
.guild news <message> = set the guild announcements
.g <chat> = chat with guild members

III. Beginning Journey

You wake up slowly, disoriented and confused… After a quick look around you realize you have no idea
where you are..

The last thing you remember was boarding a ship, but even that memory seems strange..

How did you get here? ..Why are you here?

Perhaps you should look around a little more.. There must be answers somewhere…


You wake up in a small area with 3 barrels. Break them for a Potion of Light Healing +6 gold, Cloth Tunic
+12 gold, and 2 Sharpened Sticks. I recommend equipping the Cloth Tunic and one Sharpened Stick to
your Warrior and the other Stick to your Juggernaut.

Exit this area to enter the Overworld, then just walk upwards into the town.

a. Larkwood

You enter in front of the Inn. The barrel in between the Armory and the Magic Shop holds a Seed of
Spirit. The barrel in the far left corner of the screen past the maze of trees holds a Seed of Focus. The
other barrels will give you two torches, one medical herb, one small bomb, one sharpened stick, and
gold. The right bookshelf in the Elder’s house has a Seed of Strength in it. The cabinet in the building at
the end of the right path has a Potion of Light Healing. The right shelf in the building to the immediate
right of the Inn has a Potion of Light Mana. Walk into the river and follow it until your north of the Inn
to pick up an Old Bracelet. Give it to the person walking to the right of the Armory and above the Inn for
10 Gold and 3 Experience. Walk down the stairs of the upper right building to get to an underground
cave. The right path leads to a chest with a dagger which you should equip to your Warrior. The left path
leads to some stairs that bring you to two chests which contain a Potion of Light Healing & Light Mana.

The man by the fire is a special character that will accept monster drops and bags of stolen goods from
you. When you collect 5 of an item except for crystals, then you can give them to him for a reward. He
also gives rewards for bags of stolen goods which are acquired from thieves. Thieves appear during the
night in any town. His appearances appear to be mostly random, so just look around at night. Also,
hitting the action button next to the campfire gives your party a morale boost. There are people like
him throughout the game marked by campfires.

While exploring the town, you learn that the Elder’s daughter has disappeared. You’re going to look for
her. Before you leave, you should be well-prepared. Going down the stairs in the Inn leads to an
instance dungeon. This dungeon changes every time you enter it, and alters its difficulty in proportion
to your level. There are great items to be had down there, so I highly recommend finishing it at least
twice before you go. To finish the dungeon, you must find and press a blue switch which releases the
dungeon boss. You must then find, challenge, and defeat the boss to clear the dungeon. Don’t be
discouraged if you need to leave. The gear and gold will make your next attempt much easier. Equip
your people with the best gear you can afford while leaving yourself some leeway with gold. If you ran
the dungeon, then you should already have some half-way decent gear. There’s better stuff in the next
town, so if you believe you leveled enough for a short Overworld trek then you can try to save up.
Before you leave the city, I highly recommend you purchase Spark and Cure if you don’t already have
them. Spark is incredibly effective against Gremlins. You’ll soon meet them. Go ahead and make your
way north.
Giant Beetle
Green Jelly
Green Snake
Toxic Jelly
Yellow Jelly

There’s only one path, so just keep going until you cross a bridge. This puts you in the Flinton area.

b. Flinton

The enemies change at this point…for the worse

Grey Wolf
River Snake

Eventually you’ll reach a new town called Flinton. There isn’t much to do here except upgrade your
magic and equipment. You should also take advantage of the nearby Inn to grind the nearby monsters
before you enter your first dungeon.

*I had already been to Flinton when I started this walkthrough, so I don’t remember the contents of the
barrels. I’ll eventually go back for this info, but I’d appreciate the info if anyone knows offhand.

Leave the city and travel east until you find a cave entrance in the mountains. You have a long walk
before you can get to an Inn, so make sure you are very well prepared.

c. The Cave of the Wisp

Cave Gremlin
Demon Bat
Unholy Flame
You can make your way through anyway you like. I highly suggest collecting all of the treasure before
facing the final boss. The gear is pretty great, and you’ll pick up some other nice things from all the
monsters you’ll have to face.

The treasure chests hold:

Top right corner:

left chest: Krazeiee's Lance
right chest: Potion of Healing
Far right in the middle of the screen:
left chest: Defender’s Blade
right chest: Symbol of Resurrection
Directly under that:
top chest: Writ: Heal III
middle chest: Staff of Life
bottom chest: Twisted Dagger
That little niche in the rock just a little to the left of the above:
Heartwood Bow
The loop right in the middle:
Top chest: Tome: Fire Shield III
Bottom chest: Orb of Flinton
The chest closest to the center of the map:
Writ: Guard of Light
The dead end under the previously mentioned chest:
left chest: Mystic’s Robe
middle chest: Heartwood Shield
right chest: Sparkling Rod
The two all the way on the bottom:
top chest: Iron Half Plate
bottom chest: 300 gold
The next two that you hit just following the path:
First one: Scryer's Parchment
Second one: Orb of the Wisp
The chests after beating the boss:
Far left: Symbol of Resurrection
Next one: Glowing Emerald Ring
Next one: 500 gold
Far right: Orb of Larkwood & Orb of the Wisp

*I didn’t start this until I had already got the 5 closest to the entrance, so I’ll figure that out later.

After you make it through the dungeon, you’ll face Bone Wispy (the boss) and a few bats. He’s pretty
standard. You shouldn’t have trouble wearing him down. Once you defeat him, you can collect the
chests and rescue the Elder’s Daughter. She’s scared, confused, and she has no idea how she ended up
an entire mountain range away waist deep in a steaming pile of monster. She returns home somehow
o_0, so you can use one of those Orbs that you retrieved to get yourself out of there. Btw, you can
probably dump a few monster items with campfire guy now. Once you make it back to the Elder’s
house, he’ll give you a key to an underground entrance.
Here you’ll find an Orb of Larkwood and a portal to your next destination.

IV. The Two Towers

Arch Glubster
Armored Jelly
Basking Troll
Bright Serpent
Deranged Goblin
Enraged Gremlin
Evil Knight
Flickering Spirit
Mad Apprentice
Red Scale Snake
Sun Snake
Venomous Fiend

a. Kanticle

Make your south across a bridge until you reach the next town, Kanticle. There are a few odds and ends
you can pick up around here before you move on. In the shelf in the T-shaped building, there’s a Symbol
of Resurrection. In the shelf in the building to the bottom left corner of the city, there’s an Orb of
Kanticle. There’s also a Sprite’s Shield in the chest in the same building, but you can’t get to it quite yet.
The barrels around town just have gold and very low level items like potions. There’s also a casino
where you can win gold through Slots or Blackjack. Play at your own risk. While you’re browsing around,
I highly suggest you get several Orbs of Kanticle from the shop. You’ll need it to warp out of the next two
dungeons, and it might save your rear if you can’t handle the local wildlife. Questioning the citizens will
inform you that there’s a recent bandit problem that’s been plaguing Kanticle. One gentleman even lost
a very precious necklace to the scoundrels. You also learn there are hidden areas scattered throughout
the map, and you should be on the lookout. Lastly, you learn that there are two wizards in two towers
that are attempting to capture a dragon, and that the portal to the distant shore is currently offline
because the two orbs that power it are missing. Obviously, these two facts are related. For now, this is
all you can do here.

You’ll see a small structure to the south. This is the portal to the other shore that’s currently not
working. Remember where that is and move on. Cross the bridge east of Kanticle, then cross the bridge
immediately north. You should eventually be able to turn right where there’s a bridge allowing you to
come back south. Once you cross it, head south to the small forest area here:

That spot leads to a hidden area with a merchant that sells some miscellaneous items and skeleton keys.
You really should grind in this area until you have enough to buy two. If you don’t, the oncoming
dungeons will be quite unpleasant. Once you have a key, then you can retrieve the Sprite’s Shield back
in Kanticle. I’m not 100% on this, but there’s a lot of forest and open area north of the hidden area.
There’s no hidden area, I walked the whole forest. But while I was mapping, I got some great gear, so I
think that might be a sweet spot for grinding. You be the judge.

Optional Quest:

Cross the bridge east of Kanticle. Head directly north until you reach a dead end with some forest. The
hidden area is here:
There’s a group of Bandits in a hidden area that you can challenge. Be warned! I took these guys on at
level 15 without any prep, and they planted the foot firmly up my team’s rear ends and admired their
new shoes. You get some great gear for beating them though, so if you decide to take them on then you
can probably do it at level 17. If not, then scroll down to the big red HERE. Here’s how I did it (at lvl 17):
Gear Warrior Juggernaut Cleric Sorceror
Weapon Defender’s Blade Krazeiee's Lance Priest's Orb Sparkling Rod
Secondary Heartwood Shield Hide Buckler Mystic's Shield Sprite's Shield
Armor Iron Full Plate Leather Armor Mystic's Robe Redstitch Robe
Head Chain Coif Silver Chain Coif
Ring Enchanted Ruby Ring Glowing Emerald Ring Glowing Emerald Ring Enchanted Ruby Ring
Magic used:
Cleric: Heal III, Regeneration, Divine Regrowth, Revive, Shield of Light
Sorcerer: Trickle of Mana II, Souldrain II, Fire Shield III, Burning Venom III, Enchanted Focus II

When you arrive in the hidden area, you don’t automatically start fighting the bandits. Take this time to
cast Regeneration, Divine Regrowth, Fire Shield II, and Shield of Light on the entire party. Also cast
Trickle of Mana II and Enchanted Focus II on your two casters. Now you can talk to the bandit and start
the fight. Begin by having the Warrior and Juggernaut attack the Bandit Leader. You must have picked
up a powerful scroll or two by now, so have your Cleric use it on the Bandit Leader. Have your caster
use Burning Venom on the Bandit Leader. After the first volley, have the Warrior use potions and the
Cleric use Revive and Heal to sustain the party. Keep an eye on the Warrior since he likes to protect the
party at his own expense. Have the Juggernaut focus the Bandit Leader and have the Sorcerer spam
Souldrain II.

When you win, you can claim the chests behind them containing a Copper Amulet and a Stolen
Necklace. The Stolen Necklace belongs to a silver-haired man in Kanticle chillin by the shop. He’s so
thankful, he give you this as a reward:


When you’re ready, you can move on to the next dungeon. Head southwest of the hidden area to find a
little peninsula with a lone tower on it. Make sure you’re doing on health and mana, then head inside.

b. Tower of the Western Sky

Bright Serpent
Deranged Goblin
Flickering Spirit
Mad Apprentice
Red Scale Snake
Venomous Fiend
Map by Krowbar

This map is too small for me to put chests on top of without covering the map, so I’ll just direct
you to all of them. Just keep walking forward until you’re forced to make a left. Walk all the way to the
bottom of the screen for a Scryer’s Parchment. You’ll see an opening in the wall to your right that leads
to a spiraling path to an Elven Hood and a Blue Iron Helm. Backtrack out of the spiral back toward the
entrance, but this time take the opening to the left. There’s only a single path for a while. When you
come to the fork, take the right path for a Rapier of Speed and a Fiery Crusher. Turn around and take
the left path. There will be two chests that you can plainly see containing a Potion of Greater Healing
and a Golem's Hammer. Now take the stairs.
Take the path down and to the right. You’ll reach chests containing an Imbued Chain Coif and a
Blue Iron Shield. Now just follow the outer edge of the wall around the room. There will be a chest
containing an Elven Shield toward the top of the room, a Tracium Beret a little further, and an Elven
Robe at the top left. Turn around once you get the robe and enter the inner part of the room via the
opening in the upper right corner. Take the stairs.
The lower path leads to three chests containing a Blue Iron Breastplate, a pair of Tracium
Wristwraps, and Imbued Leather Bracers. Backtrack and take the upper path to find Imbued Chain
Armor, a Sunkissed Bow, and the next stairwell. There will be a chest containing a Tracium Vest and a
wizard blocking your path to two more chests. Prepare yourself, then talk to the wizard to fight the Seer
of the West. He has two pet Immature Gold Drakes, but other than that he’s pretty standard. He has a
crap ton more health than your previous foes, but as long as you can keep consistently healing yourself
and dealing damage then you should be fine. Unless you were stupid and tried to take him on at level
15 or something. Once you defeat him, you’ll have access to the Orb of the West and a set of Imbued
Leather Armor. Go ahead and use an Orb of Kanticle to get yourself out of there.

c. Tower of the Eastern Sky

To get to the next tower, go right from the Hidden Area shop. Pass up a small mountain range, and then
head south. You’ll eventually be able to go right and follow a path leading upwards toward the Tower of
the East. If you feel you’re ready then head inside.

Bright Serpent
Enraged Gremlin
Flickering Spirit
Glyphclaw Spiritist
Map by Krowbar

Head north and go right. That path will hold a longbow of the elves, a Fiend's Bite, an Orb of Blue Light,
and an Edge of Frenzy. Backtrack and take the path to the left to the first stairwell. There will be a chest
with a Mammoth Linked Helm. At the top of the screen there will be a Phylite Laced Helm. There will be
a Skeletal Hand and an Orb of Darkness by the stairs. Go ahead and ascend.
Go north when you can to get a Tiger Hide Helm, a Siren’s Shield, a Siren’s Hood, and a Sword of
the Guardian. The path is pretty self-explanatory. Backtrack and take the southern route. Go south again
once you can for a Phylite Laced Wristwraps, a Gorilla Linked Helm, a Crystalline Claymore, and Brute’s
Linked Bracers. Backtrack to the most recent fork and head north. There will be two paths to the left.
Take the highest one for an Icy Iron Shield and a Knife of Energy. The other path has the next set of
In this room, there’s a chest in the top right corner and four chests in the middle. I don’t know
what’s in the top-right one. I’ll get it next playthrough. The four middle ones contain a Crystal Imbued
Sword, a Staff of the Divine, a Phylite Staff, and a Siren’s Shield. Head up the next stairs.
The fight with the Seer of the East goes just like his brother except he has two Immature White
Drakes. Once you defeat him, you get the Orb of the East and an Icy Iron Breastplate. Use an Orb of
Kanticle, and then head south after saving to the Shrine. Place the two Orbs in their slots to reactive the
portal to Breckerton.

V. Breckerton
a. Town

First, the loot. The small pool in the middle of the town has an Elixir in it. The leftmost shelf in
the Inn holds a Potion of Celestial Healing. The first shelf you hit when entering the casino holds an Orb
of Breckerton. The shelf in the uppermost right corner of the map holds a Symbol of Resurrection. One
of the barrels by the chests holds a Hydra Linked Helm. Now if you were smart and took my advice, then
you bought two Copper Skeleton Keys from the merchant in the Hidden Area. You can use this to unlock
the door blocking the chests. They hold a Hydra Bone Armor, a Potion of Greater Mana, a Fiendish
Armor, a Ghoulish Shield, a Siren’s Robe, and a Light Elixir. You can acquire an Orb of Breckerton in the
right shelf of the southernmost building. Lastly, you can pick up a pretty penny for the rest of the barrels
and shelves.
Breckerton also holds two local attractions: the casino and the Arena. The casino offers the
same options as Kanticle, so go nuts. The Arena is an interesting challenge. You can spend crystals to win
crystals by defeating hordes of enemies. You can then spend said crystals on great stuff at the Arena
shop to the left. So unless you’ve done more grinding than I have and have some crystals to spend then
you’ll have to come back for this. The fighting is designed to be hard, very hard. I wouldn’t recommend
wasting your crystals as you are now. Whenever you’re ready, leave town.

Blood Ghost
Blood Troll
Clay Golem
Dark Glubster
Deadly Serpent
Deformed Gremlin
Exiled Mercenary
Feral Goblin
Glyphclaw Shaman
Green Drake
Hell Bat
Mutated Cocoon
Nether Serpent
Ravenous Spirit
Sludge Wisp
Spined Troll
Spirit Ember
Stone Golem
Supernatural Wisp
Undead Wizard
Virulent Glubster
War Hound
Head northwest of Breckerton to a Hidden Area here:

Breckerton Grove A
And here’s a map of the area:

Map by Krowbar

The chests contain in no particular order:

Falchion of the Sky
Hydra Linked Bracers
Royal Beret
Drakescale Breastplate
Lava Hardened Bow
Lizardscale Helm
Drakescale Shield
Shadow Helm
Spellbinder’s Shield
Ghoulish Hood
Warhammer of Wrath
Gorilla Linked Helm
Fiendish Bracers
Spellbinder’s Robe
Rod of the Earth

Once you have all this equipment, move on to the next Hidden Area. Head southwest of your current
location. You’ll eventually find a bridge that starts a chain of interconnected islands that you’ll have to
navigate with the bridges. Once you come out on the other side, head southwest again. The Hidden
Area is here:
Breckerton Grove B

And here’s a map of the area:

Map by Krowbar

The chests contain:

Stardust Beret
Robe of the Gremlin
Potion of Celestial Mana
Potion of Celestial Healing
Light Elixir
3422 Gold
Priest’s Compendium
Royal Vest
Crystal Chain Bracers
Symbol of Resurrection
Sapphire Ring of Stars
Protector’s Claymore
Ogre’s Chain Mail
Impskin Leather Armor
Skeletal Hand

After you’ve collected your loot, backtrack to Breckerton. I recommend buying one of the Orbs you
picked up. Open up your world map. Directly south of Breckerton and just a smidge to the right, you’ll
see a patch of gray that represents mountain range. Make your way there. If you’re still unsure of where
you’re heading then look ahead to the map of the area. There’s a clearer pinpoint on the corner of the
map. The next Hidden Area is in a small pocket of forest in the middle of the mountain range here:

Breckerton Grove C

And here’s a map of the area:

Map by Krowbar

The chests contain:

Glowing Shield
Hood of the Sky
Gold Ring of Stars
Glowing Helm
Stardust Vest
Nymph’s Hood
Shield of the Sky
Edge of Light
Stardust Wristwraps
Light Elixir
Impskin Leather Bracers
Ogre’s Chain Coif
Paragon’s Hammer
Impskin Leather Cap
Symbol of Resurrection
2722 gold
Hood of the Gremlin

That’s about all you can do before the next dungeon. From Breckerton head south until you clear the
mountains to the right, then head northeast. You’ll hit a bridge. Cross it, and head southeast through the
flower patch across another bridge. Follow the river to your right until you reach a cave. Oh, and if
you’re worried about that large chunk of unexplored desert then chill. This dungeon is huge and maze-
like with many entrances, and a few of them are down there. Without further ado, welcome to
b. Spinebreak Caverns

Blood Troll
Blue Drake
Deformed Gremlin
Demon Hound
Feral Goblin
Glyphclaw Shaman
Green Drake
Hell Bat
Monstrous Crawler
Stone Golem
Supernatural Wisp
Virulent Glubster
Witch Doctor
Undead Wizard

Map by Krowbar

Spinebreak is a maze with many different entrances. This entrance is the northernmost one on the map.
In this section, you can only get 8 chests and a special item. The chests contain:
Ogre’s Chain Bracers
Phylite Plate Shield
Nymph’s Robe
Phylite Breastplate
Phylite Cutlass
Earthen Plate Helm
Knagrit’s Spellbook
Nymph’s Shield

If you go as far south as you can and move to the right, you should stumble upon something interesting.
I put a gold star on top of it for easier location.

You stumble onto a fresh corpse.. A pile of recently chewed bones is all that remains. You pick up an
engraved leather wristband laying next to the corpse – perhaps somebody can identify it?

Something on the ground catches your eye.. You receive Chewed Engraved Wristband!

Give this to the gray-haired man chillin by the Casino in Breckerton to complete a quest:

From Breckerton, head straight south toward that Hidden Area in the mountains. This time pass it up
and follow the mountain range. You’ll eventually curve behind the mountains on the opposite of that
Hidden Area. There’s another entrance to Spinebreak there. This entrance is the second highest stair on
the map. The chests contain:
Wizard’s Lexicon
Illuminated Vest
Symbol of Resurrection
3062 gold
Robe of the Sky
Ruby Ring of Stars
Earthen Plate Shield

The closest stair to where you entered leads to a secluded area of the Overworld with a small patch of
forest. This patch of forest holds another Hidden Area:

Breckerton Grove D

The chests contain:

Assassin’s Stiletto
Potion of Righteous Healing
Glowing Breastplate
Symbol of Resurrection
Serpentskin Bracers
Shield of the Gremlin
Strength of Ice
Potion of Righteous Mana
Ruby Ring of Stars
Titanium Threaded Beret
Serpentskin Armor
2160 gold
Tide Swept Amulet

Head back inside the caverns, then take the other stairwell. You’ll end up back on the Overworld. Head
directly south to that little isolated patch of mountain and grass where you’ll find another entrance.
You’ll descend by the stairwell closest to the lower left corner. You can’t see it on the map, but there is a
door blocking your progress through the caverns. I put a picture of a key by the chest containing the key,
and a red star by the door blocking your progress. If you choose to pick up the loot first then the chests
BEFORE the door contain:

Phantasm’s Hood
Dagger of Darkness
Raptor Hide Bracers
Symbol of Resurrection
4410 gold
Amulet of Stars
Breastplate of the Deep
Scryer’s Parchment
Hood of the Archmage
Dragonscale Helm
Phantasm’s Robe
Raptor Hide Armor
Vicar’s Cudgel
Demonskin Helm
Spine Key
Fire Forged Truncheon
Cyclops Bone Helm

Now after you unlock the door.

Shield of the Deep

Death’s Reach
Broadsword of the Drake
Phantasm’s Shield
Illuminated Wristwraps
Illuminated Beret
Raptor Hide Helm
Amulet of Stars
Sapphire Ring of Stars
Cyclops Bone Bracers
Blood Linked Helm
Robe of the Sky
Cyclops Bone Armor
Earthen Lance

Finally, you reach Commander Spinebreak and two Blue Drakes. After you defeat him, there’s a chest
containing a Blood-Red Pommel Jewel. Take the stairs.

You’ll emerge on a small island east of your previous location. There’s a small town icon that puts you in
a death clearing. It’s full of corpses that if you examine inform you that some citizens were trying to
build a cannon to return them to a place called Clarrow, and some of them were considering leaving
early due to a strange creature in the sky sighted recently. Now go ahead and climb into the cannon.
You’ll be flung really really far away to an icy continent.

VI. Clarrow
a. Town

Upon entering the town and speaking to the front guard, you’re recognized as an important captain and
swept to the briefing room. After a short exchange with Commander Marr, you’re free to move about as
you please.

First the loot: There’s an Orb of Clarrow in the shelf in top right shelf of the main building.
There’s another Orb in the barrel in the top left corner. The rest is just a bunch of potions and money.
You should really break all of them and check every shelf.
After you collect the loot, you can go ask around town. You learn that dragons are immortal
creatures that are born in a different dimension, but they become mortal when they come to the human
realm. You also learn that the dragon appears to be organizing the local monsters to attack the city in
formation. This is particularly frightening because no one knows what would motivate a dragon to
sacrifice its immortality to attack humans. Clarrow appears to be the largest military center known to
exist, so everyone is worried that if Clarrow falls then the rest of the world would soon follow. Ships
have been lost coming and going from Clarrow, so the military has been using cannon as main
transportation. Materials to make the cannons are limited, so it has proved to be an ineffective way to
transport large groups. However, there are cannons in the northern most part of town that can fire you
to any city that you’ve visited so far. Beware, this is a one way trip so buy an Orb first.
You also get a geography lesson. There are savage lands to the south that are inhabited by
people that look different from your average citizen, and are reportedly stronger. Also there’s an old
place called Norwind that became a library and center for scholarly pursuits long ago. Clarrow has lost
contact with Norwind, so people are starting to worry about their welfare.
When you’re done exploring the town, talk to Commander Marr once again. He explains the
severity of the situation to you, and asks you to face this dragon on behalf of the world. Your miraculous
return to Clarrow leads him to believe you can take down the dragon. Unfortunately, he doesn’t know
how exactly to go about doing that, so he instructs you to ask the scholars in Norwind. Once you’re
ready, leave town and head north.

b. Path to Norwind

Abominable Snowguard
Arctic Wolf
Blood Glubster
Bone Burrower
Chilling Aparation
Frigid Serpent
Frost-bound Goblin
Frosty Wabashu
Frostlick Troll
Frosted Gremlin
Frozen Giant
Frozen Slime
Gelid Drake
Icy Glubster
Icy Wisp
Northern Glyphclaw
Wintry Imp

Head north, but hug the shore to your right. You’re going to traverse some foothills and find a small
forest near a cave. There is a hidden area here:

Clarrow Grove A
Here’s a map of the area:

Map by Krowbar

The chests contain:

Nether Infused Crossbow
Adamantine Breastplate
Potion of Superior Mana
Potion of Superior Healing
Titan Bone Mail
Robe of the Banshee
Abyssal Vest
Leviathan Armor

After you retrieve the loot, you can exit the area via the gap in the trees in the lower-left corner of the
area. Continue to the cave to enter a mini-dungeon:
Caverns of Cold Sorrow

Map by Krowbar

The caverns are split into two parts. You just came through the southern entrance.

The chests contain:

Dragonscale Breastplate
Demonskin Armor
Potion of Superior Healing
Blood Linked Mail
Robe of the Archmage
Icy Emerald Ring
Frosted Ruby Ring
Potion of Superior Mana
Lava Touched Vest

After you’ve collected the loot once again, exit the cave and head southwest. The obvious direct path
east is blocked, so keep heading southwest until you hit the shore where you should see the path to
loop back around east. Keep following the path until you’re headed north and the path widens again.
There will be a mountain range to your left. Hug the side of it until you reach a patch of forest in a dip in
the mountain range here:
Clarrow Grove B

And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Helm of the Sea
Ethereal Serpent Helm
Potion of Planar Healing
Stonecast Hood
Cloud Linked Coif
Emerald Leaf Bow
Shield of the Sea
Ethereal Serpent Bracers
Orb of Clarrow

After you’ve collected the loot, you can exit via the opening in the middle of the right side of the area.
Once you’re out, head directly north. You’ll have to inch over to the left a bit to get around some
mountains. Once your past the mountains, hug the eastern shore until you get to the next hidden area

Clarrow Grove D
And here’s a map of the area:

If you’ve been keeping track of the grove letters then you might notice that you went from B to D. Don’t
worry, you run into C later. I only label them out of order because the game labels them that way.

The chests contain:

Rod of Sanctuary
Ethereal Serpent Armor
Potion of Planar Mana
Phantasmic Staff
Cloud Linked Mail
Breastplate of the Sea
Potion of Planar Healing

Now there are other hidden areas that you can access at this point, but I’m sure your inventory is full by
now. I’ll lead you to Norwind first then tackle the other hidden areas. Go ahead and open your World
Map. On the upper-left part of the ice continent you should see an icon indicating a city. You should be
able to make your way there using the map to avoid mountains.

c. Norwind

Welcome to the Norwind Library! As you can see the worries of the citizens of Clarrow were unfounded.
Everyone is fine, and the city is in one piece. First, the loot: One of the barrels by the southern stairwell
contains an Orb of Clarrow, and another one further down contains an Orb of Norwind. The rest of the
barrels and shelves contain money and potions.

If you talk to the citizens, then you’ll learn that the dragon and the monster have been avoiding Norwind
so much that most believe that they’re doing it on purpose. The citizens have been actively researching
the dragon, but cannot find any evidence that would explain its presence. You also learn of a dragon
statue that long predates Norwind, and that it is told that Norwind used to be a portal to the dragon’s
realm. One can reasonably speculate that this statue is related to the dragon avoiding Norwind and the
stories about the portal. The statue is a mystery itself since neither the metal nor the craftsmanship
exists to create such a statue, and there are no known records of the statue’s past.

There’s a stairwell in the south part of town. Descend the stairs to enter the Library. The middle shelf in
the center of the room contains a Scryer’s Parchment. The scholars down here affirm what you already
know and inform you of a tower to the east that used to be inhabited by worshipers of some sort.
There’s another stairwell to the north of the Library that leads to the dragon statue. You can examine it
to learn that it depicts a dragon protecting an empty nest, but you cannot gain anything else from the
statue at this point. When you’re done with your business in town, go ahead and leave.

d. Path to the Sky Reach

Head directly south of Norwind until some mountains block your way. Go around the mountain range
while hugging its side until you reach a cave. This is the northern half of the Caverns of Cold Sorrow. See
the map above for chest locations.

The chests contain:

Rapier of Lunar Ice
Hazescale Helm
Massive Iceblade
Stonecast Robe
Potion of Planar Mana x3
Serpent’s Staff
Bow of Madness
Sword of the Commander

From the entrance to the cave, you can see the next hidden area. See the map below to get there.
Clarrow Grove C

And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Cloud Linked Bracers
Orb of Clarrow
Sunforged Dagger
Molten Smasher
Stonecast Shield
Potion of Planar Healing
Grundle’s Warhammer

Once you’re done, exit via the opening on the upper right corner. Head south from the hidden area until
you can turn left onto that long strip of land clearly visible on the World Map. Follow the path until you
reach the next hidden area here:

Clarrow Grove F
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Hazeskin Bracers
Hazescale Shield
Potion of Planar Mana
Orb of Norwind
Hazebone Bracers
Potion of Planar Healing

Once again your inventory should be full, so head back to Norwind to sell your old stuff. You should be
able to get back using your World Map or one of your Orbs. Don’t forget to visit campfire guy a.k.a. The
Farside Fellowship for item quests. Once you’re done, head directly east of Norwind to the next hidden
area. It is very close:
Clarrow Grove E

And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Greater Elixir
Hazefire Hood
Hazebone Coif
Hazeskin Helm
Scryer’s Parchment

You need to head east, so go south to go around the mountains blocking your way. Look at your World
Map to see how to get to that tower at the end of the snaking path to the east. Follow that path until
you get to the last hidden area in Clarrow here:

Grove near Sky Tower

And here’s a map of the area:

There are two enemies, Icy Glubster and Gargantuan, that have only ever spawned in this area for me.
I’m only talking about Clarrow. You may find these enemies in other continents/dungeons.

The chests contain:

Hazefire Shield
Sun Crystal Whip
Potion of Planar Healing
Orb of Resurgence
Greater Elixir
Bow of Winter
Divining Orb of Power
Red Champion’s Sword
Prismatic Battle Axe

You’ll need to backtrack a little to get around the mountains, and then you can head straight to Sky

e. Sky’s Reach

Gelid Drake
Icy Glubster
Nightmarish Spirit
Red Drake
WARNING: You can fight the regular enemies in this dungeon around level 48, but the boss is MUCH
stronger. I recommend entering the tower to collect all of the treasure, then grinding on the second
floor until about level 60.

This map is way too compact to show you where the chests are located, so I’ll direct you verbally. The
first floor is mostly a single path. There’s a fork in the top-left corner of the floor. The north path leads
to a few chests, then you just double back to continue. There’s also a fork at the very end. There are
chests to the right and stairs to the left.

The chests on the first floor contain:

Scryer’s Parchment
Hazescale Breastplate
Greater Elixir
Crusher’s Bracers
Hazefire Robe
Potion of Planar Healing
Xegony’s Shield
Deathsting Mask
Hazebone Mail
Orb of Norwind

Once you walk up the stairs, there will be a locked door directly right of you. Remember where this is.
Now go south, and take the path to the right.
The chests contain:
Writhing Staff of Nether
Paladium Helm
Now double back and take the left path. Take the first left then take the path south. Now go up the
The chests contain:
Deathsting Bracers
Hazeskin Armor

Now go up the next flight of stairs, and find the blue button and step on it. The chest in this room
contains a Potion of Planar Healing.

Go all the way back to where you took the south path. Now instead of going south, continue to the left
and go up the stairs. The chest here contains a Skypierce Beret. Now head up the next flight of stairs
and press the blue button.
The chests contain:
King’s Blade
Potion of Planar Mana

Now you need to go all the way back to where you turned left in the first place. Keep heading north and
take the second left to the stairwell.
The chests contain:
Trinium Edged Bow
Xegony’s Hood

Now head up the next flight of stairs and repeat the procedure for the blue button. The chest here
contains a Crusher’s Helm.

Now return to the original hallway heading north. This time go all the north until the path stops. Grab
the Potion of Planar Healing in that chest then head up the stairs.
The chests contain:
Skypierce Wristwraps
Spikes of Lunacy

Walk up the next flight of stairs to find your last blue button.
The chests contain:
Lunar Blade
Potion of Planar Mana

Now return to that locked door that I told you to remember a while back. It should be open now. This is
the path to the boss, and it has two chests that hold a Paladium Shield and a Greater Elixir.

Now here’s my guide to grinding to get your level up to par with the Sky Dragon. Just hang out right in
front of him and fight until 5 pm, and then teleport to Flinton and save your game. Give the monster
parts you collected to the campfire guy for some extra exp and money. Also, you can take advantage of
this time to sell your excess items and equipment. Once it hits 6pm you can search for thieves. If you
saved like I told you to then you can reload your game if one doesn’t show up. If you’re unfamiliar with
thieves then see my Collecting Gems section. Once you’ve redeemed your Bag of Stolen Goods, teleport
to Norwind and return to Sky’s Reach. Now rinse and repeat.

When you’re ready, go talk to the Young Sky Dragon. After a few brief insults, the dragon reveals that its
plan is to hatch its egg in the Human Realm to give birth to the first dragon with immortality in the
Human Realm. Be sure to bring several potions of mana into this fight. Your casters will die unless you’re
like level 70 or something ridiculous like that. Also, try to knock out the two Soothsayers pretty quickly
since they like to heal the Sky Dragon.

Once you defeat the Sky Dragon, you can collect its egg. Teleport back to Norwind and deposit this egg
into the Dragon Statue.

You use your Sky Dragon Egg… The egg slips into place and the statue begins to contort as the dragon
seems to curl tightly around it. Soon after, the statue begins to glow with a blue light that slowly reaches
towards the sky..

As you reach for the glowing statue, the air begins to swirl around you.. Light begins to flow from the
statue towards you and suddenly you feel weightless as you are lifted into the air…

VII. New Realm

a. Solace

As your eyes open and your senses return to you, you feel as though you are no longer in your world…

When you talk to the person (?) in front of you, he responds:

You may think that you don’t know me but our paths have crossed in your world more than once. You
have reached the final stepping on the way to fulfilling your destiny, although you may not know it. The
fate of the mortal world rests with you. We have done our best to delay the spread of the dragonkind
but we cannot stop them any longer. You were able to stop one of them in your world before their
offspring could hatch. You will not be able to stop them all in your world.

Solace, like every other town, has a fireplace guy, an innkeeper, and a shop owner. They all look alike so
just keep talking to them until you find the one you’re looking for. The shopkeeper deals in Gems not
gold, and I recommend some serious equipment upgrades if you can afford them.

There’s one more person in Solace that offers to let you relive memories from the other world. We’ll
come back to him once we’ve done something memorable.

You should find a red statue in Solace that looks similar to the one that transported you there. Hit the
action button on the statue.

b. Cinderstorm

Arch Wizard
Blood Wisp
Charred Goblin
Fiery Slime
Fireborn Drake
Gremlin Headhunter
Guardian of Fire
Inferno Goblin
Mutated Experiment


In Cinderstorn, the enemies tend to get tougher as you progress north or approach an important area.
You may need to camp out somewhere with manageable enemies to level up before progressing. Head
west to the first Hidden Area here:

Cinderstorm Grove A
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Lustrous Red Gem
Sparkling Green Gem x35
Flamelicked Cap
Potion of Nether Mana
Glimmering Blue Gem x7

Once you’re done, you can exit via the opening near the southwest corner. Now head east toward the
next closest Hidden Area here:
Cinderstorm Grove B

And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Lustrous Red Gem
Flamelicked Beret
Sparkling Green Gem x75
Orb of Solace
Glimmering Blue Gem x10
Ethereal Elixir
Once you’re done, you can exit via the opening near the northwest corner. Now head west again to the
second to left-most Hidden Area here:

Cinderstorm Grove C

And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Potion of Nether Healing
Potion of Nether Mana
Lustrous Red Gem
Glimmering Blue Gem x11
Sparkling Green Gem x60
Flamelicked Bracers

When you’re done, you can exit via the opening near the northeast corner of the area. I know this next
Hidden Area is far away, but the ones further north have a higher enemy difficulty level. Now you should
head back east to the next highest Hidden Area here:

Cinderstorm Grove D

And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Scryer’s Parchment
Lustrous Red Gem
Potion of Nether Healing
Orb of Solace
Flamelicked Hood
Lustrous Red Gem

When you’re done, you can exit via the opening near the southeast corner of the area. Now you should
continue north to the Hidden Area furthest to the northeast here:

Cinderstorm Grove F

And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Potion of Nether Healing
Ethereal Elixir
Lustrous Red Gem x2
Pyrellium Coif
Pyrellium Gauntlets
Pyrellium Wristwraps

Once you’re done, you can exit via the opening near the southwest corner. Now you should head west
to the most northwest Hidden Area here:

Cinderstorm Grove E

And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:
Pyrellium Mail
Pyrellium Helm
Pyrellium Protector
Sparkling Green Gem x100
Glimmering Blue Gem x10
Lustrous Red Gem

Once you’re done, you can exit via the opening near the southeast corner. That was the last of the
Hidden Areas, so you can now begin your trek into the Crypt of Embers. Look at the map above to see
the caves located at the four corners of the map. Head to the southwest cave and head on in.

c. Crypt of Embers

Arch Wizard
Blood Wisp
Charred Goblin
Fireborn Drake
Gremlin Headhunter
Guardian of Fire
Inferno Goblin
Magma Beast
Mutated Experiment

Crypt of Embers
Once you enter, travel north until you are forced to make a right into a U-turn. Take the first turn to the
east and follow it until you hit three chests containing a Potion of Nether Healing, an Ethereal Elixir, and
a Scryer’s Parchment. Now head back to where you first turned east and turn south. Keep heading south
until you’re forced to turn east again. Take the first left to a chest containing a Flamelicked Protector.
Now head south again until you hit the wall and turn to the east. Keep heading east until you’re forced
to turn north. Keep heading north until you’re forced to turn left. Keep walking until you have to turn
north again. There are two chests containing 50 Sparkling Green Gems and a Flamelicked Longsword.
Backtrack until you’re heading south down that long straight path and take the first and only right (west)
you come across. Keep walking north until you’re hit a fork. Take the right path for two chests
containing 15 Glimmering Blue Gems and a Potion of Nether Mana. Backtrack and take the left path
until you hit a second fork. Take the west path to get to the boss.

Glimmerscale: Lvl 72
The rift begins to pulsate as a being not of this world steps forth! Glimmerscale likes to either focus one
of your characters or hit them all for less damage. If you can afford the mana, then use a mass-heal with
your healer every turn even if everyone is full health. Glimmerscale will probably attack before your
healer, and you want to keep everyone’s HP high. Even though healing is important, don’t forget to
rebuff your characters too. There are two chests behind Glimmerscale containing a Captured Red Flame
and a Lustrous Red Gem.

Once you defeat Glimmerscale, teleport out and take care of any preparations you wish to complete
before heading to the next section of the Crypt. Travel to the southeast cave (Be warned, you’ll have to
go around A LOT of mountains to get there).

From the stairs, head north and just keep following the twisting path until you start heading south down
a long, straight corridor. Take the first left (west). Follow it to find two chests containing 20 Glimmering
Blue Gems and a Flamelicked Breastplate. Go back and continue to follow the original path until you find
a chest containing a Potion of Nether Healing. Now I’m very sorry to say that you now need to go back
to the stairs. You can decide if it’s faster to teleport out and return to the cave or simply walk back.

From the stairs, head west until you see a chest below you containing 5 Lustrous Red Gems. From the
chest, head northwest until you’re forced to turn east. Now turn to the south and keep walking down
until you’re forced to turn right. Follow the path to find a chest containing a Potion of Nether Healing.
Now backtrack to the chest containing the Lustrous Red Gems. From there, head south and follow the
winding path to the next boss.

Lyris the Keeper: Lvl 72

You should have no trouble with this boss. Your level should be pretty good from the grinding you’ve
had to do, and your gear should be pretty good from all of the chests in the Crypt of Embers and the
Hidden Areas. Lyris uses a poison spell called Kiss of the Keeper that you will want to keep in check.
Besides that, just follow the same formula you used for the first boss to defeat Lyris. There are two
chests behind Lyris the Keeper containing a Flamelicked Staff and a Captured Yellow Flame.

Once you defeat Lyris the Keeper, go sell your excess items and turn in your monster parts before
heading to the northwest cave.

Once you enter you are forced to go in one direction until you reach a fork. Continue south to the next
fork. Take the left path heading directly south. Eventually you’ll reach a chest containing a Pyrellium
Beret. After you pick it up, head north and take a right at the fork. Take the first right you run into and
follow that path down to a chest containing a Pyrellium Breastplate. After you pick it up, head north
until the path forces you to make a U-turn. Hug the wall to the left until you reach a chest containing a
Pyrellium Breastplate. Continue to hug the wall until you reach the dungeon boss.

Stormflare: Lvl 72
The rift begins to pulsate as a being not of this world steps forth! Stormflare likes to do two things: hit
you in the face or use an Arch Wizard like attack that hits your whole party. If you use a mass heal spell
with your healer and stack poisons with your sorcerer then you should be fine. There are three chests
behind Stormflare containing an Ethereal Elixir, a Lustrous Red Gem, and a Captured Blue Flame.

Once you defeat Stormflare, teleport out and take care of any preparations you wish to complete before
heading to the next section of the Crypt. Be warned, you will suffer fatalities in this section, so stock up
on Potions and buy a few Life in Bottle if you can afford them.

Travel to the northeast cave. From the stairs, head northwest and take the first left. Walk straight
southwest into a slightly winding path until you hit a fork. Head north to find two chests containing
Pyrellium Bracers and a Pyrellium Robe. Now head south until you’re forced to turn east. Turn north as
soon as you’re able. That path will lead to two chests containing a Pyrellium Tunic and an Exquisite
Etched Hilt. Now return back to the point where you first turned left after the stairs. Now head north
until you see a passage to your left. Follow it south to find a chest containing 2 Lustrous Red Gems. Now
head north again and follow the path you were originally on. Follow the path until you hit another fork.
Take the east path and follow it to the last Crypt of Embers miniboss.

Spinesinge: Lvl 76
Spinesinge makes the other bosses look like kittens. His health and attacks aren’t that different, but he
has one special move that sets him apart called Spineripper. This attack will instantly kill one of your
party members. You need to be a higher level in order to survive while reviving your fallen party
members. You’re going to need to be creative with scrolls and items to get through this fight. Try to
keep him poisoned with your sorcerer, and try to keep your melee character on the offensive. You can
use your tank and healer to revive your people with items and potions. There are three chests behind
Spinesinge containing a Potion of Nether Healing, a Potion of Nether Mana, and Captured Orange

After you’ve collected the loot, you need to teleport and save since you’re probably pretty beat up after
that fight. Now that you’ve cleaned out the rest of Cinderstorm, you can head to the Smoldering Thicket.

d. Smoldering Thicket

Arch Wizard
Gremlin Headhunter
Guardian of Fire
Inferno Goblin
Magma Beast
Mutated Experiment
Smoldering Thicket

Okay, the Smoldering Thicket is much too weird for me to give overly specific directions. I’m going to
assume that you can make sense of the above map, and give you general instructions. You enter the
Thicket at the dead center bottom of the map. Walk left and up to loop back to grab that chest
containing a Potion of Nether Mana. Now head back and southeast to enter that path created by the
trees leading to the chest closest to the bottom-right of the map. It contains a Lustrous Red Gem. Walk
back to where you started, and walk north and just a little bit to the left to get that chest closest to the
middle of the map. It contains a Pyrellium Shield. To get further north on the map, you need to follow a
path beginning close to the bottom-right corner. Trace the path from the chest at the top right corner of
the map going directly south to find where you need to go. The top-right chest contains a Scryer’s
Parchment. From the chest, walk south until you find a path leading west. Keep walking west until
you’re forced to turn north. The path will curve upward, and you need to walk east as far as you can.
From there, you should be able to clearly see the path to exit using the map. The exit is where the
character icon is standing at the top center of the map. Remember this spot because there are a few
more errands to run before continuing. The chest directly west of your location contains a Pyrellium
Hood. You should be able to find your way there using the map. The last chest a short distance south of
your location contains a Pyrellium Cap.

Lastly there’s a hidden merchant at the top-left corner of the map. He sells:
Pyrellium Longsword
Pyrellium Dagger
Pyrellium Greatsword
Pyrellium Staff
Pyrellium Longbow
Tome: Phlebotomize
Tome: Focus of Dragons
Tome: Blightful Venin
Writ: Meliorate
Writ: Wave of Melioration
Writ: Bastion of Nether
Creed: Light of the Paladin
Creed: Paladin’s Fortress
Creed: Wave of the Paladin
Writ: Life’s Gift
Creed: Flood of Life
Potion of Nether Healing
Potion of Nether Mana

Now, you might be tempted to get the Pyrellium Weapons, but you can purchase much better weapons
very shortly after exiting the Thicket. Also, if you have a cleric, then I highly recommend you buy Life’s
Gift from this merchant. It will restore mana in addition to health when raising the dead. If you wish to
visit him, then the path to get to him starts just a bit south of the last chest.

This concludes the Smoldering Thicket, so head back the exit.

e. Cinderstorm Part 2

Arch Wizard
Fireborn Drake
Gremlin Headhunter
Guardian of Fire
Inferno Goblin
Magma Beast

You’ll find yourself back in Cinderstorm. The enemies here are tougher than the ones south of The
Smoldering Thicket. You need to enter the two remaining caves to your left and right to proceed, but
there are some weapons you should pick up first. Take the middle path north and enter the cave
marked final boss. From the stairs, walk directly south through a fake wall like this:
Continue southwest to a second fake wall here:

Once you’ve gone through the fake wall, there are three chests to the northwest containing:
Scryer’s Parchment
Ethereal Elixir
Lustrous Red Gem x30

Now walk south to find a hidden merchant. She sells:

Ragefire Longsword
Ragefire Dagger
Ragefire Greatsword
Ragefire Staff
Ragefire Longbow
Ethereal Elixir
Tome: Rampart of Pyre
Tome: Seal of Mana
Tome: Asteroid Strike
Tome: Asteroid Storm
Writ: Hydra’s Infusion
Writ: Vow of Life
Creed: Paladin’s Tenacity
Creed: Retribution
Writ: Wrath of Angels

I highly suggest buying Ragefire weapons for all of your characters. Once you have your new gear, return
to where you exited The Smoldering Thicket. Now take the left path and enter the cave. The cave is a
single room with a boss and a chest.

Blazzax: Lvl 71
You might have noticed that the level suggestion is lowered from the previous bosses. That’s because
the Ragefire gear basically gives you a few levels. This guy is nothing special. He’s pretty similar to the
Cinderstorm bosses you’ve faced so far. If you were able to beat Spinesinge by yourself, then you should
have no trouble once you’ve bought your Ragefire gear. The chest behind him contains a Captured
Purple Flame.

Once you’ve beaten Blazzax, exit the cave and take the right pathway.

Vyzyx: Lvl 71
See the explanation for Blazzax. The chest behind him contains a Captured Green Flame.
Once you’ve beaten Blazzax, exit the cave and return to the cave labeled Final Boss.

From the stairs, walk north to the portal. From the portal, walk north until you find the 6 pillars. Walk up
to each of them and hit the action button to put one of your Captured Flames onto the pillar.

With the flames lit, the doorway to the inner sanctum begins to char and turn to ash…

Walk north until you’re blocked by a gate. There are two bosses on either side of you. The one on the
right is Blaze.

Blaze: Lvl 72
In addition to regular attacks, Blaze will use an attack called Flame of Anti-magic which will remove all of
the buffs on your party. Try to keep your defense spell up, and make sure you keep more than one
poison active on him. Blaze isn’t that easy, so don’t worry about it if you need to level up a little bit
before taking him on.

Once you’ve beaten Blaze, go step on the blue plate behind him. Now take on the boss on the left.

Scorch: Lvl 72
See Blaze. Once you’ve won, step on the plate behind him.

With both stones in place, you hear a low rumbling and feel a hot rush of air from around the corner…

f. Serevok the Firstborn

Walk north to find Serevok the Firstborn. DO NOT FIGHT HIM! Serevok is very strong, and you will want
to level up first. Serevok can be beaten by level 76, but this requires great luck and patience. To
comfortably beat him, you should be at least level 79. Grind in the area around Serevok, because the
enemies in this area have a low chance of dropping Ragefire gear, Dragonborne rings, and powerful
accessories. When your inventory fills up, leave the area during the night to go thief hunting. While
you’re out, sell your excess gear and give your monster parts to the campfire guy. This way you can
empty your inventory, get exp for monster parts, and get gems and exp for Bags of Stolen Goods all in
one go. Make sure to keep the scrolls that raise the dead, heal your party, and poison. You’re going to
need them.

When you think you’re ready, buy a few Life in a Bottles from Breckerton and take on Serevok.

You have come so far… A shame it is that your journey ends here.
Do you think that your efforts can make a difference here? Do you think I am the only one that has
stood in your way?
We may have taken pity on some of you, but not now…
You poor souls, you have no idea what you have invited in.. There will be no mercy for you and your

Serevok the Firstborn:

My party consists of a Warrior, Juggernaut, Sorcerer, and Cleric. You can modify my strategy to work for
your party or come up with your own. Serevok is accompanied by two Fireborn Drakes. I started the
fight by using a Blightful Venin scroll with my Warrior, a regular attack with my Juggernaut, casting
Blightful Venin with my Sorcerer, and a Miasma scroll with my Cleric. The poison will kill or at least
seriously injure the two Fireborn Drakes and dramatically decrease the strength of Serevok. I kept 3
poisons active with my Sorcerer, and used Icefall when none of the poisons were about to expire. I kept
two poisons active using scrolls for a total of five poisons on Serevok. You can probably get away with
less. I used my warrior as a second cleric. I would use scrolls to rebuff, heal, and raise the dead when
necessary. When none of that was necessary, I would defend. The Juggernaut and Cleric perform their
standard functions. When things get really bad, you can use a Life in a Bottle to pick yourself back up.
Serevok moves:
Incinerate which will one shot kill one of your party members
He will heal himself
Dragon’s Breath which will deal significant damage each turn
He also has the ability to completely debuff your party
You really need Hydra’s Infusion, because it will heal your party and removes negative effects including
Dragon’s Breath.

Once you defeat Serevok,

The dragon’s scales begin to flake off and lose their luster as the very earth seems to be reaching up,
grasping hold of the dragon’s body…
The dragon struggles as it begins to realize its fate, its body slowing turning to stone as its life force
drains away…
With its final breath the dragon roars, almost as if to call out for … ‘mother.’
…(the dragon’s body crumbles to dust).

A chest appears where Serevok used to stand containing Broken Blade Fragments.

You might notice a mysterious figure standing off to the side. If you talk to him, he says:
Incredible… Absolutely astonishing…
We.. I.. had no idea you mortals possessed such power…
You have done what nobody before you has -- you have struck a blow to the very heart of the dragon
kind. They will not take this lightly..
You must complete what you have started now. You must reforge the ancient Dragon’s Blade that was
destroyed so long ago, for it is the only weapon that can defeat the most powerful of dragons.. which
you are now sure to face..
There is an ancient forge deep in the earth of your home world. Only in this place can the blade be made
whole again. It has long since been overrun with legions of the dead, but I am confident you can find
your way there and reforge the blade.
We will use our remaining magic to open a portal to the southern continent of your world. I’m sorry we
cannot be of more help but we do not know the exact location of the forge.
It will take us some time to open this portal, but it will be ready soon, in Solace…

VIII. Cratos
Now before you head to Cratos, there’s a small errand you need to run. Teleport to Kanticle, then make
your way to the hidden merchant that sells the Copper Skeleton Keys. You need 4 Copper Skeleton Keys
now, but you’ll need 28 eventually. You should have plenty of gold by now, so I recommend buying
them all now.

After you have the keys, make your way to Solace. There will be a new portal there that teleports you to
a shrine west of Cratos. Use it.

a. Cratos
Biting Lizard
Bone Walker
Corrupted Knight
Half Orc
Rabid Bear
Savage Jelly

Once you arrive at the shrine, exit the area and travel west to the town. The shelf in the upper right
corner of town contains an Orb of Cratos. The barrel by the gem shop contains an Elixir of Mythril. The
rest of the barrels and shelves contain potions and money.

There are several notable features of Cratos. From the townspeople, you learn that the old man in the
bottom right building has been a resident of Cratos for longer than anyone can remember and has a
mysterious past. He’s a tinkerer and can make something useful out of many of your items. Talk to him.
If you’ve been following my walkthrough, then you should have the items required to make the
Unforged Exquisite Sword:

If you’re missing a piece then use Ctrl+F to search for it on this walkthrough. After that, you should use
those Copper Keys to create Gem Inlaid Copper Keys:
You can use one of the Gem Inlaid Copper Keys to unlock the door to the right of the Tinkerer. The chest
contains a Mythril Leather Armor.

After you’ve finished with the Tinkerer, you should check out the Cratos Gem Shop. The sell seeds here
for gems. From now on, seeding will be a very important part of the game. You should seed your
characters whenever you have an abundance of gems, and you should hunt for thieves every night for
the gem reward.

The shop sells these gems:

Spore of Vitality – 30 Blue Gems – Increases Vitality by 4
Spore of Strength – 12 Red Gems – Increases Strength by 4
Spore of Focus – 12 Red Gems – Increases Focus by 4

Here’s a little advice on how to seed your characters:

You should seed Vitality on your tank because he takes the most damage
You should seed Vitality on any caster you have because they will die otherwise
You should seed Focus on your Sorcerer for obvious reasons
You should seed Speed and Strength on your melee character

From the townspeople you learn that vicious animals and barbarians inhabit the lands surrounding
Cratos. Barbarian tribes used to inhabit these lands years ago, but they left villages and belongings
behind as if they vanished overnight. There’s a small village to the west that no one has heard from in a
while, but no one can check on them due to the abundance of monsters. Also, no one has any
information on the Forge you’re supposed to be looking for. They suggest you might have better luck in
a town called Thundraka.

Once, you have you’re affairs in order, leave town and north. Once you cross that small bridge, you’ll
find the first hidden area here:

Cratos Grove F
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Life in a Bottle
Mythril Helm
Creed: Touch of the Knight II
Potion of Blessed Healing

Once you’ve collected all of the chests, you can leave via the exit on the left side of the area. Walk
northeast across the desert to the next hidden area here:

Cratos Grove A
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

23200 gold
Mythril Coif
Tome: Kalgor’s Torment II

Once you’ve collected all of the chests, you can leave via the exit towards the bottom of the area. Walk
southwest as far as you can to the next hidden area here:

Cratos Grove B
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Tome: Icehammer II
Tome: Plethora of Mana II
Potion of Blessed Mana

Once you’ve collected all of the chests, you can leave via the exit to the left of the area. Now walk while
following the mountains on your left until you pass between the mountains and the river, then walk
slightly north to the next hidden area here:

Cratos Grove C
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Mythril Bracers
Writ: Kalgor’s Salve II
Elixir of Mythril

Once you’ve collected all of the chests, you can leave via the exit to the north of the area. Walk back
under lake and head northeast to the next hidden area here:

Cratos Grove D
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Scryer’s Parchment
Writ: Lightflash II
Mythril Cap

Once you’ve collected all of the chests, you can leave via the exit to the left of the area. Walk west to
the next hidden area here:

Cratos Grove G
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Potion of Blessed Mana
Mythril Protector
Writ: Infusion of Life II

Once you’ve collected all of the chests, you can leave via exit at the top of the area. Walk northeast to
the next hidden area here:

Cratos Grove E
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Potion of Blessed Healing
Mythril Gauntlets
Writ: Speed of Kalgor
Potion of Blessed Mana

After you’ve collected all of the chests, you can leave via the exit at the bottom of the area. Walk west
to the next hidden area here:

Cratos Grove I
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Tome: Fireshock II
Orb of Cratos
Mythril Infused Hood

Once you’ve collected all of the chests, you can leave via the exit at the bottom of the area. Follow the
river south, then head back north on the left side of the river. The next hidden area is here:

Cratos Grove H
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Mythril Beret
Mythril Shield
Potion of Godly Mana

Once you’ve finished collecting the chests, you can leave via the exit to the right of the area. Walk south
until you cross a bridge then walk around the river to your left. The next hidden area is here:

Cratos Grove J
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Potion of Godly Healing & 28100 gold
Mythril Wristwraps
Writ: Strength of Kalgor II

Once you’ve collected all of the chests, you can leave via the exit to the right of the area. Walk
southwest to the tip of that little peninsula. Look at the World Map for reference. The last hidden area is

Cratos Grove K
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Elixir of Mythril
Creed: Knight’s Fortress II
Tome: Soul Bleed II
Revivify II

Once you’ve collected all of the chests, you can leave via the exit at the top of the area. Walk northeast
around the water, and then back south on the other side of the water. Then walk west to The
Abandoned Village. If my directions were confusing, then just look at your World Map and direct
yourself to the closest village icon.

b. Abandoned Village

When you enter the village, you’re greeted by a lot of death. There are remains strewn throughout the
entire area. These are your observations when you examine the remains:

These bones have been here a while.. Although an odd smell still lingers in the air around them…

What’s left of this poor soul is quite disturbing… The markings on the bones indicate a violent death..

The area around these bones seems to be dead.. No plants have sprouted up around them, as if the
ground around them was poisoned..

The bones indoors seem to have been weathered as much as those outside.. As if something unnatural
was causing their decay..

The bones are old but you can make out distinct teeth marks on them…

It looks like nobody escaped… Whatever happened must have come without warning..
A small note lies on the ground near this corpse. Much of it is unreadable or missing but you can make
out a small portion: ‘….tin…er will need 4 copper skeleton keys and 2 red gems to make…key….’

What could have happened to these people?

As you’ve probably already guessed, you need a Gem Inlaid Copper Key to open the door in the middle
of the city. If you already have one, then walk inside. This stairwell leads to The Tainted Caverns. My
level recommendation for the Caverns is 84.

c. The Tainted Caverns

Dark Sentinel
Tainted Dwarf

You enter by the stair in the bottom right corner. Fortunately, this dungeon is quite easy to navigate
with the map. You shouldn’t need any direction from me. You’ll need a Gem Inlaid Copper Key in the
middle of the Caverns to get to a Juggernaut weapon. I know, it seems a bit expensive for one weapon
but I couldn’t find anything else behind that door no matter how hard I looked.

The chests contain:

Kellorium Mail
Kellorium Tunic (thief)
32500 gold
Elixir of Mythril
Creed: Wave of the Knight II
Kellorium Leather Armor
Creed: Light of the Knight II
Kellorium Infused Robe
Writ: Wave of Revivify II
Kellorium Wand
Kellorium Dirk
Scryer’s Parchment
Kellorium Brand
Kellorium Edge
Tome: Focus of Kalgor II
Kellorium Lightbow
Potion of Blessed Mana
Tome: Weeping Agony II
Potion of Blessed Healing
Bastion of Kalgor II
Kellorium Breastplate

When you get to the end, there should be a boss named Vuzu. Unfortunately, there was a glitch with
Vuzu so he’s been temporarily removed. If he ever comes back then I will edit the walkthrough
accordingly. When you emerge from the caverns, you are once again in the lush green Overworld.

IX. Thundraka
Cantankerous Wabashu
Dark Sentinel
Feral Lizard
Gnarlwood Troll
Griffon Warrior
Lumbering Glyphclaw
Silverwood Brute
Skeletal Warrior
Tainted Dwarf

You should immediately head northwest after exiting the caverns to reach Thundraka.

a. Town

First the loot:

The shelf in the item shop contains an Orb of Thundraka.
The shelf in the room north of the gem shop contains an Ancient Elixir
A barrel just slightly north of the campfire guy contains an Orb of Thundraka.

There’s a chest in the upper-right corner that is protected by a locked door. You need a Gem Inlaid
Copper Key to open it. The chest contains Stormburst Gauntlets.

Thundraka also has a Gem Shop that sells seeds:

Spore of Speed – 30 Blue Gems – Increases Speed by 4
Spore of Spirit – 30 Red Gems – Increases Spirit by 4
You learn from the villagers that some ancient books refer to the fallen kingdom of the Blackstone
Dwarves, wiped out years ago by undead hordes. They were said to have crafted extraordinary weapons
from the depths of the earth. The Blackstone Dwarves used to inhabit the northern mountains. When
they were wiped out by the army of the undead, all of the survivors were corrupted. If there are any left,
their souls would be possessed by a great evil. Kalgor was once a great Dwarf King in these mountains.
After the undead uprising nobody knows what exactly happened to him. He probably perished with the
rest of his people.

Be careful at night, the undead come out! Sometimes it’s best to wait until morning or rest at an Inn
before traveling.

The robbers and thieves come at night right into the streets. If you wait around at night you might catch
one! The robbers that plague the villagers have a hideout somewhere in the mountains north of here.
Nobody knows quite where it is, but they always seem to return to those mountains. The villagers tried
sending some of their warriors to locate the robber camps that plague them, but none have returned.

There’s an old tunnel somewhere around here that used to lead north. Perhaps it was used by the
dwarves to make their way down here? By now, the entrance is probably overgrown and nearly
impossible to find. The old Thunderhead Mine tunnels run under the mountains just north of here. They
have been long since abandoned since the undead began to appear. They were once a great source of
Thundercore but you will only find death there now!

Alright, that just about covers it for Thundraka. Whenever you’re ready, you can leave town.

b. Quest for the Forge Part 1

From this point on, you must follow this iron clad rule: Do Not Under Any Circumstances Drop Any Of
Your Items. Sell them all. Anything that you aren’t planning on wearing or using, sell it. At this point in
the game almost everything in your inventory sells for gems, and you desperately need gems to seed
your party. After you leave Thundraka, walk east to find the first hidden area here:

Thundraka Grove A
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Potion of Godly Healing
Creed: Knight’s Tenacity II
Potion of Godly Healing
Potion of Godly Mana

After you collect all of the chests, you can leave via the exit to the right of the area. From there, walk
northeast to the next hidden area here:

Thundraka Grove B
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Potion of Godly Mana
Potion of Godly Healing
Writ: Mending of Kalgor II

After you collect all of the chests, you can leave via the exit toward the bottom of the area. For now, you
can ignore that cave. From your current position, you should follow the mountains west until you reach
a little pocket in the mountain range here:

Thundraka Grove C
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Tome: Barrier of the Sun II
Orb of Thundraka
Stormburst Ripper
Ancient Elixir

After you collect all of the chests, you can leave via the exit at the left of the area. From there, head
southwest to the next hidden area here:

Thundraka Grove D
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Black Hole in a Box
Stormburst Edge
Tome: Deepfreeze II
Potion of Godly Healing

After you collect all of the chests, you can leave via the exit at the top of the area. From there, head
south and a little east to the next hidden area here:

Thundraka Grove E
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Potion of Godly Mana
Writ: Ancient Salve II
Stormburst Mail

After you collect all of the chests, you can leave via the exit to the right of the area. From there, head
east and a little south to the next hidden area here:

Thundraka Grove F
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Ancient Elixir
Creed: Touch of the Gallant II
Stormburst Etched Rod
Orb of Thundraka

After you collect all of the chests, you can leave via the exit at the bottom of the area. From there, head
northwest until you reach a sand pathway leading west. After a short distance, there will be a grove of
trees above you. The next hidden area is here:

Thundraka Grove H
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Potion of Godly Healing
Orb of Thundraka
Stormburst Broadsword

After you collect all of the chests, you can leave via the exit at the bottom of the area. From there, head
southwest to the next hidden area here:

Thundraka Grove G
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Potion of Godly Mana
40000 gold
Potion of Godly Healing
Stormburst Breastplate

After you collect all of the chests, you can leave via the exit to the left of the area. From there, follow
the path until you reach a patch of forest directly in your path. Then walk north to the next hidden area

Thundraka Grove I
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Stormburst Infused Robe
Potion of Godly Mana
Potion of Godly Mana

After you collect all of the chests, you can leave via the exit to the left of the area. From there, head
northeast to the next hidden area here:

Thundraka Grove M
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Writ: Wrath of Justice II
Tome: Pain of Death II
Writ: Recovery of Slynn II
48500 gold

After you collect all of the chests, you can leave via the exit to the right of the area. From there, head
southeast to the next hidden area here:

Thundraka Grove J
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Black Hole in a Box
Potion of Godly Healing
Stormburst Greatbow

After you collect all of the chests, you can leave via the exit at the top of the area. From there, head
north to the next hidden area here:

Thundraka Grove K
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Potion of Godly Healing
Stormburst Tunic
Potion of Godly Mana
Writ: Speed of the Ancients II

After you collect all of the chests, you can leave via the exit at the top of the screen. From there, head
southeast to the next hidden area here:

Thundraka Grove L
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Scryer’s Parchment
Tome: Manaflood II

After you collect all of the chests, you can leave via the exit at the top of the area.

Alright, by now you should have a lot of stuff and you should be a few levels higher. Head back to
Thundraka and save your game. This would be a good opportunity to seed your party. After your affairs
are in order, leave the city and walk northeast. There’s a cave very close to the second hidden area.
Walk inside. My level recommendation for the Thunderhead Mines is 86.

c. Thunderhead Mines

Blackstone Dwarf
Dwarven Animation
Feral Lizard
Gnarlwood Troll
Griffon Warrior
Haze Drake
Skeletal Warrior
Thundrium Troll
You enter the Thunderhead Mines by the right-most staircase. There are three chests you can pick up
here containing:
Stormburst Leather Armor
Tome: Thunderclap II
Life in a Bottle

For the rest of the chests, you need to enter using the other entrance to the Thunderhead Mines. The
entrance is southeast of Thundraka Grove L. If you look on your Overworld Map, then the entrance is in
that niche in the mountain range just left of that tower icon.

You’ll enter the mines by the left-most staircase. The chests in this part of the mines contain:
Ancient Elixir
Aspenglow Beret
Aspenglow Wristwraps
Potion of Godly Mana
Aspenglow Gauntlets
Writ: Strength of the Ancients II
Black Hole in a Box
Aspenglow Protector
Tome: Ashcall II
Aspenglow Helm
Life in a Bottle
Aspenglow Shield
Potion of Godly Healing

Unfortunately, the stairwell closest to you is blocked by a locked door that cannot be opened with a
Gem Inlaid Copper Key. So you need to go find the Blockade Key. From the stairwell where you entered,
head south and follow the long path to staircase close the center of the map. Walk up the stairs.
d. Zeffrin’s Camp

Blackstone Dwarf
Dwarven Animation
Haze Dragon
Redskin Orc
Thundrium Troll

You’ll emerge once again in Overworld. From your current position, you should walk south to find
another cave. This leads to the Mine Tunnel to Forge. This area is different than others you’ve
encountered so far. It’s basically an intersection connecting several points spread throughout the
southern continent. There should be a blue switch close to you. Stepping on this switch will lower the
gate blocking your way south. If you walk up the stairs past that gate, you’ll emerge in a patch of forest
slightly northeast of Thundraka. Take this opportunity to sell your excess inventory, save your game, and
maybe seed your party.

Once you’re ready, use the Mine Tunnel to Forge to return to where you exited the Thunderhead Mines.
Walk west to find Zeffrin’s Camp. My level recommendation for Zeffrin’s Camp is 88.

Zeffrin’s Camp

Now there are two doors on the first floor that need to be unlocked using a Gem Inlaid Copper Key. The
one on the right leads to two chests containing:
Aspenglow Infused Hood
Aspenglow Cap
The door on the left leads to the stairway to the second floor. The chests on this floor contain:
Aspenglow Coif
Aspenglow Bracers

After you collect the chests, take the next stairwell up. There’s another door here that needs a Gem
Inlaid Copper Key. Open it and talk to the guy blocking your way to fight Zeffrin.

Zeffrin the Cutthroat

Zeffrin has two thugs backing him up, but they aren’t very tough. This is a pretty easy boss. Besides his
basic attack, Zeffrin has one other attack called Rain of Daggers. This attack just hurts your whole party.
There is no poison or anything with it. So the basic strategy of stacking poisons and keeping your buffs
active works very well against him.

After you beat him, you can get to the chest behind him which contains the Blockade Key.

The Blockade Key unlocks that door in the Tainted Caverns, so make your way there. If you don’t
remember where that is, then look at the Tainted Caverns map. It’s right before the stairwell second to
the left.

Walk up that stairwell behind the door.

e. Quest for the Forge Part 2

Crystalline Hydra
Kalgorian Guard
Redskin Orc
Undead Barbarian

You’ll emerge once again in Overworld. Use your map to make your way to the northern-most part of
the continent. Now you should see mountains around you. Walk east until you pass through a narrow
path between two mountains. Once you’re through, walk directly south to the last hidden area here:

Thundraka Grove N
And here’s a map of the area:

The chests contain:

Creed: Gallant Fortress II
Dreamflare Broadsword
50000 gold
Dreamflare Mail
Scryer’s Parchment
Tome: Spirit Blood II

After you collect all of the chests, you can leave via the exit at the bottom of the area. From there, head
southeast until you find another cave. Walk inside to enter the Depths of Kalgor. My level
recommendation is 92.

f. Depths of Kalgor

Fallen Keeper
Kalgorian Guard
Soulfire Demonling
Spirit of Kalgor
Warslash Griffon
You enter the Depths by the left-most stairwell. Walk south and keep to the left to find a chest
containing a Creed: Wave of Gallantry II. Keep walking south and take the first left. This path leads to a
stairwell to a small island back in Overworld. Walk right into the small forest to find a hidden entrance to
the Mine Tunnel to Forge. Follow the same drill with the pressing the switch to open the gate. Again,
this is a great opportunity to save and take care of your party. Unfortunately, you have to beat the
Depths of Kalgor in one pass since there are no exits. Therefore, make sure you empty your inventory as
much as possible so you don’t have to drop anything on the way.

After your preparations are complete, return to the Depths of Kalgor. Follow the spiral path away from
the stairs, and then take a right. You’ll find a stairwell to yet another island. Walk to the short distance
southeast to the other side of the island to find another cave leading to the Depths of Kalgor. The rest of
the Depths of Kalgor is a giant arduous spiral leading to the center of the map.

The chests contain:

Dreamflare Tunic
Scryer’s Parchment
Creed: Gallant Tenacity II
62500 gold
Life in a Bottle
Black Hole in a Box
Dreamflare Breastplate
Dreamflare Leather Armor
Dreamflare Etched Rod
Dreamflare Edge
Ancient Elixir
Tome: Torment of Spjon II
Writ: Bastion of Ancients II
Creed: Light of the Gallant II
Dreamflare Greatbow
Writ: Wave of Slynn II
Tome: Cosmic Bolt II

Once you finally reach the center of the map, you see the path ahead blocked by an ominous figure.
Now before you decide you want to poke it with a stick, I recommend using a strength buff, a speed
buff, a focus buff, a mana regen spell, and a defense buff (the ones with a fire icon). Also you should
check to see if any of your characters have equipment with buffs.

Now the two most important buffs are the vitality buff (the one with the shield icon) and restoration
buff. A restoration buff is a spell that heals you for more than one turn. Now you should be using a
restoration spell that targets your party not just one party member, so that you can refresh the spell
during battle.

When your party is prepared to your satisfaction, use a Scryer’s Parchment to save. You don’t want to
have to beat the Depths all over again. After you save, talk to the figure blocking your path.

Kalgor’s Soul
This boss is your standard variety. He has one special called Wild Rage of Kalgor which simply attacks
your entire party. Also, he can heal himself a bit. With the buffs that I mentioned above, you shouldn’t
have much trouble. After you win…

A low moan is heard throughout the caverns as the spirit begins to disappear, a fleeting look of
happiness flashing across his face for a moment…

He whispers to you, ‘Thank you for releasing me, chosen ones… I know of that which you seek… It lies
deep within this mountain…

However, its power was destroyed long ago. You must restore its power before it can be of use…

Restore the shattered stone of my people, it is the key…’

…and with that the spirit vanishes…

Now that your path is clear, proceed to the stairs to descend into the Forge of the Ancients. My level
recommendation is 94.

g. Forge of the Ancients

Blackscale Hydra
Deeprock Troll
Lost Dragonling
Obsidian Golem
Ythrium Dragonling
As soon as you enter, make your way to that portal next to you. That portal leads to the Mine Tunnel to
Forge. Take the opportunity to sell your items and save your game. After you finish any errands you
need to run, return to The Forge.

Before you start fighting, you should know about a two interesting drops:
Ythrium Bar and Ghostfire Essence

Both of these drops are incredibly rare, and they are both used to forge equipment with the Tinkerer.
Two Ghostfire Essences and one Ragefire weapon forge the corresponding Ghostfire Weapon. There are
three pieces of armor that you can forge using Ythrium Bars. Four bars makes one piece, six pieces
makes another, and eight pieces make the last.

Don’t worry about grinding for any of that gear. It’s so rare because it used to be the most powerful
equipment in the game, and you needed it to beat the next boss. That is no longer the case, and there is
more powerful gear to look forward to.

Now the actual Forge is just slightly northwest of you. In order to activate The Forge, you need to insert
the Dwarven Gemstone. The gemstone is divided into 4 pieces, and there is one piece in each quarter of
the map. The order doesn’t matter, so just pick whatever path suits you.

The chests contain:

Quarter of an Ancient Gem x4
Thundercore Infused Hood
Thundercore Wristwraps
Thundercore Protector
Thundercore Coif
Thundercore Bracers
Ancient Elixir
Thundercore Gauntlets
Thundercore Cap
Writ: Slynn’s Restoration III
Thundercore Helm
Scryer’s Parchment
Black Hole in a Box
Life in a Bottle
150000 gold
Thundercore Shield
Tome: Ancient Firewall II
Thundercore Beret

After you’ve collected all of the pieces of the gemstone, bring it to the Tinkerer to forge the Dwarven

Bring your Dwarven Gemstone to the actual Forge. You will be plunged into the next boss battle as soon
as you select the forge, so make sure your party is freshly buffed and at full health.

You use your Dwarven Gemstone… The gemstone clicks into place as the forge’s fire flares to life.

You can feel its power pulsing throughout the chamber…

As the heat reaches you, the unforged blade you hold is drawn into the fire by a magical force and
disappears within the flames…

After a few moments pass, the earth around you begins to rumble as a moan echoes throughout the

A deep voice booms throughout the cavers, ‘Who.. has done this? …Who has dared light the ancient
forge? …Who has awoken me from my slumber?

This place.. is mine.. The forge.. is mine.. No mortal shall use it…

I left no dwarf alive… I slaughtered them and drove them from their sacred forge… The forge shall not be

Your lives… will be.. mine..’

Before you can reach for the forge, a terrible form materializes before you…
Virulen the Destroyer
Virulen is a difficlult boss. I recommend that you are at least level 98 before attempting him. He’s
accompanied by two Ythrium Dragonlings that should die off just from your poison. Follow the usual
method of stacking poisons on him while maintaining buffs with your Cleric. If he’s doing too much
damage for you to handle, then defend with you Warrior to take the pressure off of the rest of your
party. Don’t be afraid to throw some poison scrolls on him as well. There should be at least four poisons
on him at all times.

Once you beat him:

The demon howls as it is pulled into the nether, never to return again… Perhaps the dwarves can truly
rest in peace now…

Your attention is drawn back to the forge… Could the blade be finished?

A man appears beside the forge, and if you talk to him he says:
Heroes! You have astonished us once again!!

Now that you wield the power of dragons, we can begin work on opening a portal to the home plane of
the elder dragons…

You must travel there and strike at the heart of the dragonkind, putting an end to their terror once and
for all…

It will take us some time to open the portal in Solace…

IMPORTANT- the game gives you a notice that says you’ve reached the end of game content. This is not
true. There is a lot more game content. When this is fixed, I’ll remove this notice.

Now press the action button in front of the forge:

You remove the newly formed blade from the forge…
It seems to be from another world, almost as if it has no purpose here.

CONGRATULATIONS! You now have the Dragon’s Blade. This blade will transform the bearer into a
dragon and dramatically increase their abilities in battle. The blade also has the ability to teleport you to
another realm. Use this ability now.

X. Dragonreach
Heart of Strength
Essence of the Wisp
Heart of Speed
Elixir of Kolus
Crude Prismatic Parchment x3
Primal Draconic Material
Elixir of Kolus
Heart of Vitality
Nightmarish Ring of Vitality
Heart of Strength
Heart of Speed
Essence of the Wisp
Heart of Vitality
Heart of Focus
Elixir of Kolus
Heart of Spirit
Essence of the Wisp
Crude Prismatic Parchment
Primal Draconic Material

Essence of the Wisp

Memory of the Wisp
Primal Draconic Material
Crude Prismatic Parchment

XI. Gem Hunting

Okay, so you’ve probably found pretty early on that there are three gems: green, blue, and red. You
acquire these gems from chests, monster drops, the arena, and thieves. Also high level equipment will
sell for gems instead of gold. Farming and selling high level gear is probably the best way of
accumulating gems, but for the majority of the game this isn’t possible. The next best way of collecting
gems is by defeating thieves:

a. Thieves

Information collected by Oranged; organized and updated by mortimernova

 People refer to them as "Thieves".

 They only come out at night in-game; you can tell it is night because it will be dark; in-game
time, night falls between 6PM and 6AM.
 They look like a red and black, masked NPC and will be wandering around.
 Once you talk to them you will be immedietely pulled into combat after a short dialogue so be
 An internet connection is required to spawn them (but online play is not required however it is
highly recommended if you're in a guild solely for the benefit to your guild).
 They can spawn at any level; even level 1 characters can battle them.
 They can spawn inside towns and out in the overworld but are really only "farmable" inside
 They can spawn in all the towns, including the basement of Norwind.
 They will only spawn once per town per game night.
 They spawn at random points inside towns, then they tend to migrate to some hard-to-see spots
like behind a tree, a building or a wall.
 Their chance to spawn over the course of the entire night is not high, but not that low either.
Estimates put it at 70% as no one has a real percentage here, just a feeling guess.
 You cannot save/reload to fight the same scoundrel again as it will disappear. That means their
spawn resets after reloading.
 The fight consists of 1 Scoundrel surrounded by 2 random Monsters.
 Difficulty/monster-level will scale to your level.
 The Scoundrel hits multiple times in one attack and will heal itself.
 The 2 Monsters' attacks and spells will match their counterparts.
 Upon defeating the Scoundrel, you will get 1 magical item and 1 Bag of Stolen Goods
 The Bag of Stolen Goods they drop can be turned in to the same monster-parts NPC by
campfires for blue gems, red gems, gold and exp.
 The levels of the Bags of Stolen Goods they drop are set to 5-level increments (e.g. - level
50/55/60/65) and are relative to your level until you pass the 5 level increment (e.g. - level 50
bag even if you are level 54, but level 55 bag once you are level 55).
 The amount of blue gems, red gems, gold and exp will scale with the thiefs level.
 Any magical items will be relative to the Bags level, not your level.
 High-level players "farm" them for their gems (for purchasing stat-seeds).
 Most recommend just staying in either Thundraka or Flinton because of the town's small size
making it easy and quick to search.
 Most recommend to just stay in one town the whole night and checking at 5am because it is
easier; this is commonly referred to as "the lazy method".
 You should save at 5pm in a small town such as Flinton, so that if a thief fails to spawn, you can
reload your game and try again.
 If you beat a thief and reload your game without saving and without cashing in the stolen goods,
call it a loss. The thief will not be back to fight again when you reload your save.
 If you get a message stating "some dynamic content could not be loaded" when you load your
save game, you will not see a thief that night. This means you need to find a wi-fi connection
and try again if you want to catch a thief.
 Spawn Tip: if you're determined to find one in one night, you can save the game at 5pm so you
can keep reloading to get them to spawn before the morning.
 Spawn Tip: you can catch more than 1 per night by going to different towns, ie. once you defeat
one at townA, then you teleport to townB and stake out until it spawns there. You could catch a
lot of thieves if you get LUCKY with quick spawns, letting you hop to other towns for more tries,
very rare though.
 Spawn Tip: if they spawn outside the town's movable area (e.g. - the areas without walkways in
Solace or you exit town when you approach the thief), sometimes you can get them to move to
an accessible spot by waiting for it to walk towards you, exiting and re-entering the town or
teleporting to another town (they will be in the same relative location and hopefully something
will not be blocking you in townB unlike townA).
 Farming Tip: you will want to take advantage of thief farming from level 80 to level 99 as they
suddenly get much much stronger at level 100+ as well as the fact that tome drops between
those levels can mostly be sold for blue gems and they change to primarily red gems after level
100 and trust me, you WANT and NEED blue gems).
 Rumor Control: even though teleporting to another town will autosave you, autosave doesn't
necessarily mess with the spawn as people have hopped from town to town to get a couple
thieves in the same night.
 MortimerNova's Method: Wait til 4AM, save your game, go to the menu, reload your save and
check along the top wall in Thundraka. He will be walking from the top-left corner to the right
and then will walk down. Sometimes he runs into a wall and gets stuck so I teleport to Flinton
and get him there. Sometimes there just is no thief. That's life. I personally have never seen
more than one thief in a single night. There have been rare occasions where I have seen no thief
that night and left Thundraka only to find him in the enemy-free zone hidden in the small forest
north-east of Thundraka. This is why I wait until 4AM instead of 5AM; it gives me time to leave
Thundraka and head there without it becoming morning so that I can fight him there. This
method is netting me a thief 70-80% of the time and I don't have to spend all night sitting
around when I could be grinding.

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