Is This Internet Is Safe???

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Name : Thakar Ami


 “INTERNET”, this is the most useable word in nowadays. But is this safe?? We know internet
is an amazing and with a stock of knowledge .But there are some dangerous things also
specially for kids and teenagers.
Let’s discuss about some danger things of using internet:

 In social media many times some death messages are viral that
after we read whole then we need to send it number of people
otherwise it’s not good for us to ignore this message so because of
that type of message a some persons go into stress in technical
word that called cyber bullying. Sending a hateful message
,spreading lies about them online making nasty comment on their
social networking profile these are including in cyber bulling.

 There are many sites on the internet in that and

anyone with a credit card at his disposal can enter
and get a illegal money that called Gambling.
Gambling is the wagering of money or some material
value on event with an uncertain outcome with the
primary intent of winning additional money or
material. And that type of website do not have any
 authentication methods so check your credit card
payments each month.

 People are crazy for take a safely and uploaded on to a

various social media even they uploaded same photos on
different social media with same caption!! It will be a
harmful not safe then one question arise that but if we
want to post then then you would post but after some
days of your trip , it’s all about that we have to use
internet safely, we have to use carefully.
 So we have to cared technology can’t do anything!!
 No ,technology can help to be use a safer internet .One software is available will be able to
monitor ,block and alert n your online activities .During our daily work some notification are
regularly arises (ex. porn film ,some advertises) so we will create some setting ,then we will
block that type of notification. Because every implements has it’s own properties as well as
drawbacks we have to choose a safe path for it.

.....Thank You.....

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