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A Miniaturized Lumped Element Directional

Coupler with Parasitics Compensation

Mina Wahib and A.P. Freundorfer

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, K7L 3N6, Canada

Abstract—This paper presents a miniaturized coupled line In this work, a miniaturized lumped element directional
directional coupler carefully designed in a lumped element con- coupler was carefully designed at 1 GHz where all the afore-
figuration. Due to the fact that all the parasitics (i.e. ohmic losses, mentioned parasitics were accounted for at different levels of
inductances and capacitances) were taken into consideration at the design process. Three different models were applied to help
different stages of the design process, this resulted in a measured understand the effect of parasitics and accordingly reduce it
response which is in very close agreement with the simulated
one. The measurements showed an input return loss and isolation
as much as possible. Those models are: an ideal model (i.e.
of 22.43 dB and 15.76 dB respectively at 1 GHz with a 10-dB no parasitics included), a Microwave model with first order
fractional bandwidth of almost 10.85%. The measured coupling parasitics taken into consideration, and finally a more accu-
and thru coefficients are 3.48 dB and 4.01 dB respectively at the rate EM (Electromagnetic) model with higher order parasitics
same operating frequency. These values agreed quite well with accounted for. Applying these different models led to a fast
the ones from the electromagnetic simulations. The reduction in and accurate compensation for the parasitics, which in turn
the measured thru coefficient is mainly due to the added losses resulted in a measured response in very good agreement with
of solders and co-axial connectors. A phase error of about 2.4◦ the expected EM simulated one. The final size of the whole
with respect to the expected 90◦ phase difference was noticed. circuit is very small, relative to its distributed counterpart, with
dimensions of 27×19.4×1.575 mm3 .
I. I NTRODUCTION The next section shows the adopted lumped element cir-
cuit model for the coupled line directional coupler. Generic
A quadrature coupler is a basic building block in various
formulas for each lumped element value are derived in terms
communication systems. It can be used as a power divider
of the fundamental characteristics of a coupled line coupler.
and a phase shifter at the same time to obtain the necessary
Afterwards, the physical implementation along with the EM
I/Q signals. However, the fundamental limitation of distributed
simulation results are shown. Finally, the design is fabricated
couplers is their frequency dependency. Generally for good
and the measured results are discussed in comparison to the
coupling performance, the length of a coupling section should
EM simulated ones.
be a quarter of a wavelength at the center frequency [1].
Therefore at low RF frequencies, this will yield quite large
dimensions which can not cope with the level of miniatur- II. L UMPED E LEMENT C OUPLER D ESIGN
ization electronic circuits have already reached. As a result The adopted lumped element topology [2] along with the
there is an increasing demand for size miniaturization. Many distributed one can be seen in Fig.1. Each of the lumped
researchers have already been concerned with the topic of components has an underlying physical meaning based on
coupler miniaturization as in [2-9]. Although many miniatur- the operational principle of the distributed coupler, where Ce
ization techniques are available, the lumped element approach represents the coupled electric fields and associated electrical
has proven to be one of the most effective techniques. The energy stored inside the dielectric substrate between the upper
coupled line coupler proposed in this paper is based on conductor strips at ports 1, 2, 3 and 4 and the ground plane. Co
this approach. Although this coupler does not employ any models the capacitively coupled electric fields between each
additional capacitive or inductive loadings, as in [2-5], it was two neighboring ports. As the current flows through any of
able to achieve good performance because of the parasitics the upper conductors, magnetic energy builds up and can be
compensation technique utilized. represented by Le . Some of this energy is magnetically coupled
to the other conductor and this can be modelled by the inductor
When designing a lumped element coupler, one has to keep
Lo . In all of the above mentioned elements, (o) stands for odd
in mind that practically achieving the required coupling ratio,
mode and (e) for even mode. Both Co and Lo can only be
input impedance matching, isolation and center frequency is
seen in the odd mode configuration; whereas the other lumped
not as easy as it might seem. There are lots of parasitic
components can be present in either mode, even or odd. This
ohmic losses, inductances and capacitances associated with
can be explained based on the even and odd mode analysis
the lumped components and the overall circuit layout, such
technique detailed in [1].
that one might get a response which is shifted from the
ideally simulated one [6,8]. Frequency shifts in the constructed After understanding what each lumped element actually
coupler could require manual tuning which would in turn result models, the next step would be to derive accurate generic
in increasing the product’s final cost. Therefore careful design formulas for each of those components in terms of the fun-
should be adopted when working with lumped element circuits. damental characteristics of a distributed coupler, namely even

978-1-4799-5341-7/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 2383

−ω0 tan(θ/2)Le + M + 2ω02 Z0o Le Co − Z0o
Lo = (4)
−2Co ω02 Z0o + ω0 tan(θ/2) − Z0o ω02 Ce


M = Z0o ω02 Le Ce (5)

Fig. 1: Adopted lumped element topology as mapped from the
distributed coupler structure.

Z0e and odd Z0o mode characteristic impedances, operating

frequency ω0 = 2πf0 and coupled section’s electrical length θ.
Fig. 2 shows the simple flow chart followed for the design of a
lumped element directional coupler with arbitrary requirements
(i.e. coupling ratio, center frequency and electrical length).

Fig. 3: Derivation steps to obtain an expression for Ce .

A lumped element coupled line directional coupler was

then designed at 1 GHz with an equal power division coupling
ratio (3-dB) between ports 2 (thru port) and 3 (coupled port).
Fig. 2: Simple flowchart followed for the design of a lumped Table I lists the ideal lumped element values at 1 GHz
element directional coupler with arbitrary specifications. calculated based on the above derived equations.

The above shown coupler, with its distributed and lumped

versions, has both vertical and horizontal planes of symmetry.
Therefore, the lumped element circuit along with the dis-
tributed one can be simultaneously analyzed using the even and
odd mode analysis technique to derive expressions for each of
the four aforementioned lumped components. All the deriva-
tions started by applying the horizontal plane of symmetry
(even or odd mode); and, then the vertical plane of symmetry
(even or odd mode) was utilized for further simplification.
In each case the input impedance of the distributed coupler The ideal response (i.e. with no parasitics) is first generated
in terms of the even or odd mode impedances, frequency based on the simple circuit model shown in Fig.1 using an
and electrical length is equated to the input impedance of ordinary ADS circuit simulator. This can be called an ideal
the corresponding lumped element equivalent in terms of the model. This model does not take into account the effect of
lumped element components. Fig. 3 briefly explains the three the surface mount lumped components and the interconnects
steps applied to derive an expression for Ce . All the other between them. Then some of the first order parasitics are
expressions were similarly derived, however the details are not taken into consideration by adding small sections of distributed
included here for the sake of brevity. The derived formulas for transmission lines that accounts for the physical dimensions of
the four lumped elements are as follows: the surface mount components and the interconnects between
them [6,8]. For this model, optimization is still done using
an ordinary circuit simulator. This can be called a Microwave
tan(θ/2) model. Due to the fact that this model is a first order one, it
Ce = (1)
ω0 Z0e still does not take into account the mutual coupling between
the different components of the circuit. Finally, the complete
coupler was EM simulated, using ADS Momentum, where
Z0e sin(θ) the aforementioned mutual couplings are accounted for in this
Le = (2)
2ω0 model. This is called an EM model. The structure shown in
Fig. 5 was initially EM simulated without the lumped elements
being there. Each lumped element was replaced by two discrete
ω0 Le + M tan(θ/2) − Z0o tan(θ/2) ports and then the EM simulation result was exported as
Co = (3)
−2Le tan(θ/2)ω02 Z0o a 24-port black box network which was then co-simulated

along with the practical inductors’ and capacitors’ values from
DigiKey [10] using the ordinary ADS circuit simulator. The
small value Lo of 0.33 nH was implemented using a short
conductor strip instead of using a physical lumped element as
can be seen in Fig.4. The substrate used was an FR-4 with a
thickness of 1.575 mm and r = 4.3.

Fig. 5: Final optimized EM simulated response.

and S21 of 3.67 dB. The measured phase difference between

the coupled and thru ports along with the transmission phase
Fig. 4: EM simulated coupler structure with the locations of for each port and the phase error, with respect to the expected
the lumped elements shown on the figure. 90◦ phase difference, can be seen in Fig. 8. A phase error
of about 2.4◦ is noticed. Since the soldered connectors of the
ports on the PCB are closely spaced, extra uncalibrated co-
Large number of grounding cavity VIAs were used to
axial extensions (see Figs. 6b and 6c) were used to measure the
define a good ground for Ce as can be seen in Fig. 4. The
S-parameters so that both the VNA cable and the 50Ω matched
final optimized EM simulated response can be seen in Fig.
termination (or another cable for the S21 measurement) could
5. The final optimized lumped element values are presented in
be placed simultaneously close to each other. These extensions
Table I. Due to the fact that most of the higher order parasitics
introduced losses and extra phase. Manual calibration was done
and mutual couplings were considered in the EM simulation
to cancel their effect. Where both ports of the VNA were
model, the value of Ce was reduced to compensate for the
connected together - with the extensions being there - and the
increased coupling capacitance through the gaps where the
added insertion loss and phase were estimated and removed
lumped capacitors - to ground - are to be placed. Moreover,
from the measured respective S-parameters that were affected
the value for Le was reduced as well to compensate for the
by their presence. The reduction in the measured value of the
added inductance associated with the added conductors that
thru coefficient is mainly because of the losses introduced due
formed the complete PCB. The value for Lo , in the final EM
to soldering and co-axial connectors that were not accounted
structure, can not be accurately calculated unless the small strip
for in the EM simulations. Moreover, the tolerance (5-10%) of
conductor was EM simulated separately to get an estimate of
the soldered lumped components introduced slight frequency
its value, however we should be expecting a value close to 0.3
shift of about 3.1 MHz and 11 MHz from the expected 1
GHz center frequency in the measured S11 and S31 responses
respectively. Overall, the measured results agree quite well
III. FABRICATED P ROTOTYPE AND M EASUREMENTS with the simulated ones. Table II summarizes the measured
The above designed coupler was fabricated at AP Circuits performance of the proposed coupler at 1 GHz. It’s worth
[11] and the final prototype can be seen in Fig. 6a. The design mentioning that the 1 GHz was chosen as a test frequency
could have been made even smaller than that, however the gaps to show the level of miniaturization one could reach at such a
were made a bit large to accommodate the 0603 surface mount low RF frequency.
lumped components. Otherwise the 0402 or 0201 components
would have been more difficult to solder to the PCB since IV. C ONCLUSION
all the components are populated in a very small area and
the required equipment is not readily available. The fabricated This paper presented a miniaturized lumped element direc-
prototype was measured using Agilent E5071C 2-port VNA tional coupled line coupler carefully designed by accounting
and the measured S-parameters are shown in Fig. 7. The for the different order parasitic effects. A three stage de-
measured input impedance matching and isolation are 22.43 sign process helped to understand the effect of parasitics in
dB and 15.76 dB respectively at 1 GHz with a 10-dB fractional a lumped element circuit and thus effectively compensated
bandwidth of about 10.85%. The coupling coefficient S31 is for them. This followed procedure resulted in a measured
3.48 dB and the thru coefficient S21 is 4.01 dB at 1 GHz. These performance in very good agreement with the EM simulated
measured values are very close to the simulated S31 of 3.8 dB one. The measured response has good input matching and

(a) Fabricated coupler prototype.

(b) S21 Measurement setup.

Fig. 8: Measured phase response.

(c) S31 Measurement setup.

Fig. 6: Fabricated prototype (a) and measurement setups for
measuring S21 (b) and S31 (c)

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[10] DigiKey : Accessed Jan. 27th, 2016.
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