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Brain's 4 Major Regions "Cerebrum, Diencephalon, Brainstem, Cerebellum"

the cerebrum is divided into two halves called the… left and right cerebral
each hemisphere is subdivided into 5 functional areas called… Lobes
Enumerate the 5 lobes of the brain "Frontal, Parietal, Temporal, Occipital,
Insular Lobe"
folds on the outer surface of the adult brain are called… gyri (gyrus)
shallow depressions between the folds of the outer surface of the brain are called…
sulci (sulcus)
How many pairs of Cranial Nerves are there? 12 Cranial Nerves
"Brain Tissue that contains motor neuron & interneuron cell bodies, dendrites, axon
terminals, and unmyelinated axons" Gray Matter
brain tissue composed primarily of myelinated axons or cell processes White Matter
external sheets of gray matter cover the surface of most of the adult brain called
the… Cortex
innermost clusters of gray matter within the masses of white matter are called…
cerebral nuclei or basal nuclei
account for 83% of brain mass The Cerebrum
deep grooves that separate the major regions of the brain Fissures
separates cerebrum and cerebellum transverse fissure
separates the cerebral hemispheres longitudinal fissure
separates the frontal and parietal lobes Central Sulcus of Rolando/ Rolandic
separates the occipital from the parietal lobe parieto-occipital sulcus
separates the temporal from parietal and frontal lobes Lateral sulcus/ Lateral
Sylvian Fissure
a lobe found deep within the lateral sulcus Insula
52 structurally distinct areas Broddman's Areas
large neurons of the primary motor cortex Pyramidal cells
descend through brainstem and spinal corn; contralateral corticospinal tract
two parts of the cerebrum Diencephalon & Telencephalon
central core of the cerebrum arise from here The Diencephalon
hemispheres of the cerebrum arise from here Telencephalon
deep midline sagittal fissure that contains falx cerebri and ant. Cerebral arteries
Median Longitudinal Fissure
connects the hemispheres across the midline corpus callosum
happens when the basal nuclei are damaged hypokinetic movement or Parkinsonism
components of the Corpus striatum "caudate, putamen, globus pallidus"
components of the lentiform nucleus putamen & globus pallidus
hollow spaces in the brain ventricles
fiber tracts (long axonal processes) supplied by the circle of willis Internal
Capsule (ant and post. Limb)
paralysis of 1/2 of body Hemiplegia
weakness of 1/2 of the body Hemiparesis
ascend through the spinal cord to the brain spinothalamic tract
it communicates with the third ventricle thru interventricular foramen/Foramen of
Monroe; C-shaped Lateral Ventricles
components of the basal nuclei "corpus striatum, amygdaloid nucleus,
fibers that connect corresponding regions of two hemispheres commissural fibers
fibers that connect various cortical regions within the same hemisphere
association fibers
afferent and efferent nerve fibers passing to and from the brainstem to the entire
cerebral cortex projection fibers
communicates with the fourth ventricle thru cerebral aqueduct of sylvius Third
communicates with the spinal cord thru Foramen of Luschka and Magendie Fourth
"hemisphere with more control over language abilities, math, and logic" Left
Cerebral Hemisphere
"hemisphere with more control over visual-spatial skills, reading facial
expressions, intuition, emotion, artistic and musical skills" Right Cerebral
superior to the internal capsule; fibers run to and from the cerebral cortex Corona
the globus pallidus arises from this paleostriatum
the caudate nucleus and putamen arise from this neostriatum

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