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To hit the target, you first need to find your own centre

“Wake up every morning with determination and go to bed with Satisfaction”!!

Just like every other person, I was also under the impression that sports and studies don't go
hand in hand. One can be either good in studies or sports. Often people have warned me about
the pitfalls of stepping into these two different boats, but what I feel is that with the kind of
concentration and dedication we sportsmen have, nothing in this world is impossible. In fact,
in my journey of life and learning, I realized the importance of time management. Just like
one has to study the whole year for the final exams, Sports also demand the same dedication.
The key is time management. In a day, we have lots of time and if one starts enjoying studies
as well as sports, goals will be achieved eventually.
The utmost important thing is to eliminate the thought of having any pressure. Move step by
step towards whatever you do. Don't think about the future or how it will unfold. What is there
for you will only come in its own time and so rather than worrying or increasing your
expectations about something, let it flow in its original direction towards you, at its own time...
And who knows something greater might be waiting out there for you. We as humans always
tend to see a smaller picture and can't see the bigger picture of life but there is always a greater
force working for each one of us. So believe in it and let yourself evolve in every direction
possible. Life is full of surprises and it will always amaze you without fail once you trust it.
Here are some tips to balance academics and sports:
 Plan & Prioritize
 Devote time for systematic studying.
 Avoid putting yourself under stress.
 Seek for help when in need.
 Have good amount of fun always.
 Surround yourself with positive thoughts

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