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Normal Structure and Function of Musculoskeletal Tissues

Bones as structures and bone as an organ


1. Anatomical structures
a. Provide rigid framework for the trunk and
b. Locomotor function
c. Protect vulnerable viscera
2. Physiological organ
a. Hemopoietic tissue (RBC, granular leukocytes,
b. Reservoir of Ca, Phosphor, Mg, Na.

Embryonic development of Bones

Mesoderm forms a mesenchyme, a diffuse cellular tissue that

pluripotent, differentiates into many connective tissue such as bone,
cartilage, ligament, muscle, tendon, fascia.


a. Endochondral (primary center)  replacement of cartilage

b. Intramembranous  perichondrium becomes periosteum

6th month of embryonic development  resorption central part of the

long bone results in the formation of medullary cavity, tubulation.

At the time of the birth  distal femoral epiphysis forms the secondary
center of ossification, provides growth in the length of the bone.

2. Normal Structure and Function of Musculoskeletal Tissues 1

Short bones (ex. Carpal bones) are developed by endochondral
ossification  length

Skull bones & clavicle are developed by intramembranous ossification

 width

Warning: thalidomide and rubella infection affect the bones


Endochondral ossification (Growth in length):

a. Articular cartilage (only in short bones)

b. Epiphyseal plate cartilage

Epiphyseal plate cartilage, provides growth of the metaphysis and

epiphysis, maintain the balance with 2 process:

1. Interstitial growth of the cartilage plate  make bone thicker,

moving away the epiphyseal plate from metaphysis
2. Calcification  death and replacement of cartilage on
metaphyseal through endochondral ossification

Zones in epiphyseal plate:

1. Resting cartilage
2. Young proliferative cartilage
3. Maturing cartilage
4. Calcifying cartilage

Hormonal control of the longitudinal bone growth: Growth hormone

a. produce insulin-like growth factor in the liver

b. Thyroxine
c. Sex hormones  post-pubertal growth spurt
d. Glucocorticoid  inhibition of growth, ex. Cushing syndrome

As the epiphyseal plate growth farther away, metaphysis should

remodeled continuously through deposition of osteoblast and
osteoclastic resorption.

2. Normal Structure and Function of Musculoskeletal Tissues 2

Wolff’s law (cortical thickening on the concave site):

1. Positive bone balance (child, stress): deposition > resorption

2. Negative bone balance (elderly): resorption > deposition

Anatomical structures: Histological structures:

a. Long / tubular bones, 1. Immature
e.g. femur bone/nonlamellar/woven/fiber
b. Short / cuboidal bones, 2. Mature bone/lamellar:
e.g. carpal a. Cortical/compacta/dense
c. Flat bones, e.g. scapula b. Cancellous/spongiosa/trabe

! in children, fracture heals faster than adult because the covering

periosteum is thick and loosely attached to the cortex and it produces
new bone readily.

Blood supply to the long bone:

1. Afferent vascular system:

a. Metaphyseal arteries: 2/3 inner cortex
b. Periosteal arteries: 1/3 outer cortex
2. Efferent vascular system: conveys venous blood
3. Intermediate vascular system: capillary within cortex

Direction of blood flow: centrifugal from medullary cavity to periosteum.

Immature bone: first type of bone, never seen under normal condition
after 1 year. Exception: fracture healing, reaction to an infection, tumor.

Mature bone: haversian system/osteon, permit vascularization.

Cancellous bone has eight times greater surface area than cortical

Biochemistry of bones:

1. Organic substances: 30%

2. Inorganic substances: 60%
3. Water: 10%

2. Normal Structure and Function of Musculoskeletal Tissues 3

Organic substances: Bone cell & matrix (collagen, noncollagen)

Inorganic substances: Ca, phosphorus Na, Hydroxyl, carbonate,


Enzymes: Bone alkaline phosphatase(produce matrix), produced by


Ca & Phosphorus (Hydroxyapatite crystal) metabolism: regulate by 3


1. Active metabolites of vitamin D

2. PTH
3. Calcitonin

Metabolically active tissues for those hormones: bones, kidney,


Total Ca plasma: 9.0 – 10.4mg/100mL ( ½ Ca2+ , ½ albumin binded)

Pi plasma adult: 3mg/100mL

Pi plasma child: 5mg/100mL

PTH actions:

 secretion stimulated by hypocalcemia

 reabsorps bones and resorps Ca from renal tubule
 inhibits Pi resorption from renal tubule
 stimulate 1,25 (OH)2D

Calcitonin actions:

Produce by thyroid gland

stimulated by hypercalcemia
inhibited by hypocalcemia
decrease bone resorption, surpress osteoclastic activity
(th/ of Paget disease and osteoporosis)

2. Normal Structure and Function of Musculoskeletal Tissues 4

Vit D metabolites actions:

 increase absorption of both Ca and Pi from intestine

 mobilize Ca from bone
 elevate Ca plasma
 stimulated by hypoCa, HypoPi, PTH

2. Normal Structure and Function of Musculoskeletal Tissues 5

Joint and Articular Cartilage

Joint = simple junction between 2 / more bones


1. Syndesmosis: bound together by fibrous tissue, e.g. skull

2. Synchondrosis: bound together by cartilage, e.g. epiphyseal
3. Synostosis: obliteration of joint becomes bony union. Some
Syndesmosis and synchondrosis unite became this.
4. Symphysis: covered by hyaline cartilage & joined by
fibrocartilage and strong fibrous tissue. Ex: intervertebral
Less movement, more stability
5. Synovial joint: covered by hyaline cartilage, joined by fibrous
tissue capsule enclosing a joint cavity that contains synovial
fluid. Free movement, less stability

Once cartilage is damaged, its ability to heal is so limited, results

inevitably in progressive degenerative arthritis.

Anatomical structure:

 The convex surface always > concave, thus provide gliding

 Articular cartilage has rubber consistency, also called hyaline
(frosted glass).
 Lubricated by mucin (hyaluronate) fluid.
 Synovial membrane
 Menisci

Histological structure:

 Has no vessels, nerve.

 Matrix consist of 70-80% water, 10-15% collagen, 10-15%
 Proteoglycan “glue” collagen together

2. Normal Structure and Function of Musculoskeletal Tissues 6

 Chondrocytes produce proteoglycan and collagen, respond to
active / passive motion, substances such as growth factor,
interleukins, and drugs.
 Chondrocytes get nutrient from synovial fluid.

Bone and cartilage, similarity and differences:


 Derived from mesenchym

 Have cells embedded in lacuna and have matrix


Bone: Cartilage:
 Collagen type I  Collagen type II
 Highly vascular  Poorly vascular
 Matrix are calcified

Structure and function of synovial membrane:

 Consist of 2 layers: outer, inner.

 Inner layer: produce macrophages, hyaluronate
 Great surface area (because of enormous numbers of villi)

Synovial fluid:

Dyalisate of plasma
Clear, yellowish, vicous fluid
Contain glycoprotein and lubricant hyaluronic acid
Nourishing and lubricating joint
Adult: <5mL
Also contain in synovial burse and tendon sheath
Total cell count < 200/mL, predominantly MN macrophages &
No fibrinogen  that’s way it won’t clot

2. Normal Structure and Function of Musculoskeletal Tissues 7

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