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Forces Notes

Resultant Forces

1 For each of the following diagrams:

a calculate the unbalanced force
b say if the direction of the force is to the right, left, up or down.

2 The movement of a car before a force acts is written underneath the diagrams below.
Say what will happen to each car when the forces are acting. Choose your answers from:
‘stay the same speed’, ‘accelerate’ or ‘decelerate’

3 Match the following sentence halves and write out the correct sentences.

When a force acts on an object . . . . . . the object will remain stationary.

If no force acts on a stationary object . . . . . . the object will decelerate.
If a force acts in the opposite direction to the . . . the object will accelerate in the direction
movement of an object . . . of the force.
If no force acts on a moving object . . . . . . the object will continue at a steady speed.

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