The Aceh Oil and Gas Management Agency

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The Aceh Oil and Gas Management Badan Pengelola Minyak dan Gas Aceh

Agency (BPMA) said Repsol had obtained (BPMA) menyatakan Repsol telah
approval from the Ministry of Energy and mengantongi persetujuan dari
Mineral Resources (ESDM) for the Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya
extension of the Andaman III Block Mineral (ESDM) untuk perpanjangan
exploration period. BPMA Deputy of masa eksplorasi Blok Andaman III.
Operations and Planning Teuku Deputi Operasi dan Perencanaan BPMA
Muhammad Faisal said the extension Teuku Muhammad Faisal mengatakan,
was given for two years. perpanjangan tersebut diberikan selama
dua tahun.
"The obligation to make a joint account "Kewajiban membuat joint account dan
and performance bond has been carried performance bond sudah dilakukan,
out, now all that remains is to prepare sekarang tinggal mempersiapkan
the drilling plan," said Faisal. rencana pengeboran," kata Faisal.
For information, currently Repsol has Sebagai informasi, saat ini Repsol
100% participation rights in the memiliki hak partisipasi sebesar 100%
Andaman III Block. KONTAN Note, BPMA pada Blok Andaman III. Catatan
discovered the potential of oil and gas KONTAN, BPMA menemukan potensi
reserves in the Andaman III Block after cadangan migas di Blok Andaman III
a seismic survey was carried out by setelah dilakukan survei seismik oleh
Repsol as manager of the block. Repsol selaku pengelola blok tersebut.
Acting Head of BPMA Azhari Idris said, it Plt Kepala BPMA Azhari Idris bilang,
still needed drilling to prove the potential masih perlu dilakukan pengeboran demi
reserves in Andaman III Block. membuktikan potensi temuan cadangan
di Blok Andaman III
The Aceh Oil and Gas Management Badan Pengelola Minyak dan Gas Bumi
Agency (BPMA) said Repsol Indonesia Aceh (BPMA) menyatakan Repsol
was looking for partners to work on the Indonesia sedang mencari mitra untuk
Andaman III Block. menggarap Blok Andaman III
Repsol is currently still exploring in the Repsol kini masih melakukan eksplorasi
oil and gas block which is estimated to di blok migas yang diperkirakan memiliki
have a gas potential of 3-4 trillion cubic potensi gas 3-4 triliun kaki kubik (Trillion
feet (Trillion Cubic Feet / TCF). Cubic Feet/TCF).
BPMA Deputy of Operations and Planning Deputi Operasi dan Perencanaan BPMA
Teuku Muhammad Faisal said Repsol Teuku Muhammad Faisal mengatakan,
saw that they could not work on the Repsol melihat bahwa mereka tidak bisa
Andaman III Block themselves. menggarap Blok Andaman III sendiri
Therefore, the Spanish oil and gas Oleh karena itu, perusahaan migas dari
company plans to release part of its Spanyol itu berencana melepas sebagian
Participating Interest (PI) ownership in kepemilikan hak partisipasinya
the block to find partners. (Participating Interest/PI) di blok
tersebut untuk mencari mitra.
"Actually there is more that they are “Sebenarnya ada lagi yang mereka
working on, namely partners to share PI, kerjakan, yakni mitra untuk share PI,
they are proposing. One of the mereka sedang mengajukan.
candidates is Petronas, "he said. Kandidatnya salah satunya Petronas,”
Currently Repsol holds 100% PI in the kata dia. Saat ini Repsol memegang
Andaman III Block. 100% PI di Blok Andaman III.
Repsol is still carrying out exploration Repsol masih melakukan kegiatan
activities in the Andaman III Block. eksplorasi di Blok Andaman III
Referring to BPMA data, in 2017-2018, Mengacu data BPMA, pada 2017-2018,
Repsol has conducted several Repsol telah melakukan beberapa
exploration activities, namely acquisition kegiatan eksplorasi yakni akuisisi dan
and processing of 3D seismic data pemrosesan data seismik 3D seluas
covering 3,670 square kilometers (km2). 3.670 kilometer persegi (km2).
In addition, Repsol has also procured Selain itu, Repsol juga telah melakukan
long lead items needed for operations. pengadaan untuk barang-barang long
lead item yang dibutuhkan untuk
kegiatan operasi.
Kini, Repsol sedang melakukan Now, Repsol is making preparations for
persiapan untuk pengeboran Sumur drilling the Rencong IX Well
Rencong IX
BPMA, continued Faisal, has given a BPMA, lanjut Faisal, telah memberikan
recommendation for an extension of the rekomendasi perpanjangan masa
exploration period of the Andaman III eksplorasi Blok Andaman III selama dua
Block for two years. tahun
However, he said, the extension of this Namun, dikatakannya, perpanjangan
exploration period still had to wait for masa eksplorasi ini masih harus
approval from the Minister of Energy and menunggu persetujuan Menteri Energi
Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif. dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arifin
According to him, the additional Menurut dia, tambahan masa eksplorasi
exploration period was given so that ini diberikan agar Repsol dapat
Repsol can continue drilling wells. melanjutkan kegiatan pengeboran
The extension was even longer than Perpanjangan yang diberikan bahkan
Repsol's request, which was only around lebih lama dibandingkan permintaan
one year. Repsol yang hanya sekitar satu tahun.
Because the regulator has an interest so Pasalnya, regulator berkepentingan agar
that exploration activities in the kegiatan eksplorasi di Blok Andaman III
Andaman III Block can be completed. itu dapat diselesaikan.
"Repsol can be a maximum of two years, “Repsol bisa maksimum di dua tahun,
seeing their preparations in the past melihat persiapan mereka di tahun
year and this year. They are optimistic kemarin dan tahun ini. Mereka optimis
indeed, asking for a year is enough, memang, mintanya setahun cukup,
[but] instead of not completing the [tetapi] daripada tidak selesaikan
regulator also hassle, "explained Faisal. regulator juga yang repot,” jelas Faisal.

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