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EPSO Test - AST Level - Volume 1

Copyright © 2016 Training4EU Team


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1 About Practice
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Copyright © 2016 Training4EU Team

About | Numerical Reasoning EPSO Tests

In the form of multiple-choice this test requires data interpretation and mathematical
calculations. Using information presented through tables and graphs, you will be re-
quired to draw conclusions and calculate changes within these data sets. Basic mathe-
matical skills such as percentages, arithmetic operations, and ratios must be reviewed
prior to taking the test. There are 10 numerical reasoning questions in a competition,
and the allocated time is 20 minutes.


10q makes

There are 10 numerical reasoning questions in a competition, and the allo-

cated time is 20 minutes. Visit our e-learning web site and start practicing:

Success Tips Failure Mistakes
Prepare well Not preparing for the format of the test

Know the test format Advance fear of the test

Make use of a rough paper, marker Worrying about the past

and a calculator.
Obsession with test score
Be focused
Obsession with accuracy
Read the statements carefully – Make
sure you have clearly understood what Using poor question solving strategy
is wanted from the statement.
Not reading the entire statement
Budget your time – Allow maximum
two minutes per question Not using a calculator

Avoid stupid mistakes Marking the wrong answer

Check unit measurements Insufficient preparation

Round up or down the values given for

easier calculations

Revise if time allows it

Practice, practice, practice.

Practice makes perfect

6 Great features
Online training
No expiration limit or date for the tests for the sample tests
Self-enrollment, no personal data are extracted
Yes, it helps you practice at your own pace
You can retake the quiz as many times as you want
You can review the quiz and check each question your answer
First make sure that you can answer correctly the questions regardless
the time
Then keep in mind the time, you must on time also!!

2 How to Navigate Practice
makes perfect

Copyright © 2016 Training4EU Team

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with any other third party company. Note that our e-learning site (test version

Step 1 | Create new account
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Step 2 | Self-enrollment
For self-enrollment first select the course -1- and then click on “Enroll me in this
course” -2-. Now you are ready to practice through our sample tests -3-.

Step 3 | Select the test

Select a test, with or without time limit -1- and start your practice -2-.


Step 4 | Answer the questions

Using a short paragraph of text on virtually any topic, this test requires to choose from
4 answer options the one that fully matches the statements in the original text. There
is always only one correct answer because other options may contain insufficient infor-
mation or false statements. So, read the data -1-, understand the question -2-, select
the answer -3- and press the button “Next” -4- to move to the next question. Don’t for-
get the time limit -5-, if you have selected.

Step 5 | Check your score

You just answered the last question and you are ready to see the number of questions
you answered correctly -1- . You can navigate between questions -2- and you can
check the correct answers -3-. If you want to finish the review just click the button “Fin-
ish review” an the end of this page.


Step 6 | Re-attempt & keep track

You can re-attempt the any test one more time -1- and you can keep track of your pro-
gress -2-.


Step 7 | Grades
You can keep track of your grades -1-. Training4EU will issue from time to time new
tests and you will be informed to take place, along with e-learning material for improv-
ing yourself.
3 Sample Test
AST Level
makes perfect

Copyright © 2016 Training4EU Team

Q1 - In 2005, what was the difference between average annual government
spending on the three sectors in Finland and in Denmark?

A. 400 000

B. 600 000

C. 1 600 000

D. 900 000

Q2 - What is the difference between the average electricity price (excluding
taxes) for countries B and D on the one hand and countries C and E on the

A. 1.50 euros

B. 1.45 euros

C. 1.00 euro

D. 3.55 euros

Q3 - In 2005, 7 000 000 more farmed animals were sold in Germany than in
2004. In 2005, 10 000 000 farmed animals were exported. How many farmed
animals were sold on the German domestic market in 2005?

A. 28 413 000

B. 21 413 000

C. 18 413 000

D. 20 413 000

Q4 - In the European Union, how many newly diagnosed cases of AIDS in
2003 were women?

A. 1 288

B. 1 610

C. 4 830

D. 5 000

Q5 - What was the difference (in absolute terms) between energy consump-
tion in 2000 and in 2002?

A. 2 100

B. 1 200

C. 1 800

D. 2 300

Q6 - Physical attacks are divided into fatal and non-fatal attacks. The number
of fatal attacks recorded in Belgium in 2004 (32 240) was 4 % higher than in
2002. How many non-fatal attacks were there in Belgium in 2002?

A. 356 000

B. 294 050

C. 294 000

D. 326 290

Q7 - In 2002, what was the difference between French crude oil imports from
the North Sea and imports from the Near East?

A. 4 million tonnes

B. 5 million tonnes

C. 6 million tonnes

D. 8 million tonnes

Q8 - If average annual government spending for these three sectors in Aus-
tria was  36 000 000 in 2004, what was the percentage increase in this figure
between 2004 and 2005?

A. 0,15

B. 0,1

C. 0,05

D. 0

Q9 - In 1995 in the European Union, the number of fires of which the known
cause was negligence was half as many as the number of fires of which the
known cause was criminal. In how many cases was negligence the known
cause of a fire in the European Union in 1995?

A. 11 100

B. 12 000

C. 16 650

D. 22 200

Q10 - What was the difference, in absolute terms, between France and Italy
in the amount of state funding for development in 2003?

A. In Italy the state invested 7 billion euros more than France.

B. In Italy the state invested 1.83 billion euros more than France.

C. In Italy the state invested 21 billion euros more than France.

D. In Italy the state invested 50 billion euros more than France.

1-D 900 000 6-C 294 000

2-A 1.50 euros 7-A 4m. tonnes

3-D 20 413 000 8-C 0,05

4-B 1 610 9-A 11 100

5-A 2 100 10-C 21b euros

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