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Cannulated Screw Fixation

Principles and Operative Techniques

New York
Hong Kong
Santa Clara
Stanley E. Asnis, M.D. Richard F. Kyle, M.D.

Screw Fixation
Principles and Operative Techniques
With 190 J1/ustrations

Stanley E. Asnis, M.D. Richard F. Kyle, M.D.
Department of Orthopaedics Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Cornell University Medical College University of Minnesota
Hospital for Special Surgery Chairman
New York, NY 10021; and Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
North Shore University Hospital Hennepin County Medical Center
Manhasset, NY 11030, USA Minneapolis, MN 55404, USA

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Cannulated screw fixation: principles and operative techniques /

(edited by) Stanley E. Asnis, Richard F. Kyle.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN -13: 978-1-4612-7503-9 e- ISBN -13 :978-1-4612-2326-9
DOl: 10.1007/978-1-4612-2326-9

1. Bone screws (Orthopedics) 2. Internal fixation in fractures.

I. Kyle, Richard F. II. Asnis, Stanley E.
(DNLM: 1. Bone Screws. 2. Fracture Fixation, Internal-methods.
HE 185 T3553 1996)
RD103.I5T49 1996
for Library of Congress 96-10770
Printed on acid-free paper.

© 1996 Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.

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ISBN -13:978-1-4612-7503-9

To Elaine, the most talented individual whom I have ever

known. A person with the amazing ability to bring out the
best in anyone who was lucky enough to know her. You are
the one to whom lowe everything. Elaine, you will always be
my best friend, my most beautiful rose, my true companion.
With all my love, now and forever,


Bone screws are among the oldest means of cal experience and techniques of experts of fix-
internal fixation for fractures. Despite the con- ation in the different anatomical areas. The
tinual use of these amazing machines, our knowledge of internal fixation is rapidly grow-
understanding of the mechanical principles of ing. It is our goal to give the reader an update
the screw-bone complex in fracture care is still on the understanding of cannulated screw fixa-
limited but rapidly growing. Chapters 1 and 2 tion principles as well as specific clinical tech-
reexamine the principles of screw biomechanics niques. The clinical chapter authors give their
as well as the characteristics of the materials and preferred screw systems and procedures; how-
techniques used to manufacture screws. ever, they realize that there are many variations
With the advent of improved radiographic that can be successfully employed. The ortho-
techniques, image intensified fluoroscopy, and paedic surgeon is encouraged to apply those
computed tomography, the surgeon can better basic principles of cannulated screw fixation
understand the fracture that he is presented with that apply to each specific case and use his ini-
and plan appropriately. With a cannulated screw tiative to best fix the fracture. This will help
system and intraoperative fluoroscopy, the sur- to improve our skills and increase our knowl-
geon can frequently limit his exposure and still edge of this old but most-challenging field of
obtain very accurate screw placement. Chapter medicine-fracture care.
3 deals with the radiation to the patient and
physician and methods to minimize exposure. Stanley E. Asnis, M.D.
The remainder of this book gathers the clini- Richard F. Kyle, M.D.


For the last decade, cannulated screws have sulted in increased postoperative pain and a
crept quietly into a place of prominence and greater risk of infection and nonunion. The suc-
utility in contemporary orthopaedic surgery. cess of operative arthroscopy has opened a new
Despite their pivotal role as an adjunct to the era of minimally invasive surgery. In compar-
new minimally invasive surgery, they have not ison to open arthrotomies, the use of multiple
been formally recognized as have their cousins small incisions for arthroscopy portals has led to
-the plate, intramedullary nail, and external rapid patient recovery and lower complication
fixator. Dr. Stanley E. Asnis pioneered the de- rates. Continued improvement in image intensi-
velopment of cannulated screws for the fixa- fication and development by manufacturers of a
tion of femoral neck fractures in the early 1980s wide array of cannulated screws has permitted
and has worked steadily to expand the indica- many fractures that previously required open
tions and perfect the technique for their use. The surgery to be fixed percutaneously. Reduction
thoroughness and detail of this reveal his high of fractures can be achieved with radiographic
level of scholarship book and focused exper- control and provisionally fixed with the cannu-
tise. The text begins with a group of chapters lated screw guide wire. Because the cannulated
on materials, manufacturing, biomechanics, and screw is inserted over the guide wire, the sur-
radiation safety. The remainder of the chapters face area of bone that must be stripped of soft
cover individual anatomic areas and pathologic tissue need only be slightly larger than the
entities, where cannulated screws can be em- diameter of the screw.
ployed to great advantage. Comprehensive sci- Manufacturing steps necessary to produce the
entific discussions and extensive technical infor- cannulated screw make them ten times more
mation contained in the text are complimented expensive than an equivalent screw without
by numerous excellent illustrations. Dr Asnis cannulation. Use of this more expensive implant
and an experienced group of contributors pro- is more than justified if it allows a patient to be
vide formal recognition for the now well- treated with minimally invasive surgery. As cost
established technique of cannulated screw fixa- reduction of medical care is now a national pri-
tion by bringing together its many technical ority, it is incumbent on surgeons to avoid gra-
nuances under a single cover. tuitous expenses in implant selection. The use of
Along with the arthroscope and image inten- cannulated screws during open reduction, which
sifier, the cannulated screw has been a major affords broad exposure of bone fragments, is
facilitator of minimally invasive surgery. In the not warranted. Fixation can usually be accom-
past, screw fixation of fractures usually required plished by traditional methods that employ
extensive surgical exposure of bone fragments provisional Kirschner wire fixation and standard
and substantial soft tissue stripping. This re- lag screws. Read carefully, the information in

x Foreword

this book can steer orthopaedic surgeons to the

proper indications and correct use of this new

Bruce D. Browner, M.D.

Gray-Gossling Professor,
Department of Orthopaedics
University of Connecticut Health Center
Director of Orthopaedics
Hartford Hospital

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Foreword by Bruce D. Browner.. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . ix
Contributors ........................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii

1 Materials and Manufacturing of Orthopaedic Bone Screws ... ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

lens ]. Ernberg and Stanley E. Asnis

2 Biomechanics of Cannulated and Noncannulated Screws. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 15

Allen F. Tencer, Stanley E. Asnis, Richard M. Harrington, and lens R. Chapman

3 Fluoroscopic Procedures in Orthopaedics: Radiation Exposure of Patients

and Personnel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
W. Gordon Monahan

4 Intracapsular Hip Fractures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Stanley E. Asnis and Richard F. Kyle

5 Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Stanley E. Asnis

6 Acetabular Reconstruction with Allografts Utilizing Cannulated Screws. . . . . . . . . . . 87

Bruce A. Seideman and Stanley E. Asnis

7 Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

Dana C. Mears

8 Cannulated Screws for Pelvic Fractures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

David L. Helfet and Neel Anand

9 Internal Fixation of Sacral Fractures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163

David C. Templeman and Paul l. Duwelius

10 The Knee: Tibial Plateau Fracture Reduction Techniques Utilizing

Cannulated Screw Fixation.. . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. . 170
Paul l. Duwelius and David C. Templeman

11 The Knee: Arthroscopic Surgery with Cannulated Screw Fixation 189

Robert E. Schwartz
xii Contents

12 Use of Cannulated Screws in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction ......... . 206

Nicholas A. Sgaglione

13 Ankle Fractures ......................................................... . 225

Stanley E. Asnis and Mathias P. G. Bostrom

14 Composite Fixation for Juxtaarticular Fractures ............................... . 241

Lon S. Weiner and Eric C. Mirsky

15 Ankle Arthrodesis ....................................................... . 260

Arthur K. Walling and Brian J. Padrta

16 The Foot ............................................................... . 268

Charles N. Cornell

17 The Spine .............................................................. . 280

Robert A. McGuire, Jr.

18 The Shoulder ........................................................... . 290

David M. Dines, Stanley E. Asnis, and Alexandra Page

19 Fractures About the Elbow ................................................ . 303

Jesse B. Jupiter

Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319

Nee! Anand, M.D.

Senior Clinical Associate, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Cornell University Medical College,
Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY 10021, USA

Stanley E. Asnis, M.D.

Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Cornell University Medical Col-
lege, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY 10021; and North Shore University Hospital,
Manhasset, NY 11030, USA

Mathias P.G. Bostrom, M.D.

Senior Clinical Associate, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Cornell University Medical College,
Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY 10021, USA

lens R. Chapman, M.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Washington, Harborview
Medical Center, Seattle, WA 98104-2499, USA

Charles N. Cornell, M.D.

Associate Professor of Surgery, Cornell University Medical College, Hospital for Special Surgery,
New York, NY 10021, USA

David M. Dines, M.D.

Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Cornell University Medical Col-
lege, Director, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, NY
11030, and Hospital for SpeCial Surgery, New York, NY 11021, USA

Paul]. Duwelius, M.D.

Assistant Professor, Division of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Oregon Health Sciences Uni-
versity, Portland, OR 97201-3098, USA

lens I. Ernberg, M.S.

Design Engineer, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York,
NY 10021, USA

Richard M. Harrington, M.S.

Research Engineer, Department of Orthopaedics and Biomechanics, University of Washington,
Harborview Medical Center, Seattle WA 98104-2499, USA

xiv Contributors

David L. HelJet, M.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Cornell University Medical College,
Director, Orthopaedic Trauma, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY 10021, USA

Jesse B. Jupiter, M.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Harvard Medical School, Director,
Orthopaedic Hand Service, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA 02114, USA

Richard F. Kyle, M.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Minnesota, Chairman,
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Hennepin County Medical Center Minneapolis, MN 55404,

Robert A. McGuire, Jr., M.D.

Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS 39216,

Dana C. Mears, M.D., Ph.D.

Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of West Virginia,
Shadyside Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA 15232, USA

Eric C. Mirsky, M.D.

Senior Orthopaedic Resident, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Mount Sinai School of Medi-
cine, New York, NY 10021, USA

W. Gordon Monahan, Ph.D.

Director of Medical Physics, Department of Radiology, North Shore University Hospital, Man-
hasset, NY, 11030, USA

Brian J. Padrta, M.D.

Foot and Ankle Fellow, Tampa Orthopaedic Program, Tampa, FL 33617; and Northwest Orthopae-
dic and Fracture Clinic, Sacred Heart Doctors Building, Spokane, WA 99204, USA

Alexandra Page, M.D.

Clinical Associate, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Cornell University Medical College, Hos-
pital for Special Surgery, New York, NY 10021, USA

Robert E. Schwartz, M.D.

Clinical Instructor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Cornell University Medical College, North
Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, NY 11030, USA

Bruce A. Seideman, M.D.

Clinical Instructor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Cornell University Medical College, North
Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, NY 11030, USA

Nicholas A. Sgaglione, M.D.

Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Cornell University Medical Col-
lege, North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, NY 11030, USA

David C. Templeman, M.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Minnesota, Hennepin
County Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN 55415, USA
Contributors xv

Allen F. Tencer, Ph.D.

Research Engineer, Department of Orthopaedics and Biomechanics, Harborview Medical Center,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98104-2499, USA

Arthur K. Walling, M.D.

Director, Tampa Orthopaedic Program, and Head, Section of Foot and Ankle Surgery, Florida
Orthopaedic Institute, Tampa, FL 33617, USA

Lon S. Weiner, M.D.

Chief of Trauma, Department of Orthopaedics, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, NY 10021, USA
Materials and Manufacturing of
Orthopaedic Bone Screws
Jens J. Ernberg and Stanley E. Asnis

Brief History of Metallic of applications. As a result, metallurgical studies

performed during the better part of the nine-
Materials Used in Orthopaedic teenth century concentrated on iron and chemi-
Applications cally engineered iron alloys.
Early microscopic studies revealed that iron
Reports of the use of metal implants in the existed in a number of chemical phases depend-
reduction and fixation of human bone frac- ing primarily upon temperature conditions. Sim-
tures date as far back as the late eighteenth ilarly, steel was observed to undergo a com-
century. Procedures were performed in a non- plete change in phase when hardened. During
sterile operating environment, consequently these early studies, metallurgists invested con-
putting the patient at an extremely high risk of siderable time tabulating the properties of a
postoperative infection. The implants consisted great number of the alloys with respect to
primarily of wires and pins used to assist bone phase, microstructure, and chemical composition.
fracture healing. Metallurgical techniques such In association with alloy categorization, Josiah
as alloying (the introduction of impurities to Gibbs developed a graphical method depicting
metal substrates to enhance their properties) had the dependency of the microstructural phase on
not been discovered at that time. Instead, mate- temperature and chemical constitution.
rials including iron, silver, gold, and platinum X-ray diffraction was introduced as a method
were used in their "pure" states. Unfortunately, for crystal analysis by Lawrence Bragg in 1912.
these metals proved to be inadequate both in Subsequently, metal structures that had pre-
terms of mechanical strength and chemical sta- viously been described on a microscopic level
bility when introduced into the highly corrosive could be studied at an atomic level. Crystal or-
in vivo environment. ganization and grain boundary interfaces were
With the rapid evolution of chemical analysis extensively researched. Simultaneously, mathe-
a great number of newly identified metals were matical models that described properties such as
soon introduced. Impurities of different con- strength, ductility, and elasticity emerged. Labo-
cenrations and chemical configuration were dis- ratory mechanical testing methods to validate
covered in ores of the same metal originating these models were established and standardized.
from alternate sources. Chemists and metallur- As a result, metallurgists were able to correlate
gists alike began to understand that the constit- material properties and failure mechanisms with
uents of these metal mixtures determined their crystal orientation and imperfections in the crys-
chemical, physical, and mechanical character- tal structure.
istics. In the period between 1920 and 1950, re-
In 1786 a number of investigators indepen- search in orthopaedic materials concentrated pri-
dently confirmed that steel consisted of an alloy marily on developing and manipulating alloys to
of iron containing carbon. Due to the abun- conform with the stringent requirements set by
dance of natural iron ore deposits, steel and the in vivo environment. Stainless steel alloys
iron became increasingly popular for a variety remained the material of choice for most
2 1. Materials and Manufacturing of Orthopaedic Bone Screws

orthopaedic applications largely due to strength iron alloys (stainless steels), cobalt alloys, and
considerations. Corrosion, however, was a sig- titanium alloys.
nificant concern particularly when steel was
implanted with other metallic materials. Stain-
less steel plates were shown to disintegrate
when fixed to the bone with nickel alloy screws. Definitions
In the early 1900s, a number of orthopaedic
surgeons experimented with a variety of mate-
rials, analyzing tissue reactions and material dis- Alloys: Alloys are materials composed of two
solution. Stainless steel alloys containing nickel or more elements, one of which is a metal.
and chrome were observed to perform favor- Alloys of the same metal containing different
ably over other stainless steel mixtures. quantities and types of elements will have
Despite few research efforts toward develop- different physical, mechanical, and chemical
ing new alloys, Vitallium, a cobalt based alloy, properties.
was introduced to the orthopaedic commu- Bar stock: The material from which a product
nity in 1929. Vitallium demonstrated excellent is to be fabricated is termed stock material. To
mechanical strength and remained surprisingly reduce the number of material removal opera-
inert when implanted into the body. Titanium, tions that need to be performed on the part,
which proved to be remarkably resistant to cor- the geometry of the stock material should as
rosion when used in underwater installations, closely as possible approximate the final prod-
was also labeled as a promising contender for uct shape. Stock material is generally provided
implantation. Titanium was first tested in in bars of Simple geometry: rectangular bars,
vivo in 1947 and showed encouraging results. cylindrical bars, rectangular blocks, etc. Bar
Unfortunately, pure titanium was not strong stock is the consolidated term for raw mate-
enough, and further alloying was required rials provided in bar configurations.
before it could be used successfully in high-load Boring: Boring can be described as internal
applications. turning. It is a machining operation that is
In recent years metallurgical research in used to produce internal cylindrical or coni-
orthopaedics has focused on the development cal surfaces. Tools used in boring are called
of new materials rather than trying to modify boring bars.
existing metals. Unfortunately, materials re- Brittle: Materials that allow little or no plastic
search is expensive and it is difficult to econom- deformation before rupture are termed brittle.
ically justify the development of new materials Broaching: Broaching is a machining process
for relatively small markets such as orthopaedic that is comparable to sawing except the cut
implants. Therefore, many of the materials cur- is performed in a single pass of the broach.
rently used have come from developments made The broach is the consolidated term for the
in other, more cash-intensive, industries. Tita- tools used in broaching. Generally broaches
nium alloys, for example, were first used by are used in the machining of noncircular
the aerospace industry because of their high holes, slots, and other recesses of geometry
strength-to-weight ratio. Nevertheless, great that may be difficult to produce with other
advances have been made in orthopaedic mate- machining processes. The geometry of the
rials research; surgeons and design engineers are broach is the inverse geometry of the surface
presently faced with an enormous variety of that is to be machined and consists of cutting
implantable materials to choose from. Many teeth that run the full length of the tool. Each
materials have been manipulated chemically and row of teeth, which spans the full periphery
mechanically to perform appropriately depend- of the tool, is set slightly higher than the
ing on the environment in which they are row that precedes it; the amount of material
implanted and on the function that they are removed by each row of teeth equals the dif-
expected to perform. The most commonly used ference in tooth height between two succeed-
metal alloys in orthopaedic implants today are ing rows. The broach is translated relative to
J.J. Ernberg and S.E. Asnis 3

the work, or in a single stroke to produce the to produce round holes in a material. The
final surface. tools employed in drilling are known as drills
Casting: Products that are produced by pour- or drill bits and consist of cylindrical shafts
ing a chosen material in its liquid state (usually with helical flutes spanning the length of the
molten metals) into a cavity are said to be cast; tool body. The flutes act as a channel for
the process is commonly termed casting or the removal of chips produced at the cutting
molding. The tools used in casting are the site. The drill nose generally consists of two
inverse geometry of the final product and sharp cutting flutes that are the sites for chip
are known as casting dies. One advantage of removal.
the casting process is that a number of time- Ductile: A material that is able to resist exten-
consuming and costly machining operations sive plastic deformation or elongation with-
can be avoided. Similarly, materials that may out fracture is known as a ductile material
be difficult to machine due to material hard- (antonym: brittle).
ness, for example, can be produced through Elastic behavior of a material: Materials that
casting. return to their original shape once applied
Cold working and hot working: The external forces are removed from them are
mechanical strength or resistance to plastic said to behave elastically.
flow of most metals can be enhanced by first Elastic modulus (Young's modulus): When
deforming the metal plastically by a certain loads that do not exceed the yield strength of
amount. If this deformation, otherwise known an elastic material are applied to a structure,
as working of the material, occurs at a tem- the strain seen in the material is directly pro-
perature higher than the material's recrystalli- portional to the stress (Hooke's law). The
zation temperature, the operation is known as proportionality constant is known as the elas-
hot working. If the deformation is performed tic modulus or Young's modulus of elasticity.
below the recrystallization temperature, the The slope of a curve plotting the stress in the
operation is known as cold working. material against material strain (in the elastic
Cutting tool: Cutting tools perform the region of the material) is equivalent to the
actual material removal. The cutting tools are modulus of elasticity.
mounted in the machine tools that control the Endurance: The ability of a material to resist
movement of the former with respect to the cyclic loading without failure is known as
workpiece. endurance or resistance to fatigue. The endur-
Deflection rate: Deflection rate is the speed ance limit or fatigue strength of a material may
at which deformation of a material is taking lie well below the materials yield strength.
place. Fatigue: Fatigue is the term used to describe
Die: Die is the consolidated term used to the degradation of the mechanical properties
describe a tool that represents the inverse of a material as a result of repeated loading
geometry of the final product. In casting, for and unloading. Fatigue limit is the load at
example, the cavity in which the molten metal which a material, when subjected to repeti-
alloy is poured is the inverse geometry of the tive loading, will fail after a specified num-
final product and is known as a casting die. ber of loading cycles (fatigue limit is usually
In screw thread manufacturing a die cutter is determined in a laboratory test where the
a tool that resembles a nut, where the inter- fatigue strength is the stress at which the
nal threads are the inverse geometry of the material will resist ten million loading cycles
threads that are to be produced. The threads without failure). Fatigue failure is material
in the die consist of sharp cutting edges that rupture as a result of repetitive loading.
get progressively deeper along the length of Feed: The feed is the amount of material that
the nut to facilitate material removal. The is removed with every passage of the cutting
final threads in the die are the exact inverse tool over a workpiece.
geometry of the desired thread configuration. Forging: Forging is a process whereby a metal
Drilling: Drilling is a cutting operation used is worked in the plastic region of the stress-
4 1. Materials and Manufacturing of Orthopaedic Bone Screws

strain curve for the material via locally applied permanent deformation upon removal of the
compressive forces. Loading is performed by load.
manual or power hammers, presses, or other Powder metallurgy techniques (P/M): Pow-
specially designed machines. The structure is der metallurgy is a process where finely pow-
essentially deformed into the desired config- dered materials of desired concentration are
uration. Generally forging applies to hot- blended, pressed into the product shape under
working processes where the deformations are the application of considerable pressure, and
performed at temperatures higher than the re- finally sintered or heated. The heating tem-
crystallization temperature of the material. perature is generally lower than the melting
Grinding: Grinding is abrasive machining. point of the more important constituents of
Material removal is performed by small cut- the powder blend. The mixture is heated until
ting edges on abrasive particles embedded in the surfaces of the particles bond and the de-
the surface of the tool. Another example of sired material properties are achieved. The
abrasive machining or grinding is sandpaper- product is less likely to contain the defects
ing. Grinding is often used to machine hard consistent with casting or cold/hot working
materials that are difficult to cut with conven- techniques. The composition of the powder
tional tools. determines the mechanical and chemical prop-
Hardness: Hardness is the resistance to per- erties of the final product.
manent indentation of a material when a static Strain: When external loads are applied to a
or dynamic load is applied to it. Material structure the material is deformed. This defor-
hardness is difficult to determine, and there mation is termed strain. Strain is a measure of
are a number of experimental tests that try to the change in length of an object as a result of
explore material hardness. Other definitions an applied load divided by the object's origi-
that may appear in the literature are resis- nal length (strain is a dimensionless number
tance to wear, energy absorption during im- and is frequently expressed as a percentage).
pact loading, resistance to scratching, and Stress: To resist external loads applied to a
resistance to cutting or drilling. structure, internal forces are produced. Stress
Machining: Machining is the general term is the force or load being transmitted divided
used to describe material removal from a core by the cross-sectional area transmitting the
stock to produce a final product of specified load [units are pounds per square inch (Eng-
geometry and surface finish. lish) and megapascals or newtons per square
Milling: Milling is a basic machining process millimeter (51)].
in which material is removed by feeding the Tap: Cutting an internal thread by means of a
workpiece into a rotating cutter or by hav- multiple-point cutting tool is known as tap-
ing the rotating cutter advance into a sta- ping. The tool used to produce the threaded
tionary workpiece. The cutter generally con- hole is called a tap. The tap is essentially the
sists of multiple cutting teeth and material can inverse geometry of the internal thread to be
thereby be removed at high rates. Milling machined where the threads consist of sharp
provides good surface finish characteristics. cutting edges. To ease machining, the threads
Passivation: Passivation is the formation of on the tap increase gradually in height up
carefully controlled oxides on the surfaces of to the desired thread depth. The amount of
metals to prevent electrochemical degradation material removed with every revolution of
or corrosion of the material in vivo. The the tap is the difference in heights between
oxide surfaces are generally produced by sub- two successive rows' thread cutters.
merging the metal in an acidic sofution. Passi- Toughness: Toughness is used to describe
vation is routinely performed on all metal the work per unit volume that is required to
orthopaedic implants. fracture a material. If one performs a tensile
Plastic deformation: When an elastic mate- test (tensile loading of a specimen of known
rial is loaded beyond its yield strength, plas- geometry to establish mechanical properties
tic deformation occurs. The material retains of the material) and plots the load versus
J.J. Ernberg and S.E. Asnis 5

deformation of the material, the area under (yield strength). If loads that exceed the yield
the graph up to the fracture of the material strength of the material are applied to the
will be equivalent to the fracture toughness. structure, the stress will no longer be propor-
Turning: Turning is a machining operation tional to the strain.
used to produce external and internal cylin-
drical or conical surfaces. The workpiece is
rotated about the central axis of the cylin- Metals Used in Orthopaedic
der to be machined and the cutting tool is Bone Screws
advanced into and fed longitudinally along
the workpiece. A conical surface will be pro- Orthopaedic bone screws are now most com-
duced if the cutting tool is fed at an angle to monly manufactured in alloys of two metals:
the axis of rotation as the work is advanced titanium and stainless steel. Of the stainless
longitudinally. steels, 316L and 22-13-5 are the most frequently
Ultimate tensile strength: When a structure used alloys. Ti-6Al-4V is the titanium alloy of
. of elastic material is subjected to tensile loads choice and is currently used in multiple ortho-
(forces that cause tension in the material), the paedic applications. Cobalt alloys are generally
material will behave elastically to the yield tough to machine due to their hardness. Their
point of the material. Beyond this point plas- high cost also makes it difficult to support their
tic deformation will occur. The ultimate ten- use economically, despite the potential benefits
sile strength of a material is the stress at that the material may provide (Table 1.1).
which the material ultimately ruptures.
Work-holding device: The device that is
used to hold the workpiece in the machine
Stainless Steel
tool while a machining operation is being per- Stainless steels have been used in orthopaedics
formed is known as the work-holding device. since they were first discovered in the 1700s.
An example of a work-holding device is a Unfortunately the early alloys demonstrated
vise. poor resistance to corrosion, and rusting of the
Workpiece (also known as the work): The implants was not uncommon. When alloyed
core material from which a part of specified with chromium, however, a corrosion-resistant
geometry and surface finish is to be fabricated oxide film develops naturally on the implant
is termed the workpiece or the work. surface. The film is impervious to aggression by
Yield strength: In an elastic material there is body fluids, thus protecting the implant from
a stress limit at which the material ceases to dissolution. Chromium is generally added in
deform elastically. The stress in the material moderation due to high cost and its tendency to
at the elastic limit is known as the yield stress harden the material.

TABLE 1.1. Specifications of metals used in bone screws.

Ultimate tensile Fatigue strength

Young's modulus Yield strength strength (MPa) 10 million
Material (GPa) (MPa) (MPa) cycles

ASTM 316L 195 250 (hf) 550(hf) 379-414 (ci)

Stainless steel 310 (cw) 655 (cw) 414-448 (cw)
ASTM 22-13-5 193 827 (hf) 1,069 (hf) 414 (hf)
Stainless steel 993 (cw) 1,262 (cw) 483 (cw)
Titanium alloy 110 795 985 520

ci, cold forged; cw, cold worked; hf, hot forged.

6 1. Materials and Manufacturing of Orthopaedic Bone Screws

Passivation is a process whereby the implant 4V, is currently the most widely used titanium
is submerged in acid for cleaning purposes fol- alloy. Pure titanium is fairly weak. Ductility and
lowing machining. This procedure enhances the yield strength can be controlled over a consid-
formation of the protective oxide film. Passiva- erable range by varying the oxygen content of
tion is performed routinely with all implanted the metal. Titanium is relatively inert and effec-
metals. tively resists the corrosive in vivo environment.
American Standard for Testing and Materials Titanium has an elastic modulus that is
(ASTM) F138 and F55, known as 316L stainless roughly half of that of cobalt chrome and stain-
steel, are ductile steels commonly used in ortho- less steel. It has low ductility and can fail by
paedics including bone screws. The 316 steels brittle fracture. Nevertheless, the vanadium adds
are generally casting alloys (produced by mix- strength to the titanium, and its high strength-
ing the elements included in the alloy in their to-weight ratio make it an attractive option for
molten state followed by casting into bars) many orthopaedic applications.
composed of approximately 18% Cr, 15% Ni,
and 3% Mo; the remaining fraction consists of
iron. Screw Manufacturing
The ASTM 22-13-5 stainless steel is an iron
alloy containing approximately 22% Cr, 13% To fully understand the steps involved in the
Ni, and 5% Mo. It is stronger than 316 and is manufacturing of orthopaedic bone screws, a
frequently used in forging where ductility com- review of the fundamentals of machining is nec-
bined with high ultimate tensile strength is essary. The general machining terminology and
desired. Nickel and molybdenum are the princi- the various material removal operations that
pal components that provide additional strength may be employed during screw production will
to this alloy. Chromium is added for corrosion- be described.
resistance purposes. Machining is the general term used to de-
Stiffness of stainless steel remains relatively scribe the removal of material from a core stock
unchanged for almost all alloys. Yield strength, to produce a final product of specified geometry
ultimate strength, and endurance (resistance to and surface finish. The orthopaedic industry is
fatigue), on the other hand, are largely deter- regarded as being particularly machining inten-
mined by chemical composition. Small changes sive. Essentially all metallic orthopaedic im~
in the concentration of one component of the plants are subjected to some form of machining
alloy may lead to significant alteration in during their production life. The machining
mechanical strength. Material strength can be operations may involve simple low-precision
further adjusted through mechanical manipu- cosmetic cleanup of castings or forgings, but
lation of the material at room temperature (cold could also include material removal operations
working), or at slightly elevated temperatures such as drilling, turning, or milling requiring
(hot working). Hence, steel alloys have a partic- tight tolerances.
ularly wide range in strength. When compared Although machining in its broadest sense has
with other alloys used in orthopaedic implants, existed since early man, it was not until the
stainless steels have moderate yield strengths, dawn of the industrial era that considerable
yet demonstrate high ductility even after con- research was invested toward a better under-
siderable cold working. Their low cost also standing of the mechanics of material removal.
makes them popular. These efforts were rewarded with staggering
progress in production efficiency, yet the pro-
cess of material removal at the level of the metal
Titanium Alloys chip remains poorly understood. Models used
Titanium alloys were introduced relatively to describe the chip removal process are often
recently to the orthopaedic community. There- simplified and are based on major assumptions.
fore, only a few alloys are available on the mar- Essentially, metal cutting can be described as a
ket. ASTM F136, commonly known as Ti-6Al- localized shearing process of considerable strain
J.J. Ernberg and S.E. Asnis 7

(deformation) carried out at a very high deflec- formed. Similarly, suggested feed rates and cut-
tion or strain rate. This relatively unconstrained ting depths for common operations have been
process is unique and lacks parallels in other charted by the large cutting tool and machine
areas of materials engineering, making it difficult tool manufacturers.
to model accurately. The process is further com- The material properties of the workpiece are
plicated by the number of variables that are an important consideration when determining
introduced with the choice of work piece mate- the setup parameters for the machining oper-
rial, tool material and geometry, temperature fluc- ation. Materials of higher strength, for example,
tuations, and ambient operating conditions. Thus require greater work input for material removal.
the science of chip formation and surface gen- These materials also cause greater tool and
eration is one of high complexity that extends workpiece deflection, resulting in increased heat
beyond the scope of this chapter. generation from frictional forces. The heat, in
The workpiece, popularly termed the work, is turn, can affect surface finish, machining pre-
the core material from which the final product is cision, and tool life expectancy. Similarly, if
to be machined. The workpiece is mounted on a the material contains abrasive or harder con-
machine tool, which is the consolidated term for stituents, such as the carbides in steels, accel-
machines used in cutting and material removal erated tool wear may result. Also, ductile
processes. Work-holding devices are used to materials that allow extensive plastic deforma-
hold the work in the machine tool during the tion before rupturing require an increased work
machining operation. These work-holding de- input for material removal and generate consid-
vices are often custom produced to accommo- erable frictional heat. Ductile materials produce
date the particular part that is being manufac- long chips that remain in contact with the tool
tured, and the specific operation that is being for an extended time. Consequently, additional
performed. The actual machining of the mate- friction and temperature elevation can occur,
rial is performed by the cutting tool. Standard which may be detrimental to the life expectancy
cutting tools of different geometry and material of the cutting tool.
configurations are available on the market. As The cutting tool is one of the most important
with the work-holding devices, tools can be components in the machining process. With
custom manufactured when unusual geometry increased computer and robot control of mate-
is specified. The cutting tools are mounted on rial removal operations, requirements on tool
the machine tool. Material removal is performed precision and reliability have escalated. Some of
by translating the work relative to the cutting the largest advances in the machining industry
tool, moving the cutting tool with respect to over the last decades have been in the develop-
the material, or a combination of the two. ment of new cutting tools. A wide variety of
The important parameters set by the machine tools with different material properties, perfor-
tool operator during manufacturing include mance capabilities, and cost are currently avail-
speed, feed rate, and cut depth. The speed refers to able on the market. Cutting tool choice depends
the relative velocity of the cutting tool with on a number of parameters, including the mate-
respect to the workpiece. The feed rate, which is rial properties of the workpiece, the character-
the increment the tool is advanced with every istics of the product being machined (geometry,
pass over the material, determines, together specified surface finish, etc.), machine tool capa-
with the cut depth, the volume of material that bilities (structural rigidity, horsepower, etc.), and
is removed during each tool pass. These vari- the available support systems (sensors, skilled
ables are largely dependent upon the material machine tool operator, etc.). The tool is fre-
being machined, the ambient conditions, and the quently the limiting factor in the machining
machining operation being carried out. Gen- operation. Cutting speed, feed rate, and cutting
erally the cutting speed is deduced from a stan- depth are often determined by the material
dard chart that lists suggested tool speeds with properties of the cutting tool. Rates of material
respect to the cutting tool material, the work removal must be maintained at a low-enough
material, and the specific process being per- level to allow for an extended tool life expec-
8 1. Materials and Manufacturing of Orthopaedic Bone Screws

tanCy. Currently, the most commonly used cut- Taylor in the early 1900s. The process involves
ting tool materials are high-speed steels (HSS) the administration of copious amounts of fluid
and cemented carbides. to the material removal surfaces. The fluid is
Cutting tools are subjected to severe operat- commonly termed cutting fluid and serves mul-
ing conditions where temperatures may exceed tiple purposes. Taylor demonstrated that cutting
1000 Celsius. Therefore, some of the desirable
0 rates could be more than doubled, while main-
characteristics for cutting tools include high taining the same tool life expectanCy, when
hardness; favorable resistance to abrasion, cut- water was pumped to the cutting site. The cut-
ting edge chipping, and wear; high toughness; ting fluid acts as a coolant for both the work-
high hot hardness; strength to resist bulk defor- piece and the cutting tool, thus contributing to
mation, inertness, or low affinity with work maintenance of tool hardness and dimensional
material; adequate thermal properties; and high control. The fluid also reduces friction at the
stiffness. There are a large variety of tool mate- cutting surface, again preventing excessive tem-
rials that meet the requirements set by the perature escalation. Similarly, the fluid acts as a
JIlachining process. The tool materials vary con- method of transportation, to guide the metal
siderably in composition and cost depending on chips away from the cutting site. A considerable
the properties of the workpiece to be machined amount of energy used in the cutting process
and the operation being performed. Harder is converted to heat. The majority of the heat
materials with high wear resistance are more generated is transferred to the chip. Therefore,
difficult to machine and require tougher, more the chip removal function performed by the
expensive tools. Tool material hardness and cutting fluid further assists in cooling the area
resistance to wear can be controlled by adding immediately surrounding the cutting site.
different concentrations of elements to the bulk In summary, there are a number of variables
material of the tool. Molybdenum, vanadium, that the designer and manufacturer must be
cobalt, tungsten, and chrome can be added to aware of when developing a product. The
iron to improve strength and resistance to wear, object geometry, specified surface finish, and
for example. Fabrication of tools made from required tolerances will determine the appro-
these materials is challenging and they are gen- priate sequence of machining operations that
erally cast, wrought (hot or cold worked), or must be performed to create the product from
sintered using powder metallurgy techniques. a bar of stock material. Once the operation
The sharp cutting edges can then be perfected order has been defined, the parameters for each
with multiple grinding operations. Aside from machining step need to be established. These
HSS, cast cobalt, carbides, ceramics, diamond, parameters include tool speed, feed rate, and
and cubic boron nitrides are commonly used cutting depth, which together govern the rate of
materials in tooling. In some cases the cutting material removal. Material removal rate is, in
portion of the tool is coated locally with harder, tum, largely dependent on the properties of the
more abrasion-resistant, and more chemically cutting tool, the design and model of the ma-
inert materials. chine tool, and the tolerance requirements for
In addition to improving the strength and the cut being made. If the cut is a preliminary
resistance to wear of the tool material, tool roughing cut, the precision level is minimal and
geometry plays an important role in machining. large material removal is limited only by the
The shape of the tool determines the mechanical quality of the tool and the material properties of
advantage that it has over the work and the the workpiece. In high-precision cuts material is
ability of the tool to shear off material. The removed in smaller increments, making certain
geometry of the tool is a science requiring a tool accuraCy is maintained and the surface pro-
good understanding of material shear planes, duced is within the specified tolerances. A pro-
tool forces, deflections, and chip formation, fuse amount of cutting fluid is usually delivered
which is beyond the scope of this chapter. to the cutting site. This can be done either man-
An important method for extending tool ually or by an automated pumping mechanism.
life expectanCy was first described by Frederick The purpose of the fluid is to reduce friction,
J.J. Ernberg and S.E. Asnis 9

maintain temperature levels at a reasonable level used processes when machining external cylin-
for extended tool life expectancy, and transport drical or conical surfaces. The operation consists
the severed metal chips away from the cutting of rotating the workpiece, while the cutting
area. edge of a tool is advanced into the material,
perpendicular to its axis of rotation. As the tool
contacts the workpiece, the process of material
Machining Operations in removal is initiated. At the same time the tool is
Screw Manufacturing displaced longitudinally, parallel to the axis of
rotation of the piece, removing a layer of mate-
There are seven commonly used methods of rial along the length of the work. When taper
material cutting: shaping, turning, milling, drill- geometry is turned, the tool is translated at an
ing, sawing, broaching, and grinding (abrasive angle to the axis of rotation of the work. Turn-
machining). Of these, turning, drilling, broach- ing is a single-point cutting operation, meaning
ing, milling, and grinding are applied in the that the material is being removed at a single
manufacturing of orthopaedic bone screws. The site (at the tool's cutting edge). The machine
following sections discuss the steps involved in tool used to perform turning operations is
screw production in chronological order. The known as a lathe.
method of material removal is described briefly The cylindrical bar stock is turned to the pro-
and different methods of performing each oper- file geometry of the screw. The screw head is
ation are explored. machined to the appropriate dimensions and the
Bar stock is the initial material from which the shank behind the thread is turned to design
screw is manufactured. Almost all machined specification (length and diameter). The segment
metals are alloys of one form or another and are of the screw body that will ultimately be
cast, rolled, or drawn into rods, bars, sheets, or threaded is machined to the outer diameter of
other geometric configurations. Manufacturers the screw threads. The turning operation also
try to ensure that the stock material closely cuts the bar stock to the appropriate screw
approximates the final geometry of the product, length. The resulting cylinder of varying diame-
since removed material automatically goes to ter is popularly called a blank (a screw without
waste. Similarly, if the stock geometry is close threads).
to the final product shape, fewer material
removal operations are required to finish the
piece. Lead times, material costs, tooling costs,
and costs associated with the setup of machin- Once the screw blank has been machined, the
ing operations including tool changes can be geometry for accepting the driving element is
reduced through a wise choice of initial stock produced. Hexagonal or other multiple edge
geometry. driving elements are generally used for the
For screw manufacturing, the stock material is insertion of orthopaedic bone screws. These
generally purchased in cylindrical rod form. The allow controlled insertion with high surgical
rod diameter coincides with or closely approx- precision.
imates the largest diametric dimension of the For odd-shape geometry holes and counter-
screw being produced. Therefore, the stock bores, such as hexagonal driving element re-
geometry generally corresponds to the screw cesses, broaches are commonly used. Broaches
head diameter. It is advisable to inspect stock are not unlike the trial rasps used to clear out
material for quality assurance as it is brought the proximal geometry of the femur in non-
into the shop from outside vendors. cemented total hip replacement procedures. The
broach tool is the inverse geometry of the pro-
file that is to be machined and is composed of a
series of cutting teeth evenly distributed along
Turning is the first operation performed on the its length. Each level of teeth is set slightly
cylindrical rods. It is one of the most commonly higher than the previous one and material is
10 1. Materials and Manufacturing of Orthopaedic Bone Screws

removed at an increment equal to the height

difference between two successive rows of cut-
ting teeth. For shallow counterbored holes such
as those produced to accept driving elements,
cutting teeth are unnecessary and the tool func-
tions as a punch. The tool represents the exact
geometry of the hexagonal screwdriver where
the edges have been sharpened. The recess is
produced by a combination of shearing and
plastic deformation. The problem encountered
during this process is the removal of chips gen-
erated during the cutting process. These can be
compressed into the bottom of the counter-
bored hole and they interfere with the proper
machining and shaping of the recess for the
FIGURE 1.1. The gun dri II is used to cut the
cannulation into the screw blank. It has cutting
A counterbore hole or drill hole of diameter edges and itself is cannulated to allow for cool-
approximately equal to the distance between ing fluids to be transported to the cutting sur-
opposite flats in the hexagonal recess is bored face.
or drilled into the screw head prior to perform-
ing the broaching operation. (Boring is a turning
operation used to machine internal cylindrical Cannulations are produced by a special type
and conical surfaces.) The depth of the hole is of drilling operation known as gun drilling. Most
the specified depth of the driving element drilling operations performed in a machining
recess. The entrance of the drill hole is cham- setting are carried out using a long, relatively
fered to facilitate centralizing of the broach in flexible tool with two cutting edges (flutes)
the hole. The chamfer also helps the surgeon (Figure 1.1). Cutting occurs within the work-
engage the driving element into the screw dur- piece and the chips generated are transported
ing surgery. The counterbore hole reduces the from the cutting surface though helical flutes
removal work that needs to be carried out by that extend along the length of the drill bit
the broach and provides a void where chips body. Drilling is a high-friction operation gen-
generated during broaching can migrate to. The erating substantial heat. This is supplemented
hexagonal broach cuts six vertices concentric by the hot, newly removed chips that are trans-
with the circular hole, converting the hole to a ported from the site at a relatively slow rate.
hexagonal recess. Feeding cooling fluids to the cutting surfaces is
difficult, as it must be done against the flow of
chip expulSion. Drilling deep holes becomes
Gun Drilling particularly arduous as the high temperatures
Many orthopaedic screws used today are can- tend to dull the drill and reduce precision. In
nulated. The cannulation allows the surgeon addition to heat generation, drift of the drill bit
to pass the screw over guide pins that pre- is not uncommon during the machining of deep
determine the screw's path. Some companies use holes. The result is loss of concentricity and
hollow stock to manufacture cannulated bone hole straightness.
screws and are subsequently able to avoid the Gun drills or deep hole drills were developed
machining step involved in producing central especially for the creation of deep holes with a
cannulation. It is difficult, however, to appre- high level of precision. The drills are designed
ciate hole concentricity and straightness when with a central channel through which cooling
buying hollow stock from vendors; most com- fluid can be administered to the cutting site. The
panies prefer to handle this sensitive step in the fluid helps to maintain temperatures at a reason-
machining of bone screws themselves. able level and accelerate the exportation of the
J.J. Ernberg and S.E. Asnis 11

chips along the external flute on the drill bit. that the material is cold or hot worked during
The drills are also produced in stiffer mate- the process, thereby increasing the material's
rials that discourage drifting of the drill and yield strength. Similarly, the probability of pro-
subsequent loss of concentricity. Gun drilling ducing local stress risers through material under-
also produces holes of finer finish than tradi- cuts or scratching is greatly reduced. Rolling
tional drilling. It is, however, a relatively time- does require very ductile materials, however,
consuming process. and the process is rarely used in the production
For screws produced with a central cannula- of orthopaedic bone screws.
tion, the cannulation is machined immediately Casting is used very rarely in the production
after the broaching of the driving element of threaded components. It may be an attractive
recess. solution for the production of bio-resorbable or
plastic screws.
Cutting is by far the most common method
Machining of Screw Cutting Flutes
of material removal in the manufacturing of
in Self-Tapping Bone Screws threaded components in the orthopaedic indus-
The next step in screw production involves try. Thread cutting can be divided into a num-
orthopaedic screws designed for self-tapping. ber of different categories and manufacturing
Self-tapping screws are produced with sharp methods may vary considerably. Threads can be
cutting flutes at the leading end of the threaded cut through turning, milling, or grinding oper-
portion of the screw. The flutes are milled into ations, or by using cutting dies.
the thread blank. The intent of the flutes is to
cut through the bone and facilitate screw inser- Thread Turning
tion. Tapping is the process of cutting internal There are some basic requirements when thread
threads into a material. Pretapping of the bone geometry is machined on a lathe. First, the
is performed when bone screws are used to pre- tool must be accurately shaped and properly
pare the bone to accept the screw threads. This mounted in the machine tool, as thread cutting
is advantageous in cortical bone, but may not be is a form-cutting operation (Figure 1.2). Form
necessary in cancellous bone. Tapping may
reduce the torque needed to place the threads
through dense cortical bone, but in cancellous
bone it may decrease the ultimate holding and
compressive power of the screw. Flutes are also
milled into the opposite end of the thread blank.
These are called reverse cutting flutes, which
allow the thread to cut its way out of the bone
after fracture healing.

Thread Machining
There are a number of methods that are used to
produce external threads on screws. These
include cutting, rolling, and casting. Rolling is
by far the most common method of mass pro-
duction of screw threads for machine applica-
tions. Rolling involves forming the threads by FIGURE 1.2. Two separate lathe tools are dem-
forcing the material through die wheels. The die onstrated. The one on top is a cutting edge
wheels replicate the desired thread geometry. mounted on a boring bar. It is used on a lathe to
As the material is pushed through the dies, the cut internal threads. The bottom instrument is a
thread geometry is created mechanically from cutting tool used on the lathe to cut external
the screw blank. One advantage of rolling is screw threads.
12 1. Materials and Manufacturing of Orthopaedic Bone Screws

cutting means that the cut produced is entirely the workpiece and multiple cutting teeth contad
determined by the geometry of the tool used the workpiece surface. The workpiece is simul-
and its position in the machine tool relative to taneously translated relative to the tool. Hence,
the workpiece. Second, the tool must be able to two feed rates may be specified: one feed rate
advance longitudinally, parallel to the axis of specific to each cutting edge of the tool and
rotation of the workpiece. The machine operator one overall feed rate of the tool relative to the
will specify the increment that the tool travels workpiece. In thread manufacturing, the milling
for every revolution of the workpiece. This tool consists of cutting edges mounted on an
translation determines the lead of the screw annulus concentric to the workpiece. The cut-
(the amount the screw will advance with every ting edges are mounted at an angle to the trans-
revolution). The initial step in thread turning, verse plane of the cylinder; this allows the lead
therefore, is to choose a tool that reproduces to be cut. The tool is first moved in to the
the geometry of the thread. The tool is then specified thread depth. The workpiece is then
brought to the surface of the workpiece, and a rotated through the full thread length of the
first pass of the tool over ffie material is carried screw. As with thread turning, milling is a form-
out. A scratch depiding the path of the tool is cutting operation that requires the tool to be
thereby etched on the surface of the workpiece; corredly mounted with resped to the work-
the machine tool operator is able to check piece. The tool geometry must also accurately
whether the machine is set up corredly. Gradual replicate the thread geometry.
increments of material can then be removed Thread milling can also be performed with a
with each passage of the cutting tool until the tool that replicates the exad geometry of one
desired geometry is achieved. The final passes thread. The tool has several cutting edges of the
are performed with very little material removal same geometry. During the milling operation
for fine surface finish with a high level of pre- the tool is translated along a helical path, .which
cision. equals the thread lead, about the cylindrical
shaft to be machined. At the same time, the tool
Thread Milling is rotated about its own axis.
High-precision threads can be produced by mill-
ing operations. Milling is a material-removal Thread Grinding
operation similar to turning or drilling, except
Grinding is another method of cutting screw
that the tool is designed with multiple cutting
threads. Grinding is an abrasive material-
edges (Figure 1.3). The tool is rotated relative to
removal operation. Sharp edges of abrasive
particles, such as ceramics or glass, perform the
adual cutting. They are mounted on belts, pro-
pelled freely against the machined surface, or
are closely packed into grinding wheels or
stones. Grinding wheels are most frequently
used in thread-cutting procedures. The grinding
wheels accurately reproduce the thread geom-
etry that is to be cut. Material is removed with
great accuracy at small increments. Grinding
makes machining of hardened materials possible,
and is commonly used in orthopaedic screw
FIGURE 1.3. Milling is a machining process in
which material is removed by feeding the
thread machining. The finish achieved with abra-
workpiece into a rotating cutter or by having sive techniques is particularly good. The grind-
the rotating cutter advance into a stationary ing wheel rotates· on an axis parallel to the
workpiece. The cutter generally consists of axis of the screw. At the same time the screw
multiple cutting teeth and material can thereby is rotated counter to the wheel and translated
be removed at high rates. longitudinally along its axis. Again, the longi-
J.J. Ernberg and S.E. Asnis 13

tudinal translation of the work for every revolu- formed on the screw to clean the material after
tion is equal to the thread lead. machining. In addition to removing cutting fluid
and other impurities from the material, passiva-
Thread Cutting Using Dies tion increases the material's resistance to the
corrosive in vivo environment.
Thread cutting using dies is a quick way of pro-
ducing external threads. The dies are essentially
nuts with hardened internal cutting threads. The
internal threads in the die are the inverse geom-
Practical Significance
etry of the threads being produced (Figure 1.4).
The manufacturing of a bone screw is a series of
The thread cutters start small and successively
very precise procedures. The material is first
increase to the final geometry of the thread. The
selected for the desired characteristics of the
gradual buildup in thread height facilitates the
screw in light of the workability of the metal.
cutting process. One of the problems with die
Alloys of titanium or stainless steel have been
cutting is that once the threads have been
used more widely. The material is then cut into
cut, the removal of the die can only be done
bar stock of dimensions close to that of the
by unthreading it from the workpiece. This
largest dimensions of the screw. For screw man-
increases lead times and production costs. There
ufacturing, the stock material is generally pur-
are self-opening dies currently available that can
chased in cylindrical rod form approximating
be released from the thread once the latter has
the largest diametric dimension of the screw
been cut. Dies, however, are rarely used in
being produced. The screw is then machined
orthopaedic bone screw production.
from this workpiece. The alloy is then turned on
Thread cutting is the final machining oper-
a lathe to the profile geometry of the screw. The
ation performed on the screw before it is
screw head is machined to the appropriate
subjected to final cleaning and passivation. The
dimensions, and the shank behind the thread is
threads are inspected for defects, and sharp
turned to design specification (length and diam-
edges are deburred manually. The screw is sub-
eter). The segment of the screw body that will
jected to rigorous quality control inspections at
ultimately be threaded is machined to the outer
all levels in the production line.
dia~eter of the screw threads. The resulting
Final electropolishing and passivation is per-
cylmder of varying diameter is popularly called
a blank (a screw without threads).
The recess for accepting the screwdriver is
produced. Hexagonal or other multiple edge
driving elements are generally used for the in-
sertion of orthopaedic bone screws. A counter-
bore hole or drill hole of diameter approx-
imately equal to the distance between opposite
flats in the hexagonal recess is bored or drilled
into the screw head. To produce the hexagonal
recess, broaches are commonly used.
The cannulation is then added to the blank
by gun drilling. Gun drilling must be exact with
FIGURE 1.4. A die cutter is a tool that resembles tight tolerances. For example, to place a 2-mm
a nut in which the internal threads are the
cannulation in a 100-mm 22-13-5 stainless steel
inverse geometry of the threads that are to be
produced. The threads in the die consist of screw, a slightly less than 2-mm-diameter drill
sharp cutting edges that get progressively must itself drill through a piece of steel 100 mm
deeper along the length of the nut to facilitate thick without deviation. The drill must have a
material removal. The final threads in the die central channel through which cooling fluid can
are the exact inverse geometry of the desired be delivered and metallic debris can be washed
thread configuration. away. This is a rather elaborate process that can
14 1. Materials and Manufacturing of Orthopaedic Bone Screws

be perfonned today with high-precision instru- Bechtol CO, Ferguson AB Jr, Laing PG. Metals and
mentation. Engineering in Bone and Joint Surgery. Baltimore:
The next step in screw production involves Williams &: Wilkins, 1959.
Black J. Orthopaedic Biomaterials in Research and Prac-
machining of the threads. The cutting flutes are tice. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1988.
first milled into the thread cylinder. The final DeGarmo PE, Black JT, Kohser RA. Materials and
bone thread can be machined by a number of Processes in Manufacturing, 7th ed. New York:
processes, e.g., turning, milling, or grinding Macmillan, 1988.
operations, or by using cutting dies. Grinding is Mears DC. Materials and Orthopaedic Surgery. Balti-
more: Williams &: Wilkins, 1979.
among the most frequent techniques used for Oberg E, Jones FD, Horton HL. Machinery's Hand-
cutting threads in orthopaedic screws. book, 22nd ed. New York: Industrial Press, 1987.
Electropolishing and passivation are per- Rostoker W, Galante JO. Material for human im-
fonned on the screw to clean the material after plantation. J. Biomechanical Engineering 1979;
machining and increase the material's resistance 101(2):2-14.
to the corrosion.

Avallone EA, Baumeister T III. Mark's Standard
Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 9th ed. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1987.
Biomechanics of Cannulated and
Noncannulated Screws
Allen F. Tencer, Stanley E. Asnis, Richard M. Harrington, and
Jens R. Chapman

The bone screw is a mechanical device that con- ing power and the strength of bone screws, and
verts the torque applied during its insertion into the particular effects of cannulation (creating a
a compressive force between the two compo- hole down the center) on strength and holding
nents that it is placed through, as shown in power. We then present biomechanical consid-
Figure 2.1. The basic nomenclature used in dis- erations related to cannulated screws.
cussing screws is given in Figure 2.2.1 The root
diameter is the diameter of the inner core of
the screw, that is at the base of its threads. The The Torsional Strength of
pitch defines the distance between threads, and
the lead is the linear distance that the screw Screws
advances with each complete turn. The pitch is
usually equal to the lead in a classic single-helix There are at least two different mechanisms by
screw. The major diameter is the dimension to which a screw can break, as shown in Figure 2.3.
the outside edges of the threads. One is due to the application of excessive torque
In the design of the geometry of a bone to overcome resistance of the screw to inser-
screw there is a trade-off between the inherent tion, caused possibly by having too small a pilot
strength of the screw itself and its ability to gain hole, or an untapped hole in hard bone. High
purchase in bone. Essentially, for a given size stresses may develop in the screw if there is
of screw, deeper threads (to a point) increase significant resistance to insertion, causing the
purchase strength but decrease screw strength. screw to shear at a cross section, and leave a
Parameters that control the holding strength of part lodged in bone. This may also happen dur-
screws in bone are the geometry of the screw, ing removal if bone grows intimately to the
namely its outside and root diameters, thread threads of the screw. 3 A second mechanism of
pitch, length of purchase in bone, and thread breakage results from bending of the screw as a
profile,2 as will be discussed in detail below. In cantilever, with the shaft end lodged in bone
addition, a most important factor is the strength and a load applied transversely to the long axis
of the bone into which the screw is placed. The of the screw. This may occur, for example, with
factors that govern the strength of the screw a plate that loads the screw transverse to its
itself are the geometry of its cross-sectional head if it is not tightened sufficiently against the
area, the material from which it is made, and the bone surface.
type of finish of its surface, especially around Failure of the screw by shearing may occur
the junction between the thread and the root, when the screw is inserted without correct
which can create stress concentrations. These sizing of the pilot hole, without tapping (in
stress concentrations give rise to local areas of hard bone) or due to a lack of lubrication. The
higher stress than in the rest of the body of the coefficient of friction between metal and bone
screw and can be the source of cracks that may is approximately 0.4. 4 ,5 When axial force is pro-
cause fatigue of the screw. In the following sec- duced in tightening a screw, friction results from
tions we consider the specifics of both hold- the screw threads sliding against bone. Approx-

16 2. Biomechanics of Cannulated and Noncannulated Screws






FIGURE 2.1. The function of a screw. The shaft (plate and bone in this example) together. As
passes through a gliding hole, and the thread is they compress together, an opposing tensile
captured in a pilot hole, so that applying a force is produced in the screw.
torque to the screw draws the two components




f4:: PITCH

FIGURE 2.2. Basic nomenclature
of a screw. Of particular note
are the pitch (distance between
threads), the root diameter (diam-
eter at the base of the threads),
and the major diameter (outside
diameter of the screw).
A.F. Tencer, S.E. Asnis, R.M. Harrington, and J.R. Chapman 17







FIGURE 2.3. Mechanisms of failure of a screw: (a) Shear failure due to excessive torque. (b) Bending
failure due to loading of the plate against the screw.

imately 42% of the torque applied is lost in where

overcoming friction. 4 The resistance of the
screw to insertion for one of these reasons T= shear stress
causes the surgeon to increase the torque
T = applied torque
applied, therefore increasing the shear stress in
the screw. The shear stress developed in a d = root (minor) diameter of the thread
screw, shown in Figure 2.3a, is due to twisting
of one cross section against another. The stress The load exerted on the screw is governed by
magnitude depends directly on the torque the maximum torque that the surgeon can apply
applied and inversely on the cube of the diame- and the resistance of the screw to insertion,
ter of its cross section, given by the simple for- while the stress generated is a result of the
mula6 torque applied and its root diameter. The cross
section is dependent on the size and type of
screw selected by the surgeon. For a given size,
18 2. Biomechanics of Cannulated and Noncannulated Screws

4.5 mm
: 3.0 : 4.5
dl\4 = (3)1\4 =81
dl\3 (3)1\3 =27

4.0 mm
:1.9: 4.0
dl\4 = (1.9)1\4 =13.03 ,, '

dl\3 =(1.9)1\3 = 6.86


~:,:- 1.6
4.5 mm ~- ........
drl\4 - dcl\4 = 2.71\4-1.61\4 = 46.59
drl\3 - dcl\3 = 2.71\3-1.61\3 = 15.58
dr =diameter of root of screw
C de = diameter of cannula

FIGURE 2.4. A comparison of the cross-sectional of similar dimensions, but this does not imply
dimensions of three typical bone screws: (a) that they are similar in function.) (Data taken
cortical screw, (b) solid cancellous screw, (c) from catalog of Synthes Ltd., Paoli, PA.)
cannulated cancellous screw. (Note: Screws are

fine-threaded or small-pitch (cortical) screws have cancellous screw and 58% of that of the cortical
threads that are shallower; therefore, they have screw.
a larger root diameter than do coarse-threaded The relationship between the ultimate tor-
or large-pitch (cancellous) screws (Figure 2.4). sional strength of screws and their cross-
A second parameter that affects the torsional sectional dimensions was demonstrated by
strength is cannulation. A cannulated screw, due Hughes and Jordan6 (Figure 2.5) as well as by
to the presence of a bore for the guide wire, Ansell and Scales? If an orthopaedic surgeon
has less material in the cross section of the can typically apply a torque from 26 to 53 inch-
body. Shown in Figure 2.4 are the cross- pounds, 8 then it is possible, considering Figure
sectional dimensions of some typical cortical, 2.5, to shear a screw with a minor diameter as
cancellous, and cancellous cannulated screws of large as 0.115 inch (2.92 mm) during insertion if
nearly equal size (from Synthes Ltd., Paoli, PA). it jams.
In these examples, a solid cancellous screw of An important question in determining the
size nearly equal to a cortical screw can sup- actual torsional strength of screws is the effect
port about 25% of the peak shear stress that of variations in dimensions of the screw due to
the cortical screw can sustain. In comparison, manufacturing tolerances. Standards govern the
the cannulated screw, which has a larger minor allowable tolerances in screw dimensions. 9 For
diameter to compensate for the central bore, cortical screws of 4.5-mm outer diameter, the
can sustain 227% of the shear stress of the solid allowable dimensional tolerance, shown in Fig-
A.F. Tencer, S.E. Asnis, R.M. Harrington, and I.R. Chapman 19

0 40
Z 30
ena:: 20
l- 10
=> 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

[ CORE DIAMETER] 3 (in 3 x 10 4)

FIGURE 2.5. An experimentally derived rela- (Reprinted with permission from Hughes and
tionship between the torsional strength of bone Jordan. 6 )
screws and the cube of their root diameters.

ure 2.6, results in a variation of +10%, -14% in of the screw. Perren et a1. 4 quote the loss of
the cube of the cross-sectional area, and ultimate torque toward screw-plate friction as 43% and
torsional strength. For a cannulated screw, using toward screw thread-bone friction as 42%, leav-
the same dimensional tolerances (±0.10 mm) for ing 15% of the applied torque for transforma-
the root diameter and the bore of the cannula tion into axial force. Hughes and Jordan 6 esti-
of the screw shown in Figure 2.4 results in an mate that for an untapped screw in cortical
estimated variability in the torsional strength of bone, 35% of the applied torque goes into cut-
±24 %. These larger variations are the result of ting threads, 50% is lost as friction between the
the tolerances on both the root diameter and the undersurface of the screw and the object (i.e.,
cannula itself. However, the larger root diameter bone or plate) that it seats against, and 10% is
of a cannulated screw accommodates this larger used to overcome friction between the screw
potential variability since for equivalent sizes it threads and bone, leaving 5% as useful work
is considerably stronger than a solid cancellous (i.e., for compressing surfaces together). In con-
screw, as discussed above. trast, with a lubricated tapped hole (in cortical
The specific potential for screw breakage by bone), friction decreases to half, no work is lost
shearing depends upon the torque applied, which in cutting threads, and the useful work due to
is governed by the factors that resist insertion applying torque to the screw increases to about

-- -------- ---- ---


tolerance = 3.10 mm - 2.85 mm

---------, --------

FIGURE 2.6. The variability in root diameter of a 4.5-mm cortical bone screw (per ASTM F 543) due
to allowable manufacturing tolerances.
20 2. Biomechanics of Cannulated and Noncannulated Screws

tapped untapped

65% 5%~ compression ~~llltlllllllrn~



FIGURE 2.7. The factors causing resistance, and requiring higher insertion torque, during insertion
of a screw (adapted from Perren et aI. 4 ).

65%, as shown in Figure 2.7. Therefore, the increasing the compressive force that the screw
potential for screw failure by shearing is les- generates relieves the bending loading on it, as
sened by tapping and application of lubrication. shown in Figure 2.3, and significantly increases
To emphasize this last point, the torque applied its fatigue resistance (Figure 2.8).10 The shaft of
to a screw in a tapped hole in cortical bone goes the screw glides through the first component, as
to overcome mainly the fridion between the the screw thread advances into the second (Fig-
underside of the screw and whatever it seats ure 2.1). The adual compressive force produced
against (Le., a plate or bone) and to compressing between components depends upon three fac-
the two components being fixed together. tors. One is the pitch of the screw, which con-
In summary, one mechanism of screw failure verts the rotational motion into a linear advance.
occurs by shearing or twisting of the screw due A fine-pitched screw moves a smaller amount
to excessive applied torque. The stress that the linearly for a given angular rotation (Figure 2.9),
screw is exposed to depends upon the resistance and therefore has a greater mechanical advan-
to insertion, typically caused by the need for tage and produces greater compression. In effed,
self-tapping and fridion between the screw the screw has more leverage. A second fador is
threads and bone. Stress magnitude within the the fridional resistance against the screw threads
screw depends on the cube of the diameter of and underside of the head (Figure 2.7), which
the cross sedion at the root of its threads. For absorbs some of the work put into turning the
similar sizes, a cortical screw can withstand screw. Third, if the material that the screw is
about four times the stress of a solid cancellous placed into is relatively weak in shear (for exam-
screw and 1.7 times the stress of a cannulated ple osteoporotic bone), the screw may strip the
cancellous screw; therefore, care should be taken threads with loss of compression. The relation-
during insertion and tightening of cannulated ship between torque applied to typical bone
screws in dense cancellous bone or if they are screws (Synthes, Paoli, PA) and the compres-
placed through cortex. In addition, dimensional sive force generated from experimental mea-
variations during manufaduring can potentially surements is shown in Figure 2.10.11
further change (increase or decrease) the failure The compressive force generated between a
stress of a cannulated screw by up to 25%. plate and a bone surface has an important effed
on the strength of the screw itself (Figure 2.8).
Taking the example shown in Figure 2.3, where
The Bending Strength of a plate is placed to transfer load across a frac-
Screws ture gap in which there is minimal bone-to-
bone con tad, the screws compress the plate
The prime fundi on of a screw is to generate a against the bone and the fridional force gen-
compressive force between the two compo- erated prevents slippage of the plate. Fundional
nents that it is inserted into. In addition, load applied to the plate via bone is transmitted
A.F. Tencer, S.E. Asnis, R.M. Harrington, and J.R. Chapman 21

1- 0
a: I- 900
a: w
et OZ
0.. 800

246 8


FIGURE 2.8. Relationship between the sheer constant) and the number of cycles to failure
force acting at the plate/bone interface (with of the screw by bending fatigue (adapted from
the compressive force between plate and screw Zand et al.'O).

large (coarse) small (fine)

pitch pitch

~........ .,
T:/ ,,
-- -- :
-- -- ,,
,, ,
linear displacement with a single turn ---~ . . -j

FIGURE 2.9. The effect of thread pitch on the linear advance of a screw for a single turn.
22 2. Biomechanics of Cannulated and Noncannulated Screws

I. • ••

. .. .....
• ••• • ••
• •
• •

8 • I •
..... . ....
• •

20 40 60 80 100 120


FIGURE 2.10. Experimentally measured relation- the two surfaces (adapted from Nunamaker and
ship between the torque applied to a screw Perren").
and the resulting compressive force between

down the plate, and due to the fridional force against bone, and prevents slipping of the plate
between plate and bone, it is transmitted back so that the screws become loaded in bending.
into bone on the other side of the fradure gap. Cyclic bending loading significantly decreases
If the plate slips, load is applied diredly to the the fatigue life of the screw. On the other hand,
screws in a diredion transverse to their long if over-torqued in poor bone, the screw thread
axes, producing cantilever bending in the screws. may strip (shear) and lose all purchase. Cannu-
The fatigue life of a screw is significantly re- lated cancellous screws can support 358% of the
duced if it is loaded transversely by the plate bending stress of solid cancellous screws of sim-
(Figure 2.8),11 The tensile stress at the surface of ilar diameter, if made of eqUivalent materials.
the root of the screw is inversely proportional
to the moment of inertia of the cross sedion
outer diameter
(i.e., to the diameter to the power of 4).12 Rela-
tive to the 4.5-mm-diameter cortical screws in
which theses cyclic loading tests were per-
formed, and based only on cross-sedional dimen-
sions (Le., without consideration of materials)
(Figure 2.4), a solid cortical screw can support length of
6.2 times the maximum bending stress of a solid thread in , pitch
cancellous screw of equivalent diameter and bone
1.7 times the stress of a cannulated cancellous
screw. Estimating the adual fatigue lives of the
different screws is more complicated, depending
on materials and surface finish; however, it is
clear that the fatigue life of a cannulated screw shea r shear
will be greater than that of a solid cancellous surface surface
screw. FIGURE 2.11. Schematic representation of the
In summary, it is important to apply as much relationship between screw geometry, bone
torque as possible to a screw to generate the shear strength, and the pullout force of the
fridional force that holds, for example, a plate screw in bone.
A.F. Tencer, S.E. Asnis, R.M. Harrington, and J.R. Chapman 23

Screw Holding Power Fs = 5 x As = 5 x (L x 'It X Dmajor) x TSF

The resistance to pullout, or holding power of
a screw in a porous material such as cancellous Fs = predicted shear failure force
bone, is dependent on six factors. Three are (N)
related to the geometry of the screw: its outer 5 = material ultimate shear stress
diameter,13 its length of engagement in bone (MPa)
including the degree to which it passes through
cortex,14 and the geometry of its threads in- As = thread shear area (mm2)
cluding depth and pitch 1S- 17 but not tooth pro- L = length (rom)
file. 1s,18 The other three factors relate to prep-
aration of the hole into which it is placed: the Dmajor = major diameter (rom)
shear strength of the bone that the threads (L x 'It X Dmajor) = area of a cylinder of diameter
engage,17,19-2S pilot hole size,4,19,26 and tap-
Dmajor and length L
ping. 17,27,28 For fixed-hole preparation tech-
niques including pilot hole size and not tap- TSF = thread shape factor
ping (in porous material) the other four factors (dimensionless)
described above can be related to holding = (0.5 + 0.57735d/p)
strength, shown schematically in Figure 2.11,
and given quantitatively by the following rela- d = thread depth (rom)
tionship, which has been shown experimen- = (Dmajor - Dminor)/2
tally to explain 97% of the variability in pullout
strength of nontapped screws placed in porous D minor = minor (root) diameter (rom)
foam (shown to be equivalent to cancellous p = thread pitch (mm)
bone but less variable) (Figure 2.12)17:

4000 .
g •


0 3000
.. ~

I ..• .19
~ 2000


E 1000
y = 8.4749 + 0.99395x
R"2 = 0.971

2000 3000 4000

Predicted Screw Failure Force (N)

FIGURE 2.12. Relationship between experimen- shear strength, and screw geometry (adapted
tally derived pullout force and that predicted from Chapman et aIY).
by the equation relating pullout strength to
24 2. Biomechanics of Cannulated and Noncannulated Screws

Major Diameter and Length of a cylinder of diameter equal to the screw major
Engagement diameter and length equal to the length of thread
engagement in bone. The thread shape factor
In pullout, a screw may fail in one of two ways, (TSF) accounts for the effect of screw thread
as illustrated in Figure 2.13. A wedge of bone geometry and will be discussed later.
may pull out with the screw, indicating failure
of bone, or the screw may shear bone, carrying
Bone Shear Strength
material between the threads as it fails. 29 The
relationship given above applies to this latter The relationship between bone shear strength
mode of failure, which always happens for and screw holding power is extremely impor-
screws placed into cancellous bone and usually tant (Figure 2.14).23,24 The shear strength of
occurs in cortical bone. In simple terms, this rela- bovine bone has been found to relate to the
tionship says that if pullout failure occurs along apparent density by the following power law
an interface between the screw and bone, the relationship 30:
strength of the interface can be determined from
5 = 21.6 pI.65
its area and the maximum shear stress that it
can support. Multiplying the two should give where
the resisting shear force, which is equal to the
5 = shear strength (MPa)
pullout force of the screw. The area of the inter-
face along which the screw shears is the area of p = apparent density of trabecular bone (g/cm3 )


.. '



FIGURE 2.13. Two different mechanisms of fail- cylinder of bone is carried within the threads.
ure in screw pullout. (a) Failure at the bone/ (b) Failure of bone, typically in cortex.
screw thread interface with shearing of bone. A
A.F. Tencer, S.E. Asnis, R.M. Harrington, and J.R. Chapman 25


e. 1,500
en 1,000

0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5

Bone Mineral Content (g/cm2)

FIGURE 2.14. Relationship of screw pullout strength to bone density in vertebral bodies. (Reprinted
with permission from Trader et a1. 24 )

Therefore, doubling the density of trabecular firm the effects of thread pitch, maintaining con-
bone increases its shear strength and its screw stant depth, in custom-fabricated screws tested
holding power by 3.14 (i.e., 21.65). in porous foam. By decreasing the angle of the
thread tooth, they were able to develop TSF
values that varied from 0.74 to 1.55 in different
Thread Shape diameter screws. When TSF values increased
The thread shape factor (TSF) is defined as 0.5 above 1.0, relatively little increase was found
plus a constant times the ratio of thread depth in pullout strength (Figure 2.16), which demon-
to pitch.31,32 Conceptually, this means that the strates the practical upper limit of altering screw
TSF (and screw holding strength) increases as thread geometry. The thread shape may become
thread depth becomes larger (i.e., increased differ- too long and narrow so that the material (bone
ence between screw major and minor diameters) or foam) within the threads now fails by bend-
and pitch becomes smaller. Figure 2.15 shows that ing instead of by shear.
if the thread angle is kept constant, increasing It is interesting to note that the measured TSF
thread depth also increases pitch, and decreasing for small noncannulated screws is 0.85, while
pitch decreases thread depth. This demonstrates that for cannulated screws ranges from 0.70
the practical limits on increasing TSF. For a to 0.73 (Table 2.1). To allow space for the can-
given thread shape, increasing the TSF would nula, the minor diameter of these screws have
require making the angle of the thread smaller, been increased. If the screws have equivalent
in effect making it thinner and weaker. For com- major diameters, cannulation decreases the
mercial cannulated and non cannulated cancellous thread depth, and thus the TSF (Figure 2.17).
bone screws, actual thread dimensions and cor- The holding power of currently available can-
responding TSFs are given in Table 2.1. nulated cancellous screws should therefore be
These concepts relating to the TSF have re- lower than similarly designed solid cancellous
cently been confirmed experimentally. DeCoster screws. We have indeed found this to be the
et aP6 show that the pullout strength of screws case. Figure 2.18 shows results of both exper-
increases with a larger ratio of major to minor imentally derived and predicted measures of the
diameters (i.e., smaller minor diameter and larger pullout strength of 4.0-mm cancellous screws.
thread depth). Similarly, using a smaller pitch The difference in TSF between cannulated and
increases pullout strength. Asnis et al.3 3 also con- solid cancellous screws was 16% and the mean
26 2. Biomechanics of Cannulated and Noncannulated Screws

;.--------- ----- -- --. :'


FIGURE 2.15. The effect of changing thread maintaining the same thread angle results in in-
shape factor. (a) The geometric factors of the creased pitch. (c) In contrast, decreasing thread
screw that can be altered. (b) If the thread angle pitch while maintaining the same thread angle
is kept constant, increasing thread depth while results in decreased thread depth.

TABLE 2.1. Dimensions of commercial cancellous bone screws.

Item Thread Major Minor Thread Pitch

Manufacturer number type diameter diameter depth (d) (p) TSF

Synthes 207.40 NonCan 4.0 1.9 1.05 1.75 0.85
Synthes 205.40 Cannul 3.5 2.5 0.50 1.25 0.73
Richards 121840 Cannul 4.0 2.75 0.63 1.75 0.71
Ace Med 14225-40 Cannul 5.0 3.75 0.63 1.80 0.70
Synthes 216.60 NonCan 6.5 3.0 1.75 2.75 0.87
Synthes 208.60 Cannul 7.0 4.5 1.25 2.75 0.76
Zimmer 1146-60 Cannul 7.0 5.0 1.00 2.75 0.71
Ace Med 14088-60 Cannul 6.5 5.25 0.63 1.85 0.70
Richards 121632 Cannul 6.5 4.7 0.90 2.12 0.75
Thread type: Cann = cannulated; NonCan = noncannulated. All dimensions are in mm. Thread shape factor
(TSF) = 0.5 + 0.57735 d/ p. Manufacturers: Ace Med: Ace Medical Co., Los Angeles, CA 90061; Richards:
Richards Medical Co., Memphis, TN 38116; Synthes: Synthes (U.S.A.), Paoli, PA 19301; Zimmer: Zimmer,
Warsaw, IN 46580.
A.F. Tencer, S.E. Asnis, R.M. Harrington, and J.R. Chapman 27


•• •
•• • •
• • .- •
c 600
<I: 0
0 0
...J o 0
0 400


o 1.4
0.6 0.8 1 .0 1.2


FIGURE 2.16. The effect of thread shape factor on screw pullout strength (adapted from Asnis
et aI. 33 ).

experimentally measured difference in pullout

strength was 20%. Hearn et al.3 4 found no sta-
REMOVED tistical differences in the pullout strength
········· ~lNONRULA between solid 6.S-mm cancellous screws (TSF =
0.87) and 7.0-mm cannulated cancellous screws
(TSF = 0.76, Table 2.1). For the screws of this
comparison the TSF was 12.6% lower with
cannulation; however, the major diameter was
increased from 6.5 to 7.0 mm (7.7%), thereby
••• . AREA offsetting the effect of decreased TSF. Therefore,
to obtain equivalent purchase in bone, the can-
nulated screws selected should be slightly larger
than solid screws. This conclusion is further
supported by the work of Leggon et al.,3S who
compared both small and large cannulated and
noncannulated screws. The small screws had
equivalent major diameters (3.5 mm) and cannu-
lated screws were found to have 20% less hold-
ing power in cortex, similar to our findings. The
large screws, similar to the ones tested by Hearn
et al., showed no differences in pullout strength.
FIGURE 2.17. In order to allow for the cannula, In designing a screw, the size of the cannula-
the minor (root) diameter of the screw is tion and outer thread diameter are determined,
increased. In some cases the major (outer) then the root diameter can be speCified. Theo-
diameter may also be increased (see Table 2.1). retically if the outer diameter and the root diam-
28 2. Biomechanics of Cannulated and Noncannulated Screws

800 r---------------------------------------------~

• cannulated
o noncannulated

~ 600


Experimental Predicted

FIGURE 2.18. A comparison of the experimentally measured and predicted pullout strengths of
cannulated and solid cancellous screws in porous foam (adapted from Chapman et aIY).

eter are known, the ideal pitch can be calculated. simulating hard cancellous bone, the critical
If we assume a target TSF = 1, then pilot hole size was 68% to 74% of the screw
diameter, while for soft cancellous bone these
TSF = (0.5 + 0.57735 dip) = 1
values decreased to between 49% and 63%
0.57735 dip = 0.5 (Figure 2.19).19 Currently, standards define the
appropriate pilot drill sizes that are supplied by
P = 1.1547 d, manufacturers.36
or the ideal pitch should be approximately 1.15
times the thread depth [(Dmajor - Dminor)/2]. For
a 6.5-mm cannulated screw with a 6.5-mm major
diameter and a 4.8-mm minor diameter, Tapping is necessary to allow the penetration of
screws into hard materials such as cortical bone.
p = 1.1547 x [(6.5 - 4.8)/2]
For screws inserted into nontapped holes in
p = 0.98mm cortical bone, a considerable fraction of the
torque applied to the screw head is used to tap
(most commercial 6.5-mm cannulated screws
the threads, which reduces the percent applied
have a pitch of approximately 2.5 to 2.75 mm).
torque that can be used to create compression
between surfaces clamped by the screw, and
increases the shear stress in the screw. The pull-
Pilot Hole
out strength of tapped screws is also signif-
Preparation of a screw hole requires drilling a icantly greater. 28 In lower-density materials
pilot hole and possibly tapping. Hughes and (such as cancellous bone) the resistance to pene-
Jordan 6 show that there is a critical pilot hole tration of a screw into a non tapped hole is
size (in relation to the screw diameter) in rigid lower and shear failure of the screw becomes
materials (e.g., cortical bone) beyond which the less of a concern. In this case, tapping has been
pullout strength of the screw drops dramati- found to significantly decrease pullout strength,
cally, but below which there is no effect. In their with the greatest decreases occurring in the
studies, this pilot hole size was approximately softest materials (Figure 2.20). In cancellous
90% of the screw major diameter. In materials bone, the mean decrease was 30% (SD = 34%).
A.F. Tencer, S.E. Asnis, R.M. Harrington, and J.R. Chapman 29

. - .6.5 mm SCREW 0 - 0 3.8 mm SCREW

c..> 30
::J 20
....I 0-0
0.. 10 \
... 0

2.0 3.0 4.0 5 .0 6.0 7.0

FIGURE 2.19. Measured pullout force of 6.5- and 3.8-mm cancellous screws in low-density mate-
rial for different pilot drill sizes. (Reprinted with permission from Finlay et a1. 19)

Tapping, apart from cutting threads, removes depending on material density, it is not sur-
additional material from the hole, which enlarges prising that tapping would have little effect in
it. Since the pilot hole size was shown above to hard materials and a progressively larger effect
have different effects on screw pullout strength in softer, porous materials. Shown in Figure 2.21

wo 80
a: ......
:::>0. 60
c..- 40
oCt I- 20
w ......
w 0
c w w w
z ze( e( w 0
:I: :I: :I: a: (II
l- I- I- > IJ)
w w W I-
a: a: a: IJ) ::;)
::;) ::;) ::;) > 0
> > > ..J ..J
..J ..J ..J 0 W
0 0 0 Q.
Q. Q. Q. <..l
l- e(
0 ::E
a: u.. <..l
:I: cW 0


FIGURE 2.20. Mean percent decreases in screw insertion of screws compared with not tapping
pullout strength in porous materials as well as (adapted from Chapman et aIY).
cancellous bone due to tapping holes before
30 2. Biomechanics of Cannulated and Noncannulated Screws

~ 80r-------------------------------------------------,

u- 60
en 40+--------------------------r-----
- a. 20
o 0
> w w w w w
z z z z z
w w w w 0
--' --' --' a:: CD
>- >- >- >-
J: J: J: I- m
m ::;)

>- >- >- >-

..J ..I ..J
0 ..J
0 0 0 D.. W
D.. D.. D.. U
:;; I-
u. «
« ::;)
J: 0

FIGURE 2.21. The percent increase in volume within a screw hole due to drilling and tapping
before screw insertion as opposed to just drilling a pilot hole (adapted from Chapman et aIY).

are measurements of the change in volume in holding the far cortex. This can be corrected in
screw holes that had been only drilled compared cortical bone by driving the tip of the screw
with those that had been drilled and tappedP with the cutting flutes beyond the far cortical
These findings have been confirmed also by surface (beyond the bone). In cancellous bone
Hearn et al.Z 7 the cutting flutes may be much less of a factor.
The decrease in holding power may be small
and a function of the small decrease in total
Self-Tapping thread area. Schatzker et a1. 37 found no signif-
A screw can be made self-tapping by machining icant difference in vivo in holding power be-
cutting channels, or flutes, into its tip. As the tween non-self-tapping and self-tapping screws.
screw is turned, these sharp flutes cut the bone
in preparation for the threads further along the
screw shaft. This increases the torque of screw
In Vivo Effects
placement by 35-40%.4 Using saline as an inser- The holding power of screws in cortical bone
tion lubricant, however, significantly reduces the increases significantly with time in vivo, as
insertion torque of the self-tapping screw. It has shown by Schatzker et al.J 7 Increases ranged
been found that the holding power of the first from 24% to 59% depending on screw type
few fluted threads of the self-tapping screw tip (Figure 2.22), due to bone consolidation and
are 17-30% less than the normal threads further densification around the screw threads. 3 ,37
up the shaft. The amount of decrease depends
on the thread diameter. In the cortical screw this
might significantly decrease the holding power
in bone with a thin cortex. In this case, there The holding power of a screw in bone is de-
could be a significant loss of thread surface area pendent on several factors, some of which
A.F. Tencer, S.E. Asnis, R.M. Harrington, and J.R. Chapman 31



o 2 4


FIGURE 2.22. Mean holding power of screws in vivo as a function of time postimplantation.
(Reprinted with permission from Schatzker et alY)

involve the size and design of the screw and simple slot is not effective for the transmission
some of which depend upon the density of the of torque and may strip easily. In addition, it is
bone and its type and thickness at the site of difficult to align the screwdriver without visual-
use. Holding power increases with increased ization of the slot. Cruciate or crossed slot drives
screw diameter and length of engagement, de- are more effective for torque transmission but
creased pitch, and smaller minor diameter. The are sensitive to misalignment of the screwdriver.
pitch on currently used cannulated screws could The hexagonal head driver makes a strong and
be decreased to improve holding strength. Not alignment-insensitive connection with the screw
tapping is advantageous, especially in softer can- but is somewhat difficult to manufacture, espe-
cellous bone where there is little concern about cially considering the necessity for the close tol-
screw breakage and more concern that using a erance fit to the head of the screw.
tap removes material from the hole and there- The undersurface of the screw head is nor-
fore decreases holding power. mally spherical, which allows for transmission of
force to a plate even if the screw is not aligned
perpendicular to it, a frequent occurrence in sur-
Aspects of Design of gery. The shaft of the screw may be equal in
diameter to the major diameter of the threads
Bone Screws (Figure 2.23). This type of screw provides
greater strength and the gliding shaft maintains
Perren et a1. 4 provide an excellent discussion of alignment of the threaded end in the hole. It is
the design features of bone screws. Different typically used in inclined holes to prevent the
drives are found in the heads of screws from screw from becoming misaligned. The screw
different sources. As shown in Figure 2.23, a hole must be overdrilled to allow the smooth
32 2. Biomechanics of Cannulated and Noncannulated Screws

Screw head drive types Screw thread profiles

(a) (b) (c)

Screw shank types (h) (i)

(d) Q)I-------\~~
ill ~
Screw tip types

Screw shank/head types

(j) (k) (I) (m)


FIGURE 2.23. Some features of bone screw bone hole. Bone screw thread profiles: (h)
design. Head drive connections: (a) cruciate, (b) asymmetric thread with sharp connections to
hexagonal, (c), star, (d) cancellous lag screw the screw shaft, (i) asymmetric AO thread with
with smooth shaft diameter equal to that of rounded corners. The upper surface of the
thread root, (e) lag screw with shaft equal in thread contacts bone and resists pullout in an
diameter to major diameter of screw thread, (f) upward direction. Screw tips: (j) blunt, (k) cork-
screw with thread/head shaft connection diam- screw, (I) self-tapping with flutes, (m) self-cutting
eter equal to thread major diameter causes with trochar.
stresses in bone hole, (g) undercut shaft fits into

shaft to glide, adding an extra step to the sur- bone expansion stresses by being forced into a
gery. To avoid this extra step, which may add hole of smaller diameter.
considerable time to the procedure if many
screws are used, some lag screws have smooth
shafts that are of diameter equal to that of the
root of the threads. These screws have obviously Threads for use in bone are mainly asymmetrical
weaker shafts, a fact that should be appreciated. (Figure 2.23). The surface of the thread, which
Fully threaded screws have been improved by transfers load to bone-resisting pullout, is nearly
undercutting or decreasing the diameter of the perpendicular to the direction of pullout force to
cross section of the small transition region be- provide maximum load transmission. The thread
tween the end of the thread and the head (Fig- widens at its base to form a buttress that resists
ure 2.23). Previously, this oversize region (in bending of the thread under load. The rounded
relation to the hole in bone) caused significant comers at the junction of the base of the thread
A.F. Tencer, S.E. Asnis, R.M. Harrington, and I.R. Chapman 33

and the screw shaft reduce the stress concen-

trators, which are associated with sharp comers.
Biomechanics and the Design
The Herbert screw38 is a unique device that has of Cannulated Screw Systems
threads of different pitch on its two ends, and
no head. The intention is for the screw to be The specific design and biomechanical consid-
buried beneath a bony surface, The coarser pitch erations of a cannulated screw system are an
moves the screw a greater distance through expansion of many of the principles already dis-
bone with each turn than does the finer pitch cussed. The design of the jigs, guide pins, and
end. However, the screw is a single unit; there- measuring devices, and the interrelationship be-
fore, as the screw is turned, the bone surfaces tween these components and the screw are as
must come together, creating compression. Tips important as the cannulated screw itself. The
of screws may vary in shape, typically having a advantages of using guide pins and cannulated
trochar point to allow self-drilling and -tapping, screws over primary screw placement are many:
self-cutting flutes for self-tapping, or a blunt • The cannulated system provides the ability
tip that requires separate drilling and tapping to more accurately place the screw and pre-
(Figure 2.23). determine its optimal position and length by
the use of guide pins.
• A smaller initial defect is made in the bone,
Cannulated Screws minimizing injury to the bone structure.
• Changes in position of the guide pin will usu-
Cannulated screws have major advantages. Plac- ally have little or no deleterious effect on the
ing the guide wire first allows for accurate visu- final function of the bone screw and its ability
alization of the path of the screw, which can be to compress and hold bone.
critical in certain circumstances. If the guide wire • Guide pins can be used readily with power
position must be changed, it can be done with- drills and placement jigs.
out enlarging the hole and sacrificing purchase • They can be placed accurately in bone under
strength. Also, the guide wire may aid in reduc- fluoroscopic control where direct visualization
tion of the fragment. Placing the screw requires is limited or impossible.
first positioning the guide wire, then using a • They can readily be placed in patterns through
cannulated drill, a cannulated tap (if necessary), jigs allowing controlled positioning with rela-
and finally inserting the screw. In many systems, tion to other guide pins.
these steps can be reduced by placing a self- • They can be placed relatively atraumatically
cutting, self-tapping cannulated screw directly and maintain the proper position of the bone
over the guide wire. fragments as the screw is being inserted.
• Guide pins can also aid in the reduction of
fractures. A free fragment can have a guide pin
Cutting Flutes placed into it to be used as a handle in reduc-
The cutting flutes of self-tapping screws can tion. Once proper alignment is achieved it is
differ greatly. For bone screws the rake of the driven through the distal fragment, holding
cutting flute becomes important (Figure 2.24). reduction and establishing the final fixation
The cutting flutes can have negative, neutral, or screw position.
positive rakes. Although a positive rake may
be slightly weaker mechanically, it is a sharper
flute, which requires less cutting force and
The Guide Pin
generates lower rises in temperature. 39 The There are several considerations in design of the
positive-rake cutting tip appears very effective guide pin. The strength and stiffness of the shaft
when used in bone. It cuts like a chisel, and is of the guide pin is determined by its dimensions,
only sharp when being turned in the clockwise just as for screws. Its torsional stiffness increases
direction. as the fourth power of its radius [polar moment
34 2. Biomechanics of Cannulated and Noncannulated Screws

Cutting Flute

Cutting Flutes


~~~~~~~~-~- --- -------------------------------------

Cutting Flutes Reverse
Cutting Flutes b
Cutting Flute Rake

Zero Rake Positive Rake Negative Rake

FIGURE 2.24. (a) A common cutting flute used with the shaft, may have a reverse cutting flute
on solid cortical bone screws. This allows the to aid in removal. (c) The rake of the cutting
screw to be used without tapping and cuts the flute may be negative, zero, or positive. The
way for the thread. (b) The thread and shaft of a positive raked flute is sharpest and generates
6.S-mm cannulated cancellous bone screw. the least heat with installation. (Rake is the
The tip of the cannulated screw may have cut- angle between the vertical line and edge of the
ting flutes to allow self-cutting and self-tapping. screw.)
The end of the thread, just past the junction
A.F. Tencer, S.E. Asnis, R.M. Harrington, and J.R. Chapman 35

Breaking Strength of 316L Stainless Steel

A.S.I.F. Screws in Torsion



1.3mm 1.9mm 2.0mm 3.0mm 3.Smm 4.Smm

Core Diameter of Screw

(Nunamaker and Perren 1976)

FIGURE 2.25. The breaking strength of a screw Nunamaker and Perren"). This is the same for
increases dramatically once the core diameter guide pins.
exceeds 2.0 mm (adapted from Uhl40 and

of inertia = (nR4)/2] and bending stiffness as theguide pin does weaken its tip. The strength and
third power of its radius [area moment of iner- stiffness of the threaded area is determined by
tia = (nR3) /2]. The strength of a pin increases the core or root diameter of the thread, which is
rapidly as its size increases beyond a 2-mm less than that of the smooth part of the pin.
diameter ll,40 (Figure 2.25). Although a stronger The junction of the thread and the smooth
and stiffer pin may be advantageous, this must shaft is a potential weak point. A thread with a
be weighed against loss of strength of the screw uniform root diameter results in a weaker junc-
caused by increasing the diameter of its cannu- tion with the smooth shaft than a tapered root
lation. On the other hand, small pins can bend that starts with the same diameter as the smooth
and jam in the screw or drill. shaft and decreases toward the tip (Figure 2.26).
If too weak, bending or breakage at this junc-
tion can be a problem when the screw is being
Guide Pin Tip placed. If the guide pin is bent, the stiffer screw
that takes a straight path will cause increased
The guide pin tip is usually threaded. This is stress at the bend as it tries to straighten the
done primarily to help temporarily fix the pin in pin. (If there is any difficulty in withdrawing the
bone. As the cannulated screw passes over the guide pin after screw placement, back the screw
pin, its tip will prevent forward motion. It also out part way, remove the pin, and advance the
helps fix the pin when overdrilling or tapping is screw again without the guide wire.)
required. If a screw is to be changed for one of On occasion a drill may be used as a guide
longer length, the threads help keep the guide pin. If its length and diameter are the same as
pin in place. Placing threads on the end of the that of the guide pin it may be used directly and
36 2. Biomechanics of Cannulated and Noncannulated Screws

Tapered Thread Root Diameter

Fixed Thread Root Diameter

FIGURE 2.26. The root diameter of the threaded in diameter, which causes a stress riser at the
part of the guide pin can be (a) tapered toward junction with the smooth shaft where there is a
the diameter of the smooth shaft, or (b) fixed sharp change in diameter.

depth measurements may be taken from it. One Guide Pin Depth Measurement
example of this is its use in a slipped femoral
capital epiphysis where the bone is very dense. The larger guide pins are often marked for
Caution is necessary as the screw is driven over direct reading. This may be done with etched
the drill. Since bone chips are trapped between numerals or with rings or other markings. Direct
the screw and the drill, jamming of the screw reading depth gauges placed along the exposed
can occur. The sharp-tipped drill is then more portion of the guide pin are simple to apply and
likely to tum and advance forward than a guide very easy to read.
pin with a threaded tip. If a drill is to be used
as a guide pin, the position of its tip must
be monitored with fluoroscopy. It should be Jigs
removed after the screw has advanced only part A major advantage of the cannulated screw sys-
way. tem is the ability to place the guide pins, and
The guide pin essentially takes the place of ultimately the screws, in a specified geometric
the pilot hole used for placing solid screws. The relationship with each other. This is accom-
pilot hole should be kept under a critical size plished with the use of jigs. A common example
to maintain maximum pullout strength of the of this is when multiple parallel screws are used
screw thread. As we have previously discussed, for the fixation of intracapsular hip fractures.
for soft cancellous bone this critical pilot hole The simplest jig is a metallic block with a pat-
size is between 49% and 63%, whereas for hard tern of parallel holes. Assuming that the pins do
cancellous it is 68% to 74% of the outer diame- not bend after leaving the jig guide hole, their
ter of the screw threads. Since the guide wire positional accuracy is great. As an example, the
diameter is always smaller than the root diame- Howmedica fixed jig, 25 mm in width, used to
ter of the screw, there is less chance of over- place parallel 3.2-mm pins in the hip, allows a
enlarging the pilot hole with a cannulated deviation of only 0.3 mm for every 25 mm of
screw. advancement of the pin. This accuracy is based
A.F. Tencer, S.E. Asnis, R.M. Harrington, and J.R. Chapman 37

on the allowable tolerances of the jig guide moves material from the head. If this recess is
holes and pin diameters. too deep, strength may be lost at the head-shaft
Cannulated Screw Head
Cannulated Screw Shaft
The screw head has two basic functions: (a) to
allow insertion of the driver, and (b) to serve as The shaft of the cancellous lag screw has two
a buttress for the bone fragment and produce basic functions: (a) to connect the head of the
compression. The fit of the screwdriver bit is screw that is located in one bone fragment to
more critical for the cannulated than for the the thread in the other fragment, and (b) to gen-
solid screw. The screw head has either an inter- erate compression of the bone components
nal hexagonal recess to work with a cannulated through internal tension in the shaft. To main-
screwdriver, or an external hexagonal or square tain strength the shaft of the cannulated screw
head and a cannulated wrench (Figure 2.27). The is often designed slightly larger than that of a
internal recess design allows use of a less-bulky solid screw of comparable size. Since the stiff-
screwdriver and permits a spherical outer shape ness of a cylinder in bending is a function of the
to the screw head. This can be important in third power of its radius, a small increase in
screw removal. Bone growing around a screw the outer radius of the shaft will compensate for
head with an external hexagonal head makes the cannula. Figure 2.4 shows an example of this
removal difficult, since bone must be removed for medium-sized screws of comparable dimen-
to allow engagement of the wrench. If two sions. This does not appear to be a problem in
external hexagonal screw heads touch, they will the larger screws, but in smaller screws leaving
lock. The advantage of using the external hex- a cannulation large enough for a stiff guide wire
agonal head is the strength provided to the may require the shaft diameter to be signifi-
coupling with the driving wrench. The round cantly increased or the screw will be consid-
head with an internal recess puts more demand erably weaker.
on the screwdriver tip. The screwdriver hex- There may be a misconception that a solid
agonal tip must be small enough to fit within screw is always stronger than a cannulated screw
the recess in the screw head, yet itself must be of eqUivalent outer thread diameter. The 6.5-mm
cannulated, leaving little material in it. In addi- cannulated screws usually have a slightly larger
tion, the screw head-shaft junction strength is shaft (root) diameter than their solid 6.5-mm
important. The internal hexagonal recess re- counterparts. A solid 6.5-mm screw may have a
3.0-mm thread root diameter, while the How-

medica 6.5-mm cannulated screw has a root

----------------------- - -~
diameter of 4.8 mm. If the cannula is 2 mm in
diameter, the area and polar moments of inertia
of the cannulated screw would be 102.6 mm3
and 514.8 mm4, compared with 27 mm 3 and 81
a Internal Hexagonal mm4, or 3.8 and 6.4 times greater, respectively,
than those of the solid screw.

Cannulated Screw Thread

The threads of the screw have three basic func-
tions: (a) to transform torque applied to the
screw into axial force, (b) to act as an inclined
b External Hexagonal
plane and gain mechanical advantage in the
FIGURE 2.27. The cannulated screw head may conversion of torque to compression, and (c) to
have (a) an internal hexagonal recess, or (b) an resist pullout in the host material. As preViously
external hexagonal shape. discussed, the ability of a screw thread to hold
38 2. Biomechanics of Cannulated and Noncannulated Screws

in bone without stripping is related to the geom- for the cannula. This does decrease its holding
etry of the screw thread: its outer diameter, its power, because the thread depth is smaller. The
length of engagement in bone, particularly cor- decrease in holding strength may be theoret-
tex, and the geometry of its threads including ically compensated for by decreasing the thread
depth and pitch, as well as the shear strength of pitch (increasing the number of threads per inch).
the bone it is placed into. This is given by the This can be determined by the given formulae.
relationship described previously: Clinically, cannulated screws appear to function
well and in a practical sense may have more
Fs = 5 x (L x 1t X Dmajor ) x TSF
than adequate holding power. When compar-
When comparing cannulated screws with solid ing the holding power of different cannulated
screws of nearly equivalent dimensions, in sim- screws, the surgeon may apply the principles
ilar bone stock, the thread shape factor (TSF) given in making his choice of the appropriate
becomes important. The TSF relationship given device.
above states that screw holding power is directly
proportional to thread depth and inversely
proportional to pitch. Deeper threads with a
Cutting Tip
greater difference between the outer and root The tip of the cannulated screw is most im-
diameters and thread forms with a smaller pitch, portant in screw function. In solid screws, tips
or more threads per inch, should have greater may have a trochar to allow self-drilling and
purchase strength. The problem in verifying -tapping, self-cutting flutes for self-tapping, or a
these relationships is that in using commercially blunt tip that requires predrilling and tapping
available screws, several variables always change (Figure 2.23). The screw tip design may signif-
together. We have manufactured custom screws icantly decrease the screw's holding power in
in which these variables were varied individu- bone. In cancellous bone pretapping can decrease
ally.33 The holding power of these custom pullout strength approximately 30% (Figure
screws were then tested using synthetic polyure- 2.20). Tapping as a separate procedure removes
thane materials to simulate cancellous bone of additional material from the hole, enlarging it
different densities. One material simulated mod- (Figure 2.21).
erate (0.15 g/cc), and one dense (0.22 g/cc) can- It appears that a cannulated screw designed
cellous bone. The results of these studies indi- for cancellous bone should be self-cutting and
cate that the most important factor in screw -tapping. The cutting flutes should direct bone
holding power is the density of the host mate- chips away from the cannula and place them in a
rial followed by the outer diameter of the position to be packed by the oncoming threads.
thread. With decreased pitch compared with As previously discussed, one way to accomplish
those of commercially available screws (more this is to place cutting flutes that have a posi-
threads per inch), there is an increase in pullout tive rake into the first couple of threads. This
strength. This progresses to the point where the removes minimal metal and causes very little
TSF is slightly greater than 1.0. Similarly, thread change to the overall thread surface area. As the
depth has an effect. A screw of 6.5-mm outer screw advances, it chisels into the bone and
diameter and root diameter of 3.5 mm has sig- directs the chips to be packed against the screw
nificantly greater holding power in the lower threads. The tip of the screw only cuts when
density material than one with a root diameter rotated clockwise. The tip is blunt when turned
of 4.2 mm, although there is no significant dif- counterclockwise (removal direction). Another
ference in the higher density material. advantage of this type of tip is in percutaneous
procedures. After the guide pin is placed, the
screw is advanced through the soft tissue while
Clinical Significance of turning it in a counterclockwise direction. The
Screw Thread Form tip doesn't cut or wind the soft tissues. When
The cannulated screw must have a larger root cortex is reached the rotation is reversed to
diameter than the solid screw to allow room clockwise, allowing it to cut into bone.
A.F. Tencer, S.E. Asnis, R.M. Harrington, and J.R. Chapman 39

Summary hole and reduces purchase strength. In these cir-

cumstances, the bone is usually weak enough so
Cannulated screw systems can help the surgeon that resistance to insertion is not an important
to position, determine length, and accurately issue.
place the final screw and have major advantages Cannulated screws provide significant advan-
in maintaining the reduction and control of frac- tages over solid screws when the screw must
ture fragments during the procedure. The prin- be carefully positioned, and they aid in gaining
ciples that govern screw strength and holding control and temporary reduction of fracture
power should be appreciated by the surgeon. components. On the other hand, especially with
There are also major differences between differ- small screws, the existence of a cannula in the
ent cannulated screw systems in relation to center of the screw reduces torsional strength
sizing and tip design. The surgeon should appre- significantly. For cannulated and solid screws of
ciate the differences, since this will allow accu- equal major diameter, the minor diameter of
rat~ selection according to specific clinical needs.
the cannulated screw is designed to be larger
to increase torsional strength. This reduces the
thread depth and the holding power of the
Summary screw. Some manufacturers, recognizing this,
provide cannulated screws of larger diameter
A number of factors interact to control the per- than equivalently sized solid screws. Another
formance of a screw placed in bone. These method for increasing cannulated screw purchase
include the density of the bone into which it is strength may be to make these screws with a
placed, the geometry of the screw itself, and the finer pitch than is currently used.
technique of preparation of the hole. A screw
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2:229-233. 30. Stone JL, Beaupre GS, Hayes We. Multiaxial
15. Krag MH, Beynnon BD, Pope MH, Frymoyer strength characteristics of trabecular bone. J Bio-
JW, Haugh LD. Weaver DL. An internal fixator mech 1983;16:743-752.
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JS, Jones W. Optimizing bone screw pullout Standards, General Services Administration, 1978;
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Clin Orthop 1989;247:220-231. Orthop Trauma 1993;7:138-141.
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Fluoroscopic Procedures in Orthopaedics:
Radiation Exposure of Patients and
W. Gordon Monahan

One of the major advantages to cannulated Radiation Units

screw techniques is the ability to accurately
place screws in an area without direct anatomic Figure 3.1 shows schematically an x-ray beam
exposure and visualization. Guide pins, usually passing through air. In the path of the beam
inserted under fluoroscopic observation, are are situated two parallel metal plates that are
used for trial positioning. However, this neces- connected to a battery and a sensitive current
sitates some radiation exposure to the patients meter. As the x-rays interact with the air in the
and surgical team. Using modern fluoroscopic volume defined by the parallel plates, electrons
techniques, how significant is this exposure and and ionized air molecules are produced that
what methods can be used to minimize this experience the attractive force of the charged
potential hazard? metal plates. The amount of current conducted
As with any exposure to ionizing radiation, is proportional to the radiation exposure rate.
there is a risk of radiation-induced conditions The formal definition of the unit of radiation
being produced. The serious radiation-induced exposure (the roentgen) was adopted by the
effects of concern are categorized as deter- International Commission on Radiological Units
ministic or stochastic. A deterministic effect is and Measurements in 1928, some 33 years after
one that increases in severity with increasing Wilhelm Roentgen discovered x-rays. The orig-
absorbed dose (e.g., lens opacification, skin inal definition was that one roentgen (R) of radia-
erythema, and decreased sperm production). In a tion produces one electrostatic unit (esu) of
stochastic effect, the probability of occurrence charge per cubic centimeter of air at standard
increases with increasing exposure; however, temperature and pressure (5TP). The modern
the severity is independent of the magnitude of equivalent in 51 units is 2.58 x 10-4 coulombs/
the absorbed dose (e.g., cancers and genetic kg of air. In more familiar terms, the entrance
effects). Deterministic effects occur only after skin exposure to a patient in a typical fluoro-
relatively high exposures to radiation, l whereas scopic procedure is 3 to 5 R/min.
the induction of stochastic effects is considered While radiation exposure is a measure of the
to be the principal hazard of exposures to low number of incident x-rays, radiation dose is the
doses of ionizing radiation. The objective of a amount of energy deposited per unit mass of air
radiation protection program is to prevent the or a particular tissue. The x-ray-absorbing abil-
occurrence of deterministic effects and to limit ity of various tissues depends on their atomic
the risk of stochastic effects to a reasonable composition and density in addition to the
level. This objective can be accomplished by energy of the incident beam. Because bone has
ensuring that all radiation exposure is As Low a much higher effective atomic number than
As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA). This is the muscle or water, the dose to bone will be about
general philosophy of a radiation protection 3.5 times greater for the same exposure of low-
program along with the inclusion of economic energy x-rays. The dose in tissue will also vary
and social factors. with depth. Imagine a series of parallel plate

42 3. Fluoroscopic Procedures in Orthopaedics

1= Charge
n Time
~ __...r:::..~"-"-"-~"-"-"-.>,. I Current
_ ':::. ~ Meter
I.._______T..- Battery

FIGURE 3.1. The ionization chamber is used to the radiation intensity. The current, which is
measure radiation exposure. X-rays cause ion- defined as the charge per unit time, is therefore
ization in the air between the chamber plates proportional to the radiation exposure rate.
and the measured charge (Q) is proportional to

chambers placed in the path of an x-ray beam. units the reader is referred to one of the stan-
The air in the first chamber will remove some dard textbooks on the physics of radiology.2
of the x-rays from the beam so that the next
chamber in line will receive a lower exposure
and therefore a smaller dose. This reduction in Imaging Equipment
exposure and dose would be maintained along
the series of chambers. In an actual patient expo- The imaging chain used in fluoroscopic proce-
sure, about one percent of the incident x-ray dures consists of an x-ray tube source in coaxial
beam will exit the surface of the patient farthest alignment with an image intensifier that is opti-
from the x-ray source. cally coupled to a television camera. The output
The unit of absorbed dose in SI units is image is viewed by the physician on a TV mon-
the gray (Gy), which is equal to the radiation itor. The principal advantage of this x-ray imag-
necessary to deposit one joule of energy in one ing system is the tremendous image brightness
kilogram of irradiated material. In the older gain that is achieved by the image intensifier
centimeter-gram-second (cgs) units, the unit of tube. This enables viewing of the fluorescent
absorbed dose is the rad, which is equal to 100 images in reasonable ambient lighting. The two
ergs per gram (1 Gy = 100 rad). Since different factors that contribute to the gain of the image
kinds of radiation (i.e., x-rays versus high- intensifier are (1) the energy increase of the
energy neutrons) cause varying degrees of bio- electrons accelerated from the photocathode to
logic damage for the same absorbed dose, the the output screen and (2) the minification of the
absorbed dose equivalent has been defined for input image from an image receptor diameter of
radiation protection purposes. The absorbed 15 to 30 em to the output of 2.5 em. The com-
dose equivalent in sieverts (Sv) is equal to the bination of these two factors yields a brightness
absorbed dose in grays times a quality factor gain of several thousand compared with a fluo-
that is dependent on the biologic effective- rescent screen alone, which is used in most static,
ness of the radiation. The older unit is the rem x-ray imaging procedures. The only disadvan-
(1 Sv = 100 rem). For x-rays, the quality factor is tage of the image intensifier-TV tube imaging
1; therefore, the absorbed dose in grays is iden- combination is the slightly reduced spatial reso-
tical to the absorbed dose equivalent in sieverts. lution compared to a film-screen system.
In addition, for soft tissue the exposure in roent-
gens is approximately equal to the absorbed
dose in rads or the absorbed dose equivalent in
rems. The entrance dose to a patient's soft tissue Spatial resolution in an image intensifier-video
during fluoroscopy will therefore be 3 to 5 rem/ camera fluoroscopy system is limited by the x-
min. For a more detailed description of radiation ray tube focal spot size, the input screen thick-
w. G. Monahan 43

ness of the image intensifier, and the number of ing jerky. Standard TV uses a frame rate of
lines used in the video camera. The choice of 30 frames/second and 525 lines/frame. Some
each of these elements in the various system current fluoroscopy C-arms offer 1023-line TV
components represents a design trade-off with components and a proportionately reduced
other important characteristics. The focal spot frame rate.
size must be large enough to produce sufficient A good way to represent image resolution is
x-ray tube output while not degrading image to look at the contribution from each of the
resolution. Typical x-ray tube focal spot sizes components as a function of object magnifica-
that accomplish these design objectives are 0.5 tion. Following the example given by Sprawls,4
to 0.9 mm. The image intensifier input screen Figure 3.2 shows the blur (reciprocal of resolu-
must be thick enough to stop a good percentage tion) for a typical image intensifier-video sys-
of the incident photons, so that patient exposure tem. Ideally, each structure in the object should
can be kept as low as reasonably achievable project onto the image plane with its correct
while not reducing spatial resolution due to geometric magnification. In actual practice, each
light diffusion in the screen. The cesium iodide structure in the object is enlarged beyond this
(CsI) input screens have detection efficiencies of size due to the extended focal spot size and the
50-60%3 and, in addition, the CsI crystals can spreading of light in the screen. The specific sit-
be aligned with the direction of the incident x- uation illustrated is a 23-cm image intensifier,
ray beam to reduce the lateral spread of light lOOO-line TV, and an x-ray tube with a 0.6-mm
photons, which degrades spatial resolution. The focal spot. Since most applications will involve
number of TV lines in the video image is inter- geometric magnification less than 1.5, the max-
dependent with the frame rate, which must be imum blur of the system will be approximately
fast enough to capture motion without appear- 0.3 mm. While this degradation in image quality

Resolution of II-TV Fluoroscopy

0.6 "T"""-------------------'7I
Blur (mm)





1.25 1.67 Magnification

0.0 -f----+--.......--+--....--~- ......-~--..::::.{
0 .0 0.2 0.4 0 .6 0 .8 1.0
Object POSition

FIGURE 3.2. Estimated blur (reciprocal of res- x-ray tube with a O.6-mm focal spot. The theo-
olution) for a 23-cm image intensifier optically retical maximum resolution of this system is 3
coupled to a 1,OOO-line video camera using an line pairs/mm.
44 3. Fluoroscopic Procedures in Orthopaedics

is acceptable in practice, a twofold improvement coherent scattering, photoelectric effect, and

could be obtained, if needed, by using the elec- Compton scattering. In a photoelectric interac-
tronic magnification capability of the image tion the x-ray is completely absorbed by giving
intensifier. However, the use of 2 x electronic its energy to an atomic electron. Coherent scat-
magnification will result in a 2 to 4 x increase in tering constitutes about 5% of the possible
patient exposure depending on the automatic events and results in a deflection of the incident
brightness control setting. photon in another direction without a loss of
energy. Compton scattering is responsible for
most of the scattered radiation in soft tissue. In
Automatic Brightness Control a Compton interaction the photon divides its
energy between an outer-shell electron and a
As a patient is dynamically fluoroscoped, the
secondary photon. The incident photon trans-
changing field of view produces different x-ray
fers only about 10-20% of its original energy
absorption, which results in the image intensifier
to the orbital electron, so the scattered photon
being exposed to different intensities of radia-
will penetrate tissue nearly as well as thepri-
tion. Without a compensating mechanism in
mary beam. These scattered photons produce
place, the video screen intensity would be con-
the radiation hazard for personnel.
stantly changing during the movement of th~
The angular distribution of secondary pho-
image intensifier. In fluoroscopy, an electronic
tons is nearly isotropic at the energies used in
control system is used to keep the video image
fluoroscopy. Some convenient tables5 have been
at a constant brightness level. This system
compiled from experimental measurements of
works by either placing a photodetector in front
scattered radiation and are used in calculating
of the video camera or using an internal camera
personnel exposures. The amount of scattered
signal to monitor the light level. This informa-
radiation at 90° to the primary beam axis de-
tion is used in a feedback circuit to alter either
pends on the incident field size and the subject
the kilovoltage of the x-ray generator or the
thickness. A good rule of thumb is that scattered
anode current of the x-ray tube, which controls
radiation is 0.1% of the entrance exposure to the
radiation output. If the light signal is too low,
patient. At one meter from the beam axis.
the kilovoltage is increased to enhance the pen-
etration of the x-ray beam. To avoid degrading
the image contrast, the x-ray tube current will
also be controlled to change the input expo-
sure to the patient. By controlling these tube
There are two primary Federal regulations6
parameters, the automatic brightness system can
that apply to C-arm fluoroscopy systems. One
maintain a constant intensity at the video
addresses the beam collimation and image
camera and therefore keep constant illumination
receptor alignment and the other the maximum
at the video monitor.
entrance skin exposure to the patient. Thepri-
mary radiation beam must be contained within
the image receptor input area. This requirement
Primary and Scattered ensures that the patient receives only radiation
Radiation that will contribute to the procedure and that
personnel will be exposed only to scattered
X-rays originate at the focal spot of the x-ray radiation, which is approximately 0.1% the
tube and the beam is confined by the collimator intensity of the primary beam. In addition, for
to irradiate the image receptor surface area. This machines with automatic exposure control the
cone of radiation, which passes through the maximum entrance exposure rate to the patient
patient and produces the two-dimensional image is limited to 10 R/min. Some machines have. a
on the TV monitor, is called the primary beam. high-level control mode of operation that must
There are three processes that occur when x- be accompanied by an audible signal when in
rays at diagnostic energies interact with matter: use and the exposure rate is limited to 20 R/min.
w. G. Monahan 45

TABLE 3.1. Summary of NCRP recommendations for annual radiation

dose limits.*
Class exposed Rems mSv
Stochastic 5 50
Lens of eye 15 150
All other areas 50 500
Lifetime cumulative 1 x (age in years) lOx (age in years)
Effective dose equiv. 0.1
Total dose equiv. 0.5 5
Dose equiv. (1 mo.) 0.05 0.05
* Excluding background and medical exposures.

The high-level mode should always be used for ing career and multiplying by the maximum
short periods of time and never for routine permissible annual whole-body dose of 1 rem/yr
operation. yields (30 yr x 1.0 rem/yr x 4/1O,000/rem) 1.2/
100, which is similar to the safe industry lifetime
risk of 0.5% for a 50-year working life. The life-
Radiation Hazards time risk to the average radiation worker is
about one-fourth of the maximum risk.
Occupational and public radiation dose limits
have been recommended by the National Coun-
cil on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 7 Patient Exposure and Risk
These limits do not include exposure from natu-
ral background radiation and exposures received Patients receive primary plus scattered radiation.
as a patient for medical purposes. A condensed The primary radiation is confined to a small
version of these guidelines is given in Table 3.1. fraction of the total body surface area. The scat-
The values given in Table 3.1 should be tered radiation is similar in intensity to that
treated as upper limits of dose rather than design experienced by the surgical staff; however, since
limits for radiation shielding. Even though the the patient is only involved in a single proce-
NCRP recommends a maximum annual permis- dure, the scattered radiation exposure is insig-
sible dose of 5 rem, the average annual dose nificant in comparison to the primary. Keep in
equivalent of monitored hospital workers in mind that dose is energy deposited per unit
1989 was 140 mrem. The greatest radiation risk mass of tissue. To account for the difference in
to the orthopaedic surgeon is to the head, neck, radiating a small volume of tissue and using risk
and hands. Average annual radiation doses to factors based on whole-body irradiation, a set
these areas have been reported in the 200 to of weighting factors 1 has been derived from
800 mrem range. 8 experimental data. These are given in Table 3.2.
The lifetime effective dose equivalent of 1 Since the average fluoroscopic exposure time
rem times the worker's age in years is consistent in most orthopaedic procedures is less than 5
with the acceptable risk being comparable to or minutes, 8 the average patient entrance exposure
less than those in other safe industries. The aver- to the area of interest would be about 15 R. A
age fatal accident rate in safe industries is about weighting factor of 0.05 could be used tocom-
1/10,000/yr. 1 The risk of developing a radiation- pare this limited area irradiation with an equiv-
induced fatal malignancy during a worker's life- alent whole-body irradiation. The effective dose
time is 4/l0,000/rem. Assuming a 30-year work- equivalent to the whole body would be about
46 3. Fluoroscopic Procedures in Orthopaedics

TABLE 3.2. Tissue-weighti ng factors. of the x-ray beam, then considerable dose
reduction can be achieved by positioning the
0.01 0.05 0.12 0.20
staff at larger distances from the beam axis. If a
Bone surface Bladder Bone marrow Gonads person moves from 1 m to 2 m distance from
Skin Breast Colon the x-ray field of view at the patient, the expo-
Liver Lung sure is reduced by a factor of four.
Esophagus Stomach The third factor in exposure reduction, shield-
Remainder ing, is accomplished by personnel wearing lead
aprons, thyroid shields, and protective eyeware
and the use of transparent leaded plastiC bar-
riers. The recommended apron for fluoroscopic
750 mrem. The radiation detriment to an indi- procedures is one with 0.5 mm lead equivalence.
vidual patient who undergoes an orthopaedic This thickness of material will remove more
procedure would therefore be at the same level than 95% of the incident radiation. These are
as the detriment experienced by the orthopaedic supplied in either single- or double-piece con-
surgeon on a yearly basis (3/10,000 risk of struction for reducing the physical strain of
developing a fatal malignancy per procedure). wearing this protection.
While this risk to the patient is justified by the
benefit received from the procedure, special
shielding considerations must be made for preg-
nant patients and when the gonads are in the A physician is standing 50 em perpendicular to
primary beam. the x-ray beam axis and performing 5 minutes
of fluoroscopy time during a procedure. Assume
that the patient's entrance exposure is 3 R/min
Radiation Protection (typical for an average-size patient) and that
0.1% of the radiation is scattered at 90°, 1 m
There are three ways to limit the amount of from the beam axis. The total exposure to the
radiation exposure to both patients and person- surface of the physician's lead apron would be
nel: time, distance, and shielding. Fluoroscopy
time is monitored and an audible alarm is
(3R/min) x 0.001 x 5 min x 4 = 60 mR.
sounded after 5 minutes of exposure. This timer The factor of 4 is due to the ratio of 1 m to
is then reset by the technical staff. It is good 0.5 m 2 to account for the geometry. Since the
practice to note the total fluoroscopy time in the apron will absorb at least 95% of the incident
patient log book, so that retrospective dose cal.- radiation, the exposure to the physician's trunk
culations can be made and used to streamline would be
procedures. The total fluoroscopy time should
be kept to a minimum to keep patient and per-
60mR x 0.05 = 3mR.
sonnel exposures as low as possible. Thus, with this exposure for a single procedure
The second factor to use in controlling radia- the physician could perform 33 procedures per
tion exposure is distance. The patient should be week and not exceed the recommended max-
positioned as close as possible to the image imum permissible body dose. However, if the
receptor and as far as possible from the x-ray eyes were unprotected, the maximum dose to
source in order to minimize patient exposure. the lens would limit the number of procedures
Since the intensity of any radiation from a point to just five (300 mrem/week divided by 60 mR/
source decreases inversely with the distance procedure). This illustrates the importance of
from the source squared, personnel can be stra- wearing thyroid and eye shields. Figure 3.3
tegically positioned about the patient to mini- shows the amount of x-radiation that is trans-
mize this component of exposure. If it is not mitted by a lead apron (or thyroid shield) and
necessary for assisting physicians or technical protective eyeware. As can be seen in the plot,
staff to be in close proximity to the central axis less than 3% of the incident radiation is trans-
W. G. Monahan 47

Radiation Shielding Protection



60 70 80 90 100 11 0 120

FIGURE 3.3. The plot shows the measured trans- radiation protection are 0.5 mm lead equiv-
mission of x-rays at different kilovoltages for a alent. The protective eyeware that was tested is
lead apron and protective glasses. The recom- 0.75 mm lead equivalent.
mended lead aprons that should be worn for

mitted through these protective shields. In the patient nearest to the x-ray tube and be about
previous example, a physician wearing pro- 10% of that value on the exit side of the patient.
tective eyeware and a thyroid shield would be For this reason, the x-ray tube should be posi-
limited only by the body exposure. tioned under the table or on the opposite side of
the patient from the personnel in order to
reduce their exposure.
Radiation Field Distribution Two factors must be remembered when con-
sidering the scattered radiation spatial distribu-
The main source of exposure to personnel dur- tion: (1) the intensity decreases as the distance
ing fluoroscopy examinations is scattered radia- from the beam axis squared, and (2) at 1 m from
tion from the patient and structures in the field the beam axis the magnitude of scattered radia-
of view of the x-ray beam. The volume of mate- tion is about 0.1% of the patient's entrance ex-
rial in the primary beam consists of a cone with posure. The 0.1% is a conservative estimate of
its apex at the focal spot of the x-ray tube and the actual amount of scatter, which depends on
its base at the image receptor, the entrance win- field size and patient thickness; it therefore con-
dow of the image intensifier tube. From this tains a safety factor of 2 to 5 times. An example
cone, x-rays are scattered nearly uniformly in of the radial falloff of radiation exposure in the
all directions. Since the probability of Compton horizontal plane is given in Figure 3.4. The data
scattering is fairly constant along the axis of the in this demonstration were taken with a survey
cone, the intensity of scattered radiation will be meter placed at certain radial distances from
proportional to the primary beam intensity with the source-to-receptor axis. The phantom was a
depth in the patient. The highest intensity of 20 x 20 x 20 em block of polystyrene and the
scattered radiation will occur on the side of the technique factor used simulated a typical fluoros-
48 3. Fluoroscopic Procedures in Orthopaedics

Personnel Exposure in Horizontal Plane

During Fluoroscopy Procedures

lnten s ifier

Distance Phantom
400 Table
Exposure X-Ray
(mR/hr) Tube



o 50 100 150 200
Distance from
Axis (cm)

FIGURE 3.4. The measured exposure varies as nique factors used in this demonstration were
the reciprocal of the distance from the source- 80 kVp and 2 mAo The phantom consisted of a
image receptor axis squared. The x-ray tech- cube, 20 cm on a side, of polystyrene.

copy application--80 kVp and 2 mA. As can technique factors, simply multiply the exposure
be seen in the plot, the intensity decreases by a rate in the figure by
factor of four as the distance goes from 50 em
to 100 cm. Working backward from the expo-
(new mA/2) * (new kVp/80)2.
sure at 1 m (50 mR/hr), we can estimate the
phantom's entrance exposure:
(50 mR/hr) * (1000)/(60 min/hr) = 5/6 R/min. Recommendations to Reduce
In an actual measurement it was 2.2 R/min.
Radiation Exposure
Using the rule of thumb factor of 0.1% of the
In keeping with the principle of radiation pro-
entrance exposure for the calculation of scat-
tection against ionizing radiation exposure "as
tered radiation at 1 m results in a safety margin
low as reasonably achievable" (ALARA), the
of 1.8 times. The rule of thumb factor will
following techniques as recommended in the
always be an overestimate of the actual expo-
literature9 are suggested for routine use.
sure to scattered radiation.
Figure 3.5 shows the exposure distribution in 1. Always obey the rules of radiation protec-
the vertical plane. The isoexposure lines clearly tion--time, distance, and shielding. These
illustrate the greater intensity of radiation on three parameters are under the control of the
the beam entrance side of the phantom. To use system operator. You can minimize the fluo-
the information in these two figures for different roscopy time and position your personnel
W_ G_ Monahan 49






-50 50 25 m.B/hr.



o 25 50 75 100 125 150 em

FIGURE 3.S. The scattered radiation is more should work on the image intensifier side of the
intense on the entrance side of the x-ray beam. patient.
To minimize radiation exposure, personnel

either behind appropriate barriers or at a In summary, these techniques can easily be used
safer distance from the radiation source. to reduce or keep to a minimum the radiation
2. Most modem C-arms are equipped with a exposure of both patients and personnel. Always
pulsed fluoroscopy mode, where the x-ray be sure to properly wear your film badges, so
tube is pulsed in synchronization with the that an accurate record of your radiation expo-
television frame rate. This results in an expo- sure is recorded. If you have any questions
sure reduction of 3 to 10 times. A last image regarding radiation protection or wish to obtain
hold feature will also reduce fluoroscopy another opinion concerning existing exposure
time. levels for the procedures that you perform, con-
3. Some automatic exposure systems give the sult your radiation safety officer.
operator three choices for input exposure
to the image intensifier-low, medium, and
high. If sufficient image quality can be References
obtained with the use of the low setting, 1. Limitation of Exposure to Ionizing Radiation. NCRP
then a reduction in radiation exposure of Report No. 116. Bethesda, MD. National Council
possibly 50% can be achieved. on Radiation Protection and Measurements, 1993.
4. To keep the scattered radiation intensity as 2. Curry TS, Dowdey JE, Murry RC. Christensen's
Physics of Diagnostic Radiology. Malverne, PA: Lea
low as possible, set the minimum useful field & Febiger, 1990.
size with the collimator and keep the image 3. Mistretta CA. X-ray image intensifiers. In: Haus
intensifier in close proximity to the patient. AG, ed. The Physics of Medical Imaging: Recording
50 3. Fluoroscopic Procedures in Orthopaedics

System Measurements and Techniques. New York: 7. Radiation Protection for Medical and Allied Health
American Institute of Physics, 1979;182-205. Personnel. NCRP Report No. 105. Bethesda, MD:
4. Sprawls P. Physical Principles of Medical Imaging. National Council on Radiation Protection and
Rockville, MD: Aspen, 1987. Measurements, 1989.
5. Structural Shielding Design and Evaluation for Medi- 8. Sanders R, Koval KJ, et al. Exposure of the ortho-
cal Use of X-rays and Gamma Rays of Energies up paedic surgeon to radiation. J Bone Joint Surg
to 10 MeV. NCRP Report No. 49. Bethesda, MD: 1993;75-A:326-330.
National Council on Radiation Protection and 9. Goldstone KE, Wright IH, et al. Radiation expo-
Measurements, 1976. sure to the hands of orthopaedic surgeons under
6. Federal Performance Standard for Diagnostic X-Ray fluoroscopic x-ray control. Br J Radiol 1993;66:
Systems and Their Major Components. Federal Reg- 899-901.
ister Vol. 59, No. 96. Washington, DC: U.S. Gov-
ernment Printing Office, 1994.
Intracapsular Hip Fractures
Stanley E. Asnis and Richard F. Kyle

Hip fractures represent a major component of fan out under the superior dome of the femoral
health care in the United States. Current esti- head (Figure 4.1). The primary tensile trabeculae
mates of hip fractures are at approximately make an arch from the fovea medially to the
250,000 per year.! The fractured hip represents lateral femoral cortex just distal to the greater
a significant contributor to morbidity and dis- trochanter laterally. Secondary compressive and
ability of' the elderly and is associated with tensile trabeculare orient themselves according
increased mortality in the first year after fracture to Wolf's law to increase the structural strength.
of approximately 12-20% higher than in per- Singh et a1. 9 have found that with aging and
sons of similar age and gender who have not osteopenia there is a progressive sequential loss
suffered a fracture. 2 The average age of fracture of these trabeculae, thus decreasing structural
is 78 years for women and 72 years for men. strength. The trochanteric and secondary com-
Women sustain approximately 80% of these pression and tensile trabeculae are lost first,
fractures and the fracture rate doubles for each especially in Ward's triangle. As osteopenia con-
decade after the age of 50. In those patients tinues the primary tension trabeculae become
who survive fracture, almost half spend time in interrupted and lost, followed lastly by the loss
a long-term care institution! and 15-25% for at of primary compression trabeculae. In that the
least one year. 2 Because of its frequency among average age of patients with intracapsular hip
the fastest growing portion of our population, fracture is in the seventh decade and those
hip fractures represent a major health concern patients with an intracapsular hip fracture may
with costs to society that exceed $7 billion represent a more osteopenic population, femoral
annually.3 head and neck bone density are most important
in fixation. The trabecular bone within the fem-
oral neck is often of very low density and is
Structural Anatomy unable to support the fixation device alone,
necessitating the utilization of the femoral neck
In the adult hip the neck-shaft angle is approx- cortical bone for support. Bone density studies
imately 1300 ± 70 and the femoral neck ante- of cadaveric femoral heads have shown that the
version is 100 ± 70 and does not vary by sex.4,5 bone in the middle and superior femoral head
The femoral head is slightly oblong with an is superior to the weaker bone of the inferior
average size of 40 to 60 mm. 6 The hip capsule is head4,1O (Figure 4.2). These studies are consistent
attached anteriorly at the intertrochanteric line, with the trabecular patterns. The most dense
whereas posteriorly the lateral half of the femo- bone is in the central head, whereas the poste-
ral neck is extracapsular. 7 The portion of the rior inferior quadrant is usually the weakest.!O
neck that is intracapsular has no periostium, and
fractures must heal by endosteal union. The
femoral head and neck are supported by a tra-
Clinical Relevance
becular network as initially described in 1838 The geometry of placement of fixation screws is
by Ward. 8 The primary compression trabeculae determined by the anatomy of the femoral head
concentrate at the medical femoral neck, then and neck. The femoral neck often is a relatively

52 4. Intracapsular Hip Fractures

and the screw shafts are away from the endos-

teal cortical femoral neck, the femoral head and
screws may drift until a screw's shaft comes
against the endosteal cortexlU2 (Figure 4.3).
Screw thread fixation in the head is dependent
on the density of the trabecular bone. Screw
threads placed in the middle and superior head
have superior holding power to those in an
inferior position.

Vascular Anatomy
CrockI3,14 has given a clear description to the
arterial supply to the femoral head. There are
three major groups of vessels: (1) an extra-
capsular ring located at the base of the femoral
neck, (2) ascending cervical branches on the sur-
face of the femoral neck, and (3) arteries of the
FIGURE 4.1. The femoral head and neck are ligamentum teres or foveal arteries (Figure 4.4).
supported by a trabecular network. The primary An extracapsular arterial ring at the base of
compressive and tension trabeculae coalesce in the femoral neck is formed by a large branch of
the center of the head giving this area the the medial circumflex artery posteriorly and
greatest bone density. The primary compression branches of the lateral circumflex artery ante-
trabeculae of the superior dome of the head is riorly. From this ring arises the ascending cer-
second in bone density.
vical branches that are anatomically described
as the anterior, posterior, medial, and lateral
hollow tube in regard to bone support of the groups. The lateral ascending cervical arteries
fixation device. Unlike a dynamic compression appear to supply most of the blood supply to
hip screw and side plate, cannulated screw heads superior femoral head and lateral neck. The
buttress against the femoral cortex and threads ascending cervical vessels then go into a less-
lock in the femoral head. If forces are applied to distinct vascular ring at the articular cartilage-
direct the head fragment inferiorly or posteriorly neck junction referred to as the subsynovial

anterior superior posterior superior

anterior inferior posterior inferior

FIGURE 4.2. Bone density of cadaveric femoral heads. The middle and superior femoral head is
denser than the inferior head. (From the data of Crowell et al. lO)
S.E. Asnis and R.F. Kyle 53

FIGURE 4.3. If forces are applied to direct the cal femoral neck, the femoral head and screws
head fragment inferiorly or posteriorly and the may drift until a screw's shaft comes against the
screw shafts are away from the endosteal corti- endosteal cortex.

intraarticular arterial ring. IS From this ring ves- important in revascularization of the femoral
sels penetrate the femoral head and are then head after fixation. A very limited supply of
referred to as the epiphyseal arteries. The lateral blood is supplied through intraosseous vessels
epiphyseal artery is thought to supply most of that come directly from the marrow below.
the blood to the weight-bearing area of the
femoral head. The lateral epiphyseal artery sys-
Clinical Relevance
tem passes within the posterior retinaculum of
Weitbrecht.1 4 ,I6-I9 More simply and probably In a nondisplaced fracture there is far less chance
as clinically relevant and accurate, Swiontkow- of direct damage to epiphyseal arteries. Bleed-
ski 20 describes the lateral epiphyseal artery as ing into a capsule that has not been disrupted
the terminal branch of the medial circumflex may cause increased pressure and decreased
artery supplying the weight-bearing surface of blood supply by tamponade. The benefits of
the femoral head in 90% of adults. The terminal aspiration and capsulotomy during the proce-
branch of the lateral circumflex artery supplies dure are still debated. 22 - 26 The displaced frac-
the inferior portion of the femoral head. The tures are likely to have direct arterial injury by
artery of the ligamentum teres is a branch of the disruption or kinking. The Garden stage III and
obturator or medial circumflex artery. Only one Garden stage IV fractures my differ here. The
third of patients are thought to have a sub- Garden stage IV fracture is thought to tear the
stantial portion of the femoral head supplied by posterior retinaculum of Weitbrecht and thus
these vesselsP These vessels, however, may be sustains a greater vascular insult. Early reduction
54 4. Intracapsular Hip Fractures

Subsynovial intraarticular
(intracapsular) arterial ring

Foveal artery

Medial femoral
circumflex artery
Lateral femoral
' \ circumflex artery
Femoral artery


Subsynovial intraarticular
(intracapsular) arterial ring
Aseending cervical arteries

FIGURE 4.4. The arterial supply of the femoral blood to the majority of the weight-bearing sur-
head. The lateral epiphyseal vessels as terminal face of the femoral head in most adults.
branches of the medial circumflex artery supply

and fixation may have a positive role by unkink- jection of the spirally disposed femoral neck
ing intact vessels, but this is still speculative. changes with different degrees of rotation and
hence the vertical appearance of the fracture.
The obliquity projected on the radiograph varied
Classification with the rotation of the distal fragment more
than the fracture line itself. Garden's classifica-
Although there are several classifications for tion28 - 30 is based on the degree of displacement
femoral neck fractures, two will be described. of the fracture (Figure 4.5). It is functional and
The Pauwels's classification27 divides fractures appears to be the classification most widely used
into three types based on the angle formed with today. A Garden stage I fracture is an incom-
the horizontal plane on radiographs. Type I is a plete or an impacted fracture. A Garden stage II
fracture 30° from the horizontal, type II is 50°, fracture is a complete fracture without displace-
and type III is 70°. Garden 28 stated that the frac- ment. A Garden stage III fracture is a complete
ture line was actually remarkably constant in the fracture with displacement. The retinaculum of
range of 50° from the horizontal in the frontal Weitbrecht remains intact and maintains con-
radiograph. He found that the radiographic pro- tinuity between the proximal and distal frag-
S.E. Asnis and R.F. Kyle 55

Garden Stage I Garden Stage II

Garden Stage III Garden Stage IV

FIGURE 4.5. Garden's classification is based on the degree of displacement of the fracture.

ments. By being displaced and yet tethered by Clinical Relevance

the retinaculum, the femoral head becomes tilted
in the acetabulum and thus the trabecular pat- The nondisplaced or Garden stage I and II frac-
tern of the femoral head does not line up with tures are fixed in situ. The valgus-impacted frac-
that of the acetabulum. A Garden stage N frac- tures are left in place and fixed. A capsulotomy
ture is a completely displaced fracture with all may be considered for tamponade. Weight bear-
continuity between the proximal and distal ing is usually immediate after fixation. The inci-
fragments disrupted. The femoral head is able to dence of nonunion is rare and since the vessels
spin free and usually has its trabecular pattern are intact the occurrence of avascular necrosis
line up with that of the acetabulum. Many sur- should be low. The displaced or Garden stage III
geons find it difficult to differentiate between and IV fractures can be expected to have a
the Garden stage III and Garden stage N frac- higher complication rate. Theoretically the Gar-
tures. The Garden stage IV fracture my have the den stage III fracture has a better prognosis for
femoral head rotated in the acetabulum because two reasons: the posterior retinaculum of Weit-
of the impingement of the distal fragment on brecht is intact and the lateral epiphyseal artery
the proximal fragment by the way the subject is system is more likely to be intact. A good reduc-
lying during the radiograph. Several surgeons tion is also more readily obtainable. With the
have simply combined the Garden stage I and II patient in traction and the posterior retinaculum
fractures into non displaced fractures and the intact, internal rotation reduces the fracture. The
Garden stage III and IV into displaced fractures. posterior retinaculum acts like the binding of a
56 4. Intracapsular Hip Fractures

book as it is closed. In the displaced fracture in tent and experienced fewer problems in sev-
the elderly patient with osteoporosis, the deci- eral aspects of life. The authors concluded that
sion between fixation and arthroplasty becomes secondary total hip replacement in patients
an issue. with healing complication following primary
osteosynthesis gave better long-term functional
capacity than that obtained with a primary hemi-
Treatment Controversy Reduction and fixation of the intracapsular
hip fracture with multiple pins or screws has
The displaced intracapsular hip fracture can been reported as a procedure of much lower
be treated in two ways: immediate prosthetic morbidity and mortality than prosthetic arthro-
replacement or internal fixation. Although pros- plasty.31,34,35,47,48 With improved methods of
thetic replacement is a more-definitive mode of fixation and a tendency toward earlier weight
treatment, some studies have shown a higher bearing, internal fixation becomes a more attrac-
morbidity and mortality rate than with internal tive mode of treatment, especially in younger,
fixation 31 - 35 and in the more-active individual more active patients. Patients with healed frac-
this may require conversion to a total hip tures have been found to have fewer problems
replacement. 36,37 Immediate total hip arthro- with sleep and housework, and they generally
plasty has been shown to have a far higher function better than patients with a total hip
morbidity and mortality rate when performed replacement following their injury.45 Those
for an acute fracture than in the patient with patients who develop the complication of non-
chronic arthritis. Franzen et aP8 found the age- union or osteonecrosis can undergo total hip
and sex-adjusted risk of prosthetic failure in total arthroplasty as a delayed elective procedure
hip arthroplasties performed for femoral neck with very low morbidity and mortality.38,39
fracture had complication rates 2.5 times higher
than after primary arthroplasty performed for
osteoarthritis (p = 0.012). Coates and Arm our39
Clinical Relevance
followed 85 patients with primary total hip re- Internal fixation of displaced intracapsular hip
placements for displaced femoral neck fractures fractures has several advantages in many patients.
and found a much higher complication rate than Although statistics vary, it appears that the risks
that found for elective joint replacements. There of death or major complication is lower follow-
was a 7% mortality within the first postoperative ing internal fixation than immediate prosthetic
month, 7% bacteriologic-proven infections, and replacement. For the 70% to 75% of patients
an 8% dislocation rate. Many other studies have who heal their fracture without later developing
found that the dislocation rate is significantly osteonecrosis, their own femoral head functions
higher in the group of fracture patients. 4o- 43 as well as, or better than, a prosthesis. For those
Prosthetic survival has also been found to be who have a problem with union or later develop
shorter in fracture patients than in replacements osteonecrosis, a well-planned elective total hip
performed for arthritis. 44,45 Nilsson et a1. 46 com- arthroplasty is usually a safe procedure. The
pared one group of patients 4 to 12 years after a risks of medical complications appear far lower
primary hemiarthroplasty with another group at a delayed time than immediately after the
that had secondary total hip replacement as a fracture. In the more-active individual a primary
salvage procedure for complications of reduction arthroplasty does not perform as well as a total
and fixation of intracapsular fractures. Function hip replacement. Primary total hip arthroplasty
was classified and the Nottingham Health Pro- right after fracture has a higher complication
file questionnaire was applied. The two groups rate and may not function as well as a delayed
were comparable in regard to age, sex, and total hip procedure, which is reqUired only in
social status. The secondary total hip replace- those patients who have complications after
ment group used walking aids to a lesser ex- internal fixation.
S.E. Asnis and R.F. Kyle 57

Indications for Internal thesis. It must be emphasized, however, that the

internal fixation of the displaced intracapsular
Fixation hip fracture in not a simple procedure. A stable
reduction is essential and the fixation screws
The authors' indication for cannulated screw must be placed accurately.
fixation includes all nonpathologic nondisplaced
or Garden stage I and II fractures. Age is not a
factor. The displaced or Garden stage III and IV Osteonecrosis
fractures can be treated by reduction and inter- Osteonecrosis remains the main complication
nal fixation or total or hemiarthroplasty. The following the internal fixation of intracapsular
authors favor reduction and fixation for all fractures. A displaced intracapsular fracture has
patients other than those in whom a primary a devastating effect on the blood supply of the
prosthetic replacement is required. Prosthetic femoral head. FollOWing autoradiograms on
replacement is indicated for (1) failure to achievefemoral head specimens of patients given 32p
a satisfactory reduction other than in the prior to prosthetic arthroplasty for acute intra-
younger patient, (2) fracture of the femoral head capsular fractures, Calandruccio and Anderson53
or dislocation of the femoral head with fracture reported that 22% of the femoral heads were
of the femoral neck, (3) fractures more than 5 completely vascular, 33% completely avascular,
days old, (4) pathologic fractures, (5) fractures in
and 47% were partially avascular. Catto's54,55
an abnormal hip, i.e., rheumatoid or osteo- meticulous histologic studies of whole femoral
arthritis, (6) fractures with significant femoral heads obtained at least 16 days after trans-
neck comminution with a butterfly fragment of cervical fracture showed 34% of the femoral
1 em or more, and (7) a Garden stage IV fracture heads were completely vascular, 55% were par-
in a patient over 75 years of age and a Singh tially avascular, and 11% were totally avas-
classification of III or less. cular.55 Sevitt's56 arteriographic and histologic
In the younger patient, i.e., under 55, all necropsy of the femoral heads with intracapsular
attempts are made to obtain a satisfactory reduc- fractures showed total or partial necrosis in 84%
tion. If this is not possible or there is posteriorof the specimens. It is apparent that the great
neck comminution, then open reduction and a majority of patients sustain a significant vascular
bone grafting procedure should be considered.50 injury at the time of the fracture, yet only
approximately 20-30% of patients who undergo
internal fixation develop roentgenographic evi-
Potential Complications of dence of avascular necrosis with clinical seg-
Internal Fixation mental collapse.
It is likely that the majority of displaced
femoral neck fractures undergo significant revas-
Problems in Healing cularization following internal fixation. During
Multiple cannulated parallel screws were intro- this period, the fracture heals and most patients
duced for the fixation of intracapsular hip frac- function well even though a significant area of
tures in 1980 in an attempt to increase the accu- the femoral head may still be partially avascular.
racy of fixation and decrease the complications Many of the original studies on intracapsular
following intracapsular fracture. 51,52 It appears fractures gave rates of osteonecrosis based on
that the rate of successful osteosynthesis has the false assumption that most segmental col-
improved significantly with this technique; how- lapse would be evident by 2 years. It appears
ever, the incidence of osteonecrosis may be that revascularization for the femoral head is a
unchanged. In our long-term follow-up study of very slow process and in some patients never
141 patients treated with cannulated screws, complete. In our long-term follow-up study of
only five had a loss of position or nonunion. 51 141 patients treated with cannulated screws,
This gave a 96% chance of successful osteosyn- there was an 11% rate of avascular necrosis at
58 4. Intracapsular Hip Fractures

2 years and an overall 22% incidence after an pins that evaluated several factors including
average follow-up of 8 years (minimum follow- anatomically good and poor reductions with
up 5 years); three patients first developed clin- and without posterior comminution. The most
ical symptoms and segmental collapse after 5 important factor prodUCing instability was fem-
years. 51 Segmental collapse may develop long oral neck comminution, followed by the quality
after the initial fracture; however, function of of reduction. 58 Major comminution of the femo-
the patient is the primary goal of treatment. It ral neck is a contraindication for reduction and
appears that many patients have no symptoms fixation and hemiarthroplasty usually becomes
and excellent function even though their femoral the preferred treatment; however, in the younger
head is partially avascular. Frequently symp- patient an open reduction and bone graft should
toms appear only after the ultimate development be considered. 50 The goal of reduction is a posi-
of segmental collapse. Once the symptoms do tion as close to a Garden index of 160/180 (AP/
appear, elective total hip arthroplasty appears lateral) as possible.28 - 3o On the anteroposterior
safe and extremely effective, with results equiv- radiograph the primary compression trabeculae
alent to those of total hip replacements for should ideally be at an angle of 1600 to the lon-
patients with primary osteoarthritis. gitudinal axis of the femoral shaft, whereas on
the lateral radiograph these compression trabec-
ulae should lie in a straight line or 1800 with the
Reduction femoral shaft axis (Figure 4.6). The Garden index
is an expression of the angle of the compression
The most important objective in the treatment trabeculae on the anteroposterior radiograph
of the displaced intracapsular hip fracture is to over (j) the angle of the compression trabeculae
obtain stable bony support of the femoral head on the lateral radiograph. A perfect anatomic
on the femoral neck. The fixation is used to reduction is therefore expressed as 160/180. A
increase stability by compressing the fracture good reduction has the medial femoral head-
and then maintaining the reduction by neutral- neck fragment well supported by the medial
izing forces acting on the hip. Even if a patient neck of the femur. This should be either ana-
is non-weight bearing, going from a sitting to a tomic or with the head-neck fragment in slight
standing position creates three times as much lateral translation in relation to the supporting
force across the hip as does weight bearingP femoral neck. Slight valgus is acceptable, varus
The factors that decrease stability are comminu- is not. Slight valgus with the superior femoral
tion of the posterior femoral neck and poor neck impacted beneath the subchondral bone of
reduction. Rubin et al. 58 designed an in vitro the superior femoral head usually provides a
mechanical fracture model fixed with Knowles very stable configuration (Figure 4.7a).5 On the

FIGURE 4.6. Garden index. On the anteropos- whereas on the lateral radiograph these com-
terior radiograph the primary compression pression trabeculae should lie in a straight line
trabeculae should ideally be at an angle of 160 0 or 180 0 with the femoral shaft axis.
to the longitudinal axis of the femoral shaft,
S.E. Asnis and R.F. Kyle 59

FIGURE 4.7. A Garden stage IV fracture was stable configuration. The most distal screw shaft
reduced on the fracture table and fixed with lies along the medial neck, preventing the fem-
four 6.S-mm cannulated screws placed in a oral head from falling into varus. (b) The lateral
diamond configuration. (a) This AP radiograph radiograph demonstrates the posterior neck of
of the hip shows the support of the femoral the distal fragment supporting that of the head-
head by the medial femoral neck. The arrow neck fragment. The posterior screw lies along
depicts the impaction of the superior femoral the posterior femoral neck preventing the head
neck beneath the subchondral bone of the from displacing posteriorly. (Reprinted with
superior femoral head. This is referred to as the permission from Asnis and Wanek-Sgaglione. 51 )
"hat hook" position and often represents a very
60 4. Intracapsular Hip Fractures

lateral view alignment is again important, with oral neck gives bone-against-bone support to
the posterior neck of the distal fragment sup- the femoral head-neck fragment, (2) to prevent
porting that of the head-neck fragmenP9 (Figure posterior and varus migration of the femoral
4.7b). head, and (3) to be parallel so as to maintain
The authors accomplish reduction with trac- bone-on-bone support as the fracture settles in
tion on a fracture table with the leg in neutral the healing period. There are several reasons for
flexion, neutral rotation, and 100 of abduction. using a cannulated screw system: (1) the smaller-
The leg is then internally rotated as far as possi- diameter guide pins can be used to accurately
ble; then the leg is backed off into a position of determine the screw position as well as the
15° of internal rotation. The medial neck spike length, (2) cannulated screw systems improve
of the fragment should be well supported by the the accuracy of screw placement by supplying
femoral neck of the femur. With a cannulated jigs that can very accurately place guide pins,
screw system some overdistraction is permis- and (3) with parallel screws excellent com-
sible since the fracture can later be guided into a pression can be produced atraumatically by the
good position and compressed once the parallel lag effect of the screws.
guide pins are in place or with the lag of the Stromqvist et al. 60 studied 22 patients with
parallel cannulated screws. In the great majority femoral neck fractures with 99mTc_MDP scintim-
of cases without major femoral neck comminu- etry performed before and again shortly after
tion this maneuver will yield a satisfactory and surgery. Of eight patients with an intermediate
stable position. In very rare cases an open reduc- uptake before operation, six showed a decrease
tion may be necessary prior to fixation. in the femoral uptake after surgery. Fracture
fixation was carried out by impaction with the
four-flanged Rydell nail. It appeared that vas-
Fixation cular damage could be produced by fracture fixa-
The purpose of the fixation screws are (1) to tion with a device that was impacted into place.
lock the fracture in a position in which the fem- Gentle, controlled compression with lag screws

Screw 2-to

Lateral position

FIGURE 4.8. Screw positioning. In the AP plane the AP projection and should rest on the poste-
the most distal screw's shaft (Screw 1) rests on rior femoral neck in the lateral plane.
the medial femoral neck. A second screw
(screw 2) should be at the mid-head level on
S.E. Asnis and R.F. Kyle 61

may be safer in protecting the vascular status of

the femoral head.

Geometry of Screw Position in

the Femoral Neck and Head

To prevent femoral head migration, screw posi-

tioning is critical (Figures 4.7, 4.8, and 4.9). The
most distal single screw passes through the
femoral cortex, its shaft rests on the supporting
medial neck, and its threads fix the inferior fem-
oral head. For the femoral head to fall into
varus, this screw's threads must first cut through
the femoral head. In the lateral plane a second
screw should be placed posteriorly so that it
rests on the posterior neck of the distal frag-
ment at the mid-head level on the anteropos-
terior plane. For posterior head migration to
occur, its threads must cut through the head.
The positions of these two screws are crucial.
Martens et alP showed that internal fixation a
using multiple Knowles pins had a high rate
of failure unless the most distal screw rested on
the cortical bone of the medial aspect of the
femoral neck (Figure 4.3). Lindequist 12 evaluated
87 patients who had internal fixation of intra-
capsular fractures with two von Bahr screws. He
found that the posterior placement of the prox-
imal screw and the inferior placement of the
distal screw improved the rate of fracture union.
Studies in Sweden utilizing fixation with only
two hook pins in these two key locations gave
fair clinical results. 61 - 64 Stromqvist et al. 64
reviewed 300 cases of femoral neck fractures
fixed with two hook pins. In nondisplaced frac-
tures, 95% healed with satisfactory osteosyn-
thesis, whereas in the displaced fractures there
was a 26% redisplacement or nonunion.
Deyerle65 found that multiple pins placed
around the periphery of the femoral neck com- FIGURE 4.9. A Garden stage II fracture in a renal
pressing the fracture gave rotatory stability. He dialysis patient was fixed with three 6.S-mm
cannulated screws placed in an inverted tri-
believed that this method would yield improved
angle configuration. (a) The distal screw's shaft
osteosynthesis. Three or four parallel cannulated is placed close to the medial femoral neck. The
screws placed peripherally around the femoral proximal two screws are placed at or slightly
neck compressing the fracture are as atraumatic above the mid-femoral head level. (b) The pos-
and also yield excellent rotatory stability. In terior screw's shaft rests close to the posterior
Garden stage I and II fractures, a third screw at femoral neck.
62 4. Intracapsular Hip Fractures


Anterior Posterior


Inverted Triangle Configuration Diamond Configuration

FIGURE 4.10. Position of screws in the femoral neck. The cross section of the femoral neck shows
the three-screw inverted triangle and the four-screw diamond configurations.

the mid-head level on the anteroposterior view can occur at this level propagating from a crack
and in an anterior position on the lateral view between the distal holes. There were no sub-
gives this additional stability (Figure 4.9). In trochanteric fractures in our series of 141
the Garden stage III and IV fractures a fourth patients. 51
screw superiorly on the anteroposterior view
and midline in the lateral view further supple-
ments fixation (Figures 4.7 and 4.10). Studies by Femoral Head Bone Density
Swiontkowski et a1. 66 and Springer et a1. 67 have and Fixation Geometry
suggested that the fourth screw added little
in additional fixation; however, both of these Fixation of the femoral head is also dependent
authors used models that represented a Garden on the holding power of the screw threads in
stage II fracture and not the Garden stage III or IV the trabecular bone of the femoral head. Crowell
fracture with some comminution. The inverted et al.lO and Benterud et a1. 4 designed screw pull-
triangle and diamond patterns of screw place- out models in which they found the previous
ment also fit well into the shape of the femoral recommendations of screw placement in the
neck. Although most mechanical models show inferior and posterior-medial portions of the
the head loaded in the standing position, studies femoral head for better stability to be incorrect.
have shown that there is three times more force In each of these studies screws were placed in
on the hip when going from sitting to stand- different quadrants of femoral heads collected at
ing than when walkingP The triangle and dia- autopsy and pullout tests performed (Figure 4.2).
mond patterns adapt well to the different forces The inferior portion of the femoral heads was
applied to the hip in different body positions. consistently the less dense, with significantly
The distal screw should not enter the femoral lower screw pullout strength (p < .05). The
cortex below the level of the lesser trochanter. increased trabecular density of the central and
No additional holes should be made at the level superior femoral head gave far better fixation.
of the lesser trochanter. Since there is no side Their data strongly favor the inverted triangle
plate, weakness at this level can lead to a sub- and diamond patterns for improved fixation.
trochanteric fracture. 68 Two distal screw holes The trabecular patterns in the femoral head and
at the level of or distal to the lesser trochanter neck go along with their data. We have found
must be used with caution. Iatrogenic fractures this also to be evident when reviewing patient
S.E. Asnis and R.F. Kyle 63

radiographs. The center of the head where the These materials have all proven satisfactory in
tension and compression trabeculae both pass intracapsular hip fixation.
appears most dense, followed by the compres-
sion trabeculae in the superior femoral head. In a Guide Pin
fracture patient with osteoporosis and/or os teo-
penia, the inferior head often clearly demon- The guide pin should be stiff enough to main-
strates the lack of trabeculae and minimal can- tain its position after passing through an align-
cellous bone density. ment jig and passing through the dense bone of
the femoral head. Its stiffness is dependent on
the pin's outer diameter and material of con-
Authors' Preferred Procedure struction. The threads at the end of the guide
pin are present to maintain position and deter
Cannulated Screw Systems forward migration as a cannulated screw is
passed over it. The junction of the thread and
When choosing a cannulated screws system the shaft should be strong enough not to allow
for fixation of the intracapsular fractures sev- fatigue and breakage as the cannulated screw is
eral features should be considered (also see passed. The guide pins should allow for easy
Chapter 2). and accurate depth measurements either directly
from the pin or a direct reading depth gauge.
Most cannulated screws systems offered today Screw Head
are made of titanium or stainless steel. Titanium Both round heads with a recessed hexagonal
offers a material that after fixation allows less socket for the driver or heads with an outer
artifact if diagnostic studies such as magnetic hexagonal shape that use an external driving
resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomog- wrench are available. Although the outer wrench
raphy (CT) scanning is later necessary about the gives excellent mating and strength when mated
hip. In its pure form titanium is highly resistant with the driver, it has several disadvantages. The
to corrosion but its drawback is a low yield and system is more bulky. Later removal of screws
ultimate tensile strength. For this reason tita- can be difficult with the outer hexagonal head. If
nium "six four" alloy is usually used in trauma there is any bony overgrowth around the head,
implants. This alloy has 5.5-6.5% aluminum and the screw is locked in place and the wrench can-
3.5-4.5% vanadium with less than 0.01% impu- not be applied until an adequate amount of bone
rities.69 This material when properly heat treated is removed. If there is some settling in healing and
or forged gives excellent mechanical properties. two heads come together, they become locked
It is extremely resistant to corrosion. Titanium, and again bone must be removed from around
however, is more notch sensitive than stainless one screw to move the heads apart enough
steel and may require more force in removal to apply the wrench. The round head with the
after fracture healing. recessed hexagonal socket is more readily re-
Stainless steel has been the standard in trauma movable with the round head spinning out of
fixation devices throughout the years. The most the bone or spinning off a neighboring head.
popular form has been 316L, which has 17-20%
chromium, 10-14% nickel, 2-4% molybdenum,
Screw Shaft
less than 0.08% carbon, and the rest iron. 69
Forged 316L steel has excellent mechanical The smooth screw shaft allows the screw to
properties but is less resistant to in vivo corro- lag and compress the fracture. Its outer diameter
sion than titanium. Recently 22-13-5 stainless must be strong enough to give adequate strength
steel has been used for strength, and it is supe- while still allowing a large enough cannulation
rior to 316L steel. Cannulated screw systems are for a guide pin of adequate dimension to make it
available in 316L or the stronger 22-13-5 alloys. of adequate strength and stiffness.
64 4. Intracapsular Hip Fractures

Screw Thread Procedure

The length of the screw threads should be long
The patient is placed in a supine position on a
enough to gain adequate holding power and
fracture table. If the fracture is displaced, trac-
short enough to fit in the femoral head without
tion is applied with the leg in neutral flexion,
crossing the intracapsular fracture site. A thread
10° of abduction, and neutral rotation. The leg
length of approximately 20 mm has proven sat- is then internally rotated as far as possible with
isfactory. Because of the cancellous nature of the moderate force, then backed off to a position of
femoral head, a cancellous buttress thread is most ISO of internal rotation. The reduction is con-
commonly used. A self-cutting and -tapping tip firmed by fluoroscopy. If good alignment but
is advantageous (see Figure 2.24). Pretapping some distraction is present, proceed with the
over the guide pin other than at the femoral internal fixation and impact the fracture with the
cortex reduces the ultimate holding power of parallel guide pins in place or with the lag of the
the screw. The length of the cutting tip should screws.
be minimized to allow as much thread as pos- An 8-em straight lateral incision is made
sible for holding power. This can be obtained starting at the flare of the greater trochanter and
by cutting flutes with a positive rake. The back extending distally. The fascia lata and fascia of
of the buttress thread may offer a reverse cut-
the vastus lateralis are cut in line with the inci-
ting flute to facilitate removal once the fracture sion and the vastus lateralis is bluntly split. The
has healed and the femoral cortex has recon- lateral femoral cortex is visualized. The most
stituted around the smooth shaft.
distal guide pin is to be placed first. A drill hole
is made with a 3.2-mm drill 3 em to 4 em distal
to the vastus externus tubercle, usually at the
Authors' Preferred Operative level of the lesser trochanter, and midway
Technique between the anterior and posterior femoral cor-
Equipment tices. This is the only hole that is predrilled for
the guide pin, because the cortex may be very
System 1 dense at this location. The 3.2-mm guide pin is
Drill: A 230-mm (9-inch) long 3.2-mm (i-inch) then passed through this hole, along and almost
steel drill that can be used directly with a direct- resting on the medial femoral neck, across the
reading 9-inch depth gauge. Guide pin: A 230- fracture and into the femoral head. On the lat-
mm long 3.2-mm guide pin with a threaded tip eral view this pin should stay in the midline of
and tapered root diameter (see Chapter 2). Screw the femoral neck and head. Pin position is con-
head: Round head with an internal hexagon. firmed by fluoroscopy. If a correction is to be
Screw thread: Outer diameter-6.S mmi pitch- made, try to use the same cortical hole. Extra
2.S mmi reverse cutting flutes; self-cutting, self-
holes at this level of the femoral shaft may
tapping positive rake tip. Material: 22-13-S weaken the femur at the subtrochanteric level.
stainless steel. Washers (optional): 6.S-mm sys- A fixed guide with a selection of triangles or
tem washers. diamonds is then used (Figure 4.11). The appro-
priate size diamond or triangle can be ~e~er­
mined with preoperative radiograph stencIlmg.
If there is a question between two sizes, the
System 2
smaller pattern is used. The authors prefer using
Drill: A 3.2-mm (i-inch) steel drill. Guide pin: A three screws in an inverted triangle configura-
3.2-mm guide pin. Screw head: Round head with tion for Garden stage I and II fractures and four
an internal hexagon. Screw thread: Outer diame- screws in a diamond configuration for Garden
ter-6.S mm; reverse cutting flutes; self-cutting, stage III and IV fractures. The fixed jig is placed
self-tapping tip. Material: Ti-6AI-4v. Washers over the already-positioned guide pin and the
(optional): 6.5-mm system titanium washers. remaining two or three guide pins are placed

FIGURE 4.11. Fixed guides for triangle or dia-

mond patterns. (Reprinted with permission from
Asnis .7°)

(Figure 4.12). These guide pins are driven by
power and predrilling is usually not necessary. Lateral View
The direct reading depth gauge is then used
to determine screw length. If in between sizes,
use the shorter length. If the fracture is to be
compressed, choose a screw 5 to 10 mm shorter
than measured. This will leave room for the b
threads to advance in the femoral head as the
screw lags and fracture compresses. An appro- FIGURE 4.12. (a,b) Parallel guide pins are
priate-sized self-cutting, self-tapping cannulated placed through the fixed jig. (Reprinted with
screw is then placed over its guide pin and permission from Asnis.7°)
driven through the cortex and across the frac-
ture with the cannulated power screwdriver.
When the head is 10 to 20 mm from the femoral
cortex, the power driver is removed. The screw
is then driven the remainder of its path with the
hand screwdriver (Figure 4.13). The remaining
screws are placed and the guide pins removed.
Compression can be obtained by gently tight-
ening the screws. When the screws are tight-
ened, occasionally the inferior screw will spin
in the osteoporotic patient. This is because the
bone in the inferior head is the weakest. The
remaining screws in the middle and upper por-
tions of the head will achieve excellent hold
Cannulated Screwdriver
of the femoral head. The lower screw will still
deter inferior motion of the head fragment as FIGURE 4.13. The cannulated screws are passed
the screw rests on the endosteum of the femoral over the guide pins. (Reprinted with permission
neck. from Asnis. 70)
66 4. Intracapsular Hip Fractures

Screw Removal
Healed Fracture

Cannulated Screwdriver

Rotate Screw
Perpendicular 10 bone

FIGURE 4.14. When the thread meets the endo- retractor, thus permitting the reverse cutting
cortex, the screw can be pulled into a perpen- flutes to position themselves properly and facil-
dicular position to the bone with a screw head itate screw removal.

Screw Removal patients (35%) had non displaced fractures (Gar-

den stage I and II), whereas 91 (65%) had dis-
In the removal of a screw after fracture healing,
placed fractures (Garden stage III and IV). The
the screw thread must recut its way through the
patients had a median age of 68 (range: 24 to
healed femoral cortex. Reverse cutting flutes are
95). There were 112 white women (79%) with a
present on many types of cannulated screws for
median age at the time of fracture of 67 years
this purpose. If the oblique angle (approximately
(range: 30 to 90); and 29 white men (21%) with
135°) of the screw to the femoral shaft is not
a median age of 69 years (range: 24 to 95). The
changed, the reverse cutting flutes are not in an
proportion of displaced and nondisplaced frac-
optimal position to cut into the cortex. When
tures was approximately equal by gender (p =
the thread meets the endocortex, the screw can
.32) and side of fracture (p = .23). There were
be pulled into a perpendicular position to the
no deaths or wound infections during the frac-
bone with a screw head retractor, thus permit-
ture hospitalization. The mean follow-up was 8
ting the reverse cutting flutes to position them-
selves properly and facilitate screw removal
Eleven patients, six men and five women,
(Figure 4.14). A worn or damaged screwdriver
(median age: 75) died within the first postopera-
should never be used for fear of stripping the
tive year. Twenty-nine patients (median age: 75)
recess socket.
died within 5 years. Fifty percent of the entire
group of patients had at least one major con-
comitant disease. Of the 29 patients who died,
Clinical Results of a Long-Term only three had no major initial disorder. Mortal-
Follow-Up of the Parallel ity related more to the medical condition of the
patient than to the fracture episode itself. The
Cannulated Screw for mortality rate of this patient group was com-
Intracapsular Fractures pared with a control cohort group matched for
age, sex, and race. This group was from the
A retrospective study of the results of stabiliz- population at large and did not account for
ing nonpathologic intracapsular hip fractures medical illness. The survival curve of the cohort
with parallel cannulated screws in 141 patients group remained within the 95% confidence limit
was conducted from 1980 through 1985. 51 Fifty of the fracture group for the entire length of the
S.E. Asnis and R.F. Kyle 67

Overall Survival

.-- • Fracture PatienlS

-:. 95% confidence limilS
-:.~. ~-
90% -:. ).. ~-
D = o Control Group
c - •
"> 80%
- I. D
• • • • •

III 75%

• •

50% +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------~------1--------r------~
1.00 2.00 3.00 4 .00 5.00 6 .00 7 .00 8.00
0 .00
Yea rs After Fractu ra

FIGURE 4.15. The survival curve of the cohort ture group for the entire length of the study.
group matched for age, sex, and race remained (Reprinted with permission from Asnis and
within the 95% confidence limit of the frac- Wanek-Sgagl ione. 51)

study (Figure 4.15). Although there was a trend own control cohort group. The women's sur-
of increased mortality for the first 2 years fol- vival curve followed that of their control cohort
lowing fracture, this was not significant. The group. The survival curve for the men showed a
men and women were separated and compared much poorer prognosis than that for the women
with each other as well as each with his or her (p < .0001) (Figure 4 .16), and the survival curve

Survival of Male and Female Patients

..... --.
90% 0
0 ••• • •
'00 • •
!; 0
"> 60%
~ 0
:::J 0
III 50% 0
u 40%

0 .00 1 .00 2 .00 3 .00 4.00 5 .00 6 .00 7 .00 8.00
Years After Fracture

FIGURE 4.16. The survival curve for the males shows a much poorer prognosis than that for the
females. (Reprinted with permission from Asnis and Wanek-Sgaglione. 51 )
68 4. Intracapsular Hip Fractures

Implant Survival

.. ..
(Failures are Nonunion or Osteonecrosis)



c 0.85
•• • . ...•
0.8 0
is 0.75
• •
"E 0.7 0 • •
til 0.65 •


0 . 50 +---------~------~~------~--------_+--------~--------~------~

0 .00 1. 00 2 .00 3 .00 4 .00 5 .00 6 .00 7.00

Time In Years

FIGURE 4.17. This study demonstrated more than a 71 % implant survival 7 years following the
fracture. (Reprinted with permission from Asnis and Wanek-Sgaglione. 51 )

for the men was significantly poorer than their patients were lost to follow-up. Fifty-five
control cohort group. patients healed their fractures free of complica-
Five of the 141 patients (4%) (two Garden tions and were found to be functioning well
stage III and three Garden stage IV) experienced after 5 years (average follow-up: 8 years). Using
a loss of position or nonunion by 6 months after Kaplan-Meer survival rates, this study demon-
surgery. All five patients were women. Two of strated more than a 71% implant survival 7
the five patients underwent total hip replace- years following the fracture (Figure 4.17). Forty-
ment and one a hemiarthroplasty. four of these patients underwent Harris hip
Thirteen patients were found to have histo- scoring with an average score of 94 (range 58-
logic or roentgenographic evidence of osteo- 100) from 5 to 11 years after their procedure.
necrosis within 2 years of treatment (11% ± .03). In this series, multiple cannulated screw fixa-
Ten of these patients had initially displaced tion represents a procedure with low operative
fractures. Another 13 cases of osteonecrosis mortality and morbidity and a very high rate of
were diagnosed after 2 years, eight being ini- fracture union (96%). An increased mortality
tially displaced fractures. Twenty-five of the 26 rate was found for the male patients; however,
patients were females. Four of these patients this appeared to be related to the concomitant
first developed segmental collapse 5 to 8 years medical disorders rather than the surgery. The
after their fracture. The prevalence of osteone- male patient has a poorer survival rate follow-
crosis was therefore 22% ± .04 with a mean fol- ing hip fracture than the female. Osteonecrosis
low-up of 8 years. Osteonecrosis was present in remains the major surgical complication follow-
8 of 39 patients with a Garden stage II, 6 of 30 ing the fixation of the intracapsular hip fracture
patients with a Garden stage III, and 12 of 40 and continues to present itself years after frac-
patients with a Garden stage IV fracture. Sixteen ture healing. The female patient has a far higher
of the 26 patients with osteonecrosis underwent incidence of nonunion or osteonecrosis than the
a total hip replacement at a mean time of 2 years male. Segmental collapse can be treated with a
following their fracture. well-planned elective total hip replacement at a
By a minimum 5-year follow-up period 30 medically safer time. Those patients who heal
S.E. Asnis and R.F. Kyle 69

their fractures without osteonecrosis maintain neck fractures. A radiographic analysis of 87 frac-
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Slipped Capital Femoral
Stan ley E. Asn is

Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) can lactic contralateral pmmng be performed to
result from acute trauma or can be spontane- avoid slipping and reduce the risk of osteo-
ous. A spontaneous slipped epiphysis can occur arthritis. Canale6 found that bilateral incidence
secondarily to epiphyseal disturbances such as was higher in blacks (32%) than in whites (27%).
sepsis, severe rickets, renal rickets, achondro- Bilateral hip involvement was found in 70-100%
plasia, radiation and chemotherapy, or dysplasia of patients with endocrinopathies.2 It is more
epiphyseal multiples. Clinical endocrinopathies common in children who are abnormally heavy
that have been associated with SCFE include in proportion to their relative height or who are
hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, and panhypo- tall and thin. 7 There has been an association
pituitarism. 1,2 In the absence of an epiphyseal with overweight children with underdeveloped
abnormality, spontaneous epiphyseal displace- genitals and in some cases obvious Frohlich's
ment can occur at the proximal femoral epiphy- adiposogenital dystrophy. The clinical relevance
sis and much more rarely at the proximal hum- of the SCFE is its relation to osteoarthritis in
eral epiphysis. the adult. Many treated SCFEs, even when mild,
Spontaneous slipped proximal femoral epiph- will show significant signs of osteoarthritis in
ysis occurs in the general population at the seventh and eighth decades. It is even pos-
approximately 2 cases per 100,000 (range, 0.2 sible that asymptomatic and unrecognized
to 10.0 per 100,000).1-3 It is two to five times slipped epiphysis may have the same resultS;
more common in males than females. The usual however, minimizing the amount of slippage
age of onset is between 10 and 18 years; how- and maintaining as anatomically normal a hip
ever, the age of onset of symptoms in boys is as possible seems to be the best deterrent for
usually between 13 and 16 years, and in girls later degeneration.
it is between 11 and 14 years. It is clinically
bilateral in 20% to 30% of patients. Billing and
Severin4 have shown that the rate of bilaterality Clinical Relevance
may be as high as 80% when radiograms are
repeated 5 years later and carefully measured for Slipped capital femoral epiphysis is not an
epiphyseal plate change. Hagglund et al. 5 stud- uncommon disorder. It has a high frequency of
ied the frequency of slipping and osteoarthritis bilaterality, and in the patient with an endocrin-
of the contralateral hip in 260 patients between opathy bilaterality can approach 100%. There is
1910 and 1960. Nine percent (23 patients) had a definite correlation of increased osteoarthritis
bilateral slipping, 12% (32 patients) had a con- in patients who have had a slipped epiphysis.
tralateral slip diagnosed later during adoles- An adolescent with SCFE should undergo fixa-
cence, and 40% (104 patients) had signs of con- tion as soon as possible on the affected hip to
tralateral slipping at follow-up 16 to 66 years maintain as close to an anatomically normal hip
later, giving a total of 61% (159 cases) with as possible. With bilateral slips both hips are
bilateral slips. The authors suggest that prophy- fixed. In patients with unilateral slips Hagglund

S.E. Asnis 73

et al.S suggest prophylactic pinning, whereas crease in the vertical alignment of the epiphysis
Morissy and Selman1 and Canale6 recommend during adolescence. There is an increase in the
closely following these patients for slippage of slope or inclination of the proximal femoral
the opposite hip. Adolescents with endocrin- epiphysis during normal development of the
opathies should be specifically examined for proximal femur. 12.13 This represents a change in
slipped epiphyses. If found, one should consider the axis of the epiphyseal plate from a horizontal
bilateral epiphyseal fixation. to a more vertical orientation relative to the axis
This chapter describes and classifies slipped of weight bearing. Speer14 has found this pro-
epiphyses and discusses which are suitable for gression in slope to be 13.70 between the ages
fixation with a cannulated screw technique. Open of 1 and 18 with a maximal increase between 9
reductions, osteotomies, and reconstructive pro- and 11 years of age. In patients with a unilateral
cedures are beyond the scope and purpose of SCFE, there was a 150 and 50 higher slope on
this text on cannulated screw fixation. the affected and unaffected sides, respectively,
when compared with controls. Mirkopulos et
al. 12 support these findings with a 140 increase
Pathology in slope between 1 and 18 years (correlation
coefficient 0.803, p < .0001), with a maximal
At the microscopic level, a cleft or fracture increase between 9 and 12 years (p < .005). The
develops in the growth plate through the layer slip side had an 8.00 (p < .005) higher slope
of hypertrophic cartilage cells just adjacent to than age-matched controls, whereas the nonslip
the zone of provisional calcification.3,7,9 This side showed an average 4.00 (p < .001) increase
leaves the proliferating and palisade cells with over controls. Chung et alP have found that the
the head, and the calcified cartilage with the vector of weight bearing giving a shear force to
femoral neck. Ponsetti and McClintock10 believe the epiphysis during walking could be in the
that this is due to an abnormality in protein range of 4,800 pounds/in2 • This could even be
metabolism, causing a loss of cohesion of the increased by the added effect of obesity and
cartilage matrix. Harris 7 studied the shear excessive body mass and could lead to displace-
strength in the upper tibial epiphysis in rats and ment of the susceptible growth plate.
found that pituitary growth hormone decreased Whatever the etiology or predisposing fac-
the shearing strength, whereas sex hormone tors, mechanically the femoral neck moves ante-
increased it. Anterior pituitary hormone appears riorly and upward while the femoral head slips
to stimulate the proliferation of cartilage in the posteriorly and downward. The periosteum and
epiphyseal plate, whereas sex hormones, estro- vessels over the front of the neck are stretched.
gen and testosterone, depress this proliferation Because the major blood supply of the superior
and decrease the thickness of the epiphyseal femoral head comes from an end vessel of the
plate. It can be speculated that slippage in the medial circumflex artery, which is in the poste-
adiposogenital syndrome may be due to a lack rior retinaculum of Weitbrecht, avascularity is
of sex hormone, whereas the tall thin child's uncommon without marked displacement. It is
problem may be due to an increase in growth very rare to develop avascular necrosis without
hormone. Although the actual etiology is still surgical intervention. It is thought that without
not well understood, most authors agree that treatment, displacement may be a process of
there is a weakness in the growth plate. progressive acute-on-chronic slippage. The dom-
Key,l1 however, speculates that the thinning inant action of the short external rotator mus-
periosteum in the adolescent femoral neck, cles of the proximal femur, especially the ilio-
which helps to hold the epiphysis in place, is psoas, may be responsible for rotating the neck
stretched and weakened in times of rapid of the femur anteriorly and laterally relative to
growth. With the weakened or torn periosteum, the head. Clinically, this disorder should be
the epiphysis may slip without major shear treated by internal fixation of the epiphysis as
forces. This may also be enhanced by the in- soon as it is recognized.
74 5. Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis

Vascular Anatomy smaller area of the anterior femoral neck and

head. In only approximately 8% of specimens
The structural anatomy of the adult hip was dis- did the lateral circumflex artery actually join the
cussed in Chapter 4. The developmental anat- terminal branch of the medial circumflex artery
omy of the child and adolescent hip becomes at the trochanteric fossa and form a complete
important in relationship to SCFE. Chung 15 has ring.
carefully described the vascular anatomy as he The ascending cervical arteries, also known as
found it in autopsy studies in 150 hip specimens retinacular arteries, traverse the articular capsule
in fetus and children ranging from 26 weeks of along its femoral attachment, and pass beneath
gestation to 14 years 8 months of age. Arterial the synovium to supply the metaphysis and
perfusions were performed with either rubber epiphysiS. The ascending cervical arterial group
latex, Batson's compound, or barium sulfate (anterior, medial, posterior, and lateral) form a
paste followed by Spalteholz clearing. Both the fine anastomotic subsynovial ring on the surface
medial and lateral circumflex arteries originated of the neck at the margin of the articular carti-
from the femoral or profunda arteries and then lage. The epiphyseal branches cross the epi-
formed an extracapsular ring surrounding the physeal plate on the surface of the head-neck
base of the femoral neck (Figure 5.1). The junction, pass through the peripheral perichon-
medial, posterior, and lateral parts of this ring drial fibrocartilaginous complex, then supply the
were a continuation of the medial circumflex secondary ossification center. The cartilaginous
artery, thus giving the medial, posterior, and epiphysis forms a vascular barrier and at no age
lateral ascending cervical arteries. The lateral did arteries penetrate the central portion of the
portion of the arterial ring, which was essen- epiphyseal plate.
tially the termination of the medial circumflex The artery of the ligamentum teres or foveal
artery, provided most of the arterial supply to artery, a branch of the obturator artery, was
the femoral head, neck, and trochanter. There- studied in 123 specimens. 16 No artery was pres-
fore, the major portion of the femoral head is ent in the ligament in 10 specimens, the artery
supplied from a single arterial stem that crosses was present in the ligament but not the femoral
the capsule at the posterior trochanteric fossa. head in 78 specimens, it profused and provided
The lateral femoral circumflex artery made up one deep vessel to the center of the head in 20
the anterior portion of the ring and was the specimens, and gave two or more deep vessels
source of the ascending cervical branches to a to the head in 15 specimens. In the great major-


- -- Femoral artery
Lateral circumflex a.
Medial circumflex a.

Anterior View Posterior View

FIGURE 5.1. The vascular anatomy of the adolescent proximal femur.
S.E. Asnis 75

ity of specimens there was little or no contribu- tients with an endocrinopathy. The diagnosis is
tion of femoral head circulation from the artery confirmed radiographically.
of the ligamentum teres. Even in the 15 speci-
mens with two vessels to the femoral head, the
majority of circulation was supplied by the reti- Classification and Radiologic
nacular vessels. There was no significant age,
sex, or race differentiation in the femoral head
circulation. The vascular studies by Trueta17
In the earliest stages only a widening and irreg-
found that the lateral epiphyseal vessels were
ularity of the epiphyseal plate is evident on
responsible for the blood flow of almost the
radiographs. Early displacement can be demon-
entire femoral capital epiphysis until the age of
strated as a posterior migration of the epiphysis
6 to 8, and afterward the vessels from the round
on the femoral neck on the lateral radiograph.
ligament supplied a variable segment of the
The anteroposterior projection demonstrates a
medial femoral head.
downward displacement of the epiphysis so that
a line drawn along the superior femoral neck no
Clinical Relevance
longer intersects the ossification of the femoral
All of the epiphyseal and metaphyseal branches head but lies above it (Figure 5.2).
of the most important lateral ascending cervical The degree of slippage is generally classified
artery originate from a single stem that lies as:
along the posterior capsule at its femoral attach-
Pre-slip-a widening of the epiphysis and rare-
ment and then crosses the capsule at the tro-
faction of the epiphyseal plate without any
chanteric notch. All drills, guide pins, and screws
actual displacement of the epiphysis;
should not be placed along the lateral (superior)
Minimal slip-the maximal displacement of the
femoral neck, and must avoid the trochanteric
epiphyseal head is less than 1 cm;
fossa and penetration of the posterior femoral
Moderate slip-the displacement of the epi-
neck. Placement of a single screw in the middle
physeal head is more than 1 em but less than
area of the femoral neck and epiphysis is safest.
two thirds of the femoral neck diameter;
If two screws are used, avoid the superior epiph-
Severe slip-the displacement is greater than
two thirds of the femoral neck diameter.
For in situ fixation of a moderate or severe
slip, the screw may enter the anterior neck, Southwick I8 and Canale6 prefer the use of an
probably with little direct mechanical distur- epiphyseal line femoral shaft angle on both the
bance to the vascular supply of the epiphysis. anteroposterior and lateral radiographs (Figure
5.3). This angle is measured and compared with
Clinical Symptoms the contralateral hip. A mild slip is less than 30°,
a moderate slip is 30° to 60°, and a severe slip is
more than 60°.
The classical symptoms of a slipped capital fem-
The differentiation between acute and chronic
oral epiphysis are pain and limp. The pain is
is usually a duration of 2 weeks (Canale6 feels
usually in the groin or the anteromedial thigh
that SCFE usually can be reduced within the first
but may be entirely in the medial area of the
2 weeks):
knee. There may be an antalgic limp and a pos-
itive Trendelenburg's sign. The patient may Acute slip-the symptoms and radiographic
stand or walk with the leg externally rotated. changes are less than 2 weeks old;
On physical examination there is often some Chronic slip-the symptoms and radiographic
loss of internal rotation, abduction, and flexion. changes are more than 2 weeks old;
As the hip is flexed the leg often externally ro- Acute-on-chronicslip-there has been a new
tates. Some shortening may be evident depend- change (within 2 weeks) in the slippage of an
ing on the degree of epiphyseal displacement. epiphysis that shows evidence of a precedent
Laboratory work is normal other than in pa- chronic slip.
76 5. Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis

FIGURE 5.2. The anteroposterior projection superior right femoral neck no longer intersects
demonstrates a downward displacement of the the ossification of the femoral head but lies
right epiphysis so that a line drawn along the above it.

32 Degrees 7 Degrees

FIGURE 5.3. The epiphyseal line femoral shaft angle.

Clinical Relevance reduction or fixation in situ is still undecided

and may vary at the surgeon's discretion.
The disability caused by the slipped capital
femoral epiphysis is related to the deformity it
creates. The objective is to minimize this defor- Slipped Capital Femoral
mity by fixation of the slipping epiphysis at its
earliest stage. The objective of the fixation is to Epiphysis Versus Femoral Neck
hold the femoral epiphysis in as close to an ana- Fracture in the Adult
tomic position as possible until the epiphysis
fuses and there is no longer a chance of slip- Many physicians look at the slipped capital
page. If there is an acute slip or an acute-on- femoral epiphysis as a type of adult femoral
chronic slip, a gentle closed reduction can be neck fracture. In reality, the two disorders are
attempted at the time of surgery. The debate of very different. In the adult patient with a dis-
S.E. Asnis 77

placed femoral neck fracture, comminution is Epipbyseal

frequently present. The bone in the femoral neck
is often very osteoporotic and fixation requires
multiple screws, some of which should be sup-
ported by the endosteal side of the cortex of the
femoral neck. The intracapsular hip fracture is
almost always more distal than the epiphyseal
scar, leaving a much larger proximal head-neck
fragment. The SCFE has more dense trabecular
bone on either side of the epiphyseal plate. The
femoral epiphysis is much smaller and thinner
than the head-neck fragment of the adult. In the
intracapsular hip fracture, the head should be
almost anatomically aligned with the shaft after
the reduction, whereas the slipped capital femo-
ral epiphysis may have to be fixed with some
posterior alignment of the head on the neck. FIGURE 5.4. Fusion of the epiphysis is enhanced
Following internal fixation of the slipped cap- by the compression caused by the screw threads
ital femoral epiphysis, the child may develop crossing the plate as the bone tries to grow.
chondrolysis. This is a rapidly developing stiff- (Reprinted with permission from Asnis. 32 )
ening of the hip with loss of motion but usually
without pain. This condition can progress to
fibrous ankylosis or a very limited range of physeal plate, as cortical femoral neck support is
motion, frequently with a flexion and adduction not necessary. The screw threads should cross
deformity of the hip. Gross findings show an the epiphyseal plate because the object of treat-
intense synovitis, denudation of articular carti- ment is to obtain closure of the plate without
lage on both sides of the joint, and absence of further slippage. Fusion of the epiphysis is
subchondral bone collapse. 19 Radiographs dem- enhanced by the compression caused by the
onstrate a progressive narrowing of the joint screw threads crossing the plate as the bone
cartilage space without any change in the os- tries to grow, not by the lag of the screw (Fig-
seous structures and is no association with avas- ure 5.4). Due to the thin shape of the epiphyseal
cular necrosis of the capital epiphysis.2o The plate, the target for the screw threads is much
incidence of this disorder is related to racial smaller than in an adult fracture. The plate is
ancestry, acuteness of slipping, severity of slip- thickest in its center, thus this is the preferred
ping, and the methods of treatment.2 1,22 The target. A screw crossing the epiphyseal plate in
etiology of chondrolysis still remains unclear; its center also has the least chance of joint pene-
however, unrecognized pin penetration into the tration and does not interfere with the blood
joint may be the single most important iatro- supply of the femoral epiphysis. The direction of
genic factor, especially with the multiple pin the screw may have to enter the femoral cortex
technique. 23,24 This again demonstrates the need or even the femoral neck anteriorly, depending
for the accurate placement of the internal fixa- on the degree of slippage, and be aimed posteri-
tion screw(s) without joint penetration. orly to pass into the center of the epiphysis.

Clinical Relevance
Advantages of Cannulated
The slipped epiphysis can usually be satisfac- Screws
torily fixed with one or at most two screws
crossing the epiphyseal plate. 25 Due to the Herndon 26 states, "The objective in treating a
dense bone on both sides of the plate, this can patient with a minimally slipped upper femoral
be done with a screw in the center of the epi- epiphysis is to stabilize the epiphysis, thus pre-
78 5. Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis

venting further displacement until solid bony the dye with a large angiocath pressed firmly
fusion has occurred." If this objective is achieved into the cannulation. An arthrogram reveals
without complication, an essentially normal hip communication with the joint and clearly out-
should be obtained. The fixation device locks the lines the articular cartilage surface. I have chosen
epiphysis in place and encourages epiphyseal not to do this with the slipped epiphysis. After
plate fusion as atraumatically as possible. drilling and tapping the screw channel, some
Many pinning devices are available for such debris could be present that dye could flush into
a procedure including Knowles pins, Steinmann the joint during the study. Since the etiology of
pins, Haggie pins, Moore pins, Goufan pins, and chondrolysis is still not fully understood, the
AO screws, just to name a few. The number of effect of this possible intraarticular debris is
screws or pins thought to be necessary also has uncertain. The merits of this technique are left
varied. In a review by Swiontkowski23 of the to the discretion of the surgeon.
complications related to internal fixation at the Cannulated screws are usually stronger than
Children's Orthopaedic Hospital in Seattle, in classic, solid 6.5-mm AO cancellous screws.
56 patients treated with in situ pinning there Even though these screws are cannulated, the
were four cases (7%) of avascular necrosis, ten root diameters of the threads are usually in
cases (18%) of a mild loss of motion (loss of 100 the range of 4.5 to 5.0 mm (4.5 mm Synthes;
to 200 of internal rotation), and two cases (3.5%) 4.6 mm Richards; 4.8 mm Howmedica; and
of chondrolysis. Five pins were inserted in one 5.0 mm Ace and Zimmer), or much larger than
case, four pins in 20, three pins in 41, and two the 3.0-mm root diameter of the solid 6.5-mm
pins in four. The cases of avascular necrosis all cancellous screw. This more than makes up for
occurred in acute slips that had been managed the weakness created by the cannulation (see
with closed reduction prior to pinning. Seven- Chapter 2). Titanium six-four alloy and 22-13-5
teen of 56 cases (30%) had pin penetration with stainless steel are also significantly stronger
more than 2 mm of pin penetrating the femoral than 316L stainless steel of the classic solid
head on a single radiographic view. Haggie and screws. Cannulated screws used today are sig-
Moore pins were more difficult to remove than nificantly stronger than fz-inch stainless steel
the other pins used. In their award-winning Knowles pinP The shank diameter of the can-
paper, Walters and Simon24 enlightened the nulated screw is the same as the root diameter
orthopaedist about the devastating sequelae and of the thread, aVOiding a potential weakness at
chondrolysis caused by undetected pin pene- this junction. The screw thread has reverse cut-
tration into the joint. Their study revealed that a ting flutes to facilitate later removal of the screw.
penetrating pin can appear well within the fem-
oral epiphysis on two mutually perpendicular x-
rays. The chances of this undetected penetration Clinical Relevance
increase as the pin is more peripheral in the
femoral head. Chances of pin penetration also The cannulated screw systems offer certain
increase along with the number of pins used. major advantages in the fixation of the slipped
The cannulated screw systems offer a tech- epiphysis. The operation is relatively atraumatic,
nique of more accurate screw placement. With and only one or two screws can give excellent
the aid of jigs, guide pins (or drills used as guide fixation. Accurate screw placement is easier to
pins) can be accurately placed and if not ideal, obtain with the screw in the safest portion of
removed and repositioned with minimal distur- the epiphysis, its center. Placement of threaded
bance to the host bone. The guide pin also can devices directly into the femoral epiphysis can
be used to establish the ideal screw's length be difficult due to the hard bone in the adoles-
prior to screw placement. The cannulation in the cent. With a cannulated screw system, a drill can
screw can be used to inject Renografin to con- be used as a guide pin. This can be controlled
firm that there is no joint penetration.27,28 I have easily with power equipment, thus neutralizing
used this technique in the adult fractured hip, the increased stress of the hard bone and making
where peripheral screws are placed, by injecting accurate placement easier.
S.E. Asnis 79

Author's Preferred Technique (acute or chronic) is present, the drill hole should
be made toward the anterior aspect of the femo-
Equipment ral shaft and directed more posteriorly so as to
come across the posteriorly sloped epiphyseal
Drill: 230 mm (9-inch-long) 3.2-mm (i-inch) plate in a more perpendicular direction. In a
steel drill, which can be used directly with a moderate or severe slip, the anterior femoral
direct reading depth gauge. Guide pin (optional): neck may have to be exposed for the entrance
A 230-mm guide pin with a threaded tip and site of the screw to approach the epiphysis in
tapered root diameter. Screw head: Round head the proper direction. To facilitate the procedure,
with an internal hexagon. Screw thread: Outer the leg in such cases is often externally rotated
diameter-6.5 mm; pitch-2.5 mm; reverse on the fracture table. This makes the anterior
cutting flutes; self-cutting, self-tapping positive entrance easier to visualize. It also brings the
rake tip. Material: 22-213-5 stainless steel. epiphyseal plate of the posteriorly displaced
epiphysis into a more vertical position on the
Technique lateral fluoroscopic view. The position of the
drill is confirmed by fluoroscopy.
The fracture table is used with biplane fluoros- If two screws are to be placed, a second drill
copy. With the patient lying supine, a gentle is passed. The drills do not have to be paralleL
reduction or in situ pinning is performed at the as they should be in the adult intracapsular frac-
surgeon's discretion. ture, since there is no later settling of the epiph-
With the hip placed in 20 0 internal rotation, a ysis with healing. 29
5-ern incision is made over the lateral thigh, The drill is measured for length with a direct
approximately 4 ern distal to the prominence of reading depth gauge. In the system used here,
the greater trochanter. The fascia lata and vastus the 3.2-mm drill and 3.2-mm guide pin are of
lateralis are split the length of the wound, equal length. A screw approximately 5 to 8 mm
exposing the lateral femoral cortex. longer than the measured length is selected. A
Because of the often very dense bone in the tap may optionally be used to enter the femoral
adolescent proximal femur, a 230-mm-long, 3.2- cortex only. As per the surgeon's discretion, a
mm drill bit is driven with a power drill through self-cutting, self-tapping screw can be used
the lateral femoral cortex, up the center of the immediately in most patients. Once the cannu-
neck, across the epiphyseal plate, and into the lated screw threads pass halfway up the femoral
epiphysis (Figure 5.5). Every effort is made not neck, the drill may be removed. When the drill
to penetrate the joint. If any posterior slippage bit is removed, an optional guide pin can be
placed in the hole in the position of the previous
drill. If the surgeon has made only one pass with
the drill, the guide pin is no longer necessary;
the screw should follow the hole even without a
The appropriate-length cannulated screw or
screws are placed (Figure 5.6). The screw threads
should cross the epiphyseal plate, yet the
screw tip should not perforate subchondral
bone. The preferred position of the head of the
screw is 5 to 8 mm proud of the femoral cortex.
This makes later finding and removal of the
screw easier. Screw heads left against the
femoral cortex may become partially or wholly
FIGURE 5.5. The placement of a 3.2-mm drill covered by cortical bone as the child matures.
used as a guide pin. (Reprinted with permission Again unlike the fixation of an adult's femoral
from Asnis. 32 ) neck fracture, the lag of the screw is nonfunc-
80 5. Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis

Screw Removal

FIGURE 5.7. The screw is pulled into a 90°

FIGURE 5.6. The appropriate length cannulated position to the shaft with a screw retractor that
screw is positioned with its threads across the fits around the screw neck in order to place the
epiphyseal plate. The screw head is left 5 to 8 reverse cutting flutes at their proper position for
mm proud of the femoral shaft. (Reprinted with screw removal. (Reprinted with permission from
permission from Asnis. 32 ) Asnis. 32 )

tional in the slipped epiphysis. Compression is screw neck (Figure 5.7). Reverse cutting flutes
obtained by the screw threads as the epiphysis do not perform well at oblique angles to the
attempts to grow, not by the lag of the screw cortex but do function well in this perpendicular
itself (Figure 5.4). The leg is then rotated care- position.
fully under fluoroscopy in the AP and lateral The construction of the screw may also be
positions to confirm no joint penetration. a factor. Vresilovic et al. 30 found a significant
difference between titanium and stainless steel
screws. Pin or screw breakage or stripping was
Screw Removal significantly higher with titanium than with
stainless steel (p < .001).
Screw removal is recommended after the fusion
of the epiphyseal plate. It is often performed
approximately 18 months after the original pro-
cedure. Bone growing around the head of the
Case 1
screw makes removal more difficult. For this
reason the original screw head is left 5 to 8 mm A 91-year-old African-American girl presented
proud. Bone growing around a round head with with 3 days of discomfort in both hips and a
an inner recess hexagon is much less of a prob- limp on ambulation. Family history revealed her
lem than one with an outer hexagon. Here the father to have had a unilateral SCFE. Her radio-
bone must be removed to allow the fitting of graphs revealed bilateral mild slipped capital
the external wrench. Before attempting removal, femoral epiphyses (Figure 5.8a,b). This is best
the screwdriver must be carefully examined. The demonstrated on the lateral radiograph with
screwdriver tip must show no signs of wear to widening of the epiphyseal plate and posterior
ensure a good fit into the hexagonal socket. A slippage. A line drawn up the cortex of the
system with a hexagonal wrench or screwdriver anterior femoral neck of either hip would not
that converts into a wrench (a rod passing intersect but lie above the femoral head ossifica-
through its handle) is advantageous. A screw tion (Figure 5.8b). She underwent bilateral 6.5-
with reverse cutting flutes is also advantageous. mm cannulated screw fixation of her hips. The
The screw must cut its way back through the screws are well placed in the centers of the
bone in the femoral neck and the femoral cortex. epiphyses (Figure 5.8c,d). The screw threads are
When the femoral endocortex is reached, the centered over the epiphyseal plate and encour-
screw is pulled into a position of 90° to the age fusion of the plate by the compression pro-
shaft with a screw retractor that fits around the duced as the plate tries to continue growth.
S.E. Asnis 81

FIGURE 5.8. The anteroposterior

radiograph of a (a) 9!-year-old
African-American girl with bilateral
mild slipped capital femoral epiph-
yses. (b) The frog lateral view: A
line drawn up the cortex of the
anterior femoral neck lies above
the femoral head ossification cen-
ter. (c) Anteroposterior radiograph
showing screws in centers of the
epiphyses. (d) Frog lateral demon-
strating single cannulated screws.

82 5. Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis

a b

C d
FIGURE 5.9. A 12-year-old white boy with a cannulated screw (left) 5 mm proud of the lat-
mild SCFE of his right hip. (a) Anteroposterior eral femoral cortex. (d) The single cannulated
radiograph. (b) Frog lateral radiograph. (c) The screw toward the center of the epiphyseal plate
anteroposterior radiograph shows the single as seen on the lateral radiograph .

FIGURE 5.10 (a,b). The anteroposterior (a) and frog lateral radiograph (b) of a 15-year-old
large African-American boy with an acute-on-chronic SCFE of his left hip. (c,d) Two cannulated
screws were used because of his weight and degree of slippage.

c d
84 5. Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis

a b
FIGURE 5.11. Anteroposterior and lateral radiographs taken seven months after cannulated screw
fixation of the SCFE of the right hip. Cortical bone has overgrown the screw heads.

Case 2 to stay within the neck and still pass through

the epiphyseal plate toward the center of the
A 12-year-old white boy started having left hip femoral head ossification (Figure 5.lOd).
pain after playing tennis. This persisted over the
ensuing 3 weeks. He walked with an antalgic
gait and had a loss of internal rotation and Case 4
extension. The lateral radiograph best demon-
strated the mild SCFE of his right hip (Figure A 12-year-old white boy had a right SCFE
5.9a,b). He underwent fixation with a 6.5-mm fixed with cannulated screws. The slippage was
cannulated screw (Figure 5.9c,d). The screw was arrested and the epiphysis went on to fuse. The
left 5 to 8 mm proud of the femoral shaft to radiographs done 7 months after his surgery
make it more accessible for later removal. showed the screw heads overgrown by bone
(Figure 5.11). The author now recommends leav-
ing the screw heads 5 to 8 mm proud of the lat-
Case 3 eral femoral shaft so that after epiphyseal fusion
screw removal is facilitated.
This 15-year-old large African-American boy
gave a history of intermittent pain in his left hip
for over 5 months. Physical examination showed Conclusion
a loss of internal rotation. Radiographs showed
an acute-on-chronic SCFE with a rounded hump In situ pinning of the minimally slipped upper
on the anterior femoral neck on the lateral radio- femoral epiphysis has been used widely during
graph (Figure 5.lOa,b). He had fixation with two the past 40 years. Even in the treatment of the
6.5-mm cannulated screws. Two screws were moderately displaced epiphysis, many surgeons
used because of his size and degree of slippage feel that if the epiphysis does not reduce readily,
(Figure 10c,d). The screws do not have to be in situ pinning is the treatment of choice. 21,31
parallel. The entrance sites for the screws are For the traumatic or acute moderate to severe
along the anterior femoral shaft to allow them slipped epiphysis a gentle reduction may be
S.E. Asnis 85

attempted. The goal of in situ fixation of the 8. Stulberg S, Cordell L, Harris W, et al. Unrecog-
slipped epiphysis is to obtain fusion of the epi- nized childhood hip diseases: a major cause of
physeal plate without further slippage as atrau- idiopathic osteoarthritis of the hip. In: The Hip:
Proceedings of the Eighth Open Meeting of the Hip
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cellous bone screw thread is placed across the 9. Harris W, Hobson K. Histological changes in
epiphyseal plate, it causes the plate to compress experimentally displaced upper femoral epiph-
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Cannulated screw fixation of the slipped capi- slipping of the upper femoral epiphysis. ] Bone
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with instrumentation that facilitates accurate II. Key J. Epiphyseal coxa vara or displacement of
placement. The strength of the modem cannu- the capital epiphysis of the femur in adolescence.
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12. Mirkopulos N, Weiner D, Askew M. The evolv-
excellent fixation of the epiphysis and encour- ing slope of the proximal femoral growth plate
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placed screw has the least chance of occult pin Pediatr Orthop 1988;8:268-273.
penetration. It also is in the position for best 13. Speer D. Collagenous architecture of the growth
fixation in that the epiphysis is widest in its plate and perichondral ossification groove. ] Bone
Joint Surg 1982;64A:399-407.
center. Two screws can be used in the large or 14. Speer D. Experimental epiphysiolysis: an etio-
obese patient. All drills, guide pins, and screws logic mode of slipped capital femoral epiphysis.
should avoid penetrating the superior (lateral) or Trans Orthop Res Soc 1978;3:47-55.
posterior portion of the femoral neck to prevent 15. Chung S, Batterman S, Brighton C. Shear
injury to the medical circumflex artery, which strength of the human femoral capital epiphyseal
plate. ] Bone Joint Surg I 976;58A:94-103.
supplies the circulation to the majority of the 16. Chung S. The arterial supply of the developing
femoral head. The hip should be rotated under proximal end of the human femur. ] Bone Joint
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tions at the end of the procedure to assure that 17. Trueta J. The normal vascular anatomy of the
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joint. 18. Southwick W. Osteotomy through the lesser
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I. Morissy R, Selman S. Slipped capital femoral Orthopedique et de Traumatologie. Paris: Imprimerie
epiphysis. Orthop Nursing 1991; 10(1): I 1-20. des Sciences, Bruxelles, 1966;78-79.
2. Wells D, King J, Roe T, et al. Review of slipped 20. Wilson P. Laminar coxitis and associate lesions.
capital femoral epiphysis associated with endo- In: Delohef MJ, ed. Societe Intemationale de
crine disease.] Pediatr Orthop 1993;13:610-614. Chirurgie Orthopedique et de Traumatologie. Paris:
3. Bush M, Morissy R. Slipped capital femoral Imprimerie des Sciences, Bruxelles, 1966;76.
epiphysis. Orthop Clin North Am 1987;18(4):637- 21. Carney B, Weinstein S, Noble J. Long-term
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4. Billing L, Severin E. Slipping epiphysis of the ] Bone Joint Surg 1991;73A(5):667-673.
hip: a roentgenologic and clinical study based 22. Maurer R, Larsen I. Acute necrosis of cartilage in
on a new roentgen technique. Acta Radiol Suppl slipped capital femoral epiphysis. ] Bone Joint Surg
(Stockh) 1959;174. 1970;52A(I):39-50.
5. Hagglund G, Hansson L, Sandstrom S, et aI. 23. Swiontkowski M. Slipped capital femoral epiph-
Bilateral slipped capital femoral epiphysis. ] Bone ysis: complications related to internal fixation.
Joint Surg 1988;70B:179-181. Orthopaedics 1983;6:705-712.
6. Canale S. Problems and complications of slipped 24. Walters R, Simon S. Joint destruction: a sequel of
capital femoral epiphysis. Instr Course Lect 1989; unrecognized pin penetration in patients with
38:281 -290. slipped capital femoral epiphysis. In: The Hip:
7. Harris R. The endocrine basis for slipping of the Proceedings of the Eighth Open Scientific Meeting of
femoral epiphysis. ] Bone Joint Surg 1950;32B(I): the Hip Society. St. Louis: Mosby, 1975;145-164.
5-11. 25. Asnis S. The guided screw system in slipped
86 5. Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis

capital femoral epiphyses. Contemp Orthop 1985; 30. Vresilovic E, Spindler K, Robertson ]WW, et al.
11(1):27-33. Failures of pin removal after in situ pinning of
26. Herndon C. Treatment of minimally slipped upper slipped capital femoral epiphyses: a comparison
femoral epiphysis. Instr Course Led 1972;21:188- of different pin types. J Pediatr Orthop 1990;10:
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27. Lehman W, Grant A, Rose D, et al. A method of 3!. Boyer D, Mickelson M, Ponsetti I. Slipped capital
evaluating possible pin penetration in slipped femoral epiphysis: long-term follow-up and study
capital femoral epiphysis using a cannulated inter- of one hundred and twenty-one patients. J Bone
nal fixation device. Clin Orthop 1984;186:65-70. Joint Surg 1981;63A:85-95.
28. Shaw J. Preventing unrecognized pin penetration 32. Asnis SE. The Asnis 2 Guided Screw System:
into the hip joint. Orthop Rev 1984;13:142-152. Howmedica Surgical Techniques: Rutherford,
29. Asnis SE. The guided screw system in intra- New Jersey: 1991;4-5.
capsular fractures of the hip. Contemp Orthop
Acetabular Reconstruction with Allografts
Utilizing Cannulated Screws
Bruce A. Seideman and Stanley E. Asnis

The acetabulum in reVISIOn total hip arthro- Type II-Cavitary deficiencies

plasty frequently demonstrates bone stock defi- A. Peripheral
cfency secondary to prior surgical technique and 1. Superior
bone resorption due to loosening. Dysplasia of 2. Anterior
the hip and degenerative arthritis may be asso- 3. Posterior
ciated with acetabular bone stock deficiencies as B. Central (medial wall intact)
well. These defects in the acetabulum may be Type III-Combined deficiencies
small, such as those from prior cement anchor- Type IV-Pelvic discontinuity
ing holes, and only require minor particulate Type V -Arthrodesis
grafting. Alternatively, the defect may be mas-
sive and complex, requiring extensive acetabular Segmental deficiencies are characterized by a
reconstruction with allograft bone. It is these complete loss of bone in a portion of the ace-
latter defects that present a significant challenge tabulum. Cavitary deficiencies represent bone
to the orthopaedic surgeon performing revision loss with the maintenance of a supporting bony
total hip arthroplasty. rim. The deficiencies may be located in various
quadrants of the acetabulum and in combination
(type III).
Preoperative Planning Use of this classification system helps with
preoperative planning and choice of surgical
Medial wall perforation (acetabular protrusion) exposure. In addition to standard and oblique
enclosed cavitary and segmental rim defects may plain radiographs of the pelvis, more complex
all require acetabular grafting. Complex combi- evaluation may be required. Computed tomog-
nations of these defects may exist as welI.I A raphy (CT) with three-dimensional reconstruc-
detailed classification system of these deficien- tion is a useful addition to preoperative plan-
cies has been created by the American Academy ning. With large medial wall defects and
of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Committee component migration into the pelvis, angiog-
on the Hip. raphy can disclose the proximity of major ves-
sels to the proposed operative areas. Consid-
eration of infection as the cause of implant
Classification of Acetabular failure must always be addressed. Appropriate
Deficiencies hematologic testing, nuclear medicine scans, and
preoperative aspiration arthrogram are per-
Type I-Segmental deficiencies formed as indicated. If considerable doubt exists
A. Peripheral concerning the possibility of infection, then a
1. Superior staged reconstruction is performed allowing for
2. Anterior final results of deep culture specimens.
3. Posterior Reconstruction of the deficient acetabulum
B. Central (medial wall absent) utilizing allograft bone allows for potential

88 6. Acetabular Reconstruction

long~term biologic augmentation of these defi- screws to secure the allograft. 4 - 6 Most isolated
ciencies. The use of large cement masses is superior rim defects and those associated with a
avoided and the acetabular implant can poten- cavitary defect can be reconstructed utilizing an
tially be placed in a more appropriate anatomic allograft femoral head fixed to the pelvis with
position. By avoiding high placement of the screws. More complex deficiencies may require
acetabular component the hip center of rotation the use of proximal femoral, distal femoral,
is not directed superiorly above the true acetab- proximal tibia, or pelvic allografts. These may
ulum. In addition, the ilium above the acetab- require both plate and screw fixation for ade-
ulum thins out and becomes insufficient for ade- quate support. It is beyond the scope of this
quate support of an acetabular component due book to detail each of these situations and the
to the lack of adequate anterior and posterior reader is referred to several excellent publica-
bone stock. Recently, Paprosky et al.Z have tions for further information concerning these
reported a 6-year follow-up of 147 press-fit ace- more complex reconstructions.7,8
tabular revisions with allograft, with only six
failures. All of the failures occurred in the type
3B class (massive superior rim defects extending Advantages of Cannulated
into the anterior and posterior columns), in Screws
which proximal femoral "arc" grafts were uti-
lized with pelvic reconstruction plates for fixa- There are several advantages of the use of can-
tion. Of note, the grafts did not fail, but rather nulated screws in the fixation of the bone graft
the cups migrated due to lack of adequate in acetabular reconstruction:
1. Guide pins provide temporary fixation of the
Isolated medial wall defects, whether segmen-
graft during preliminary shaping to conform
tal or cavitary, can be treated by packing with a
with the host acetabulum.
mixture of cortical and cancellous allograft,
2. Guide pins can be placed in the ideal site in
autograft, or a combination of both. The periph-
the graft, allowing for temporary fixation
eral intact rim is reamed to support an ace-
while working on the graft without loss of
tabular component that is larger than the defect.
bone stock necessary for the final screw fixa-
Porous ingrowth acetabular components are
utilized. The inserted component is generally 2
3. Guide pins allow for the determination of the
mm larger than that of the last utilized reamer.
ideal position for the final fixation screws.
The acetabular component is supported by the
4. Guide pins allow for the determination of the
intact peripheral rim and acts as a mold to the
ideal screw length prior to final fixation.
graft. Acetabular fixation is augmented with
screws, if thought to be indicated. Isolated cavi- The large bone graft is first cut and shaped to
tary defects with adequate surrounding bone fit into its bed in the pelvis utilizing a saw and
may be treated in a similar fashion by packing high-speed power burr. The graft is then initially
them with bone and placement of an acetabular placed in the pelvis utilizing a drill followed by
component in an appropriately reamed acetab- a guide pin. The site of optimal position for the
ulum. I graft may be modified as required without loss
Peripheral rim defects are reconstructed utiliz- of significant graft or host bone. Additional
ing a structural allograft. They may be isolated guide pins can be used for temporary fixation.
or in association with other defects. Their loca- Some or all of these pins can later be used to
tion and extent will determine the type of allo- guide screws for final fixation. The acetabular
graft required and the method of fixation neces- surface of the graft is then shaped to conform
sary to provide rigid fixation of the allograft to with the remainder of the host acetabulum. This
the acetabulum. is performed with a power burr system followed
Harris 3 originally fixed allograft femoral heads by the acetabular reamers. If the final fixation
to the pelvis utilizing screws with bolts. Several screws are used before the final shaping of the
authors have described the use of cancellous lag graft, the forces and motion of the burring and
B.A. Seideman and S.E. Asnis 89

reammg may loosen and compromise the final pin with a threaded tip and tapered root diam-
fixation. The use of guide pins as preliminary eter (Chapter 2). Screw head: Round head with
fixation avoids this potential problem. an internal hexagon. Screw thread: Outer diame-
ter-6.S mm; pitch-2.S mm; reverse cutting
flutes; self-cutting, self-tapping positive rake tip.
Authors' Preferred Technique Material: 22-13-S stainless steel. Washers: 6.S-
mm system washers.
Guided screws allow for the accurate fixation of
allografts to the pelvis for acetabular recon- The S.D-mm Stainless Steel Screw
struction. The technique utilized by the authors System
for a combined superior rim and intraacetabular Drill: A 2.0-mm steel drill, which can be used
defects is described. with a direct-reading depth gauge. Guide pin: A
2.0-mm guide pin with a threaded tip. Screw
Equipment head: Round head with an internal hexagon.
Screw thread: Outer diameter-S.O mm; self-
The authors suggest a screw system with a 6.S- cutting, self-tapping positive rake tip. Material:
mm outer diameter over a 3.2-mm guide pin for 316LVM stainless steel. Washers: S.O-mm sys-
firm fixation of the graft; however, this is occa- tem washers.
sionally mixed with some smaller cannulated
screws of s.o mm over 2.0-mm guide pins. The Alternate: Titanium 6.S-mm Screw
strong and stiff 3.2-mm guide pin best supports System
the bone graft as it is positioned and shaped.
Although the acetabular shells utilized are tita- Drill: A 3.2-mm steel drill. Guide pin: A 3.2-mm
nium, the acetabular screws are not in contact guide pin. Screw head: Round head with an in-
with the shell, and stainless steel screws can be ternal hexagon. Screw thread: Outer diameter-
safely utilized. The threaded tip of the steel 6.S mm; reverse cutting flutes; self-cutting, self-
screw has excellent holding power. The tip has tapping tip. Material: Titanium 6Al 4V alloy.
a positive rake cutting surface, which makes it Washers: 6.S-mm system titanium washers.
sharp only when turning clockwise (see Chapter
2). As an alternate some surgeons may use pri- Technique
marily 6.S-mm self-tapping titanium screws with
a 3.2-mm stainless steel guide pin. These screws The authors prefer to utilize a modification of
allow better visualization if a postoperative CT the Hardinge 9 direct lateral approach for revi-
or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is to be sion total hip arthroplasty, extending the dis-
performed; however, these tests are not com- section distally along the femur to elevate the
monly used in arthroplasty situations because of anterior half of the quadriceps. If the defect is
the interference caused by the materials of the anticipated to require greater exposure, particu-
arthroplasty itself. Some of the presently avail- larly posteriorly, then a trochanteric slide as
able 6.S-mm titanium screws have a sharper tip, described by Glassman et al. 10 is utilized. The
which may be positioned just through the inner acetabulum is exposed with appropriate retrac-
pelvic wall. There is also less holding power of tion after removal of the prior components,
the thread tip in some of these titanium screws cement, and soft tissue.
due to the type of cutting flutes used. The defect is assessed for size and config-
uration. An appropriate femoral head allograft
The 6.S-mm Stainless Steel Screw is utilized. We have initially fashioned the graft
in the "number 7" configuration described by
Paprosky et al. 8 for these defects as it allows for
Drill: A 9-inch-Iong, 3.2-mm steel drill, which reconstruction of the superior rim and intra-
can be used with a direct-reading 9-inch depth acetabular defect and for extraacetabular screw
gauge. Guide pin: A 9-inch-Iong, 3.2-mm guide fixation of the graft. Gross fashiOning of the
90 6. Acetabular Reconstruction

Femoral Head Graft

FIGURE 6.1. The femoral head is fashioned in the "number 7" configuration to fit the acetabular

graft is performed utilizing a high-speed drill.

Consideration is given to cut the graft so that
the axis of the weight-bearing trabeculae of the
graft will align with that of the reconstructed
hip after placement of the allograft (Figure 6.1).
The graft bed is lightly abraded with a high-
speed burr and the graft is placed in the appro-
priate line of axis onto this bed. Further model-
ing of the graft may be necessary in order to 3.2 mm
Guide Pins
achieve the best contact between the graft and
its bed.
Once the graft has been placed in the ideal
position, it is held in place with at least two 3.2-
mm guide pins placed in the line of weight
bearing (Figure 6.2). The guide pins are placed
in the position that will most likely be used for
the permanent screws.
Great care is taken to not drill beyond the
opposite cortex of the pelvis due to risk of
neurovascular damage. The guide pins can be
placed directly, or a preliminary drill technique
may be utilized. A 3.2-mm drill is driven through FIGURE 6.2. The allograft is secured to the pelvis
the dense bone of the graft material, then slowly with guide pins.
B.A. Seideman and S.E. Asnis 91

advanced through the cancellous bone of the account when determining final total screw
pelvis to the opposite cortex. To better feel the length. Generally cannulated screws of approx-
opposite cortex (inner pelvic wall) and not pene- imately 50 mm or greater are needed to span
trate it, the drill can be put in reverse and both the allograft and pelvic bone. A drill and
advanced so that the tip is blunt, or it can be left depth gauge technique can readily be utilized
on forward and advanced with a gentle to-fro prior to pin placement to assure that plunging
motion to feel the inner pelvic cortex. Once the beyond the inner cortex does not occur and that
inner pelvic cortex is felt, a depth gauge mea- a screw of appropriate length is used.
surement is made. If guide pins are used directly, With the graft held in place by the provi-
they are now carefully advanced to or through sional pins, further gross modeling of the graft
the inner cortex. If drills are first used, two are is undertaken with a high-speed bur and ace-
initially placed. When the inner cortex is felt tabular reamers (Figure 6.4). The dense bone of
with the drills, one drill is removed while the the allograft may be tapped by placing a cannu-
other holds graft position. The first drill is lated tap over the first guide pin. The first can-
replaced with a guide wire and the guide wire nulated screw is loaded with a washer, if desired,
advanced through the inner cortex. The second and passed over the first guide pin. The second
drill is then likewise exchanged for its guide site is then tapped around the guide pin and the
wire. second screw with washer placed. With a self-
Guide pins and screws should avoid the ante- cutting and self-tapping thread, the screw may
rior quadrants where damage to neurovascular be used directly without tapping. The graft is
structures is most possiblel l (Figure 6.3). The now rigidly fixed to the pelvis with the cannu-
external iliac vessels, the obturator vessels, and lated screws, and the guide pins are removed.
obturator nerve are at risk from damage second- Final reaming of the acetabulum and graft is now
ary to screws placed beyond the bone in these carried out sequentially until appropriate bone
zones. Screws placed in the posterior superior contact has been achieved with the reamers
quadrant may be directed toward the sciatic (Figure 6.5). A porous ingrowth acetabular com-
nerve and superior gluteal vessels and nerve. In ponent is impacted in place and supplemental
an intact acetabulum Wasielewski et al. 12 have screw fixation of the acetabular component is
recommended that screws up to 25 mm in length undertaken with the regular acetabular shell
can be safely placed in the poster superior quad- fixation screws, if desired (Figure 6.6). A bone
rant. In a similar fashion, screws up to 25 mm in slurry is made by using the acetabular reamers
length are safely recommended in the posterior on the unused portion of the femoral head
inferior quadrant, avoiding damage to the infe- allograft. This is utilized to fill any gaps around
rior gluteal and internal pudendal nerves and the host-graft junction.
vessels. A small zone in the posterior superior Postoperatively the patient is restricted from
quadrant allows for placement of screws longer full weight bearing for a period of approxi-
than 35 mm between the tables of the ileum mately 3 months. Modification of this pro-
toward the sacroiliac joint.12 When using these gram may be undertaken depending on the
guidelines for screw placement during revision reconstruction.
total hip replacement, it must be realized that
these estimated measurements were made from
intact acetabulae and that bone loss must be Clinical Examples
taken into account when considering screw
length and structures at risk. It must be made Case 1
clear, however, that these measurements repre- A 62-year-old woman had severe degenerative
sent the depth that the threaded end of the screw joint disease secondary to long-standing avas-
can be placed in the host pelvic bone. A cannu- cular necrosis of the femoral head. The preopera-
lated screw with a thread length of 20 mm has tive radiograph shows significant superior-lateral
proven to fit very well within the ilium. The acetabular bone stock loss with lateral subluxa-
width of the allograft must be taken into tion of the femoral head (Figure 6.7). At the
92 6. Acetabular Reconstruction

a b

Line A

~ >35mm
o 25mm

D <25mm

FIGURE 6.3. The relation of the acetabulum to adjacent neurovascular structures. (Reprinted with
permission from Wasielewski et a1. 12 )
B.A. Seideman and S.E. Asnis 93

Porous Shell

FIGURE 6.4. The graft is contoured with a high- FIGURE 6.6. The porous ingrowth acetabular
speed burr. shell is impacted in place.

6.5 mm

FIGURE 6.7. Severe degenerative arthritis of the

FIGURE 6.5. The final reaming of the graft is right hip with superior-lateral acetabular defi-
performed after it is firmly fixed with the can- ciency. The acetabular template is used in pre-
nulated screws. operative planning.
94 6. Acetabular Reconstruction

FIGURE 6.8. The superior-lateral acetabular defi-

ciency was reconstructed with a femoral head
allograft using the technique described.

FIGURE 6.9. The radiograph demonstrates loos-

ened femoral and acetabular components with
time of surgery the acetabulum demonstrated a superior-lateral acetabular deficiency.
superior-lateral and posterior deficiency. This
was reconstructed with a femoral head allograft
secured to the pelvis with screws as described in
the operative technique (Figure 6.8).
Case 3
A 45-year-old man presented with degenerative
Case 2 joint disease of the hip secondary to dysplasia.
An 80-year-old man had undergone a total hip Radiographs reveal joint space loss associated
arthroplasty for osteoarthritis 11 years prior to with a superior segmental rim defect (Figure
our initial evaluation. His radiographs reveal a 6.11). A porous ingowth total hip arthroplasty
loose femoral and acetabular component with was performed with an autograft utilizing the
associated superior lateral acetabular bone loss patient's femoral head (Figure 6.12).
and severe myositis ossificans (Figure 6.9). Both Acetabular grafting has allowed for the recon-
components were revised for aseptic loosening struction of deficiencies in complex primary and
with a porous ingrowth prosthesis. A femoral revision total hip replacement surgery. The use
head allograft was utilized to reconstruct a com- of allografts allows for this reconstruction with-
bined superior rim and intraacetabular defect out large cement masses and provides for a true
(Figure 6.10). biologic reconstruction of the acetabulum with
B.A. Seideman and S.E. Asnis 95

FIGURE 6.10. A femoral head allograft was used

to reconstruct the intraacetabular defect and
superior acetabular rim.

FIGURE 6.12. The patient's femoral head was

used as an autograft to reconstruct the ace-
tabular deficiency during the total joint replace-


FIGURE 6.11. This degenerative dysplastic hip

demonstrates a superior segmental rim defect
with lateral pseudosubluxation of the femoral
96 6. Acetabular Reconstruction

the potential for long-term acetabular augmen- 5. Cameron M. Four methods for reconstruction
tation. Improved positioning of acetabular com- of acetabular floor deficiencies. Orthop Rev 1985;
ponents in more anatomic sites is achieved as 6. Chandler H, Penenberg B. Acetabular recon-
well. Guided screws allow for accurate place- struction. In: Chandler H, Penenberg B, eds. Bone
ment and rigid fixation of the allograft to the Stock Deficiency in Total Hip Replacement. Thoro-
pelvis. fare, NJ: Slack, 1989;55.
7. Chandler H, Penenberg B, eds. Bone Stock Defi-
ciency in Total Hip Replacement, Classification and
Management. Thorofare, NJ: Slack, 1989:
References 8. Paprosky W, Lawrence J, Cameron H. Classifica-
tion and treatment of the failed acetabulum: a
1. Chandler H. Use of allografts and prosthesis in systematic approach. Contemp Orthop 1991;22(2):
the reconstruction of failed total hip replace- 121-129.
ments. Orthopaedics 1992;15(10):1207-1218. 9. Hardinge K. The direct lateral approach to the
2. Paprosky W, Perona P, Lawrence J. Acetabular hip. J Bone Joint Surg 1982;67B:17-19.
defect classification and surgical reconstruction in 10. Glassman A, Engh C, Bohyn J. A technique of
revision arthroplasty. A six year follow-up evalu- extensile exposure for total hip arthroplasty. J
ation. J Arthroplasty 1994;9(1):33-44. Arthroplasty 1987;2(11):17-19.
3. Harris W. Allografting in total hip arthroplasty: 11. Keating E, Ritter M, FarisP. Structures at risk
in adults with severe acetabular deficiency includ- from medial placed acetabular screws. J Bone Joint
ing a surgical technique for bolting the graft to Surg 1990;72A(4):509-511.
the ilium. Clin Orthop 1982;162:150-164. 12. Wasielewski R, Cooperstein L, Kruger M, et al.
4. Barrack R, Newland C. A technique of acetabular Acetabular anatomy and the trans acetabular fixa-
reconstruction for uncemented total hip replace- tion of screws in total hip arthroplasty. J Bone
ment. Orthop Rev 1990;19(9):807-817. Joint Surg 1990;72A(4):501-508.
Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures
Dana C. Mears

Significant or displaced fractures of the pelvic associated predilection for thromboembolic

ring and acetabulum constitute a diverse group problems, decubitus ulcers, urinary retention,
of skeletal injuries that usually result from urinary tract infections, and atelectasis. External
motor vehicular accidents, industrial trauma, or fixation is biomechanically inadequate to effec-
falls from great heights. The typical pelvic ring tively immobilize many injury patterns, espe-
disruption requires the application of immense cially those with a major disruption or bilateral
forces to the patient, who thereby is likely to disruption of the posterior pelvic ring or asso-
present with other serious or life-threatening ciated acetabular fractures? In common with
injuries involving the musculoskeletal (85%), other intraarticular disruptions, an acetabular
respiratory (60%), central nervous (40%), gas- fracture is exceedingly vulnerable to progress to
trointestinal (30%), urologic (12%), and cardio- posttraumatic arthritis unless an accurate reduc-
vascular (6%) systems. 1 The management of a tion is achieved. During the past 20 years,
pelvic ring fracture, therefore, requires a con- extensive clinical and biomechanical research
comitant diagnosis and treatment of the other has focused upon attempts to devise operative
systemic and musculoskeletal injuries. About approaches, reduction strategies, and fixation
50% of acetabular fracture patients have sus- methods that are appropriate for a broad spec-
tained associated injuries, and about 30% have trum of pelvic and acetabular fractures. B The
experienced injuries to three or more organ sys- application of cannulated screws has become an
tems. As McMurtry et a1.,2 Tile,3 and others 4 attractive form of fixation that is applicable for
have emphasized, a meticulous diagnostic pro- certain injury patterns. The assets include a min-
tocol is needed that prioritizes the evaluation imally invasive insertional mode combined with
of diverse organ systems by the degree of radiographiC targeting of a preliminary guide
urgency. From a recent report by Dalal et al.,s wire. Lag screw fixation is a particularly impres-
a correlation of the pelvic injury pattern with sive form of stabilization for the ring-like pelvis,
the statistical likelihood for particular patterns where bending movements are relatively low
of associated visceral injuries may facilitate the and frictional properties of interdigitating frac-
application of diverse diagnostic procedures. ture fragments are outstanding. 9
Historically, the stabilization of the pelvic As a supplementary clinical problem and one
ring was deemed to be of secondary importance of ever-increasing presentation, insufficiency
after the preliminary resuscitative phase of man- fractures of the elderly are complicated by the
agement had been completed. In the patient pathologically osteoporotic bone. 10 Histori-
who is hemodynamically unstable, acute stabili- cally, these problems were managed by primary
zation of the pelvic ring provisionally by resort care physicians and rheumatologists who were
to a pneumatic anti-shock garment, and more under the mistaken hypothesis that conservative
definitively by an external frame or compara- methods were uniformly successful. Currently,
ble pelvic clamp, assists in the provision of orthopaedists are requested to assist in the
hemostasis. 1 ,6 Such a method can facilitate the management of a small percentage, but ever-
elimination of enforced recumbency with the increasing number of such patients who expe-

98 7. Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures

rience chronic pain and progressive subsidence direction to the tip of the sacrum and coccyx.
of their pelvic fractures that follow a trivial Anterior or posterior scrutiny of the torso is
fall or other mishap. Usually the fractures are notable for the lateral prominence of the greater
stabilized in situ so that an extensile surgical trochanter and the allied abductor musculature
approach is unnecessary. For an insufficiency that originates along the iliac crest and adjacent
fracture, cannulated screw fixation is a particu- lateral ilium. Upon initial inspection of the
larly attractive form of stabilization. patient who has sustained a major disruption of
This chapter focuses on the role of cannulated the pelvic ring or an acetabular fracture, a care-
screws for the fixation of many types of pelvic ful scrutiny and palpation of these bony land-
and acetabular fractures. marks may indicate an asymmetrical disposition,
instability, or other abnormality.
The pelvic girdle is a ring-like structure com-
Structural Anatomy prising two innominate bones, which articulate
of the Pelvis anteriorly in a direct fashion at the symphysis
and posteriorly by an interposed sacrum (Figure
Upon inspection of the front of the pelvis and 7.1). In turn, the sacrum articulates superiorly
torso, the most prominent features are the sym- with the lumbar spine and inferiorly with the
metrical iliac crests, anterosuperior iliac spines, coccyx. The pelvic ring is subdivided into an
and the symphysis pubis. In a lean individual, upper or false pelvis, a clinical extension of the
the inguinal ligament visibly spans from the abdomen, and an inferior or true pelvis. The
anterosuperior iliac spine to the ipsilateral pubis dividing line, the pelvic inlet, is an oblique plane
tubercle in a cord-like fashion. If the iliac crest is that passes through the upper symphysis pubis,
traced posteriorly, the palpating finger courses and the iliopectineal lines to the sacral promon-
from the crest to the posterosuperior iliac spine tory. In an erect posture, weight-bearing forces
and continues obliquely in a medial and distal are transmitted from the spinal column through

Sacroiliac joint

Sac ral canal

ac crest

Pectineal surface 01 supe rior

ramus of pubiS
B, SII,,,I,, vl,w
FIGURE 7.1. Bony anatomy of the pelvis. (Reprinted with permission from AgurY)
D.C. Mears 99

the sacrum and sacroihac joints, along the thick pal component, the first sacral vertebra, is tilted
sections of ilia, to the acetabulae and, thereby, forward in the erect posture to an angle of about
to the proximal femora. While this femorosacral 30° to 40°. The slightly convex posterior sur-
arch is crucial for weight transmission in an face possesses a thickened medial crest as a mod-
erect posture, in a sitting position weight-bear- ification of the spinous processes. The slightly
ing forces pass through the sacroiliac joints into concave anterior surface forms the posterior
the ilia with a progression into the ischial tuber- pelvic wall. Matching pairs of sacral foramina
osities via either ischiosacral arch. To a lesser are evident on both the anterior and posterior
degree, weight-bearing forces are transmitted surfaces. A lateral mass of bone, the ala, affords
around the anterior portions of the pelvic ring. a thickened buttress for the articular portion of
With the limited mobility of the pelvic articula- either sacroiliac joint with a corresponding iliac
tions at the sacroiliac and sacrococcygeal joints buttress. The sacrum is positioned about 3 em
and the symphysis pubis, the muscles originat- anterior to the posterior superior spines and
ing on the pelvis provide locomotion for the the adjacent posterior iliac crests. The recessed
lower extremities or postural support for the position of either sacroiliac joint compromises
torso. There is no demonstrable motion of the the view realized by a posterior approach and
articulations of the pelvic ring itself, apart from thereby hampers the assessment of accuracy
that associated with childbirth. achieved with an open reduction.
Letournel and JudePl redefined the innom- The bony pelvis is notable for thickened con-
inate bone as a bony support for the acetab- densations of bone that provide attractive sites
ulum. The acetabulum is perceived as a socket for the application of internal fixation to the
contained within two arms of an inverted Y innominate bone (Figure 7.4). Screws can be
formed by a stout posterior column, the iliois- inserted into drill holes prepared in the anterior
chial component, and a longer anterior column and posterior iliac spines, the gluteal tubercle,
that extends from the anterior extension of the the gluteal ridge, the pubic ramus, and along the
superior iliac crest to the pubic symphysis (Fig- iliopubic and ilioischial columns. Screws also can
ure 7.2). The internal surface of the acetabulum be inserted across the sacroiliac joint and the
constitutes the quadrilateral surface on the inner symphysis pubis. For immobilization of a longi-
aspect of the body of the ischium. The posterior tudinal sacral fracture (Figures 7.3d and 7.5),
border of the ilioischial column is formed supe- iliosacral screws can extend from the ipSilateral
riorly by the ilium and inferiorly by the greater ilium into the first or second sacral body. In the
and lesser sciatic notches separated by the ischial presence of a bilateral sacral fracture, lengthy
spine. The iliopubic column is subdivided into screws can be used that extend from one ilium
iliac, acetabular, and pubic segments. The iliac and across the sacrum into the other ilium. As
segment is notable for a lateral pillar or gluteal an alternative, bilateral iliosacral screws can be
ridge that extends superiorly from the roof of used, or as another option, screws can be
the acetabulum to the gluteus medius tubercle. inserted horizontally that extend from one pos-
Its anterior border possesses two thick projec- terior superior spine to the other with a path-
tions, the anterior superior and anterior inferior way that is similar to that of a sacral bar and
iliac spines separated by the interspinous notch. behind the sacral bodies.
The acetabular portion continues medially with Dense ligaments anchor the sacroiliac joints,
a thickened segment of anterior wall, the ilio- especially the posterior interosseous ligaments.
pubic eminence, that attaches to the pubic ramus. The corresponding anterior sacroiliac ligaments
In fact, the anterior wall is dwarfed by the larger are relatively attenuated. Two crucial supple-
posterior wall, thereby creating the relative ace- mentary ligaments afford rotational stability to
tabular anteflexion of about 20°. the hemipelvis. The strong sacrotuberous liga-
The sacrum is a large, irregular pyramid with ment is a fan-shaped band that extends from the
five surfaces (Figure 7.3). Its embryological ori- lateral portion of the dorsum of the sacrum and
gin is five fused vertebrae of progressively dimin- the adjacent iliac spines to the ischial tuberosity.
ishing size from superior to inferior. The princi- A supplementary sacrospinous ligament is a
100 7. Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures

Ihac crest -----:~:....-

Antenor supenor ,liac spine ----1~

Antenor ,ofenor Iliac spme

II'Opub,c (-pectoneal) eminence

Pecten publs---+?'? .
Supenor ramUS 01 pubis -7~'XIJ'

Body of pubis

II. M,II,/ r/,,,

Anterior gluteal line
~iii;===-lIiac crest
Postlnor gluteal hne

....'--_ Anterior superior iliac spinE

Postenor supenor Iltac spIne
r---~r---Inferior gluteal line

Anterior inferior iliac spine

Articular surface
Acetabular fossa
J Acetabulum

.-""'f-Il"""~- Acetabular notch

..iII!II~--PubiC tubercle

Inferior ramus of pubis

Obturator foramen

FIGURE 7.2. Bony anatomy of the acetabulum. (a) Medial view. (b) Lateral view. (Reprinted with
permission from Agur. 12 )
D.C. Mears 101

up "1 • p.


Pel.... lc

p v.c sur1ace
Ap 11 of sacrum

Sacral canal


Lat sacral

sacral crest
saCrat crest

FIGURE 7.3. Bonyanat-

omy of the sacrum. (a)
Anterior view. (b) Poste- Sacral hl81US

rior view. Apex of sacrum b

102 7. Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures

FIGURE 7.3 (continued) (c) Superior view. (d) Transaxial view through S-l body. (a & b reprinted
with permission from Ferner and Staubesand. 49 c & d reprinted with permission from Rockwood
and Green. 50)

dense triangular sheet that is deep to the sacro- axial skeleton to the pelvis and thereby supple-
tuberous ligament. It arises from the lateral mar- ment the strong intervertebral disk complex. All
gin of the sacrum and coccyx and inserts on the of the posterior pelvic ligaments constitute a
ischial spine. The sacrospinous ligament divides tension band that resists rotational and longi-
the ischial area into the greater sciatic notch and tudinal shearing forces . With its wedge-shaped
the lesser sciatic foramen. At the lumbosacral configuration, the sacrum is suspended by the
articulation, iliolumbar ligaments secure the ligaments as a self-locking system.
D.C. Mears 103

• Q)
~ N~.~~I' Sciatic buttres
Anterior . (last 2-3 cm of pelvic
iliac spine brim and 1.5-2.0cm

Iliac wing pillar

2 5

c d
FIGURE 7.4. Pelvic bony condensations as suit- rior iliac crest; 2, Anterior inferior spine to
able sites for insertion of lag screws. Vertical greater sciatic buttress; 3, Anterior column; 4,
or oblique striations the thickest zones. Cross- Posterior iliac crest; 5, Posterior spine to greater
hatched areas correspond to dense areas. (a) sciatic buttress; 6, Posterior column. (a-c
Inner view. (b) Outer view. (c) Transectional reprinted with permission from Letournel and
view. From the same starting point, screws of Judet. ll d reprinted with permission from Letour-
very different length can be inserted. (d) Stan- nel. 51)
dard pathways for lag screw insertion: 1, Ante-


f2fn a -]'.,'s
a -. ~
b ::I



c d
FIGURE 7.5. Uni- and bilateral longitudinal sacral fractures for which iliosacral fixation is feasible. (a) Posterior view. (b) Anterior
views. (c) Reduction with tenaculum forceps. (d) Insertion of screws in posterolateral il ium.
D.C. Mears 105

Vascular Anatomy of the Pelvis sels around the acetabular margin, which form
a complete vascular circle arising from the
A knowledge of the vascular supply of the pel- obturator and the superior and inferior gluteal
vic region is crucial for the recognition of sites arteries. The sciatic buttress receives numerous
of potentially massive hemorrhage accompany- branches from the superior gluteal artery.
ing a pelvic disruption, for potential iatrogenic
injury to major pelvic vessels, and for com-
promise of the nutrition of the pelvis with sur- Major Nerves Adjacent
gical reconstruction. 12 In the false pelvis, the
common iliac vessels divide into the internal to the Pelvis
and external iliac branches. With severe pelvic
trauma, that nevertheless is consistent with a Virtually all portions of the lumbosacral and
viable patient, these major vessels rarely are coccygeal plexuses may be injured by pelvic
damaged. When the common, internal, or exter- trauma. The lumbosacral and coccygeal nerve
nal iliac vessels are disrupted, urgent identi- plexuses are derived from the anterior rami of
fication and a direct surgical repair of the vas- the T-12 to S-4 spinal nervesP The L-4 to S-l
cular disruption provides the only likelihood for segments are particularly prone to injury includ-
survival. At the pelvic brim, the internal iliac ing the femoral nerve (Figure 7.6). After the
artery divides into anterior and posterior divi- lumbosacral trunk and the first sacral root unite
sions. Typically, the latter subdivides into the anterior to the sacroiliac joint, they join with
superior gluteal, iliolumbar, and lateral sacral S-2, S-3, and S-4 anterior to the piriformis. The
arteries. With posterior displacement of the common outflow divides into two terminal
hemipelvis, an injury to the posterior division branches, the sciatic and pudendal nerves, and
and/or superior gluteal artery is likely to ensue supplementary branches including the superior
with the potential for major hemorrhage and and inferior gluteal nerves. Many branches pass
compromise of the viability of the gluteus me- through the greater sciatic notch, notably the
dius and minimis. The anterior division possesses sciatic nerve, which forms the largest branch of
many branches including the internal pudendal, the sacral plexus. The sciatic nerve exits the pel-
inferior gluteal, and obturator arteries. Injury to vis between the inferior border of the piriformis
these 3-mm vessels, likewise, can be followed and the ischial border of the greater sciatic
by Significant hemorrhage. An extensive venous notch. It possesses two divisions, the tibial and
plexus, accompanying the pelvic arteries, also is peroneal, which are loosely bound together. The
vulnerable to injury with a pelvic disruption. nerve is vulnerable to injury, especially with a
At the time of surgical reconstruction of a posterior dislocation of the hip or a posterior
pelvic or acetabular fracture, preservation of the acetabular fracture. The peroneal division is par-
blood supply of each major bony fragment is ticularly susceptible to injury and less likely to
crucial to facilitate healing and afford resistance recover. The principal L-5 root contribution to
to infection. On the inner surface of the anterior the peroneal division is vulnerable to injury at
ilium and iliac crest, nutrition is provided by the the root level, both behind the hip joint and
deep circumflex iliac artery, a branch of the where it exits the greater sciatic notch. The
external iliac artery. A still larger nutrient fora- superior gluteal nerve (L-4 to S-l) is susceptible
mina is situated in the internal iliac fossa, 1 em to injury with posterior approaches to the hip
anterior to the surface of the sacroiliac joint and and acetabulum. Typically, such a traction injury
1 em superior to the iliopectineal line, where it is associated with the insertion of a retractor or
receives a branch from the iliolumbar artery. On a lengthy plate on the posterior column. With
the external surface of the bone, a large nutrient anterior or iliOinguinal approaches, the lateral
foramen is observed in the middle of the gluteal femoral cutaneous nerve of the thigh is vulner-
area of the iliac wing, which receives a branch able to a laceration or to a traction injury. When
from the superior gluteal artery. Supplementary an ilioinguinal incision is used to expose an
vascular supplies include multiple nutrient ves- extensive acetabular fracture, typically some
106 7. Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures

....--N.rv. L4
.-...1.._.~-- N.rv. L5
IIr--Obturator n.rv•

.....--Superior gluteal artery

Lumbosacral trunk

Inferior gluteal artery

Sciatic nerve

Pudendal nerve and internal

pudendal artery

Pelvic splanchnic nerve

FIGURE 7.6. The sacral plexus and origin of the sciatic nerve. (Reprinted with permission from
Agur. 12 )

degree of hypesthesia of the anterior thigh instability, or the presence of an open wound. A
ensues. laceration in the groin, scrotum, or peroneal
region or of the vagina and rectum is highly
suspicious of an open pelvic fracture. An appar-
Assessment ent deformity of the lower extremity in the
absence of a fracture in the lower limb may
Before definitive treatment of a pelvic or indicate a pelvic fracture
acetabular fracture is initiated, the injury is In the presence of hemodynamic instability,
rigorously characterized by its clinical and the initial radiographic assessment of the pelvis
radiographic features. 14,15 The direction of the may be limited to an anteroposterior view. Sub-
provocative forces may be obtained from the sequently, precise characterization of the injury
history of an alert patient and from clinical necessitates a minimum radiographic protocol of
inspection for sites of contusion or . ecchymosis. anteroposterior, inlet, and outlet views. For the
The history of a motor vehicular or industrial inlet view of the supine patient, the x-ray beam
accident should alert the surgeon to the high is directed from the head to the mid-pelvis at
likelihood for the presence of a major unstable about 45° with respect to the radiographic
pelvic injury and the potential for concomitant table. 15 ,16 Such a projection is perpendicular to
visceral or neurovascular insults. The pelvic the pelvic brim and illustrates the true pelvic
region is examined for evidence of asymmetry, inlet, as well as the anteroposterior displacement
D.C. Mears 107

of the pelvic fracture. To obtain an outlet projec- fragments is primarily a rotational distortion
tion of a supine patient, the beam is directed that further complicates the mental imaging.
from the foot to the pubic symphysis at 45 0 Computer programs are available to produce
with respect to the radiographic plate. The out- three-dimensional surface reformations from
let projection highlights superior displacement sets of contiguous axial computed scans of the
of the posterior half of the pelvis, as well as pelvis. 18,19 The images can be obtained within 1
superior or inferior displacement of the rami. to 12 hours after the arrival of the patient in the
Apparent limb length discrepancy secondary to radiographic suite. While the 3D CT images can
a sagittal malrotation of a hemipelvis is high- be created from virtually any angle of scrutiny,
lighted, along with avulsion fractures of the a standard pelvic series comprises the anterior,
transverse processes of the lower lumbar verte- posterior, superior, and inferior orthogonal
brae or ramus fractures. For an acetabular dis- views and the inlet and outlet 45 0 oblique pro-
ruption, special Judet or obturator and iliac jections. Also, the 45 oblique views comprising

oblique views are obtained by rolling the injured the iliac and obturator oblique projections dis-
patient carefully from one side to the other to play the internal and external surfaces of the
prOVide a transverse axis of the pelvis of 45 0 acetabulum. A special dome view" is obtained

relative to the radiographic table. Supplemen- from a projection approximating 20 0 inferior

tary computed tomography (CT) is indispens- and 20 0 anterior to the true lateral view. After a
able to document sites of pelvic disruption, dis- subtraction, or so-called disarticulation, of the
placement, and comminution. 17 A sacral fracture femoral head, the last view presents the acetab-
that is virtually invisible on plain radiographs ulum as a true hemispherical recess and provides
is readily documented by resort to computed a clearer view of the acetabular dome, as well as
axial tomography. The degree of separation and the medial, anterior, and posterior walls.
instability of a sacroiliac joint or sacral fracture
is evident.
Five standard coronal sections are taken at
intervals of about 2 em. The most superior sec-
Classification of Injuries
tion projects the iliac wings and the adjacent
sacroiliac joints. The second highlights the prin-
cipal part of the sacrum and adjacent sacroiliac Pennal, Tile, and associates20 classify the princi-
joints. The third displays the dome of the ace- pal pelvic ring disruptions based upon the direc-
tabulum with a circular cross section. The fourth tion of the provocative force and the degree of
transects the mid-acetabular region and includes pelvic disruption. Injuries may result from pro-
a midpolar view of the femoral head, whereas vocative blows that impose anterior-posterior
the fifth documents the inferior pubic ramus and or lateral compressive forces on the pelvis or
the ischial tuberosity at the level of the greater from falls or other unusual injuries that exert
trochanter. Where surgical reconstruction of vertical shearing forces on the pelvic ring. This
a comminuted and displaced pelvic or acetab- classification provides insight into the nature
ular fracture is anticipated, an accurate three- of the injury, the morbidity, the potential sites
dimensional (3D) radiographic perspective is of disruptions, the degrees of pelvic instability,
extremely valuable to define the optimal surgi- and recommendations for treatment. An anterior
cal approach, the strategy for the open reduc- posterior compression injury, also known as an
tion, and the preferred method of fixation. external rotation deformity, results from a blow
When reviewing the conventional two-dimen- that strikes the posterior ilium or the anterior
sional radiographs and CT scans, even an expe- pelvis to disrupt the symphysis and the anterior
rienced surgeon has difficulty with the extensive sacroiliac ligaments of one or both sacroiliac
mental integration needed to achieve an accu- joints. Usually, the crucial posterior sacroiliac
rate three-dimensional image of the injury. Typ- complex is spared so that the injury is vertically
ically, the displacement of the major fracture stable. Not infrequently the ipSilateral floor of
108 7. Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures

the hemipelvis, including the sacrospinous and vides insight into the optimal surgical approach
sacrotuberous ligaments, is compromised so that and a guideline to prognosis with or without
a modest sagittal malrotation of the hemipelvis surgical reconstruction.
A lateral compression injury arises from a
direct blow to the lateral ilium, typically to pro-
voke an extremely unstable impacted fracture Acute Management
of the sacrum. Most typically, an accompanying
The management of a patient with a pelvic ring
anterolateral rotational force provokes an inward
or acetabular disruption is logically divided into
rotation of the ipsilateral hemipelvis, so that the
two principal phases.22 During the first phase of
ipSilateral pubic rami, or occasionally all four
acute resuscitation, diagnostic and therapeutic
rami, are disrupted with some overlapping of
measures are initiated. A multidisciplinary pro-
the fracture fragments.
A vertical shear injury is a highly unstable tocol is needed to define the priorities of diag-
,disruption with complete posterior ligamen- nosis and therapy involving the general surgi-
tous instability of one or both sacroiliac joints. cal, orthopaedic, urologic, and neurosurgical
members of the trauma team. Quantitative
Most of the patients are victims of falls from a
assessment of the extent and severity of the
great height or of high-speed crashes. Usually,
the associated anterior disruption is a diastasis injuries using an injury-severity scale is strongly
of the symphysis pubis. Supplementary radio- advised. The conventional priorities of acute
graphic findings include avulsion fractures of the therapy are repair of respiratory, cardiovascular,
central nervous system, urologic, gastrointes-
sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments from
the ischial spine or the adjacent sacrum, as well tinal, and musculoskeletal systems. In the pres-
as avulsion fractures of the transverse processes ence of hemodynamic instability, a definitive
of the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae. diagnosis and stabilization of the pelvis is de-
ferred. In the other patients, a complete diag-
nostic survey of the pelvis can be undertaken
Acetabulum soon after admission. In either event, the goals
Currently, the most widely employed classifica- of management include anatomical restoration
tion scheme of acetabular fractures is that of the pelvis with sufficient stability so that the
devised by Letournel and Judet. ll,21 These patient can be mobilized to at least a bed to
chair existence, if not a partial weight-bearing
workers identified two major categories of
gait. Surgical reconstruction should provide
elementary and associated fractures. In an ele-
mentary fracture, all or part of one column is substantial alleviation of fracture pain and suffi-
involved to provoke a posterior wall, posterior cient mobilization to facilitate pulmonary toilet,
general patient care, and expeditious discharge
column, anterior wall, or anterior column frac-
ture. One other elementary pattern is a trans- from the hospital. Acute stabilization of a dis-
verse fracture in which the superior acetabulum placed injury minimizes the likelihood for a
is separated from the inferior portion. The asso- catastrophic late problem such as a painful non-
ciated fracture patterns include any two of the union or malunion of the pelvis.
elementary forms. The five principal examples
are a fracture of the posterior column and pos-
terior wall, a transverse and posterior wall frac- Definitive Stabilization
ture, aT-type fracture, a fracture of the anterior
column and anterior wall associated with a hemi- The preferred techniques for stabilization of the
transverse fracture posteriorly, and a complete pelVis and acetabulum remain controversial in a
both-column fracture. The last example is where field that is evolving very rapidly. While diverse
all of the articular surface is disrupted to create therapeutic protocols are available, certain fea-
at least three major fracture fragments. Charac- tures of any acceptable format can be clearly
terization of the injuries by these patterns pro- defined. An algorithm for pelvic stabilization
D.C. Mears 109

should outline a suitable technique for the fixa- that ensues even when an accurate stable inter-
tion of virtually any type of pelvic ring disrup- nal fixation is achieved without a surgical or
tion or acetabular fractureP Such an algorithm iatrogenic complication. For unstable pelvic
needs to provide viable therapeutic options, injuries that are managed by external fixation,
depending upon the sites of open pelvic wounds, Riemer and Miranda24 report that the results
a diversion colostomy or a urinary drainage, as documented at late outcome, in terms of the
well as the diverse injury patterns, the varying amount of pain, functional incapacity, and return
amounts of comminution, and the degree of to gainful employment, are eqUivalent to those
osteopenia. For the pelvic ring, historically documented after the use of internal fixation.
external fixation evolved as the first definitive Where the least doubt about the role of internal
method to address a variety of disruptions with fixation exists is with respect to bilateral unsta-
moderate instability of the posterior pelvic ring. ble posterior injuries and other complex injury
During the past decade, a rapid increase in the patterns where isolated external fixation has no
clinical application of techniques of internal fixa- potential to stabilize the pelvic ring with respect
tion has occurred as surgeons recognized the to the spine.
superior mechanical stability afforded by inter- Probably at least half of the patients who sus-
nal fixation of unstable injury patterns. Also, the tain a pelvic injury present with a minimally
availability of percutaneous lag screws has displaced fracture, especially follOWing a low-
created a stable method of internal fixation that velocity lateral compressive force. Another
necessitates minimal surgical exposure. As the example is a diastasis of the symphysis with less
number of pelvic injury sites increases, the need than 2 em of displacement. In these instances,
for rigorous internal fixation rapidly accelerates. temporary bed rest followed by partial weight
Ironically, the most complicated cases have the bearing for a few weeks is usually sufficient
greatest absolute indication for technically treatment. Another large subcategory includes a
demanding surgical reconstruction. Especially in diastasis with greater than 2 em of displacement
a community hospital or a tertiary center with of the symphysis, when surgical stabilization is
limited experience in pelvic reconstruction, recommended. Plate fixation of the symphysis
many of the complicated cases merit referral to a through a limited anterior exposure is the
regional trauma center where the appropriate method of choice. While plate fixation can be
surgical training and instrumentation are avail- applied to anterior ramus fractures, the surgical
able. approach across the inguinal region is moder-
ately difficult and potentially hazardous. Gen-
erally, external fixation is preferred to manage
Indications for Internal an anterior injury with multiple displaced ramus
fractures. One exception is the presence of dis-
Fixation of the Pelvic Ring placed rami in a young female. In this instance, a
persistent nonunion or malunion of the rami
Currently, the indications for the application of often leads to dyspareunia or the need for a
internal fixation to an unstable pelvic ring dis- cesarean section at the time of delivery. With an
ruption remain highly controversial. Most sur- open reduction, an accurate reconstruction of
geons agree that stable injuries with minimal the anterior pelvic ring can provide a minimal
instability and minimal pelvic deformity merit risk for the late obstetric and gynecological
conservative treatment. Once the pelvic ring is complications.
traumatically rendered unstable and deformed, A second category of displaced pelvic disrup-
the questions arise about the degree of insta- tions with posterior instability follows a disloca-
bility and deformity that constitute indications tion of the sacroiliac joint or a fracture of the
for internal fixation. The enthusiasm for surgical neighbOring portions of the posterior ilium or
reconstruction has to be tempered by the poten- sacrum. Typically, an anterior accompanying
tial for surgical complications and the 40% inci- injury involves a diastasis of the symphysis or
dence of late posterior pelvic and low back pain ramus fractures. In such an example, the pelvic
110 7. Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures

ring can be perceived as having three suppor- posterior acetabular wall or column or a dis-
tive columns of bone.25 The anterior column placed sacral fracture
refers to the symphysis and the adjacent supe-
rior pubic rami. The middle column refers to the
body of the sacrum, the adjacent portions of Indications for Acetabular
sacroiliac joints, and the allied posterior ilium. Fixation
The posterior column refers to the posterior ele-
ments of the sacrum and the neighboring por-
tions of posterior ilia via the posterior superior Currently, for most displaced acetabular frac-
spine. Two of the three columns are immo- tures in young adults or children, an open reduc-
bilized with internal fixation. Typically, the tion with internal fixation is recommended. 26
anterior column injury is surgically exposed, Posterior fracture dislocations and transverse
reduced, and plated. This maneuver generally fractures have a particularly poor outlook unless
provides a satisfactory reduction of the poste- an accurate reduction is achieved. Certain both-
rior injury. As an alternative, anterior column column fractures possess so-called secondary
fixation can be afforded by a simple external congruity, whereby the fracture fragments rotate
frame that spans from half pins inserted into around the femoral head to maintain a spherical
either anterior iliac crest. Subsequently, either bearing surface. Of the significant displaced ace-
the middle column is stabilized with lag screws tabular fractures, this injury pattern possesses
or anterior plates, or the posterior column is the best outcome following the application of
immobilized with a plate. In osteopenic individ- nonoperative methods. Particularly in the el-
uals, and especially the elderly, usually the rami derly with marked comminution, osteopenia, and
afford insufficient structural integrity to merit associated medical problems, conservative man-
plate fixation. In such an instance, the middle agement of such an injury may be preferred. A
and posterior columns are immobilized as the small spectrum of acetabular fractures are nota-
preferred strategy of fixation. ble for marked impaction or abrasive damage to
A third major category of pelvic fracture is a the bearing surfaces or occasionally other prob-
complex ring disruption. The largest group is a lems such as late presentation, morbid obesity,
family of bilateral posterior unstable injuries and concomitant medical problems, where con-
with a combination of sacroiliac dislocations or servative management is doomed, and yet an
unstable fractures involving the sacrum or pos- open reduction and internal fixation is imprac-
terior ilium. Another pattern is where an unsta- tical or impossible. An acute total hip joint
ble posterior fracture dislocation is accompanied replacement may be the best current option for
by an acetabular fracture as well as an anterior those uncommon cases.27 For the acetabular
injury. Still other cases involve multiple combi- component, an associated metal cup with an
nations of posterior, unstable injuries and bilat- outer porous coating for bony ingrowth and
eral acetabular fractures. All of these injuries with the capability for the insertion of multiple
may have various combinations of anterior dis- screws serves as a hemispherical plate. The
ruption. Typically, each unstable site merits an femoral head can be morselized for bone graft,
open reduction and internal fixation. With ipsi- or it can serve as a structural graft for augmen-
lateral superior and inferior ramus fractures, tation of the posterior wall or dome. The major
however, generally only the superior ramus is acetabular fragments can be reduced through a
immobilized. By resort to a bilateral ilioinguinal relatively limited and conventional total hip
surgical exposure, the rami and symphysis, as exposure. Supplementary lag screws can be used
well as the lateral ilium and sacroiliac joint, can to immobilize large extraarticular fragments
be exposed for the reduction and fixation. As such as a large portion of the anterior ilium and
part of the procedure, percutaneous lag screws iliac crest. Usually, such screws are inserted
can be utilized to stabilize the sacral body. A through small additional incisions, frequently
supplementary surgical approach may be neces- superficial to the anterior superior and anterior
sary to expose an accompanying fracture of the inferior iliac spines.
D.C. Mears 111

Contraindications for Internal reduction. A traction injury to the sciatic nerve

is perhaps the best-known problem following a
Fixation of the Pelvis and posterior fracture dislocation of the hip. Where
Acelabulum the sciatic nerve is contused at the time of the
traumatic injury, subtle features of nerve deficit,
In the presence of an unstable pelvic fracture, including mild hypesthesia of the second and
most contraindications to internal fixation are of third toes or a corresponding mild weakness of
a transient nature. With hemodynamic insta- the extensor digitorium longus, may be the only
bility or other acute medical problem, deferral of sign of the potential impending catastrophe.28
a major pelvic reconstruction may be necessary. With even a limited surgical manipulation of the
In the presence of an open pelvic fracture, espe- nerve or limited retraction, it is susceptible to
cially with fecal contamination, transient exter- frank deterioration in function to culminate in a
nal fixation may be preferred while diversion complete foot drop, with hypesthesia of the
of the bowel and cleansing of the wound are foot and a potential for late dysesthetic pain in
undertaken. Typically, within a few days, inter- the lower leg and foot. The use of intraopera-
nal fixation of the pelvic ring, by resort to can- tive somatosensory evoked potential monitor-
nulated lag screws, especially of the critical pos- ing permits the recognition of such a susceptible
terior portion, can be undertaken by the use of a nerve and the potential for rapid correction of
limited surgical exposure somewhat remotely the provocative surgical maneuver. 29,30
situated with respect to the colostomy or an The third family of complications is related
open wound. In cases of late presentation. to the application of the fixation devices. The
assessment referable to the assets and practi- guide wires or drill bits that are used in con-
cality of surgical reconstruction merits special junction with cannulated screws are particularly
consideration. Factors under review will include hazardous, especially if the far cortex of bone is
the acceptability of the deformity, the potential breached. Many columns of pelvic bone, such as
for spontaneous union and stability of the pelvic the superior pubic ramus, are relatively small so
ring, the degree of technical difficulty and, espe- that the target area is limited. Alternatively, in
cially, the presence or risk of complicating fea- the sacrum, the presence of nerve roots in the
tures such as massive heterotopic bone. foramina provides a source of neurological haz-
ard that is in close proximity to the limited
available bone stock. A fourth category pertains
Complications of Internal to a postsurgical problem such as problematic
wound healing, heterotopic bone around the
Fixation of the Pelvis and acetabulum after a lateral surgical exposure,
Acetabulum avascular necrosis of the femoral head or ace-
tabulum, and a late nonunion or malunion. 31
A principal source of complications of internal Many of these problems represent complications
pelvic fixation is related to the particular surgi- that follow excessive stripping of soft tissue and
cal exposure. The juxtaposition of major neuro- devascularization of the bone fragments. To
vascular structures, as well as the intraabdominal minimize the risk of heterotopic bone, several
viscera, combined with most orthopaedic sur- strategies are available. When an anterior ilioin-
geons' limited familiarity with the pelvic region, guinal approach is used, the risk of significant
provides a special likelihood for allied compli- heterotopic bone is minimal. For a high-risk
cations. This problem is further aggravated if patient, especially a large obese male who has
the surgery is undertaken after a delayed pre- sustained an accompanying closed head injury,
sentation. Scarified boundaries, the presence of an extended lateral surgical approach to the ace-
heterotopic bone, and abnormalities such as tabulum should be avoided if at all possible.
traumatically induced urinary diverticula create From the time of surgery, indomethacin can be
particularly hazardous conditions. A second given as a prophylactic agent. Alternatively,
family of complications is related to the surgical postoperative irradiation therapy of 700 to
112 7. Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures

1,000 C Gy can be given as a single pulse or in scout image with the C-arm image intensifier is
subdivided doses. 32 obtained to ensure the absence of the towel
clips and other artifact from the field of interest.
During the surgery, the anterior-posterior, inlet,
Intraoperative Imaging and outlet views, as well as the Judet views, are
obtained. For the documentation of an iliosacral
Techniques screw, a supplementary direct lateral sacral view
is necessary.
Currently, intraoperative imaging of the pelvis
and acetabulum is a critical part of most recon-
structive procedures. The accuracy of a reduc- Mechanical Criteria for
tion can be assessed. Minimally invasive fixa- Pelvic Fixation Devices
tion, especially by resort to cannulated lag
screws, can be utilized. The presence of a screw The optimal mechanical behavior of fixation
violating the hip joint or a foramen can be devices for use on the pelvis is quite different
documented so that a timely corrective measure from the criteria for devices that are designed
follows. To facilitate the intraoperative imaging, for application on the appendicular skeleton.
the use of the Jackson graphite composite oper- With its ring-like nature, the pelvis is not sub-
ating table is strongly preferred. The completely ject to bending stresses that rival loads imposed
radiolucent table is supported at the top and the upon long bones and the allied fixation. 9 When
bottom so that the central region beneath the plates are applied to the curved surfaces of the
pelvis is totally accessible for a C-arm. The innominate bone, contouring of the plate to fit
newest version of the table permits the applica- accurately to the osseous surface becomes a
tion of longitudinal or lateral traction. In con- major concern. If a plate is rigid, even a minor
junction with the table, a modern C-arm image error in the contour will provoke a displacement
intensifier with a 9-inch field size is recom- of an anatomically reduced fracture when the
mended. The Siemens and O.E.C.-Toshiba mod- corresponding screws are tightened. Flexibility
els possess a high resolution and large field size of the plate, thereby, represents a significant
for satisfactory visualization. Once the patient attribute. As with all fracture fixation hardware,
has been anesthetized and positioned on the an ability to tolerate fatigue forces imposed by
tables and prior to draping the patient, a trial the presence of a delayed union is valuable.
rehearsal of the relevant imaging techniques is After surgery, the use of standard trans axial CT
performed. Where the x-ray technician pos- or 3D CT for the scrutiny of the reduction and
sesses less than optimal training, this rehearsal the position of the hardware is very helpful,
period enables the surgeon to educate the tech- especially for cases where a screw approximates
nician, while the position of the patient is clearly the hip joint or a foramen. From all of these
evident. When necessary, the position of the points of view, a titanium alloy, such as 6% alu-
patient can be modified somewhat to optimize minum and 4% vanadium, is the optimal mate-
the field for imaging. rial for plates and screws, and possesses a
Where high-resolution imaging is needed, marked superiority over surgical grade stainless
towel clips are secured where they will not steel. Reconstruction plates with oval holes or
compromise the field of imaging. Typically, the slots permit the optimal deviation of the screw
clips are positioned sufficiently superior and away from the axis of the plate. For most appli-
inferior so that they are out of the radiographic cations of a plate around the acetabulum, a 3.5-
field. Within the surgical field, supplementary or 3.7-mm size in terms of adequate strength
skin staples or sutures are used to secure the and ductility is preferred. The screws are of 3.5-
drapes. As a third method, plastic adhesive bar- or 3.7-mm cortical or 4.0-mm fully threaded
rier drapes are used to anchor the cloth drapes. cancellous designs and ideally of a self-tapping
After the patient has been draped, another configuration. Lengthy screws of up to 120 mm
D.C. Mears 113

are needed. Particularly for longer screws, plate and are fashioned to immobilize com-
power insertion is recommended. For applica- minuted segments of the posterior or anterior
tion in deep wounds consistent with pelvic inci- column and wall.
sions, special long drill bits and drill sleeves are
needed. For the immobilization of the posterior
Cannulated Screws
portion of the pelvic ring, 4.S-mm reconstruc-
tion plates are preferred, along with 4.S-mm The 7.0- and 4.S-mm cannulated screws are par-
cortical or 6.5-mm cancellous screws. Such a ticularly suitable for fixation of the posterior
plate can be contoured to fit across the back of hemipelvis and acetabular region, respectively.
the sacrum and adjacent ilia as a tension-plate The larger screws are preferred for the posterior
configuration.33 For fixation of the front of the ilium, sacroiliac joint, and sacral body, whereas
sacroiliac joint, 4.S-mm screws can be inserted the smaller ones are effective for fixation of the
through 4.5-mm or ideally 3.5-mm plates of two anterior and posterior columns and adjacent
holes. The plates are directed across the alar structural columns neighboring the acetabulum.
region of the sacroiliac joint with the screws In the biomechanical studies in pelvic ring and
oriented parallel to the axis of the joint. With acetabular fixation performed by Sawaguchi et
the 3.5-mm plates, the screws are closer together al.,9 and by Rubash et al.,36 the optimal charac-
and tend to be directed along the narrow juxta- teristics of screws for strength and holding
articular region of the thick bone that is free of power were defined. As a generalization, longer
a neural foramen. In contrast, a 4.S-mm plate screws of a small diameter are particularly effec-
possesses a wider interspace between the holes. tive in the pelvis. For younger adults, cortical
Either the medial end of the plate is liable to screws realize as effective a fixation as cancel-
injure the L-S nerve root or the lateral end is lous screws. Admittedly, these studies did not
situated above the thin portion of lateral ilium. evaluate cannulated screws. For lag screws, gen-
In the latter case, the fixation is significantly erally a thread length of 32 mm or more is pre-
compromised by the corresponding short screws ferred. For the lengthy screws of 90 to 150 mm
(Figure 7.4c). Special anterior sacroiliac plates that transfix the sacral body and occasionally
are available that effectively link two short con- both sacroiliac joints, excessive flexibility of a
ventional plates in an H-like design. With their guide wire is potentially a great problem. A
added cost and limited utility, probably the H- guide wire of 2.0-mm diameter is highly vulner-
plates are not cost-effective. able to bend as it penetrates the iliac or sacral
For the thin portions of the posterior and subchondral bone as it crosses the sacroiliac
anterior wall of the acetabulum, specialized joint. The optimal range of guide wires is 2.8 to
plates have been devised that permit a buttress- 3.2 mm in diameter. While the 3.2 mm is highly
ing of the bone with a minimal risk for a screw rigid, it presents a concern that excessive heat
to penetrate the hip joint. Such a spring or hook might be generated during its insertion so that
plate design was popularized by Mast et al., 34 thermal damage of an adjacent nerve root could
and assessed biomechanically by Goulet et aP5 occur. The author has assessed a 7.2-mm design
A short one-third tubular plate of 3.S-mm size with a 2.8-mm cannula. The tip of the screw is
and typically of three holes in length is trimmed designed for self-drilling and self-tapping. Both
to prepare two pointed spurs at one end. The threaded tip guide wires and small drill bits are
pOinted ends are bent by 90° to create hooks. available as a pilot for the screw. Associated
The plate is contoured with a gentle convexity tools include a depth gauge and a set of drill
away from the bony surface. As screws are sleeves. A supplementary drill sleeve permits
inserted into the apex of the curve and at the the insertion of two 7.2-mm screws in parallel,
end of the plate remote from the hip joint, the divergent, or convergent alignment. The 4.5-
hooks engage the juxtaarticular wall to buttress mm screws possess a similar collection of tools.
it. Assemblies of one or more hook plates can be During insertion, undulation of the smaller, but
combined with a conventional reconstruction shorter guide wires has not been a problem.
114 7. Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures

Indications For the Use of facilitate a corresponding reduction of the sac-

Cannulated Lag Screws in the Pelvis roiliac joint so that percutaneous fixation with
cannulated screws is feasible. For a late pre-
The attributes of a cannulated screw for pelvic sentation, more than a week after the injury, and
fixation pertain to a minimally invasive or per- where skeletal traction was not used to control
cutaneous method of fixation and the prelimi- the initial deformity, an open reduction by
nary insertion of a small guide wire under image resort to an an anterior approach of the sacroil-
intensification for penetration of a column of iac joint affords the optimal view to facilitate
bone that is of a small diameter or that is adja- the reduction. Once reduced, direct anterior fixa-
cent to vulnerable soft tissue, especially nerves. tion with two of the two-hole plates is readily
In the latter situation, when a conventional drill undertaken. The use of cannulated screws for
bit is replaced with a screw, the screw has a fixation is particularly attractive where a mini-
potential to follow an errant pathway with pos- mally displaced sacroiliac joint merits fixation or
sible damage to associated tissues that cannot where an accurate closed reduction accompanies
occur when the screw is driven over a guide the reconstruction of the anterior pelvic ring
wire. While a cannulated screw of a given core disruption. About 20% of transverse or T -type
and outside diameters is of somewhat lesser acetabular fractures are complicated by a sub-
static and fatigue strength than a solid counter- luxation of the ipsilateral sacroiliac joint. Prior
part, in clinical practice, this feature is a minor to the acetabular exposure, an accurate realign-
liability.37 Currently available designs of cannu- ment or fixation of the sacroiliac joint is needed
lated screws possess an enlarged core diameter to anatomically reduce the upper half of the
so that breakage of screws has not been a sig- acetabulum. While the amount of displacement
nificant problem. During the insertion of a can- of the ilium at the sacroiliac joint may appear to
nulated screw, the surgeon needs to have a firm be inconsequential, nevertheless this amount is
grasp of the anatomical landmarks and must magnified greatly at the level of the acetabular
obtain a variety of special radiologic views on articular surface. With the patient situated in a
the image intensifier that permits a documenta- lateral decubitus position, the sacroiliac joint
tion of a safe and appropriate insertional path- tends to spontaneously reduce so that cannu-
way. lated lag screw fixation is feasible.
In the presence of marked displacement of the
sacroiliac joint, an accurate reduction may be
Fixation Techniques for difficult or impossible to achieve by resort to a
closed manipulation so that usually an open
Particular Sites reduction is indicated. Initially, a closed reduc-
tion may be attempted as an effort to preserve
The Sacroiliac Joint
the neighboring soft tissues and, especially in
Cannulated lag screw fixation can be undertaken the presence of a diversion colostomy or an
for a subluxed or dislocated sacroiliac joint. In open wound where contamination of an open
the former case, the anterior aspects of the joint surgical wound represents a clinical concern
are separated, possibly with a limited accom- (Figure 7.8). The patient is positioned in a lateral
panying sagittal or coronal rotational deformity. fashion to rest on the contralateral side of the
In the latter situation, the articular surfaces are pelvis. While a supine or even prone position
displaced in a multiplanar fashion that renders can be used, typically the crucial reduction tech-
the joint highly unstable unless an accurate nique is less satisfactory for restoration of align-
reduction is achieved. Where cannulated screws ment of the sacroiliac joint. Image intensifica-
are selected for fixation, the crucial recognition tion with anteroposterior (AP), inlet, and outlet
is that the operative procedure needs to include views is performed. The ipsilateral hip is flexed
some method for accurate reduction of the joint beyond 90° so that its rotation transmits a
(Figure 7.7). Where the anterior injury is a dia- corresponding rotational force to the displaced
stasis, the open reduction of the symphysis may hemipelvis. The extremity is draped and manip-
a b

c d
FIGURE 7.7. Technique for iliosacral fixation of external rotation injury by a percutaneous or limited open technique. (a) Anterior outlet 3D ......
CT view. (b) Inlet 3D CT view. (c) Reduction of symphysis through pfannenstiel approach. (d) Fixation of symphysis. c.n


e .
,. f ~
- Cl.

FIGURE 7.7 (coFltinued) (e) Imaging on radiolucent table for iliosacral fixation. (f) Position of tenaculum forceps accompanying a limited
posterior reduction. (g) Insertion of iliosacral guide wire with drill sleeves. (h) Iliosacral screw insertion.

FIGURE 7.7 (i) Postoperative AP view. (j) Postoperative inlet view. (k) Postoperative outlet view. (I) Postoperative CT iliosacral view. ....

a b ~



d e
FIGURE 7.8. Percutaneous iliosacral screw insertion for a C-2 injury view. (b) 3D CT inlet view. (c) Transaxial CT of posterior pelvic ring.
with a right 51 dislocation and a left 51 subluxation in a 28-year-old (d) Intraoperative obturator oblique view of right 51 joint after closed
man with initial external pelvic fixation. A bladder rupture for which a reduction with insertion of iliosacral guide wires. (e) Intraoperative
primary repair was performed was complicated by dehiscence so that direct lateral view of guide wires in 5-1 body.
an open reduction of the symphysis was contraindicated. (a) Outlet
f g h

FIGURE 7.8 (f) Intraoperative obturator oblique view after iliosacral screw insertion. (g) Initial postoperative outlet view. (h) Postoperative AP
view one year later. (i) Late postoperative inlet view. (j) Late postoperative outlet view.
120 7. Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures

ulated under image intensification. Supplemen- breached. In this way, a long-threaded 7.0-mm
tary pressure can be applied on the anterior iliac cancellous screw with a length of 45 to 60 mm
crest to compress the sacroiliac joint. More can be used. By penetration of three instead of
effective manipulation of the hemipelvis can be four cortices, the guide wire and screw are kept
achieved by the insertion of a large Schanz within bone so that the risk of inadvertent pen-
screw, a Steinmann pin, or external fixation pin etration of the anterior presacral soft tissues and
into the anterior inferior spine, which serves as of the S-l nerve root is minimized. During the
a reduction tool. Longitudinal traction can insertion of the guide wire, multiple AP, inlet,
be achieved by resort to a distal femoral or and outlet views are obtained. The AP view
proximal tibial pin. For most highly displaced confirms that the guide wire is inserted parallel
sacroiliac disruptions, initially the accompanying to the transaxial plane. The outlet view permits
anterior pelvic lesion, such as a diastasis of the a recognition of undesirable penetration of the
symphysis pubis, is reduced and stabilized by an superior alar surface. The inlet view is preferred
open technique. During this stage, image inten- for the advancement into the sacral ala toward
~ification is performed to confirm the presence the anterior sacral cortex.
of an accurate reduction of the entire pelvic Once the guide wire is fully inserted, a direct
ring. If the attempted anterior reduction does lateral view is taken to confirm that the guide
not reduce the sacroiliac joint, then the incision wire remains embedded in the sacrum.38 Partic-
is converted into an ilioinguinal approach, and a ularly in an elderly individual, a large osteo-
direct open reduction and internal fixation of the phyte situated along the anterior and superior
sacroiliac joint is undertaken. border of the ala may obscure the appearance
on the inlet view of excessive penetration of
the guide wire beyond the anterior cortex. This
Percutaneous Fixation of the
problem is recognized or prevented by taking
Sacroiliac Joint sequential lateral views (Figure 7.8). The ideal
The patient is positioned preferably prone or target zone for the screw thread is within the
alternatively supine on a radiolucent table. After sacral ala lateral to the S-l nerve foramina and
block draping the surgical field, a guide wire is inferior to the L5-S1 disk space. Typically, two
placed transversely across the lumbar region at guide wires are inserted prior to the sequential
the level of the posterior superior spines and an replacement with screws of appropriate length.
AP image is obtained (Figure 7.7). After the use of the depth gauge, the screws
For insertion of the guide wire, a transverse are inserted while spot radiographic views are
incision of 1 em in length is made at the level of obtained to ensure that the guide wire is not
the posterior superior spine. The entry point is inadvertently advanced during the insertion of
situated where the guide wire can be directed either screw. If the guide wire bends during
about 100 to 200 anterior to a transaxial plane. its insertion by even an imperceptible amount,
With this orientation, the guide wire can be then a subsequent binding of the screw on the
advanced at a right angle with respect to the deformed guide wire can provoke the undesir-
axis of the sacroiliac joint. This orthogonal rela- able advancement of the wire. Where the bone
tionship with respect to the sacroiliac joint is is somewhat osteopenic, a supplementary washer
further achieved if the guide wire is advanced can be used. After tightening of the screws, an
slightly superiorward, also by about 100 to 200. obturator oblique view is taken that is parallel
The guide wire or corresponding drill bit is to the plane of the sacroiliac joint. This image
advanced through the lateral iliac cortex fol- permits confirmation that the sacroiliac joint is
lowed by penetration of the inner iliac table of rigorously approximated.
the sacroiliac joint and the adjacent sacral sub-
chondral table. Further advancement of the guide Insertion of a Percutaneous Screw
wire into the alar portion of the first sacral body Across a Longitudinal Sacral Fracture
is undertaken. In most cases, the sacral pene-
tration continues for an additional 30 to 40 mm, Generally, the technique for insertion of a screw
although the anterior sacral cortex is not across a sacral fracture is similar to the method
D.C. Mears 121

described for sacroiliac fixation. 38 The patient inserted parallel to the first. The corresponding
can be positioned in a fully prone, supine, or guide wire can be introduced into the S-l or S-2
even a lateral decubitus position, although the bodies. For a large male patient, the easier tech-
crucial use of the image intensifier appears to be nique is the insertion of two screws into the first
most readily achieved in the prone position. sacral body. In such a patient, frequently the S-l
Imaging is most difficult in the lateral position. body is large enough so that the two screws can
The target zone for the screw becomes the first be inserted with one in front of the other or
sacral body, and to a lesser degree, the S-2 with one superior to the other. In a small
body. With the patient situated in a prone fash- woman, the S-l body may be too small to con-
ion, a guide wire is placed transversely across tain two sacral screws. Once the S-2 body is
the middle of the S-l body for an initial AP needed, the anatomical details of the sacrum
image (Figure 7.9). Then a transverse incision of need to be carefully reviewed. The S-2 body is
about 3 em in length is made at an equivalent substantially narrower than the S-l body in the
point on the side of the injury that is about 6 em anteroposterior dimension. The anterior surface
posterior to the prominence of the greater tro- of the sacrum possesses a concavity so that the
chanter. After spreading the incision down to anterior surface of S-2 is considerably more
the bone, with use of a small vascular clamp, the posterior than the corresponding surface of S-l.
guide wire and drill sleeve assembly is intro- In the inlet view, this curved configuration of
duced through the incision and advanced to the sacrum is radiographically obscured. Its cru-
bone. An AP image is taken to confirm that the cial recognition is achieved by a scrutiny of the
second guide wire is coaxial with the first. The lateral image. For insertion of a second screw
second guide wire is drilled into the lateral ilium into S-l, the original incision can be used. For
for about 3 em. An inlet view is taken to con- insertion of a sacral screw into S-2, a separate
firm that the guide wire is centrally disposed incision is made about 3 em inferior to the first.
from anterior to posterior in the S-l body. Also, The guide wire is advanced down to bone. An
the guide wire is oriented in a transverse man- AP image is obtained to confirm that the second
ner so that it is not directed toward the front of gUide wire is parallel to the first and mid-axial
the sacrum nor toward the neural canal. A sup- with respect to the S-2 body. After the pin
plementary outlet view is taken to ensure that is advanced into the bone for about 3 em, the
the guide wire is oriented parallel to the top of AP, inlet, outlet, and direct lateral images are
the S-l body and midway between the top and obtained. The guide wire is documented to be
the S-l foramen. If necessary, the guide wire is centered in the midportion of S-2 and to be
repositioned until these criteria are satisfied. In parallel to the first guide wire. Then the guide
the presence of a pronounced osteophytic ridge wire is fully inserted to about 90 mm from the
along the anterior and superior border of the entry point in the lateral ilium. Once both guide
sacrum, the guide wire needs to be positioned a wires are satisfactorily inserted, a depth gauge is
few millimeters more posteriorward in the S-l applied over the guide wire. Then a 7.2-mm-
body to ensure that the screw is within the long threaded cancellous screw of appropriate
bone. The guide wire is advanced so that it is length is advanced over either guide pin and
embedded within the bone for about 90 mm. tightened.
This distance is consistent with the screw
threads of a long threaded screw being located
within the S-l body and between the ipsilateral
and contralateral foramina.
Hazards and Associated
After confirmatory AP, inlet, and outlet Technical Details
images are obtained, a supplementary direct
lateral image is viewed. The position of the For insertion of iliosacral screws into the mid-
guide wire within the S-l body is confirmed. If sacral region, subtle anatomical variations, pos-
the fracture is an unstable one where displace- sibly combined with conditions of less than opti-
ment was documented prior to the closed or mal imaging, can lead to conditions of marked
open reduction, a second iliosacral screw is escalation in the risk of formidable complica-


a b <"


FIGURE 7.9. Percutaneous iliosacral fixation of a longitudinal sacral fracture. (a) Anterior outlet 3D CT view. (b) Transaxial CT
view. (c) Intraoperative outlet view after guide wire insertion. (d) Intraoperative inlet view after screw insertion over guide
e f

g h
FIGURE 7.9 (e) Postoperative AP view. (f) Postoperative inlet view. (g) Postoperative outlet view. (h) Postoperative transaxial CT
view. ...
124 7. Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures

tions. The degree of lumbar lordosis and corre- option is to introduce two lengthy screws that
sponding tilt of the sacrum influence the ideal travel,"se entirely across the posterior pelvic ring
orientation of the x-ray beam of the image (Figure 7.11). Great accuracy in the orientation
intensifier that is appropriate for each patient.38 and location of the screws is essential. The
The detailed features of the sacral anatomy vary imaging technique is similar to that described
considerably with further alterations afforded by for the ipsilateral iliosacral screw. The transverse
degenerative changes. Transitional vertebra at orientation is crucial for the entire 120 to 150
the lumbosacral junction further complicate the mm length of the screws. For fixation of a long
imaging with the aberrant contours of the lum- threaded screw within bone, the screw thread is
barized S-1 or sacralized 1-5 vertebra. The sacral liable to cross the sacroiliac joint. This short-
foramina possess a variable but oblique course coming appears to be relatively minor compared
through the bone. An appreciation of the appar- with the other practical considerations of these
ent orientation of the foramina is further com- uncommon and challenging cases. The presence
plicated by the degree of tilt of the sacrum. of the screws has not been attributable to the
While a precursory inspection of the S-1 body complaint of late posterior pelvic pain.
might lead to an impression that a 30-mm cylin-
drical column of bone is available for the inser-
tion of the two 7-mm screws, the actual space lIiosacral Fixation in the
that is available is significantly compromised by
the presence of the foramina. In many instances, Presence of Osteopenic Bone
a centrally placed screw will be surrounded by
not more than 3 mm of bone at crucial sites such A further technical complexity of sacral fixation
as the neighboring foramen. In the presence of with iliosacral screws arises when the quality of
morbid obesity, a paralytic ileus with dilated the bone is impaired by the presence of senile
loops of bowel, contrast medium that is a resi- osteoporosis, steroid-induced osteopenia, or dis-
due of prior diagnostic studies, osteopenic bone, use atrophy related to the presence of a painful
or a faulty image intensifier, inadequate reso- nonunion or nonunion malunion. Previously, if
lution may necessitate abandonment of this the screw thread did not anchor securely in the
method. The resources for open fixation of the weakened bone, the fixation was unsatisfactory.
posterior sacrum with a plate or with sacral bars In such a case, the use of supplementary methyl
should be available as an alternative. When a methacrylate to augment the strength of the
switch to open sacral fixation is necessary, the pelvic bone stock is complicated by the limited
use of the prone position facilitates the altered thickness of the bone, the juxtaposition of nerve
surgical plan. roots in adjacent foramina, and other neuro-
vascular structures or viscera adjacent to the
bone that are vulnerable to thermal damage
Bilateral Vertical Sacral imposed by solidifying extravasated cement. As
an alternative, a novel method of securing two
Fractures adjacent 7.2-mm cannulated screws with a 2.0-
mm Dall-Miles cable has been devised. 39 The
For the bilateral injury patterns, two therapeutic cable is passed through the cannula of one
alternatives exist. Iliosacral screws can be intro- screw (Figure 7.12). Then it is advanced through
duced from either side of the sacrum (Figure a two-hole 3.5-mm plate that serves as a washer.
7.10). In this instance, the method is similar to Subsequently, the cable is retrograded through
that just described. In the center of the sacral the cannula of the second iliosacral screw. The
body, however, four screws have to be posi- two free ends of the cable are passed through
tioned with an overlapping of screws that is the holes of a second washer plate. A sleeve is
thwarted by the limits of space. In a large male, applied to the ends of the cable prior to tighten-
this method is entirely suitable, although in a ing the cable with the tightening instrument.
small female it may be impractical. The other Once the cable is taut, the sleeve is crimped and
D.C. Mears 125

excessive cable is removed with the cable cutter. other option is to use anterior and posterior
The screws are selected of a length whereby approaches for the corresponding portions of
they extend across the posterior pelvic ring just the reduction.
to the surface of their threaded tips. For the reduction of an acetabular fracture, a
broad spectrum of speCialized reduction tools is
available. Most of these forceps possess pOinted
Acetabular Fixation with tip jaws that are of various lengths and differing
shapes. An alternative technique is to employ a
Cannulated Screws Farboeuf forceps applied to screw heads after a
screw is embedded in either principal fracture
The pattern of acetabular fracture dictates the fragment. 40 This technique affords robust tem-
type of surgical approach or approaches, the porary fixation, although the time required for
reduction strategy, and the preferred type of its application with insertion of the screws is
fixation. Historically, the posterior injury pat- somewhat longer than that required for the use
terns including posterior wall, posterior column, of a tenaculum-type forceps. A special family of
posterior wall-posterior column, and posterior acetabular reduction forceps, identified as the
wall-transverse injuries have been visualized by king, queen, and prince tong, are particularly
resort to a Kocher-Langenbeck approach. 40 The useful for spanning from the inside to the out-
anterior injury patterns include anterior wall, side of the pelvis. The prince tong is a so-called
anterior column, anterior column or anterior eccentric forceps with jaws of differing lengths.
wall-posterior hemitransverse, and most typi- It is perhaps the most satisfactory design for
cal both-column fracture patterns. All of these the reduction of the quadrilateral surface or of
injuries, including the last pattern which has a the posterior wall by resort to an ilioinguinal
major constituent of posterior column that is approach.
contiguous with the quadrilateral surface, can be Most of the fractures are suitably immobilized
accurately reduced by resort to an ilioinguinal by standard 3.5- or 4.5-mm cortical screws and
exposure. Admittedly, with delayed presenta- highly flexible reconstruction plates. For immo-
tion, or in certain other complex injury patterns, bilization of especially thin bone, such as the
a both-column injury may be best managed by posterior and anterior wall, a hook or spring
the use of two approaches for anterior and pos- plate is fashioned from a 3.5-mm one-third tubu-
terior visualization, respectively. For transverse lar plate.34 This method permits the fixation of
and T -type injury patterns, the optimal surgical thin sections of bone with a buttressing tech-
approach varies depending upon certain subtle nique, whereby the screws are remote from the
aspects of the injury. In some instances, the dis- joint surface. For acetabular fixation, cannulated
placement is almost entirely posterior, where the screws have a limited but valuable role for two
anterior edge of the transverse fracture serves as special applications. Around the acetabulum,
a fulcrum. In this instance, a posterior approach limited columns of bone, typically with a max-
may suffice. Examples would include many pos- imum diameter of 7 to 9 mm, provide the prin-
terior wall-transverse fractures with minimal cipal source of bone stock for fixation (Figure
displacement of the transverse fracture itself, as 7.4a). Log screw fixation of these columns by
well as some posterior T -type injuries. In other resort to conventional screws was popularized
cases, the displacement is almost entirely ante- by Letournel. 21 With such a limited cross-
rior when an ilioinguinal approach may be pre- sectional area for immobilization, the screw is
ferred. When the entire transverse fracture is highly vulnerable to extend beyond the surface
significantly displaced, then the anterior and of the bone prematurely, either to compromise
posterior edges of the fracture need to be visual- fixation or to jeopardize adjacent soft tissues.
ized for an accurate reduction. In this instance, With the use of a cannulated screw, the guide
an extended lateral approach, such as a triradi- wire can be inserted initially for radiographic
ate or extended iliofemoral, may be necessary. confirmation of appropriate position. Also, the
For substantially displaced T -type fractures, an- guide wire ensures that the screw follows
126 7. Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures

FIGURE 7.10. Bilateral longitu-

dinal fractures with percutane-
ous iliosacral screw insertion
for a C-3 injury in a 43-year-
old man. (a) Initial 3D CT.
(b) Transaxial CT view of 5-1
body. (c) Intraoperative outlet

D.C. Mears 127

FIGURE 7.10 (d) Intraoperative

inlet view. (e) Postoperative
AP view at one year. (f) Post-
operative inlet view. f
128 7. Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures

FIGURE 7.11. Percutaneous ilio-

sacral screw fixation and poste-
rior plate fixation in a 72-year-
old woman with bilateral sacral
alar insufficiency fractures sec-
ondary to irradiation therapy for
uterine carcinoma. The lengthy
iliosacral screws were inserted
through the left ilium. (a) Initial
anterior 3D CT view. (b) Poste-
rior 3D CT view. (c) Transaxial
c CT view of posterior pelvis.
D.C. Mears 129

FIGURE 7.11 (d) Postoperative

AP view. (e) Intraoperative inlet
view. (f) Intraoperative outlet
view. f

~~fj- ' .... I~ .- •• '!.'";~~. -.~ "
rl-'~"": . <"
a - .. b n'

- ::I


c d
FIGURE 7.12. Augmentation of cannulated iliosacral screws with 2.0-mm cable in a 63-year-old woman with posterior
insufficiency sacroiliac disruptions secondary to extensive harvesting of bone graft. (a) Anterior 3D CT outlet view. (b) Inlet
views. (c) Cable threaded through two cannulated screws. (d) Use of a two-hole plate as a washer.
e f c

g h
FIGURE 7.12 (e) Postoperative AP view one year later. (f) Postoperative inlet view. (g) Postoperative outlet view. (h) Post-
operative transsacral CT views. ...
132 7. Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures

g h

FIGURE 7.13. Percutaneous

fixation of the anterior col-
umn in a 51-year-old man
where a limited ilioingui-
nal approach to the medial
eminence was undertaken
to stabilize the quadrilat-
eral surface. (a) Disarticu-
lated 3D CT of acetabulum.
(b) 3D CT of quadrilateral
surface. (c) Superior 3D c
CT views. (d) CT view of o
dome. (e) Intraoperative ~
iliac oblique view of plate
on medial eminence. (f) Iliac
oblique view highlighting
percutaneous screws. (g)
Postoperative anterior 3D
CT view. (h) Postoperative
3D CT view of quadrilat-
eral surface. (i) Postopera-
tive obturator oblique view.
(j) Postoperative disarticu-
lated acetabular view. (k)
Postoperative 3D CT with
partial acetabular subtrac-
tion to confirm sagittal con-
gruency. (I) Postoperative
3D CT with translucency
of acetabulum to highlight ...
fixation screws.
134 7. Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures

exactly the same course as the guide wire. Alter- guide wire is best inserted prior to the reduction
natively, when a conventional screw is em- of the transverse fracture. In this way, the tip of
ployed, occasionally, where the corresponding the guide wire exiting in the fracture surface
column of bone is curved, the initial drill bit permits a confirmation of the appropriate site of
may follow the course of the cancellous bone, the guide wire through a column of about 40
although the larger screw may follow a different mm in length. Once the fracture is reduced, then
pathway, either to exit through the fracture or the column of bone becomes 80 to 100 mm in
through relatively thin cortex. The other ap- length, whereby the assessment of the target
plication of cannulated screws around the ace- zone is much more difficult. During the insertion
tabulum is to achieve fixation with a minimally of the guide wire, the image intensification con-
invasive or percutaneous technique. Certain ace- firms the appropriate pathway by viewing the
tabular fractures, especially of a transverse na- AP, inlet, and Judet views. The inlet view per-
ture or as a pathologic variant, are minimally mits a confirmation that the screw follows the
displaced but potentially unstable. Percutaneous course of the pelvic brim. The obturator oblique
screw fixation is a highly attractive method for view permits a documentation that the screw is
immobilization. Other acetabular fractures merit consistent with the position of the acetabular
approach by an acetabular exposure that is roof.
selected for the optimal visualization of the frac- For a both-column fracture with the typical
ture and reduction. Nevertheless, that approach high anterior fracture fragment, screws inserted
may be inappropriate for insertion of lag screws. into the anterior aspect of the anterosuperior
In this instance, a cannulated lag screw may be spine and through the anteroinferior spine per-
inserted percutaneously, either as a principal or mit effective fixation with little prominence of
supplementary source of fixation (Figure 7.13). the fixation device (Figure 7.4d). The former
Perhaps the best example is fixation of the ante- screw passes immediately along the course of
rior column of a transverse fracture with a screw the iliac crest through the corresponding thick-
that courses through the superior gluteal ridge ened ridge of bone. The latter screw is inserted
and along the superior pubic ramus, a so-called slightly to the lateral aspect of the most prom-
anterior column screw. inent tip of the anterosuperior spine. The screw
A 4.5-mm-diameter cannulated screw is pre- continues parallel to the course of the sacroiliac
ferred for acetabular fixation. The principal sites joint as documented on the obturator oblique
for insertion of such screws include the anterior, view. A supplementary iliac oblique view per-
superior, and inferior spines, the posterior, infe- mits documentation that the screw is directed
rior and superior spines, the superior gluteal superior to the roof of the greater sciatic notch
ridge, and the posterior and anterior columns into the so-called greater sciatic buttress. The
(Figure 7.4d). In practice, some of these sites of use of this screw is also appropriate for a high
bony condensation are appropriate for either transverse fracture. In this case, however, the
acetabular or pelvic ring fixation (Figure 7.14). screw is directed more inferiorly toward the
Apart from the anterior column screw, the greater sciatic notch. Here the guide wire is
remaining sites for fixation are of sufficient size assessed on the iliac oblique view to ensure that
so that the 4.5-mm-diameter screw can be it does not extend beyond the confines of the
inserted with relative ease provided that image posterior column where impalement of the sci-
intensification with a high resolution is avail- atic nerve would become a possibility. Again,
able. For the anterior column screw, a detailed the obturator oblique view permits documenta-
scrutiny of the hemipelvis is necessary (Figure tion that the screw follows the course of the
7.15). The screw has to follow a pathway that is roof of the acetabulum.
coaxial with the superior pubic ramus along its For a both-column fracture complicated by a
innermost aspect. The entry site is between 4 large posterior wall fracture fragment, initially
and 5 cm superior to the lateral acetabular mar- most of the injury is reduced and stabilized by
gin. The screw enters the posterior aspect of the resort to an ilioinguinal approach. For immobili-
superior gluteal ridge. In some instances, the zation of the posterior walL and potentially the
D.C. Mears 135

a b

c d

e f
FIGURE 7.14. Example of posterior iliac fixation external iliac view. (d) Transaxial CT view. (e)
with percutaneous screws inserted into postero- Direction of screws inserted through the poste-
superior and -inferior spine for an insufficiency rior spines. (f) Postoperative AP view with two
fracture in a 78-year-old man. (a) 3D CT ante- posterior iliac screws and one iliosacral screw.
rior view. (b) 3D CT inlet view. (c) 3D CT
136 7. Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures

a b

FIGURE 7.15. Insertion of an

anterior column lag screw
including clinical case with
nonunion of anterior col-
umn and sacral ala in a 39-
year-old man. (a) Position of
cannulated screw. (b) Corre-
sponding intraoperative obtu-
rator oblique view with guide
wire. (c) Subsequent insertion
of 3.S-mm cannulated screw.
(d) Preoperative AP view with
nonunions of the sacrum and
d anterior column.
D.C. Mears 137

e f

FIGURE 7.15 (e) Preoperative

obturator oblique view. (f)
Preoperative CT view. (g)
Postoperative AP view. (h)
Postoperative inlet view. h
138 7. Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures

a b

c d
FIGURE 7.16. An open reduction, internal fixa- (a) Disarticulated 3D CT acetabular view. (b)
tion of a both-column posterior wall fracture by External iliac 3D CT view. (c) Intraoperative
resort to an ilioinguinal incision. After an open obturator oblique view with reduction of poste-
reduction of the anterior and posterior columns, rior wall fragment. (d) Intraoperative obturator
the posterior wall fragment is immobilized with view with insertion of guide wires for cannu-
a pointed forcep and cannulated screws are lated screws.
inserted from the pelvic rim into the fragment.

associated posterior column, two methods are limited pathway is developed between the ante-
feasible. A second Kocher-Langenbeck incision rior superior and inferior spines that follows the
can be used for the posterior exposure. Cer- outer table of the pelvis to the posterior wall.
tainly this is the preferred method for a fracture The longer jaw of the prince tong forceps is
of belated presentation. 41 Another possibility is passed along the outside of the acetabulum to
to use solely an ilioinguinal approach (Figure impinge upon the posterior wall fragment.
7.16). After fixation of the anterior and posterior Under image intensification, the wall fragment is
columns, the posterior wall is immobilized. A reduced. Immobilization can be achieved with
D.C. Mears 139

e f

g h
FIGURE 7.16 (e) Postoperative AP view. (f) Postoperative anterior 3D-CT view. (g) Postoperative
iliac 3D-CT view. (h) Postoperative disarticulated view.
140 7. Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures

FIGURE 7.16 (continued) (i) Postoperative inner view. (j) Postoperative transaxial view. (k) Post-
operative sagittal view. (I) Postoperative coronal view.

two of the 4.S-mm cannulated screws that are posterior to the prominence of the medial emi-
inserted near the pelvic brim and directed nence.
toward the posterior wall. This retrograde fixa- Another site for immobilization of the ante-
tion eliminates the need for the second surgical rior column is insertion of the cannulated screw
approach. The entry site is slightly medial and medial to the pubic tubercle and directed along
D.C. Mears 141

the superior pubic ramus.42 The screw is inserted Postoperative Imaging

between 2 and 3 em from the symphysis pubis.
The pathway of the guide wire is primarily fol- Following Surgery
lowed in the obturator oblique view and the
inlet view. Meticulous documentation of the After completion of an acetabular reconstruc-
pathway of the screw is necessary to ensure that tion, a complete standard radiographic series
the screw does not penetrate the hip joint. In and a CT scan are strongly recommended. As a
essence, this method, which was popularized by bare minimum, postoperative AP, inlet, and out-
Routt et al.,43 represents a retrograde insertion let views are necessary, while supplementary
of an anterior column lag screw. inlet and outlet views are recommended. Never-
theless, a standard CT scan with 2.0- to 3.0-mm
cuts across the acetabulum greatly assists in an
Intraoperative Imaging assessment of accuracy of the reduction. The
author prefers to obtain a supplementary post-
Once the fixation has been inserted, careful operative 3D CT scan with supplementary
imaging of the hemipelvis is needed to ensure images that disarticulate the femoral head (Fig-
that the reduction and fixation are satisfactory. ures 7.5, 7.13, and 7.16). Typically, even in the
The reduction is assessed for its accuracy with presence of a very accurate reduction as assessed
respect to the amount of persistent displacement by conventional radiographs, an associated CT
and the restoration of congruity of the joint. scan and 3D CT scan will confirm the presence
Even under ideal intraoperative conditions, it is of imperfections in the reduction that otherwise
unlikely that the accuracy can be assessed with a would be unrecognized. If the accuracy of the
resolution of better than 2 to 4 mm. Restoration reduction is a major aspect of prognostication
and documentation of congruency of the ace- for prolonged function of the hip, the CT affords
tabular surface with respect to the femoral head the most critical assessment of the reduction
is critical. Multiplanar imaging is necessary with with sobering recognition of postoperative mal-
respect to the assessment of congruency and reduction. A surgeon is liable to become much
residual displacement. The presence of fixation more critical of his reduction strategy on sub-
plates may greatly hamper the quality of the sequent acetabular reconstructions.
imaging. The other critical documentation is the
absence of a screw from the hip joint. Such con-
firmation can be surprisingly difficult. It is not The Use of Computed
unusual for meticulous intraoperative imaging
to be undertaken with an apparent acceptable
Tomographic Guidance
appearance when a postoperative CT scan con- For the Insertion
firms the penetration of the hip joint by a screw. of Cannulated Screws
In addition to the various multiplanar views, a
supplementary image is taken in a plane that is Insertion of lliosacral Screws to
coaxial with the course of a high-risk screw. Immobilize the Sacroiliac Joint and
Once the screw has been inserted, a screwdriver
Sacral Fractures
for use in a power tool is inserted into the cor-
responding recess of the screw head. The x-ray Prior application of the image intensifier to
beam is aligned so that it is coaxial with the facilitate percutaneous insertion of cannulated
course of the screw and the screwdriver. The screws for pelvic and acetabular fixation has
shaft of the screwdriver provides an aligning been compromised by the limited resolution
guide to assist in the adjustment of the x-ray that is attainable with this method. Under ideal
tube. The highest risk is the anterior acetabulum conditions, the resolution suffices to provide
where a plate is positioned along the true pelvic efficacious guidance for the procedure. In the
brim and an associated screw is directed parallel presence of a paralytic ileus, morbid obesity, or
to the quadrilateral surface. osteopenic bone, the use of the image intensifier
142 7. Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures

may become difficult or unrealistic. Recently, reduced in the presence of a malaligned fracture.
several attempts have been made to employ CT The risks for impalement, especially of a sacral
guidance for insertion of the percutaneous pel- nerve root, thereby are markedly increased.
vic screws.44.45 The method has been employed Clearly, implementation of the method would
in the radiographic suite where typically epi- be greatly enhanced by the availability of a CT
dural anesthesia is used. The method is particu- scanner in the operating room.
larly suitable for unstable but well-aligned frac- More recently, Kahler46 has reported the
tures that are immobilized in situ. The technique application of CT guidance for percutaneous
can be performed with the patient situated in a fixation of acetabular fractures. The method-
supine or lateral position. A scout CT scan is ology was very similar to that described for
obtained to permit the determination of the pelvic ring fixation. To date, the principal prob-
ideal center axis for the screw. The entry point lem has been attainment of a satisfactory closed
thereby is predetermined, along with the angu- reduction of the fracture. Where an acetabular
lation of the screw with respect to the horizon- fracture is truly undisplaced, probably the in-
tal axis. The computer assists in determination jury is significantly stable so that the need for
of the distance of the cutaneous surface to the fixation is relatively limited. Once the fracture
outer cortex of bone and the optimal length of is displaced, the restoration of an anatomical
the screw. A small incision is made for insertion reduction is greatly hampered by the percuta-
of a guide wire with drill sleeves. After determi- neous methodology and the presence of the CT
nation of depth, a cannulated drill is employed scanner gantry. Kahler has devised a radiolucent
prior to insertion of the 6.5- or 7.0-mm can- lateral traction frame as a means to achieve an
nulated screw. Ebraheim et al. 44 employed the accurate reduction in this constraining environ-
method for insertion of iliosacral screws. Duwe- ment. While a reported pilot study provides
lius et al. 45 also described the insertion of poste- encouraging results, further clinical documenta-
rior iliac screws that extended transversely from tion will be needed to validate the assets of the
one posterior superior spine to the other. The method.
latter method was employed for immobilization
of sacral fractures. Clinical experience has docu-
mented the superb accuracy of the CT gUidance. Clinical Results with Percutaneous
The authors have acknowledged the potential Cannulated Screw Fixation of the
compromise to the sterile field that is consistent Pelvic Ring
with completion of such a procedure in the
radiographic suite. Where the pelvic fracture is Recently, Routt et al.,47 reported the results of
displaced, some supplementary procedure may iliosacral screw fixation in 66 patients managed
be needed to achieve an accurate reduction. for posterior pelvic ring disruptions. For this
The ancillary procedure might include an open group, 100 iliosacral screws were employed. Of
reduction of the symphysis or insertion of an the 34 male and 32 female patients, the range
external fixation pin into the anterior superior of age was from 11 to 33 years. The source
spine, or the application of supplementary skel- of the injury was a motor vehicle accident in
etal traction. Undoubtedly, with the difficulties 36 patients, motorcycle trauma in 12 patients,
to achieve an accurate reduction, a potential pedestrian insults in 8 cases, with 5 crush in-
shortcoming of the method would be accep- juries and 5 cases of a fall from a great height.
tance of a malaligned fracture where inadequate The sacroiliac joint was disrupted in 59 patients,
reduction techniques were utilized. In a review and a sacral fracture was documented in 31 pa-
of the clinical cases submitted for publication by tients, and combined or bilateral injury patterns
Ebraheim et al. and Duwelius et al., a notable were present in 24 patients. While all of the
feature of most of the cases is a marked malre- screws were placed percutaneously, 96 were
duction that at least for many surgeons would inserted into the first sacral body and 4 into the
be considered unsatisfactory. The target zone second sacral body. For the reduction of the
for safe insertion of iliosacral screws is markedly pelvic ring, an open anterior approach, the fixa-
D.C. Mears 143

tion of an associated acetabular fracture, the were consistent with low mortality and morbid-
application of longitudinal skeletal traction, the ity but with disappointing long-term anatomical
insertion of an iliac crest pin or screw, or a fem- and functional results.
oral distractor was employed. Intraoperative In a separate analysis, Routt et al.43 reported
imaging was hampered in 18 patients by the the results of 24 patients in whom 28 retrograde
presence of significant flatus or intraabdominal superior pubic ramus screws were inserted
contrast media related to prior imaging studies. under biplane image intensification. Fifteen of
In nine other patients, morbid obesity compli- the screws were inserted percutaneously in 15
cated the imaging and screw placement. Also, patients following a closed manipulation of the
the standard instruments for cannulated screw fracture. In nine other patients, 13 screws were
insertion were of insufficient length for routine inserted as part of an open reduction of the
screw placement in all nine cases. Ten of the ramus fracture by resort to a Pfannenstiel expo-
patients possessed features of sacral dysplasia sure. Four of the patients were managed with
that altered the typical site for optimal screw bilateral screws for bilateral ramus fractures. Of
placement. In two of these cases, hazardous these cases, 11 screws were inserted so that
insertion of the screws ensued. One of the they passed cephalad to the acetabulum and
patients sustained an L-5 neuropraxia related to exited from the lateral ilium. None of these
problematic screw placement. In another patient, screws violated the acetabulum. There were no
a screw exited from the contralateral ala. There nonunions or infections, while all of the frac-
were no infections, wound problems, and no tures healed uneventfully. There was no screw
cases of significant blood loss. In two patients, breakage evident in any of these cases. In five of
the screws failed at approximately 6 months the patients, however, errant screw placement
following surgery. Both of the cases' were nota- was documented only in postoperative plain
ble for highly unstable sacral fractures. One of radiographs. or in two cases, a postoperative
the patients progressed to a symptomatic non- CT scan. In all of these cases, intraoperative
union so that a supplementary bone graft was image intensification had been employed and
necessary. Two other patients progressed to was apparently satisfactory. This technical short-
failure of fixation. These cases were compli- coming highlights the difficulties in the applica-
cated by craniocerebral trauma with spasticity tion of the image intensifier in the operating
and combativeness. room, even in highly experienced hands.
In a separate report by Keating,48 40 unstable
pelvic fractures were managed with iliosacral
screw fixation. Twenty-nine of the cases were Author's Philosophy
highly unstable injury patterns. In the retrospec-
tive analysis, six of the screws were misplaced, Percutaneous fixation and the use of cannulated
typically with an unacceptable anterior position. screws for immobilization of the pelvic ring and
The initial reduction was judged to be satisfac- acetabulum remain a highly attractive method
tory in 33 patients, while ultimately 19 patients that is still in a preliminary stage of clinical
(48%) developed a malunion, irrespective of the application. The attributes include minimal sur-
type of the anterior fixation. At the time of the gical invasiveness, combined with the potential
final assessment of 1 to 4 years after the time of for rapid and stable fixation. This method is
the injury, 33 patients complained of low back especially suitable for minimally displaced but
or posterior pelvic pain, of which three cases potentially highly unstable fractures. The tech-
had severe and disabling symptoms. Half of the nique has a potential for application during the
patients returned to their original employment, early resuscitative phase as an alternative to
although 33% progressed to long-term disabil- external pelvic fixation. Nevertheless, the tech-
ity. Sixty-eight percent of the cases failed to nique has considerable potential for surgical
return to a former level of recreational activity. hazards, and it utterly depends upon the avail-
The authors felt that the results of iliosacral fix- ability of high-quality image intensification. Per-
ation for highly unstable pelviC ring disruptions haps the biggest shortcoming to date has been
144 7. Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures

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pelvis. Instr Course Led 1983;32:329-348. arthroplasty for acetabular fractures. Presented
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Fractures. Thorofare, NJ: Slack, 1986;45. Second International Consensus, Pittsburgh, PA,
9. Sawaguchi T, Brown TD, Rubash HE, Mears DC. 1994.
Stability of acetabular fractures after internal fixa- 28. Jacobson G, Tew J Jr. Intra-operative evoked
tion, a cadaveric study. Ada Orthop Scand 1984; potential monitoring. J Clin NeurophysioI1987;4:
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Quinn R, Sturgess A, Tulloch R. Sacral insuffi- P, Sclabassi RS. Intra-operative somatosensory
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evoked potential monitoring of pelvic and ace- 41. Moroni A, Caja VL, Sabato C, Zinghi G. Surgical
tabular fractures. J Orlhop Trauma 1992;6:50-58. treatment of both column fractures by staged
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tures. J Orthop Trauma 1995;9:28-34. Tencer AF. Internal fixation of the unstable ante-
31. Mayo KA. Open reduction and internal fixation rior pelvic ring: a biomechanical comparison of
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national Consensus, Pittsburgh, PA, 1994. ring disruptions: a new technique. J Orthop
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Cannulated Screws for Pelvic Fractures
David L. Helfet and Neel Anand

Anatomy ruption is best identified on the inlet and outlet

pelvic radiographs and confirmed by computed
To better understand the classification and the tomography (CT) scan. The posterior lesion,
rationale of management of pelvic fractures, although present, may be nondisplaced with
some knowledge of pelvic anatomy and bio- intact posterior ligaments, most often a lateral
mechanics is essential. compression injury associated with a sacral
crush. Alternatively the posterior lesion may be
displaced with a major osseous-ligamentous dis-
Ring Structure of the Pelvis ruption of the posterior pelvic complex.
The pelvis is a true ring structure. For a ring to
be broken in one area and displaced there must
be a fracture or dislocation in another portion
Stability of the Pelvis
of the ring. Gertzbein and Chenoweth, l in a Stability may be defined as the ability of the
series of patients with undisplaced anterior pel- pelvis to withstand physiologic forces without
vic fractures, noted that a technetium polyphos- significant displacements. 3 It is dependent not
phate bone scan of the posterior sacroiliac com- only on the bony structures, but also on the
plex gave a positive reading in every case, strong ligamentous structures binding the three
indicating the definite presence of a posterior bones of the pelViS together (sacrum and the
lesion. This was further confirmed by Bucholz,2 two iliac bones). This stability is dependent pre-
who found posterior lesions at autopsy even dominantly on the integrity of the posterior
when the radiograph revealed only an anterior weight-bearing sacroiliac complex. The major
lesion. posterior ligaments are the sacroiliac, the sacro-
The anterior pelvic lesion may be through the tuberous, and the sacrospinous. The intricate
symphysis pubis or through the pubic rami posterior sacroiliac complex is a masterly bio-
unilaterally or bilaterally. A symphysis disrup- mechanical structure able to withstand the trans-
tion may also occur with pubic rami fractures. ference of weight-bearing forces from the spine
The posterior lesion may be a fracture of the to the lower extremities. The ligaments have a
ilium, often in the coronal plane, a dislocation or major role as posterior stabilizers. The poste-
fracture-dislocation of the sacroiliac joint, or a rior sacroiliac interosseous ligaments have been
fracture through the sacrum. The most common described as being the strongest in the body.4
lesion is a sacral fracture followed by a com- The iliolumbar ligaments join the transverse
bined injury, that is a fracture-dislocation of the processes of L-S to the iliac crest and the inter-
sacroiliac joint, usually with a portion of the vening transverse fibers of the interroseous
ilium remaining attached to the main sacral sacroiliac ligaments further enhance the suspen-
fragment. sory mechanism. The entire complex looks and
The degree of displacement of the posterior functions as a suspension bridge.
sacroiliac complex is more important than the The sacrospinous ligament resists external
site of posterior lesion. Posterior pelvic dis- rotation of the pelvic ring, whereas the complex

D.L. Helfet and N. Anand 147

sacrotuberous ligament, positioned in the verti- emerge from the sacral foramina and travellat-
cal plane, resists vertical shearing forces applied erally in their sacral grooves contributing, in
to the hernipelvis. Therefore, these two supple- part, to the sacral plexus.
mentary ligaments oriented at right angles to The obturator nerve emerges on the medial
each other are well adapted to resist the two border of the psoas muscle and travels in a
major deforming forces acting upon the pelvis. caudal direction, where it runs along the supe-
The anterior sacroiliac ligaments also resist rior surface of the sacroiliac joint. From there
external rotation and shearing forces but do it runs laterally to the pelvic brim. Just medial
not have the strength of the post-sacroiliac to the obturator nerve on the superior aspect
ligaments. of the sacral ala lies the lumbosacral trunk. It
receives its major contribution from the fifth
lumbar root and, to a lesser degree, the fourth
Surgical Anatomy of the lumbar root.
A marked variability in the position of the
Sacrum fifth lumbar root has been described. It has been
found well lateral to the ala close to the sacro-
Bony Anatomy
iliac joint, while at other times the fifth lumbar
The adult sacrum consists of five vertebrae that root has been found positioned more medially,
are fused to create a concavity on the anterior overlying the first sacral pedicle.
pelvic surface. 5 The lateral portions of the upper Each of the large first four ventral sacral rami
two or three sacral vertebra form the auricular is closely adherent to the anterior surface of
surface, which articulates with the ilium bilat- the sacrum and covers almost all of the sacrum
erally. The most important feature of the ante- lateral to the foramina from the second sacral
rior sacral surface is the four pairs of foramina foramen in a distal direction.
through which pass the ventral rami of the sacral The sympathetic chains (superior hypogastric
nerves into the pelvis. Lateral to the pelvic fora- plexus) are also closely adherent to the anterior
mina is the pars lateralis. It is marked by grooves surface of the sacrum running just medial to the
traversing laterally and caudally from each fora- pelvic foramina and meeting on the surface of
men. These grooves mark the passage of the the coccyx as the ganglion impar.
ventral roots. The cauda equina occupying the central spinal
Classically the sacrum has been described as canal of the sacrum forms the most important
trumpet shaped, and gross differences in fora- neural structure relevant to the sacrum, and its
minal patterns have been described. Significant position cannot be overemphasized. The lumbar
variations in the angles have also been noted. If nerve roots exit the thecal sac at a mean angle
the superior surface of the sacrum is being used of 36° to 42°. The takeoff angle of the first
as a reference point, the angle of the first sacral sacral root is significantly smaller, the angles
foramen, in the sagittal plane, ranges from 0° to becoming progressively even smaller at lower
45°. With the midsagittal line as the reference sacral levels.
point, the angle of the first sacral foramen in the
axial plane ranges from 0° to 60°.
Vascular Anatomy
Just proximal to the bifurcation of the aorta
Neural Anatomy
is the origin of the middle sacral artery, which
The spinal nerves emerge from the dorsal root travels down the midline over the sacrum. It
ganglia, course a few millimeters, and then split runs posterior to the venous system and anasto-
into ventral and dorsal rami. The ventral sacral moses with the lateral sacral arteries. This anas-
rami turn in a slightly anterior direction and tomosis sends branches into each of the pelvic
emerge from the anterior sacral foramina, sacral foramina.
whereas the dorsal rami pass through the dorsal The common iliac arteries arise from the
foramina. The first three ventral sacral roots bifurcation of the aorta and run caudally and
148 8. Cannulated Screws for Pelvic Fractures

laterally to the level of the inferior edge of the and there may be two of them for each inter-
lumbosacral disk lateral to the sacroiliac joint, nal iliac artery. The superior lateral sacral artery
where they divide into internal and external crosses the sacroiliac joint near the level of the
iliac arteries. On the right side, the common iliac first or second anterior sacral foramen and runs
artery crosses over the right common iliac vein in an inferior direction on the sacrum lateral to
so that at its bifurcation, it lies lateral and the foraminal edges. It then anastomoses with
slightly anterior to the vein. On the left side, the middle sacral artery and it is this anasto-
the artery lies lateral and anterior to the vein, mosis that sends branches to the superior sacral
but it travels parallel with it (Figure 8.1). foramen. If there is an inferior lateral sacral
The first branch of the internal iliac artery artery, it arises of the internal iliac in a more
is the iliolumbar artery, which for part of distal direction and traverses the sacroiliac joint
its course overlies the superior aspect of the near the level of the lower foramen to anasto-
sacroiliac joint. mose with the middle sacral artery.
The second branch is the lateral sacral artery, The superior gluteal artery is the largest

system rte ria I

FIGURE 8.1. Vascular anatomy anterior to the sacrum.

D.L. Helfel and N. Anand 149

branch of the internal iliac. It usually passes artery with the venous plexus and the superior
between the branches of the fourth and fifth hypogastric plexus.
lumbar anterior rami, proximal to where they Considering the position of the cauda equina,
join to form the lumbosacral trunk. At times it L-5 root, sacral roots, and the iliac vessels, the
passes between the lumbosacral trunk and the safe area for screw insertion would be one
first sacral nerve. It travels lateral to the sacrum, directed toward the sacral promontory, above
superior to the piriformis muscle, and exits the the level of the first sacral foramen and parallel
plexus through the greater sciatic foramen. to the superior sacral end plate. It does not
As a broad generalization, it can be said that endanger any neurovascular structure with the
the venous anatomy is analogous to the arte- exception of the middle sacral artery and vein.
rial anatomy. There are, however, a few impor- Screws placed through the anterior sacral cortex
tant exceptions. The middle sacral vein, which lateral to the sacral foramina can compromise
is often double, drains into the left common the iliac vessels, L-5 nerve root, S-1 nerve root,
iliac vein rather than into the inferior vena cava and sympathetic chain. Anterior sacral cortical
because the latter structure lies to the right of purchase for the screws is best avoided and is
the spine. The right common iliac vein is shorter not necessary.
than the left, and it lies directly posterior to the
artery with the same name. The iliolumbar vein
drains into the posterior part of the common Classification
iliac vein. This vein can be quite large, and it's At the Hospital for Special Surgery we have
important to note its posterior position at the been using the Alphanumeric Classification6 or
level of the common iliac vein. the Comprehensive Classification of Fractures of
the Pelvis and Acetabulum, a consensus classi-
fication adopted by the S.I.CO.T. Commission,
Direction and Guidelines and by the Documentation Committee of OT A
for Screw Insertion and the AOjASIF Foundation (Table 8.1). The

Preoperative assessment of the sacral mor-

phology is important in deciding optimal screw TABLE 8.1. Classification of injuries to the pelvic
placement. CT scanning provides an accurate
means of evaluating the curved surface of the Type A-lesion sparing the posterior arch; stable
sacrum as well as the position of the sacral A1-Fracture of the innominate bone; avulsion
foramina. It is a simple means of unveiling A2-Fracture of the innominate bone; direct blow
potentially disastrous anatomic aberrations in A3-Transverse fractures of the sacrum and
the highly variable, transitional lumbosacral Type B-Incomplete disruption of the posterior arch;
region. This is best performed with the scanner partially stable
gantry tilted parallel to the superior sacral end B1-Unilateral, incomplete disruption of the
plate. posterior arch, extemal rotation ("open-book"
The lumbosacral plexus is firmly affixed to injury)
B2-Unilateral, incomplete disruption of the
the anterior bony sacral surface. It is not recom- posterior arch, intemal rotation ("lateral
mended that any implant be inserted that would compression" injury)
require penetration of the anterior bony sacrum B3-Bilateral, incomplete lesions of the posterior
lateral to the sacral foramina. This would en- arch
danger the integrity of the sacral roots inferior Type C-Complete disruption of the posterior arch;
to the first sacral foramen and endanger the L-5 C1-Unilateral, complete disruption of the
root at the level of the first sacral foramen. In posterior arch
addition, an anterior sacral screw placed at or C2-Bilateral, disruptions of the posterior arch;
above the first sacral foramen could easily pene- ipsilateral complete, contralateral incomplete
trate the iliac vein, particularly on the left side. C3-Bilateral, complete disruptions of the
posterior arch
Medial to the foramina is the middle sacral
150 8. Cannulated Screws for Pelvic Fractures

use of posterior pelvic cannulated screws as the diagnosis of associated acetabular fractures.
described here would be predominantly appli- These views are also useful in evaluating sac-
cable to the unstable or type C pelvic injuries. roiliac joint dislocations and injuries to the
obturator foramen.

Imaging of the Pelvis Computed Tomographic (Cn Scan

Plain Radiography This is particularly useful in assessing the poste-
rior pelvic injury, especially in sacral fractures.
Since the plane of the true pelvic brim in the
Careful examination of the scan will also show
anatomic plane lies oblique to the axis of the
the relation of the sacral nerve roots to the frac-
trunk, the beam of the usual anteroposterior
ture. They also allow for a better assessment
radiograph, is therefore oblique to the pelvic
of any associated acetabular injury, especially
brim. To obtain more information on the ante-
the assessment of wall fractures, rotation of the
por and posterior displacement of the pelvic
columns, and the presence of intraarticular frag-
ring and also superior or inferior displacement,
ments or femoral head injuries.
40° caudad and 40° cepahalad projections as
described by Pennal et al. 7 are needed. These are
Three-Dimensional CT Scan
easily obtained as follows:
Technological advances in imaging software
1. Anteroposterior view: patient supine, beam
have led to the development of three-dimen-
directed perpendicular to the midpelvis and
sional computed tomography (3D CT). The 3D
radiographic plate.
CT scan can provide a better understanding of
2. 40° caudad or inlet view: patient supine,
spatial relationships of the pelvis and the com-
beam is directed from the head to the mid-
plex pathoanatomy of injuries to the pelvis and
pelvis at 40° to the radiographic plate.
acetabulum. It also greatly assists the surgeon in
3. 40° cephalad or tangential or outlet view:
characterizing a fracture pattern and in planning
patient supine, beam is directed from the foot
the surgical procedure.
to the symphysis at an angle of 40° to the
The inlet view demonstrates the ring config-
uration of the pelvis, and narrowing or widen-
Assessment of an
ing of the diameter of the ring is immediately Unstable Pelvis
apparent. In this projection the x-ray beam is
parallel to the plane of the sacrum, and the
sacrum is seen on end with the vertebral body
situated anteriorly and the sacral lamina posteri- The majority of unstable pelvic injuries occur
orly. The inlet view also best demonstrates pos- in the polytraumatized patient. The evaluation
terior translation, which occurs at right angles and management of the "whole" trauma patient
to the x-ray beam. is beyond the scope of this chapter.
The outlet view shows the anterior ring The essence of the local (pelvic) physical ex-
superimposed on the posterior ring. Superior or amination is to inspect the patient for major
inferior displacement of the anterior or posterior bruising, any open wounds or lacerations, and
portion of the ring is best appreciated in this any bleeding from the urethral meatus, vagina,
view. The x-ray beam in this view is perpen- or rectum. If these latter two areas are not
dicular to the plane of the sacrum. The sacrum carefully inspected, occult lacerations may be
appears in its longest dimension, with the neural overlooked, with dire consequences, since these
foramina clearly visible. lacerations always mean an open fracture of the
The 45° oblique views of the pelvis as de- pelviS.
scribed by Letournel and Judet8 will also help in In most cases it is possible to assess the pelvis
D.L. Helfet and N. Anand 151

clinically for stability by applying one's hands 101 unstable Malgaigne fractures treated non-
to the anterior superior iliac spine and moving operatively; 52% of the posterior pelvic frac-
the affected hemipelvis. 3 The completely unsta- tures involving the sacroiliac joint or sacrum
ble pelvis can be moved in any direction and had persistent low back pain and discomfort.
diagnosis is easy. By contrast the stable pelvic When the fracture passed through the posterior
fracture is resistant to motion in all planes. Cer-ilium, the outcome was more favorable. Not
tain fracture patterns, however, lead to relative surprisingly the neurologic sequelae of pelViC
stability and are very difficult to assess clinically
fractures are most common in patients with
for stability [open-book (Bl) and lateral com- sacral fractures. Dunn and Morris 12 demon-
pression (B2) injuries]. strated that the unstable pelvic fracture had
more morbidity and mortality than the stable
pelvic fracture.
Radiographic Huittinen and Slatis,13 in a classic paper on
pelViC fracture treatment, reported on 407 con-
Stability is assessed using the three views as
secutive disruptions of which 82% were the
described by Pennal et al.? and confirmed by
result of high-energy trauma. The mortality rate
the CT scan. The common signs of instability
was approximately 6%. The worst results were
are avulsion of the ischial spine and/or the
in the double vertical fracture with significant
tip of the transverse process of L-5, a shearing
gait abnormalities and pain in 32% and 17%,
fracture through the cancellous bone of the
respectively. Semba et al. 14 confirmed the dif-
sacrum, a posterior gap, and the displacement
ficulty of treating unstable pelvic fractures non-
itself (> 1 cm). These signs are further confirmed
operatively. Only 11 of their 30 patients were
by CT scanning. The degree of instability is
free of symptoms at follow-up, whereas 8 had
probably the most important criterion in deter-
severe low back pain, commonly on the side of
mining the appropriate method of treatment. In
rare cases, the addition of fluoroscopic pelvic
Schatzker and Tile3 studied two groups of
stress views in the hemodynamically stable
patients. Series A was a retrospective, multi-
patient may be helpful.
center study of 148 patients, and series B was a
prospective group of 100 consecutive patients
admitted to the Sunnybrook Trauma Unit. Four
Cannulated Screws of the nine unstable fractures in group A had
severe late pain, while 16 of the 25 unstable
in Pelvic Fractures
fractures in group B had the same complaint.
Most of the pain was located in the sacroiliac
Indications joint area and in the lower back. The most com-
Peltier,9 in studying 186 pelvic disruptions, rec- mon unsatisfactory results were in the sacroiliac
ognized the increased mortality and morbidity dislocations with chronic late pain in 60%. The
resulting from fractures through the weight- highest incidence of malunion and nonunion
bearing femoral sacral arch of the pelvic ring. was also found in this group. Patients with ana-
Holdsworth lO studied 50 pelvic fractures treated tomical reduction and stabilization of the pelvic
by nonoperative means: bed rest, slings, and ring had much better results than those in
traction. Of the 27 patients with sacroiliac dis- whom the pelvis was left unreduced.
locations, only 12 were able to return to heavy Matta and Saucedo 15 treated 54 patients
work and 15 had significant sacroiliac joint pain. with unstable pelvic injuries using three differ-
The results were even worse in the 15 patients ent treatment modalities: skeletal traction, exter-
with sacral fractures as only 2 of 15 (13%) re- nal fixation, and open reduction and internal
turned to work. Symphyseal pain, although a fixation (ORIF); 54% of the patients treated
frequent early complaint appeared to subside in nonoperatively suffered either a nonunion or
2 years, but the posterior pelvic pain remained. a malunion of their fracture. Sacroiliac disloca-
Rafll reported similar results in a review of tions with associated symphysis pubis dislo-
152 8. Cannulated Screws for Pelvic Fractures

canons were particularly difficult to treat non- drill to avoid any potential soft tissue injury.
operatively. In this series, patients treated with Other systems are available that utilize a larger
internal Axation had the best clinical results, as guide pin (3.2 mm), which could obviate the
well as the highest rate of union, in a satisfac- above problem.
tory position.
The above studies confirm the fact that the
treatment of unstable pelvic fractures is depen- Timing
dent on the stability and adequacy of the sacro-
The majority of pelvic ring internal Axations are
iliac reduction. The more stable the fracture pat-
not performed during the acute period follow-
tern, the fewer and less significant are the long-
ing the injury. They are usually performed 2
term problems when compared with unstable
to 3 days following the injury and initial sta-
fracture patterns with more significant long-
bilization of the patient. Early open operative
term problems.
intervention may be justified when an initial
It is these unstable posterior pelvic injuries
laparotomy or bladder repair is performed when
(type C) involving sacral fractures and sacroiliac
the injury is open, or in select unstable pelvic
joint disruptions that lend themselves to cannu-
fractures in trauma centers with an experienced
lated screw fixation.
surgical team, especially for the multiply injured
patient. Goldstein et al. 16 studied 33 patients
Advantages of Cannulated Screws who underwent ORIF of a disrupted pelvis; 15
of these patients had surgery within 72 hours
1. Can be performed percutaneously with fluo-
of injury. They concluded that an aggressive
roscopy or with CT guidance as long as a
approach including expeditious preoperative an-
reduction of the sacroiliac (51) joint or sacrum
giography, embolotherapy, and early O.R.LF. of
is possible by closed techniques; or can be
the pelvis, along with other skeletal injuries, was
performed with a limited open reduction and
safe and offered significant advantages in terms
then screw placement under fluroscopy or
of postoperative recovery and rehabilitation.
CT guidance.
2. Percutaneous Axation after closed or limited
open reduction may obviate the need for a
large surgical incision and exposure through
Position and Technique
compromised tissue and thus lower the Matta and 5aucedo 15 performed their reductions
morbidity and potential blood loss of the and Axations of sacral and sacroiliac joint dis-
procedure. ruptions with the patient in the prone position
3. Allows for initial placement and confirma- on a radiolucent table. Their technique involved
tion of the guide wire in the intended area open reduction with exposure of the greater
prior to drilling and screw insertion, thereby sciatic notch for palpation and assessment of
decreasing the chance of neural or vascular reduction. An image intensifier was then used
injury. The ability to change the position of to place screws perpendicular to the iliac wing
the guide pin prior to screw placement is an across the sacroiliac joint into the sacral ala. The
obvious advantage. point of entry for the screw was at the inter-
4. Measurement from a properly placed guide section of a point 15 mm anterior to the crista
pin allows for the selection of the proper glutea and the midpoint between the iliac crest
screw length, and hence improves accuracy. and the greater sciatic notch. Anteroposterior,
inlet, and outlet views were obtained with the
image intensifier to confirm screw position and
Potential Drawback reduction. Fixation was usually obtained with
The flexible 2.0-mm guide wire tends to wander one or two screws into the 5-1 vertebral body.
and does not allow a good feel of the bone due Routt et al. 17 reported on 68 consecutive
to its threaded tip. It also does not allow the use patients with posterior pelvic ring injuries who
of the in-out technique as with the reciprocating were treated with percutaneous screw Axation.
D.L. Helfet and N. Anand 153

The reduction maneuver was planned preopera- Alternate Systems

tively. Reduction was achieved with distal fem-
oral skeletal traction in eight cases. Schanz pins Some surgeons may prefer systems that utilize
placed percutaneously in the iliac crest, inferior a larger guide pin. This gives the advantage of
iliac spine, and proximal femur aided reduction increased stiffness and strength. In these sys-
in 20 cases. The percutaneous iliosacral screws tems a drill may also be used as the guide pin
provided the final reduction during seating in 16 for the cannulated screw.
patients. Anterior pelvic ring open reduction Drill: 3.2-mm (l/B-inch) steel drill that can be
and internal fixation was used in 32 patients to used with a threaded tip and tapered root diam-
simplify the closed reduction posteriorly. Seven- eter. Screw head: Round head with internal hexa-
teen complete sacroiliac disruptions required gon. Screw thread: Outer diameter-6.S mm
an open reduction prior to screw fixation; 99 self-cutting, self-tapping tip. Material: 22-13-5
screws were placed in the first sacral body, with stainless steel or titanium alloy.
four placed in S-2. The reduction was fluo-
roscopically guided in all cases. All screws were The major problem in posterior ligamentous
inserted with the patient in the supine position. disruptions is not the ability to manipulate
McLaren18 recommended the addition of the and close the sacroiliac joint dislocation but
lateral sacral view during fluoroscopy in addi- rather to adequately assess the accuracy of the
tion to the inlet and outlet views of Matta. He reduction.2o With open reduction this is readily
stated that this allowed easier starting point achieved by placing a finger gently into the
placement and decreased the chances of exiting greater sciatic notch and palpating the line be-
the ala or pedicle mass of the S-l. Duwelius et tween the greater sciatic notch and the lateral
al. 19 reported 13 cases using a CT-guided tech- border of the sacrum, which should follow a
nique for screw fixation of sacral fractures and gentle curve. Superiorly by placing a finger over
sacroiliac joint disruptions. All patients had re- the sacroiliac joint, one can generally palpate a
ducible but unstable pelvic fractures. Under CT ridge, the sacral ridge, on the ilium at the level
guidance each patient underwent percutaneous of the superior aspect of the sacroiliac joint. This
placement of posterior iliosacral screws. An AO should be in continuity with the lateral portion
7.0-mm cannulated screw system was utilized. of the ala of the sacrum if there has been an
Eleven patients were done in a prone position, adequate reduction. By palpating inferiorly and
with the other two in a lateral decubitus posi- superiorly as described, one can also control
tion on a scanning table. Reduction was obtained flexion and extension of the hemipelvis. This
in a supine position with traction-countertrac- can be temporarily reduced by applying a clamp
tion; the patient was placed in a lateral position between the sacral tubercle and the iliac wing. 21
if reduction was not successful in the supine The use of the cannulated screw for fixation of
pOSition. All patients had one sacral screw with posterior pelvic lesions mandates an accurate
a second iliosacral screw or a screw between the reduction of the posterior pelvic ring. Hence, if
posterior superior spines added unless they had any doubt remains as to the adequacy of a
already undergone a stabilization of the anterior closed reduction, then an open reduction and
pelvis. internal fixation of the posterior pelvic ring is
performed. Anterior pelvic ring fixation may be
performed to help in the reduction of the poste-
Authors' Preferred Technique rior ring. However, in general it is preferable to
perform the anterior fixation after the posterior
Authors' Cannulated System
ring is stabilized. Prior anterior fixation may
Guide pin: 2.0-mm guide pins with a threaded render inadequate posterior rotational control,
tip. Cannulated overhead, screw head: Round head thereby inhibiting one's ability to adequately
with an internal hexagon. Screw thread: Outer reduce the posterior pelvic lesion. 21
diameter-7.0 mm; pikh-2.7 mm; preferably For sacroiliac dislocations a closed reduction
fully threaded. Material: 316 stainless steel. is attempted with the patient supine. If suc-
154 8. Cannulated Screws for Pelvic Fractures

cessful, then percutaneous screw fixation in the screw may be added in a similar fashion depend-
supine position is carried out. If not successful, ing on the stability of the pelvis as determined
then open reduction is required and this is best by the fracture configuration. Somatosensory
done with the patient prone through the stan- evoked potential (SSEP) monitoring of the lum-
dard posterior approach to the sacroiliac joint. bosacral plexus is used throughout the proce-
For transforaminal sacral fractures, we recom- dure, and if any significant changes are noted,
mend removal of bony fragments within the immediate corrective measures are taken. 22
foramen, open reduction, and internal fixation Some surgeons may vary the technique
with a non-lag screw to prevent overcompres- slightly. Systems are available in both titanium
sion of the foramen. alloy and 22-13-5 stainless steel that have 6.5-
Once reduction is achieved, with either posi- nun threads and a larger cannulation. This is
tion, under fluoroscopy control, the entry point possible without weakening the screw because
for the cannulated screw is determined. This is of the improved strength characteristics of these
best achieved by localizing the position required alloys. In these systems overdrilling is not nec-
c;>n the sacrum with the help of the inlet and essary since the screws are self-tapping. The 3.2-
outlet views. 7 One can identify the ala of the nun guide pins are stiffer and have increased
sacrum on the inlet view and the height of strength over 2.0-mm pins. Some of these sys-
the drill bit on the outlet view to ensure it is tems also have a tapered root diameter on the
above the S-l foramen. The gUide wire for the guide pin's threaded tip. This makes the junction
cannulated screw is then inserted across the of the guide pin and its threaded tip stronger
iliac wing into the sacral ala. The direction and and decreases the possibility of guide pin bend-
depth is monitored so as to place it in the safe ing or breakage. A 3.2-nun drill bit may also be
zone above the S-l foramen within the sacral used instead of a guide pin. These are manufac-
promontory. The lateral view as described by tured to the same length as the guide pins and
McLaren18 is essential to confirm placement of therefore can be used with the direct reading
the guide wire in the correct location. Care depth gauges. The drill allows the to-fro tech-
should be taken to ensure the guide wire is nique to be used to feel the far cortex. Caution
below the profile of the variable sacral slope must be used, however, as the screw is advanced
as seen on the lateral view. The length of the over a drill. The drill may advance forward more
screw required is determined with the depth readily than a threaded tip guide pin. The dis-
gauge. The 7.0-nun system's cannulated drill is advantages of these systems is that the cannu-
passed over the guide wire and the reaming lated screws are not presently available fully
performed at least to a point past the fracture. threaded. Overcompression should be avoided
The 7.0-nun screw of measured length is then with a smooth shaft screw.
pased over the guide wire. Confirmation of the
progress of the cannulated drill and screw over
the guide wire is done by intermittent fluoros-
Representative Cases
copy to assure that the guide pin itself does Representative case examples are shown in
not advance. Final position is confirmed on the Figures 8.2 and 8.3 and the desired position of
inlet, outlet, and lateral pelvic views. A second the iliosacral screw in Figure 8.4.
D.L. Helfet and N. Anand 155

Complications union. Only 15% had no pain, and although half

of the patients had returned to their original
Routt et alP reported in their series of 68 employment, 32% were on long-term disability
patients with 104 percutaneous screws no and 69% failed to return to their former level of
nonunions or wound infections, but 12 mal- recreational activity.
reductions (18%). Five screws were misplaced Although not reported in the literature we
(4%) with one causing transient L-5 neuropraxia. have seen examples of all the potential inadver-
They felt that obesity, abdominal gas or con- tent placement of iliosacral screws including:
trast agents, and inexperience were the major
1. anterior to the sacrum-both intra- and ret-
causes of difficult screw placement in 16 of their
roperitoneal vascular/neurologic injury.
patients. Two patients had failure of fixation,
2. sacral foramina with impingement or damage
one due to spasticity, and one due to poor pre-
to L-5, S-I, and S-2 nerve roots.
operative planning.
3. Spinal canal with injury to the cauda equina.
McLaren 18 reported no complications in his
series of 20 sacroiliac disruptions treated by
percutaneous fluoroscopic iliosacral screw fixa-
tion with at least 3 years follow-up. Duwelius
et al., 19 in their series with an average follow- The results of posterior pelvic unstable injuries
up of 12.6 months, had one sacral screw that appear mutifactorial, but a direct relationship
migrated. This was attributed to the fact that the exists between the adequacy of reduction and
patient did not have a second screw between long-term good results, especially when address-
the posterosuperior spines as he had prior ing sacroiliac joint dislocations or fracture dis-
external fixation for anterior pelvic stabilization. locations.
An infected pin tract, though, necessitated early Closed manipulation and percutaneous fixa-
removal of the nxator, which likely led to some tion of the disrupted posterior pelvic ring by
movement at the sacroiliac joint prior to com- screws provides stability, minimizes blood loss,
plete healing. At 10 weeks the patient was and avoids wound problems. However, the
clinically healed. No other complications were essential prerequisite for such a procedure, as
identified. mentioned before, is the attainment of an ana-
Keating et apo reported on 40 vertically tomical reduction of the posterior pelViS. Fixa-
unstable pelvic fractures treated with iliosacral tion of the anterior ring disruption, preoperative
screws for the posterior element of the injury; planning, and experience seem to be the key in
15 of the 40 patients had percutaneous screw simplifying reductions. Unfortunately, in most
insertion. They found three deep infections, cases of type C (unstable) pelvic injuries, unless
15% screw malposition, and four screws pro- fixation is performed within the first few days,
truded through the anterior body of S-1 and S-2 such a closed anatomical reduction is not possi-
and impinged on the S-1 foramen. A satisfactory ble, mandating an open reduction and internal
reduction was obtained in only 33 patients. Loss fixation. Then the advantages of cannulated
of fixation was noted in 13 (33%) and at final screws over standard screw fixation are obvi-
follow-up 19 patients (48%) developed a mal- ously less significant.
156 8. Cannulated Screws for Pelvic Fractures

FIGURE 8.2. A 54-year-old man

involved in a motor vehicle
accident with an open pelvic
injury. (a) ER anteroposterior
radiograph showing a type C-3
pelvic injury. (b) Immediate
external fixation to reduce the
volume of the pelvis and tam-
ponade the bleeding. Note the
posterior pelvis remains unre-
duced. (c) Anterior pelvic fix-
ation with double symphyseal
c plating.
D.L. Helfet and N. Anand 157

FIGURE 8.2 Note: (d-f) Poste-

rior pelvic fixation with cannu-
lated screws on the left-(d)
anteroposterior, (e) inlet, and
(f) outlet views. f
158 8. Cannulated Screws for Pelvic Fractures

FIGURE 8.3. A 32-year-old man

run over by a truck. (a) ER an-
teroposterior radiograph show-
ing a type C-3 pelvic injury.
(b) CT scan showing trans-
foraminal sacral fracture on
the right with sacroiliac dis-
sociation on the left. (c) Post-
operative radiograph showing
symphyseal plating, bilateral
iliosacral screw fixation sup-
plemented with a posterior
c "tension band" plate.
D.L. Helfel and N. Anand 159

FIGURE 8.3 (d-O Three-month

postoperative radiographs fol-
lowing removal of the ilio-
sacral screw on the right due
to persistent radiculopathy-
(d) anteroposterior, (e) inlet,
and (0 outlet views. f


a b ~


C d
FIGURE 8.4. Fluoroscopic views illustrating the screw position
screw in place. (d) Lateral sacral view confirming position
in iliosacral fixation. (a) Inlet view with guide wire in position. within sacral safe zone.
(b) Inlet view with screw in position. (c) Outlet view with
D.L. Helfet and N. Anand 161

FIGURE 8.5. The result at

three months postsurgery,
with healing on the AP (a),
inlet (b), and outlet (c) x-ray
views. c
162 8. Cannulated Screws for Pelvic Fractures

References 13. Huittinen VM, Slatis P. Fractures of the pelvis:

trauma mechanisms, type of injury, principles of
1. Gertzbein SD, Chenoweth DR. Occult injuries of treatment. Acta Care Scand 1972;138:563-569.
the pelvic ring. Clin Orthop 128:202-207. 14. Semba RT, Yasukawa K, Gustilo RB. Critical
2. Bucholz RW. The pathological anatomy of Mal- analysis of results of fifty-three Malgaigne frac-
gaigne fracture dislocations of the pelvis. J Bone tures of pelviS. J Trauma 1983;23:535-537.
Joint Surg 63A(I):400-404. IS. Matta JM, Saucedo T. Internal fixation of pelvic
3. Schatzker ], Tile M. The Rationale of Operative ring fractures. Clin Orthop 1989;242:83-97.
Fracture Care. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: 16. Goldstein A, Phillips T, Sclafani SJA, Scalea T,
Springer-Verlag, 1987. Duncan A, Goldstein J, Panetta T. Shaftan G.
4. Tile M. Fractures of the Pelvis and Acetabulum. Early open reduction and internal fixation of the
Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1984. disrupted pelvic ring. J Trauma 1986;26:325-332.
5. Esses SI, Botsford DJ, Huler R], Raushning W. 17. Routt MLC, Kregor PJ, Mayo KA. Indirect reduc-
Surgical anatomy of the sacrum. A guide for tion and percutaneous fixation of the disrupted
rational screw fixation. Spine 1991;16(6S):S283- posterior pelvic ring: indications, techniques,
S288. errors and results. Presented at the Annual Meet-
6. Helfet DL. Alphanumeric classification for pelvic ing of the American Academy of Orthopaedic
fractures. Presented at Surgery of the Pelvis and Surgeons, 1993.
Acetabulum: An International Consensus, Pitts- 18. McLaren AC. Percutaneous fluoroscopic screw
burgh, Pennslyvania, 1992. Fixation of the SI joint. Presented at Surgery of
7. Pennal GF, Tile M, Waddell JP, Garside H. Pelvic the Pelvis and Acetabulum: An International Con-
disruption: assessment and classification. Clin sensUs, Pittsburgh, Pennslyvania, 1992.
Orthop 1980;151:12-21. 19. Duwelius PJ, Van Allen M, Bray TJ, Nelson D.
8. Letournel E, Judet R. Fractures of the Acetabulum. Computed tomography-guided fixation of unsta-
Berlin, Heidelberg, New Yark: Springer-Verlag, ble posterior pelvic ring disruptions. J Orthop
198I. Trauma 1992;6:420-426.
9. Peltier LF. Complications associated with frac- 20. Keating JF, Blachut PA, O'Brien PJ, Meek RN,
tures of the pelvis. J Bone Joint Surg 1965;47A: Broekhuyse HM. Vertically unstable pelvic frac-
1060-1069. tures-the outcome of iliosacral screw fixation of
10. Holdsworth FW. Fracture-dislocations of the pel- the posterior lesion.
vis. J Bone Joint Surg 1948;30B:461-466. 21. Helfet DL. Open reduction internal fixation of the
11. Raf L. Double vertical fractures of the pelvis. Acta pelvis. Tech Orthop 1990;4(4):67-78.
Care Scand 1965;131:298-305. 22. Helfet DL. Intraoperative somatosensory evoked
12. Dunn AW, Morris HD. Fractures and dislocations potential monitoring during acute pelvic fracture
of the pelvis. Bone Joint Surg 1968;50A:1639- surgery. J Orthop Trauma 1995;9:28-34.
Internal Fixation of Sacral Fractures
David C. Templeman and Paul J. Duwelius

Progress in fracture care continues to improve cally unstable; these are the most severe pelvic
the treatment of the severely injured patient. ring injuries. Type C injuries are thought to be
Early stabilization of fractures permits patients caused by an axial load to the pelViS that causes
to be moved; this reduces the risk of pulmonary both anterior and posterior disruption of bone
complications, sepsis, and death. For many frac- and/or ligaments, leaving the hemipelvis un-
tures, the patient's rehabilitation and final func- stable. Type C injuries are associated with the
tion are also improved after successful internal highest incidence of life-threatening hemor-
fixation. 1 rhage, neurologic injuries, and pelvic defor-
Operative techniques that reduce and stabilize mities (Table 9.1).
the pelvic ring are available to treat many pelvic Many sacral fractures are Tile type B injuries,
injuries. 2 The development of classification sys- secondary to lateral compression. These frac-
tems by Letournel, Bucholz, and Tile are repro- tures usually have impaction of the sacral ala or
ducible methods of categorizing fractures; this impaction of the foraminal region. Impaction
ensures that injuries of similar severity are com- is best seen with computed tomography (CT)
pared. 1,3,4 These classifications also help to dif- scans. The great majority of these fractures are
ferentiate injuries that will benefit from internal stable (impacted) and do not require operative
fixation from injuries that are successfully treated treatment. These patients should be examined to
without surgery. determine that leg length inequalities and rota-
Letournel's system describes the anatomy of tional deformities of the lower extremities are
the injury.3 Injuries to the anterior ring are not present. In the absence of these findings,
usually vertical fractures of the pubic rami or nonoperative treatment is usually successful.
diastasis of the pubic symphysis. Letournel Based on cadaveric dissections that studied
defined the four posterior injuries that occur: iliac the pathological anatomy of the pelvic ring
wing fractures, sacroiliac dislocations, fracture- injury, Bucholz described a system that assessed
dislocations of the sacroiliac joint, and fractures the instability and displacement of the pelvic
of the sacrum. This chapter discusses fractures ring.4 Type I injuries consist of minimal anterior
of the sacrum. and posterior displacement in which the ring
The widely used system of Tile and Pennal is stable. Type II injuries define disruption of
classifies the injury by deducing the deforming the anterior ring with minimal instability of the
force and the resultant instability of the pelvic posterior ring; these are similar to the Tile type
ring. Type A fractures are stable. Type B inju- B injury where a symphysis diastasis with dis-
ries are rotationally unstable but vertically sta- ruption of the anterior sacroiliac joint (intact
ble. This is the most frequent type of ring injury posterior ligaments) results in rotational insta-
seen and is usually caused by a lateral com- bility, but the hemipelvis is vertically stable.
pression injury, but also includes disruption of Type III injuries define unstable anterior and
the symphysis pubis ("open book") when the posterior injuries. An important contribution of
posterior sacroiliac ligaments remain intact. this work was the recognition that the direction
Type C injuries are both rotationally and verti- of displacement of the hemipelvis in type III

164 9. Internal Fixation of Sacral Fractures

TABLE 9.1. Tile classification specific sacral fracture pattern that is being
reported. For example, fractures that involve the
Type A Stable
Type B Rotationally unstable sacral canal are expected to have a higher inci-
"Open book" dence of neurologic injuries.
Lateral compression In addition to injuries of 51 through 55, frac-
TypeC Rotationally and vertically unstable tures of the sacrum occasionally injure the L5
nerve root. L5 is damaged on the anterior sur-
face of the sacral ala, usually when there is
cephalad displacement of the pelVis. 51 is the
injuries was not only vertical, but also included major source of motor innervation to plantar
posterior translation and external rotation. flexion of the foot and 52 through 55 are the
In contrast to the Tile B and Bucholz II inju- major components of the pudendal nerve for
ries, Tile C and Bucholz III injuries that have a genital, bladder, and anorectal function. Studies
sacral fracture, as described by Letournel, are of structures innervated by the lumbosacral
inherently unstable. Leg length inequalities and plexus do not provide a complete understanding
deformities of the pelvic ring are frequently of the precise innervation by 51 through 55.
seen. The presence of a diastasis of the sacral However, information gathered from resection
fracture is best seen by CT scans and, in our of sacral tumors indicates that continence and
opinion, indicates an unstable fracture that sexual function are at least dependent on the
requires internal fixation. unilateral function of 52 and 53.
The vulnerability of the sacral nerve roots to
injury is explained by their anatomy. Denis
Sacral Fractures-Literature studied the relationship of the sacral nerve roots
Review relative to their neural foramina and docu-
mented that: (1) the 51 and 52 nerve root diame-
It is difficult to determine from the literature the ters were one-third to one-fifth the diameter of
best treatment of sacral fractures. Published re- their neural foramina and; (2) the 53 and 54 root
ports describe either a small number of frac- diameters were one-sixth the diameter of their
tures treated by a single method or larger num- foramina.
bers of fractures treated by several methods. Denis's work indicates not only the suscepti-
The lack of a large series that reports a single bility to neurologic injury, but also the need for
protocol makes it difficult to determine the best obtaining a precise reduction of fractures that
way to treat sacral fractures. (See Chapter 8 for transgress the foraminal zone of the sacrum.
a discussion of sacral anatomy.) Based on both his anatomical and clinical
Most early papers described the patterns of studies of 236 cases, Denis described a classifica-
fractures or associated neurologic injuries.5 - 7 tion that is prognostic for the incidence of neu-
These classifications accurately described the rologic injury.8 In the authors' experience, this is
geometry of the fractures, but were not helpful the best system to use due to its clarity, sim-
in directing which sacral fractures required plicity, and reproducibility:
The recent interest in the operative manage- Zone I injuries are fractures of the sacral ala lat-
ment of pelvic ring injuries has led to a better eral to the foramina. Denis found that injuries
understanding of sacral fractures. In a study of in this zone had a low incidence of neurologic
776 pelvic fractures, 236 patients (30%) were injury (5.9%).8 Most of these injuries involve
diagnosed as having a sacral fracture as a com- either the sciatic nerve or the L5 root and are
ponent of their pelvic ring injury.8 thought to be secondary to the cephalad dis-
Neurologic injuries are the major sequelae placement of the hemipelvis with damage to
of sacral fractures; the incidence of neurologic the nerve roots that lie on the pelvic surface
injury associated with sacral fractures is reported of the ala.
to range between 6% and 70%. The variable Zone II injuries involve the sacral foramina.
incidence of nerve injury is dependent upon the Some of these injuries may not involve all
D.C. Templeman and P.). Duwelius 165

five of the sacral foramina, but usually the First, there must be a comprehensive study of
sacral foramina of SI and S2 are fractured. 8 the anatomy of the sacral fracture and resultant
Fractures in this zone have a 28% incidence of deformity of the pelvic ringP The following
neurologic injury. These are manifest as sciat- studies are necessary: anteroposterior roent-
ica and incontinence. genogram, inlet and outlet projection, and CT
Zone III injuries transgress the central canal of scans. In complex deformities, three-dimensional
the sacrum. Neurologic injury is common in CT scans of the pelvic ring assist in arriving at a
this pattern and occurred in 57% of the complete understanding of the deformity.
patients reviewed by Denis. Bowel, bladder, The goals of the surgery include the preven-
and sexual dysfunction were observed in 76% tion of nonunion, pelvic deformity, and leg
of the patients that had a neurologic injury.8 length inequality. For example, many sacral
fractures are caused by lateral compression of
the pelvis that results in compression of the pel-
Initial Assessment vis by impacting the sacral ala or transforaminal
region. In the absence of neurologic injury, leg
Advances in trauma delivery systems continue length inequality, and rotational deformity of
to improve survival after severe pelvic fractures; the hip, many of these injuries are inherently
however, patients with pelvic fractures and stable and do not require operative manage-
associated injuries have about a 10% incidence ment. In contrast, injuries that cause cephalad
of mortality. Leading causes of death in these migration of the involved hemipelvis or have
patients are hemorrhage and head injuries. l ,9 CT scan evidence of a diastasis at the sacral
Genitourinary injuries occur in up to 15% of fracture line are inherently unstable. Matta and
patients, more likely when the symphysis is dis- Semba documented that the long-term results of
located or multiple rami fractures are present.lO operative management are best when there is
The variety and complexity of associated inju- less than 1 em of cephalad displacement after
ries requires that a multidisciplinary approach be reduction and internal fixation. I 4,lS While most
taken to the care of these patients. authorities agree that posterior pelvic injuries
All patients with sacral fractures require a with greater than 1 em of cephalad displacement
detailed neurologic examination. Careful docu- are best treated with reduction and fixation, the
mentation of the motor examination is done in indications for internal fixation of lesser degrees
reference to the motor groups innervated by Is of deformity, as well as the indications for the
through Ss. Sensation of the dorsolateral foot fixation of nondisplaced fractures to mobilize
and the lateral lower leg and perineum should multiply-injured patients, are controversial. More
be recorded. studies are needed to answer these important
The initial evaluation of the bladder is usually questions.
complicated by the placement of a Foley catheter It is also critical to state that nonoperative
during the patient's initial resuscitation. There- treatment does not mean that treatment is
fore, many patients will not manifest incon- neglected. Careful mobilization of the patient,
tinence or changes in bowel or bladder habits according to the level of pain and a period of
until later in their rehabilitation. Referral to a non-weight bearing, are needed to avoid late
urologist and the use of electromyograms displacement.
(EMGs), cystometrograms, and urodynamic
studies may be needed at a later time.
Preoperative Planning
Indications for Surgery
Successful treatment of displaced sacral fractures
The current indications for surgical stabilization requires accurate reduction of the displaced frac-
of sacral fractures are controversial. ll,I2 We ture and the associated deformities of the pelvic
believe that several factors need to be consid- ring. Only by arriving at a thorough under-
ered before deciding on operative management. standing of the fracture anatomy is it possible to
166 9. Internal Fixation of Sacral Fractures

understand what maneuvers will be necessary to Then, open reduction and internal fixation is
achieve reduction of the deformity. done as a second stage for anatomic reduction
of the sacral fracture.
Study of X-Rays
The study of the anteroposterior, caudad, and Operative Technique
cephalad views indicates both the magnitude
and the direction of fracture displacement. Start- The patient is placed in the prone position. This
ing with the anteroposterior view, the relation- is not only necessary for a posterior incision,
ship of the symphysis to a vertical line drawn but the prone position helps in reducing the
through the spinous processes of the lumbar posterior displacement of the hemipelvis. As
spine indicates that the film taken is a true previously noted, this displacement was diag-
anteroposterior view. Shifting of the symphysis nosed on the preoperative caudal view.
from the midline indicates a rotational deformity The posterior approach to the sacrum is made
of the ring, a finding that is confirmed by the approximately 2 em lateral to the posterior
caudal view that indicates rotational deformity superior iliac spine. The incision extends prox-
of the pelvic brim, either by internal or external imally to the underlying iliac crest and distal to
rotation. The caudal view also shows posterior the apex of the sacrum. With scalpel dissection,
displacement of the posterior ring. Both the the subcutaneous tissues are raised from the
caudal view and the anteroposterior view are gluteus maximus fascia midline to the tendinous
studied to determine if the width of the sacrum insertion of the gluteus maximus fascia. The
from the middle of 51 to the sacroiliac joint is gluteus maximus is first elevated from the crest,
symmetrical. Increased width of the sacrum leaving a fascial cuff for reattachment. Dissec-
indicates diastasis of the fracture; decreased tion extends distally with great care taken to cut
width indicates impaction of the sacrum. Dia- the tendon of the gluteus maximus from its fas-
stasis and impaction are then correlated with the cial insertion on the multifidus and erector spi-
CT appearance. The sacrum can be difficult to nae. Careful preservation of the tendon allows
visualize on the cephalad view due to the over- for a secure and anatomic repair of the maximus.
lap of the anterior ring. Usually, the relationship The abductors are elevated laterally, exposing
of the fracture line to the sacral foramina, par- the greater sciatic notch and the christae glutar-
ticularly 51 and 52, can be seen. For fractures is. The multifidus is elevated in a medial direc-
through the foraminal zone or the ala, a study of tion exposing the sacral lamina. At this point,
the base of the sacrum on the cephalad view the fracture site is identified. Palpation of the
indicates the extent of cephalad displacement. pelvic surface of the sacrum is possible by ele-
A clear understanding of the deformities of vating the pirifOrmiS tendon from the inferior
translation, cephalad displacement, and rotation lateral edge of the sacrum. Reduction is usually
is necessary to determine which maneuvers will achieved with the use of either Weber or Matta
be necessary to reduce the pelvic ring and the pelvic reduction clamps. Close observation of
sacral fracture. the fracture site guides an anatomic reduction,
When the injury to the anterior ring of the which is confirmed by palpating the pelvic sur-
pelvis consists of rami fractures, the sacrum is face of the sacrum. In the presence of a neuro-
usually reduced and fixed first. An accurate logic deficit, exploration of the sacral nerve
reduction of the sacrum usually reduces the rami roots is possible at this time. Gentle distraction
fractures to less than 1 em so that operative of the fracture allows inspection of the nerve
management of the anterior ring is not required. roots.
In contrast, when the anterior injury is a Comminution of the foramina is occasionally
symphysis diastasis, the anterior ring is usually associated with transforaminal fractures; frag-
approached first. When the entire innominate ments should be cleared from the foramina so
bone is intact, reduction of the symphysis can the subsequent reduction does not entrap frag-
effect a partial reduction of the posterior ring. ments within the foramina. The role of foram-
D.C. Templeman and P.J. Duwelius 167

inotomy in cases with neurologic injury is Displaced sacral fractures that extend through
unknown. We believe that the neural injury is zone II of the sacrum require an open reduction
determined by the displacement of the fracture and internal fixation. Malreduction of these frac-
at the time of injury, which stretches the nerves. tures reduces the diameter of the sacral fora-
The role of intraoperative nerve monitoring mina, with potential injury to the sacral nerve
during fixation of acute pelvic fractures has been roots. Open reduction affords the ability to pre-
advocated. 16 This may provide a method to cisely reduce the fracture by direct examination
reduce the incidence of neural injuries caused of the fracture line across the sacral lamina;
during manipulation and fixation of sacral frac- additional palpation of the ventral surface of the
tures. sacrum ensures that the foramina are not choked
by comminuted fragments.
Sacral bars, transiliac plates, and local plate
Fixation osteosynthesis have been advocated for the
internal fixation of sacral fractures. Limited
clinical studies and good biomechanical data
Cannulated Systems Used are described by several authors in the treat-
System 1 ment of sacral fractures. In general, these proce-
dures require two posterior approaches to the
Guide pin: 2.0-mm guide pins with a threaded
pelvis; mechanical testing on cadavers indicates
tip. Cannulated overdrill. Screw head: Round head
that sufficient stability is achieved by these
with an internal hexagon. Screw thread: Outer implants.17,18
diameter-7.0 mm; thread length-16 mm;
Developed by Letournel and modified with
pitch-2.7 mm. Material: 316 L stainless steel.
fluoroscopic imaging by Matta, the authors pre-
fer the technique of iliosacral screws, inserted
System 2 from the iliac wing into the body of Sl. The
Some surgeons may prefer systems that utilize technique of iliosacral screw insertion continues
a larger guide pin. This gives the advantage of to be refined and modified. Most of these mod-
increased stiffness and strength. In these sys- ifications have evolved as a result of the avail-
tems, a drill may also be used as the guide pin ability of cannulated screw systems. These sys-
for the cannulated screw. Drill: 3.2-mm steel tems have allowed the percutaneous insertion of
drill that can be used with a direct reading depth iliosacral screws in selected cases.
gauge. Guide pin: 3.2-mm guide pin with a Duwelius described CT guided fixation of
threaded tip and tapered root diameters. Screw sacral fractures and sacroiliac dislocations. In
head: Round head with internal hexagon. Screw a series of 13 patients, successful fixation was
thread: Outer diameter-6.5 mm; thread length achieved in all patients, with the late loss of
-2.0 mm; self-cutting, self-tapping tip. Material: reduction in one patient due to the early
22-13-5 stainless steel or titanium alloy. removal of an anterior external fixator reqUired
Several methods are described for the fixa- by a pin tract infection. General or regional
tion of sacral fractures. These include iliosacral anesthesia was used in the CT suite, with the
screws (inserted by open or closed methods); path of the cannulated screw directed by the CT
and sacral bars, posterior plates, and local osteo- scan. Most of the patients were positioned in
synthesis with small plates applied on the sacral the prone position. Duwelius emphasized that
lamina. In our opinion, more important than the only reducible injuries were selected for this
type of fixation is the need to achieve an accu- method.1 9
rate reduction. Routt advocates the percutaneous insertion
As early as 1945, Bonins recognized the need of iliosacral screws in the supine position. In a
to "reduce the pelvis satisfactorily by the appro- series of 68 patients, including 35 patients with
priate method." The authors believe that obtain- sacral fractures, union occurred in all sacral frac-
ing an accurate reduction is the first goal to be tures with five malunions encountered in the
achieved in the fixation of sacral fractures. treatment of 27 transforaminal fractures. Impor-
168 9. Internal Fixation of Sacral Fractures

tantiy, Routt also reported that during this time, are obtained before prepping and draping. Exces-
an additional 14 patients with transforaminal sive bowel gas, contrast medium, and obesity
sacral fractures were treated by open reduction prevent accurate imaging of 51 and are therefore
because of bony debris within the foramina.13 absolute contraindications to the use of ilio-
Further series reporting experience with the sacral screws.
percutaneous insertion of cannulated screws are The screws must be placed in the center of
expected. The great advantage of percutaneous the 51 body. Asnis has shown that the density
fixation is avoiding incisions through compro- of the bone into which the screw is placed is
mised tissues associated with pelvic fractures. the most important factor in pullout strength.20
The initial disadvantage appears to be the Appropriate screw placement by the surgeon
inability to obtain accurate reductions in all markedly increases the quality of the fixation.
cases. In general, screws with 16-mm or short
While cannulated systems can be used, we threads are used, both to ensure that the threads
believe that the tactile sense of using a drill bit cross the fracture line and to avoid plaCing the
and C-arm images allows safer insertion of the thread-shaft junction at the fracture line, thereby
screws. During drilling, the AO "push tech- placing this stress riser at high mechanic load-
nique" on the drill allows the surgeon to sense ing. Cannulated screws with threads of 6.5 mm
that the drill bit remains within bone. The push or 7.0 mm (root diameters 4.5 mm or greater)
technique is done in the following manner: by generally do not have a decrease in the root
applying intermittent, gentle pushes to the drill, diameter at the thread shaft junction as is found
the surgeon feels resistance as the drill strikes in the solid AO cancellous screws (root diame-
against bone; as long as the drill meets resis- ter 3.0 mm) and, therefore, show no local weak-
tance, the tip of the drill remains within the ness in this location. They are also of larger
sacral bone. The position of the drill is con- shaft and root diameter than their eqUivalent
firmed with cephalad and caudad fluoroscopic cancellous screw, making the cannulated screws
images. Once the drill bit is seated in the center generally stronger even though they are cannu-
of 51, it can be replaced with the guide wire used lated (see Chapter 2).
for cannulated screws. The guide wire is then Positioning of the screws is critical. Careful
measured to determine the length of the screw insertion is necessary to avoid penetrating the
and used to guide the insertion of the screw. sacral canal posteriorly, the sacral promontory
Some surgeons may prefer to replace the drill anteriorly, and the sacral foramina. Frequent
with the guide wire prior to passing the cannu- fluoroscopic images in both the cephalad and
lated screws. In one system, a 3.2-mm by 9-inch caudal views are mandatory.
drill is used. This can be used with the direct Sufficient fixation is usually achieved by the
reading depth gauge and the appropriate 6.5-mm insertion of two iliosacral screws. However, if
self-tapping cannulated screw applied directly when the reduction clamp is released the frac-
over the drill. In another, a 2.0-mm drill or ture line through the sacral lamina begins to
guide pin is used. After depth gauge readings, open, a posterior tension band plate is applied.
an overdrill must be used to open up the hole in This occasionally occurs when the cephalad part
preparation for the shaft of the 7.0-mm cannu- of the sacrum is compressed by the lag screws
lated screw. A second check to make sure that and causes the caudal portion of the sacrum to
the screw is within the bone can be made when gap open. The tension band plate is placed infe-
the guide wire is inserted. If the drilled tract is rior to the posterior inferior iliac spine, across
within bone, the guide wire should meet resist- the sacral lamina, and onto the opposite iliac
ance and stop. Free penetration of the guide wing. The posterior tension band plate requires
wire indicates that the wire has penetrated out- a second incision on the opposite side of the
side the sacrum. pelviS. Depending on the size of the patient, a
The importance of obtaining clear fluoro- 12- to 16-hole pelViC reconstruction plate is
scopic images during the procedure is essential to usually applied. In our experience and based
performing the procedure. Fluoroscopic images upon the above logic, the posterior tension
D.C. Templeman and P.J. Duwelius 169

band plate is used infrequently; however, other 6. Schmidek H, Schmith D, Kristiansen D. Sacral
clinicians routinely use the plate as a form of fractures. Neurosurgery 1984;15:735.
supplemental fixation. 7. Sabiston e, Wing P. Sacral fractures: classification
and neurological implication. J Trauma 1986;26:
8. Denis F, Comfort T. Sacral fractures-an impor-
Postoperative Care tant problem. Retrospective analysis of 230 cases.
Clin Orthop Rei Res 1985;240:192.
The use of an epidural catheter, which is an 9. Gilland MD, Ward RE, Barton RM, Miller PW,
Duke JH. Factors affecting mortality in pelvic
excellent adjuvant in the control of postopera- fractures. J Trauma 1982;22:691-693.
tive pain, is used for 2 to 3 days after surgery. 10. Fallon B, Wendt Je, Hawtrey CEo Urological
The high incidence of venous thrombosis asso- injury and assessment in patients with a fractured
ciated with pelvic fractures mandates that some pelvis. J UroI1984;131:712-714.
form of prophylaxis be used; the combination 11. Matta J, Saucedo T. Internal fixation of pelvic
ring fractures. Clin Orthop Rei Res 1989;242:83.
of oral Coumadin and pneumatic compression 12. Routt ML, Kregor pJ, Simonian PT, Mayo KA.
devices are recommended. Early results of percutaneous iliosacral screws
In addition to obtaining anteroposterior, inlet, placed with the patient in the supine position. J
and outlet roentgenograms, we recommend Orthop Trauma 1995;9:215.
ordering a postoperative CT scan. The CT scan 13. Williams P, Warwick R. Gray's Anatomy. Edin-
burgh, New York: Churchill Livingstone 1989.
is the most accurate method to document the 14. Tometta P III, Matta J. Long-term follow-up of
position of the iliosacral screws and the quality operatively treated unstable posterior pelvic ring
of the reduction. disruptions. OTA National Meeting, Los Angeles,
Patients are mobilized as other injuries permit. 1994.
We prefer to keep patients non-weight bearing 15. Semba RT, Yasukawa K, Gustilo RB. Critical
analysis of results of 53 Malgaigne fractures of
for 8 to 10 weeks. Recent reports that empha- the pelvis. J Trauma 1983;23:535-537.
size loss of reduction underscore the need to 16. Helfet DL. Intraoperative somatosensory evoked
protect the fixation until the fracture is united. potential monitoring during acute pelvic fracture
surgery. J Orthop Trauma 1995;9:28-34.
17. Albert MJ, Miller ME, MacNaughton M, Hutton
References We. Posterior pelvic fixation using a transiliac
4.5 reconstruction plate: a clinical and bio-
1. Scheidegger D, Suter PM. Fracture management mechanical study. J Orthop Trauma 1993;7:226-
and pulmonary care. In: Border JR, Allgower M, 232.
Hansen S, Ruedi T, eds. Blunt Multiple Trauma. 18. Pohleman T, Angst M, Schneider E, Ganz R,
New York: Marcel Dekker, 1990;61-75. Tscheme H. Fixation of transforaminal sacrum
2. Tile M. Pelvic ring fractures. Should they be fractures: a biomechanical study. J Orthop Trauma
fixed? J Bone Joint Surg 1988;70B:1. 1993;7:107-117.
3. Letournel E. Fractures of the pelvis and acetab- 19. Duwelius pJ, Van Allen J, Bray TJ, Nelson D.
ulum. Symposium, Los Angeles, CA, November, Computed tomography-guided fixation of unsta-
1992. ble posterior pelvic ring disruptions. J Trauma
4. Bucholz RW. The pathological anatomy of the 1992;6:420-426.
Malgaigne fracture dislocation of the pelvis. J 20. Asnis SE, Emberg JJ, Bostrom MPG, Wright TM.
Bone Joint Surg 1981;63A:400-404. Bone screw thread design and holding power.
5. Bonin J. Sacral fractures and injuries to the cauda Annual Meeting of the American Academy of
equina.J Bone Joint Surg 1945;27A:113. Orthopaedic Surgeons, February, 1995.
The Knee: Tibial Plateau Fracture
Reduction Techniques Utilizing
Cannulated Screw Fixation
Paul J. Duwelius and David C. Templeman

The objective in treatment of tibial plateau frac- nism of loading and fracture results in depres-
tures is to obtain a stable, pain-free knee joint sion of the articular surface and shearing off of
with a functional range of motion. Several portions of the metaphysis.
authors advocate open reduction and internal The adult tibial plateau has a 10° slope. The
fixation (ORIF).l-s Other authors have reported dimensions of the medial and lateral plateau are
good results with limited internal fixation in different. The anatomic differences between the
combination with functional bracing or various weight-bearing surfaces of the lateral and medial
traction techniques. 6 - 13 Determining which type tibial plateaus should be considered when treat-
of treatment is best depends on a multitude of ing these fractures. In cadaver experiments
factors. Walker and Erkman lS demonstrated that almost
Rasmussen's12 indications for operative treat- the entire load borne on the lateral compartment
ment are not based on radiographic criteria. His is carried by the lateral meniscus (Figure 10.1).
indication for operative treatment is the degree In contrast, load distribution on the medial side
of varus/valgus instability· of the knee in com- is shared equally by the medial meniscus and
plete extension. Lansinger et aP4 studied 102 exposed articular cartilage. The weight-bearing
patients treated according to Rasmussen's cri- function of the lateral meniscus may explain
teria. Ninety percent of patients followed for a why functional results after lateral plateau frac-
20-year minimum had good to excellent results. tures are usually quite good to excellent despite
Their treatment utilized ligamentotaxis for not achieving a perfect roentgenographic appear-
reduction and stabilization with percutaneous ance. This may also explain the relatively higher
cerclage wire or screw fixation. Duwelius and frequency of less satisfactory functional results
Connolly9 have found this technique to be in the bicondylar and medial plateau fracture.
extremely successful in the treatment of tibial Understanding the association between the
plateau fractures. This technique includes metic- cancellous metaphyseal bone, the surrounding
ulous preoperative evaluation, intraoperative collateral ligaments, the central anterior and
radiography and examination of the knee under posterior cruciate ligaments, and the meniscus
anesthesia, and precise intraoperative surgical allows the surgeon to utilize these structures to
technique. The examination of the knee allows facilitate reduction of fracture fragments in the
the surgeon to determine the need for operative treatment of tibial plateau fractures. The liga-
intervention. ments and surrounding soft tissue can be uti-
lized in the treatment of these injuries by apply-
ing traction and using ligamentotaxis to assist in
Structural Anatomy the reduction of plateau injuries. The cancellous
nature of the metaphyseal region of the tibial
A fracture of the tibial plateau is an intraarticular plateau is often of low density and often iliac
fracture of a major weight-bearing joint. This crest bone graft or a tricortical strut is neces-
fracture occurs as a result of a combination of sary to elevate a central depression-type plateau
lateral bending and vertical thrust. This mecha- fracture. Various artificial bone graft substitutes

P.l. Duwelius and D.C. Templeman 171

Ant. bility and may improve overall morbidity in

these concomitant injuries. Cruciate ligament
injury associated with a tibial plateau fracture
carries a poor prognosis in their series.

Med. Lat.
Clinical Relevance and
Preoperative Evaluation

All tibial plateau fractures are clinically eval-

uated with an examination of the knee in exten-
Post. sion, and are determined to be stable or unsta-
ble. Unstable fractures have greater than 1 em of
FIGURE 10.1. Exposed surface area of the opening to varus or valgus stress testing. If pain
medial and lateral tibial plateaus.
precludes an adequate examination, the patient
requires examination under anesthesia to docu-
ment stability in extension. With a stable exami-
nation cast bracing is all that is necessary. For
hold some promise, but the greatest limitation fractures that are more complex a molded,
of these have been their lack of structural sup- hinged cast brace is applied after longitudinal
port.16 traction. For simple fractures a Bledsoe-type cast
Several authors have reported on the number brace is used.
of associated injuries seen with tibial plateau Unstable fractures with greater than 1 em of
fractures.17- 19 Browner reported a 56% inci- opening in extension necessitate stabilization.
dence of associated soft tissue injuries in a series This is best determined with an examination
of 30 tibial plateau fractures. 17 The medial col- under general anesthesia. This also allows an
lateral ligaments were injured in 20% (6 of 30), attempt at reduction utilizing only ligamento-
the lateral collateral ligaments in 3% (1 in 30), taxis.
the menisci in 20% (6 in 30), the peroneal nerve An examination of the neurovascular status is
in 3% (1 in 30), and the anterior cruciate liga- mandatory. With suspicion of a knee fracture
ments in 10% (3 in 30).17 dislocation, arteriography should be performed.
Delmarter et al. 18 reported on ligament Compartment syndromes are a distinct possi-
injuries associated with tibial plateau fractures. bility with these types of fractures.
Thirty-nine patients with tibial plateau fractures Routine radiographs include a 105° Moore
and concomitant ligament injury were evaluated anteroposterior (AP) view and a lateral view of
at least one year after injury. Ligamentous in- the knee (Figure 10.2). Fractures that are un-
jury was determined by stress roentgenograms, stable should have tomography or computed
plain roentgenograms, operative findings, and tomography (CT) scan with sagittal and coronal
Pellegrini-Stieda's ossification. There were 22 reconstruction. These radiologic studies allow
isolated medial collateral, eight lateral collateral, the surgeon a three-dimensional preoperative
one isolated anterior cruciate, and eight com- planning scheme. This will allow accurate place-
bined ligament injuries. All types of tibial pla- ment of screws, plates, or external fixation de-
teau fractures were associated with ligamentous vices into good bone. Regions that are highly
injury, although split compression and local comminuted can be filled with autogenous bone
compression were most common. This study or bone graft substitutes.
confirms the view that instability is a major If the patient is not going to surgery emer-
cause of unaccepted results in tibial plateau frac- gently, or abrasions and skin lesions such as
tures. Operative repair of medial and lateral col- fracture blisters preclude surgery, then the knee
lateral ligaments, with appropriate treatment of can be aspirated and a local anesthetic injected.
the bony plateau fracture, may reduce late insta- The leg should then be splinted and evaluated.
172 10. The Knee: Tibial Plateau Fracture Reduction Techniques

"'- ... _- ~~~

- .... -- ~~~

FIGURE 10.2. Moore 105° AP view.

Classification a standardized treatment protocol. This study

emphaSized the importance of aggressive soft
There are several tibial plateau fracture classi- tissue management, immediate open reduction
fications. The authors feel that no one fracture and fixation after thorough washout, and soft
classification is all encompassing. The Associa- tissue coverage within 5 days.
tion of Osteosynthesis (AO), Rasmussen, and The authors have found that the AO C3 frac-
Hohl classification systems are similar and ture pattern, regardless of treatment in our
describe most plateau fractures quite well. The series, had the highest complication rate and
AO classification is described in Figure 10.3. the poorest outcome.
The Schatzker classification describes in more
detail the plateau fracture that extends distally
into the metaphyseal region of the tibia. This is
an ominous fracture pattern and not well de-
scribed in the AO or Rasmussen classification
systems. The Schatzker classification system is
illustrated in Figure 10.4. Classification systems
are important in evaluating these injuries. These
classification systems include the frequently A1 A2 A3
observed patterns and proVide guidance for

making treatment decisions. In these three clas-
sification systems, fractures are divided into
minimally displaced (usually less than 3 to 4 mm
of depression or displacement) and displaced.
Displaced injuries are further subdivided into
local compression, split compression, total con- 81 82 83
dylar depression, and split, rim, and bicondylar
fractures. Schatzker's classification includes the

W ffr9 r
type six or condylar/metaphyseal/diaphyseal
separation. However, the bony claSSification is
insufficient. One must also consider the soft tis-
sue injuries. Open plateau fractures and bumper
injuries are usually high-energy injuries. Be-
nirschke et apo reported on immediate fixation C1 C2 C3

of open complex tibial plateau fractures utilizing FIGURE 10.3. AO tibial plateau classification.
P.J. Duwelius and D.C. Templeman 173

Type I Type II Type III Type IV Type V Type VI

FIGURE 10.4. The Schatzker classification of usually involving the entire condyle. Type V is a
tibial plateau fractures. Type I is a wedge (split) bicondylar fracture, which typically consists of
fracture of the lateral tibial plateau. Type II is a split fractures of both the medial and lateral
split-depression fracture of the lateral plateau. plateaus without articular depression. Type VI
Type III is a pure central-depression fracture of is a tibial plateau fracture with an associated
the lateral plateau without an associated spl it. proximal shaft fracture. (Reprinted with permis-
Type IV is a fracture of the medial tibial plateau, sion from Koval and Helfet. 23 )

Clinical Relevance Type /I or Split Central Depression

The choice between open or closed treatment
must be based on examination of the knee in These fractures in addition to the wedge split
extension. If there is any instability because of have varying amounts of central depression of
malalignment or joint depression, a satisfactory the lateral plateau (Figure 10.6). The mechanism
result will require operative treatment. Oper- of injury is similar to the first type. Generally,
ative treatment of tibial plateau fractures must the quality of the bone is not as good and
take into account the "personality" of the frac- therefore the weakened bone fails in a com-
ture. Personality factors include the patient's pressive load. These fractures commonly occur
age, lifestyle, and the treatment expectations. in older patients with some degree of osteopo-
Hohl and others have stressed the importance of rosis. If the knee examination is stable in exten-
early range of motion of the knee regardless of sion, then no treatment is necessary. The lateral
the treatment selected. meniscus covers the vast majority of the joint
surface and the fracture will do well if the joint
is moved. Unstable fractures will result in joint
Specific Indications for Treatment incongruity and they need to be addressed by
Based on Fracture Classification an attempt at closed reduction utilizing liga-
mentotaxis followed by percutaneous fixation.
Type I or Split Fractures Usually a limited anterior incision is required,
These most commonly are wedge-type frac- being careful not to undermine any soft tissue
tures of the lateral tibial plateau in young adults or strip any periosteum. The incision should be
whose good bone quality resists depression. centered over the split fragment so that max-
Undisplaced types can be placed in a cast brace imum visualization of the depressed fragment as
immediately with full range of knee motion. If well as joint surface can be utilized. The central
displaced, the majority of these fractures are depressed portion needs to be elevated with a
ideal candidates for percutaneous screw fixation bone tamp and supported by bone graft (Figure
utilizing ligamentotaxis, fluoroscopy, and possi- 10.7). The fracture can be stabilized with percu-
bly arthroscopy. Displaced fractures occasion- taneous screws to avoid further dissection or
ally have a trapped meniscus, which precludes with a buttress plate and screws if the depressed
reduction. Arthroscopy or limited open reduc- area is significant or if the lateral wedge is very
tion can allow reduction of the fracture (Figure thin, so as not to allow for screw fixation with
10.5). washers alone (Figure 10.7).
174 10. The Knee: Tibial Plateau Fracture Reduction Techniques

b d
FIGURE 10.5. Treatment of simple fractures of operative views of split-central depressed tibial
the tibial plateau. (a) Anterior-Posterior view plateau view. (d) Lateral view of tibial plateau
of displaced split, central depressed tibial pla- joint surface post reduction and percutaneous
teau fracture. (b) Lateral view of split-central screw fixation.
depressed tibial plateau fracture. (c,d) Post-
a b

d e
FIGURE 10.6. Treatment of split-central de- sion. (d,e) Postoperative views of tibial plateau
pressed tibial plateau fractures. (a,b) AP and fracture post elevation and iliac crest bone
LAT views of central depressed lateral plateau grafting and screw fixation.
view. (c) CT view defining amount of depres-
17& 10. The Knee: Tibial Plateau Fracture Reduction Techniques

FIGURE 10.7. Irreducible fractures or split cen- elevate the fracture. This may also be done
trally depressed fractures are elevated through under arthroscopic control. Successful treat-
limited arthrotomies or from limited incisions ment with limited internal fixation and bone
below the plateau and bone graft applied to grafting.

Type 11/ or Central Depression Fractures compared with the lateral plateau. Also, soft
tissue injury may cause knee instability as well
A depression of the central portion of the lateral
as peroneal nerve injury or popliteal artery
plateau occurs without an associated wedge
fracture. Generally, this occurs in older patients
with significant osteoporosis. The knee exami-
nation in extension determines which of these Type Vor Bicondylar Fractures
fractures need surgery. The treatment protocol
Bicondylar fractures have many different types
is the same as for split or split central depression
of fracture patterns. Generally these fractures
fractures types.
are unstable in extension because of the medial
condyle involvement. If traction can align these
Type IV or Medial Plateau Fractures fractures, many can be treated by cast bracing.
These fractures are particularly prone to prob- Generally for the unstable fracture patterns the
lems (Figure 10.8). Generally they are associated authors advocate plating the condyle with the
with younger patients with a higher degree of most severe articular involvement with an ante-
injury. They almost always are unstable. Frac- rior incision. If the other condyle can be treated
tures of the medial plateau that are nondisplaced with percutaneous screw fixation or some type
are prone to fall into varus, especially with an of triangular external fixator or circular ring
intact fibula. This fracture pattern needs to be frame, less soft tissue dissection is required.
stabilized regardless of examination of the knee. Limited fixation of the less-injured condyle
Depending on the fracture pattern, percutaneous avoids the soft tissue dissection and subsequent
screws or plates are indicated to reconstruct vascular problems entailed with double plating.
the joint surface and prevent subsequent varus If both sides require plate, then small counter-
deformity. The poor prognosis associated with incisions with adequate skin bridges and mini-
these injuries is caused by the amount of joint mal biologic fixation or use of a small external
surface that is exposed on the medial plateau fixator should be employed. Figure 10.9 illus-
P.J. Duwelius and D.C. Templeman 177

FIGURE 10.8. Medial plateau fractures.

a b
FIGURE 10.9. Bicondylar plateau fixation in plaster cast bracing was performed because of
osteoporotic elderly patient. (a) Severely com- concerns about the quality of bone and the
minuted bicondylar fracture in elderly osteo- need for excessive soft-tissue stripping ORIF.
porotic patient. (b) Limited internal fixation and
178 10. The Knee: Tibial Plateau Fracture Reduction Techniques

trates a case in which limited internal fixation sion over the fractured condyle with the most
was utilized in a patient with severe osteopo- involved fracture pattern. If the condyles can
rosis. Placement of a midline skin incision is be assembled with limited internal fixation to
generally preferable in severely injured bicon- restore condylar widening and joint depression,
dylar tibial plateau fractures, as this is the this is optimal. The shaft component can be
approach needed for a subsequent total knee restored to the condyles via a triangular or ring
arthroplasty. Many of the type V and VI plateau external fixator (Figure 10.10). If plates are
injuries are associated with significant cartilage chosen, then there is no place for external fixa-
injury. tion because of the high incidence of infection.
If a plate is chosen to reestablish the condyles
Type VI to the shaft, then percutaneous fixation of the
other, less-injured plateau is optimal. Double
The hallmark of the type VI fracture is a frac-
plating should be used only in instances where
ture line that separates the metaphysis from the
a small counterincision is made with limited
diaphysis. These fractures usually are extremely
internal fixation to avoid soft tissue and bone
high-energy mechanisms of injury with resultant
necrosis from the excessive surgical dissection
complex fracture patterns. The resultant separa-
required in placement of double plates. These
tion of the condyles from the metaphyseal-
significant injuries require anatomic reduction,
diaphyseal junction makes nearly all of them
bone grafting, and early mobilization of the
unstable to examine; therefore, this severe
knee for best results.
injury almost always requires surgical inter-
The best surgical approach involves an inci-
Treatment Controversy

Tibial plateau fracture treatment is based most

importantly on the examination of the knee in
extension. The goal of treatment is to restore
the fractured knee anatomically and functionally
to a condition that is as near normal as possible.
Rasmussen 12 revealed that unstable knees with
tibial plateau fractures treated surgically and
stable knees treated nonsurgically did well. Lan-
singer et aJ.I4 support Rasmussen's classic work
with 20-year follow-up utilizing these principles
based upon the examination of the knee in
extension. The authors feel no incisions should
be made until an examination of the knee utiliz-
ing ligamentotaxis and fluoroscopic evaluation
is completed. This gives the surgeon the critical
preoperative planning information.
Several previous studies have advocated open
reduction and internal fixation with plates and
screws. Although good radiographic results
sometimes are achieved several report high
(25% to 30%), fair, to poor resuIts.2-4 Others
advocate more limited types of internal fixation,
FIGURE 10.10. Treatment of Schatzker-type possibly in association with ring or external fixa-
fracture with limited internal fixation and exter- tion.9,Il,12,14 Whichever treatment is utilized,
nal fixation . the surgeon must have established criteria for
P.J. Duwelius and D.C. Templeman 179

the surgical indications. The authors feel exami- of the fracture patterns. Fractures of the tibial
nation of the knee in extension is the best indi- plateau associated with compartmental syn-
cator for surgical intervention. Regardless of dromes require fasciotomy and appropriate
which type of treatment is chosen, the knee open reduction and internal fixation to restore
must be allowed immediate and protected free fracture stability.
range of motion postoperatively in a hinged
brace. The patient should be doing touchdown
Multiply Injured Patient
weight bearing for 8 to 12 weeks.
The multiply injured patient at the authors'
institution are generally treated regardless of
Potential Complications with the examination of the knee in extension by
some type of percutaneous fixation or ORIF to
Internal Fixation allow for early mobilization of the patient.
Problems in Healing
Tibial plateau fractures have a very low inci-
Neurovascular Injury
dence of nonunion. Neurologic or vascular injuries are associated
most commonly with fracture/dislocations of
the knee or medial plateau fractures. The vas-
Open Fracture cular injury should be repaired and the fracture
Stability in addition to debridement of the open stabilized. If a peroneal nerve injury is docu-
wound with early closure, whether by delayed mented, postoperatively the knee should be
primary closure, skin grafting, or local or free treated in an elevated sling with the knee flexed
tissue transfer, and early motion are the best to decrease traction on the nerve.
ways to restore function and prevent sepsis. 21 Incisions should be carefully planned with
Benirschke et al: S20 series illustrates that open adequate skin bridges and good flaps down to
reduction and stable internal fixation of the bone to avoid iatrogenic vascular injury from
open tibial plateau yields good to excellent excessive soft tissue dissection required. A
results. "perfect" reduction obtained at the expense of
the soft tissues usually results in disaster.
This complication is most uncommon when
Prominent Hardware
an adequate initial examination has not docu- Care should be taken to avoid any protruding
mented the fracture instability or if documented, hardware especially on the medial aspect of the
adequate internal fixation has not been achieved. knee, as this will cause the patient pain espe-
This complication is most commonly seen in cially around the pes anserine bursae and require
type IV, V, and VI injuries as the medial plateau hardware removal.
component tends to fall into varus. Biologic
fixation should not imply inadequate reduction
(Figure 10.11). Authors' Preferred Surgical
Compartmental Syndrome
No chapter on any type of tibial fracture would The key to operative reduction is ligamento-
be complete without mentioning the possibility taxis, using longitudinal traction or a femoral
of a compartmental syndrome. If a compart- distractor (Figure 10.12). The patient is placed in
mental syndrome exists, this fracture must be a supine position on a standard operating table.
opened with fasciotomies. Fasciotomies, while The foot of the table is dropped in order to
saving the muscle from death, create instability allow 90° of knee flexion. This position is ideal
180 10. The Knee: Tibial Plateau Fracture Reduction Techniques

a b

C d
FIGURE 10.11. Failure of treatment utilizing tion was chosen. (c) Subsequent collapse sec-
limited internal fixation and external fixation in ondary to inadequate fixation . ORIF would
open fracture. Arthrotomy required for infec- have been a better choice. (d) Ultimate fusion
tion. (a) Open bicondylar tibial plateau fracture. required because of infection and malunion.
(b) Limited internal fixation plus external fixa-
P.,. Duwelius and D.C. Templeman 181

to catch the apex of the fracture may serve as a

buttress support.
When ligamentotaxis was unsuccessful in
reducing the fracture, because of, for example,
trapped meniscus or split central depreSSion
bone fragments precluding reduction, then a
limited arthrotomy utilizing a parapatellar
medial or lateral incision was made for the
respective medial or lateral plateau fractures,
and stabilization with a buttress plate and/or
cannulated screws and iliac crest bone graft is

System 1
Screw thread: Outer diameter-6.S mm; pitch-
2.5 mm; reverse cutting flutes; self-cutting, self-
tapping positive rake tip. Screw head: Round
head with an internal hexagon. Drill: A 230-
mm-Iong 3.2-mm steel drill, which can be used
directly with a direct reading 9-inch depth
FIGURE 10.12. Ligamentotaxis achieved with
gauge. Guide pin: A 230-mm-Iong 3.2-mm guide
the distractor.
pin. Material: 22-13-5 stainless steel. Washers
(optional): 6.5-mm system washers.

System 2
for open reduction and internal fixation, per-
cutaneous screw fixation, and arthroscopically Screw thread: Outer diameter-7.0 mm; pitch-
assisted reduction of the joint. An arthroscopic 2.7 .mm. Screw head: Round head with an inter-
leg holder is used, allowing the surgeon to nal hexagon. Guide pin: 2.0-mm guide pins with
apply the forces to the knee required for the a threaded tip. Cannulated overdrill. Material:
reduction (Figure 10.13). Fluoroscopy provides 316 L stainless steel. Screw tap: 7.0 mm. Washers
excellent AP and lateral views during the proce- (optional): 7.0-mm system washers.
dure (Figure 10.14). If reduction is satisfactory,
then percutaneous screw fixation is utilized. The 6.5- and the 7.0-mm cannulated stainless
Cannulated stainless steel cancellous screws, 6.5 steel screw systems are most familiar to the
or 7.0 mm, and washers are used. Multiple authors in the reconstruction of the split com-
screws serve as "one hole plates" and the pression tibial plateau fractures. Preoperative
washer acts as a buttress. Screw size and thread evaluation and planning are essential. In the
length are selected to allow maximum fracture comminuted split compression fracture with a
compression. AO C3 Schatzker IV, V, and VI depressed fragment of articular surface, pre-
tibial plateau fracture patterns with extensive operative tomograms and CT scanning can be
metaphyseal comminution require a buttress most beneficial. Surgical goals are (1) to recon-
plate or external fixator. struct the articular surface, and (2) to stabilize
Most plateau fractures reduce well by liga- the articular surface in its normal alignment with
mentotaxis alone. Fixation with percutaneous the tibial shaft. The articular surface is first re-
screws placed under fluoroscopy maintain the assembled, and depressed fragments elevated.
reduction. Preferably, screws are placed parallel, This surface is then supported on two guide
although a more distal screw with a washer used pins placed the same distance apart as the prox-
182 10. The Knee: Tibial Plateau Fracture Reduction Techniques

FIGURE 10.13. Routine patient position for examination of knee under anesthesia and for percuta-
neous fixation .

imal two holes in a buttress plate. A bone graft, 2. The anterior compartment muscles are ele-
if needed, is placed below this surface. A but- vated off the lateral tibia, and the fracture
tress plate is bent to conform to the proximal exposed. Proximally, the joint is opened to
tibia and applied, using two cannulated screws visualize the articular surface. The lateral
through the proximal holes in the plate. meniscus may have to be detached ante-
riorly, but extreme care should be taken to
preserve it if not badly tom. At the end of
Operative Technique for the procedure it should be repaired.
Comminuted Split Compression 3. Exposure of the depressed fragment is fre-
Fracture of a Lateral Tibial Plateau quently facilitated by retracting the lateral
cortical fragment laterally, thus opening the
1. The patient is placed in a supine position proximal tibia like a book still hinged pos-
with a sandbag under the ipsilateral hip. teriorly (Figure 10.15).
The leg is prepped and draped, and exsan- 4. The depressed central articular fracture is
guinated with an elastic Esmarch bandage. then elevated with a periosteal elevator
A well-padded pneumatic tourniquet is (Figure 10.16). A determination can be
inflated about the upper thigh. made as to the amount of bone loss beneath
P.l. Duwelius and D.C. Templeman 183

FIGURE 10.14. This position allows reduction by ligamentotaxis free access for fluoroscopy,
arthroscopy, and for fixation.

the articular and subchondral bone. If neces- 7. The depth can be read directly off the guide
sary, an autogenous iliac crest bone graft is pin or with the depth gauge.
prepared and placed. 8. The first cannulated screw is placed through
5. The hinged lateral fragment is closed. the appropriate hole in the buHress plate,
Two 3.2- x 230-mm guide pins are placed advanced over the guide pin, and then
approximately 1 em distal to the joint sur- driven through the opposite ("far") cortex.
face. It is not necessary to predrill the cor- Note: The self-cuHing, self-tapping tip is a
tex of the tibia at this level. After the first major advantage over those cannulated
guide is placed, the buttress plate is held screws that are not self-cuHing and self-
with the first guide pin through one of the tapping. Those screws, which require guide
proximal holes. Using the buHress plate as a pin overrearning and tapping, disengage the
template, a second guide pin is placed in the guide pin in the far cortex. The threaded
center of the open hole in the buHress plate, guide pin is placed in the far cortex. This
then advanced parallel with the original then maintains the position of the cannu-
guide pin (Figure 10.17). lated screw as it advances itself through the
6. The guide pins should be passed until their cortex.
threads engage into the opposite medial 9. The second screw is then advanced over its
tibial cortex. This is confirmed by fluoros- guide pin.
copy. 10. Both screws are then tightened with the
184 10. The Knee: Tibial Plateau Fracture Reduction Techniques


FIGURE 10.15. The depressed lateral plateau

fragment is often exposed by retracting a lateral
cortico-cancellous fragment. (Reprinted with
permission from Asnis.24)

FIGURE 10.17. The buttress plate is used as a

template for the placement of parallel 3.2 mm
guide pins. (Reprinted with permission from
- Periosteal

cannulated screwdriver. If either screw is

found to be too long as the fracture com-
presses, it is replaced with a shorter screw
while the second screw holds the ' fracture
compressed. One or two screw threads
should pass beyond the medial cortex to
provide optimal fixation.
11. The guide pins are removed, and the distal
end of the plate is attached to the tibial
shaft with cortical screws (Figure 10.18).
12. The lateral meniscus is reattached anteriorly
FIGURE 10.16. The depressed central articular and peripherally. Soft tissues are closed, and
fracture is elevated with a periosteal elevator. a bulky leg dressing and knee immobilizer
(Reprinted with permission from Asnis.24) splint applied.
P.J. Duwelius and D.C. Templeman 185

FIGURE 10.19. The slightly separated plateau

fractures can usually be fixed percutaneously.
(Reprinted with permission from Asnis.24)

The second screw is similarly placed (Figure

5. The guide pins are removed and the skin
FIGURE 10.18. The 6.5 mm self-tapping cannu-
lated screws are placed over the guide pins. The
guide pins are then removed and the distal end Bicondylar fractures required a midline inci-
of the plate is attached to the tibial shaft with sion or a lateral hockey stick incision. Generally
4.5 mm solid cortical screws. (Reprinted with in our series the incision was made on the side
permission from Asnis. 24 ) of the significant injury. No fracture underwent
double plating. Longitudinal midline incisions
were used whenever possible to avoid diffi-
Operative Technique for Simple culties with total knee replacement or other sur-
Split Fractures of the Tibial Plateau gical procedures in the future. When ligamento-
taxis failed to reduce the fracture, a drill portal
When the fractures are slightly separated, yet
not depressed, they can often be fixed percuta-
neously (Figure 10.19).
1. The skin is opened 1 cm distal to the joint
line. The first guide pin is then passed
through the opposite tibial cortex (Figure
2. A second I-em incision is then made, and a
second guide pin placed. Pin guides can be
used to make the guide pins parallel. This is
important to allow compression of the frac-
ture. Fluoroscopy confirms the pins' posi-
3. The depth gauge is placed under the guide
pin and against the near cortex. Appropri-
ately sized screws are selected. FIGURE 10.20. The 3.2 mm guide pins are
4. The first screw is then placed through a placed across the fracture and to the opposite
washer (optional), then over a guide pin, tibial cortex. (Reprinted with permission from
and advanced until compression is applied. Asnis.24)
186 10. The Knee: Tibial Plateau Fracture Reduction Techniques

Time is important during arthroscopy as the

irrigation can cause a compartment syndrome.
Use of the Esmarch and rapid visualization
decrease this problem. Intraarticular injuries
such as meniscal tears or ligament recon-
struction can be done after fracture healing on
an elective basis or acutely via arthroscopy or
limited arthrotomy.

Clinical Results of a Long-Term

Follow-Up of Operative Fixation
FIGURE 10.21. The 6.5 mm self-tapping can- for Tibial Plateau Fractures
nulated screws are passed over the guide pins
and tightened to compress the fracture. (Re- Greater than 12 months' follow-up was obtained
printed with permission from Asnis.24) in 55 out of 75 patients treated between 1988
and 1992, using a prospective tibial plateau pro-
tocol with examination of the knee in extension
from below was used to allow elevation of as the determinant of operative stabilization.
depressed fragments with a curette or bone Thirty-five patients were male and 20 female.
tamp. Autogenous iliac crest bone grafter bone The left extremity was injured in 29 patients
graft substitute is then inserted to support the and the right in 26. Six fractures were open
articular surface (Figure 10.5). Pelvic and ace- injuries. Three were grade I, two were grade II,
tabular fracture instruments were found to be and one was grade IIIB injury by Gustilo's clas-
beneficial in fracture reduction and compression sification. s The average age was 44 years with a
of bony fragments. range from 18 to 83 years.
All medial plateau or bicondylar fractures The mechanism of injury was a motor vehicle
with an intact fibula are fixed regardless of accident in 19 patients, and a motorcycle acci-
examination because of the potential to drift dent in seven patients. Pedestrian versus motor
into varus or collapse.22 Routine fixation is pre- vehicle accidents accounted for nine injuries, 11
ferred in patients who have concomitant severe fractures were due to falls, and miscellaneous
lower extremity or pelvic fractures to facilitate injuries occurred in nine cases.
mobilization and transfer. Fractures that extend Associated injuries occurred in 49% of the
to the tibial diaphysis are stabilized with an patients. Twenty-four patients sustained multi-
external fixator. The plateau fracture is usually ple fractures ranging from complex pelvic frac-
stabilized first. tures to long bone fractures. Meniscal injuries
Arthroscopic fixation and joint evaluation occurred in four patients. There was one ante-
have been utilized in the authors' experience. rior cruciate ligament (ACL) and one medial
They have been helpful in obtaining and evalu- collateral ligament (MCL) injury. One arterial
ating the reduction. Arthroscopic-assisted reduc- injury resulted in an above-the-knee amputation.
tion as a routine tool in reduction of plateau Two nerve contusions occurred. Five patients
fractures should be considered experimental at required prophylactic fasciotomies for elevated
the present time. This study found that simple compartment pressures.
split or split/decompression-type fractures are Eight fractures were noted to be stable and
amenable to arthroscopic-assisted reduction were treated via cast bracing. Thirty-six patients
techniques. However, more complex fracture were treated by percutaneous cannulated screws.
patterns become more technically challenging, Five of these were in combination with an
and visualization is more difficult secondary to external fixator or intramedullary rod. Thirty-
bleeding. An Esmarch bandage should be used one fractures were reduced by ligamentotaxis
to prevent extravasation of arthroscopic fluid. alone. Two fractures were treated by traction
P.J. Duwelius and D.C. Templeman 187

methods due to soft tissue injuries-skin abra- Rasmussen's criteria. All were AO C3-type frac-
sions and fracture blisters that precluded sur- tures. Two were treated by buttress plates with
gery. Ten fractures required supplemental iliac iliac crest bone grafts. Three were treated with
crest bone graft. Eight fractures required open limited internal screw fixation and an external
reduction and internal fixation with buttress fixator. Two of these patients were treated with
plates. This treatment method was used in one percutaneous screw fixation alone. The overall
patient who had a 3-week delay in treatment, failure rate was 13% for the 55 cases in whom
and four others were judged by the attending adequate follow-up was obtained. The com-
surgeon to have inadequate reduction with plication rate was 7%. Excellent results were
limited internal fixation. Two of the eight obtained in all patients who had stable knee
patients were treated with buttress plating examinations with no complications. Good/
because of marked obesity, which was thought excellent functional results were obtained in all
to be a deterrent to successful postoperative fracture classifications except the AO C3 frac-
bracing. ture pattern. The severely comminuted bicon-
Fourteen of the patients who had reduction dylar fracture pattern had the highest complica-
and fixation with cannulated screws also had tion rate regardless of treatment type.
arthroscopic evaluation at the time of surgery. Arthroscopic evaluation postreduction in this
Results were assessed using Rasmussen's cri- series and in the previous study reveals the lat-
teria. A score was assigned to each patient from eral plateau to be consistently well covered by
o to 30. The categories used to assess functional the lateral meniscus, which therefore is the true
outcome were pain, walking capacity, extension, weight-bearing surface. In contrast, the medial
range of motion, and stability. condylar fracture frequently was much more
Fifty-five patients had greater than 12 months' involved. Extensive fracture patterns with split
follow-up. Three patients died, and the patient central depression osteochondral defects in the
requiring an above-the-knee amputation was weight-bearing surface medial to the meniscus
excluded. Six patients were from other states and were much more common than lateral plateau
could not be located. Ten additional patients also patterns. An intact fibula associated with a
could not be located; two of these were last seen medial condylar fracture may also aggravate the
at a nursing home and eight had no permanent problem in the medial compartment by con-
address. All fractures included in this study were tributing to a varus deformity.u Fixation of
healed at the time of follow-up. medial or bicondylar fractures prevents varus
Patients with a Rasmussen's score of 20 deformity. One patient in our series with a
or greater were considered acceptable results. medial plateau fracture and intact fibula was
Twenty-seven fracture results were excellent, 20 treated with a cast brace and developed slight
good, 10 fair, and none poor. The average score varus (2°).
for all patients was 25.9 with a range of 11 to All seven failures in this study were AO C3
30. The average score for stable fractures tibial plateau fractures. Percutaneous screw fixa-
treated with cast bracing was 29. The average tion alone or in combination with external fixa-
score for C3-type fractures was 22.74. tion may not necessarily lead to a satisfactory
Complications occurred in four patients. result as the failure rate was 30% in this group.
Superficial infections occurred in external fixator The type of treatment was not predictive of
pin tracts in one case, which were treated with results in patients with AO C3 fractures in our
antibiotics and local pin tract care without resid- study.
ual problems. Deep infections occurred in three In one patient that had an ORIF with an
patient: two were treated with buttress plating iliac crest bone graft, an anatomic reduction on
required repeat debridement and local wound postoperative x-ray was obtained. He was a
care, and the third patient was treated with clinical failure. The reduction, however, made
limited internal and external fixation, and sub- subsequent total knee arthroplasty (TKA) much
sequently a knee arthrodesis. easier. The authors recommend in these severely
There were seven clinical failures according to comminuted tibial plateau fractures that the inci-
188 10. The Knee: Tibial Plateau Fracture Reduction Techniques

sion should be made midline so that subsequent 9. Duwelius pJ, Connolly ]F. Closed reduction of
arthroplasties or arthrodesis can be done with- tibial plateau fractures. A comparison of func-
out soft tissue complications. This study sub- tional and roentgenographic end result. Clin
Orthop 1988;230:116-126.
stantiates the importance of the examination of 10. Holzach P, Matter P, Minter J. Arthroscopically
the knee in extension. All patients with stable assisted treatment of lateral tibial plateau frac-
knees treated by cast bracing had excellent tures in skiers: use of a cannulated reduction sys-
results. Ligamentotaxis for reduction and percu- tem. J Orthop Trauma 1994;8:273-281.
taneous or limited open reduction and internal 11. Koval KJ, Sanders R, Borrelli J, et al. Indirect
reduction and percutaneous screw fixation of dis-
fixation is successful in all but AO C3 fractures. placed tibial plateau fractures. J Orthop Trauma
Treatment of severely comminuted fractures 1992;6{3):340-346.
must be individualized to include soft tissue 12. Rasmussen PS. Tibial condylar fractures. Impair-
consideration, bone quality, surgical experience, ment of knee joint stability as an indication for
surgical treatment. J Bone Joint Surg 1973;55A:
and overall patient compliance and expectations. 1331-1350.
Newer reduction clamps assist the surgeon 13. Scotland T, Wardlaw D. The use of cast-bracing
intraoperatively. Arthroscopic evaluation of the as treatment for fractures of the tibial plateau. J
reduction is helpful, but in polytrauma situations Bone Joint Surg 1981;63B:575-578.
it is not always practical. 14. Lansinger 0, Bergman B, Komer L, et al. Tibial
condylar fractures. A twenty-year follow-up. J
Bone Joint Surg 1985;68A:13-19.
15. Walker PS, Erkman MJ. The role of menisci in
References force transmission across the knee. Clin Orthop
1. Agnew SG, Benirschke SK, Mayo KA, et al. 16. Bucholz RW, Carlton A, Holmes R. Interporous
Open reduction internal fixation of complex hydroxyapatite as a bone graft substitute in tibial
proximal tibial fractures. J Orthop Trauma 1991;5: plateau fractures. Clin Orthop 1989;240:53-62.
236. 17. Bennett WF, Browner B. Tibial plateau fractures:
2. Blokker cp, Rorabeck CH, Bourne RB. Tibial a study of associated soft tissue injuries. J Orthop
plateau fractures. An analysis of the results of Trauma 1994;8:183-188.
treatment in 60 patients. Clin Orthop 1984;182: 18. Delmarter RB, Hohl M, Hopp E Jr. Ligament
193-199. injuries associated with tibial plateau fractures.
3. Rombold C. Depressed fractures of the tibial pla- Clin Orthop 1990;250:226-233.
teau. Treatment with rigid internal fixation and 19. Vangsness CT Jr, Ghaderi B, Hohl M, et al.
early mobilization. A preliminary report. J Bone Arthroscopy of meniscal injuries with tibial pla-
Joint Surg 1960;42A:783-797. teau fractures. J Bone Joint Surg 1994;76B:488-
4. Schatzker J, McBroom R, Bruce D. The tibial 490.
plateau fracture. The Toronto experience 1968- 20. Benirschke SK, Agnew SG, Mayo KA, et al.
1975. Clin Orthop 1979;138:94-104. Immediate internal fixation of open, complex
5. Tscherne H, Lobenhoffer P. Tibial plateau frac- tibial plateau fractures: treatment by a standard
tures. Management and expected results. Clin protocol. J Orthop Trauma 1992;6:78-86.
Orthop 1993;292:87-100. 21. Gustilo RB. Current concepts in management of
6. Apley AG. Fractures of the lateral tibial condyle open fractures. [nstr Course Leet 1987;36:357-
treated by skeletal traction and early mobi- 369.
lization. A review of sixty cases with specific ref- 22. Sarmiento A, Kinman PB, Latta L1. Fractures of
erence to the long-term results. J Bone Joint Surg the proximal tibia and tibial condyles: a clinical
1956;38B:699-708. and laboratory comparative study. Clin Orthop
7. Brown GA, Sprague B1. Cast brace treatment of 1979;145:136-145.
plateau and bicondylar fractures of the proximal 23. Koval JK, Helfet DI. Tibial plateau fractures: eval-
tibia. Clin Orthop 1976;119:184-193. uation and treatment. J Am Acad Orthop Surg
8. Drennan DB, Locher FG, Maylahn DJ. Fractures 1995;3(2):86-93.
of the tibial plateau. Treatment by closed reduc- 24. Asnis SE. The Asnis 2 guided screw system:
tion and spica cast. J Bone Joint Surg 1979;61A: Howmedica Surgical Techniques. Rutherford, NJ,
989-995. 1991; 6-8.
The Knee: Arthroscopic Surgery with
Screw Fixation
Robert E. Schwartz

Advantages of Cannulated visually and/or radiographically prior to drilling.

This allows more accuracy in screw placement
Screws and less potential for harm to the repair or fixa-
tion site. For example, changing a guide wire
Cannulated screws and arthroscopic surgery position if it is undesirable will have little effect
share the common advantage of being minimally on the repair construct. However, changing a
invasive to the patient. Just as large dissections screw once seated can cause a significant prob-
are no longer needed for many of the surgical lem with poor purchase by the next screw.
procedures performed with arthroscopy, cannu- Guide wires also are important when more than
lated screws allow fracture work to be done one screw is planned to be used and interference
indirectly with minimal surgical exposure. This between screws is to be avoided.
results in less surgical morbidity, rapid healing, Fourth, the guide wire can be used to assist in
and a potential for an earlier recovery. the manipulation and reduction of a free osteo-
Cannulated screws offer multiple benefits over chondral fragment. Once the fragment is aligned,
conventional screws in arthroscopic surgery. reduced, and held provisionally by a guide wire
First, a cannulated screw travels down a wire it can be moved away from its correct position
"pathway" and can always be retrieved as long temporarily by pulling the fragment along the
as the guide wire remains seated in the bone guide wire. This allows debridement to be per-
intended to receive the screw. In comparison, a formed on either the fragment or the crater and
conventional screw may be lost inside the joint allows an easy re-reduction prior to internal
during an arthroscopy, as it can fall off the end fixation.
of a screwdriver. Finally, the cannulation within the screw can
Second, conventional screws, if not directed serve as a locating device. This is particularly
manually exactly down the intended drill path, helpful when attempting to remove a previously
will miss the far side drill hole and will separate seated intraarticular cannulated screw. The guide
the fragment or fracture intended to be fixed. wire is used as a probe to locate the cannula-
Achieving correct screw alignment may be more tion in the screw head. Once the cannulation
difficult in arthroscopic surgery, as the view is found, the guide wire is pushed into the
provided by the arthroscope is two-dimensional. cannulation. The wire now serves as a guide
However, the intraarticular space is three-dimen- for the screwdriver to follow to assist in screw
sional. This discrepancy opens the possibility of removal.
an error in the third dimension resulting in in- Because of these benefits, cannulated screws
accurate screw insertion. A cannulated screw will are most commonly used with arthroscopy for
follow the guide wire and eliminates insertion osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) and tibial pla-
alignment errors. teau fractures. Interference fit fixation in anterior
Third, when utilizing a cannulated screw, the cruciate ligament reconstruction is discussed in
final resting place of the screw can be predicted Chapter 12.

190 11. The Knee: Arthroscopic Surgery

Osteochondritis Dissecans with buried Kirschner wires in addition to cor-

tical bone peg grafts was reported by Scott and
Osteochondritis dissecans presents in a juvenile Stevenson14 in 1971. This procedure also did
onset and an adolescent/adult form. The juve- not require a second arthrotomy to remove the
nile onset carries with it a better prognosis and pins except when there was migration of the
can most commonly be treated nonoperatively pins into the joint.
with limited weight bearing and immobiliza- With the advent of arthroscopic surgery, it
tion. I Lesions that are large or involve the became possible to address OCD with less mor-
weight-bearing areas have been reported to bidity. Ewing and VotoS described 72% sat-
have a worse prognosis with up to 50% of these isfactory results in 29 patients with excision and
types of lesions failing conservative treatment. 2 ,3 retrograde drilling of the lesions arthroscopi-
Furthermore Twyman4 has shown radiographic cally. Guhl9 described arthroscopic treatment of
degenerative change in up to 32% in juvenile OCD, which involved drilling type I lesions,
OCD patients followed long term. The later pinning type II, and curettement and pinning of
onset form of the disease is less likely to heal type III lesions. Type N lesions were replaced, if
and commonly requires operative intervention. possible and arthroscopically bone grafted. Guhl
Many etiologies have been considered for utilized pin fixation inserted through the metaph-
OCD. Direct trauma to the knee in flexion, vas- ysis into the lesion defined as an antegrade
cular/ischemic events, and abnormal epiphyseal method of fixation. Lipscomb et al. IS were the
ossification have all been postulated.s,6 An first to describe this method, which allowed for
excellent review article that covers this area has easy removal of the Kirschner wires. The wires
been written by Clanton and Delee,7 and cites that fix the lesion are drilled into the articular
97 references. surface and out the adjacent metaphyseal cortex.
The arthroscopic appearance of OCD lesions They are left long on the metaphyseal side and
can be divided into the following categories: remain subcutaneous, so that their removal is
type I-intact articular surfaces, not mobile; easily performed under local anesthesia after
type II-early separation lesion (intact articular healing.
cartilage but fragment is mobile); type III-dis- Use of cannulated compression screw fixation
rupted articular surfaces (flap or window-type for OCD was first described in 1984 by John-
lesion); and type N, crater with loose or frag- son I6; 4.0-mm cannulated screws were designed
mented lesion. s,9 specifically to be used for arthroscopic treat-
ment of OCD. Johnson's technique followed
Smillie'sI7 principles of debridement of fibrous
Historical Background tissue in the interface of the lesion, freshening of
Current treatment of OCD still follows Smil- the crater to bleeding bone, and cancellous
lie'slo original treatment recommendations from grafting to fill voids left by the debridement.
1957. He described treating type I lesions by The procedure mandated non-weight bearing
drilling from the intraarticular exposure defined for 2 months and a second arthroscopic surgery
as retrograde drilling. Type II, III, and N lesions for removal of screws. Eighty-four percent sat-
were treated by curettement and debridement isfactory results were reported. IS
to remove fibrous tissue, and fixation was per- In 1984, the Herbert screw was reported for
formed with screws or pins. An attempt was intraosseous use in scaphoid fractures. I9 This
made to restore the articular surface geometry screw is a unique design as it has no head but
by an accurate reduction of the fragment in instead has a second set of threads (trailing
the displaced lesions. Unfortunately, a second threads) in place of the screw head. Compres-
arthrotomy was necessary to remove fixation. sion is applied to the repair site by using a dif-
The need for a second surgical procedure was ferential thread pitch in the head and leading
made unnecessary by utilizing bone peg fixa- thread zone of the screw. The leading thread
tion of the lesion as described by Bandi and pitch is greater than the trailing thread pitch.
Allgowerll and others. 12,13 Internal fixation The pitch difference results in the leading threads
R.E. Schwartz 191

TABLE 11.1. Small cannulated lag screw mechanical specifications commonly used in arthroscopy, by
Thread Shaft Head Guide pin
diameter diameter diameter diameter Pitch
Manufacturer (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Material Design

Ace 4.0 2.8 6.35 1.6 1.8 Ti 6AI4V Conventional

Instrument Makar 4.0 2.3 6.0 0.9 2.0 316L stainless Conventional
Synthes 4.0 2.4 5.0 1.25 1.75 316L stainless Conventional
Zimmer 3.0 2.5 3.9 1.0 1.22 Titanium Differential
Herbert;Whipple (leading) (trailing) (leading) pitch
1.0 (trailing)

traveling farther with an insertional revolution 4.0-mm cancellous screw. At this time there has
than the trailing threads travel. Therefore, com- not been any direct comparison between cannu-
pression occurs across the fixation site with lated lag screws and cannulated Herbert/Whip-
insertion. ple bone screws. One could postulate that the
Herbert screws were described for use in fixa- pullout performance of both would be reduced
tion in OCD first by Lange et apo in 1986 and as a direct proportion of the reduced thread
later by Thomson21 in 1987. Subsequent to depth necessary to accommodate the guide
those reports, the cannulated Herbert/Whipple wire pathway through the shaft diameter24 (see
bone screw was developed. The Herbert/Whip- Chapter 2).
pIe screw retained the original leading and trail- Despite the reduced pullout forces and com-
ing thread major diameters of the original Her- pressive forces achieved by the Herbert screw,
bert screw, but because of the cannulation the not having a head may have an advantage over
minor diameter increased from 1.75 to 2.5 mm a 4.0-mm cannulated screw with a head diame-
(Table 11.1). The consequences of a larger minor ter of 5.0 mm. The smaller size of the trailing
diameter, and therefore a lesser thread depth, is threads (3.9 mm) theoretically may cause less
reduced pullout strength.22 damage to the articular cartilage during inser-
Shaw23 demonstrated superiority of a conven- tion. Another advantage is that Herbert screws
tional 4.0-mm cancellous lag screw compared are designed to be countersunk into the sub-
with a single Herbert screw in pedilen poly- chondral bone. This allows them to remain
urethane foam simulated scaphoid bones and without removal and obviate the need for a later
cadaver bone specimens. Herbert screws were surgical procedure.
able to generate only 20% of the compressive
forces generated by the 4.0-mm cancellous lag
Principles of Surgical Treatment
Lange 20 compared the 4.0-mm synthes can- At this time there does not seem to be a need
cellous lag screw to one and also two Herbert for internal fixation in type I lesions. The lesions
screws in matched vertebral body pullout tests. that are symptomatic are uncommon in adults,
The 4.0-mm cancellous screw produced a mean and are usually seen prior to epiphyseal closure
pullout strength of 98.4 N (newtons) ± 4.2 N in children. Symptomatic type I OCD lesions
(mean ± standard error of the mean). The single can be drilled to a depth of 2.0 cm with non-
Herbert screw pullout strength was 56.5 N ± threaded diamond-point tip 2-mm-diameter
5.8 N. However, two Herbert screws tested depth-marked Kirschner wires, as described by
together produced a pullout force of 129.2 N ± Aglietti et al. 25
5.0N. Type II lesions should be drilled the same as
From these findings, use of more than one a type I lesion. Fixation with a cannulated com-
Herbert screw is necessary to approach the pression screw should then be performed as
mechanical performance achieved by a single described by Johnson. 16,18 If this fixation method
192 11. The Knee: Arthroscopic Surgery

results in significant fragment depression, one crater. Principles of debridement of the lesion
cannot expect the region involved to participate and bed, cancellous bone grafting to restore
in physiologically normal load sharing with the articular congruity, and internal fixation also
surrounding intact articular cartilage. Also a apply to these lesions.
significant depression is most likely to be asso- Extremely large lesions often involving pos-
ciated with a large lucent zone in the subchon- terior femoral condyle locations undergo frag-
dral bone on radiographs and should be antici- mentation and compression damage due to the
pated to need bone grafting. high loads experienced by the fragment when
Retrograde bone grafting26,27 is an attractive there is no surrounding intact articular surface
alternative for type II lesions. The subchondral and bone to protect the fragment. In these cir-
center of the lesion is drilled from the meta- cumstances fresh osteoarticular allografts 28,29
physeal side and packed with bone graft. This may be the only reasonable option to repair the
procedure is more involved and carries the risk defect without resorting to prosthetic replace-
of fracture of the femoral condyle, or conversion ments.
to a type III lesion. 17 In addition, internal fixa-
tion may be more difficult to achieve as the Results After Surgical Repair
compression screw does not have as large an
intact epiphyseal bony bed to attach to securely. Type I OCD lesions treated by transarticular
Transarticular debridement and bone grafting drilling show good to excellent result, with 95%
to raise the articular surface16 and subsequent healing in preadolescent type I lesions. 25 Type II
internal fixation with multiple Herbert/Whipple or III lesions treated with K-wire fixation as
screws may maintain articular surface geometry reported by Guhl9 had less than 80% healing.
better than lag screw techniques alone. Bone Herbert screw fixation treatment of type II or III
grafting offers some resistance to compressive lesions were found to have an 88% healing rate
forces that tend to depress the repaired frag- in the series reported by Thomson.21
ment during fixation and physiologic loading. Johnson et aJ.18 reported 94% early healing of
However, Johnson 18 reported that depression of OCD treated by 4.0-mm cannulated screw fixa-
the articular fragment after fixation did not ad- tion in a series of 35 knees when evaluated by
versely affect the clinical result in his experience. second-look arthroscopy at 8 weeks postopera-
Type III lesions routinely require bone tive. Two failures were identified early and four
grafting to reestablish articular contours. After failures occurred later, representing an average
debridement of granulation tissue, there com- overall successful healing rate of 83%. It should
monly is loss of subchondral bone in the frag- be noted that 11 of 35 were reoperations in this
ment and bed of the lesion. If possible, the series.
lesion should be elevated from the intact carti- Convery28 reported 76% successful results in
lage in a fashion that takes into consideration 90 knees treated with fresh osteochondral allo-
preservation of the articular surface and preser- grafts for large osteochondral defects of the
vation of any blood supply. Commonly with knee. Garrett29 reported 94% successful results
classic medial condyle lesions there is a soft tis- in patients followed 2 to 9 years after treating
sue attachment with synoviurn at the posterior lateral condyle OCD lesions with fresh osteo-
cruciate ligament. This should be spared. The chondral allografts.
bed of the lesion is debrided to remove soft tis-
sue and prepared with Steadman picks.™ Low- Author's Arthroscopic Surgical
density cancellous bone graft is harvested from Technique: 4.0-mm Cannulated
the tibial metaphysis and delivered to the crater
as described by Johnson. 16
Type IV lesions commonly become larger if An initial three-portal arthroscopy approach is
loose in the joint for any period of time. This is used. A 5.0-mm outflow cannula is placed supe-
due to articular cartilage overgrowth from the rior and medial through the vastus medialis
loss of the normal contact inhibition of the cells muscle. This cannula should be placed in a more
at the periphery of the lesion and edge of the cephalad position than usual so that it can be
R.E. Schwartz 193

introduced and remain in the medial gutter. This above. For type II lesions larger than 1.0 cm2 in
ensures better flow rates with the knee flexed dimension, this author prefers Herbert/Whipple
than when the cannula is in the suprapatellar cannulated screw fixation to stabilize the frag-
pouch. When approaching the most common ment after drilling. This technique is discussed
medial femoral condyle OCD lesions, the arthro- in the next section.
scope is placed in the midpatella lateral portal Type III lesions are elevated partially and
to visualize the intercondylar notch and medial debrided. It is advisable, if possible, to save
compartment. Usually the ligamentum mucosa the hinge attachment toward the intercondylar
and a portion of the fat pad must be resected to notch, preserving any synovial-derived blood
allow good visualization of the defect with the supply. If the hinge attachment cannot be
knee in flexion. This point is most important retained, provisional fixation by a 4.0-mm can-
with the more posterior lesions. The geographic nulated screw threaded tip guide wire (1.25 mm)
limits of the lesion can usually be defined best is used as HerbertjWhipple screw guide wires
by loading the center of the lesion with a large (1.0 mm) are too fragile and bend easily. The
blunt probe or trocar and observing the surface provisional fixation is inserted obliquely from
behavior of the surrounding articular cartilage. an ipsilateral portal (Figure 11.2). This is to
This is important in type II and III incomplete allow easier visualization of the bony bed when
lesions as the articular involvement is commonly the fragment is withdrawn down the wire away
much larger than the radiographic appearance. from the crater of the lesion (Figure 11.3). If the
Once the limits of the lesion are defined, treat- fragment is large, two guide wires are used to
ment decisions based on size and separation can control rotation. The bony bed must be debrided
be made. If the lesion location and periphery of fibrous tissue utilizing a small 3.5 mm full
cannot be accurately determined, fluoroscopy is radius shaver to remove granulation tissue and
used to delineate the lesion. freshen the crater of the lesion. An arthroscopic
Type I lesions do not require internal fixation. burr must be used carefully as the fragment
These lesions if symptomatic require only arthro- can be easily damaged (Figure 11.4). Steadman
scopic trans articular drilling through a central picks ™ are very helpful to further prepare the
articular access drill hole. For each 1.0 cm 2 area, base of the lesion. Alter debridement and prepa-
a single articular cartilage access channel should ration, the lesion is replaced anatomically. The
be used allowing three to four diverging bone decision regarding the need for bone grafting is
channels to be drilled using a smooth diamond based on the ability to achieve and restore artic-
point tip 2.0-mm Kirschner™ wire. 25 The author ular surface geometry.
has found that the best perpendicular access fre- Cancellous bone is harvested as follows. A
quently involves resting the wire on the ante- 6.5 mm drill hole is placed in the proximal and
rior margin of the tibial plateau in the midline, medial tibial metaphysis 2 to 3 cm below the
through the patellar tendon, and traversing just epiphyseal scar. Cancellous bone from this
cephalad to the anterior hom attachment of the region has a low enough density that it can be
medial meniscus to reach the OCD lesion in the easily shaped and molded in the crater defect
medial femoral condyle. This usually requires and not interfere in obtaining congruence when
that the arthroscope be placed in the midpatella compression fixation is applied. Through the
lateral visualization portal. This is to allow free- drill hole a 4.0 mm Instrument Makar Bone
dom of approach for drilling the lesion (Figure Grafter™ is used to harvest and deliver can-
11.1). cellous bone to the fragment bed (Figure 11.5).
Postoperative treatment includes non-weight Net the fragment is reduced into the crater.
bearing for 8 weeks and a hinged postoperative Then the guide wire for the cannulated screw
knee brace. The brace range of motion limits are should be inserted perpendicular to the articular
adjusted to prevent loading of the repair site for surface of the lesion. The guide wire should also
activities of daily living for 6 weeks. be centered in the bony lesion if one screw is
Type II lesions less than or equal to 1.0 cm2 planned to be used. To insure that the cannu-
are treated as type I lesions with transarticular lated screw guide wire is centered fluoroscopy
drilling with a smooth K-wire as described in two planes is utilized. If the lesion is large,
194 11. The Knee: Arthroscopic Surgery

FIGURE 11.1. Example of a type f medial femo- ular to the lesion is depicted utilizing a 2.0-mm
ral condyle osteochondritis dissecans (OCD). smooth diamond-point tip Kirschner wire
Drilling an articular access channel perpendic- directed through the patellar tendon.

planning for more than one screw is necessary. overdrilled using the 2.7-mm cannulated drill.
If the guide wire must traverse the patellar ten- This lessens the chance of fragmenting the lesion
don to meet the above criteria, a longitudinal during screw insertion. The 4.0-mm cannulated
l.S-cm incision is made through that area of the screw can now be passed over the guide wire
tendon to allow atraumatic passage of the guide and through the 8.0-mm utility cannula. The
wire and screw through an 8.0-mm arthroscopic screw is seated and the next guide wire is
utility cannula. Next the cannulated screw mea- inserted if a second screw is planned to be used.
suring device is passed over the guide wire. This Completion of one screw insertion is necessary
automatically selects a screw S.O-mm shorter to prevent bending of the second screw guide
than the guide wire. Maintaining the guide wire wire, as bent guide wires are subject to failure
within the femoral condyle is very helpful if
retrieval of the screw is necessary. Fragment repair is checked next in two planes with fluo-
reduction is maintained by applying pressure roscopy. The screw must be seated at a sub-
manually to the utility cannula. The fragment is articular level because prominence of the screw
R.E. Schwartz 195

FIGURE 11.2. Use of a threaded-tip, l.2S-mm cannulated screw guide wire as a provisional fixation
to assist in later replacement of a type III oeD lesion after crater debridement.

head results in predictable damage to the adja- tomically. Debridement of rounding a the crater
cent corresponding articulating surface. I8 The edge is best accomplished with an arthroscopic
guide wires and any provisional fixation now ring curette. The fragment is next manipulated
can be removed. into the crater defect and aligned to lie adjacent
Postoperative treatment includes non-weight to one edge of the crater. The periphery of the
bearing and restricting range of motion in a fragment is fixed temporarily using a 1.2S-rnm
brace for 8 weeks. Screws are removed at a threaded-tip guide wire into the periphery of
second arthroscopy before beginning weight the crater. This allows one edge of the fragment
bearing. This allows for accurate assessment of to be aligned with the crater's corresponding
healing. margin and the remaining free edges to remain
Type IV lesions present differently from the accessible for debridement. By use of a basket
other lesions because they are free in the joint punch the lesion can be reduced in size to fit the
and most often do not fit correctly in the defect. crater. Once the fragment is sized correctly it
If the lesion is oversized, the crater and the can be rotated around the peripheral guide wire
lesion must be debrided to fit each other ana- fixation point exposing the bed of the lesion
196 11. The Knee: Arthroscopic Surgery

FIGURE 11.3. Displacement of the lesion away form the crater and down the provisional guide
wire fixation. This allows access to the crater for debridement and cancellous bone grafting.

for grafting and definitive fixation thereafter. oeD lesions because the articular surface is
Because of the lesser stability of these lesions, it intact and usually no bone grafting is needed.
is best to fix them with multiple screws if size Successful fixation requires the bone portion of
allows. the lesion to be thick enough to support pur-
chase by the trailing threads of the Herbert/
Whipple screw. The screws are left in sihi and
Surgical Technique for Type II do not require later removal.
OeD: Herbert/Whipple Bone The arthroscopic portals are set up as de-
Screws scribed above. The midpatella medial or lateral
portals are very helpful to move the arthroscope
The surgical principles in treatment of oeD are from the access pathway necessary for perpen-
unchanged from those described above when dicular approach to the lesion. After anatomic
using the Herbert/Whipple cannulated bone reduction, the oeD cannula and obturator are
screw. The author prefers this device for type II placed centrally against the fracture fragment.
R.E. Schwartz 197

FIGURE 11.4. After provisional fixation of an OCD lesion the fragment also may be rotated to allow
access to the crater for debridement and cancellous bone grafting.

Pressure on the cannula maintains the fracture replacing the obturator within the cannula. Con-
reduction (Figure 11.6). tinued use of the cannula lessens the likelihood
Using the cannulation through obturator, the of bending the guide wire. The step drill can
1.0-mm guide wire is drilled through the frag- also damage the guide wire, so drilling should
ment and into the femoral condyle for a depth be done only with a sharp drill bit and gentle
of at least 25 mm. Radiographic confirmation of axial force, taking care to not bend the guide
the guide wire position and length is necessary. wire (Figure 11.8). If the guide wire is removed
The obturator is removed and the free hand inadvertently with drill removal, the obturator
depth gauge replaces it to obtain the proper should be replaced and another guide wire
screw length (Figure 11.7). should be reinserted blunt end first to assist in
The step drill is next set to the chosen screw redirecting the wire into the original channel in
length and delivered down the cannula. If the the femoral condyle.
desired screw length exceeds the length of the The desired screw is mounted onto the mod-
guide wire, the guide wire should be advanced ular screwdriver and passed over the guide wire,
5.0 mm beyond the desired screw length after down the cannula, and inserted into femoral
198 11. The Knee: Arthroscopic Surgery

FIGURE 11.5. Del ivery of low density cancellous elevates the lesion to achieve congruency with
bone graft to a type III OCD crater with an the surrounding articular surface.
Instrument Makar 4.0-mm bone grafter. This

condyle. The screwdriver has a built-in stop at Arthroscopically Assisted

the end of the cannula. Upon reaching the stop,
the screwdriver should continue to be turned to Cannulated Screw Fixation of
allow the screw to "walk off" the end of the Lateral Tibial Plateau Fractures
screwdriver and seat the screw into subchon-
dral bone (Figure 11.9). Radiographic confirma- Fixation of tibial plateau fractures utilizing
tion of the screw location and depth is now arthroscopic visualization was first reported by
performed. Caspari et aPD and Jennings 3! in separate
A second screw should be considered unless reports in 1985. Use of cannulated screws with
the fragment is smaller than 1.0 cm2 . The sec- this technique was mentioned by Jennings.
ond screw gUide wire must be inserted in such a Guanche and Markman32 described the techni-
way that it does not interfere with the first cal steps to arthroscopic reduction and per-
screw (Figure 11.10). cutaneous cannulated screw fixation (ARPF) in
R.E. Schwartz 199

Tibial Plateau Fractures Amenable

to Arthroscopic Reduction and
Percutaneous Fixation (ARPF)
Prior to treatment of tibial plateau fractures with
ARPF, preoperative tomography, or a computed
tomography (CT) scan examination is man-
datory to identify fracture lines and to plan the
location of the hardware. Lateral cortex commi-
nution may preclude utilizing a percutaneous
technique requiring a lateral buttress plate to
maintain the reduction.
Classification of tibial plateau fractures is
covered in Chapter 10. Schatzker I or a split
lateral condyle fracture is an ideal fracture for
ARPF. The surgical dissection necessary to per-
FIGURE 11.6. Herbert/Whipple cannulated form a standard open reduction includes an an-
screw system technique. The double sleeve terior longitudinal incision, an arthrotomy, and
OCD cannula is pressed against the lesion's
articular surface to assist in perpendicular pas- frequently dissection of the lateral meniscus to
sage of the 1.0 mm threaded tip guide wire. adequately expose the plateau for reduction.
(Reprinted with permission from Whipple.J7) This exposure is avoided with ARPF and fluo-
roscopically assisted techniques (see Chapter 3).
Schatzker I, II, and III fractures. Fowble et al.3 3 Schatzker II or a split compression injury of
reported the superior results obtainable by the lateral tibial condyle, also can effectively be
arthroscopy and percutaneous cannulated screw evaluated, reduced, and repaired with arthro-
fixation when compared with standard open scopic techniques. The "open-book" dissection
reduction and internal fixation techniques. necessary to align the depressed area results in

Read Measurement Here

Depth Gauge

FIGURE 11.7. Herbert/Whipple cannulated tail of the inserted guide wire. (Reprinted with
screw system technique. Indirect depth gauge permission from Whipple. 37 )
reads proposed drill and screw lengths off the
200 11. The Knee: Arthroscopic Surgery

FIGURE 11.8. Herbert/Whipple cannulated stop sleeve to correspond to the desired screw
screw system technique. Step drill passes over length. (Reprinted with permission from Whip-
guide wire, inside the outer OCD cannula. ple,37)
Depth is controlled by setting the adjustable

Screwdriver /

FIGURE 11.9. Insertion of Herbert/Whipple direct vision to bury the trailing threads below
screw over the guide wire and through the the articular surface, into the subchondral bone
outer OCD cannula. Once the screwdriver stop of the fragment. (Reprinted with permission
reaches the top on the cannula, the cannula from Whipple,37)
is removed and the screw is advanced under
R.E. Schwartz 201

significant further displacement of the split por-

tion of the fracture and may contribute to the
delayed healing with this approach when com-
pared with ARPF.32
Schatzker III or central depressed lateral con-
dyle fractures without a split component are a
challenge using open techniques, also because
visualization of intraarticular comminution in
these fractures is extremely difficult. Arthro-
scopic visualization of the depressed area is
easily accomplished. Creation of a lateral meta-
physeal window is needed to gain access and
raise the depressed lateral articular fracture frag-
ments. Bone grafting to fill the compressed
metaphyseal void created in the reduction pro-
cess adds to the morbidity in open treatment of
this fracture.
Percutaneous fluoroscopic techniques alone of
closed reduction and percutaneous screw fixa-
tion do not allow investigation of the commonly
found intraarticular injuries of the menisci and
cruciates reported to accompany these frac-
a tures. 34 There is a 25% incidence of peripheral
lateral meniscal tears, a 25% incidence of grade
III medial collateral ligament tears and a 25%
incidence of anterior cruciate ligament tears in
Schatzker L II, and III fractures. For these rea-
sons arthroscopic evaluation of patients with
tibial plateau fractures is extremely helpful.
One of the most apparent concerns with
ARPF in tibial plateau fractures is egress of sa-
line from the knee through capsular rents created
at the time of injury.35,36 Delays of 3 to 4 days
after injury have been proposed to allow heal-
ing of capsular rents and to help prevent these
occurrences.35 However, with the advent of
pressure-monitored arthroscopy pump systems,
it is possible to maintain capsular distension and
monitor fluid pressure within the knee. If capsu-
lar distension cannot be maintained at the usual
intraarticular pressures, loss of intracapsular fluid
must be suspected. The surgeon should pay
close attention to the calf and thigh circum-
ference in this setting and be prepared to
address a compartment syndrome.
FIGURE 11.10. Anteroposterior (a) and lateral Results of ARPF
(b) radiographs of a type II OCD lesion after
transarticular drilling and internal fixation with Traditional open reduction treatment versus
Herbert/Whipple bone screws. ARPF treatment of split compression and local
202 11. The Knee: Arthroscopic Surgery

compression fractures of the lateral tibial plateau cruciate ligament injury. The author has found
were reported by Fowble et al.3 3 Their results the method described by Fowble et al.3 3 to be
determined that in 100% of the patients treated the most effective in localizing the tibial window
by ARPF and fluoroscopic guidance, an anatomic for elevation of a depressed portion of the tibial
reduction was achieved. In only 55% of the plateau. Using an Acufex (Norwood, MA) tibial
open reduction treatment group was an ana- tunnel guide, a 2.0-mm smooth diamond-point
tomic reduction achieved. Length of hospital tip guide wire is introduced through the central!
stay was longer as was time to full weight bear- inferior metaphyseal fracture line into the center
ing in the open reduction treatment group. of the depressed area in the lateral plateau (Fig-
Associated soft tissue injuries were comparable. ure 11.11). Fluoroscopic location is checked to
Iliac crest bone graft was used in only 2 of 12 confirm that the tunnel to be drilled will pre-
(17%) in the ARPF group and 10 of 11 (91%) of serve the lateral cortex without splitting the lat-
the open reduction group. They concluded that eral fragment into anterior and posterior frag-
ARPF was superior to traditional open reduc- ments, as this makes subsequent percutaneous
tion methods. fixation less reliable. Drilling from the contra-

Author's Technique for

Arthroscopic Reduction and
Percutaneous Cannulated Screw
Fixation of Lateral Tibial Plateau
After induction of anesthesia, the knee is ex-
amined for stability while visualizing the joint
under fluoroscopic imaging. An arthroscopic
thigh holder is used as this allows distraction of
the lateral compartment while allowing an ante-
roposterior (AP) orientation to the knee, which
assists in using the fluoroscopy equipment. AP
positioning allows fluoroscopic confirmation of
the reducibility of the lateral plateau with liga-
mentotaxis. Observation of the medial compart-
ment fluoroscopically allows indirect examina-
tion of the medial collateral ligament integrity,
which is difficult to assess if the lateral plateau is
depressed or unstable. The extremity is exsan-
guinated and the tourniquet is inflated.
A large (5.0-mm) inflow cannula is placed into
the suprapatellar pouch through a superior-
medial portal. A standard anteromedial portal is
established that is 1.5 cm proximal to the lateral
joint line just off the lateral patellar border infe-
riorly. An anteromedial portal that is also prox-
imal enough to clear the tibial eminence when
crossing into the lateral compartment is also
created. Intraarticular clots are cleared most rap-
idly using a 5.5-mm full-radius shaver. FIGURE 11.11. Acufex Multi-Trac tibial-tip guide
A thorough diagnostic arthroscopy is per- to locate a 2.0-mm guide wire in the center of
formed to evaluate for meniscal or concomitant the lateral tibial plateau joint depression.
R.E. Schwartz 203

lateral metaphyseal cortex is another option if intentionally, and using the lateral condyles as a
the split fragment is not large enough to allow negative mold the lateral compartment can be
an ipsilateral access tunnel. loaded carefully to achieve an anatomic align-
A 8.0-mm cannulated drill is passed over the ment, which can be observed on fluoroscopy
guide wire and drilled into the cortex to create a and confirmed on arthroscopy. If bone graft is
window to allow access to the depressed area of required, it is delivered through the cortical
the lateral plateau (Figure 11.12). The opening is window and packed below the subchondral
created to be as shallow as possible. This retains region of the fracture with the bone tamp. The
some of the cancellous bone well below the bone tamp is left in position to assist in main-
depressed area, which can be elevated with a taining the reduction. Proximal reduction of the
bone tamp to act as a graft into the crushed split component of the fracture is performed
subchondral region. The bone fragments cut by varus positioning using ligamentotaxis. If
from the lateral cortex are collected from the this maneuver does not achieve reduction, the
drill recesses to be returned to the tibia as graft author uses a 1/4-inch straight osteotome to
material. The guide wire is now removed. elevate the split fragment. The osteotome is
Using a Synthes™ bone tamp introduced placed transversely through the cortical window
through the drilled window, the larger depressed and advanced to the intact posterior cortex
articular surface fracture fragments are elevated medially. Lifting the osteotome moves the split
while observing the process on the image inten- fragment proximally. One or two large tenac-
sifier. Often the fracture can be overreduced ulum reduction clamps are used to close the split
portion of the fracture.
Definitive fixation is performed by using two
6.5-mm Asnis II guided screws as described in
Chapter 10. Two 3.2-mm threaded tip guide
pins are placed parallel to each other and also
parallel to the joint, 10 mm below the articular
surface. Pin placement is confirmed with image
intensification in two planes. Screw length is
determined from measurement off the guide
pins, and screws 5 mm shorter than measured
are selected to accommodate the compression of
the split portion of the fracture. In osteoporotic
bone, use of washers is mandatory to assist in
fragment compression during seating of the
screws. The bone tamp and guide wires are
removed and any remaining harvested bone is
returned to the tibia. If the split portion of the
fracture had also been depressed prior to reduc-
tion, a third cannulated screw and washer may
be used as a mini-buttress at the most interior
aspect of the split fragment to assist in prevent-
ing distal migration of the fragment with post-
operative mobilization (Figure 11.13).
Postoperative management involves contin-
uous passive motion until flexion beyond 90° is
achieved. Non-weight bearing for 8 weeks is
FIGURE 11.12. An 8.0-mm cannulated drill bit is necessary to prevent loss of reduction during
used to enter the lateral tibial cortex and create early healing. A hinged, long-leg postoperative
a window to elevate the area of joint depres- knee brace is used for 12 weeks. At 8 weeks
sion. partial weight bearing in the brace is usually
204 11. The Knee: Arthroscopic Surgery

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chondritis dissecans-does the lesion unite? J osteochondral fragments managed by Herbert
Bone Joint Surg 1990;72B:320. screw fixation. Clin Orthop 1987;224:71-78.
3. Cahill BR, Phillips MR, Navarro R. The results of 22. Leggon R, Lindsey RW, Doherty BJ, et al. The
conservative management of juvenile osteochon- holding strength of cannulated screws compared
dritis dissecans using joint scintigraphy. A pro- with solid core screws in cortical and cancellous
spective study. Am J Sports Med 1989;17(5):601- bone. J Orthop Trauma 1993;7(5):450-457.
605. 23. Shaw J. A biomechanical comparison of scaphoid
4. Twyman RS, et al. Osteochondritis dissecans of screws. J Hand Surg 1987;12A:347-353.
the knee. A long term study. J Bone Joint Surg 24. Asnis SE, Ernberg JJ, Bostrom MPG, et al. Can-
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440-447. Florida, 1995.
6. Enneking WF. In: Enneking WF, ed. Circulatory 25. Aglietti P, Buzzi R, Bassi P, et al. Arthroscopic
diseases of bone. Clinical Musculoskeletal Pathol- drilling in juvenille osteochondritis dissecans of
ogy. Gainesville, FL: Storter Printing, 1986;166- the medial femoral condyle. Arthroscopy 1994;
168. 10(3):286-291.
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26. Lee C, Mercurio e. Operative treatment of osteo- 32. Guanche C, Markman A. Arthroscopic manage-
chondritis dissecans in situ by retrograde drilling ment of tibial plateau fractures. Arthroscopy 1993;
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plateau fractures. Arthroscopy 1985;1(3}:160-168. Warsaw, IN: Zimmer, 1992, 1993.
Use of Cannulated Screws in Anterior
Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Nicholas A. Sgaglione

The management and surgical approach to ante- fascia lata.4,6.8, 12, 13, 17,22 Allograft tissue has also
rior eruciate ligament (ACL) tears has dramati- been used in addition to various synthetic liga-
cally evolved over the last 15 years. Advances ment devices including stents, scaffolds, and
in basic science, clinical studies of knee ligament prostheses.21
pathophysiology, more precise diagnostic skills, The precise placement of graft tissue is. pre-
and the use of magnetic resonance imaging have dicated upon the concept of isometry and
contributed to a heightened focus on the ACL. reproduction of the graft insertion site or foot-
The increased emphasis on fitness and sports print. Selection of graft fixation depends upon
participation as well as the greater demand by the graft construct. Fixation options for ham-
recreational athletes for return to preinjury knee string tendons or fascia lata grafts include the
function have led to an increase in ACL surgery. use of staples, sutures tied around a screw and
In the United States, ACL injury rates have been washer ("suture post"), plate and screw devices,
reported to occur at 0.38 per 1,000 per year and or metallic or plastic buttons.23- 25 Bone-tendon-
it is estimated that over 75,000 ACL recon- bone constructs such as central-third (patella)
structions are performed each year.I-3 As fur- bone tendon (tibia tubercle) bone autografts or
ther attention is directed toward the ACL and allografts that include bone block attachments
the success of ACL surgery becomes more pre- such as Achilles tendon-calcaneal bone blocks,
dictable, an increase in these numbers may be are more commonly fixed using interference fit
seen. screws. 12,26-29 Proponents of the use of patella
Numerous treatment techniques have been tendon bone-tendon-bone grafts feel that grafts
reported and over 20 various reconstructive harvested with bone insertions attached provide
methods have been published in the litera- immediate optimal stability through the use of
ture. 4- 20 The current methods used to surgically interference-fit screws and ultimate fixation by
treat ACL tears have developed in parallel with bone-to-bone union.30-35 Since the introduction
the advances seen in operative arthroscopy and of interference-fit screws, several modifications
most practitioners currently utilize arthroscopy and screw technique advances have developed
as part of the technique of ACL reconstruc- including the addition of cannulated systems.
tionp,21 Knee arthroscopy aids in the diag- This chapter details the use of interference-fit
nostic evaluation of the entire joint as well as screws, specifically cannulated screw designs,
treatment of chondral and meniscal injuries and used in ACL reconstruction.
repair and/or substitution of the tom ACL. ACL
reconstruction usually involves replacement of
the tom ligament with a biomechanically and
functionally suitable ligament graft. Graft selec-
History and Design
tion, placement and fixation may vary depend-
ing on clinical preferences. Graft choices include Intraarticular reconstruction of the ACL using
the use of autografts such as the central-third a patellar tendon bone block technique was
patellar tendon, combinations of semitendinous described by Jones36 in 1963 and further modi-
and gracilis hamstring tendons, or segments of fied and popularized by Clancy9 in 1981 and

N.A. Sgaglione 207

Noyes et al. 37 in 1983. Initial fixation techniques tapping screw design was not cannulated and
included the use of nonabsorbable sutures placed was made of titanium alloy (Ti6AL4V). The
through drill holes in the graft bone block original size specifications included 5.5 -, 7-, and
brought out of the bone tunnels and tied over a 9-mm outer diameter screws in lengths of 20 to
plastic button or secured with a staple. In 1983, 40 mm in 5-mm increments. The original tip
LamberP8 first reported on the use of a 30-mm- angle of the screw was 35° (it has recently been
long AO 6.5-mm cancellous screw to produce changed to 29°) and the minor diameter 4.2 mm
an "interference" fit. This allowed for a cog- (for the 7-mm screw design) and 5.5 mm (for the
wheel type of fixation whereby the screw 9-mm screw design): The thread pitch was 2.25
engages within the bone tunnel both the bone mm and the screwdriver insertion slot design
block and inner side wall of the tunnel. The first was a hexagonal broach (2.5 mm wide for the
report of a fixation screw specifically designed 7-mm and 3.5 mm wide for 9-mm screw).
for ACL reconstruction use was in 1987 when As demand for ACL surgery increased and
Kurosaka et al. 34 introduced and reported on a in particular use of the patellar tendon bone-
custom-designed large diameter 9.0-mm self- tendon-bone graft became more popular, inter-
tapping screw. ference screw fixation options rapidly evolved.
The "M. Kurosaka" interference fit screw Numerous commercial equipment companies
(DePuy, Warsaw, IN) became available for clini- expanded upon existing technologies and pro-
cal use in 1987 (Figure 12.1). The original self- vided for innovative design modifications. In
1989, the first cannulated screw design was
introduced (Concept; Linvatec, Largo, FL) with a
spiral tip titanium alloy screw design available
in 5.75-, 7-, 8-, and 9-mm outer diameter screws
of 20- to 40-mm lengths (in 5-mm increments).
The minor diameters were 3.9, 4.8, 5.2 and
5.6 mm for the 5.75-, 7-, 8-, and 9-mm screws
respectively. The larger screws (7, 8, and 9 mm)
all had a 1.67-mm screw cannulation and were
used in conjunction with a 1.5-mm diameter
nitinol nickel alloy or stainless steel cannulated
guide wire.
Design modifications included sharper start-
ing threads and blunted body threads for ease of
insertion and less potential for graft injury. The
endoscopic transtibial modifications of the orig-
inal arthroscopic-assisted technique, which was
introduced in 1989 by Rosenberg, heightened
the concern that the graft could be injured
by intraarticular retrograde (distal to proximal
from the arthroscopic portal toward the femoral
tunnel) insertion of the femoral interference
screw. 16,39,40 Several design modifications fol-
lowed to address this issue. Screw polishing
using a tumbler finish was marketed in 1992 to
further reduce the chance that the screw could
injure the graft when placing it endoscopically
into the femoral tunnel (Cannu-Flex Silk; Acufex
Microsurgical, Mansfield, MA). Rounded head
FIGURE 12.1. M. Kurosaka interference screw. femoral screws were also developed to increase
(Photograph used with permission from DePuy, the safeness of endoscopic insertion (Guards-
Inc., Warsaw, IN.) man; Linvatec, Largo, FL, and Arthrex Inc.,
208 12. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

Naples, FL). Sheathed screw systems have also

been introduced to allow for intraarticular
advancement and delivery of the femoral screw
toward the femoral tunnel in a plastic cannula
(Arthrex Inc., Naples, FL) (Figure 12.2). The spi-
ral tip design of the screw was modified in 1992
with the introduction of a double helix insertion
tip, which would presumably facilitate more
precise insertion (Figure 12.3) (Propel; Linvatec,
Largo, FL).
Cannulated interference screw systems have
become more commonly used and most designs
now incorporate cannulation since it affords
more precise screw placement. The initial prob-
~ems reported with cannulation use including
breakage and wire incarceration, have been re-
duced by improvements in the guide wires. 41
Wire diameters have been enlarged in some
designs to 1.5 mm (Cannu-Flex Silk 1.5; Acufex,
Mansfield, MA) and 2.0 mm (Arthrex Inc.,
Naples, FL).
Most recently, attention has been turned to
the use of bioabsorbable implants.37,42-46 This
technology has begun to be applied toward
interference-fit screws. A bioabsorbable design
was released in 1994 (Bioscrew; Linvatec, Largo,
FL) which is made of a homopolymer derived
from poly-L-Iactide, a synthetic polyester asso-
ciated with delayed absorption (up to 2 years).
The screw is available cannulated in 7-, 8-, and
9-mm diameters and 20- to 30-mm lengths (in
5-mm increments). The driver hexagonal broach
has been replaced by a hi-lobed broach design.
A bioabsorbable screw composed of lactic acid
and glycolic acid has also been developed, and
is available in the United States after being clini-
cally studied in Europe (Biodegradable Screw;
Instrument Makar, Okemos, MI). Further speci-
fications of commercially available interference
screws are listed in Table 12.1.

Advantages of Cannulated
Interference Screws
FIGURE 12.2. Arthrex sheathed cannulated
Cannulated interference screw systems provide screw. (Photograph courtesy of Arthrex Inc.,
multiple advantages over the initially introduced Naples, FL.)
first-generation noncannulated systems. Endo-
scopic placement of the femoral interference
N.A. Sgaglione 209

a b
FIGURE 12.3. (a) A double-helix thread permits designs. (Photograph courtesy of Linvatec, Inc.,
the screw to engage bone evenly on both sides, Largo, FL.)
limiting veering associated with (b) single-helix

screw is particularly facilitated by the use of the guide wire serves as a track to facilitate
cannulated interference screw systems. The can- smooth screw passage through the soft tissues.
nulation wire can reduce the potential for screw This is particularly helpful when passing the
divergence or convergence at the time of inser- screw through the tendon defect, since the
tion by reproducible guiding of the screw into infrapatellar fat pad tends to catch the screw.
the specifically desired position. 47 Avoidance of The guide wire also eliminates the possibility
divergence ensures optimum contact between that the screw can become dislodged from its
the screw and bone block, which contributes to driver and then become loose in the joint.
higher pullout strengths. 41,48 Avoidance of con- Finally, more precise depth can be gauged using
vergence reduces the chance that the bone block a cannulated guide wire. Several commercially
can be overly compressed by the screw, thereby available cannulated systems have calibrated
leading to block disruption or fracture. The use markings on the tip of the guide wire that allow
of cannulated interference-fit screws also reduces for more exact assessment of the depth of inser-
the chance of graft translocation, which can tion, thereby reducing the chance for an abnor-
occur when the screw is being inserted and the mal graft-screw length relationship.
bone block then spins (usually in a clockwise
manner) leading to an altered position place-
ment of the screw. This can lead to graft tendon
injury or laceration of the graft itself usually at
the bone-tendon junction. Another advantage to
the use of the cannulated screw systems is that Fixation is critical to the success of ACL recon-
at the time of screw insertion, either through struction and numerous studies reveal that
one of the arthroscopic portal incisions (usually most failures of the graft construct do so at the
the inferomedial joint line portal) or through the weak link, which is the point of graft attach-
central-third patellar tendon harvest site defect, ment. 29,34,49-53 The patella tendon bone-tendon-
TABLE 12.1. Specifications of commercially available interference screws.
Minor Thread Guide wire Guide wire
Company Trademark name Release MateriaP Type2 Sizes3 diameter4 pitch 4 diameter4 material 4,s Driver broach

Acufex Interference 1989 Ti NC 5.5 x 20-30 2.75

Microsurgical, 7 x 20-30 3.S 2.75 2.3
Mansfield, MA 9 x 20-30 5.5 2.75 3.4
Cannu-Flex 1990 Ti C 7 x 20-30 4.14 2.75 1 N 2.3
9 x 20-30 5.5 2.7S 1 N 3.4
Cannu-Flex Silk 1992 Ti C 7 x 20-30 4.14 2.75 1 N 2.7
8 x 20-30 2.75 1 N
9 x 20-30 5.0 2.75 1 N 3.4
·Cannu-Flex Sil,k 1995 Ti C 7 x 20-30 5.0 2.75 1.5 N 3.4
1.5 8 x 20-30 2.75 1.5 N
9 x 20-30 6.95 2.75 1.5 N 3.4 ..
Arthrex Inc., Nonsheathed 1993 Ti ClNC 6 x 20-40 4.2 2.0 1.5 N 2.5 ~
Naples, FL Sheathed 1993 Ti ClNC 7 x 20-40 5.1 2.1 2.0 N 3.5 >
8 x 20-40 5.5 2.3 2.0 N 3.5 :I
T-Screw 1993 Ti 9 x 20-40 6.0 2.5 2.0 N 3.5
10 x 20-40 6.6 2.7 2.0 N " 3.5
DePuy, Inc., M. Kurosaka 1987 Ti NC 5.5 x 25-30 2.5
Warsaw, IN 7 x 20-40 4.2 2.25 2.5 c:
9 x 20-40 5.5 2.25 3.5 ij.
M. Kurosaka 1989 Ti C 7 x 20-40 4.2 2.25 1.14 SS/N 2.5 If
cannulated 9 x 20-40 5.5 2.25 1.57 5S/N 3.5
Advantage 1993 Ti ClNC 7 x 15-40 5.0 2.25 1.57 SS/N 3.5
9 x 15-40 5.8 2.25 2.28 SS/N 4.0
Instrument Perfixation 1993 5S NC 6,7,8,9 x 25 1.25 Threaded reversible
Makar, Biodegradable 1995 LA+GA NC 9 x 25
Okemos, MI r:
Linvatec, Inc., Conical tip inter- 1988 Ti NC 6.5 x 20-40 2.5 8
Largo, FL ference screw 9 x 20-40 3.5 ~
Cannulated inter- 1989 Ti C 5.7 x 20-30 3.9 2.3 <1 N 2.5 c:
ference screw 7 x 20-40 4.8 2.5 1.5 S5/N 3.5 g.
8 x 20-40 5.2 2.5 1.5 S5/N 3.5 :I
9 x 20-40 5.6 2.5 1.5 SS/N 3.5
Propel 1993 Ti C 7 x 20-30 4.8 5 1.5 5S/N 3.5
8 x 20-30 5.2 5 1.5 SS/N 3.5
9 x 20-30 3.5 5 1.5 SS/N 3.5
Guardsman femo- 1993 Ti C 7 x 20-30 4.8 5 1.5 SS/N 3.5
ral interference 8 x 20-30 5.2 5 1.5 SS/N 3.5
screw 9 x 20-30 5.6 5 1.5 S5/N 3.5
Bioscrew 1994 PL C 7 x 20-30 4.8 2.5 1 SS/N Trilobe
8 x 20-30 5.3 2.5 1 SS/N
9 x 20-30 5.6 2.5 1 SS/N
1 Ti,titanium alloy Ti6A14V; LA + GA, lactic acid + glycolic acid; PL, poly-L-Iactide; SS, stainless steel.
2 C, cannulated; NC, noncannulated.
3 Diameter by lengths (mm); length in 5-mm increments.
4 Minor diameter (mm); thread pitch (mm); guide wire diameter (mm); driver broach (mm).
5 N, nitinol; Ss, stainless steel.
N.A. Sgaglione 211

bone autograft strengths have been reported to for the 6.5-mm cancellous screw, and stiffness
have ultimate load to failure values of 2,000 to was noted to be 57.9 N/mm for the Kurasaka
3,000 newtons (N), whereas most time-zero fix- screw compared with 36.2 N/mm for the 6.5-
ation strengths have been reported to be 50 to mm cancellous screw. Similar findings were re-
1000 N.34 Furthermore, during the early post- ported in a porcine model by Paschal et al.,51
operative period the newly implanted graft may who found that interference screw fixation was
be mechanically vulnerable since revasculariza- stronger than postfixation (sutures tied over a
tion has been shown to reduce the strength cancellous screw and washer). Using 9-mm
of the graft.54,55 Therefore, the need to obtain diameter Kurasaka screws (DePuy, Warsaw, IN)
the most optimal initial fixation strength at the and lO-mm bone blocks, the mean ultimate loads
point of graft attachment is important. were higher (535 N) compared with postfixation
The use of an intraarticular bone-tendon-bone (309.1 N) using no. 5 nonabsorbable sutures
graft construct secured at the time of surgery tied around a 6.5-mm AO cancellous screw.
with interference fit screws has many mechani- Matthews and coworkers 33 reported in 1993
cal and biologic advantages. Early secure fixa- on fixation strengths of patellar tendon-bone
tion ensures maintenance of the intraoperatively grafts using several different fixation methods.
preset graft tension, contributes to the loading Force-displacement curves were generated and
of the graft itself, and anchors the graft allowing the mode of failure was studied. They found
earlier weight bearing, motion, and return to that the interference-fit screw fixation constructs
functional activities. Biologically, ligament graft afforded fixation strengths equal to or even
bone-block to bone-tunnel healing has been stronger than the graft itself. Failure during test-
shown to occur in 6 to 8 weeks, which appears ing was observed to occur by ligament rupture
to be sooner than animal model studies of ten- and bone plug pullout in most cases. One inter-
don graft healing in bone tunnels. 4.31,56 Mechani- esting finding was that when the interference
cal studies of fixation methods have shown that screw path adjacent to the graft bone block
the comparative pullout strengths of interfer- diverged, which occurred in three cases, then
ence-fit screws used with ligament bone blocks reduced fixation strength was noted. The use of
are superior. Kurosaka compared patellar tendon a cannulated interference screw system using a
cadaveric grafts fixed to the femur and tibia guide wire for direction to reduce the chance
with staples versus using no. 5 nonabsorbable that divergence can occur is cited by the study.
sutures tied over a plastic button versus using a Recent data reported by Steiner et al.S 7 as-
6.5-mm AO cancellous screw to achieve inter- sessed graft fixation techniques and compared
ference fit with the bone block.34 Analysis of biomechanical testing variables including max-
load-deformation curves revealed the interfer- imum load, stiffness, displacement at yield load,
ence screw constructs were associated with sig- and mechanism of failure. The ACL reconstruc-
nificantly higher values in terms of linear load, tions using patellar tendon grafts had a strength
stiffness, and maximum tensile strength than of 423 ± 125 N and a stiffness of 46 ± 24 N/mm.
either the suture/button or staple fixation meth- The study found that ACL reconstructions using
ods. In that same study, data indicated that use patellar tendon grafts and interference screws
of a 9.0-mm diameter interference-fit screw cus- have a closer to normal ACL stiffness than
tom designed for use in fixing ligament graft reconstructions using hamstring grafts.
bone blocks in tibial/femoral tunnels demon-
strated statistically significantly increased stiff-
ness, linear load, and maximum tensile strength Factors Affecting Screw
compared with the 6.5-mm AO cancellous
screw. The 9.0-mm Kurosaka screws provided Fixation Biomechanics
more than twice the pullout strength of the 6.5-
mm cancellous screws used as interference-fit The strength of the interference-fit screw con-
screws. The Kurosaka screw was associated with struct is dependent on the quality of the specific
a 436.5 N linear load compared with 160.9 N bone, the degree to which compression is
212 12. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

achieved in the bone tunnel including insertion BONE PLUG FIT

torque, the design and size of the particular
screw, its relationship with the bone block
including level of insertion, and the direction
and magnitude of forces acting upon the liga-
10mm tunnel 18

e 0
ment graft. 3o,53,58-63 In addition the effect of the
bone block shape has also been shown to affect Gap (mm) 6 4 2
mechanical strength.64 Interference fixation has
been shown to be affected by bone density, par-
Fixation Suture 9.0mm 7.0mm
ticularly as it relates to age. 2M3 This has been
screw screw
studied in animal and cadaveric models. Reznik
et a1. 61 observed that a lower pullout strength FIGURE 12.4. Gap size. (Photograph used with
was associated with studies in human cadav- permission from Alan Reznik, MD.)
ers with a mean age of 58.6 years compared
with those specimens with a mean age of 20.3
years. Similar findings were identified by other higher when the gap between the bone block
authors.26,3o,62 and tunnel was less than 4 mm. Reznik con-
cluded that when the gap size was greater than
4 mm, then a 9.0-mm-diameter screw rather
Insertion Torque than a 7.0-mm should be utilized (Figure 12.4).
The influence of insertion torque as well as Attention to the actual construct gap size was
screw diameter has been studied by Kohn and recommended using rod-like gap gauges of
Rose,28 who analyzed the comparative effective- increasing diameter (1 to 6 mm) to clinically
ness of 20-mm-Iong interference-fit screws of 7- determine whether a 7- or 9-mm screw should
and 9-mm diameters. Maximum insertion torque be used. Clearly, both bone block and tunnel
was also recorded and it was shown that when geometry can affect gap size.
the insertion torque exceeded 250 Nlcm, bone
block stability was noted. Insertion torque was
reported on by Brown et al.,62 who analyzed the
Bone Block Geometry
failure strength of interference screw fixation. Regarding the effect of geometry on bone block
The group coined the phrase "interference," fit and strength, Shapiro et al. 64 found that
defined as the screw diameter (outer thread circular bone plugs were 19.9% stronger than
diameter) minus the gap or maximum bone- trapezoidal matched plugs with greater pullout
block tunnel gap distance. Interference would strengths and decreased stress concentration
essentially be equivalent to the screw thread effects on the patellar harvest site. They recom-
engagement in the bone and was evaluated to mend a new technique of harvesting circular
be a predictor of failure load with an optimal patellar bone blocks.
interference or optimal screw size for a given
bone-block tunnel gap size.
Screw Design
Screw design, speCifically screw size, can affect
Gap Size biomechanical stability and has been reported by
The concept of gap size was originally reported Brown et a1. 60 in human cadaveric studies. The
by Reznik and Daniel. 61,65 In the laboratory, effect of screw thread length, screw diameter,
they found that gap size (which is the measured and screw core size on the fixation strength of
gap between the bone tunnel and bone block) the patellar tendon graft constructs was eval-
can affect screw pullout strength and is related uated. The authors found that when comparing
to screw insertion torque. In their healthy por- 5.5- and 7-mm diameter screws, there was a
cine bone model, the pullout load was noted to highly significant increase in pullout force for
be more optimal and the screw insertion torque the 7-mm compared to the 5-mm screw. It was
N.A. Sgaglione 213

also noted that the effect of screw diameter was Kohn and Rose 28 found that the 7-mm screws
not the same for each screw length. For the are not recommended for the tibial side tunnel
20-mm-Iong screws, the pullout force increased and that the tibial fixation was predictably
120%, when 7-mm screws rather than 5-mm weaker using a 7- versus 9-mm screw. Pre-
were inserted. However, for longer (25-mm) sumably the tibial tunnel bone wall consists of
screws, the pullout increased only 21% when substantially more cancellous bone than the
the diameter was increased from 5.5 to 7 mm. corresponding femoral side, which could affect
When the 7-mm screws were (endoscopically pullout.
and retrograde) inserted compared with 9-mm
screws (which were inserted using an antegrade
"rear entry" method), no significant difference in Pitfalls Associated with
pullout strength could be found. A similar result Interference Screw Fixation
was noted by Hulstyn et a1.,63 who also noted
superior biomechanical properties in bovine Several pitfalls exist in the use of interference
bone associated with using 7- and 9-mm diame- screws and have been described by Bach66
ter screws compared with 5.5-mm screws but as graft-screw length mismatch, tunnel-graft-
with no real difference between the 7- and 9-mm screw mismatch, tunnel-screw divergence, graft
diameter for both the tibia and the femur. It is advancements, graft fracture or transection,
important to point out that the gap was limited graft translocation, and suture laceration.
to 2 to 4 mm for all specimens. Hulstyn et al.
also studied screw length and found that for a
10-mm bone block, a 20-mm-Iong screw can be Graft-Screw Length Mismatch
exchanged for the 30-mm length without com-
promising stability. Graft-screw length mismatch can occur when
Brown et a1. 60 also studied the screw core the interference-fit screw length is too long or
diameters, comparing standard (3.5-mm core) inserted too far and intraarticular penetration
versus increased core diameter (4.42-mm core) occurs. With advancement of the screw beyond
in 5.5- and 7-mm overall diameter screws. No the bone graft the screw may ultimately lie in
significant difference was noted in pullout force contact with the tendinous portion of the graft
or insertion torque between the standard and resulting in graft abrasion and damage. If an
increased core screws. oversized screw is left proud and not inserted to
The length of the interference screw used its full length, then its prominence can result in
during reconstruction is more likely to be deter- overlying soft tissue inflammation (Figure 12.5).
mined by the bone block more than anything Franco et a1. 67 studied and reported on post-
else; however, the question of what screw and operative radiographs, which they found could
bone block length is optimal has been addressed be misleading with regard to the exact location
by Fulkerson et al. 41,47 They reported that of the tibial interference screw. They advised
equivalent pullout strength could be expected careful measurement of the tibial tunnel and
for bone blocks as short as 10 mm long com- bone block lengths prior to selecting the appro-
pared to blocks 20 mm long in porcine and priate screw length.
human cadaveric models. However, for blocks
5 mm long a marked weakening of the fixation
Tunnel-Graft-Screw Mismatch
strength was noted with significant decrease in
pullout. Tunnel-graft-screw mismatch can occur when an
inappropriately sized tunnel is drilled relative to
the size of the graft bone block. This has been
Tunnel Site
described in further detail by Reznik et a1. 61 in
Screw size selection is also dependent on their study of gap sizing. Difficulty can then
whether the tibial or femoral side is being arise with insertion of the interference screw
approached. In contrast to C. Brown's60 work, causing damage to the bone block or advance-
214 12. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

screw placement. Use of a cannulated screw

design can theoretically reduce divergence
(Figure 6b). Intraarticular insertion of the femo-
ral screw can be technically difficult and can be
associated with graft advancement (pushing and
countersinking of the bone block by the inter-
ference screw ahead of the screw instead of
parallel) and graft translocation (spinning of
the bone block around the screw). In addition,
divergence or especially convergence of the
interference screw can contribute to graft injury
including bone block fracture, tendon tran-
section, and leader suture laceration.39,4o,71,72 A
clinical radiographic analysis of interference
screw placement revealed that divergence signif-
icantly occurs.69 Furthermore, the study revealed
that anteroposterior and lateral screw angles
measured on the postoperative radiographs were
significantly different depending on whether the
femoral screws were placed endoscopically (ret-
rograde, from distal to proximal) or open (via an
antegrade-from proximal to distal-technique
using exposure of the distal femur through
a lateral femoral incision). In the endoscopic
group, 36% were noted to have divergent screws
with only one screw measured to diverge> 15°
FIGURE 12.5. Radiograph of graft-screw length compared with no divergence noted in the open
mismatch. The tibial screw is too superficial group.
and is not engaging the bone block. The clinical significance of divergence was
questioned by Fanelli et al.,7° who retrospec-
tively reviewed 97 patients who underwent
ment of the graft. Screw divergence also tends endoscopiC ACL reconstruction. In that study,
to occur more easily if the gap size is smaller radiographic analysis revealed that despite
and a larger screw is used as "gap size assess- attempted parallel placement of the femoral
ment," thereby making it more difficult to ini- interference screw (using a cannulation wire)
tiate the self-tapping screw, which can diverge. 46% of 48 patients had divergence between
the bone plug and the tunnel. Of the 46%,
the divergence was in the medial/lateral plane in
Divergence 7 patients with a mean angle of 20.3°, and in
Screw divergence has been reported on by 5 patients the divergence was in the anterior/
numerous authors including Pierz et al.,68 Ful- posterior plane with a mean angle of 20.6°. A
kerson et al.,47 Jomha et al.,48 Lemos et al.,69 and second group of patients in which no attempt
Fanelli et al. 70 A divergent interference screw to achieve parallel screw placement was made
pathway is defined by the position of the screw (screw placement through inferomedial portal)
relative to a guide wire placed laterally in the was noted to have a higher incidence of diver-
tunnel along the length of the bone plug (fig- gence as measured on postoperative radio-
ure 12.6a). Attention to divergence has been graphies with 84% being divergent (49% on the
heightened by the increasing popularity of the anterior/posterior views and 71% on the lateral
endoscopic technique of femoral interference views). Fanelli et al. reported on the clinical out-
N.A. Sgaglione 215

FIGURE 12.6. (a) Divergence of femoral inter- screw theoretically should prevent divergence
ference screw and bone block. (b) Divergence of the screw and the bone plug. (Reprinted with
and cannulated screw design. The cannulated permission from Matthews, L. et al. 33 )

come of these patients with a I-year minimum divergence with respect to the bone plug. The
follow-up (maximum of 2.5 years) and found effect on pullout strength was studied in four
that despite the high incidence of divergence, model groups in which the interference screw
no perioperative sequelae or clinical failure and bone block divergence angles were 0°, 10°,
could be demonstrated. These clinical results are 10° versus 20°, and 20° versus 30°. The most
important to consider since several authors have Significant difference was between 0° and 30°
demonstrated in the laboratory in animal and with a mean pullout strength noted to be 607 N
cadaveric bone models that divergence can sig- for 0° and 10° and 497 N for 20° and 30°.
nificantly reduce the pullout strength of the Jornha et al. concluded that divergent screw
interference screw-bone block construct. placement (from parallel with respect to the
Jornha et al. 48 found in the porcine animal bone plug) could affect fixation mechanical
model that there was a significant weakening of properties. These results are corroborated by a
fixation for screw angles measuring > 20° of study by Fulkerson et al. 47 in the bovine knee
216 12. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

model that found that when interference screws Screw Depth Placement
were placed at 15° and 30° of divergence, 15°
gave little dropoff in holding strength, whereas The effect of interference screw depth placement
30° of divergence resulted in a 77% reduction in has recently been studied. 73 Three levels of graft
screw holding strength. fixation on the tibia were evaluated to see if
Fulkerson and coworkers41 have further re- the actual level to which the screw is inserted
ported on the effects of divergence interfer- has any affect on knee stability. Ishibashi et
ence screws on linear load to failure in simulated alP measured anteroposterior tibial translation
ACL reconstructions in porcine knee models. under robotic loading conditions. They com-
Endoscopic (retrograde) tibial screw placement pared placement of the tibial screw proximally
(tibial articular side-entry point) was compared (just distal to the ACL insertion site on the tibial
to rear-entry (tibial cortical side-entry point) plateau) with central block and screw position in
placements. The endoscopic screw placement the tibial tunnel and distal fixation, just outside
was associated with a higher holding strength and distal to the tibial tunnel (for the distal
than the rear-entry method. In addition, at group an interference screw was not used). Pre-
divergence angles greater than 30°, statistically sumably the distal fixation model would be
significant decreases in pullout strength were analogous to extratunnel fixation constructs
noted. Fulkerson et al. reasoned that holding such as stapling a bone block in a trough just
strength would be maximized when more of the distal to the tibial tunnel or using a suture post.
interference screw threads engaged both the The study found significant differences for the
graft bone block and the tunnel wall. They point proximal fixation model, which resulted in the
out that in addition to the angle of divergence, most stable knee.
the actual tracking direction of the screw in
relation to the forces that act on the graft (ret-
rograde versus antegrade) may also playa role. Author's Preferred Technique
For example, endoscopic femoral screw place-
ment would require advancing the screw in The technique of arthroscopic ACL reconstruc-
the opposite direction of the applied load on tion using a central-third patellar tendon graft
the graft, and this contact may actually be has evolved from open methods and utilizes
more mechanically stable than if the loads were arthroscopy to approach graft tunnel, prepara-
applied in the same direction as the screw is tion, placement, and fixation. In general, the
advanced. 47,68 following steps make up the author's preferred
technique and surgical approach to ACL recon-
struction using cannulated interference screw
Guide Wire Pitfalls fixation.
Pitfalls that are specific to cannulated wire sys-
tems include complications related to screw
guidewire use. In five human cadaveric knees, a
1.1-mm-diameter stainless steel guide wire for a After anesthesia is administered the patient is
7-mm interference screw was studied.41 Inten- pOSitioned supine and a well-padded tourniquet
tional divergence was then achieved with the is applied to the affected thigh as proximally as
screws placed off the parallel plane of bone possible. (The tourniquet is infrequently used;
block and tunnel. Radiographics were obtained however, it is advised that it be applied and be
and revealed bending of the wire in all cases. available for inflation if needed.) A lateral post
This study points out that divergence can lead (Telos; Fallston, MD) is affixed to the operating
to guide wire bending, incarceration, or even table at the level of the distal junction of the
breakage. When the experiment was repeated tourniquet cuff and lateral to the affected limb,
with rigid guide wires, intended divergence was leaving approximately a four-Finger-breadth dis-
not as easy to achieve. tance between the patient's lateral thigh and
N.A. Sgaglione 217

the inner surface of the post. The lateral post

provides the surgeon with a point of leverage
allowing opening of the medial compartment
via valgus stress application. (Other surgeons
may prefer a leg holder.)

Examination Under Anesthesia
Both the affected knee and the contralateral pre-
sumed "normal" control knee are then examined
under anesthesia to assess the extent and degree
of patholaxity. Instability testing is performed Lateral
in all planes and rotary instability is graded. The
extent and degree to which the surgeon can
accurately document patholaxity on EUA deter-
mines whether the patellar-tendon autograft is
procured prior to arthroscopic examination of
the knee. If the surgeon has any doubt as to
whether the EUA of the affected knee confirms FIGURE 12.7. Endoscopic skin incisions.
the preoperative diagnosis of ACL deficiency,
then diagnostic arthroscopy should be per- incisions. One method is to use a single longi-
formed prior to harvesting of the ligament graft. tudinal midline incision extending from the in-
ferior pole of the patella and curving slightly
Graft Harvesting distally and medially to the tibial tubercle. The
alternative endoscopic incision technique uses
After prepping and draping of the knee, the two mini-transverse (2 to 3 cm) incisions placed
proposed incision and peri patellar graft harvest
at the inferior pole of the patella and just medial
sites are infiltrated with an injection of local
to the tibial tubercle overlying the proposed
anesthetic with epinephrine or sterile arthro-
tibial drill tunnel site (Figure 12.7). The pro-
scopic irrigation fluid injected with 1 cc of
posed advantages of the mini-transverse inci-
1: 1000 epinephrine in 3,000 cc of 0.9% normal
sions include cosme sis, less dissection, presum-
saline. An intraarticular injection of the fluid
ably less postoperative pain, and less chance for
with epinephrine is also given. If the graft is localized cutaneous nerve injury. After incising
harvested first (preferred technique if corrobo-
the skin, the patellar tendon is identified and the
rated by EUA), then two types of incisions may
patellar tendon paratendon is carefully incised
be utilized. To accomplish an endoscopic single
and retracted, allowing for later repair. The cen-
anterior approach to the ACL reconstruction
tral-third patellar tendon is identified, measured,
(retrograde placement of the femoral interfer-
and marked out with methylene blue. The patel-
ence screw), the incision (or incisions) are lim-
lar bone block is procured first after clearing the
ited to the anterior aspect of the knee. For two-
prepatellar bursal tissue and fascia. An electro-
incision arthroscopic approaches, in addition to
cautery facilitates marking out of the proposed
the anterior incision a lateral incision over the
bone cut sites.
lateral femoral condyle is also approached to
allow antegrade placement of the femoral inter-
ference screw.
Graft preparation
The endoscopic modification of the arthro- A 1.0-em oscillating saw is then used to cut
scopic-assisted ACL reconstruction technique the patellar bone block, which is generally har-
can be performed via two types of anterior knee vested as 20 mm long, 10 mm wide, and 8 mm
218 12. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

deep. A trapezoidal rather than square shaped site. The bone is then transferred and packed
bone block is preferable to reduce the chance of into the patellar defect to restore continuity of
inducing a stress riser at the patellar harvest site, bone stock and presumably reduce the potential
which could predispose to fracture. One oblique for patellar fracture and localized pain.
drill hole is placed in the patellar bone block
using a -inch drill bit and a no. 5 non-
Arthroscopy Examination
absorbable braided polyester suture (Mersilene,
Ethicon; Somerville, NJ) is passed through the Arthroscopic examination is commenced
block (which will be used as the proximal femo- through an inferolateral portal placed at the
ral bone block). A graft template is then used to level of the joint line and a saline pump inflow is
outline and sharply cut the central third of the used on the scope sheath. Instrumentation is
patella tendon taking care not to diverge (which passed through a corresponding inferomedial
can result in transection of the remaining ten- portal. The joint line portals can both be made
don) or converge (which can result in tran- through the retinaculum to avoid further skin
section of the graft). The underlying fat pad is portal incisions, and this can be facilitated with
left intact. an IS-gauge spinal needle, particularly if using
The tibial tubercle bone block is then ap- the dual mini-transverse incision technique. A
proached and a similarly sized block is har- third superomedial or superolateral portal may
vested, only instead of a 20-mm-Iong block a sometimes be necessary for outflow. A complete
25-mm block is procured. The tibial block is diagnostic examination of the joint is performed
similarly drilled but three drill holes are spaced after lavage (especially if hemarthrosis exists).
out passing three no. 5 nonabsorbable sutures Operative debridement and articular surface and
(the tibial tubercle bone block is used on the meniscal tissue surgery is then undertaken. If
tibial side). The free graft is then further cleared meniscal repair is to be performed, sutures are
and debrided of all fat and adventitia and then passed at this time but may be tied down after
tubed using a running 2-0 absorbable suture. the ACL reconstruction is completed.
The femoral bone block-tendon junction is
marked with methylene blue to facilitate later
arthroscopic visualization of the graft as it is Notchplasty
seated in the femoral tunnel. The bone blocks Soft tissue and bony debridement of the notch
are carefully chamfered to produce a rounded is then performed. Any remaining ACL stump
bullet-shaped configuration and to allow easy tissue is removed, allowing better definition of
passage through appropriately diameter-graft the preferred tibial and femoral drill sites as well
sizing tubes (9-, 10-, and ll-mm diameter). The as the location of the intact posterior cruciate
overall graft length is measured to assess ligament (PCL) position. Intercondylar notch
whether the graft-tunnel length relationships stenosis and the potential for graft impingement
will result in graft-tunnel mismatch (the result of are corrected. Landmarks include the most supe-
a graft that after femoral fixation is achieved rior and posterior margin of the medial wall of
ends up proud on the tibial side with protrusion the lateral femoral condyle (the "over-the-top"
of the tibial bone block, which can limit place- position), the "12 o'clock" midline position of
ment of an interference fit screw in the tibial the notch, the PCL insertion on the lateral wall
tunnel. The graft is then protected and stored of the medial femoral condyle, the intercondylar
on the back operative table in a towel mois- eminences or tibial spines, and the anterior hom
tened with antibiotic-impregnated saline. of the lateral meniscus.

Patellar Donor Site Grafting Selection of Tunnel Drill Sites

Cancellous bone is obtained with a curved cur- Selection of the tibial and femoral tunnel sites is
ette from the proximal tibial metaphyseal bone extremely important, and many studies have
through the tibial tubercle bone-block harvest addressed the concept of isometric placement of
N.A. Sgaglione 219

the ACl graft. The key points are that the graft unsatisfactory, then the guide wire is redrilled. If
attachment sites should provide the graft with the position is optimal, then a 10-mm cannu-
a passage free of bony impingement, with opti- lated reamer is used to drill over the guide wire,
mal tension and appropriate load distribution which is brought back and "capped" with a cur-
through a full arc of motion. Several commercial ette to protect inadvertent injury to the sur-
isometer devices are available and their use can rounding· tissues. In most cases, the tibial tunnel
be invaluable depending on the individual sur- is drilled to accept a 10-mm-diameter graft and a
geon's preference. The author, however, prefers 10-mm tunnel is drilled. The intraarticular edges
reliance on clearly defined landmarks and repro- of the tunnel· are chamfered, especially the pos-
ducible selection of bone tunnel positions. terior margins, to reduce graft abrasion. After
the tunnel is drilled, all bony debris should be
lavaged out of the joint and fluid extravasation
Tibial Tunnel can be reduced by using a commercially avail-
Both the endoscopic technique (using a trans- able covered cannula.
tibial tunnel to drill the femoral tunnel) from
distal to proximal in a retrograde fashion and
the arthroscopic-assisted technique (approach- Femoral Tunnel
ing the femoral tunnel via a transiliotibial band
incision overlying the condyle and antegrade If an arthroscopic-assisted technique is used,
drilling of the femoral tunnel) start with selec- the lateral transiliotibial band approach is made
tion and drilling of the tibial tunnel. The tibial and a femoral drill guide selected to guide the
ACl insertion site, the central region just ante- positioning of the femoral tunnel. Drilling of the
rior to the intercondylar eminence approx- guide pin is then performed in an antegrade
imately 7 mm anterior to the PCl bulk, and the manner under arthroscopic visualization through
posterior margin of the anterior hom of the lat- the inferolateral joint line portal.
eral meniscus all serve as tibial tunnel land- If an endoscopic transtibial technique is used,
marks. A posterocentral site is preferable taking then a 2.4-mm-diameter guide pin is passed ret-
into account the vector direction toward the rograde up the tibial tunnel through the joint
proposed femoral tunnel site and its relationship and into the notch toward the femoral tunnel
with the anterosuperior, medial, and lateral walls site. A position 3 to 5 mm from the "over-the-
of the intercondylar notch. top" margin is selected. It is important to clearly
A nonthreaded ;2 -inch-diameter trochar- define the bony margins since soft tissue can
tipped smooth Steinmann guide pin is used to obstruct visualization of the femoral tunnel site
drill the tibial tunnel using a commercially avail- location. Knee flexion of at least 90° facilitates
able drill guide. The angle of the tibial tunnel in guide pin passage and commercially available
relation to the longitudinal tibial axis can be transtibial femoral drill guides can be helpful.
adjusted accordingly, depending on the length The coronal plane positioning of the tunnel in
of the graft (if graft-tunnel mismatch is antici- the notch is approximately at 1:00 to 1:30 on
pated, a longer tibial tunnel may be preferable the face of a clock for a left knee and 10:30 to
and therefore use of a more widely angled tunnel 11:00 for a right knee. Another helpful landmark
position).74-76 The drill guide pin entrance site is can be that the guide pin should cross and be
approximately at the level of the tibial tubercle directly anterior the bulk of the intact PCL.
and 1 to 2 em medial to it. The guide pin is The femoral guide pin must be of sufficient
passed up into the joint under arthroscopic vis- length to be able to advance it in a retrograde
ualization through the inferolateral joint line fashion into the femur and out the anterior
portal and its position is carefully checked. It is thigh. The 2.4-mm-diameter extra-long guide
helpful to advance the guide wire toward the pin with suture eye (Arthrex Inc., Naples, Fl)
possible femoral drill tunnel site to allow assess- is preferred, since it allows guide pin drilling,
ment of potential notch impingement and the reamer drilling of the femoral tunnel over the
direction of the graft position. If the position is guide pin, and graft passage all in sequence,
220 12. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

thereby reducing surgical time. The guide pin is an arthroscopic probe, although the author has
drilled retrograde up through the femoral tunnel found a small Freer elevator to be helpful.
site and out the anterior femoral cortex, through
the anterior thigh musculature and out the skin
in one pass. The guide pin must be with the
Femoral Tunnel Keying
knee securely positioned in flexion and then Endoscopic femoral bone block fixation is
precisely captured upon visualization of its exit accomplished Arst. Keying the junction of the
over the anterior thigh (prepping and draping of bone block and tunnel marks out and provides a
the thigh as well as positioning of a cuff tourni- starting point for placement of the interference
quet must allow for ease of access to the pin exit screw guide wire and the femoral side inter-
site). After the drill pin is passed, its relationship ference-fit screw. Positioning of the tendinous-
at the femoral tunnel is carefully assessed. The insertion side to the femoral bone block (in
drill pin is then reamed with an appropriately general, the bone block is harvested from the
sized reamer, usually 10 mm in diameter. The patella) posteriorly tends to slightly posteriorize
potential for the tunnel to be too posterior the femoral graft insertion site, but more impor-
(posterior cortical breakout or disruption) or too tantly places the tendinous portion of the graft
anterior should be constantly monitored and further away from the screw insertion site. The
avoided. If posterior disruption does occur, then guide wire insertion site is then usually placed
the endoscopic technique can be converted to at the anterior junction of the femoral bone
the arthroscopic-assisted technique with the use block, which is the preferred placement site for
of a lateral femoral condylar incision. If the tun- the interference screw.
nel is too anterior, then this is far more signif-
icant and a new tunnel may need to be drilled.
In general, after reaming of the femoral tunnel,
Femoral Screw Placement
a 2- and 3-mm posterior cortical wall of bone After positioning the femoral bone block, a
is usually optimal. It is imperative to assess the guide wire is passed through the central-third
femoral tunnel prior to continuing the proce- patellar tendon defect harvest site, through the
dure. After satisfactory position is assured, the infrapatellar fat pad and into the keyhole at the
tunnel's edges are gently chamfered and all bony junction of the bone block and tunnel wall under
debris thoroughly lavaged out of the joint. direct arthroscopic visualization. (The inferome-
dial joint line portal or accessory medial portal
can also be used.) It is important that the knee
Graft Passage be flexed to at least 90° or more during the
endoscopic femoral screw placement. The can-
The graft is passed using the nonabsorbable nulated interference screw (using a 7 x 20 mm)
leader suture in a retrograde manner through is then passed over the guide wire and seated
the tibial tunnel using the endoscopic technique. with the cannulated screwdriver. The screw is
Graft passage using the arthroscopic-assisted advanced over the guide wire and the bone
technique is dependent on the individual sur- block fixed into place. Care is taken not to have
geon's preference whether the graft is passed the screw advance or translocate the bone block
distal to proximal or proximal to distal. Com- upon insertion. To avoid guide wire incarcer-
mercially available passers or looped 20-gauge ation fatigue or even breakage, the guide wire
stainless steel wire can facilitate the smooth pas- is slowly backed out as the screw becomes
sage of the graft. Placement and use of no. 5 approximately halfway seated. The final screw
nonabsorbable leader sutures is advised to allow insertion is carried out without the guide wire.
for the incorporation of the sutures in a suture- Upon final fixation of the femoral block the
post method of fixation if it is so desired. Posi- graft is inspected and tension is manually
tioning of the femoral bone block under direct applied to ensure a stable construct and secure
arthroscopic visualization can be performed with screw purchase. Palpation of the construct
N.A.Sgaglione 221

should always be performed with an arthro- with Ketorolac tromethamine (Toradol; Syntex,
scopic probe. Palo Alto, CA) reduce early postoperative dis-
comfort. A bulky cotton dressing is applied that
allows full motion and the knee is then placed in
Tibial Screw Placement
a hinged postoperative brace. Cryotherapy and
The graft may be twisted 90° upon itself at this continuous passive motion (0-90°) are encour-
point (to increase strength) and tensioned with aged immediately beginning in the recovery
the knee brought close to full extension. 77 It is room. The patients are usually discharged within
important to ensure that the tibial bone block 24 hours on crutches, advising partial weight
is freely mobile and not hung up in its tunnel, bearing as tolerated. An outpatient rehabilita-
since appropriate graft tensioning cannot be tive program is begun the following day.
accomplished. The tibial bone block is then
positioned to avoid suture laceration upon
insertion of the tibial screw. A cannulated screw
system facilitates this and, as on the femoral
side, reduces the incidence of divergence, con-
vergence, block disruption, injury, or transloca- Significant advances in the surgical approach to
tion. With tension applied at all times on the ACL reconstruction have resulted in a reproduc-
tibial block, using the bone block sutures, the ible and in general successful technique to help
tibial screw is passed over its guide wire and restore the function of this ligamentous stabil-
inserted into position. izer. The evolution of ACL reconstruction sur-
gery has proceeded toward methods associated
with less perioperative morbidity through the
Final Inspection
use of limited-incision arthroscopic-assisted
Upon completion of graft fixation, the graft is techniques. The central-third patellar tendon
once again arthroscopically inspected for posi- bone-tendon-bone autograft is currently favored
tion, ensuring that there is no notch impinge- by many surgeons, since it is associated with
ment and that appropriate tension is palpable optimal mechanical and biologic properties and
in the graft fiber bulk. Patholaxity tests are because it can be securely fixed using interfer-
repeated and documentation of elimination of ence-fit screw fixation.
the preoperatively noted instability should be Multiple biomechanical and clinical studies
confirmed. In addition, the knee should be taken have supported the use of interference screws
through a full range of motion. All meniscal for graft fixation, and numerous improvements
repair sutures would at this time be tied and in the design and delivery of these screws have
secured and the joint is irrigated and lavaged of been seen since they were first introduced in
any possible remaining debris. 1988. The use of cannulated interference screw
systems has significantly contributed to the
technique by affording a more precise and
reproducible method of achieving secure screw
The closure begins by loosely approximating fixation with greater ease of use.
the central-third patellar tendon defect with a The potential pitfalls of peri operative loss of
continuous 2-0 absorbable suture. It is advis- fixation, divergence, graft translocation, and
able to place a drain usually adjacent to the graft injury may all be reduced and avoided
tibial tunnel block since occasionally postopera- through the appropriate use of cannulated fixa-
tive oozing can occur and result in a hematoma. tion systems. Technical attention to gap sizing,
The drain is removed in 12 to 24 hours. Upon graft-tunnel mismatch, and screw insertion with
completion of the skin incisional closure, a post- guide wire retrieval may all further contribute to
operative intraarticular injection of morphine less potentially associated morbidity. A specific
and bupivacaine with epinephrine can, along endoscopic-ACL reconstruction technique pre-
222 12. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

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Ankle Fractures
Stanley E. Asnis and Mathias P.G. Bostrom

Ankle fractures form part of the spectrum of Superficial deltoid ligament

ankle injuries, which range from simple low- Deep deltoid ligament
energy closed ankle sprains to high-energy Lateral: Lateral malleolus
open fractures and dislocations of the tibiotalar Lateral collateral ligament complex
joint. The ankle joint is an intrinsically unstable Anterior talofibular ligament
complex hinge joint that depends on both bony Posterior talofibular ligament
and ligamentous anatomy for stability. Although Calcaneofibular ligament
there are no clear boundaries to the ankle, by Anterior: Anterior tibiofibular ligament
convention injuries of the ankle are defined as Posterior: Posterior tibiofibular ligament
those involving the supramalleolar region of the Posterior malleolus
tibia and fibula, including the soft tissues that
In addition to the anterior and posterior tibio-
support the tibiotalar joint. It is a joint that
fibular ligaments, the fibula and tibia anatomy
requires precise structural integrity for proper
is maintained by the transverse tibiofibular liga-
function. Accordingly when it is injured, it
ment and the more proximally by the interos-
requires anatomic restoration for a satisfactory
seous ligament (Figure 13.1).
outcome regardless of whether operative or
While no muscles cross the ankle joint,
nonoperative techniques are employed. 1
numerous tendons cross the ankle joint: posteri-
orly the Achilles and plantaris tendons; medially
the tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus,
Structural Anatomy and flexor hallucis longus; anteriorly the tibialis
anterior, extensor digitorum longus, extensor
The bony anatomy of the ankle joint is complex
hallucis longus, and peroneus tertius; and later-
with functional articulations not only between
ally the peroneus longus and brevis (Figure
the tibiotalar joint but also between the fibulo-
talar joint and the tibiofibular joint. The tibia
and fibula are structurally aligned to form a par-
tially constrained mortise as first described by Clinical Relevance
Maisonneuve in the 19th century.2 Within this
The bony and ligamentous structures are vital
mortise sits the wedge-shaped talus, which is
to maintaining the integrity of the joint and to
slightly wider anteriorly than posteriorly.3 This
maintaining the talus within the mortise. The
bony anatomy allows for dorsiflexion and plan-
importance of maintaining full congruity of the
tar flexion of the ankle, with pronation, supina-
joint is emphaSized by the fact that a 1-mm shift
tion, eversion, external rotation, and internal
laterally of the talus reduces the contact area
rotation occurring at the subtalar joints. Stabil-
of the tibiotalar joint by 42%.5 With further lat-
ity is .achieved by four groups of bony and liga-
eral displacement of the talus the contact area
mentous structures4 :
was progressively reduced but then rate of
Medial: Medial malleolus change for each increment of shift was less
Medial collateral ligament marked. The clinical significance of this con-

226 13. Ankle Fractures

separating the incisions should be maximized to

avoid wound problems.

Neurovascular Anatomy
Anterior Tibiofibular Posterior Tibiofibular There are two major neurovascular bundles that
Ligament Ligament cross the ankle joint. The anterior neurovascular
bundle consisting of the deep peroneal nerve
and the dorsalis pedis artery cross the ankle
joint· beneath the extensor retinaculum between
the tibialis anterior and the extensor hallucis
longus tendons. The posterior bundle consisting
of the posterior tibial artery and tibial nerve
crosses posterior to the medial malleolus be-
tween the tendons of the flexor digitorum longus
and the flexor hallicus longus. Three other
nerves cross the joint: (1) the saphenous nerve,
Lateral Ligament Complex Superficial Deltoid Ligament
which passes anterior to the medial malleolus
FIGURE 13.1. Bony and ligamentous anatomy of and runs along the saphenous vein; (2) the
the lateral and medial ankle. superficial peroneal nerve, which lies just lat-
eral to the anterior midline; and (3) the sural
nerve, which lies posterior the fibula along with
tact loss is still not fully understood; however, the short saphenous vein (Figure 13.3).
many surgeons believe that this will predispose
the ankle to later degenerative arthritis. The sta-
bility of the ankle joint is dependent upon the
Clinical Relevance
anterior, posterior, lateral, and medial complexes. Avoidance of injury to tendons, nerves, or ves-
If only one group is lost, stability will be main- sels during surgery is essential for proper motor
tained, but as further groups are lost the stability function and sensation of the foot and to avoid
of the ankle joint becomes further compromised vascular compromise and painful neuroma for-
regardless of the pattern of injury sustained. mation. Care must be taken with incisions about
Thus if there is complete disruption of the the ankle to avoid and/or protect these tendons
medial structures with displacement of the lat- and neurovascular structures. During open pro-
eral complex there is gross instability. Similarly cedures these structures are under direct visual-
if all four groups are lost the ankle will be com- ization. When performing percutaneous tech-
pletely unstable. niques these structures are not visualized. The
In addition to the importance of the bony and specific areas of concern are the anterior ankle,
ligamentous anatomy for proper joint function, posteromedial ankle, and the area just posterior
care must also be taken in preserving the soft to the distal fibula. The first two areas contain
tissue envelope surrounding the ankle joint, a complex of tendons, vessels, and nerves,
since only tendons and skin and no muscles whereas the third contains the peroneal tendons.
make up this envelope. The Significance of this The remaining ankle circumference can be uti-
is that wounds may be difficult to heal and the lized more safely, with some care reserved for
surgical incision must be well planned to avoid the saphenous nerve and vessel anteromedially
skin compromise. In general the skin on the and the sural nerve laterally (Figure 13.3).
lateral and medial sides of the ankle is very thin When approaching the ankle, proper tech-
and must be treated with special care during nique dictates that after making the initial skin
any manipulation or intervention involving the incision, the subcutaneous tissues should be
ankle. If two incisions are used the skin bridge hluntly spread with a hemostat and retracted. A
S.E. Asnis and M.P.G. Bostrom 227

Flexor digitorum longus

Tibialis posterior
Flexor hallucis longus

Calcaneal tendon

Deltoid ligament a

Tibialis anterior
Calcaneal tendon Extensor digitorum longus

Peroneus brevis
Peroneus longus Extensor hallucis longus

Peroneus tertius b
FIGURE 13.2. Soft tissue anatomy of the ankle joint. (a) medial view and (b) lateral view.

cylindrical tissue protector is placed onto the the positive rake cutting flutes to cut and tap
bone prior to drilling or guide pin placement. the bone with advancement of the screw.
A self-tapping cannulated screw system with a
positive rake cutting tip is advantageous (see
Chapter 2). At the time of initial screw place- Classification
ment over the guide pin, the screw is initially
turned counterclockwise so that it is blunt and Since Henderson 6 in 1932 proposed his ankle
does not grab or cut soft tissues. After the screw fracture classification system consisting of uni-,
tip has been advanced past the soft tissues and bi-, and trimalleolar fractures, there have been
down to the bone's cortex, the direction is numerous more-involved classification schemes
reversed into a clockwise direction allowing for proposed. Lauge-Hansen proposed what is prob-
228 13. Ankle Fractures

Anterior Tibial
Nerves and Vessels

Saphenous Vein

Sural Nerves Posterior Tibial

Nerves and Vessels

FIGURE 13.3. Cross section just proximal to ankle joint indicating location of major neurovascular

ably the most comprehensive scheme in 1950 posed a type C injury pattern with the fibula
based on clinical, radiographic, and experimental fracture above the syndesmosis, which may be
observations. 7 SpeCifically he proposed a system either a pronation-external rotation injury or a
of fracture classification that is based on the pronation-abduction injury.
position of the foot at time of injury followed Tile lO proposed a system depending on the
by the direction of the deforming force on the deforming force on the ankle at time of injury.
foot. There are four main subdivisions of this A type I injury consists of an adduction-inver-
system: (1) supination-adduction, (2) supination- sion injury pattern causing a lateral injury below
external rotation, (3) pronation-abduction, and the syndesmosis. The injury pattern matches the
(4) pronation-external rotation. Each of these supination-adduction injury pattern proposed
injury patterns can then be subdivided into vari- by Lauge-Hansen and the Weber type A inju-
ous stages, depending on the severity of the ries. A type II injury is an external rotation-
injury. Thus each group is composed of a spec- abduction injury pattern prodUcing an injury to
trum of injuries depending on the severity. the lateral complex at or above the syndesmosis.
While comprehensive, this system is cumber- This type of injury corresponds to the supina-
some and of limited clinical usefulness. tion-external rotation, pronation-abduction, and
Weber and Danis separately proposed a sys- pronation-external rotation injuries seen in the
tem that classified the injury dependent on the Lauge-Hansen system and the type B and C
location of the fibula fracture, with higher fibula injuries of the Weber system Tile further clas-
fractures indicating more extensive damage to sified these injuries as being stable or unstable
the tibiofibular ligaments with concomitant depending on the stability of the ankle mortise
increase in mortise instability.8,9 A type A injury with stable injuries being defined as those that
is a fibular fracture below the tibial plafond and cannot be displaced by physiologic forces.
corresponds to the Lauge-Hansen supination-
adduction injury pattern. With this injury the
Clinical Relevance
tibiotalar joint is stable and rarely requires inter-
nal fixation. Type B injuries are oblique spiral To be useful, a classification system must help in
fractures of the fibula caused by external rota- the management of the fracture and allow com-
tion. This injury is equivalent to the supination- parison of treatment results. While all the classi-
external injuries of Lauge-Hansen. Weber pro- fication systems described above are useful in
S.E. Asnis and M.P.G. Bostrom 229

understanding the injury sustained, the clinician lyzed so as to adequately plan the incision(s)
is most concerned about how to best manage and type of internal fixation necessary.
the injury. Thus, which classification scheme one Evaluation of the entire patient is also essen-
uses is not as important as understanding how tial prior to operative intervention. Surgery
to reduce the fracture and understanding which should be carried out as soon after injury as the
injury patterns are unstable and will require condition of the patient and soft tissues allow.
operative intervention to achieve stability and This is ideally within 6 to 8 hours or before any
restore the congruity of the joint. true swelling or fracture blisters develop.9 If
delay cannot be avoided, then the ankle should
be gently reduced, immobilized, and elevated to
prevent further soft tissue injury and to decrease
Management swelling. Occasionally skeletal traction or exter-
nal fixation is indicated.
Since Pott l l first stressed the importance of ana-
Ankle procedures are frequently performed
tomic reduction of ankle fractures in the late
with the patient in the supine position with a
18th century, restoring joint stability and con-
sandbag under the affected buttock. With a large
gruity remain essential in the treatment of ankle
posterior malleolar fragment, a prone or lateral
fractures. Ideally, the goals of treatment are to
position is often advantageous. For open proce-
obtain anatomic reduction, maintain this reduc-
dures, a tourniquet is highly recommended.
tion, and recover prefracture function with a
In the treatment of ankle fractures cannulated
mobile painless ankle. The choice of operative
screw techniques are commonly mixed with
versus nonoperative treatment depends on many
standard AO-ASIF techniques, i.e., fixation of
factors including the expectations of the patient,
the fibula with an AO interfragmentary screw
the general medical condition of the patient, the
and a one-third tubular plate, and the medial and
weight of the patient, bone quality, skin swell-
posterior malleoli with cannulated screws.
ing and condition, the patient's other injuries,
and the expertise and equipment of the surgical
team. If a closed reduction and immobilization Advantages of Cannulated Screws
will result in a congruous stable joint, then non-
operative management is indicated. If stable The use of cannulated screws in the treatment of
anatomic restoration is not achievable by closed ankle fractures is not intended to replace stan-
techniques, then operative intervention is usu- dard AO / ASIF procedures of open fracture fixa-
ally indicated. tion but rather to supplement these techniques.
There are several advantages of using cannu-
lated screws in ankle fracture fixation:
Operative Techniques 1. Ankle fractures are very accessible to fluoro-
scopic use. Fluoroscopic controlled guide pin
The operative techniques to be described are placement can improve accuracy of position-
outlined by anatomic region. These fractures ing the screw.
may be solitary or in the different combinations a. The guide pin can be used as a handle for
as described by Lauge-Hansen or Weber and reducing the fracture fragment.
Danis. It is important to plan the operative pro- b. The guide pin can be repositioned with
cedure from good anteroposterior, lateral, and minimal host bone disturbance as com-
mortise radiographs. If needed, a radiograph of pared with repositioning an already-placed
the entire tibia and fibula including the knee screw.
may also be indicated. A contralateral mortise c. Guide pins can allow temporary fixation of
view may be of value. On occasion a computed one element of a complex fracture while
tomography (CT) scan can be very helpful in another is being fixed.
planning the fixation of the comminuted distal d. Guide pins used for temporary fixation
tibia. The entire injury pattern should be ana- can be positioned in the ideal position in
230 13. Ankle Fractures

the fracture fragment and left in place for Lateral Malleolar Fractures
the final screw placement. Temporary wire
fixation in solid screw techniques can get
in the way of the solid screw need for final Indications
e. The guide pin can be used to establish the Since the fibula is often considered the key to
ideal screw's length prior to screw place- stability of the ankle, most displaced fractures of
ment. the distal fibula require operative reduction and
2. Percutaneous or very limited exposures can fixation. 9 Although rigid fixation with an inter-
be utilized. This is advantageous compared fragmentary compression screw and a neutrali-
with the wide exposures often needed to zation or compression plate gives excellent fixa-
access the posterior malleolus. tion, in the elderly rodding techniques have also
3. Guide pins can be passed entirely through been shown to be very effective even though
the bone and allowed to exit the opposite there is less inherent stability. Pritchett studied
side of the leg (i.e., the treatment of posterior SO patients over 6S years of age randomized in
malleolar fractures). The final cannulated two 2S-patient groupS.12 One group was treated
screw can then be passed over the guide pin with Rush rods and the other with AO plates.
from either direction depending on the frac- Eighty-eight percent of patients treated with
ture configuration. intramedullary rods had good or fair result
4. Parallel placement of screws if desired is compared with 76% undergoing plate and screw
facilitated with the use of jigs and guide pins. fixation. Full weight bearing was possible 6
weeks earlier with Rush rods than with AO
plates, and there was less morbidity in the intra-
Authors' Preferred Equipment medullary rodded group. The authors have had
Drill (optional): A 2.0-mm by lS0-mm steel a similar experience and agree with more limited
drill, which can be used with a direct reading fixation than AO plating in selected cases.
depth gauge. Guide pin: A 2.0-mm by lS0-mm Nondisplaced avulsion fractures of the fibula
guide pin with a threaded tip and tapered root (supination-adduction/Weber type A) may not
diameter (see Chapter 2). Screw head: Round require operative repair, but displaced unstable
head with an internal 3.5-mm hexagon. Screw avulsion injuries generally require reduction
thread (cancellous type): Outer diameter-S.O mm; and fixation. This is especially true if there is
reverse cutting flutes; self-cutting, self-tapping an associated medial complex injury and/or an
positive rake tip. Cortical type: Outer diameter: osteochondral fracture of the tibia or talus.
4.S mm fully threaded. Material: 316 LVM Similarly, in stable nondisplaced eversion-
stainless steel. Washers: S.O-mm system washers. abduction-type injuries nonoperative treatment
System accessory equipment: A 20- to 70-mm is indicated. If the stability of the ankle remains
depth gauge, 2.0-mm pin guide, soft tissue pro- uncertain, then examination under anesthesia is
tection sleeve, and cannulated overdrill. (This indicated. In unstable injuries even if an ade-
reams over the guide pin to the diameter of the quate reduction is achieved by closed means, the
root of the screw thread or the shaft of the lag ankle must be placed in internal rotation with
screw and not to the outer diameter of the a high incidence of redisplacement due to the
screw thread. This is a smaller hole than a glide lack of a stable medial buttress. Therefore, most
hole used to obtain a lag effect with a fully eversion-abduction (Weber B and C) injuries
threaded screw.) Occasionally smaller cannu- require operative reduction and fixation.
lated screws are utilized; however, the authors Fractures of the proximal fibula associated
prefer the 4.S- to S.O-mm sizes for holding with ankle injuries (Maisonneuve-type) usually
power and the ability to use a 2.0-mm guide pin do not require internal fixation but may need
for preliminary placement and fixation. Smaller a syndesmotic screw for adequate stabilization
guide pins have the disadvantage of increased depending on the other associated injuries to
flexibility. the ankle.
S.E. Asnis and M.P.G. Bostrom 231

An Approach Specific to the lateral malleolus medially and tend to close

Percutaneous and Limited Open the ankle mortise. Because of the increased
width at the end of the fibula the entrance site
Reductions for a screw may be slightly lateral and the screw
The fibula is readily accessible to percutaneous directed slightly medially across the fracture.
and limited exposures. The area posterior to the Since the Rush rods are much longer they are
lateral malleolus is avoided to prevent interfer- committed completely by the direction of the
ence with the peroneal tendons. If necessary, the proximal fibula. A slightly lateral entrance site
fracture can be reduced open with a small inci- can be selected by prebending the distal end of
sion and a separate incision or distal extension the rod 10° to 15°. Once the surgeon is aware
of the first incision used for screw or rod entry. of the importance of this positioning and can
With an intramedullary screw or rod, the long determine the entrance site satisfactorily, the
proximal wound extension often needed for procedure is usually simple.
plating is eliminated. In plating, the proximal The fibula is reduced if necessary and a deter-
portion of such an incision must be made care- mination made as to the entrance site in the tip
fully to avoid the superficial peroneal nerve as it of the lateral malleolus. If an open reduction is
crosses the fibula, since injury to this nerve may performed, the entrance site is determined by
cause a painful neuroma. direct visualization. If closed, the site is chosen
with the aid of the fluoroscope and a small inci-
sion made over the appropriate site at the end
Techniques of the lateral malleolus. A 2.0-mm guide pin is
Transverse or short oblique fractures at the level placed through the fibular cortex, across the
of the top of the talar dome or below (Weber A fracture, and into the proximal fibula. The posi-
and B) are fixed with a cannulated screw or tion of the guide pin is confirmed by fluoros-
Rush rod, either of which mayor may not also copy. The depth gauge is used to determine
utilize a tension band wire (Figure 13.4). The screw length. The cannulated overdrill is then
Weber C fracture is treated either with a Rush used to open the fibula cortex and widen the
rod or AO plate technique depending on the channel in the distal fragment only. This allows
stability of the associated fractures of the ankle easier cutting by the self-cutting screw and puts
and the fixation necessary to maintain adequate less torque and strain on the distal fibula when
length of the fibula (Figure 13.5). the screw is passed. The 5.0-mm self-cutting,
The key in the limited fixation of the fibula is self-tapping screw is then passed over the guide
in obtaining anatomic alignment of the fibula pin and passed retrograde across the fracture.
and fracture, then determining where the inter- If desired, a 20-gauge wire or no. 5 braided
nal fixation device should enter. In the lateral Dacron suture is then passed through a trans-
malleolar fracture, the proximal fibula is usually verse drill hole proximal to the fracture site and
held fixed to the distal tibia by its ligamentous placed in a figure-eight shape around the screw
attachments. Since the fixation device will pass head.
up into the intramedullary canal of the proximal For more proximal and oblique fractures
fibula, the distal fragment alignment is deter- (Weber C), the authors utilize a small or more
mined by where the fixation lies within it. Once commonly medium Rush rod. Again the entry
the fracture is reduced, the critical entrance site is of major importance. The length of rod
point in the fibula tip must be determined. If too selected will go well up into the medullary canal
anterior an entrance point is chosen, the lateral of the fibula. The entry site is opened with the
malleolus may displace posteriorly as the intra- appropriate Rush awl. The rod is then directed
medullary devise aligns itself in the proximal across the fracture and up the proximal fibula.
fibula; if too posterior a site is chosen, the lateral The bevel at the leading end of the rod is used
malleolus may displace anteriorly. Likewise the to direct the rod until it has passed the fracture
site must be satisfactory in the medial-lateral site. It is oriented such that the point of the
direction. Too lateral an entry site may displace bevel is always kept toward the center of the
232 13. Ankle Fractures

c d
FIGURE 13.4. (a) The mortise and (b) lateral onstrate the fibula fixed percutaneously with a
radiographs demonstrate transverse lateral mal- Rush rod and the medial malleolus fixed per-
leolar and medial malleolar fractures. The post- cutaneously with a cannulated S.O-mm partially
fixation (c) mortise and (d) lateral views dem- threaded cancellous screw.
S.E. Asnis and M.P.G. Bostrom 233

a b

FIGURE 13.5. (a) The lateral and (b) mortise

radiographs demonstrate a trimalleolar fracture
dislocation of the ankle. (c) The oblique lateral
malleolar fracture was fixed with a one-third
semitubular plate. The posterior malleolar frag-
ment was secured with a cannulated S.O-mm
c partially threaded cancellous screw.
234 13. Ankle Fractures

medullary canal. Prior to placement the Rush interposed tissue such as periosteum, the deltoid
rods are prebent approximately 10° at their dis- ligament, or the posterior tibial tendon. In these
tal end to flare slightly away from the ankle joint cases, the medial and/or lateral malleolar frac-
and the talus. This conforms well to the shape of tures are reduced and fixed.
the distal fibula. A figure-eight tension band Supination-adduction injuries resulting in a
wire or suture can be utilized if necessary in the medial injury usually cause a vertical fracture of
Weber B fractures or in a cerclage fashion in the the medial malleolus and may be associated
oblique Weber C fractures. with either a crush injury to the medial articular
surface of the tibia or taluS. 14 This fracture may
include the posteromedial tibia. This injury pat-
Clinical Relevance tern requires internal fixation occasionally with
The determination of the fixation method used bone grafting.11· 13
for the lateral malleolus is dependent on the
combination of injuries to the ankle. If the Incisions
medial and posterior complexes are stable or
can be stability fixed, limited procedures with Medial malleolar avulsion fractures are ap-
cannulated screws or Rush rods and wires are proached using a standard anteromedial ap-
preferred. These procedures require less dissec- proach that may be extended proximally. The
tion and appear to heal rapidly. The key is the skin flap of such an incision is based postero-
reduction of the fibula in its proper position in medially and derives its blood supply from the
relation to the tibia. AO/ASIF plating tech- adjacent posterior tibial artery. When utilizing
niques are used in the more comminuted fibula this incision, care must be taken to protect the
fractures or the pylon fracture where rigid rota- saphenous nerve and vein anteriorly. Although
tional and axial stability are required. 13 After the saphenous vein can be sacrificed if neces-
the ankle fractures are fully healed the authors sary, avoidance of the adjacent saphenous nerve
prefer to remove the fixation devices in the is essential. If the fracture is associated with a
younger patients. Removal of a cannulated screw large posteromedial fragment, then a poster-
or Rush rod from the fibula is a simple proce- omedial approach may be preferred.
dure. The authors feel that the healed fibula
that has had a Rush rod or cannulated screw Techniques
removed may be stronger than that which has
had a plate removed. Vertical fractures of the medial malleolus require
fixation with cancellous screws. These are usu-
ally placed perpendicular to the fracture plane if
the size of the fragment permits. Due to the
Medial Malleolar Fractures vertical shear forces on the fragment, a buttress
plate may be necessary. If there is comminution
or impaction of the tibial surface, precise re-
Eversion-abduction injuries to the ankle often construction of the articular surface should
result in either deltoid ligament injuries or avul- be attempted with supplementary bone graft as
sion injuries to the medial malleolus. Substantial necessary.
controversy surrounds the need for operative The large fragment of the vertical fracture,
intervention with these injuries. If the mortise which includes the medial malleolus and either
can be reduced with an intact medial malleolus the medial or posteromedial tibia, can be readily
or small distal avulsion and an anatomic posi- reduced. The fracture can be windowed open
tion of the fibula, then operative intervention on anteriorly (hinged posteriorly) to examine the
the medial side is not always indicated. How- joint. The joint can be irrigated and intra-
ever, if the mortise remains widened,.or the fibula articular debris removed. The proximal fracture
or medial malleolus cannot be reduced, then the line usually does not require full visualization.
medial ankle should be explored to remove any The fracture is then reduced and held with two
S.E. Asnis and M.P.G. Bostrom 235

2.0-mm guide pins placed parallel to each other The very common oblique medial malleolar
and perpendicular to the fracture. The guide fracture is very amenable to screw fixation
pins are spaced to be in the desired position of (Figure 13.4 and 13.6). The authors feel that
the screws. The pins must be placed proximal one well-placed cancellous screw will give
enough to assure that the screw will not enter excellent fixation of the medial malleolus. The
the ankle joint. When the desired pin position fracture must first be evaluated in regard to the
is confirmed by fluoroscopy, measurements are size and integrity of the medially malleolar frag-
taken with the direct reading depth gauge for ment. If comminuted or very small, then the
screw length. The tibial cortex is optionally wire and tension band construct should be used.
opened with the cannulated overdrill. The over- Most medial malleolar fragments will readily
drill enlarges the hole to the size of the root accept a S.O-mm cannulated cancellous screw.
diameter of the thread or the diameter of the The larger medial malleolar fragments will often
shaft of the screw, not the outer diameter of the accept a 6.5-mm cannulated cancellous lag
thread. This is not the same as a glide hole used screw. The fracture is first exposed with an
to make a fully threaded cortical screw lag. If a anterior medial approach as just described. The
washer is not to be used, the cortex is counter- fracture is reduced with a fracture reduction for-
sunk slightly with the cannulated countersink. ceps. A 20-mm
. guide wire is placed in the mid-
The first S.O-mm cancellous screw is then passed dle of the fragment, then directed through the
over the guide pin across the fracture and into midportion of the fracture and into the tibia.
the tibia. Likewise, the same steps are followed When using this configuration, the screw threads
for the second screw over the second guide pin. need only engage 2 to 4 cm beyond the fracture
If desired, washers may be utilized. and not to the lateral tibial cortex unless the

a b
FIGURE 13.6. (a) A displaced medial malleolar cancellous screw and the syndesmosis was
fracture is shown with a syndesmotic injury. fixed with a cannulated 4.S-mm fully threaded
(b) The medial malleolar fracture was fixed cortical screw.
with a cannulated S.O-mm partially threaded
236 13. Ankle Fractures

bone is osteoporotic. The position of the guide as patients with large posteromedial fragments
wire is confirmed with fluoroscopy or radio- should be approached via a posteromedial
graphs. The direct reading depth gauge is used approach. This usually requires a large incision
to detennine the screw length. The medial mal- for full exposure and visualization. If cannulated
leolar fragment is reamed with the cannulated screws are utilized and indirect reduction tech-
overdrill to the size of the shaft of the screw. niques are successful, percutaneous screw place-
The overdrill is passed completely through the ment may eliminate the need for these more
fragment, across the fracture, and approximately extensive incisions that may compromise wound
5 rnrn into the tibia. This enlarges the hole in healing.
the bone fragment to the size of the smooth
shaft of the S.O-rnrn screw and will decrease the
strain on this fragment when the screw threads
pass. The selected S.O-rnrn self-cutting and self- Generally as the fibula is reduced many poste-
tapping screw is then threaded through the rior malleolar fragments are pulled into ana-
fragment and across the fracture into the tibia tomic position, with dorsiflexion of the ankle
while the fracture is supported by the bone assisting in the reduction by ligarnentotaxis. If
reduction forceps. The fragment may rotate the large posterior malleolar fracture is non-
slightly as the screw thread passes, but can very displaced or reduces with closed means, then
easily be anatomically realigned when the frag- percutaneous fixation is indicated (Figures 13.5
ment rests on the smooth shaft of the lag screw. and 13.7). If the posterior malleolar fracture is
The fragment is firmly compressed into ana- mildly displaced, then reduction may be possi-
tomic position as compression is applied. The ble by manipulation of the fragment using the
authors have found that the compression of one guide pins as handles. If a reduction of the frag-
5.0- or 6.S-rnrn cannulated screw applies ade- ment and articular surface is not obtainable, then
quate rotational control without the need of an a full open reduction is required.
additional second screw. With this technique Two small 5- to 10-rnrn incisions are made.
there is less chance of fracturing the medially One is placed just lateral to the Achilles tendon
malleolar fragment. and the other just medial to it. These are placed
at a level approximately 10 rnrn proximal to the
posterior lip of the ankle joint as determined
Posterior Malleolar Fractures by fluoroscopy. The first guide pin is passed
through the posterolateral incision down to the
Indications cortex of the posterior malleolus. It is then
Controversy continues as to the indications for driven into the fragment. The second guide pin
operative treatment of posterior malleolar frac- is likewise passed through the posteromedial
tures, with open reduction indicated with frag- incision. Care is taken with this pin to stay
ments greater than 25% to 35% of the articular toward the middle of the posterior tibia and
surface or if the fracture is displaced greater avoid the flexor hallicus longus tendon and pos-
than 2 rnrnP-16 Additional indications include terior tibial artery and nerve. The surgeon
continued posterior talar dislocation or subluxa- should review the cross-sectional anatomy prior
tion, incongruity of the tibial articular surface, to the procedure. The sizes of screws to be used
the need for stabilization of the syndesmosis, will depend on the size of the posterior malle-
and those fractures that involve the tibiofibular olar fragment. The authors prefer to use 6.5- or
groove where a fragment prevents reduction of S.O-rnrn cannulated cancellous screws or a com-
the fibula. bination of the two. The 6.S-rnrn cannulated
screws are used over the 3.2-rnrn guide pins and
the S.O-rnrn screws over the 2.0-rnrn guide pins.
Incisions The 3.2-rnrn guide wire for the 6.S-rnrn screw
Using standard AOjASIF techniques, patients serves as a stiffer handle to maneuver the frag-
with large posterolateral fragments should be ment. After the fracture is reduced with the
approached via a posterolateral approach, just guide pins, they are driven across the fracture
S.E. Asnis and M.P.G. Bostrom 237

a b

C d
FIGURE 13.7. (a) The mortise radiograph dem- (d) the posterior malleolus was fixed with
onstrates an oblique fibular fracture (b) while two cannulated S.O-mm partially threaded can-
the lateral radiograph shows a large posterior cellous screws placed by a percutaneous tech-
malleolar fracture. (c) The fibular fracture was nique.
fixed with a one-third semitubular plate and
238 13. Ankle Fractures

and into the distal tibia. The position is con- tinues to be widening of the tibiofibular joint,
firmed by fluoroscopy. The depth gauge is then fixation of the syndesmosis is recom-
then used to determine the proper screw length. mended. 15 •17 The most common recommenda-
The first screw is then slowly advanced over tions for operative fixation include syndesmotic
the guide pin turning the screw in a counter- rupture associated with the following: medial
clockwise direction. This allows the screw to ligamentous injury, talar shift without fracture
pass through the soft tissue as a blunt object. of the fibula (tibiofibular diastasis), Maisonneuve
This is continued until the cortex of the poste- fracture, and the continued evidence of syn-
rior malleolus is firmly met; the direction of the desmotic instability after fixation of the fibula
screw is then reversed and the positive raked and any avulsion fractures.
cutting flutes start advancing into the bone.
The second screw is similarly passed and both
screws tightened to compress the fracture.
On occasion, with a large fragment, the sur- Fixation of the syndesmosis is recommended
geon may prefer to place the screw from ante- with one 4.5-mm cannulated fully threaded
rior to posterior. This is permitted only if the cortical screw placed through the fibula and the
posterior fragment is large enough to allow the lateral cortex and trabecular bone of the tibia,
entire screw thread to pass the fracture and be i.e., three cortices. In that the fibula shaft lies
contained in the posterior malleolus or posterior posterolateral above the level of the tibiotalar
tibial fragment (and allow lag). The same pro- joint, the screws should be directed from pos-
cedure is followed except the guide pin is terolateral to anteromedial. The ankle should be
carefully advanced through the anterior tibial held in neutral to slight dorsiflexion to bring the
cortex. A cut down is then made over the pin wider anterior portion of the talus into the mor-
anteriorly and the screw can be passed retro- tise. This avoids overtightening the mortise and
grade over the guide pin, leaving the head of the permanent loss of dorsiflexion. The level of
the screw at the anterior tibial cortex. the screw should be at the level of the tibio-
fibular ligaments or 1 to 2 cm proximal to the
Anterior Malleolus The level of the screw is first selected with
the aid of the fluoroscope, and a free guide wire
While the anterior malleolus is rarely fractured is placed as a marker on the surface of the leg. A
in isolation, it may be fractured in association I-cm incision is made over the palpated cortex
with either medial or lateral injuries. This is of the fibula. Soft tissues are retracted with a
especially true of the avulsion fracture of the hemostat. The ankle is placed in neutral to slight
anterior tibiofibular ligament from the tibial dorsiflexion. Since a fully threaded screw is to
tubercle of Tillaux-Chaput. If the fragment is be used, the distance between the fibula and the
large enough, then it may warrant fixation via tibia will remain set as the final screw threads
either the lateral or medial wounds. It may also into the tibia. A 2.0 x 150 mm Gray bone drill
be fixed more easily via the limited exposure is used rather than the same length guide pin.
techniques using cannulated screws. The tech- This will allow easier and more controlled pas-
niques and approaches for accomplishing this sage through the hard cortical bone of the
would be similar to fixing posterior malleolar fibula. The drill is directed anteromedially. The
fractures via either anteromedial or anterolateral drill is placed in a cylindrical soft tissue pro-
stab incisions. tector and passed through both cortices of the
fibula and the lateral cortex of the tibia short of
the medial cortex. Position is confirmed with
Syndesmosis fluoroscopy. The direct reading depth gauge is
used and screw length determined. The lateral
After the reduction and fixation of medial, fibular cortex may optionally be reamed with
lateral, posterior, and anterior complexes, the the overdrill. The 4.5-mm fully threaded self-
syndesmosis should be examined. If there con- cutting self-tapping screw of appropriate length
S.E. Asnis and M.P.G. Bostrom 239

is then passed over the drill. The screw is malunions also occur with less frequency and
advanced until its head comes in contact with are usually asymptomatic.
the lateral cortex of the fibula. The patient
should be non-weight bearing for 6 to 8 weeks
after insertion. Surgeons suggest syndesmotic
Wound Problems and Infection
screw removal at 3 months after repair (Figure The infection rate associated with internal Axa-
13.6). tion of closed fractures is less than 2%, and mar-
ginal wound necrosis has been reported to be
as high as 3% with even higher rates reported
Complications of Internal with complex fractures of the distal tibia and
Fixation ankle. 15,21-23 Multiple techniques can be em-
ployed to minimize the incidence of wound
Despite generally satisfactory results with open problems and infections including careful han-
reduction internal Axation techniques, complica- dling of the soft tissues, minimizing tourniquet
tibns do occur. time, gentle retraction, avoiding implants that
are too large, appropriate wound drainage,
wound closure without tension, and avoiding
Neurovascular Injuries and restrictive dressings. Since trauma to the soft
Compartmental Syndrome tissues is minimized with percutaneous tech-
niques, wound problems and infections should
Despite the proximity of major neurovascular be less.
bundles about the ankle, the frequency of neu-
rovascular injury is rare. 1S Compartmental syn-
drome of the foot is also a rare complication of Postoperative Arthritis and Reflex
ankle fractures, but may occur especially when Sympathetic Dystrophy
there has been direct vascular compromise as
The incidence of degenerative arthritis follow-
seen with fracture dislocations. As always with
ing ankle fractures is directly related to the ade-
compartmental syndromes, early recognition
quacy of the reduction. Specifically if the ana-
and treatment avoids the long-term sequelae of
tomic reduction is achieved, then the incidence
this syndrome. of arthritis is about 10%.21,24-26 If, however, the
reduction is inadequate, then the incidence is
Nonunion and Malunion 85%. Osteochondral fractures and the more
severe injury patterns also have increased rates
Nonunions after ankle fractures are relatively of degenerative arthritis, even when adequate
rare but if they occur they are usually associated reduction has been achieved. This increased rate
with the medial malleolar fractures that were may be related to damage to the articular sur-
not Axed at the time of injury.19,20 In these sit- face at the time of injury.
uations union can be achieved with open reduc- Reflex sympathetic dystrophy has been asso-
tion and internal Axation but may be difficult ciated with all types of ankle injuries regardless
due to resorption at the fracture site, remodeling of severity or whether operative or nonopera-
at the fracture edges, and osteoporosis. Bone tive techniques were utilized. Prompt restora-
grafting is often necessary. Nonunions of the tion of the anatomy and early return to function
lateral and posterior malleoli are less common. may decrease the incidence. Prolonged immobi-
Malunions of the fibula, especially with in- lization should be avoided.
adequately reduced external rotation injuries,
occur more frequently, resulting in incongruity
of the articular surface and instability of the Conclusion
mortise.21,22 If not corrected early by fibular
osteotomy and lengthening, they can lead to The use of cannulated screws in the treatment of
persistent symptoms, degenerative arthritis, and ankle fractures supplements the use of more
loss of function of the joint. Medial malleolar established techniques. They provide internal
240 13. Ankle Fractures

fixation while mmmuzmg the soft tissue dis- ankle. In: Rockwood CA Green DP (eds). Frac-
section, and therefore help achieve the ultimate tures in Adults, Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1984;
goal of restoration of the ankle mortise while
14. Berndt AL, Harty M. Transchondral fractures
allowing for early motion and satisfactory func- (osteochondritis dissecans) of the talus. J Bone
tional results. Joint Surg 1959;41A:988-1020.
15. McDaniel WJ, Wilson FC Trimalleolar fractures
of the ankle. An end result study. Clin Orthop
References 1977;122:37-45.
16. McLaughlin HL, Ryder CT. Open reduction and
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2. Maisonneuve JG. Recherches sur la fracture du 17. Mast JW, Teipner WA A reproducible approach
perone. Arch Gen Med 1840;7:165-187. to the internal fixation of adult ankle fractures:
3. Inman VT. The Joints of the Ankle. Baltimore: Wil- rationale, technique, and early results. Orthop Clin
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4. Pankovich AM, Shivaram MS. Anatomical basis 18. Tipton WW, D'Ambrosia RD. Vascular impair-
of variability in injuries of the medial malleolus ment as a result of fracture-dislocation of the
and the deltoid ligament I. Anatomic studies. ankle. J Trauma 1975;15:524.
Acta Orthop Scand 1979;50:217-223. 19. Morrey BF, Wiedman GP. Complications and
5. Ramsey PL, Hamilton W. Changes in the tibio- long-term results of ankle arthrodesis follOwing
talar area of contact caused by lateral talar shift. trauma. J Bone Joint Surg 1980;62A:10-17.
J Bone Joint Surg 1976;58A:356-357. 20. Brighton CT, Black J, Friedenberg ZB, et al. A
6. Henderson MS. Trimalleolar fracture of the ankle. multicenter study of the treatment of non-union
Surg Clin North Am 1932;12:867-872. with constant direct current. J Bone Joint Surg
7. Lauge-Hansen N. Fractures of the ankle. Analytic 1981;63A:2-13.
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9. Muller ME, Allgower M, Schneider R, et al. Clin Orthop 1982;171:145-149.
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10. Tile M. Fractures of the ankle. In Schatzker J, Tile ankle fractures. Clin Orthop 1980;150:211-216.
M (eds). The Rationale of Operative Fracture Care. 25. Mitchell WG, Shaftan GW, Sclafani JJ. Man-
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11. Pott P. Some Few General Remarks on Fractures and fractures. J Trauma 1979;19:602-615.
Dislocations. London: Hawes, Clark, and Collins, 26. Klossner O. Late results of operative and non-
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Ortho Rev 1993;16:691-696. ankle secondary of longstanding lateral ligament
13. Wilson JC Fractures and dislocations of the instability. J Bone Joint Surg 1979;61A:354-361.
Composite Fixation for
Juxtaarticular Fractures
Lon S. Weiner and Eric C. Mirsky

Composite fixation has emerged as an important Historical Background

modality in the primary treatment of certain
juxtaarticular fractures, especially those of the Juxtaarticular fractures of the tibia are often the
tibia. Composite (or hybrid) fixation refers to result of high-energy trauma and are frequently
the utilization of internal fixation, generally associated with other injuries. Historically, these
consisting of cannulated screws confined to the injuries have posed difficult treatment problems
metaphysis and articular surface, with an exter- for the orthopaedic surgeon with limited op-
nal fixator applied as a neutralization device. tions, yielding significant complication rates and
This treatment modality is particularly appli- a high incidence of unsatisfactory results. 1,2,S-lS
cable to fractures of the proximal tibia (includ- The treatment options for tibial plateau and
ing bicondylar tibial plateau fractures with pilon fractures are in many ways similar. These
metaphyseal-diaphyseal dissociation) and those include open reduction and internal fixation
of the distal tibia (pilon fractures). Several recent with varying degrees and types of internal fixa-
reports have found a high percentage of good tion, external fixation alone or in combination
and excellent results employing composite fixa- with limited internal fixation, or closed treat-
tion for the operative treatment of these frac- ment. 1,S,6,16-27
ture patterns. 1 - 4 The important prinCiples of this The closed treatment options include casting,
treatment include the restoration of normal joint cast braces, and traction. Casting has been
anatomy, stable fracture fixation without com- largely unsuccessfuL since it prevents knee and
promising soft tissues, and early motion. ankle motion, which is known to promote
In the application of hybrid fixation, cannu- healing of articular defects, and is generally
lated, interfragmentary lag screws are used to inadequate to hold those fractures prone to
obtain stable, anatomic fixation of metaphyseal shortening. Skeletal traction allows for limited
and intraarticular fragments. The external fixa- early joint motion as well as access to open
tor is then applied, and serves to neutralize shear, wounds for dressing changes. However, it does
bending, and torsional forces. Consequently, the not provide for anatomic articular reduction and
metaphyseal lag screws provide stable and ana- subjects the patient to a prolonged period of
tomic internal fixation and the external fixator bed rest, with its attendant complications.
provides for neutralization. The primary benefit of operative treatment
This chapter presents the rationale for the use is the maintenance of function and longevity of
of composite fixation for the operative manage- the knee and/or ankle joint secondary to the
ment of juxtaarticular tibia fractures, particularly restoration of normal anatomy. However, tradi-
the use of cannulated screws, describes the tech- tional open reduction and plating has resulted
nique for application, and discusses early reports in a high incidence of soft tissue complica-
of outcomes and complications of its practice. tions, including skin slough, wound dehiscence,

242 14. Composite Fixation for Juxtaarticular Fractures

and infection, ultimately leaving many patients 58 patients with 60 tibial plafond fractures
with an unacceptable morbidity and clinical treated by open reduction and internal fixation
result. 2,6,13-15,28-30 using principles of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur
Classic techniques of open reduction and in- OsteosynthesefrogenjAssociation for the Study
ternal fixation of pilon fractures, as developed of Internal Fixation (AOjASIF) group over a
by Ruedi and Allgower, provide superior results 5-year period. They found that the Ruedi frac-
in the treatment of those injuries sustained after ture classification correlated closely with overall
less severe, low-energy trauma. 31- 37 Ruedi and clinical results. In this study, 18 of 30 patients
Allgower36 reviewed 84 intraarticular fractures (60%) with a Ruedi type III fracture had a poor
of the distal tibia treated by open reduction and clinical result. They concluded that the fracture
internal fixation. In 78 fractures, at an average severity, combined with the inability to achieve
follow-up of 50.3 months, they reported 74% an anatomic reduction, were the variables sig-
good and excellent results. However, they did nificantly contributing to a poor result.
not classify the fractures based on the severity Analysis of severe proximal tibia fractures is
9f displacement and comminution on the initial more difficult. Most large series include all tibial
radiographs. Therefore, it is not known how plateau fractures. Agnew et al,38 noted that only
the severity of the injury affected either the 592 Schatzker V and VI fractures have been
early or long-term results. Ruedi and Allgower reported in the English-language literature since
concluded that anatomic reconstruction of the 1956, and of those only 140 were treated by
articular surface was necessary for a good func- definitive internal fixation. In Schatzker et al.'S39
tional outcome. Failure to achieve stable anatom- own series of 219 fractures, only eight were
ic reduction often leads to compromised re- types V or VI and treated with open reduction
sults. They recommended a treatment sequence and internal fixation (ORIF). Several recent re-
of fibular reconstruction, restoration of articular ports have focused specifically on comminuted
surface, bone grafting of defects, and the use of and bicondylar fractures and have emphasized
an anterior or medial neutralization plate. the soft tissue problems associated with internal
The results of treatment for more severe, fixation. Agnew et al. studied 46 complex tibia
high-energy fractures have been less promising. fractures, 14 of which were open tibial plateau
Ovadia and Beals33 found that the most im- fractures. Using ORIF, they had good functional
portant variables influencing the clinical results results with a low complication rate. Within
following a pilon fracture were the fracture this group, however, diverse treatment methods
type, the method of treatment, and the quality were used to accommodate variable fracture
of reduction. They reviewed 142 tibial plafond patterns. These included double plating, lateral
fractures treated by a variety of orthopaedic sur- plating with a medial external fixator, and anti-
geons and methods over a 19-year period in a glide techniques. The goal was stable fixation
large metropolitan area. Their articular fractures without compromising soft tissues. Christensen
were classified as type I, nondisplaced; type II, et al.8 reported on composite fixation using a
minimally displaced; type III, displaced with medial external fixator in order to avoid soft
several large fragments; type IV, displaced with tissue stripping and the need for multiple plates.
multiple fragments and a large metaphyseal Fernandez40 described a specialized surgical ap-
defect; and type V, displaced with severe com- proach; however, the series is small and the sur-
minution. All 21 type I fractures had excellent gical approach is extensive.
or good final clinical results, regardless of the Historically, results for juxtaarticular tibia
method of treatment. In contrast, only 4 of 18 fractures have generally correlated with the
patients (22%) with a type V fracture had good amount of comminution of the articular sur-
or excellent clinical results. They concluded that face, with severely comminuted fractures por-
the fracture type was the most important factor tending a worse prognosis.5,7,27 Waddell et alP
accounting for their 35% unacceptable results in reported that adequacy of reduction of a tibial
severe fractures. plateau fracture is a crucial factor in obtaining
Teeny et al. 14 reviewed the clinical results of a satisfactory result. They reviewed 95 patients
L.S. Weiner and E.C. Minky 243

with tibial plateau fractures, and found this to limited soft tissue dissection and limiting the
be true regardless of the type of fracture treated. size of the implant used.
Blokker et al. 5 confirmed this Anding in their
analysis of the results of treatment in 60 pa-
tients. Regardless of whether these fractures Classification
were treated by closed methods or by ORIF, the
single most important factor in predicting out- Traditional classification systems such as the
come following a tibial plateau fracture was the Schatzker classification for tibial plateau frac-
adequacy of the initial reduction. The method of tures and the Ruedi system for pilon fractures
achieving the reduction was not as critical of a have been important because of their ease of
factor. application and their contribution to treatment
The concept of limited open reduction in principles for these injuries.
combination with external fixation for pilon In the system of Schatzker et al.,39 fractures
fractures is not new and was in fact introduced are classified topographically as lateral condylar,
by Scheck41 in 1965. He first identified, reduced, medial condylar, or bicondylar. The lateral con-
and fixed ''key'' fracture fragments, emphasizing dylar fractures are classified morphologically as
minimal soft tissue stripping. He then applied split, depressed, or a combination of the two.
a dual pin external fixator from the calcaneus Types I, II, and III involve the lateral condyle
to the proximal tibia to maintain metaphyseal- only. Type I is a split fracture, type II is a
diaphyseal alignment. Scheck applied this tech- depression fracture, and type III is a split and
nique to five cases of comminuted tibial plafond depression fracture. Type IV is a medial condyle
fractures, four of which were open, and reported fracture, type V is a bicondylar fracture, and
satisfactory results in all five cases. type VI is a bicondylar fracture with meta-
Bosse et al. 42 reported a small series with sat- physeal-diaphyseal dissociation (Figure 14.1).
isfactory results, as did other authors. They pro- This classification system has the advantage of
spectively studied 20 patients treated with com- being simple and anatomic. However, it does
bined techniques of minimal internal fixation not address fracture severity and diversity,
and external fixation for unstable tibial diaphy- energy of injury, treatment, or the entire gamut
seal fractures. At a minimum follow-up of 2 of injury.
years, all fractures healed. The pilon fracture is, by deAnition, a combi-
Spiegel and Vanderschilden,43 however, nation of an ankle and distal tibial metaphyseal
achieved less-promising results with limited fracture, usually with intraarticular comminu-
internal fixation in the tibial diaphysis. They tion. The Ruedi classification35 is the most
employed minimal internal and external fixation widely accepted system for pilon fractures. This
together for a select series of open tibial frac- system is based on the degree of comminution
tures in an attempt to maximize the advan- and displacement and makes a crucial distinc-
tages and minimize the disadvantages of each tion between nondisplaced, low-energy injuries
full system used separately. They used inter- and severely comminuted and impacted frac-
fragmentary cortical screws for internal fixation tures. Type I consists of a cleavage fracture of
and a ''half-frame'' external fixator. In this case, the distal tibia without displacement of the artic-
the external fixator acts as an "external neutrali- ular surface. A type II fracture consists of sig-
zation plate" to protect the minimal internal fixa- nificant fracture and displacement of the artic-
tion. They reported a Significant complication ular surface but without significant comminution
rate, which included further bone devasculariza- of either the joint surface or the overlying me-
tion, loosening and breakage of implants, pin taphysis. A type III fracture denotes impaction
tract infections, osteomyelitis, and pathologic and comminution of the distal tibial cartilage
fractures through pinholes that can lead to and metaphysis. This classification is Simple and
nonunion. These Andings have led to techniques addresses injury severity by making the distinc-
combining the concepts of anatomic reduction, tion between low-energy injuries and severely
stable fixation, and early rehabilitation, with comminuted and impacted fractures. However, it
244 14. Composite Fixation for Juxtaarticular Fractures

Tibial plateau fractures are represented by

types B and C (Figure 14.1). A B1 fracture is
a pure split fracture and corresponds to a
Schatzker I fracture. B2 fractures are pure de-
pressions (Schatzker II), and the B3 subgroup
represents a split-depression fracture (Schatzker
III). The type C fractures are similar to the
Schatzker V and VI groups.
The AO classification similarly divides distal
tibia fractures into types A, B, and C. The pilon
fractures are represented by the type C frac-
tures. Type C fractures of the proximal or distal
tibia are as follows: C1 fractures have simple
articular and metaphyseal fracture patterns; C2
fractures are those pilon fractures with simple
articular and complex metaphyseal fracture pat-
terns; and in C3 fractures both the joint and the
metaphysis are comminuted. The A3 fractures,
which are exhaarticular fractures with signif-
icant metaphyseal comminution, should be con-
sidered in the spectrum of pilon and severe
proximal tibia fractures because they are high-
energy injuries, close to the joint, and have
associated metaphyseal-diaphyseal dissociation.

Preoperative Planning
Careful preoperative planning is an important
component of the successful operative manage-
ment of complex juxtaarticular fractures. 44 Imag-
ing studies should include plain radiographs of
both the injured and normal extremities and
computed tomography (CT) scans. Because of
normal variation, radiographs of the opposite
FIGURE 14.1. A type VI tibial plateau fracture side serve as a template for preoperative plan-
(a bicondylar fracture with metaphyseal-dia- ning. Tomograms are effective to evaluate joint
physeal dissociation) as classified by Schatzker depression. A preoperative CT scan is used to
and McBroom. evaluate the fracture pattern of the metaphyseal
area, which includes the joint surface. This helps
to plan the incision(s} to be used. The CT scan
is incomplete in assessing the true variety of should be done in the transverse plane and may
potential injuries and treatment options. be supplemented with multiplanar or three-
These classification systems, despite their his- dimensional reconstructed images.
torical importance and perspective, tend to be
insufficient in predicting outcome and delineat-
ing treatment. Presently, the updated AO clas- Treatment
sification44 is the most appropriate. It divides
juxtaarticular fractures of the tibia into type A The key to successful treatment is to obtain
(extraarticular), type B (partial articular), and stable, anatomic fixation without compromising
type C (complete articular). the soft tissues. The main steps of the procedure
L.S. Weiner and E.C. Mirsky 245

FIGURE 14.2. The application of a femoral dis- initially to give the surgeon an idea of what
tractor to a type VI (Schatzker and McBroom) reduction can be achieved with ligamentotaxis.
tibial plateau fracture. The distractor is applied

are as follows: (1) distraction of the extremity tractor (Figure 14.2). This will give the surgeon
via a spanning external fixator (femoral-tibial an idea of what reduction can be achieved with
distraction for proximal tibia fractures; tibial- ligamentotaxis.
calcaneal distraction for pilon fractures); (2) re- Major fragments of the joint and metaphysis
duction and stabilization of the joint surface and are identified so that lag screw fixation can be
metaphysis; and (3) revision of the external fix- employed. Fractures of the joint can be thought
ator with reduction and neutralization of the of as nondisplaced, displaced simple, and dis-
metaphyseal-diaphyseal dissociation. placed comminuted. Percutaneous treatment is
A femoral distractor or semicircular external employed for fractures with nondisplaced artic-
fixator can be applied initially as a joint dis- ular components or cases whose joint reduces
246 14. Composite Fixation for Juxtaarticular Fractures

anatomically after closed reduction. Those frac- 5. Guide pins can be used for preliminary fix-
tures with intraarticular displacement are treated ation. The position of these pins is usually
by arthrotomy, open reduction and internal fix- the same as that desired for the cannulated
ation, and if necessary, bone grafting. An indi- screws.
rect reduction of the metaphyseal-diaphyseal 6. Guide pins offer a means to directly deter-
dissociation is then performed with the external mine the ideal screw length prior to their
fixator. The goal is anatomic reconstruction of placement.
the metaphysis and articular surface with can-
nulated screws and neutralization of the meta-
physeal-diaphyseal extension with the external Authors' Preferred Equipment
Reconstruction of the metaphysis provides Large Cannulated Screws
one site of fixation for the external fixator.
System 1
Minor adjustments may subsequently be made
in any plane to correct malalignment. The con- Screw thread: Outer diameter-6.S mm; pitch-
struct provides immediate stability so that early 2.5 mm; reverse cutting flutes; self-cutting, self-
range of motion is possible postoperatively. tapping positive rake tip. Drill: 3.2-mm steel
Reproducible fracture patterns are evident in drill that can be used directly with a direct read-
the majority of juxtaarticular tibia fractures de- ing depth gauge. Guide pin: 3.2-mm with a
spite the fact that these fractures are generally threaded tip and tapered root diameter. Screw
displaced and comminuted. Consequently, the head: Round head with a 4.8-mm internal hex-
external fixator may be applied in the same agon. Material: 22-13-5 stainless steel. System
manner for each case. accessory equipment: Washers, depth gauge, pin
The patient is positioned supine on an image guide, soft tissue protection sleeve, cannulated
intensifier-compatible table with the extremity overdrill.
draped free.
System 2
Screw thread: Outer diameter-6.S mm; pikh-
Advantages of Cannulated 1.9 mm; reverse cutting flutes; self-cutting, self-
Screws tapping tip. Drill: A 3.2-mm steel drill. Guide
pin: 3.2-mm with a threaded tip. Screw head:
Round head with an internal hexagon. Material:
1. The knee and ankle are very accessible to
Titanium alloy. System accessory equipment:
fluoroscopic placement of guide pins fol-
Washers, depth gauge, pin guide, soft tissue
lowed by cannulated screws.
protection sleeve.
2. Jigs may be used to facilitate the placement
with parallel guide pins.
3. Open reduction can be performed through Small Cannulated Screws
the incision that best exposes the joint and
System I
fracture fragments. Frequently, this incision is
not in the best location for the placement of Screw thread: Outer diameter-S.O mm; pikh-
the fixations screws. Soft tissue dissection is 1.6 mm;·everse cutting flutes; self-cutting, self-
then limited by plaCing the guide wires and tapping positive rake tip. Screw shaft: Smooth,
subsequent cannulated screws through sepa- 3.5 mm. Guide pin: 2.0-mm with a threaded tip
rate stab wounds. and tapered root diameter. Screw head: Round
4. The joint can be visualized through the pri- head with an internal 3.S-mm hexagon. Mate-
mary incision, and guide pins placed through rial: 316 LVM stainless steel. System accessory
stab wounds can be used as handles in the equipment: Washers, depth gauge, 2.0-mm pin
fracture fragment to reduce the fracture and guide, soft tissue protection sleeve, cannulated
anatomically restore the joint surface. overdrill.
L.S. Weiner and E.C. Mirsky 247

System 2 In simple fractures involving the plateau, the

two main fragments include the medial and
Screw thread: Outer diameter-4.S mm; pitch- lateral tibial condyles. More complex patterns
1.0 mm; self-cutting, self-tapping positive rake can have coronal splits of the medial condyle38
tip. Screw shaft: Fully threaded 3.S-mm root or posterior condyle fractures. Fractures of the
diameter. Guide pin: 2.0-mm with a threaded tip posteromedial condyle often require a second-
and tapered root diameter. Screw head: Round ary incision for reduction.45 After identification
head with an internal 3.S-mm hexagon. Mate- and reduction of major fragments, the articular
rial: 316 LVM stainless steel. System accessory surface and metaphysis are rebuilt using guide
equipment: Washers, depth gauge, 2.0-mm pin pins and Kirschner wires. The 3.2-mm guide
guide, soft tissue protection sleeve, cannulated pins are used with the 6.S-mm cannulated
overdrill. screws, while 2.0-mm guide pins are used with
the 4.5- and S.O-mm screws. The direct reading
depth gauge is used to measure the ideal screw
Fixation of Proximal Tibia length. The length of the screw is usually just
Fractures to, or alternatively one thread length through,
the opposite cortex. After depth gauge mea-
Proximal tibia fractures with intraarticular dis- surement, a slightly shorter screw is selected if
placement require exposure of the tibial plateau any significant lag of the fracture is expected.
to perform an open reduction. The arthrotomy Definitive fixation is performed with self-cutting,
should be made directly over the fracture line self-tapping cannulated lag screws (Figure 14.4).
anteriorly to keep periosteal stripping to a mini- The size of the screw is determined by the size
mum. This is usually performed through an of the fracture fragment to be fixed. Minimum
anterolateral incision, which extends from the requirements for fixation usually include two
superior pole of the patellar to the tibial tuber- screws placed in the coronal plane (mediolateral
cle. However, depending upon the fracture pat- direction), and two screws in the sagittal plane
tern, an anteromedial incision may be required. (antereroposterior direction) to secure the tuber-
The meniscus is incised between tag sutures and cle. Washers are occasionally used to buttress
retracted with the tibial condyle, exposing the the fracture. The appropriate washer is placed
intraarticular portion of the fractureP Open around the neck of the cannulated screws prior
reduction of the plateau fracture is then per- to the screw's passage over the guide pin. Other
formed (Figure 14.3). The 3.2-mm guide wires fixation may be added or deleted, depending on
can be placed through stab wounds away from the fracture configuration.
the primary incision at the direction most oppor-
tune for the final fixation screws. With the guide
pins in the fracture fragment, the fragment can Fixation of Distal Tibia (Pilon)
be manipulated into an anatomic position while
viewing the articular surface through the arthrot- Fractures
omy. If more than one guide pin is to be used in
a single fragment, they are usually placed paral- In the operative treatment of pilon fractures, the
lel to each other and to the joint surface. Parallel restoration of the length of the extremity is a
guide pin jigs and fluoroscopy are very useful critical step. A distractor placed from the tibia to
for this positioning. After the fracture is reduced the calc..neus is valuable. Fractures of the fibula
and the articular surface restored, the 3.2-mm are plated through a standard lateral approach.
guide pins are advanced across the fracture and Segmental fibula fractures or those with marked
into the host bone. Bone graft is used if there is tibial shortening may require indirect reduction
severe comminution or metaphyseal impaction. and initial application of a distractor.
Fixation is achieved with self-cutting, self-tap- The ankle joint and distal tibia are approached
ping 6.S-mm cannulated screws inserted over through an anteromedial incision placed along
the provisional 3.2-mm guide pins. the medial border of the tibialis anterior tendon.
248 14. Composite Fixation for Juxtaarticular Fractures


b I c
FIGURE 14.3. A meniscal incision and repair for an anatomic position while viewing the articu-
open reduction of a lateral tibial plateau frac- lar surface through the arthrotomy. Cannulated
ture. (a) The meniscus is incised between tag screws are inserted, parallel to each other and
sutures and retracted with the tibial condyle, to the joint surface, over the provisional guide
exposing the intraarticular portion of the frac- pins for definitive fixation. (c) An open meniscal
ture. (b) With guide pins in the fracture frag- repair is then performed with the tag sutures.
ment, the fragment can be manipulated into
L.S. Weiner and E.C. Mirsky 249

FIGURE 14.4. A type VI tibial plateau fracture of the condyles with self-cutting, self-tapping
(Schatzker and McBroom) with a femoral dis- cannulated lag screws.
tractor still in place following definitive fixation

Provisional fixation of the metaphyseal shell and cutting, self-tapping 5.0- or 6.5-mm cannulated
tibial plafond is accomplished with 3.2- or 2.0- screws following radiographic confirmation of
mm guide pins. The major fragments to be fixed an acceptable articular reduction. Autologous
include the medial malleolus, and anterolateral bone graft is done primarily for metaphyseal
and posterior fragments. The size and config- defects. Delayed primary or secondary bone
uration of the fracture fragments vary, and a CT grafting of the metaphyseal-diaphyseal junction
scan again provides valuable information. The should be performed if little healing is seen at 6
guide pins are replaced by the respective self- weeks.
250 14. Composite Fixation for Juxtaarticular Fractures

Application of the External the proximal tibial ring and diaphyseal ring for
tibial plateau fractures, or alternatively using the
Fixator distal tibial ring and diaphyseal ring for pilon
fractures. After application of the hybrid exter-
The final operative step requires neutralization nal fixator, reduction of the metaphysis to the
of the metaphysis to the diaphysis by applica- diaphysis is performed and visualized with fluo-
tion of an external fixator. roscopy. Anatomic alignment must be achieved,
A proximal tibial ring is used for comminuted which includes varus-valgus, translational, ante-
or depressed tibial plateau fractures. An adequate roposterior, and rotational factors. Three appro-
construct for a proximal tibial ring includes three priately sized connecting rods stabilize the sys-
tensioned wires, or preferably two wires and a tem. A third wire or half pin in the metaphyseal
half pin. The initial 1.8-mm wire is inserted from ring may be added for increased stability at the
posterolateral to anteromedial approximately fracture site if there is gross motion (Figures
1 em below the articular surface. The fibular 14.6, 14.7, and 14.8).
head is used as a landmark. The wire can pene- Use of the semicircular external fixator as a
trate the head of the fibula if desired or enter neutralization device has the advantages of tri-
superior and anterior to avoid the peroneal axial reduction capabilities and ease of applica-
nerve. The wire should be inserted using image tion. The construct provides immediate fracture
intensification. The 2/3 medium-sized ring is con- stability so that early mobilization of the patient
nected to the wire with a wire tension assembly and range of motion at the knee and ankle joints
and centered on the extremity. The second wire is possible. Fixation across the joint is indicated
is inserted from posteromedial to anterolateral with some open fractures for primary wound
using the wire assembly and ring as a template. care, or for severely comminuted fractures for
The wires are then tensioned to 100 kg. A half which joint fixation is difficult.
pin or third wire can be added either at this time
or after provisional reduction.
The distal tibial ring is used for complex Postoperative Care
distal tibia and pilon fractures. Depending on
fracture configuration, two wires parallel to the Pin care is performed twice a day with half-
articular surface often prOVide enough fixation. strength hydrogen peroxide solution. Patients
However, three wires or two wires and a half are kept non-weight bearing for 3 months post-
pin are preferable. The initial wire begins pos- operatively for intraarticular fractures. The fixa-
terolaterally in the fibula 5 to 10 mm above the tor must be maintained until complete healing
articular surface and exits anteromedially from can be demonstrated clinically and radiographi-
the distal tibia, medial to the tendon of the cally, with callus at the metaphyseal-diaphyseal
tibialis anterior muscle. The wire is connected to junction. This usually requires a minimum of
8 weeks postoperatively, with an average of
the ring with a tension-anchor assembly. The
about 12 weeks. Braces are often used for 4 to 8
second wire begins in the posterior aspect of the
medial malleolus, anterior to the posterior tibia- weeks after the frames are removed.
lis tendon and exits anterolaterally from the dis- Continuous passive motion (CPM) is gen-
tal tibia. The ring is centered on the leg and the erally begun on the first postoperative day for
wires are tensioned to 100 kg. A third trans- all juxtaarticular tibial fractures. Those patients
verse wire or anterior half pin can be added, with pilon fractures should be splinted at night,
depending on the fracture pattern. with active and passive motion during the day.
The diaphyseal ring is essentially identical for
proximal and distal tibia fractures and is assem- Complications
bled using a biplanar half-pin configuration.
The diaphyseal ring should be the same size as Juxtaarticular tibia fractures are, in general,
the metaphyseal ring (Figure 14.5). severe injuries, and many potential complica-
The hybrid fixator is then assembled using tions of treatment exist. These may be consid-
L.S. Weiner and E.C. Mirsky 251

FIGURE 14.5. A type VI tibial plateau fracture three connecting rods. The diaphyseal ring is
(Schatzker and McBroom) following definitive assembled using a biplanar half-pin configura-
fixation of the condyles with self-cutting, self- tion. The metaphyseal and diaphyseal rings
tapping cannulated lag screws and application should be the same size.
of a semicircular, hybrid external fixator with
252 14. Composite Fixation for Juxtaarticular Fractures

ered to be either technical (intraoperative), acute, treated by antibiotics alone in two and pin
or late postoperative complications. removal in one.
Intraoperative complications such as malre- Deep infections can occur and have included
duction of the articular surface, hardware mal- septic joints or deep wound infections.4,46
positioning, and inadequate internal fixation, are Weiner et al. 4 reported two knee infections,
surgeon-dependent and can be kept to a mini- both in cases in which wires were placed in
mum. Malreduction of the articular surface may subchondral bone close to the joint space. These
lead to early arthrosis due to malalignment, are believed to develop secondary to bacterial
rotation, or shortening. This complication may contamination of an intracapsular wire in the
be avoided by careful preoperative templating presence of hemarthrosis. T ornetta et al. 46
and scrutiny of the CT scan, and by thorough reported one ankle infection at 6 weeks, which
intraoperative radiographic evaluation. Hard- was treated with removal of lag screws and
ware malpositioning usually results from joint external fixator and intravenous antibiotics.
penetration by screws. This must be recog- Late postoperative complications include mal-
nized intraoperatively and adjusted to avoid late union, nonunion, and degenerative joint disease.
arthrosis. Inadequate internal fixation is usually Mcferran et al. 47 reported malunion rates for
secondary to comminution and bone loss. Met- pilon fractures as high as 42% and nonunions
aphyseal comminution can be augmented by as high as 18%. Tornetta et al. 46 reported one
bone grafting. 10° varus malunion in 26 pilon fractures.
The most problematic complications include Malunions of tibial plateau fractures have
infections and soft tissue loss. This is more of a been reported in several series depending on
concern in the management of pilon fractures the type of treatment. 1A,5,7,9,10 Weiner et al. 4
than in those of the proximal tibia, and has been reported two malunions in 50 severe proximal
reported to range in incidence up to 36%.28 Skin tibia fractures (4%) treated with combined inter-
slough and wound infection may require sec- nal and hybrid external fixation, both due to
ondary procedures for soft tissue coverage. inadequate intraoperative reduction. However,
Meticulous soft tissue handling may help nonunions have been reported rarely for these
reduce the incidence of soft tissue problems. fractures.
Leone et al.28 suggest that delayed wound clo- Another potential postoperative complication
sure or primary or delayed split-thickness skin using composite fixation is nonunion or mal-
graft may help avoid these potential complica- union of the metaphyseal-diaphyseal junction.
tions. If primary closure with Allgower-Donati Fractures with shortening, marked comminution,
sutures is not possible without undue tension and compromised vascularity to the fracture site
on the skin, then wounds should not be closed are at risk for nonunion. This complication
primarily. Tornetta et al.46 reported no skin may be avoided to a large extent by early bone
sloughs following the treatment of 26 pilon grafting.
fractures with combined internal and external Posttraumatic arthritis and avascular necrosis
fixation. In this series, all surgical incisions are additional late postoperative complications.
were closed primarily without the need for skin They also appear to be related to both the se-
grafting. verity of the initial injury and the ability to
Pin tract infections are a problematic compli- achieve a stable, anatomic reduction with mini-
cation of external fixation. Superficial pin tract mal dissection. Some authors have reported their
infections generally resolve after oral anti- incidence to be as high as 54%.4,5,7,10,32,33,37,39,47
biotics and local care. Deep infections of pin
sites often require removal or relocation of pins Results
or wires, debridement, and intravenous anti-
biotics.46 Tornetta et al. 46 reported one super- There are several recent reports documenting a
ficial infection treated with antibiotics, and three high percentage of good and excellent out-
pin tract infections in three patients, which were comes following the use of composite fixation
a b c

d e
FIGURE 14.6. A type VI (Schatzker and articular fragments. (d) Preoperative axial CT
McBroom) tibial plateau fracture treated with scan again demonstrates the articular fragments.
limited internal fixation and hybrid external (e) Immediate postoperative anteroposterior ra-
fixation. (a) Preoperative anteroposterior radio- diograph following articular reduction and fixa-
graph demonstrating a bicondylar fracture with tion with self-cutting, self-tapping 6.S-mm can-
metaphyseal-diaphyseal dissociation. (b and c) nulated lag screws and neutralization with a
Preoperative tomograms in the anteroposterior hybrid semicircular external fixator, employing
and lateral planes demonstrate several large three connecting rods.
254 14. Composite Fixation for Juxtaarticular Fractures

C d
FIGURE 14.7. A type VI (Schatzker and Postoperative anteroposterior radiograph fol-
McBroom) tibial plateau fracture treated with lowing open reduction and limited internal
composite fixation. (a) Preoperative lateral ra- fixation of the articular surface with self-cutting,
diograph demonstrating a bicondylar fracture self-tapping cannulated 6.S-mm lag screws
with extensive comminution and metaphyseal- and reduction and neutralization of the meta-
diaphyseal dissociation. (b and c) CT scan in physeal-diaphyseal dissociation with a hybrid
the axial and coronal planes demonstrate ex- semicircular external fixator with three con-
tensive comminution of the articular surface necting rods.
and metaphyseal-diaphyseal dissociation. (d)
L.S. Weiner and E.C. Mirsky 255

e f
FIGURE 14.7 (e and f) Anteroposterior and The articular surface and major fragments are
lateral radiographs taken 3 months postopera- well reduced. There is some bridging callus at
tively, after the external fixator was removed. the fracture site.

for juxtaarticular tibia fractures. M ,46,48 Tornetta nal fixation. All fractures in this series healed
et al. 46 rep oded 81% overall good or excellent without complications. He concluded that this
results in 26 patients who were followed for 8 method represents mechanically lag screw fixa-
to 36 months following treatment of severe tion with a neutralization plate and biologically
tibial plafond fractures with composite fixation. is minimally traumatic to bone or soft tissue.
Moreover, 69% of patients in their series with These fractures healed by primary bony union
Ruedi type III injuries and 70.5% of those with in spite of crush injury, devascularization, or
intraarticular fractures had excellent or good local infection.
results. They concluded that this method reduces Weiner et a1. 4 reported on 50 severe frac-
the amount of soft tissue dissection and espe- tures of the proximal tibia that were treated
cially periosteal stripping necessary for fixation with limited internal fixation combined with
with larger plates while yielding comparable external fixation. In this series, all fractures
results. This technique offers a low complication healed, at an average of 12 weeks. There were
rate while providing stable fixation and allow- two nonunions, which required bone graft.
ing for early motion. Average Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) knee
Mills3 rep oded on five patients with oblique score was 90 (68-100). Overall, they reported
fractures of the tibia treated with combined 82% good or excellent anatomic results. They
interfragmentary lag screw fixation and exter- concluded that this treatment modality is an
256 14. Composite Fixation for Juxtaarticular Fractures


FIGURE 14.8. (a) Anteroposterior and (b) lateral (c, d) It was treated with limited internal fixa-
views of a pilon fracture with simple joint pat- tion and hybrid external fixation requiring min-
tern, complex metaphyseal pattern (AD-e2). imal exposure and fixation of joint surface.
L.S. Weiner and E.C. Mirsky 257

e f
FIGURE 14.8 (e) Clinical appearance during Karas EH and Weiner LS: Displaced pilon frac-
treatment. (f) Radiographic appearance after tures: An update. Orthop Clinic North Am
treatment. (Reprinted with permission from 1994;25:651-63.)

excellent alternative for severe proximal tibia Conclusion

fractures, allowing the surgeon to achieve a
high rate of union and good clinical outcome As techniques of biologic fixation and external
with little jeopardy to the soft tissue structures. fixation are refined, they are playing an increas-
In general, results correlate with the amount of ingly important role in the management of
proximal comminution of the articular surface, severe juxtaarticular tibia fractures. Accordingly,
with severely comminuted fractures portending composite fixation, emphasizing biologic princi-
a worse prognosis. ples, has been shown to increase healing rates
Saleh et a1. 48 treated 12 patients with com- and to decrease infections without compromis-
minuted pilon fractures using limited open ing stable fixation. Preliminary studies with
reduction and interfragmentary fixation of the composite fixation have yielded excellent func-
major articular fragments combined with an tional results with minimal soft tissue and bony
articulated external fixator to maintain dia- complications. Composite fixation provides the
physeal alignment, neutralize joint movement, patient with a markedly displaced, comminuted,
and encourage early motion. Only one of the or open juxtaarticular tibial fracture the best
patients in this study had a poor functional chance of a good clinical result with minimal
result. risks, and is therefore an excellent treatment for
these complex injuries.
258 14. Composite Fixation for Juxtaarticular Fractures

References displaced fractures of the ankle by rigid internal

fixation and early joint movement. J Bone Joint
1. Bach AW, Hansen ST. Plates versus external fix- Surg 1965;47B:634-660.
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Ankle Arthrodesis
Arthur K. Walling and Brian J. Padrta

While joint replacement has flourished in the become the most widely accepted method of
majority of joints, its disappointing results in achieving stability and compression at the
the ankle have contributed to the continued fusion site.
popularity of arthrodesis as a dependable and Methods of obtaining compression arthrod-
acceptable method of treatment for disorders of esis with internal fixation are varied. Studies
the ankle. Arthrodesis of the ankle has become comparing the use of plates vs. screws for
the most frequently performed fusion procedure obtaining internal fixation have shown that
of major joints. It is most commonly performed double-T plating does provide a more rigid
for traumatic arthritis, but it is also an effective construct, but has the disadvantage of requiring
and reliable treatment for patients with inflam- more soft tissue stripping and may jeopardize
matory arthridities, instability, or failed arthro- vascularity to the talus and tibia. 7 We also feel
plasty (Figures 15.1 and 15.2). that it is more difficult to achieve compression
across the fusion site when using only plate fixa-
tion. Because of this, we continue to prefer the
External Verses Internal use of transarticular cancellous screws to obtiUn
Fixation compression arthrodesis.
Multiple configurations for screw placement
Charnley 1 initially popularized the use of exter- exist, and debate regarding the number of
nal fixation to provide compression at the site screws needed for fixation and their positioning
of fusion. More recent fixateurs, such as the Ca- continues. Most authors use at least two screws
landruccio frame, have used triangular config- to obtain fixation and prefer proximal to distal
urations in an attempt to improve stability.2,3 positioning.s Mann et a1. 9 describes a technique
Despite these improvements, biomechanical from distal to proximal with the insertion point
studies comparing external fixation to internal beginning in the lateral talus and proceeding
fixation show superior stability with internal upward across the ankle joint into the tibia.
fixation. 4 Moeckel et a1. 5 compared the clinical Friedman et al. 10 tested paired cadaver ankles
results between internal and external fixation and found that two 6.5-mm crossed cancellous
methods for arthrodesis in a group of 68 ankles. screws placed from proximal to distal were
Those ankles treated with internal fixation had a superior to parallel screws in resisting torsional
union rate of 95% compared with 78% for those stress. A University of Washington study felt
treated with external fixation. External fixation strongly that three screws are necessary for fixa-
is also associated with higher incidences of tion and that the crucial screw is one placed
infection (secondary to pin tracts) and overall from the posterior malleolus of the tibia into the
complication rates. 6 From the patient viewpoint, neck and head of the talus.u Biomechanically,
external fixation is bulky, requires daily pin care, the three-screw configuration is more rigid but
and thus remains unpopular. Because of these may not affect clinical outcome when compared
factors, use of external fixation is best reserved with the use of two screws in uncomplicated
for septic situations, and internal fixation has cases 12 (Figure 15.3).

A.K. Walling and B.). Padrta 261

a b

C d
FIGURE 15.1. (a and b) Preoperative AP and radiographs illustrating the correct positioning
lateral radiographs of a 79-year-old man with of the posterior-anterior screw when utilizing
progressive pain and crepitance of the right the three-screw fusion technique.
ankle. (c and d) Postoperative AP and lateral
262 15. Ankle Arthrodesis

a b

c d
FIGURE 15.2. (a and b) Preoperative AP and Postoperative radiographs of healed fusion,
lateral radiographs demonstrate lateral articular which show correction of the malalignment
loss secondary to progressive talar tilt in a utilizing the two-screw technique.
patient with valgus malalignment. (c and d)
A.K. Walling and 8.J. Padrta 263

2> 3 SCREW 3> 2 SCREW

< .1.





L-~~~~====~ ____ ~ __ ~ __ ~~

-SO" -60" -40" -20" 0 20" 40" 60" 80"


FIGURE 15.3. Biomechanical testing of two the three-screw technique. This was not statisti-
screws (medial/lateral) vs. three screws (pos- cally significant and may be clinically irrelevant
teroanterior, medial, and lateral) showed greater if postoperative immobilization is employed.
resistance to rotation in five of six planes with

Operative Technique minimal bony resection, and meticulous soft

tissue handling.
Multiple techniques and surgical approaches Cannulated cancellous screws are a practical
have been described to achieve arthrodesis. We method of achieving rigid internal fixation with
prefer an anterior approach in most instances compression across the arthrodesis site.12 Place-
and utilize a lateral approach when it is neces- ment of the guide pins under direct vision en-
sary to remove internal fixation or when signif- ables accurate assessment of eventual screw posi-
icant anterior displacement of the talus and foot tions. The use of fluoroscopy further confirms
in the ankle mortise exists, as can occur follow- screw placement and length. The pins them-
ing pilon fractures. When determining which selves assist in maintaining the arthrodesis in
technique to utilize the surgeon must consider the correct position prior to screw placement.
the underlying disorder, degree of deformity, In addition, the ability to place the screws per-
bone stock, and patient demands. cutaneously leaves soft tissue intact, thereby
The goal of the arthrodesis is to position the preserving vascularity. Cannulated screws are
ankle in a neutral flexion-extension position invaluable if using an arthroscopic technique for
with approximately 5° of valgus. It is equally fusion.
important to position the foot along the weight-
bearing line of the tibia, or slightly posterior, so
that the overall length of the foot is decreased
Advantages of Cannulated Screws
in relationship to the tibia. This shortens the 1. The ankle is readily accessible to fluoroscopic
lever arm and is believed to improve gait placement of guide pins.
dynamics postfusion. External rotation should 2. The guide pins can provisionally hold the
be approximately 5° to 10° and is best judged arthrodesis in position and readily be reposi-
by comparison to the opposite ankle. The tioned if necessary prior to definitive screw
emphasis should be on rigid internal fixation, placement.
264 15. Ankle Arthrodesis

3. Guide pins can be used retrograde from within flexed and a 3.2-mm double-ended guide pin
the articular surface of the tibia through the (this may have to be pre-made) is placed
tibial metaphysis, then later antegrade, after through the distal tibial plafond and drilled ret-
foot provisional positioning, into the talus. rograde so as to exit the posterior malleolus just
4. Guide pins can be used percutaneously with proximal to the metaphyseal flare and lateral to
the aid of fluoroscopy and arthroscopy to do the Achilles tendon. When the ankle is correctly
a percutaneous arthrodesis. positioned this pin should be situated so that
5. The use of provisional guide pin placement when advanced it will eventually enter the cen-
minimizes soft tissue dissection in the ankle ter of the talar body and extend into the neck
where very little soft tissue covers much of and head. Fluoroscopic control is very helpful
the bony structure. when placing this guide pin. The guide pin is
left flush with the tibial surface and is not
advanced at this time.
Authors' Preferred Equipment Through a separate lateral stab incision a sec-
Large cannulated screws: Partially threaded 6.5- ond 3.2-mm guide pin is placed just above the
mm titanium screws. Guide pin, 3.2 mm. tibial metaphyseal flare anterior to the fibula (or
Small cannulated screws: Partially threaded 4.5- through the fibula) and advanced to, but not
mm stainless steel screws. Guide pin, 2.0 mm. across, the joint. In this manner, it can be visu-
ally confirmed that this second guide pin will
exit the tibia in a position to enter the lateral
Anterior Approach talar body. A third 3.2-mm guide pin is placed
The patient is positioned supine on a fluoro- through a medial stab incision in the same man-
scopic-compatible operating room table with a ner and its exit point from the plafond and its
''bump'' under the ipsilateral hip. The iliac crest expected entrance point into the talus visually
is prepared for bone graft harvest. A tourniquet confirmed. By not advancing the pins, their
is used throughout the procedure to control positions can be verified to maximize later can-
bleeding and enhance visualization. The anterior nulated screw purchase.
approach utilizes the interval between the tibia- Iliac crest bone graft is placed into the fusion
lis anterior and extensor hallucis longus tendons. site to improve contact between any areas of
The neurovascular bundle is carefully identified incongruity that remain after denuding and con-
and retracted laterally. The periosteum of the touring the tibial and talar surfaces. The foot is
tibia and capsule of the ankle joint are incised in now carefully returned to the original position
line with the skin incision. The full extent of the selected for arthrodesis. This should be neutral
ankle joint can then be exposed by subperiosteal plantar flexion and dorsiflexion with neutral to
and subcapsular dissection. The articular surfaces slight valgus angulation. The talus should be
of the ankle joint are denuded of cartilage with translated slightly posterior within the mortise.
an osteotome, being careful to avoid excessive The guide pins are then advanced into the talus
bony resection. A lamina spreader, pituitary in the order in which they were initially placed
rongeur, and powered osteotome are very help- to maintain the position for arthrodesis.
ful in ensuring complete cartilage excision from We prefer the use of stout (3.2-mm) guide
all surfaces. In addition, the tibiotalar surfaces pins that will hold the position of arthrodesis.
and the medial-lateral gutters should be fully Fluoroscopy is used to confirm arthrodesis posi-
denuded. Any varus-valgus malalignment is tion and guide pin locations. In the lateral view,
corrected prior to fixation (Figure 15.2). Once the lateral guide pin should be anterior in the
the desired position for arthrodesis has been talus and the medial should be more posterior in
obtained, the placement of the screws can com- its talar position. The guide pins are then mea-
mence. sured with the direct reading depth gauge and
If utilizing the three-screw technique (Figure the appropriate cannulated 6.5-mm self-tapping
15.1), the most important screw is the posterior cancellous screws selected. The posteroanterior
to anterior screw. The foot is maximally plantar screw is placed first, followed by the lateral and
A.K. Walling and B.J. Padrta 265

FIGURE 15.4. Intraoperative fluoroscopy demonstrating final screw position prior to guide pin

then medial screws. Additional bone graft is the ankle mortise exists, such as occurs follow-
placed into a trough created in front of the ankle ing pilon fractures, and to remove previous
in a strain-relieving manner. I I Final anteropos- internal fixation devices. This approach also can
terior and lateral radiographs are obtained to be utilized to expose the subtalar joint to per-
ensure proper position and that the subtalar form pantalar arthrodeses. It may be coupled
joint has not been penetrated (Figure 15.4). with a medial incision.
The incisions are closed in layers over suction The distal fibula is exposed through a straight
drainage. A well-padded posterior and U-shaped lateral incision. A 4- to 5-cm segment of fibula is
splint is applied. This is changed to a short leg removed exposing the ankle mortise. The talar
cast at the time of suture removal. Partial weight and tibial surfaces of the ankle are denuded and
bearing is allowed and progressed as radio- any angulatory deformity corrected. Once the
graphic evidence of union allows. Most patients optimum position for fusion has been obtained
are full weight bearing at 8 weeks and can be the 3.2-mm guide pins are inserted. Under direct
converted to a removable brace, which is worn vision the same positioning of guide pins and
only for weight bearing to a total of 12 to self-tapping 6.5-mm cannulated screws, as was
16 weeks depending upon clinical evidence of described for the anterior approach, is pOSSible.
fusion. The removed section of distal fibula is then
Uncomplicated situations with little or no prepared for reinsertion. The lateral surfaces of
malalignment may require only two 6.5-mm the tibia and talus are denuded to bleeding
screws (medial-lateral) for satisfactory stabiliza- bone, as is the opposing surface of the removed
tion. When in doubt, the small additional time fibula. The distal fibular section is then secured
that it requires to place the anteroposterior to the tibia and talus with two additional lag
screw is far less consequential than the risk of screws placed through the fibula and into the
nonunion. corresponding tibia and talus. I I This may be
performed with 2.0-mm guide wires to give
provisional fixation. The position is confirmed
Lateral Approach by fluoroscopy. The direct reading depth gauge
The lateraL or trans fibular, approach is primarily is read and the 4.5-mm partially threaded self-
used when anterior displacement of the talus in tapping cancellous screws are passed over the
266 15. Ankle Arthrodesis

guide wires. Bone graft is utilized as with the rechecked fluoroscopically. Routine closure and
anterior approach. It is extremely important to immobilization are utilized as in the open tech-
restore the lateral integrity by replacing the niques.
fibula. We have recently treated three cases
where the fibula was either not replaced or inse-
curely fixed that resulted in valgus malunions. Patient Review
The postoperative regimen is the same for both
approaches. In November 1993 we reported on our results
in 42 patients (42 arthrodeses) utilizing the two-
Arthroscopic Approach or three-screw internal compression technique
and anterior approach. These were all performed
Our experience with arthroscopic-assisted ankle for traumatic or inflammatory arthritis. Men
arthrodesis is still being assessed. Our general outnumbered women 3 : 1. All patients went on
impression has been that while it is certainly to successful union using the criterion of trabec-
viable, clear-cut advantages to open techniques ulization across at least 50% of the joint in
remain to be seen. There is no question that the both the anteroposterior (AP) and lateral x-ray
arthroscopic technique is best utilized in those views and the patient could bear full weight on
patients whom have little or no deformity that the ankle. The average time to union was 14
requires correction.13 Differences between open weeks. 12
and arthroscopic methods in regard to post-
operative pain, time to union, and nonunion
rates still need to be assessed. Difficult Ankle Arthrodeses
Our technique has utilized only two portals,
anteromedial and anterolateral. A Zimmer ankle Several factors have been identified by multiple
distractor is also used to improve visualization. authors that may predispose patients to non-
A standard 4-mm, 30° arthroscope with a con- union. ll,12,14 These include, but are not limited
tinuous pressure infusion irrigation setup is to, smoking, neurotrophic joints, talar osteo-
satisfactory in most cases. A 4.5-mm resector/ necrosis, pyarthroses, and extended hindfoot
shaver is used for the initial debridement, with fusions. In our own series, utilizing the conven-
more aggressive burs utilized as needed. It is tional compression screw arthrodesis technique,
important to debride all surfaces including the two of three patients with diabetic Charcot
medial and lateral recesses. Ring curettes and changes of the ankle went on to nonunion, and
pituitary rongeurs are very helpful in achieving two of four patients treated for compensatory
complete debridement. arthritis following previous subtalar arthrodesis
Once debridement is complete, the 3.2-mm developed nonunions. It is important to recog-
guide pins are introduced percutaneously and nize that these conditions require additional con-
their exits from the tibial plafond are visualized siderations and methods of fixation.
arthroscopically. Either two pins (medial and
lateral) or three pins (posteroanterior, medial,
and lateral) may be utilized. It is much more dif- Conclusion
ficult to place the posteroanterior guide pin
arthroscopically as it cannot be placed in an While ankle arthrodesis remains the operation
inside-out fashion as in the open technique. of choice for most patients with chronic pain-
After placement of the guide pins, the foot is ful conditions of the ankle, it is important to
positioned and the guide pins advanced into the remember that it is a salvage operation. If
talus. Their positions and the position of the reconstructive alternatives exist, they should at
foot in relationship to the tibia is confirmed by least be considered prior to fusion. 15 We feel
fluoroscopy. The appropriate-length screws are that if arthrodesis is necessary, utilization of
determined with the direct reading depth gauge internal screw fixation for fusion is a reliable
and then advanced over the guide pins and procedure. In most instances, it is well suited to
A.K. Walling and B.J. Padrta 267

the use of cannulated screws. No matter which the ankle in patients who have rheumatoid arthri-
surgical approach is utilized, the primary goal, in tis. J Bone Joint Surg 1992;74A:903-908.
addition to union, is to obtain functional posi- 7. Dohm MP, Benjamin JB, Harrison J, Szivek JA. A
biomechanical evaluation of three forms of inter-
tioning of the foot. Patient satisfaction is highly nal fixation used in ankle arthrodesis. Foot Ankle
dependent upon this. Unfortunately, no matter 1994;15:297-300.
how good the union rates and initial patient 8. Mauerer RC, Cimino WR, Cox CV, Satow GK.
satisfaction, gradual compensatory changes are Transarticular cross-screw fixation: a technique of
inevitable in the subtalar and midfoot joints, and ankle arthrodesis. Clin Orthop 1991;268:56.
9. Mann RA, Van Manen JW, Wapner K, Martin J.
we should continue to search for a "better" pro- Ankle fusion. Clin Orthop 1991;268:49.
cedure. 10. Friedman RL, Glisson RR, Nunley JA. A bio-
mechanical comparative analysis of two tech-
niques for tibiotalar arthrodesis. Foot Ankle 1994;
References 15:301-305.
11. Holt ES, Hansen ST, Mayo KA, Sangeorzan BJ.
1. Charnley J. Compression arthrodesis of the ankle Ankle arthrodesis using internal screw fixation.
-and shoulder. J Bone Joint Surg 1951;33B:180. Clin Orthop 1991;268:21.
2. Hagen RJ. Ankle arthrodesis-problems and pit- 12. Walling AK, Dennis J, Latta L. Tibio-talar arthrod-
falls. Clin Orthop 1986;202:152. esis using two 6.5mm titanium screws. Presented
3. Malarkey RF, Binski Je. Ankle arthrodesis with at the Florida Orthopaedic Society, Palm Beach,
the Calandruccio frame and bimalleolar onlay FL,1993.
graft. Clin Orthop 1991;268:44-48. 13. Myerson MS, Quill G. Ankle arthrodesis: a com-
4. Scranton PE, Fu FH, BroWn TD. Ankle arthrod- parison of an arthroscopic and an open method of
esis-a comparative clinical and biomechanical- treatment. Clin Orthop 1991;268:84.
evaluation. Clin Orthop 1980;151:234-243. 14. Scranton PE Jr. An overview of ankle arthrodesis.
5. Moeckel BH, Patterson BM, Inglis AE, Sculo TP. Clin Orthop 1991;268:96.
Ankle arthrodesis: a comparison of internal and 15. Marti RK. Malunited ankle fractures-the late
external fixation. Clin Orthop 1991;268:78. results of reconstruction. J Bone Joint Surg 1990;
6. Cracchiolo A, Omino WR, Lian G. Arthrodesis of 72B:4.
The Foot
Charles N. Cornell

Until recently, interest in operative management Clinical Relevance

of fractures of the foot and use of internal
fixation for reconstruction and arthrodesis has Due to the intricate soft tissue and skeletal anat-
been minimal. But over the past two decades omy of the foot, ORIF is extremely challenging.
advances in fracture surgery have conclusively Surgical exposures must be carefully planned
documented that lower extremity function is to avoid unnecessary injury to neurovascular
better when normal anatomy is restored and structures. In addition, exposures should be
prolonged casting is avoided following injury. minimized to avoid excessive devascularization
In view of the realization that the lower extrem- of the small and poorly vascularized bones of
ity cannot function without a sound foot, there the foot. A large portion of the bony surfaces
has been an explosive increase in interest in of the foot is subcutaneous or of very limited
applying principles of internal fixation to the soft tissue coverage. The individual bones are
foot.! As with open reduction and internal fixa- small. Too short a screw may not give maxi-
tion (ORIF) elsewhere, the four goals of internal mum potential fixation and holding power,
fixation in the foot are (1) restoration of normal whereas too large a screw may have its
anatomy with rapid union, (2) preservation of threaded tip extend into the joint or the adja-
blood supply to the operative area, (3) achieve- cent bone. Small implants are needed, and the
ment of stable internal fixation that meets the screw heads should be small to allow counter-
biomechanical demands of the foot, and (4) sinking below articular cartilage surfaces. Due to
mobilization and functional weight bearing as the peculiar geometries encountered especially
early as possible. when transfixing the metatarsals, special inser-
Not all fractures in the foot require internal tion techniques are needed. For all these reasons
fixation to heal with satisfactory results. In addi- cannulated screws provide many advantages in
tion, in the foot full range of motion (ROM) is the foot. In this chapter the indications and
not essential for all joints, especially the mid- techniques for internal fixation in the foot are
tarsal and tarsometatarsal joints as well as the IP reviewed with special emphasis on the use of
joints of the toes. Nonetheless, displaced intra- cannulated screws.
articular fractures require near anatomic reduc-
tion. The subtalar, transtarsal, and metatarso-
phalangeal joints require almost full ROM to
restore normal foot function. In addition, the
Advantages of Cannulated
intricate interrelationships of the joints of the Screws
foot require proper alignment for proper func-
tion. In this sense, even when joints stiffen or The use of cannulated, screws in the treatment
become arthrodesed precise anatomie alignment of foot fractures can supplement the standard
is needed to preserve maximal overall function. 2 AOjASIF procedures. There are several advan-
It is in these instances that ORIF can be vitally tages of using cannulated screws in foot fracture
important. fixation:

CN. Cornell 269

1. The foot is very accessible to fluoroscopy Factors to Consider in

and fluoroscopic placement of guide pins.
2. The incision can be placed to obtain opti- Cannulated Screw Fixation
mum exposure for the reduction of the frac-
ture or dislocation; the guide pins can then The surgeon should consider several design cri-
be placed either through this wound or per- teria in determining the system of cannulated
cutaneously through new puncture wounds if screw to be used. Titanium screws are advanta-
the orientation of the ideal screw requires a geous if computed tomography (CT) or mag-
different direction. This minimizes the expo- netic resonance imaging (MRI) is to be used in
sure and soft tissue dissection. the postoperative period. Stainless steel screws
3. The guide pin can be used as a handle for are readily used in conjunction with the stain-
reducing the fracture fragment. less steel fixation plates used so often in trauma
4. Guide pins provide preliminary fixation and fixation systems.
can be placed in the most opportune location The size of the guide wire is determined by
for fixation, which is usually the site for the the cannulation of the intended cannulated screw
final screw. to be used. This does vary between different
S. The guide pin can be repositioned in these available systems. A larger diameter guide wire
small bones with minimal bone loss, thus has the advantage over the smaller wire in being
maintaining host bone integrity for final stiffer with less chance of bending or deviation.
screw fixation. The larger guide wires also offer better provi-
6. The guide pin can be used to establish the sional fixation. A tapered root thread has in-
ideal screw's length prior to screw placement. creased strength over a fixed root thread and less
chance of threaded tip breakage or incarcera-
Several basic rules of technique must be tion within the screw's cannula (see Chapter 2).
observed when cannulated screw fixation is Smooth Kirschner wires or drill bits can be used
applied to the foot. If a fracture is reduced and as guide pins in circumstances where a threaded
held with a guide pin, additional provisional tip is not necessary. Pretapping decreases the
fixation often is added before overdrilling the screw's holding power, giving self-cutting and
guide pin to minimize the loss of reduction. self-tapping screws an advantage. If a tap is to
Pointed reduction forceps or additional K-wire be used, only the near cortex is tapped.
fixation will prevent this. When overdrilling a The holding power of the screw is propor-
terminally threaded guide pin, especially for tional to the outer diameter of the screw's
smaller cannulated screws, care must be taken to thread, while the strength of the screw is pro-
follow the path of the pin and not bend, bind, or portional to the root diameter of the thread
cut the guide wire. Reaming should be stopped adjusted for the size of the cannulation and the
before the terminally threaded portion or else metal used (see Chapter 2). These factors should
the guide pin will be extracted by the drill. be considered in relation to the goals of fixa-
When screws are used to transfix a joint that has tion, i.e., to maintain position and/or to pro-
been dislocated and open-reduced, fully threaded vide strength. A surgeon should become famil-
screws provide maintenance of reduction but iar with the specifics of his preferred cannulated
avoid compression of the joint and possible screw system but may utilize other systems
cartilage necrosis. In fixation of the talus and when clinically indicated.
arthrodesis of the subtalar joint, a 6.5- to 7.0-mm
cannulated screw should be used. Fixation of the
midtarsal bone fractures can be performed with
Author's Preferred Equipment
3.S-mm cannulated screws, but whenever possi-
ble 4.5- or S.O-mm screws should be used to
Large Cannulated Screws
provide sufficient strength to avoid screw break- Screw thread: Cancellous; outer diameter-7.0
age, especially when performing arthrodesis or mm; pitch-2.7S mm; not self-cutting. Screw
correcting posttraumatic deformity. shaft: 4.5 mm. Thread length: 16 or 32 mm. Guide
270 16. The Foot

pin: 2.0 rnm with a threaded tip. Screw head: hexagon. Material: 316 LVM stainless steel. Sys-
Round head with an internal 3.5-rnm hexagon. tem accessory equipment: Washers, depth gauge,
Material: 316 LVM stainless steel. System acces- pin guide, soft tissue protection sleeve, cannu-
sory equipment: Washers, depth gauge, pin guide, lated overdrill.
soft tissue protection sleeve, cannulated over-
drill. Alternate Systems
System 1
Alternate Systems
Screw thread: Outer diameter-5.0 rnm; pitch
System 1
1.6 rnm; reverse cutting flutes; self-cutting, self-
Screw thread: Outer diameter-6.5 rnm; pitch- tapping positive rake tip. Screw shaft: Smooth
2.5 rnm; reverse cutting flutes; self-cutting, self- 3.5 rnm. Guide pin: 2.0 mm with a threaded tip
tapping positive rake tip. Drill: A 3.2-rnm steel and tapered root diameter. Screw head: Round
drill, which can be used directly with a direct head with an internal 3.5-mm hexagon. Mate-
reading depth gauge. Guide pin: 3.2 rnm with a rial: 316 LVM stainless steel. System accessory
threaded tip and tapered root diameter. Screw equipment: Washers, depth gauge, 2.0-mm pin
head: Round head with a 4.8-rnm internal hexa- guide, soft tissue protection sleeve, cannulated
gon. Material: 22-13-5 stainless steel. System overdrill.
accessory equipment: Washers, depth gauge, pin
guide, soft tissue protection sleeve, cannulated System 2
Screw thread: Outer diameter-4.5 rnm; pitch-
1.0 mm; self-cutting, self-tapping positive rake
System 2
tip. Screw shaft: A fully threaded 3.5-rnm root
Screw thread: Outer diameter-6.5 rnm; pitch- diameter. Guide pin: 2.0 mm with a threaded tip
1.9 rnm; reverse cutting flutes; self-cutting, self- and tapered root diameter. Screw head: Round
tapping tip. Drill: A 3.2-mm steel drill. Guide head with an internal 3.5-mm hexagon. Mate-
pin: 3.2 rnm with a threaded tip. Screw head: rial: 316 LVM stainless steel. System accessory
Round head with an internal hexagon. Mate- equipment: Washers, depth gauge, 2.0-rnm pin
rial: Titanium alloy. System accessory equipment: guide, soft tissue protection sleeve, cannulated
Washers, depth gauge, pin guide, soft tissue overdrill.
protection sleeve.

Small Cannulated Screws Technique

System 1 The techniques described in this chapter utilize
Screw thread: Cancellous; outer diameter-4.5 the author's preferred equipment but also can be
mm; pikh-1.75 rnm; not self-cutting. Screw performed with other systems as suggested as
shaft: 3.1 rnm. Guide pin: 1.6-rnm with a threaded alternates.
tip. Screw head: Round head with an internal
3.5-rnm hexagon. Material: 316 LVM stainless Fractures of the Talus 3
steel. System accessory equipment: Washers, depth
T alar fracture patterns vary according to the
gauge, pin guide, soft tissue protection sleeve,
mechanism of injury. Talar neck fractures usu-
cannulated overdrill.
ally occur following high-energy mechanisms
and result from acute hyperdorsiflexion of the
System 2 foot. The fracture occurs when the neck of the
Screw thread: Cancellous; outer diameter-3.5 talus is forced across the anterior lip of the tibia.
mm; pitch 1.25 rnm; not self-cutting. Screw shaft: Fractures of the head of the talus follow indirect
2.5 mm. Guide pin: 1.25 rnm with a threaded tip. medial or lateral displacements of the forefoot.
Screw head: Round head with an internaI2.5-rnm Fractures of the body occur following vertical
CN. Cornell 271

loading of the plantarly flexed foot. Compres- after injury as possible. Lag screws provide this
sion fractures of the facets occur with vertical compression and are recommended over K-wire
loading of an inverted or everted foot and often fixation for these fractures. 4
accompany subtalar dislocations. Hawkins type I fractures can be treated by
Two anatomic factors are responsible for the closed reduction, which involves gentle plantar
relatively poor prognosis following talar frac- flexion, and distraction followed by inversion
ture. Sixty percent of the surface of the talus is and dorsiflexion, which compresses the fracture
covered by articular cartilage. The various artic- site. 1 Posterior to anterior fixation can then
ular facets form important articulations with the be accomplished. A Kirschner wire or 2.0-mm
rest of the foot. The talonavicular joint is the guide pin is placed for preliminary stabilization
cornerstone of midfoot motion. The talar dome and then replaced by a countersunk cannulated
provides ankle motion, and the three subtalar 7.0-mm short-threaded (16-mm) screw for de-
facets are needed for eversion and inversion of finitive fixation. Two similarly placed parallel
the foot. Because there are no muscle or tendon screws may also be used. The talus has very
attachments, the talus has a limited blood supply. dense bone and the guide pin should be over-
Displaced fractures in the talar neck or body can drilled to 4.5 mm in the proximal fragment. This
significantly disrupt the talar articulations and hole is overdrilled to the size of the screw's
threaten the blood supply to the talus. Exact shaft not the outer diameter of the screw thread
anatomic reduction of such fractures is needed (7.0 mm). A fracture firmly fixed in this fashion
to preserve joint function. In addition, it is may be treated with early range of motion with
believed that compression of talar fragments by little chance of displacement. (Optionally, 6.5-
lag screw fixation may permit early revasculari- mm titanium screws or 6.5-mm 22-13-5 stainless
zation and limit the degree of avascular necrosis steel screws are available, which accommodate
(AVN) that occurs.4 larger 3.2-mm guide pins.)
For displaced type II, III, and IV fractures
ORIF is needed. Exposure of the fracture is
Fractures of the Talar Neck
gained through combined medial and lateral
Fractures of the talar neck are classified into incisions (Figure 16.1). Although a direct ante-
four types using the modified Hawkins classi-
fication. 5 ,6 This classification predicts the risk
of avascular necrosis based upon the degree of
fracture displacement:
Type I: The talar neck is undisplaced. Risk of
AVN is less than 10%.
Type II: There is slight displacement of the
neck fracture. The risk of AVN is
approximately 40%.
Type III: There is complete displacement of
the body from both the ankle and
subtalar joints, with the chance of
A VN approaching 90%.
Type IV: This was added by Canale and Kelly.6
This category includes subluxation of
the head and dislocation or extrusion
of the body. This risk of A VN is
FIGURE 16.1. Incisions used to gain access to
Conditions that favor healing and diminish the talus for reduction and fixation of displaced
the risk of AVN are anatomic reduction and fractures. (Reprinted with permission from San-
compression of the fracture fragments as soon georzan. 3 )
272 16. The Foot

FIGURE 16.2. (a) An anteroposterior view of the fixation of

a talar neck fracture with 4.S-mm cannulated screws
placed from anterior to posterior. (b) The lateral radio-
graph showing anterior to posterior screw placements.

rior incision provides excellent exposure, it risks tioned. Fixation is achieved using countersunk
damage to any remaining blood supply along 3.5-mm cannulated screws (Figure 16.2).
the dorsal talar neck. The medial incision runs
between the anterior and posterior tibial ten-
dons and can be extended so that a medial mal- Fractures of the Calcaneus
leolar osteotomy can be performed if needed.
Provisional fixation is provided with parallel or Calcaneal fractures are usually caused by axial
crossed 1.6-mm guide pins, then replaced with loading injuries. Avulsion fractures can result
4.5-mm countersunk cannulated screws for fixa- from indirect force. For example, the Achilles
tion (Figure 16.2). Postoperatively, talar frac- tendon can avulse the dorsal portion of the
tures are managed with partial weight bearing tuberosity at its insertion site. Seventy-five per-
and active ROM exercises. These fractures are cent of calcaneal fractures are intraarticular in-
usually united in 8 weeks. Fractures of the body volving the subtalar joint. Currently, CT scan-
of the talus and impaction fractures of the talar ning is essential in the evaluation of calcaneal
facets are best visualized through the medial fracture patterns allowing adequate preoperative
malleolar approach. When possible posterior to planning for ORIP
anterior fixation is used for fixation of the talar Several distinctive components characterize
body using parallel 3.5- or 4.5-mm cannulated calcaneal fractures. 1 ,8 The medial sustentacular
screws (Figure 16.3). A separate small posterior fragment, which is triangularly shaped on the
incision is used to place the guide pins fol- semicoronal CT scan, may vary in size but
lowed by the screws. Impaction fractures usu- remains in its normal position held by the inter-
ally require disimpaction of joint fragments, osseous ligament. The posterior facet is impacted
bone grafting to fill subchondral defects, and and rotated as much as 30° to 60° anteriorly. A
fixation with small screws or Kirschner wires long posterior portion of the 'calcaneal tuber
(Figure 16.4). Fractures of the head of the talus may remain attached to the facet creating the
are exposed through any of the incisions men- tongue-type fracture pattern. The lateral wall is
CN. Cornell 273

FIGURE 16.3. The technique of posterior to FIGURE 16.4. A radiograph of a technique

anterior fixation of talar neck fracture. (Reprinted used for repair of an impaction fracture of the
with permission from Hansen. 1 ) subtalar facets. A medial malleolar osteotomy
approach was used for exposure: 3.S-mm
screws stabilized a Hawkins type I talar neck
fracture. The facet was disimpacted and stabi-
usually significantly widened and the anterior lized with a 1.6-mm K-wire. The defect was
process may be shortened and flexed with dis- bone grafted and the construct neutralized.
ruption of the dense cortical bone beneath the
sinus tarsi, which form the angle of Gissane.
Open reduction internal fixation is becoming Schanz pin inserted into the tuberosity for dis-
increasingly accepted as the best treatment traction and correction of the varus deformity.
for the displaced calcaneal fracture. The lateral Preliminary fixation with K-wires maintains the
approach using the Seattle incision is now the reduction. The joint surface of the posterior
approach of choice. The techniques of fixation is facet is then elevated and precisely reduced to
well described in the reports by Benirschke. 9 ,10 the sustentacular fragment and fixed with 3.5-
The steps involved in restoration and fixation of rnrn cortical lag screws. The lateral wall is then
calcaneal anatomy involves complete exposure reduced and the entire construct stabilized with
of the lateral aspect from the tuber to the calca- reconstruction plates. A combination of an H-
neocuboid joint by reflection of the full-thick- plate and 2.7- or 3.5-rnrn reconstruction plate is
ness lateral flap (Figure 16.5). The subtalar joint popular, but specially designed plates are also
is identified and the sustentacular fragment is available. Cannulated screws may be useful in
visualized. The anterior process is reduced to the fixation of the posterior facet fragment. A 1.25-
sustentactular fragment and held with Kirschner rnrn guide pin can be used to reduce the anterior
wires. The anatomic relationship between the process to the sustentaculum; then the 3.5-rnrn
tuberosity and medial wall is restored using a cannulated lag screws can adequately replace
274 16. The Foot

FIGURE 16.5. The incision used for exposure of the calcaneous needed for open reduction and
internal fixation. (Reprinted with permission from Hansen. 1 )

the 3.5-mm cortical lag screws recommended in is indicated for patients with a painful, deformed
the Seattle technique. The restoration of the calcaneus with loss of heel height, lateral im-
posterior facet to the sustentaculum is key. The pingement, and tibiotalar neck impingement due
sustentaculum is usually composed of dense to loss of the talar declination angleY A pri-
cancellous bone amenable to a fixation screw; mary subtalar fusion can be considered for
however, it represents a small target. Reduction patients with arthritis but little deformity. Sub-
is performed and held with Kirschner wires and talar bone block fusion is performed with the
a 1.2-mm guide wire in the position of the patient in the contralateral decubitus position. A
desired screw. Confirmation is performed by posterolateral Gallie-type approach or Seattle
fluoroscopy or conventional radiographs. A incision are utilized for exposure of the sub-
depth gauge measurement predicts the ideal talar joint. Distraction is applied using a medi-
screw length. The optional cannulated screw is ally placed femoral distractor or large laminar
then placed and compression applied as desired. spreaders. The subtalar joint is denuded of car-
In spite of careful management, both oper- tilage, and heel varus or valgus deformity cor-
atively and nonoperatively treated calcaneal rected by mobilization of the heel. Correction
fractures are frequently complicated by the de- of the talocalcaneal angle to 25° to 40° can be
velopment of subtalar arthritis. Reconstruction confirmed by intraoperative x-ray. The subtalar
of the malunited calcaneus reiterates the prin- joint gap is measured and a tricortical iliac crest
ciples of open reduction and internal fixation. bone autograft is harvested. The graft is trian-
That is, in addition to preservation of the gular in shape to help create talar declination.
subtalar joint, overall goals include restoration The graft is placed in the subtalar joint aiming
of calcaneal anatomy including height, width, for a heel position of neutral to slight valgus,
and length, with re-creation of Bohler's and and distraction is released. Provisional fixation
Gissane's angles. In cases of malunion with is provided with two 2.0-mm parallel guide pins
posttraumatic arthritis, simple fusion of the in the desired location of the screws. Com-
subtalar joint relieves arthritic pain but fails pression arthrodesis is achieved using two 7.0-
to achieve the above-stated goals. Subtalar dis- mm cannulated screws. The guide pins and can-
traction bone block fusion as described by Carr nulated screws are inserted under fluoroscopic
et al. l l addresses the late complications of os control through stab wounds in the heel. The
calcis fractures more completely. This procedure screws are aimed proximally to securely fix the
CN. Cornell 275

talus to the calcaneus with the interposed graft. Tarsal Navicular Fractures
Cannulated screws are particularly helpful in this
case, permitting adjustment of screw length and The tarsal navicular or scaphoid is the keystone
positioning with minimal trauma to the plantar of the medial arch. It articulates with the crucial
soft tissues (Figure 16.6). The incisions are closed talonavicular joint proximally and with each of
with the usual attention to the soft tissues. Post- the three cuneiforms distally. The talonavicular
operatively cast immobilization is used for 12 joint has significant mobility but the naviculo-
weeks, the final 6 weeks in a walking cast. Carr cuneiform articulations are relatively immobile.
et alP calls for use of fully threaded cancellous The posterior tibial tendon inserts upon the
screws in these cases to avoid loss of correction navicular medially.
that might occur with compression screws. I Navicular fractures are usually caused by axial
have used lag screw fixation with great success. loading directed through the metatarsals along
Carr et al. and I have employed this technique a plantar-flexed foot. The exact fracture pattern
with excellent early and late results. For mini- depends upon the position of the foot at the
mal subtalar deformity, compression arthrodesis time of injury. Avulsion fractures, tuberosity
without bone block using cannulated lag screws fractures, and dorsal lip fractures result from
inserted in this axial fashion is also extremely indirect injury. Navicular fractures are classified
effective. according to three categories 12,13:
Type I: Fractures of the tuberosity, which
generally represent avulsion by the
posterior tibia tendon.
Type II: Dorsal lip fractures, which generally
result from Chop art sprains or sub-
Type III: Fractures of the body caused by high-
energy axial loading of the foot. These
injuries have the worst prognosis and
are associated with significant insta-
bility of the midtarsal joints (Figure
Displaced fractures of the navicular and dorsal
lip fractures require ORIF.3,12 The primary inci-
sion is often made dorsally to provide ample
exposure of the fracture. A second medial inci-
sion can be made over the tuberosity and is
helpful in manipulative reduction and placement
of lag screws. A medial distractor or laminar
spreader can help achieve indirect reduction
and improves visualization of the talonavicular
and naviculocuneiform joints. In many instances
reduction of these joints is necessary, and trans-
fixation with a 2.0-mm K-wire necessary to
maintain the joint position. Cancellous bone
grafting should be used to fill voids or defects.
Cannulated screw fixation is extremely helpful
FIGURE 16.6. The technique of subtalar bone since exposure is limited. Cannulated 3.S-mm
block fusion; 7.0-mm cannulated screws are lag screws over 1.2S-mm guide wires provide
inserted through the heel and are aimed into the excellent fixation of the scaphoid fragment. If
body of the talus. K-wire stabilization of the talonavicular joint
276 16. The Foot

In general, Lisfranc dislocations are part of a

larger constellation of multiple trauma. In this
setting, the mechanism is often direct crushing
violence with severe associated soft tissue
Most tarsometatarsal fracture dislocations are
visible on plain radiographs but may be subtle.
Stress views can be helpful in delineating the
true magnitude of injury and resulting insta-
bility. A high degree of suspicion should be
aroused in a markedly painful and swollen fore-
foot in spite of relatively normal plain radio-
Prognosis following Lisfranc fracture dis-
locations appears to be most directly correlated
with the accuracy of reduction and maintenance
of reduction during the healing period. Poor
results develop from posttraumatic deformity
and arthritis. The most common posttraumatic
deformity resulting from this injury is the pla-
novalgus forefoot, which is painful and impos-
sible to fit into shoes.14 ORIF of these injuries
is therefore advocated. Fears of posttraumatic
stiffness caused by transfixation in these joints
are not warranted because stiffness in this area is
not clinically significant as long as normal anat-
omy is restored.
The technique of internal fixation 15 calls for
FIGURE 16.7. A diagrammatic depiction of the
exposure of the injured joints through two
classification system of tarsal navicular fracture. dorsal incisions. The first is within the first
The top fracture is type I or avulsion fracture, web space, and the second, if needed, is placed
type II is the dorsal lip fracture, and (bottom) between the bases of the third and fourth
type III is the comminuted body fracture. (Re- metatarsals. Cannulated screws are a significant
printed with permission from Sangeorzan. 3 ) advantage because they allow a more limited
exposure. Direct reduction is achieved and
maintained using the 1.6- or 1.25-mm guide
is necessary, the pin is usually removed after pins for the cannulated screws. Fixation is pro-
4 weeks. Cast immobilization without weight vided by 4.5- or 3.5-mm fully threaded trans-
bearing is encouraged for 6 weeks. Follow- fixation screws. The first metatarsal is usually
ing this, ambulation in a supportive shoe is fixed first. Proper reduction implies re-creation
recommended. of the normal varus position of the first meta-
tarsal. The base of the second is then reduced
Tarsometatarsal (Lisfranc) Fracture and held with an axial screw. The medial screws
are generally 4.5-mm thread diameter, with 3.5-
mm diameter reserved for the third metatarsals.
The intertarsal and tarsometatarsal joints are The fourth and fifth joints often reduce ade-
very stable and immobile and are disrupted only quately with fixation of the medial joints, but a
by high-energy injuries. Isolated injuries may percutaneous cannulated screw inserted through
often occur during sports by indirect mecha- the base of the fifth metatarsal into the cuboid
nisms such as a runner catching a foot in a hole. may be needed (Figure 16.8). One technical
CN. Cornell 277

a b

FIGURE 16.8. (a) A radiograph of a chronic used. The entire medial column was unstable
Lisfranc dislocation following reduction and requiring the navicular cuneiform fusion in
fusion; (b,c) 4.5-mm cannulated screws are addition to the tarsometatarsal fusions.
278 16. The Foot

FIGURE 16.9. The technique of notching the metatarsal shaft for proper placement of the trans-
fixation screws. (Reprinted with permission from Hansen. 1 )

consideration that must be applied for insertion requires denuding of cartilage surfaces, correc-
of these screws has been pointed out by Hansen tion of deformity, and fixation using large com-
and his coworkers. The metatarsal bases should pression lag screws. Generally, 4.5-mm or larger
be notched appropriately 1 cm away from the screws up to 7.0 mm are recommended (5.0- or
joint. The notch can be made with a bur or ron- 6.5-mm screws of another system are as good).
geur. The distal cortex below the drill hole must Breakage of 3.5-mm screws is not uncommon.
be debrided and then countersunk to accom- Bone grafting can favorably improve the chances
modate the head of the screw as it is tightened. of securing a stable fusion.14
The cannulated countersink can be used in this There are multiple other situations where
step. This notch prevents upward levering of internal fixation using cannulated screws can
the head of the screw, which can crack the be of significant advantage. For example, Jones
base of the metatarsal. It also permits sufficient fracture of the fifth metatarsal, notorious for
countersinking of the screw head to keep it poor healing, can be stabilized with percuta-
from being in a prominent subcutaneous posi- neous placement of a 4.5-mm cannulated lag
tion (Figure 16.9). screw. Interphalangeal fusion of the great toe is
Following fixation of this injury a well- often needed for correction of claw toe defor-
padded short leg cast is applied and limited mity. A longitudinally oriented cannulated com-
weight bearing is begun (20 to 30 pounds) as pression screw placed percutaneously through
soon as pain and swelling permits. Casting is the end of the toe is an excellent technique for
needed for 8 weeks. Transfixation screws should this purpose. These are only a few examples of
be removed 3 months postoperative. Vigorous how cannulated screws can be creatively applied
physiotherapy to strengthen foot and calf for internal fixation in the foot.
muscles and to maximize joint range of motion
is begun.
In cases of neglected Lisfranc injuries, severe, References
painful, posttraumatic arthrosis can develop.
1. Hansen ST. Foot injuries. In: Browner D, ed. Skel-
This is best handled by arthrodesis of the tarso- etal trauma, vol 2. Philadelphia: WB Saunders,
metatarsal joints. The technique of arthrodesis 1992;1959-1991.
is similar to fixation of the acute injury but 2. Mann R. Biomechanics of the foot and ankle. In:
CN. Cornell 279

Mann R, ed. Surgery of the Foot and Ankle. St. os calcis fractures. Paper Presented at AAOS,
Louis: Mosby, 1993;3-45. New Orleans, Feb. 8-12, 1990.
3. Sangeorzan BJ. Foot and ankle joint. In: Hansen 10. Carr JB, Hansen ST, Benirschke SK. Surgical
ST, Swiontkowski MF, eds. Orthopedic Trauma treatement of foot and ankle trauma. Use of indi-
Protocols. New York: Raven Press, 1993;350-353. rect reduction techniques. Foot Ankle 1989;9:176.
4. Mayo KA. Fractures of the talus: principles of 11. Carr JB, Hansen ST, Benirschke SK. Subtalar dis-
management and techniques of treatment. Tech traction bone block fusion for late complications
Orthop 1987;2:42-54. of os calcis fractures. Foot Ankle 1989;9:81-86.
5. Hawkins LG. Fractures of the neck of the talus. J 12. Sangeorzan BJ, Benirschke SK, Mosca V, Mayo
Bone Joint Surg 1970;52A:991-1002. KA, Hansen ST. Displaced intraarticular frac-
6. Canale ST, Kelly FB. Fractures of the neck of the tures of the tarsal navicular. J Bone Joint Surg
talus. Long-term evaluation of seventy-one cases. 1989;71A: 1504-1510.
J Bone Joint Surg 1978;60A:143-156. 13. Eichenholtz SN, Levine DB. Fractures of the tarsal
7. Koval KJ, Sanders R. The radiographic evaluation navicular. Clin Orthop 1964;34:142-157.
of calcaneal fractures. Clin Orthop 1993;290:41- 14. Sangeorzan BJ, Verth RG, Hansen ST. Salvage
46. of Lisfranc's tarsometatarsal joint by arthrodesis.
8. Carr JB. Mechanism and pathoanatomy of the Foot Ankle 1990;10:193-200.
intra-articular calcaneal fracture. Clin Orthop 1993; 15. Arntz CT, Verth RG, Hansen ST. Fractures and
290:36-40. fracture dislocations of the tarsometatarsal joint. J
9. Benirschke SK. Results of operative treatment of Bone Joint Surg 1988;70A:173-181.
The Spine
Robert A. McGuire, Jr.

Cannulated Screws in the Spine maintaining motion. The majority of fractures

at this level occur at the junction of the dens
During the last decade, the use of cannulated and the body of C-2, or obliquely into the body
screws in the treatment of spinal disorders has of C-2.6 Blood supply to this watershed area is
become fairly commonplace. This technique precarious, with little cancellous bone present.
allows direct stabilization of cervical fractures Therefore, displacement of this fracture is asso-
and also facilitates the placement of screws into ciated with a high rate of nonunion when treated
the thoracic and lumbar vertebral body using nonoperatively.7
the transpedicular approach. The chapter ad- Biomechanical testing in vitro following in-
dresses the anatomy, biomechanics, techniques, ternal fixation of this fracture with screws has
and potential complications associated with the demonstrated that stability is one half that of the
utilization of cannulated screws in the spine. unfractured odontoid. 8 The use of two screws
versus a single screw has not been shown to
enhance the stability of the construct,8,9 and in
certain anatomic specimens the size of the odon-
Cervical Spine toid precludes the safe use of more than one
screw. 10
The upper cervical spinal anatomy is unique in
Odontoid fractures are classified using the
that both significant rotation as well as flexion
Anderson and D' Alonzo criteria. A type I frac-
and extension at the C-1-C-2 articulation are
ture is described as an oblique fracture through
allowed. 1 Approximately 50% of axial rotation
the apex of the dens and probably represents
occurs at this segment, and owing to the ori-
an avulsion of the alar ligaments. This fracture
entation of the C-1-C-2 facet complex, ade-
is rare and, when detected, atlanto-occipital dis-
quate mechanical stability is not provided in the
location must be considered. Type II fractures
event of a fracture of the dens, transverse liga-
occur at the junction of the dens with the body
ment rupture, or burst of the C-1 ring. The use
of the axis that is below the level of the trans-
of cannulated screws in the cervical spine per-
verse ligament. This fracture is the most com-
mits direct repair of the dens fractures while
mon as well as the most controversial regarding
retaining cervical motion 2 ,3 or posterior trans-
treatment. The rate of nonunion has been re-
articular fixation of C-1-C-2 when transverse
ported to range from 10% to 67% with non-
ligament rupture or unstable Jefferson's fractures
operative treatment. Several predictors of non-
render the segment unstable. 4 ,5
union of this fracture have been described. These
are an initial displacement of greater than 5 mm,
posterior displacement, angular displacement of
Anterior Fixation of the greater than 10°, age greater than 60 years at
Odontoid the time of injury, smoking, and delayed diag-
nosis. Type III fractures extend in an oblique
Anatomically, the dens lends itself to direct manner caudally from the base of the dens to
repair of the fracture, restoring stability while the anterior body of the axis. A 13% rate of

R.A. McGuire, Jr. 281

nonunion with nonoperative treatment has been chondrosis, which joins the dens to the body
reported with this fracture. may be mistaken for a type III fracture. In the
Jefferson's fractures occur as a result of an adult, the dens extends cephalad an average of
axial load to the head, with the resulting force 15 rnrn from the body of the second vertebra.
being transferred through the wedge-shaped Men tend to have odontoids with greater di-
lateral masses of C-l, resulting in a break of the mensions than women; however, the size has
ring and lateral displacement of the condyles. If not been shown to correlate with specimen
the C-l lateral masses are subluxed greater than height or weight.
7 mm in relation to the lateral masses of C-2,
then the transverse ligament is considered to be
compromised with resulting potential instability Technique
of this segment.
Indications for direct stabilization include the Anterior Fixation of the Odontoid
type II or shallow type III displaced odontoid
Author's Preferred Equipment
fracture; the type II fracture with an intact trans-
verse ligament and posterior C-l arch fracture, Guide pin: 1.25 mm by 150 mm with a threaded
which would preclude initial posterior wiring tip. Screw head: Round head with an internal 3.5-
procedure and prolonged halo immobilization mm hexagon. Screw thread: Cancellous type;
to allow healing of C-l prior to operative stabi- outer diameter-4.0 mm. Material: 316 LVM
lization; and those patients who wish to retain stainless steel or titanium. System accessory equip-
the C-I-C-2 mobility. ment: 4.0-mm system washers, soft tissue pro-
Contraindications to this procedure include the tection sleeve, 4.0-rnrn system cannulated tap,
unstable Jefferson's fracture in addition to the direct reading depth gauge, drill (optional)-
dens fracture, those dens fractures with oblique 2.7 rnrn.
configurations that prevent adequate stability
when compressed following internal fixation, and Prior to the start of the operation, the patient
fractures resulting from a pathologic process. 2 must be positioned appropriately to facilitate
fluoroscopic evaluation of the spinal anatomy,
which is essential for safe placement of the
Anatomy screws (Figure 17.1). Gardner-Wells tongs can
be utilized with the head placed in a padded
The dens is slightly conical in nature and thick- horseshoe, but a radiolucent three-point head
est at its base. Before age 7, the transverse syn- positioning device is superior. The radiolucent

FIGURE 17.1. The patient is

positioned supine with the
shoulders at the end of the bed
and the head in a holding
device. The fracture is reduced
and the proposed line of screw
placement is visualized fluoro-
scopically. There must be no
impingement of the guide wire
on the sternum.
282 17. The Spine

holding device allows visualization of the C-l- second guide pin may be placed to function as
C-2 complex in both the anteroposterior (AP) an anti-rotation device and then removed after
and lateral planes. The fluoroscope is placed in screw placement.
such a manner to allow visualization in both the When the guide pins have been correctly
true lateral and true AP planes. We have found positioned, the screw length is determined by
the use of two fixed units to be superior to a direct measurement from the guide pin and the
Single unit, which must be sequentially rotated near cortex is tapped (Figure 17.2b). The can-
from the lateral to AP plane during the proce- cellous bone is not tapped. A 4.0-mm cancellous
dure. The fracture must be reduced and be able cannulated (either 316 stainless steel or tita-
to be fluoroscopically visualized in both planes nium) screw is inserted and monitored radio-
before the surgical procedure is initiated. When graphically to assure that the guide pin does not
the fracture has been reduced, a trial placement migrate in a cephalad direction as the screw is
of a guide pin is performed by laying the guide advanced (Figure 17.2c). Care must be taken
pin along the neck with radiographic monitor- during the selection of screw length to prevent
ing in the lateral plane. The plane of the guide crossing of the fracture line with the threaded
pin must not impinge on the sternum and still portion of the screw, which could lead to dis-
allow direct placement from the anterior margin traction of the fracture and subsequent non-
of the C2-3 interspace and the tip of the odon- union (Figure 17.2d).
toid. If this unrestricted pathway cannot be Postoperative management includes the use
attained, then the head must be either flexed or of a hard collar for 6 to 8 weeks as healing
extended so as to facilitate this angle. progresses, and routine radiographic evaluation.
When acceptable reduction and visualization When healing is evident, weaning from the col-
have been accomplished, the neck is surgically lar is accomplished and exercises designed to
prepped and draped. If the surgeon is right- return a normal range of motion are instituted.
handed, a right-sided anteromedial approach to
the vertebra may be more comfortable, and the
left-handed surgeon would probably use a
left-sided approach. The incision is made at the Bohler3 reported a series of 15 patients in whom
C-6 level and soft tissue dissection continued a 100% arthrodesis was achieved. Montesano et
between the alar and visceral fascia. When the alP treated 14 patients with odontoid screws.
anterior border of the spine is encountered, The rate of union was 86% (12/14), with six of
blunt dissection is continued cephalad until six fractures that were treated with a single
the anterior caudal lip of C-2 is palpated. Soft screw achieving a solid arthrodesis and six of
tissue retractors are placed to prevent inadver- eight fractures utilizing two screws attaining
tent nerve, vessel, esophageal, or tracheal injury. solid union. In the report of Etter et al.,2 23
Guide pins (1.2 mm) may then be placed (Figure patients had a union rate of 87% (20/23) and
17.2a). a complication rate of 17.4%, with one death
The decision as to whether to place one or occurring after successful stabilization. The ma-
two screws must be made prior to the start of jority of complications occurred early in the
the procedure. If two screws will be placed, then series and were attributable to the learning
the insertion point is selected lateral to the curve of the procedure.
midline and checked fluoroscopically. Using a
drill sleeve for additional soft tissue protection,
the guide pin is advanced in a lateral to medial
direction penetrating the cortex of the tip of Anterior fixation of odontoid fractures provides
the odontoid. Guide pin placement is monitored excellent stability to facilitate fracture union
radiographically in both the AP and lateral while maintaining normal C-I-C-2 motion. The
planes. technique is demanding and requires meticulous
If one screw will be placed, then the initial attention to detail from positioning to surgical
starting point is the midline of C-2 and directed technique, in order to minimize the risks of both
in the same sagittal plane as with two screws. A intraoperative and postoperative complications.
R.A. McGuire, Jr. 283

a o

FIGURE 17.2. (a) The appropriate placement of guide wire. The difference between the two
the guide wires in the odontoid. A soft tissue measurements is the length of screw required.
protection sleeve is shown on the left and the (c) After tapping the near cortex, screws are
cannulated overdrill on the right. (b) The screw inserted taking care that guide pins do not
length can be read directly from a depth gauge advance with screw placement. (d) The threaded
(as shown) or by measuring the length of guide portion of the screw should not cross the frac-
wire not in the bone with an identical-length ture to minimize risk of nonunion.
284 17. The Spine

Posterior Stabilization of C-l-C-2

Magerl and Seemann4 described the technique
for stabilization of the C-1-C-2 articulation
in which screws are placed from the posterior
aspect of the lateral mass of C-2, crossing the
C-1-C-2 joint, and then into the lateral mass
of C-1, using a C-1 sub laminar wire to stabilize
a posterior bone graft from C-1 to C-2. The
original description recommended that the skin
incision be extended to the upper thoracic level
in order to facilitate correct drill placement to
cross the C-1-C-2 articulation and gain suffi-
cient purchase in the C-1lateral mass to provide
stability. The use of cannulated screws provides
a method to attain bony stability with minimal
soft tissue disruption.
Biomechanically, the trans articular C-1-C-2
technique imparts rigid stability to this segment
and resists shearing moments to a greater extent
than do other posterior methods of C-1-C-2
stabilization. 12,13
Posterior C-1-C-2 trans articular stabilization FIGURE 17.3. For correct screw placement, true
is indicated in transverse ligament disruptions lateral visualization must be obtained with the
allowing atlantoaxial instability, odontoid non- fracture reduced.
unions, odontoid fractures with concomitant
C-1 ring fractures that would prevent direct pos-
terior wiring, and unstable Jefferson's fractures. 14 patient is then carefully turned to the prone
position and the head stabilized (Figure 17.3).
Anatomy Lateral plane fluoroscopy is used to check the
position to assure correct reduction of the lat-
The C-1-C-2 bony articulation, designed for eral masses. The image must not be oblique at
motion, offers little intrinsic stability due to the the C-1-C-2, otherwise incorrect positioning of
horizontal plane in which the facet joints lie. the guide pin may result. After the spinal posi-
Disruption of the soft tissue structures, con- tion has been verified, the neck is then surgically
sisting of the alar ligaments, apical ligaments, prepped and draped.
accessory ligaments, and transverse ligament, The incision is made in the midline, beginning
can lead to a grossly unstable segment. at the skull base and extending caudally to the
C-2-3 interspace. Lateral subperiosteal dissection
Author's Preferred Equipment
exposes the C-1-C-2 and C-2-C-3 facets. The
Guide pin: 1.25 mm by 150 mm with a threaded capsule of the C-2-C-3 joint must not be dis-
tip. Screw head: Round head with an internal turbed. The capsule of the C-1-C-2 facet is ele-
3.5-mm hexagon. Screw thread: Cortical type; vated from caudal to cephalad, taking care to
outer diameter-3.5 mm fully threaded. Mate- avoid the vessels and nerve. Should the venous
rial: 316 LVM stainless steel or titanium. System plexus be damaged at this level, brisk bleeding
accessory equipment: soft tissue protection sleeve, can occur.
cannulated tap, direct reading depth gauge. Drill Following exposure, subperiosteal elevation
(optional): 2.7-mm by 150-mm steel drill, which of the tissues around the posterior arch of C-1
can be used with a direct reading depth gauge. is accomplished. A sublaminar wire or braided
cable is then passed to secure the graft after
The patient is anesthetized and the radio- screw placement. It is important to pass the
lucent three-point head holder is placed. The C-1 sublaminar wire prior to lateral mass screw
R.A. McGuire, Jr. 285


FIGURE 17.4. (a) The Kirschner wire is placed in anterior cortex of the lateral mass of C-1. The
the lateral mass of C-2 -and directed cephalad author prefers the use of fully threaded cannu-
toward the superior margin of the C-1 lateral lated screws for this application rather than the
mass. This position will allow optimal bone- lag screws that are demonstrated here. (c and d)
screw interface for stabilization. (b) The near The correct final position of the lateral mass
cortex is tapped and the appropriate length transarticular screws.
screw is inserted to assure purchase of the

placement, which stabilizes the segment and ren- directed either straight ahead or slightly medial
ders wire passage more difficult and dangerous. to avoid the vessel. A preoperative computed
A 1.2S-mm guide pin is then placed percuta- tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imag-
neously in a cephalad direction. The insertion ing (MRI) scan can assist in attaining the correct
point on C-2 is in the fossa, slightly lateral to orientation for guide pin direction. Great care-
the junction of the lamina and lateral mass must be taken at the point that the guide pin
(Figure 17.4a). Using fluoroscopic guidance, the crosses the C-I-C-2 joint because the wire may
guide pin is then carefully directed toward the bend slightly as it penetrates the cortical bone
superior border of the lateral mass of C-l, just and produce impingement of the drill, with
lateral to the C-2 pars intraarticularis. The guide subsequent advancement of the guide pin into
pin must not be directed laterally as this puts the posterior oropharyngeal fossa. The tip of
the vertebral artery in jeopardy. It must be the guide pin should engage the anterosuperior
286 17. The Spine

margin of the C-l lateral mass. The near cortex Results

is then tapped and a fully threaded 3.5-mm
Jeanneret and Magerl 14 reported a series of 13
cortical screw of appropriate length (usually 40-
patients in whom the trans articular technique
45 mm) is placed (Figure 17.4b). The anterior
was used. All patients achieved a solid arthrod-
cortex of the C-l lateral mass should be pur-
esis. A comparable result was reported in
chased with the screw (Figure 17.4c,d). Autog-
another group of eight patients, all of whom
enous iliac crest graft is obtained, contoured,
achieved a solid fusion. 5
and held in position with the C-l sublaminar
Postoperative management includes immobi-
lization in a hard collar for 6 to 8 weeks and Posterior trans articular screw fixation provides
then weaning as pain diminishes and healing an excellent biomechanical construct for stabi-
progresses. lizing the C-I-C-2 articulation. Strict attention
A potential complication of this technique is to detail is required throughout the procedure
that of penetration of the intervertebral foramen and clinical outcome and arthrodesis rate are
with subsequent vertebral artery injury. Should excellent.
this problem occur with placement of the first
screw, the procedure should be abandoned
because of potential risk to the remaining vessel. Thoracic and Lumbar Spine
Other complications include possible guide pin
breakage during overdrilling with a cannulated
Author's Preferred Equipment
bit or incarceration of guide pin and screw dur- Guide pin: 1.25 mm by 150 mm with a threaded
ing insertion due to bending of the guide pin as tip. Screw head: Round head with an internal
it penetrated cortical bone at oblique angles 3.5-mm hexagon. Screw thread: Cortical type;
(Figure 17.5). Inadvertent screw placement in outer diameter-4.0 mm fully threaded. Mate-
the canal can be avoided by visualizing the rial: 316 LVM stainless steel. System accessory
medial border of the canal before the guide wire equipment: Soft tissue protection sleeve, direct
is placed. reading depth gauge. Drill (optional): 2.7 mm

FIGURE 17.5. This AP radiograph reveals the the severe angle of the guide wire, it could not
remnant of a K-wire that was broken during the be removed. It was subsequently pushed back
drilling of the lateral mass and was driven into into the screw and the screw tip crushed. The
the posterior pharynx with screw insertion. The patient ultimately achieved a solid fusion with
transoral approach was utilized, but owing to no subsequent morbidity.
R.A. McGuire, Jr. 287

steel drill which can be used with a direct read-

ing depth gauge.

Alternate System
Guide pin: 2.0 mm with a threaded tip. Screw
head: Round head with an internal hexagon.
Screw thread: Cortical type; outer diameter-6.S
mm fully threaded, self-tapping. Material: 316
LVM stainless steel.

The most recent development in internal fixa-

tion of the spine has been the use of trans-
pedicular screws to transfix a rod or plate to the
vertebrae. This innovation provides a method
to gain control of the vertebrae, even when the
posterior elements are absent, thus facilitating
reduction and stabilization of vertebral seg-
ments. The result has been an increased fusion FIGURE 17.6. The "bull's-eye" is produced
rate in patients who are being treated for de- when the K-wire is viewed on end in the center
generative spinal conditions. IS Placement of the of the pedicle. This minimizes the risk of thread
screw through the pedicle into the vertebral cutout of the pedicle with screw insertion.
body provides optimal holding power at the
bone-screw interface, but potentially jeopardizes
the neural elements in the event that the screw
is placed out of the pedicle into the canal. Sev- laminar facet joint technique described by
eral methods have been developed to aid in MagerI.I9 This technique differs from previous
identifying the pedicle and assist in screw place- descriptions by King20 and Boucher2I in that a
ment, but a significant number of missed or much longer screw is placed through the entire
penetrated pedicles have resulted. I6,I7 Cannu- lamina, exiting at the base of the transverse
lated screw techniques are helpful in minimizing process (Figure 17.7).
pedicle breakout using the "pedicle coaxial" Following exposure of the lumbar spine seg-
technique. IS ment to be fused, a guide pin is placed percuta-
Using fluoroscopic assistance, an oblique im- neously and brought to rest on the side of the
age of the spine is obtained, which allows the spinous process opposite the facet joint to be
pedicle to be viewed along its axis. This pro- crossed. The angle is adjusted to permit the pin
duces a "bull's-eye" effect for aiming the guide to pass between the two tables of the lamina,
pin (Figure 17.6). The guide pin is then placed crossing the facet and exiting at the base of the
in the center of the pedicle and aligned parallel transverse process. A self-tapping 4.0-mm corti-
to the intensifier beam. The guide pin is then cal cannulated screw of appropriate length is
advanced to the anterior margin of the vertebral then selected by direct measurement from the
body, and the 6.5-mm cortical self-tapping can- guide pin and placed. The opposite facet is then
nulated screw is inserted over a 2.0-mm guide stabilized in the same manner and posterolateral
pin, or a 4.S-mm fully threaded cannulated screw bone grafting performed.
is placed over a 1.2S-mm guide pin. This maneu- Jacobs et al.2 2 reported on 43 patients who
ver is performed for as many segments as nec- underwent lumbar fusion using the translaminar
essary, and the spine is then stabilized by con- facet joint screw technique. Of the total, 91% of
necting these screws to either a plate or rod. fusions were found to be solid. Clinical success
Another method that can be utilized to en- was achieved in 93% of the patients, with a
hance fusion of the lumbar spine is the trans- median time to fusion of 6 months.
288 17. The Spine

FIGURE 17.7. (a and b) Translaminar screws increase the screw working length biomechanically
and have been shown to enhance the fusion rate when the anterior column is intact.

Summary Acknowledgment
Cannulated screws can reestablish spinal stabil- I would like to thank my son, Rob McGuire, for
ity with minimal soft tissue damage in ana- his assistance with the illustrations.
tomical areas that are difficult to expose. Screw
placement is possible without direct visualiza-
tion of the fracture or surrounding area. Trial References
positioning is performed under fluoroscopic con-
1. Penning L. Normal movement of the cervical
trol with a small guide pin, which is relatively spine. AmJ RoentgenoI1979;130:317-319.
safe and if changed leaves very little loss of 2. Etter C, Coscia M, Jaberg H, Aebi M. Direct
bone stock ultimately necessary for screw fixa- anterior fixation of dens fractures with a cannu-
tion. Accurate length estimates or measure- lated screw system. Spine 1991;16:S25-S32.
ments are possible, ensuring that the screw to 3. Bohler J. Anterior stabilization for acute frac-
tures and nonunions of the dens. J Bone Joint Surg
be used will not be too long and impinge on 1982;64A:18-27.
more vital structures or too short and not give 4. Magerl F, Seemann PS. Stable posterior fusion of
ideal fixation. the atlas and axis by transarticular screw fixation.
The use of cannulated screws can reestablish In: Weidner PA, ed. Cervical Spine, vol 1. New
spinal stability in fractures of the cervical spine York: Springer-Verlag, 1987;322-327.
5. McGuire R, Harkey HL. Modification of tech-
while soft tissue damage is minimized and nique and results of trans articular C1 C2 stabili-
motion maintained. The technique allows max- zation. Orthopedics 1995;18:10, 1029-1032.
imum bone-screw interface when the transpedic- 6. Anderson LD, D'Alonzo RT. Fractures of the
ular approach is used, and the risk of pedicle odontoid process of the axis. J Bone Joint Surg
breakout is reduced. In the lumbar spine, this 1974;56A: 1663-1664.
7. Schatzker J, Rorabeek CH, Waddell JP. Fracture of
technique provides a method by which the facet the dens: an analysis of thirty-seven cases. J Bone
may be crossed safely, imparting stability and Joint Surg 1971;53B:392-405.
enhancing the rate of union. 8. Sasso RC, Heggeness MH, Dohrety BJ. Bio-
R.A. McGuire, Jr. 289

mechanics of odontoid fracture fixation: com- 15. Zdeblick TA. A prospective, randomized study of
parison of one and two screw techniques. Spine lumbar fusion. Spine 1993;18:983-991.
1993;18:1950-1953. 16. Saillant G. Etude anatomique des pedicules verte-
9. Grazino G, Jaggers C, Lee M, Lynch W. A com- braux: application chirurgicale. Rev Chir Orthop
parative study of fixation techniques for type II 1976;62:151-160.
fractures of the odontoid process. Spine 1993; 17. Weinstein IN, Spratt KF, Spengler D, Brick C.
18:2383-2387. Spinal pedicle fixation: reliability and validity of
10. Heller JG, Also MD, Schaffler MB, Brahme SK, roentgenogram-based assessment and surgical fac-
Miller CW, Garfin SR. Quantitive dens morphol- tors on successful screw placement. Spine 1988;
ogy. Orthop Trans 1990;14:693. 13:1012-1018.
11. Montesano PX, Anderson PA, Schlehr F, Thalgott 18. Krag MH, VanHal ME, Beynnon BD. Placement
JS, Lowery G. Odontoid fractures treated by of transpedicular vertebral screws close to ante-
anterior odontoid screw fixation. Spine 1991;16: rior vertebral cortex. Spine 1989;14:879-883.
S33-37. 19. Magerl F. Stabilization of the lower thoracic and
12. Grob D, Crisco JJ, Panjabi MM, Wang P, Devorak lumbar spine with external skeletal fixation. Clin
J. Biomechanical evaluation of four different pos- Orthop 1984;189:125-141.
terior atlantoaxial fixation techniques. Spine 1992; 20. King D. Internal fixation of lumbosacral fusion. J
17:480-490. Bone Joint Surg 1959;41B:248-259.
13. Montesano P, Juach EC, Anderson PA, Benson 21. Boucher HH. A method of spine fusion. J Bone
DR, Hanson PB. Biomechanics of cervical fixa- Joint Surg 1959;41B:248-259.
tion. Spine 1991;16:S10-S16. 22. Jacobs RR, Montesano PX, Jackson RP. Enhance-
14. Jeanneret B, Magerl F. Primary posterior fusion ment of lumbar spine fusion by use of trans-
Cl C2 in odontoid fractures: indications, tech- laminar facet joint screws. Spine 1989;14:12-15.
niques, and results of transarticular screw fixation.
J Spinal Disorders 1992;5:464-475.
The Shoulder
David M. Dines, Stanley E. Asnis, and Alexandra Page

Many fractures and fracture-dislocations about Thus the anatomic development of the proximal
the shoulder girdle require open reduction and humerus is fundamental to the understanding of
internal fixation. Numerous options exist for fracture patterns that occur in adults. There are
treating fractures of the proximal humerus and three ossification centers: (1) the humeral head,
the scapula. In some cases, cannulated screws appearing at approximately 4 to 6 months; (2)
afford the optimal form of fracture treatment. the greater tuberosity, appearing at 3 years; and
Guide wires permit a provisional reduction of (3) the lesser tuberosity, appearing at 5 years.
the fragments, followed by definitive fixation By age 6 the three centers have merged to form
with cannulated screws. This chapter reviews one epiphysis, although fusion does not occur
salient anatomy, fracture mechanisms, and imag- until approximately 18 to 20 years in the female
and 20 to 22 years in the male.
ing studies, as well as the classification systems
currently used for these fractures. Discussion of The adult proximal humerus can also be
fracture repair will concentrate on the use of described using these same three segments, with
cannulated screw techniques. the remaining humeral shaft providing a fourth
The proximal humerus and the scapula con- segment. The articular surface is a large portion
stitute the bony architecture of the shoulder. of a sphere, with the articular cartilage oriented
Fractures of the proximal humerus are most sig- posteriorly, superiorly, and medially. The ana-
nificant, accounting for 4-5% of all fractures.! tomic neck separates the head from the greater
These fractures occur most frequently in the and lesser tuberosities. The greater tuberosity is
elderly population following low-energy trauma. lateral, with three distinct facets for the attach-
The fracture pattern as well as the underlying ment of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and
bone quality contribute to determining the ap- teres minor tendons. Anteromedially is the
plication of cannulated screws in fixation of lesser tuberosity, the insertion point of the sub-
these fractures. Fractures of the scapula occur scapularis tendon. Between the tuberosities on
less frequently, usually following high-energy the anterior aspect lies the bicipital groove. The
trauma and therefore also have a high frequency surgical neck, just distal to the tuberosities, is
of associated injuries. In the scapula, fractures of
the most common fracture site.
the glenoid rim and neck are most amenable to Prognosis for fracture healing in the proximal
fixation with cannulated screw techniques. humerus is related to the preservation of the
vascular supply to the fracture fragments. Blood
supply to the humeral head originates primarily
Anatomy from the anterior and posterior circumflex arter-
ies, which form an anastamosis around the neck.
The anatomic features of the shoulder influence The arcuate artery, described by Liang,2 ascends
both the fracture patterns that occur as well as from the anterior circumflex. This anteromedial
the options for successful surgical management branch provides the greater portion of the vas-
(Figure 18.1). In the proximal humerus, the most cular supply to both the tuberosities as well as
common fractures occur along epiphyseal scars. the majority of the humeral head. A postero-

D.M. Dines, S.E. Asnis, and A. Page 291

Pectoralis Minor Muscle

Long Head,
Biceps Brachii Muscle
Ascending Branch ,
Anterior Circumflex
Humeral Artery
Scapularis Muscle

Short Head,
Axillary Nerve
Biceps Brachii Muscle

Anterior Circumflex Circumflex Scapular Artery

Humeral Artery

Coracobrachialis Muscle

Musculocutaneous Nerve a

~rJjI,fi/ff;~4.~C Axillary Nerve

Deltoid Muscle

Posterior Circumflex
Infraspinatus Muscle Humeral Artery

Triceps Muscle

Teres Major Muscle

FIGURE 18.1. Anatomy of the shoulder. (a) Anterior aspect. (b) Posterior aspect.

medial arcuate artery also arises from the pos- suprahumeral arteries.3 Because the blood supply
terior circumflex, contributing blood supply to to the humeral head enters proximal to the sur-
the greater tuberosity. Insertion of the tendons gical neck, fractures at this level generally have
of the rotator cuff also provide a small portion a good prognosis for healing. Fractures of the
of the blood supply to the humeral head via the anatomic neck, which are less common, usually
suprascapular, subscapular, thoracoacromial, and result in disruption of the vascular supply with
292 18. The Shoulder

attendant high risk for avascular necrosis of the across the deltoid at the inferior apex of the
humeral head. deltoid split to minimize risk of further deltoid
On the scapular side, the glenoid region of dissection. 6
the scapula is the most common site of frac- In an anterior approach to the shoulder, the
tures. 3 The glenoid projects laterally from the cephalic vein runs in the delto-pectoral groove.
body of the scapula via the sturdy glenoid neck. After incising the skin, dissection must proceed
The small surface area is augmented by the gle- with care to preserve the vein. In the deeper
noid labrum to enhance glenohumeral articu- dissection, the axillary nerve runs under the dis-
lation. The labrum is occasionally traumatically tal border of the subscapularis in the deepest
detached, particularly in anterior dislocations. layer. External rotation of the arm places the
Blood supply to the glenoid region of the scap- subscapularis muscle in tension. This both better
ula is derived from the suprascapular and sub- defines the border of the subscapularis as well as
scapular arteries. The subscapular artery runs pulls the incision through the tendon laterally,
along the inferior border of the scapula then away from the axillary nerve. A triad of vessels
divides into the circumflex scapular and tho- (one artery with its two venae comitantes) are
racodorsal branches. The suprascapular artery also present along the inferior border of the
descends down the posterior body. It forms an subscapularis. Known as the "three sisters,"
anastomosis with the circumflex scapular artery, these vessels often require cauterization or liga-
a branch of the subscapular artery. Further tion and can cause troublesome bleeding if inad-
blood supply to the shoulder comes from the vertently avulsed.
acromial and deltoid branches of the thoraco- The musculocutaneous nerve lies medial to
acromial artery. In addition to supplying the most anterior exposures for the shoulder, but
scapula, the suprascapular and acromial arteries the surgeon must remember its presence to
give a small contribution to humeral head vas- avoid neuropraxia. Nerve supply to the coraco-
cularity via the rotator cuff insertions. 4 ,5 brachialis and short head of the biceps enters
The muscles of the rotator cuff, functioning from the medial aspect, so all dissection must be
to keep the humeral head positioned against done along the lateral border. Excessive medial
the glenoid, originate from the anterior (sub- retraction on the conjoint tendon can cause
scapularis), superior (supraspinatus), and poste- nerve injury. If the coracoid process is released,
rior (infraspinatus, teres minor) scapular body. inferior retraction of the tendon and muscles can
Injuries to the rotator cuff can occur in associa- also cause a neuropraxia. The second part of the
tion with fractures of either the proximal humer- axillary artery passes deep to the coracoid pro-
us or glenoid. cess. Injury to both the axillary artery and the
Several nerves and vessels in the shoulder musculocutaneous nerve can be minimized by
area warrant specific attention due to their vul- adducting the arm during exposure of the cora-
nerability either at the time of injury or during coid process.
subsequent fracture management. The axillary During posterior approaches, both the axil-
nerve originates from the posterior cord of the lary and suprascapular nerves are at risk. The
brachial plexus, then passes along the upper axillary nerve, accompanied by the posterior
edge of the teres major in the quadrangular humeral circumflex artery, passes beneath the
space with the posterior humeral circumflex teres minor. To avoid both structures, all poste-
vessels. Next, it runs transversely through the rior dissection should be done in the interval
body of the deltoid. Finally it passes anteriorly between the infraspinatus and the teres minor.
under the subscapularis tendon. Fracture frag- The suprascapular nerve branches from the supe-
ments and stretching at the time of fracture can rior trunk, innervates the supraspinatus, then
cause injury to the axillary nerve. To minimize descends under the transverse scapular ligament
risk to the axillary nerve during lateral, deltoid- at the scapular notch, giving fibers to the infra-
splitting approaches, the muscle should never spinatus. The suprascapular nerve is located
be split more than 5 em distal to the acromion. approximately 1 em posterior to the lip of the
Some authors recommend placing a suture glenoid. To minimize injury during a posterior
D.M. Dines, S.E. Asnis, and A. Page 293

approach to the shoulder, the suprascapular ful humeral head impingement on either the
nerve should be identified and protected. Exten- anterior or posterior glenoid rim can result in a
sive medial retraction of the infraspinatus can rim fracture. Impaction of the humeral head
also injure this nerve. directly into the glenoid fossa can create com-
plex fracture patterns involving the fossa with
subsequent fracture line propagation through
Clinical Relevance: Safe Zones for the scapula. 10
Percutaneous Guide Pin Placement The less-common glenoid neck fractures also
1. Anterior: Pins should be proximal to the result from high-energy trauma, usually a direct
subscapulariS tendon to avoid both the axil- anterior or posterior blow to the shoulder.1O
lary nerve and the vessels on the inferior Additionally, impaction of the humeral head
subscapularis border. Pins placed directly in against the glenoid follOwing a fall on an
the delto-pectoral groove can injure the extended arm and, less commonly, a fall on
cephalic vein. the superior shoulder complex has been de-
2 .. Lateral: Pins should be placed either in the scribed.3 ,1l
proximal 5 em of the deltoid or more than
8 em distally. The axillary nerve is at risk Fracture Classifications
between 5 and 8 em distal to the acromion.
3. Posterior: Do not insert pins posterior to the The two commonly used classifications for the
medial lip of the glenoid without dissection proximal humerus are the Neer and the AO
to identify and protect the suprascapular systems. The Neer classification I2 is based upon
nerve. Avoid pins placed distal to the teres the four fragments described above in the devel-
minor, which could injure the axillary nerve. opment of the proximal humerus: the articular
surface, the greater and lesser tuberosities, and
the humeral shaft. The system was developed
with consideration of the effects of each fracture
Mechanisms of Injury on the humeral head vascular supply.
The minimally displaced fractures make up a
Fractures of the proximal humerus most fre- group with any number of fracture lines at any
quently occur through low-energy trauma in position provided they are not displaced more
patients with poor bone quality, most com- than 1.0 em or angulated more than 45°. Dis-
monly follOWing a fallon an outstretched arm placement greater than this poses a clinically
from a standing height. 3 Impingement and piv- significant threat to the blood supply of the
oting of the greater tuberosity on the acromion fragment.
can result in humeral head fracture, dislocation, Two-part fractures occur when one fragment
or fracture-dislocation. I The greater tuberosity has displaced from the other three. This includes
fragment usually displaces posteriorly and supe- a surgical neck fracture with an intact humeral
riorly due to the pull of the attached rotator head, isolated fracture of one of the tuberosities,
cuff; greater than 1 em displacement of the frag- or an isolated anatomic neck fracture. Greater
ment is considered pathognomonic for a rotator tuberosity fractures are commonly associated
cuff tear. 7 with rotator cuff tears. This fracture pattern
In uncontrolled muscle contraction such as not uncommonly occurs with anterior disloca-
seizures or electrical shock, the powerful internal tion of the humeral head, which may have
rotators and adductors of the shoulder exert spontaneously reduced prior to the radiograph.
more force than the external rotators, thereby Isolated lesser tuberosity fractures should raise
most often resulting in posterior dislocations the suspicion of an associated posterior disloca-
and fracture-dislocations. I tion. With the exception of the rare anatomic
Injury to the glenoid, in contrast, generally neck fracture, the blood supply to the articulat-
requires significant direct trauma. 8 ,9 The forces ing surface of the head is not compromised by a
are usually applied via the humeral head. Force- two-part fracture.
294 18. The Shoulder

In three-part fractures, the greater or lesser the lateral edge of the scapular body to create a
tuberosity fragment has fractured, associated free fragment of the inferior glenoid is a type II
with a surgical neck fracture. This is more often fracture. In type III fracture patterns, a trans-
associated with significant anatomic disruption, verse fracture through the fossa exits superiorly.
but vascular supply to the articular surface is This produces a fracture fragment containing
usually maintained via the remaining tuberosity the coracoid process and the superior portion
attachment. of the glenoid. A type N fracture also involves
Finally, the four-part fracture has separation a transverse fossa fracture, but the fracture
of all four fragments. With both tuberosities plane continues medially though the body of
detached, the articular surface is a free fragment the scapula.
without vascular supply. Additionally, Neer de- Higher energy injuries can result in the more
scribed the above fracture patterns associated comminuted type V fractures. Type V fractures
with either an anterior or posterior dislocation are further divided into Va, Vb, and Vc. 8 These
of the humeral head. represent combinations of types II through N.
The AO classification developed as a mod- All involve a transverse fracture through the
ification of the Neer system,3 based on concern scapular body, as in type N, and free frag-
that vascular supply to the articular segment ments of the inferior glenoid 01a), superior gle-
was not adequately addressed by the earlier noid and coracoid (Vb), or both 01c). Finally,
classification. This system follows the AO sys- type VI fractures represent those with extensive
tem used for other joints, with each group sub- comminution of the glenoid fossa.
divided numerically into more severe fractures. The classification scheme of glenoid neck
Type A fractures are extracapsular, with only fractures is based on the evaluation of the gle-
two parts. There is usually no compromise of noid fragment, lateral to the fracture line.1O
the blood supply in these fractures. Type B are Those fractures with minimal or no displace-
partially intracapsular, with three segments ment, leaving the glenoid in anatomic position,
involved, but either tuberosity still in contact are type I fractures. Type II fractures have either
with the humeral head, thus preserving some translational or rotational displacement of the
vascular supply. In type C, the fracture is intra- glenoid fragment. Translation of greater than
capsular with four segments and complete dis- 1 em or rotation of greater than 40° has been
ruption of the vascular supply to the humeral determined as clinically significant. 10
There has been concern that both the Neer
and the AO classifications have limitations. Evaluation and Imaging
Even among shoulder and trauma specialists,
intraobserver reproducibility in classifying frac- Following a careful physical examination to doc-
tures remains high. Despite this, the Neer and ument the vascular and neurologic status of
AO classification systems remain important the upper extremity, adequate imaging studies
tools for evaluating and planning treatment of are necessary for accurate diagnOSiS, particularly
proximal humerus fractures. to evaluate for associated dislocation. The stan-
Fractures of the glenoid rim and fossa are dard trauma shoulder series represents the mini-
most commonly classified by the system of Ide- mum radiographs. The scapular anteroposterior
berg.3,8,1o Type I represents a fracture of the (AP) view is taken with the posterior aspect of
glenoid rim: la, anterior rim; Ib, posterior rim. the affected shoulder against the plate and the
Small avulsion fractures that can occur with contralateral shoulder rotated approximately
humeral head dislocation are not considered 30° to 40° anteriorly to compensate for the
type I glenoid fractures. anterior orientation of the glenoid. Similarly,
Types II to VI in the Ideberg system involve the lateral-or scapular V-view is taken per-
the fossa of the glenoid. A transverse or oblique pendicular to the glenoid, with the anterior
fracture through the fossa, extending through shoulder against the plate and the contralateral
D.M. Dines, S.E. Asnis, and A. Page 295

shoulder rotated 30° to 40° posteriorly. For the (ORIF) with cannulated screws. The recurring
axillary view, the patient is supine with the arm theme of preservation of blood supply dictates
abducted. If the patient is unable to comply with that repair by ORIF is only acceptable in sit-
this positioning due to pain, alternatives have uations where the blood supply to the humeral
been described. I ,3 An axillary view should be head has not been compromised. Nondisplaced
considered mandatory to assess for an occult fractures heal well with closed treatment and
dislocation. four-part fractures usually require hemiarthro-
Additional views include the internal and ex- plasty. However, the displaced fractures with
ternal rotation AP views. The external rotation retained articular surface vascularity remain
view places the greater tuberosity in profile. challenging surgical problems.
Absence of the greater tuberosity on this view
indicates an avulsion that may not be recog-
nized on other views due to overlap. For evalu- Advantages of Cannulated Screws
ating a Hills-Sachs lesion on the posterolateral
humeral head, the internal rotation view should The use of cannulated screws in the treatment of
be obtained. A West Point axillary view can shoulder fractures can at times replace or fre-
facilitate visualization of a Bankhart lesion on quently supplement the standard open reduction
the glenoid. and internal fixation procedures. There are sev-
Computed tomography (CT) scan provides eral advantages for using cannulated screws in
the most accurate evaluation of complex prox- fracture fixation.
imal humeral fractures. This study is necessary
in the setting of a pattern unclear on plain films. 1. The shoulder is very accessible to fluoros-
Castagno et al.13 found CT altered the intended copy and fluoroscopic placement of guide
treatment plan in 15 of 17 patients. The most pins.
frequent finding was less displacement than sug- 2. The incision and soft tissue dissection can
gested by plain films, necessitating less-aggres- often be minimized, being smaller than the
sive intervention. wide exposures used with complete open re-
Evaluating fractures of the glenoid cavity and duction and fixation of the fracture. The guide
neck requires the same AP and lateral radio- pins can then be placed either through the
graphs in the plane of the scapula described primary wound or percutaneously through
above. Additionally, an axillary view illustrates new puncture wounds to provide ideal pin
fractures of the glenoid rim. orientation.
Use of CT scanning can more clearly define 3. The guide pin can be used as a handle to
glenoid fractures, with three-dimensional recon- reduce fracture fragment. It can also stabilize
structions possibly assisting operative planning two fragments while a third fragment is
in complex fractures. Some authors feel that manipulated for reduction. For example, in
CT scanning is necessary to fully assess the a three-part fracture, the head and greater
complex scapular anatomy.9 Additionally, three- tuberosity can be pinned while the shaft is
dimensional reconstruction of CT scans may be reduced.
helpful in assessing fracture anatomy and deter- 4. Guide pins provide preliminary fixation, and
mining the appropriate fixation techniques. give greater flexibility to identify the ideal
location for fixation with screw placement.
5. The guide pin can be used to establish the
Fracture Treatment and Use of length of the ideal screw prior to placement
Cannulated Screws of the screw. This is important in the shoulder
where length is often critical. Too short a
Of the fracture patterns discussed, several of screw may result in threads across the frac-
those occurring in the proximal humerus are ture site, while too long a screw may pene-
amenable to open reduction and internal fixation trate the glenohumeral joint.
296 18. The Shoulder

Authors' Preferred Equipment stainless steel. System accessory equipment: Wash-

ers' depth gauge, pin guide, soft tissue pro-
System 1: Cannulated 6.S-mm Lag tection sleeve, cannulated overdrill.
Screw thread: Outer diameter-6.5 mrn; pitch- Two-Part Proximal Humerus
2.5 mrn; reverse cutting flutes; self-cutting, self- Fractures
tapping positive rake tip. Drill: A 3.2-mrn steel
drill, which can be used directly with a direct Greater Tuberosity
reading depth gauge. Guide pin: 3.2 mrn with a Fractures of the greater tuberosity are not com-
threaded tip and tapered root diameter. Screw mon, and are usually associated with anterior
head: Round head with a 4.8-mrn internal hex- shoulder dislocation. Open reduction and inter-
agon. Material: 22-13-5 stainless steel. System nal fixation are advised when the greater tuber-
accessory equipment: Washers, depth gauge, pin osity is displaced following closed reduction.
guide, soft tissue protection sleeve, cannulated Depending upon the author, the critical dis-
overdrill. placement is either 5 mrn or 1 em. 14- 16 Fractures
with this amount of displacement not treated
System 2: Cannulated S.D-mm Lag with internal fixation can result in impingement
Screw and limited range of motion. 16 Screw fixation
Screw thread: Outer diameter-5.0 mrn; pitch is appropriate when the fragment is sufficiently
1.6 mrn; reverse cutting flutes; self-cutting, self- large. For small avulsions, repair with suture
tapping positive rake tip. Screw shaft: Smooth through the rotator cuff and bony substance of
the fragment has been advocated.l.16.17 Alter-
3.5 mrn. Guide pin: 2.0 mrn with a threaded tip
and tapered root diameter. Screw head: Round natively, a small fragment may be discarded and
head with an internal 3.5-mm hexagon. Mate- a primary rotator cuff repair can be carried out.
rial: 316 LVM stainless steel. System accessory This fracture pattern is frequently associated
equipment: Washers, depth gauge, 2.0-mrn pin with a rotator cuff tearY which should be
guide, soft tissue protection sleeve, cannulated repaired at the time of surgery.
Authors' Technique
System 3: Cannulated 4.S-mm Fully If the fragment is large enough to support screw
Threaded Screw (Occasional) fixation, then it should be appropriately reduced
and fixed with a cannulated screw. This can
Screw thread: Outer diameter-4.5 mrn; pitch-
occasionally be done almost percutaneously
1.0 mrn; self-cutting, self-tapping positive rake
through a I-em incision or with a larger expo-
tip. Screw shaft: Fully threaded 4.5-mrn root
sure through a deltoid-splitting approach, ori-
diameter. Guide pin: 2.0 mrn with a threaded tip
ented anterolaterally. Either incision should not
and tapered root diameter. Screw head: Round
extend more than 5 em distal to the acromium
head with an internal 3.5-mrn hexagon. Mate-
to avoid injury to the axillary nerve.
rial: 316 LVM stainless steel. System accessory
If displacement is small yet the surgeon has
equipment: Washers, depth gauge, 2.0-mrn pin
reasons to prefer internal fixation, the shoulder
guide, soft tissue protection sleeve, cannulated
should be positioned under the fluoroscope. A
I-em incision is then made after planning its
position with a guide pin against the skin. The
System 4 deltoid is split with a hemostat. The 2.0-mrn
Screw thread: Cancellous; outer diameter- guide pin is then placed through a soft tissue
3.5 mrn; pitch-1.25 mrn; not self-cutting. Screw protector sleeve and positioned in the rnid-
shaft: 2.5 mrn. Guide pin: 1.25 mrn with a portion of the fragment with the aid of fluoros-
threaded tip. Screw head: Round head with an copy. The guide pin can often be used as a han-
internal 2.5-mrn hexagon. Material: 316 LVM dle on the fragment to aid in reduction. The
D.M. Dines, S.E. Asnis, and A. Page 297

protector sleeve can be left on the guide pin to A delto-pectoral incision exposing the lesser
also aid in reduction and help to place pressure tuberosity should be carried out. The tuberosity
on the fragment. Once the reduction is sat- should be dissected free of its surrounding soft
isfactory the guide pin is advanced across the tissues and then reduced into its normal bed.
fracture and into the proximal humerus. The Provisional cannulated 2.0-mm guide wires can
fracture reduction and the position of the guide be used to hold it in this position until intra-
pin are confirmed by rotation of the shoulder operative radiographic confirmation of reduc-
under fluoroscopy. The direct reading depth tion is obtained. Next, a cannulated 5.0-mm lag
gauge is used to determine the proper screw screw of the appropriate size should be placed.
length. If the fragment is to be lagged into posi- Postoperative care is similar to that for greater
tion by the screw, then a slightly shorter screw tuberosity fractures: sling and swathe with early
is used. A washer can optionally be placed passive motion, and avoidance of external rota-
around the 5.0-mm self-tapping cannulated lag tion past 30°. Active and strengthening exer-
screw in the more osteoporotic bone. If the cises are delayed until there is evidence of frac-
bone fragment is small, the appropriate cannu- ture healing.
lated overdrill can be used to enlarge the hole in
the fragment only and decrease the chance of Anatomic Neck
weakening or breaking the fragment by the
The displaced anatomic neck fracture is rare, and
thread of the screw. In larger fragments in the
carries a high risk of avascular necrosis. For
younger patient, two 5.0-mm cannulated screws
this reason, a primary hemiarthroplasty is usu-
may be used or a 6.5-mm cannulated lag screw
ally indicated in older patients. However, some
over a 3.2-mm guide pin.
authors feel internal fixation is warranted in
If an open reduction is planned or necessary,
young patients l ,17; closed reduction alone is
the anterolateral deltoid splitting incision is
insufficient. Schlegel and Hawkins l6 suggest
used. The deltoid may be detached proximally
use of interfragmentary screws, although noting
to facilitate wider exposure. The fracture is re-
screw purchase can be difficult to obtain. There
duced and guide pin(s) placed to provisionally
is currently no experience with cannulated
fix the fragment. Fluoroscopic evaluation of the
screws in this fracture type, but the experience
pin length and position is then performed. The
of Schlegel and Hawkins may indicate a possible
application of the cannulated screw(s) is (are)
role using the gUide wires to improve initial
performed as previously discussed.
fracture stabilization. In these fractures the fem-
Postoperative treatment includes sling and
oral head fragment may be thin and screw
swathe with early passive range of motion. On
positioning critical to give fixation and yet not
postoperative day 2 or 3, passive range of
penetrate the joint. Provisional guide pin posi-
motion should begin. Active assisted and
tioning with the aid of fluoroscopy is very
strengthening exercises are deferred until there
advantageous in facilitating ideal screw length
is evidence of clinical union. Abduction and
and position.
external rotation against resistance are avoided
until there is evidence of radiographic and clini-
cal union.
Surgical Neck
The most common two-part fracture occurs at
the surgical neck. Closed reduction may result
Lesser Tuberosity in a stable fracture. However, many such frac-
Isolated lesser tuberosity fractures are extremely tures also are unstable and readily displace with
rare, most commonly seen with posterior dis- closed reduction and conservative management.
locations. If there is more than 45° of angulation Internal fixation is indicated if the fracture re-
or 1 cm of displacement, open reduction and mains unstable or in polytrauma, where stability
internal fixation is the treatment of choice. is necessary for patient management. There is
Repair of this fracture can be done with cannu- no significant literature describing cannulated
lated screw fixation. 1 screw use for this fracture type. Other treatment
298 18. The Shoulder

techniques include percutaneous pinning?·17 but lengths. An appropriate 6.S-mm cannulated self
it can be a challenging procedure. Tension band tapping lag screw is then placed over each drill
wiring, with and without the use of intra- (Figure 18.2d). The 3.2-mm drills are used rather
medullary rods, has been described. 13,16 Using than the 3.2-mm guide pins for this procedure,
plate and screw technique in this area is not particularly for the distal screws because they
commonly accepted due to the increased tissue penetrate the hard bone of the cortex of the
stripping required as well as the risks of screw humeral shaft at an oblique angle more easily
loosening in poor-quality bone. 4,18 It could, than the guide pins. They are the same length
however, be considered in a younger patient as the guide pins, thus can be used with the
with better bone stock. Risks include impinge- routine direct reading depth gauge. The deci-
ment from prominent hardware and varus sion of using drills or guide pins is left to the
deformity. If open reduction is performed utiliz- individual surgeon's discretion.
ing a buttress plate, cannulated screw techniques
may add accuracy in determining screw length
and position by placing cannulated screws Three-Part Proximal Humerus
through the proximal plate holes. Fractures
Three-part fractures are common in the elderly
Authors'Technique population. They are often seen in patients with
The authors have found percutaneous cannu- osteoporosis. Based upon the Neer classifica-
lated screw Axation very effective in the treat- tion system, this fracture pattern may include
ment of the unstable two-part fracture, as shown one of the tuberosities, the humeral shaft, and
in Figure 18.2a. The patient is placed in a supine the humeral head and remaining tuberosity as
position on the fluoroscopic operating table with a unit. This fracture is often associated with a
the affected shoulder elevated with a roll of dislocation.
sheets under the scapula. A I-em incision is In a younger patient with good bone stock,
made over the area of the greater tuberosity. A an attempt at reduction and internal Axation
3.2-mm drill or guide wire is placed through a should be made. Closed reduction with percuta-
soft tissue protection sleeve and aimed with the neous pinning has also been recommended for
aid of fluoroscopy. This drill is then driven into three-part fractures. 16 This technique involves
the proximal fragment and used as a handle to minimal disruption of the surrounding tissues,
manipulate the fragment as the distal fragment therefore preserving blood supply.
fracture is reduced by moving the arm. When
fracture alignment is obtained, the drill is driven
across the fracture and into the medial cortex of
Authors' Technique
the distal fragment (Figure 18.2b). A I-em inci- Closed reduction of the three-part fracture is
sion is then made over the lateral arm in a posi- obtained. To facilitate reduction, an image in-
tion determined by fluoroscopy. A 3.2-mm drill tensifier can be used. Additionally a guide pin
is then driven through the lateral humeral cor- can be used as a joystick to manipulate frac-
tex of the distal fragment, across the fracture, ture fragments. The first guide pin secures the
and into the superior portion of the humeral greater tuberosity fragment to the humeral shaft.
head. A parallel hole jig is placed over this distal This pin should be directed from postero-
drill and a second 3.2-mm drill is placed in a superior to anteroinferior to maximize purchase
parallel hole at the desired distance distal to the in the greater tuberosity fragment. Next, two
first and driven through the lateral humeral cor- additional pins secure the shaft onto the hu-
tex, across the fracture and into the middle to meral head. Two parallel pins are used to con-
lower portion of the humeral head (Figure trol rotation. Finally, the cannulated screws are
18.2c). Position of all guide pins is confirmed by placed over the guide pins.
fluoroscopy while rotating the arm. The direct Recently Cornell19 described a technique
reading depth gauge is used to determine screw for the open reduction and internal fixation of
D.M. Dines, S.E. Asnis, and A. Page 299

~~~------------~ d

FIGURE 18.2. Technique for percuta-
neous pinning of a proximal humerous
fracture. (a) Radiograph of a 76-year-
old patient with a clinically unstable
surgical neck fracture. (b) The first 3.2-
mm (9-inch) guide pin secures the
reduction of the proximal fragment to
the humeral shaft. The percutaneous
pin enters through the greater tuber-
osity. (c) Two additional 3.2-mm (9-
inch) drill bits are used to secure the
shaft to the humeral head. (d) Post-
operative radiographs showing the
three 6.S-mm cannulated screws used
for final fixation.

three-part fractures. The combined head and employed this method of fixation using cannu-
tuberosity fragment is reduced to the humeral lated screws. Preliminary results support excel-
shaft using guide wires. The remaining tuber- lent fixation. We suggest using a technique sim-
osity fragment is then attached using a figure- ilar to that discussed above in the section
of-eight tension band wire. They report success- Surgical Neck. One 5.0- or 6.5-mm screw is
ful results in 15 patients. We have recently used to fix the free tuberosity to the humeral
300 18. The Shoulder

head. A tension band can be used of either wire Glenoid Rim and Fossa Fractures
or no. 5 surgical polyester suture.
Fractures that involve the articular surface of the
glenoid require open reduction and internal fixa-
Four-Part Proximal Humerus tion when there is more than 5-mm displace-
Fractures ment and 3-mm articular step off. In repairs of
the glenoid fossa fractures, various authors have
In a four-part fracture by definition the humeral suggested using interfragmentary compression
head has no contact with either tuberosity and screws, 3.5-mm pelvic reconstruction plates,
therefore almost no blood supply. There may be heavy sutures, Kirschner wires, or combinations
limited indication for attempting internal fixa- of these. 9 ,15 Repair of any tears in the labrum or
tion in young patients with excellent bone stock rotator cuff should be done at the time of frac-
but the risk of avascular necrosis has been ture fixation.
reported to be up to 90%.7 Additionally, internal Type I fractures are repaired in the setting
fixation that subsequently fails can complicate of unstable reduction or persistent subluxation.
future surgical procedures. Successful treatment Significant fractures usually involve greater than
usually requires replacement of the humeral 25% of the fossa or have significant displace-
head with a hemiarthroplasty with tuberosity ment. 3 ,B A large anterior or posterior rim frag-
reconstruction. ment can be reattached to the scapular neck

a c
FIGURE 18.3. Fixation of an anterior glenoid rim by CT. (c) Fixation with 3.S-mm cannulated
fracture. (a) AP radiograph of anterior glenoid screws.
rim fracture. (b) The fracture is better visualized
D.M. Dines, S.E. Asnis, and A. Page 301

with a compression screw. When extensive pins. Patients are treated in a sling and swathe
comminution of the rim exists, a technique using for 3 weeks and then begun on passive range of
a tricortical iliac crest graft has been described. 8 motion. Active assisted range of motion is not
begun until the fourth week.
Authors' Technique
Posterior Rim Fracture
Anterior Rim Fracture
Posterior glenoid rim fractures are approached
Figure 18.3 illustrates an anterior rim fracture through a posterior deltoid-splitting incision for
and fixation. The authors' preferred method for internal fixation. A posterior rim fracture with
an anterior rim fracture using cannulated screws subsequent internal fixation is shown in Figure
entails an extended del to-pectoral incision. The 18.4. The posterior third raphe of the deltoid is
subscapularis and capsule are detached to pro- split from the posterior third of the acromion
vide both an inside and outside view of the laterally approximately S em. The incision may
anterior glenoid rim. After retracting the sub- be enlarged by keying the deltoid proximally
scapulariS medially, the fracture fragments can off the spine of the scapula. Next, the interval
be reduced and held in place with Z.O-mm and/ between the teres minor and the infraspinatus is
or l.ZS-mm guide pins from anterior to poste- identified. A longitudinal split is done, protect-
rior. Next, cannulated screws are placed over ing the axillary nerve below the teres minor.
the guide wires. The S.O-mm screws can be used The capsule is identified, and with appropriate
over the Z.O-mm guide pins, whereas 3.5-mm retraction the fracture site can be seen. A longi-
cannulated screws are placed over the l.ZS-mm tudinal capsulotomy is necessary to assess the

a c
FIGURE 18.4. Fixation of posterior glenoid rim fracture. (a) AP radiograph of posterior glenoid rim
fracture. (b) Axillary view of fracture. (c) Fixation with 3.S-mm cannulated screws.
302 18. The Shoulder

reduction. Two 1.25-mm (or occasionally 2.0- Jupiter JB, Levine AM, Trafton PG, eds. Skeletal
mm) guide pins are placed from posterior to Trauma. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1992;1201-
anterior through the fracture fragment. After 2. Liang PG. The arterial supply of the adult humer-
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cannulated lag screws (occasionally 5.0-mm can- 3. Bigliani LU, Craig EV, Butters KP. Fractures of
nulated screws) are passed over the wires in the the shoulder. In: Rockwood CA, Green DP,
routine fashion. The articular surface is assessed Bucholz RW, eds. Fractures in Adults. Phila-
delphia: JB Lippincott, 1991;87I- 1019.
for congruity. The capsule is closed with 0
4. Jobe CM. Gross anatomy of the shoulder. In:
T evdek suture. Care must be taken to avoid Rockwood CA, Matsen FA, eds. The Shoulder.
the suprascapular nerve, which runs 1 ern medial Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1990;34-97.
to the rim of the glenoid, coursing inferior to 5. Netter FH. Musculoskeletal System. Part I: Anat-
innervate the infraspinatus. The nerve can be omy, Physiology, and Metabolic Disorders. Summit,
NJ: Ciba-Geigy, 1987;20-41.
palpated and in some cases should be identified. 6. Hoppenfeld S. Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics,
The shoulder is placed in 10° of abduction 2nd ed. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott, 1994.
and 30° of external rotation using an outrigger 7. Neer Sc. Displaced proximal humeral fractures.
harness for 3 weeks. This position increases Part II. J Bone Joint Surg 1970;52A:I090-1103.
stability while the capsular repair heals. Passive 8. Goss TP. Fractures of the glenoid cavity. J Bone
Joint Surg 1992;74A:299-305.
motion is begun at 4 weeks. Active and active-
9. Goss TP. Fractures of the glenoid cavity: opera-
assisted exercises are avoided until 6 to 8 tive principles and techniques. Tech Orthop 1994;
weeks. 8:199-204.
In a type II fracture, open reduction and inter- 10. Goss TP. Fractures of the glenoid neck. J Shoul
nal fixation is advised for greater than 5-mm Elbow Surg 1994;3:42-52.
11. Bigliani LU. Fractures of the proximal humerus.
step off or glenohumeral instability. A lag screw In: Rockwood CA, Matsen FA, eds. The Shoulder.
can be passed from the inferior glenoid frag- Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1990;278-334.
ment into the glenoid neck. Similarly, for both 12. Neer Sc. Displaced proximal humeral fractures.
type III and type IV fractures, a lag screw Part I. J Bone Joint Surg 1970;38A:1077-1089.
from the superior fragment into the glenoid 13. Castagno AA, Schuman WP, Kilcoyne RF, et al.
Complex fractures of the proximal humerus: role
neck secures fractures with more than 5 mm of
of CT treatment. Radiology 1987;165(3):759-776.
articular displacement.8 Because the type V frac- 14. Flatlow EL, Cuomo F, Maday MG, Miller SR, et
ture represents combinations of types II through al. Open reduction and internal fixation of two-
IV, surgical repair is done using the technique part displaced fractures of the greater tuberosity
for the corresponding two-part fracture. Type of the proximal part of the humerus. J Bone Joint
Surg 1991;73A:1213-1218.
VI fractures are treated nonoperatively. Due 15. Rockwood CA, Thomas Sc, Matsen FA. Sub-
to extensive comminution, these fractures are luxations and dislocations about the glenohumer-
usually not amenable to internal fixation. 8 al joint. In: Rockwood CA, Green DP, Bucholz
RW, eds. Fractures in Adults. Philadelphia: JB
Lippincott, 1991;1021-1179.
Glenoid Neck Fractures 16. Schlegel TF, Hawkins RJ. Displaced proximal
humeral fractures: evaluation and treatment. J
Type II glenoid neck fractures are indicated for AAOS 1994;2:54-66.
internal fixation. Depending upon the amount 17. Bigliani LU. Treatment of two- and three-part
fractures of the proximal humerus. Instr Course
of comminution and the preference of the sur-
Lect 1989;38:23 1-244.
geon, cannulated lag screws, Kirschner wires, or 18. Szyskowitz R, Seggl W, Schleifer P, Cundy PJ.
3.5-mm reconstruction plates can be used. Proximal humeral fractures. Management tech-
niques and expected results. Clin Orthop ReI Res
References 19. Cornell CN. Tension-band wiring supplemented
by lag-screw fixation of proximal humerus frac-
1. Norris TR. Fractures of the proximal humerus tures: a modified technique. Orthop Rev 1994;May
and dislocations of the shoulder. In: Browner BD, {suppl):19-23.
Fractures About the Elbow
Jesse B. Jupiter

Injuries about the elbow represent a constella- tissue attachments to the osseous structures all
tion of complex articular fractures. Recommen- contribute to the unforgiving nature of these
dations for treatment ha:ve extended from essen- fractures and have led many to express concern
tially no treatment to operative reduction and as to the outcome of the operative treatment of
stable internal fixation. 1- 10 In the past decadethese injuries.
there has been a worldwide acceptance of the The distal end of the humerus comprises two
operative approach to articular fractures of the bony columns, one medial and one lateral,
distal end of the humerus, olecranon, and in which flare out distally separated by the olecra-
some cases radial head. The publication of suc- non fossa and more distally the trochlea itself.
cessful outcomes with operative treatment has The lateral humeral column diverges at approx-
led to the development of more precise methods imately a 20° angle to the perpendicular of the
of stable fixation of the small articular fragments
humeral shaft, while the medial column diverges
supported by a rather limited amount of sub- at a 40° to 45° angle from the longitudinal axis
chondral bone. Given the complex articular of the humerus. Many have viewed the distal
anatomy combined with the unique capsular end of the humerus as a triangle, with the spool-
and ligamentous architecture, operative treat- shaped trochlea interposed between the diver-
ment is not without potential and real problems, gent medial and lateral columns.
including soft tissue contracture, instability of The capitellum represents the anterior aspect
fixation, malunion, nonunion, posttraumatic of the most distal part of the lateral column with
arthrosis, ulnar neuropathy, and an overall func- the most distal aspect of the medial column rep-
tional disability.9,11-14 There is a well-defined resented by the medial epicondyle, terminating
role for the use of cannulated screws in some just proximal to the trochlea. The articulation
complex fracture patterns, and with the devel- between the trochlear notch of the olecranon
opment of smaller cannulated screws the future and the trochlea represents the fundamental
holds even more promise for their usefulness. element of the flexion-extension arc of elbow
motion providing as much as 50% of the intrin-
sic stability of the elbow.9,15 In addition, the
Anatomy medial and lateral ridges of the trochlea add to
this intrinsic stability. It is not surprising, there-
A number of difficulties exist in the surgical fore, that the restoration of the anatomic dimen-
approach and operative management of frac- sions of the trochlea is of paramount importance
tures of the distal humerus, many of which are in the management of fractures of the distal end
due to the intricate anatomy of this articulation of the humerus and represents one of the major
(Figure 19.1). The elbow is in fact composed of areas of application of cannulated screws.
three distinct articulations encased in one syno- Even in patients with osteopenia, the cortical
vial-lined capsule. The proximity of the neuro- bone at the margins of both medial and lateral
vascular structures, the meager skeletal support columns are adequate for the purchase of bone
of the articular surfaces, and the lack of soft screws. Thus, screws placed either independently

304 19. Fractures About the Elbow


Radial fossa
Lateral Medial
epicondyle epicondyle

--::+-~- Olecranon

Head Groove for
ulnar nerve


c o


process Greater
Greater sigmoid notch
notc h

FIGURE 19.1. The skeletal and articular anatomy of the elbow. (A) Anterior view. (B) Posterior view.
(C) Lateral view. (0) Medial view.

or through plates, whenever possible, should be the trochlea, the vast majority of the articular
directed toward the cortical margins of these cartilage of the olecranon is found at its proxi-
bony columns in order to provide for acceptable mal and distal regions rather than in the central
screw purchase. zone of the olecranon. This is of fundamental
Articulating with the distal end of the humer- importance when considering the location of
us are the proximal end of the ulna, represented olecranon osteotomies as well as the operative
by the olecranon, and the radial head. The olec- stabilization of olecranon fractures, many of
ranon is a rather unique structure as it not only which have a depressed segment in the central
provides for the attachment of the powerful part of the olecranon sulcus. Also of critical
triceps as well as brachialis muscles but also importance, particularly when considering the
plays a critical role in the intrinsic stability of placement of longitudinal screws, is the angula-
the elbow. Developed on an evolutionary basis tion of the proximal olecranon of about 7° from
from a rather flat articulation with the end of the the perpendicular of the diaphysis of the mid-
humerus to a rounded sulcus with a longitudinal ulna.
groove congruent with the central groove of The olecranon also represents the insertion
J.B. Jupiter 305

sites of the stabilizing ligamentous structures of which did little to reflect the specificity of the
the elbow. These include the lateral ulnar collat- intraarticular component.
eralligament, which inserts in the vicinity of the A classification established by Mehne and
crista supinatorum on the radial side of the olec- Matta divided the distal humerus fractures into
ranon, and the coronoid region, to which insert six major types (Figure 19.3)9:
the anterior oblique component of the medial
1. High T fracture: This is represented by a
collateral ligament as well as the capsule itself.
fracture that divides both columns proximal
Fractures of the coronoid are found not too
or at the proximal limits of the olecranon
infrequently in association with extensive soft
tissue injuries and dislocations and represent an
2. Low T fracture: This represents a fracture
important fracture in the indications for cannu-
with a transverse fracture line crossing the
lated screws about the elbow.
olecranon fossa just proximal to the trochlea.
Lastly, the junction of the metaphyseal region
This may be among the most common frac-
of the proximal ulna and its diaphysis is of struc-
ture patterns of the distal humerus in the
tural significance in the consideration of longi-
elderly population and among the more diffi-
tudinal screw placement. In addition to an angu-
cult to effectively treat.
lar alignment of approximately 7°, this region in
3. Y fracture: In this pattern oblique fracture
some patients, particularly younger individuals,
lines cross each bony column at or about
may have a very narrow medullary canal with
the olecranon to extend distally in a sagittal
substantial thickness of the surrounding cortex.
plane splitting the trochlea into two major
This feature may impede the full placement of
longer screws and should be borne in mind
4. H fracture: The medial column has a fracture
when the placement of screws is contemplated.
line proximal or distal to the medial epicon-
The final articulation to be considered is that
dyle of the lateral column and fractured in a
of the radial head and its relationship with the
T or Y pattern. The trochlea is free-floating
capitellum. The radial head is not truly in the
and may be further fragmented.
round but represents an articulation, not only
5. Medial lambda fracture: The most proximal
with the capitellum but also with the proximal
fracture line exits medially and the lateral
ulna. The rim of the radial head is composed of
fracture line exits distal to the level of the
hyaline cartilage of a substantial thickness, which
lateral epicondyle.
is supported by a rather limited amount of sub-
6. Lateral lambda fracture: The pattern is similar
chondral bone. At the juncture of the head and
to the H fracture but the lateral column is
neck is found the annular ligament and oblique
ligament, which are important in the stability of
this articulation. The radiocapitellar articulation Another type of fracture involving the distal
adds to the lateral stability of the elbow, and part of the humerus is that of a shearing injury
shearing fractures of the capitellum as well as in which the anterior articular surface of the dis-
some fractures of the radial head represent via- tal end is fractured in the coronal plane. This
ble options for the use of cannulated screws for may occur in conjunction with sagittal trans-
internal fixation (Figure 19.2). verse fracture lines extending into the distal
humerus, or it may represent an isolated injury
in which the capitellum and part of the trochlea
Classification are separated from the distal end of the humer-
us. In the latter case, it's recognition of the suc-
Along with the increased amount of operative cessful restoration of the articular surface (Figure
intervention for fractures about the elbow has 19.2). In some instances with the shearing frac-
come a substantial increase in the understanding tures, cannulated screw fixation may be optimal.
of the nature of the fracture patterns. Histor- A more universal classification that has been
ically, when viewing distal humerus fractures, utilized now effectively throughout the world is
these were often described in a T or Y pattern, the comprehensive classification of fractures. In
306 19. Fractures About the Elbow




o A .1/" "-

c o
FIGURE 19.2. A complex distal humerus fracture shearing articular fracture. (C) An intraoperative
may have fracture planes in multiple directions. view of a complex articular fracture. (0) The
(A and B) Anteroposterior and lateral view of a anteroposterior x-ray of the fixation.

this classification all fractures involving the and orientation of the major fracture lines and
metaphysis and articular surfaces are divided the amount of metaphyseal and articular com-
into three main groups: group A, extraarticular minution. As a result, there are 27 different cat-
fractures; group B, partial articular fractures in egories in this classification for fractures at the
which a portion of the joint is disrupted, leaving distal end of the humerus 16 (Figure 19.4).
intact a part of the joint attached to the more
proximal osseous support; and group C com-
Classification of Olecranon
plete articular fractures in which there is com-
plete disruption between the joint surface and Fractures
the supporting bony structures. The three basic Several classification systems have been effec-
types are further divided on the basis of location tively utilized in identifying various patterns of
J.B. Jupiter 307

tion. In this classification transverse fractures
were defined as being either simple, i.e., two
.... fragments, or complex, involving comminution

.# ..
or depression of the articular surface. An addi-
tional classification included oblique fractures
extending distally from the midpoint of the
trochlear notch. These particular fractures
A. High T B. Low T proved important as they are less stable with
tension band wiring alone. The last group
defined by Schatzker and Tile is that of com-
minuted fractures. These can include fractures
of the coronoid process, those extending dis-
tally beyond the midpoint of the trochlear
notch, and those fractures involving fractures or
dislocations of the radial head.
The comprehensive classification of fractures
c. y also divides the olecranon fractures into group
O. H
A-extraarticuiar, group B-single fragment,
and group C-multiple fragments of both the
radial head and olecranon (Figure 19.5) .

~ ..... Radial Head Classification

The radial head fracture has had a number of

e. Medial Lembde F. Lete,el Lembde classifications. The early classification of radial
head fractures by Carstam,20 Bakalim,21 and
FIGURE 19.3. The classification of intraarticular
Mason22 were based solely on radiographs and
distal humerus fractures established by Mehne
and Matta. failed to take into account associated injuries.
Bakalim's classification is type I-nondisplaced,
type II-split fracture, type III-comminuted
fracture, type IV-impacted neck fracture, and
type V-displaced neck fracture. The Mason
olecranon fractures. These include that of Col- classification is type I-nondisplaced fractures
ton,17 Schatzker and Tile 18 and the compre- of the head or neck; type II-displaced, two-
hensive classification of fractures. 16 part fractures involving the head or neck; and
Colton classified olecranon fractures into two type III-comminuted fractures of the head and
major groups: undisplaced (type I) and displaced neck or displaced fractures of the neck alone.
(type II). A type I undisplaced fracture is defined Johnston 23 added a fourth category to Mason's
as having less than 2 mm of separation and classification, identifying those fractures asso-
no increase in displacement with flexion to ciated with an elbow dislocation.
90°, with the patient able to extend the elbow Schatzker and Tile 18 devised a classification
against gravity. Displaced fractures were sub- system for radial head fractures: type I-a
divided into type IIA-avulsion, type IIB- wedge fracture of the head that mayor may not
oblique and transverse, type IIC-comminuted, be displaced, type II-an impaction where part
and type IID-fracture-dislocations. 19 of the head and neck remain intact with the
Schatzker and Tile 18 addressed mechanical fracture tilted and/or impacted, and type III-a
considerations of fractures with specific refer- severely comminuted fracture where no portion
ence to the requirements placed on internal fixa- of the head or neck remains in continuity.24
308 19. Fractures About the Elbow

13-A Humerus distal. extra-articular fracture

A I .... apophyseal avulsion

A2 ... , metaphyseal simple
A3 ... , metaphyseal multi fragmentary

13-8 Humeru di tal. partial articular fracture

BI B2 B3
B I .... lateral-sagillal
82 .... medial-sagittal
Ih' .... in the frontal plane
13-C Humeru di tal. complete articular fracture

. . II .

~ Uj-~I ~\t ~.~ et

- ). 1 --- .... ,.. -, (-1{ ..........
FIGURE 19.4. The compre-
I 'I \ 1\ '
, I \ I ) . II I ,I / hensive classification of
CI C2 C3 fractures of the distal end
of the humerus. (A) Extra-
C 1 ... , articular imple. m laphyseal imple articular fracture. (8) Partial
C2 ... , articular imple. metaphyseal multi fragmentary articular fracture. (C) Com-
C3 ... multi fragmentary plete articular fracture.

Treatment anesthesia is preferred, with the patient posi-

tioned either on his or her side with the arm
supported on soft bolsters or prone with the
Distal Humerus Fractures
arm on a small extension off the operative table.
The operative treatment of intraarticular frac- It is my personal preference for the patient to
tures of the distal humerus can be lengthy and be positioned on his or her side to avoid the
complex. For this reason, general endotracheal potential for the involved arm being hyper-
J.B. Jupiter 309

21- Radius/Ulna Proximal

21-A Radiu !Ulna proximal. extra-articular fracture

Al 2 A3
... of the ulna. radiu. intact
2 ... of the radiu ·. ulna intact
A3 ... of b th b ne '

21-B Radius!Ulna proximal. articular fract. of one bOIl(

81 82 83
8 I ... of the ulna, mdiu intact
B2 ... of the radius, ulna intact
8 3 ... extra-articular of the ther

21-C Radius/Ulna prox., articular fract. of both bone

~ eJ

IT m

·f ~

i I .
CI C2 C3
FIGURE 19.5. The comprehen- ... ,'\implc
sive classification of fractures of 2 ... , one simple and the other multifragmentary
the radial head and olecranon . 3 .... multifra mcntary
310 19. Fractures About the Elbow

FIGURE 19.6. Through a transolecranon osteot- FIGURE 19.7. The articular fragments are
omy, excellent visualization is obtained of the secured provisionally with smooth Kirschner
articular fragments. The ulnar nerve is held in a wires. A cannulated screw can be placed
vessel loop having been mobilized out of the directly over these wires.
cubital tunnel.

abducted at the shoulder during a lengthy oper- surfaces as well as the postoperative healing.
ative procedure. When faced with a complex fracture in the
The skin incision is that of a straight midline elderly, however, one might find that an alter-
posterior incision. This incision is extensile and native to stable internal fixation is that of total
rarely results in any sensitivity at the scar elbow arthroplasty. In these instances we have
despite its being located over the posterior part preferred to elevate the triceps off the olecra-
of the elbow. non from the medial side, thereby preserving
The ulnar nerve should be identified and the option of a total elbow arthroplasty.
protected. Neuritis involving the ulnar nerve A lateral approach elevating the triceps off
is regrettably all too common after operative the olecranon from the lateral side may be pref-
manipulation. It should be not only elevated erential for fractures involving the lateral col-
from the cubital tunnel but also dissected prox- umn, capitellum, and or radial head.
imally and distally for at least 6 to 8 cm. This Once the fracture anatomy has been con-
will allow the nerve to lie free in the subcuta- firmed under direct vision, the fracture frag-
neous tissue (Figure 19.6). ments are optimally reduced and provisionally
To approach the fracture one has the option held to their origins on the bony columns using
of either a transolecranon approach or elevation smooth 0.045- or 0.062-inch Kirschner wires.
of the triceps from the medial or lateral side Attempts should be made to reposition the
of the olecranon. In most situations the trans- trochlea at its anatomic width. On occasion
olecranon approach has proven to be preferable there may be fragmentation and loss of sub-
in both the degree of exposure of the articular stance in the middle of the trochlea. Rather than
J.B. Jupiter 311

FIGURE 19.8. This complex intraarticular fracture was secured with plates and screws. A cannu-
lated screw was placed across the trochlear fracture (A,B).

excise these fragments, bringing the intact only the sagittal plane but also the coronal
pieces together at a narrowed width, it is pref- plane, interfragmentary screw fixation is also
erable to provide a cancellous bone graft to useful. There have been occasions in which the
maintain the width. In conjunction with this use of self-compressing threaded Herbert screws
would be the need to avoid using compression or interfragmentary lag screws placed from pos-
of one major trochlear fragment onto the other terior to anterior have been effective. At times
when fixing the fragments together with a in these cases, the concept of a cannulated screw
screw (Figure 19.7). can minimize the surgical manipulation of the
The restoration of the trochlear fragments fragments, offsetting the potential for fragmen-
may represent the optimal indication for cannu- tation (Figure 19.8).
lated screw fixation. The advantage of the can- The articular reconstructions are then brought
nulated screw in this setting is that the provi- back to a secure fixation of the bony columns,
sional fixation of a Kirschner wire can be placed ordinarily using contoured plates and screws.
in an optimal position for both provisional fixa- These plates can be strategically placed to
tion as well as screw placement. Given the frag- achieve definitive fixation that is tailored to the
ile nature of these fragments and the limited specific fracture patterns of both the articular as
amount of subchondral bone, there may be few well as bony columns (Figure 19.9). By having
options for placement of both Kirschner wires plates placed at different directions, the mechan-
as well as screws. Therefore, the opportunity to ical strength is enhanced.
limit the amount of surgical manipulation of Once the fractures appear stably secured, the
these fragments is enhanced by the use of can- elbow should be put through full range of
nulated screws. As a general rule, a 3.S-mm motion to visually assess the stability of the
screw is preferable in this anatomic region. internal fixation. In the event that motion is
In the setting of articular disruption, in not observed at the fracture line, additional fixa-
312 19. Fractures About the Elbow

,FIGURE 19.9. The articular reconstruction is struction plates. (A) dorsal view. (B) contoured
placed back onto the bony columns with stra- plate around medial epicondyle. (C) posterior
tegically placed and contoured 3.S-mm recon- plate along lateral columns.

tion should be provided. Tenuous fixation can Postoperative management is contingent upon
be supplemented by cancellous bone graft to stability achieved at surgery. If this is present, it
enhance and speed healing. In the event that is useful to begin active mobilization once soft
one or two carefully placed screws do not pro- tissue swelling has diminished. This can ordi-
vide sufficient purchase, the screw purchase can narily be begun either on the first or second
be enhanced by the use of polymethyl meth- postoperative day. Splints and braces are pre-
acrylate. The methyl methacrylate is mixed and, ferred by some but these may tend to limit
while still in the liquid phase, poured into a 12- patient activity and lead to surrounding soft
em syringe with a straight tip. The tip is then tissue and capsular fibrosis.
placed into the screw hole and enough cement There are specific fractures of the distal
placed to just fill the hole. Extravasation of humerus that may be amenable to percutaneous
cement, particularly near the fracture lines, screw fixation. These include the low transverse
should be carefully avoided. The screws are supracondylar fracture in the elderly individual
then reinserted and allowed to remain in place or complex fractures associated with soft tissue
until the cement begins to become firm, at injury. In these instances the cannulated screw
which point the screw should be advanced a offers the enhanced stability of a compression
final one or two turns. Excess cement is removed screw but can be applied percutaneously (Figure
only after it is completely hard. 19.1O). In some instances the fragile nature of
When an olecranon osteotomy has been per- the bone will require a placement of a washer to
formed, fixation can be either with the tension prevent the screw head from impacting and
band technique or with a longitudinal screw fragmenting the underlying cortical bone.
placed preferably along with a tension band
wire. In these instances, the use of a 4.5- or 6.5-
mm cannulated screw is an effective means of
Radial Head Fractures
providing stable fixation. If longitudinal screw Fractures of the radial head with minimal or no
fixation is chosen, the surgeon should be mind- displacement are felt to be stable and can be
ful of the modest angular relationship of the treated nonoperatively. In most cases there is no
proximal ulna to its shaft. Failure to keep this urgency to have a rapid mobilization but rather
in mind will potentially inhibit the screw from aspiration of the hematoma and instillation of
passage into the medullary space. Marcaine may provide transient pain relief, and
J.B. Jupiter 313

area, the potential for smaller cannulated screws

would offer a decided advantage to the treat-
ment of these fractures given that there is little
room for both provisional Kirschner wire and
screw fixation. Additionally, the opportunity
should exist for manipulation of two-part frac-
tures under arthroscopic guidance and internal
fixation through a percutaneous approach (Fig-
ure 19.11).
Displaced fractures, particularly those asso-
ciated with soft tissue injury, are important indi-
cations for internal fixation. Often the soft tissue
injury is a combination of capsule and liga-
ment-both lateral as well as medial. The oper-
ative approach to the radial head should include
a more proximal extension to explore the origin
of the lateral capsular ligament complex. Quite
often these will be avulsed from their origin and
failure to repair them in conjunction with exci-
sion of the radial head can result in chronic
instability and ultimate disability and posttrau-
matic arthrosis. Even the comminuted fractures
of the radial head and neck can be repaired, in
FIGURE 19.10. A low transverse supracondylar
many cases using multiple small screws, threaded
fracture can be percutaneously fixed with wires, and even small implant plates (Figure
smooth Kirschner wires over which cannulated 19.12).
screws can be placed under control of an image In the expectation of a complex reconstruc-
intensifier. tion, additional exposure can be achieved by
performing an osteotomy of the lateral epi-
condyle and elevating this with its attached lig-
ament and muscles distally to permit excellent
then splint or sling immobilization for 7 to 10 exposure. Should this be considered, recom-
days will prevent a fracture from displacing. mendations are to explore the path of the pos-
Two-part displaced radial head fractures rep- terior interosseous nerve to prevent injury to
resent an optimal indication for internal fixation. this structure, which runs quite close to the sur-
If aspiration of a fracture hematoma and instilla- gical site. By doing this the surgeon can be
tion of analgesic is accomplished, the surgeon more comfortable and confident in the manipu-
can examine forearm rotation effectively. If there lation of the fragments, knowing exactly the
is a mechanical block or a palpable incongruence, location of the nerve.
operative fixation is indicated. Although radial head resection still represents
Improvement in small implant design and the most commonly performed procedure for
application has made internal fixation more reli- comminuted fractures, it has been observed to
able. The surgical approach is that of standard be associated with problems such as instability,
lateral incision identifying an interval between late posttraumatic arthrosis, and proximal migra-
the anconeus and extensor carpi ulnaris muscles; tion of the radius when associated with dis-
2.0-mm screws, screws and plates, or self-com- ruption of the interosseous membrane. 13,25 In
pressing Herbert screws are the usual implants fact, complications associated with radial head
applied for these fractures. Some have recom- fractures can be looked at in two particular
mended bioabsorbable pins. While the author groups-those associated with a fracture and
has no experience with cannulated screws in this those following a radial head excision. 9
314 19. Fractures About the Elbow

A B c
FIGURE 19.11. A displaced two-part fracture of seen displaced with a mechanical block to
the radial head is amenable to screw fixation. rotation. (C) Two buried screws provide stable
(A) The oblique radiograph reveals the dis- fixation.
placed fracture. (8) At surgery, the fracture is


FIGURE 19.12. A complex radial head fracture with

a distal radioulnar joint injury. (A) The lateral x-ray
of the impacted fracture. (8) Stable fixation was
achieved with a small plate and screws.
J.B. Jupiter 315

Olecranon Fractures outstretched arm with the elbow held in some

degree of flexion and the forearm experiencing a
Given that the olecranon provides the distal torque injury.
unit of the elbow flexion-extension joint, articu- Nondisplaced fractures, although uncommon,
lar realignment as well as stable fixation to per- can be successfully treated by immobilization of
mit mobilization represents the fundamental the limb in a long arm splint or cast with the
approaches to treatment. The subcutaneous elbow flexed at 90° for approximately 3 to 4
position of the olecranon renders it vulnerable weeks. The surgeon is obligated to obtain an
to direct trauma. By the same token, in some x-ray within a week to 10 days following the
instances fractures occur as part of an axial- beginning of this treatment to make certain that
directed force due to the patient falling on an displacement of the fracture has not occurred.

c D
FIGURE 19.13. A complex displaced olecranon olecranon. (8) The stable fixation of a tension
fracture is secured with a tension band and band and cannulated screw. (C and D) Excel-
interfragmentary screw. (A) The lateral radio- lent functional recovery.
graph of the displaced articular fracture of the
316 19. Fractures About the Elbow

Displaced fractures require operative treat- therefore neutralization of these forces will be
ment. While the surgeon should strive for repo- required by either the use of tension band wire
sition and internal fixation of the fracture frag- techniques or by a dorsally applied plate.
ments, in some instances enthusiasm has been As the fractures extend distally, particularly
voiced for fragment excision and triceps recon- those involVing the coronoid process, plate fixa-
struction.26,27 tion is necessary. The coronoid can be secured
The transverse fracture, either by itself or in some instances with screws alone, either
when associated with a comminuted or de- placed through the plate or independent of the
pressed fracture of the articular surface, is plate. These fractures may be the result of high-
amenable to tension band fixation. This is a energy trauma and can be associated with insta-
mechanically sound approach with the wire loop bility of the elbow. They may represent among
placed dorsal to the mid-axis of the ulna, trans- the more difficult fractures about the elbow.
forming tensile or distraction forces at the frac- Cancellous bone graft may be required to help
ture site into compressive forces. The stan- the support the articular reconstructions and
dard approach for tension band fixation consists fill in any defects in the cortex opposite the
of two longitudinally placed Kirschner wires plate. I8
obliquely placed from the dorsal proximal part
of the olecranon tip passing across the fracture
site to purchase the anterior part of the proximal
ulna. These Kirschner wires represent controls
against rotational and shearing forces. If placed Complications specific to fracture of the olecra-
in this manner with a purchase on the anterior non include loss of elbow flexion-extension,
cortex, proximal migration will be minimized. A malposition with posterior displacement of the
loop of wire is then placed underneath the tri- radial head, failure to unite, and posttraumatic
ceps through Sharpey's fibers extending dorsal arthrosis.
to the ulna and passed through it distal to the
fracture by at least the same margin of distance
from the tip of the olecranon to the fracture line. References
Some surgeons have utilized a screw placed in
the same position as the Kirschner wires in con- 1. Brown RF, Morgan RG. Intercondylar T-shaped
junction with a tension band loop. In these fractures of the humerus. Results in ten cases
treated by early mobilization. J Bone Joint Surg
instances there is the possibility of the use of 1971;53B(3):425-428.
a cannulated screw for this approach (Figure 2. Evans EB. Heterotopic bone formation in thermal
19.13). burns. Clin Orthop 1991;263:94-101.
With elevation of fragments, a screw can be 3. Gabel GT, Hanson G, Bennett JB, Noble pc, Tul-
placed to serve as a buttress for the elevated los HS. Intraarticular fractures of the distal humer-
us in the adult. Clin Orthop 1987;216:99-108.
articular fragments. The screws are usually 3.5 4. Home G. Supracondylar fractures of the humerus
mm in size and placed obliquely to have suffi- in adults. J Trauma 1980;20:71-74.
cient purchase on the opposite cortex somewhat 5. Joseffsson PO, Gentz CF, Johnell 0, Wendeberg
distal to the fracture line. B. Dislocation of the elbow and intraarticular
An optimal use of an interfragmentary screw fractures. Clin Orthop 1988;246:126-130.
6. Jupiter JB. Complex fractures of the distal part of
is in those fractures that are oblique, extending the humerus. J Bone Joint Surg 1994;76A:1252-
from the distal part of the olecranon sulcus 1263.
at the joint line distally into the dorsal cortex 7. Jupiter JB, Neff U, Holzach P, Allgower M. Inter-
of the olecranon. In these instances cannulated condylar fractures of the humerus. An operative
screws offer an option to control accurately the approach. J Bone Joint Surg 1985;67A:226-239.
8. Keon-Cohen BT. Fractures of the elbow. J Bone
placement of these interfragmentary screws. Joint Surg 1966;48A:1623-1639.
Screws alone will not be sufficient to withstand 9. Mehne OK, Jupiter JB. Fractures of the distal
the tensile forces occurring at this fracture, and humerus. In: Browner BD, Jupiter JB, Levine AM,
J.B. Jupiter 317

Trafton PG, eds. Skeletal Trauma, Fractures, Dis- Tile M, eds. The Rational Basis of Operative Frac-
locations, Ligamentous Injuries. Philadelphia: WB ture Care. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1987;89-
Saunders, 1992;1146-1176. 96.
10. Waddell JP, Hatch J, Richards R. Supracondylar 19. Broberg MA, Morrey BF. Results of treatment of
fractures of the humerus-results of surgical fracture-dislocation of the elbow. Clin Orthop
treatment. J Trauma 1988;28:1615-1621. 1987;216:109-119.
II. Ackerman G, Jupiter JB. Nonunion of fractures of 20. Carstam N. Operative treatment of fractures of
the distal end of the humerus. J Bone Joint Surg the upper end of the radius. Acta Orthop Scand
1988;70A:75-83. 1950;19:502-526.
12. Dellon AL. Review of treatment results for ulnar 21. Bakalirn e. Fractures of the radial head and their
nerve entrapment at the elbow. J Hand Surg 1989; treatment. Acta Orthop Scand 1970;41:320.
14A:688-700. 22. Mason M. Some observations on fractures of the
13. Essex-Lopresti P. Fractures of the radial head with head of the radius with a review of one hundred
distal radioulnar dislocation. J Bone Joint Surg cases. Br J Surg 1954;42:123-132.
1951;33B:244-247. 23. Johnston GW. Follow-up of one hundred cases of
14. McKee M, Jupiter J, Toh CL, Wilson L, Colton C, fracture of the head of the radius with a review of
Karras KK. Reconstruction after malunion and the literature. Ulster Med J 1962;31:51-56.
nonunion of intraarticular fractures of the distal 24. Schatzker J. Fractures of the radial head. In:
humerus. Methods and results in 13 adults. J Bone Schatzker J, Tile M, eds. The Rational Basis of
Joint Surg 1994;76B(4):614-62I. Operative Fracture Care. New York: Springer-
15. Morrey "BF. Post-traumatic contracture of the Verlag, 1987;97-102.
elbow. Operative treatment, including distrac- 25. Curr J, Coe W. Dislocation of the inferior radio-
tion arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg 1990;72A:601- ulnar joint. Br J Surg 1946;34:74-77.
618. 26. Gartsman GM, Sculco TP, Otis Je. Operative
16. MUller ME, Nazarian S, Koch P. AO Classification treatment of olecranon fractures-excision or
of Fractures. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1987. open reduction with internal fixation. J Bone Joint
17. Colton CL. Fractures of the olecranon in adults. Surg 1981;63A:718-72I.
Classification and management. Injury 1973-74;5: 27. McAusland WR. The treatment of fractures of
121-129. the olecranon by longitudinal screw or nail fixa-
18. Schatzker J. Olecranon fractures. In: Schatzker J, tion. Ann Surg 1942;116:293-296.

A and compartment syndrome, 239

Acetabular deficiencies, classification of, 87 complications of, 239
Ac~tabular fracture fixation with cannulated screws, lateral malleolar fractures, 230-234
125,134, 138, 140-141 and malunion, 239
cannulated screws for, 113-114 medial malleolar fractures, 234-236
complications of, 111-112 posterior malleolar fractures, 236-238
contraindications to fixation, 111 and postoperative arthritis, 239
indications for fixation, 110 and reflex sympathetic dystrophy, 239
intraoperative imaging, 112, 141 syndesmosis, 238-239
mechanical criteria for fixation devices, 112-113 and wound problems, 239
postoperative imaging, 141 Ankle fractures
Acetabular fractures classification of, 227-228
acute management of, 108 operative versus nonoperative management, 229
assessment of, 106-107 Ankle fusion
classification of, 108 external fixation, 260
Acetabular reconstrudion screw placement configuration, 260-262
advantages of cannulated screws, 88 Anterior compression injury, pelvis, 107
case examples, 93-95 Anterior cruciate ligament reconstrudion
preoperative planning, 87 advantages of cannulated screws, 208-209
surgical technique, 89-93 arthroscopy examination, 219
types of screws used, 89 biomechanics of fixation, 209-211
Acetabulum, bony anatomy of, 100 bone block geometry, effeds of, 212
Acute-on-chronic slip (SCFE), meaning of, 76 closure, 220-221
Acute slip (SCFE), meaning of, 76 examination under anesthesia, 216
Alloys, definition of, 2 femoral screw placement, 220
Ankle femoral tunneL 219
anatomy of, 225 femoral tunnel keying, 220
neurovascular anatomy, 226 gap size, effeds of, 211
stability of, 225 graft harvesting, 216-217
Ankle arthrodesis graft passage, 219
advantages of cannulated screws, 263-264 graft preparation, 217
anterior approach, 264-265 graft-screw length mismatch in, 214
anteromedialJanterolaterai approaches, 266 guide wire pitfalls in, 215-216
goal of, 263 history of, 206-208
lateral approach, 265-266 insertion torque, effeds of, 211
negative predisposing conditions, 266 interference screws specifications, 210
operative method, 263 notchplasty, 218
postoperative results, 266 patellar donor site grafting, 217-218
Ankle fracture fixation screw depth placement, 216
advantages of cannulated screws, 229-230 screw design for, 212
anterior malleolus fractures, 238 screw divergence in, 213-215

320 Index

Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (cont.) guide pin of, 34-35

tibial screw placement, 220 guide pin tip of, 35-36
tibial tunnel, 218-219 jigs, 36
tunnel drill sites, selection of, 218, 219 materials for, 63
tunnel-graft-screw mismatch in, 213 screw head of, 37
tunnel site, 212-213 screw shaft of, 37
Anterior malleolus fractures, fixation of, 238 screw thread, 37-38
Anterior posterior compression injury, pelvis, 107 Casting, definition of, 3
Arthritis, postoperative Cavitary deficiencies, acetabulum, types of, 87
and ankle fracture fixation, 239 Central depression fractures, tibial plateau fractures,
and juxtaarticular tibial fracture fixation, 252 176
Arthrodesis. See Ankle arthrodesis Chondrolysis, and slipped capital femoral epiphysis
Arthroscopic surgery (SCFE) fixation, 77
advantages of cannulated screws, 189 Chronic slip (SCFE), meaning of, 76
for osteochondritis dissecans, 190-198 Cold working, 8
for tibial plateau fracture, 198-204 definition of, 3
As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA), Compartmental syndrome
radiation exposure, 41, 48-49 and ankle fracture fixation, 239
Associated fractures, acetabulum, 108 and tibial plateau fracture fixation, 179
Association for Osleosnthesis (AO) classification Complex ring disruption, pelvis, 110
juxtaarticular fractures, 244 Composite fixation
shoulder fractures, 294 applications for, 241
tibial plateau fractures, 172-178 characteristics of, 241
Avascular necrosis, and juxtaarticular tibial fracture for juxtaarticular fractures, 241-257
fixation, 256 CompreSSion, cannulated screw hip fixation, 65
Computed tomography (Cn
B acetabular reconstruction postoperative imaging,
Bar stock, 9 141
definition of, 2 guidance for screw insertion, 141-142
Bending strength, of screws, 20-23 pelvic fracture imaging, 150-151
Bicondylar fractures, tibial plateau fractures, 176, 178 Cutting tip, of cannulated screws, 38
Bioabsorbable implants, characteristics of, 208 Cutting tool, 7-8
Bone grafting, for osteochondritis dissecans, 192 definition of, 3
Bone shear strength, and screw holding power, 24-
26 D
Boring, definition of, 2 Deflection rate, definition of, 3
Brittle, definition of, 2 Die
Broaching definition of, 3
definition of, 2 in thread cutting, 13
metal implant manufacturing, 2-3, 9-10 Distal humerus fractures, 308-313
classification of, 305-306, 308
C fixation, 308-312
Calcaneus fracture fixation, 272-275 Distal tibia (pilon) fracture fixation, 247- 249
Cannulated screw hip fixation Drilling, definition of, 3
fixation guides, 64-65 Drills
long-term results, 66-68 for acetabular reconstruction, 89
screw removal, 66 for ankle fracture fixation, 230
systems for, 64-65 for foot fracture fixation, 270
Cannulated screws, 34-38 for juxtaarticular fractures, 246
advantages of, 34 for sacral fracture fixation, 167
biomechanics related to, 34 for shoulder fractures, 296
cutting flutes of, 34 for slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE)
cutting tip of, 38 fixation, 79
guide pin depth measurement, 36 Ductile, definition of, 3
Index 321

E Glenoid neck fracture

Elastic modulus, definition of, 3 causes of, 293
Elbow, anatomy of, 303-305 fixation, 302
Elbow fracture (proximity of elbow) fixation Glenoid rim and fossa fracture fixation, 300-302
distal humerus fractures, 308-313 Goufan pins, 78
olecranon fractures, 314-316 Grafts
radial head fractures, 313-314 harvesting, 216-217
Elbow fractures, classification of, 305-307 passage, 219
Elementary fractures, acetabulum, 108 preparation, 217
Endurance, definition of, 3 Grinding
External rotation deformity, pelVis, 107 definition of, 4
thread grinding, 12-13
F Guide pins
Fatigue, definition of, 3 for acetabular reconstruction, 88, 89, 92
Feed, definition of, 3 for ankle arthrodesis, 265-266
Femoral tunnel, anterior eruciate ligament for ankle fracture fixation, 230
reconstruction, 220 of cannulated screws, 34-35
Fixation guides, cannulated screw hip fixation, 64-65 depth measurement, of cannulated screws, 36
Fluoroscopic observation for foot fracture fixation, 269-270
As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) for hip fractjlre fixation, 63
exposure, 41, 48-49 for juxtaarticular tibial fractures, 246, 247
automatic brightness control, 44 for sacral fracture fixation, 167
federal regulations, 44-45 for shoulder fractures, 296
image resolution, 42-44 for slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE)
imaging equipment, 42 fixation, 79
patient exposure/risk, 45-46 for spinal fixation, 281, 284, 286, 287
primary/scattered radiation, 44 Guide pin tip, of cannulated screw systems, 35-36
radiation field distribution, 47-48 Guide wires, odontoid fracture fixation, 282, 283
radiation hazards, 45 Gun drilling, metal implant manufacturing, 10-11
radiation protection, 46
radiation units, 41-42 H
reducing radiation exposure, guidelines for, 48-49 Haggie pins, 78
Foot fracture fixation Hardness, definition of, 4
advantages of cannulated screws, 268-269 Herbert screw, 34
for calcaneus fractures, 272-275 Herbert/Whipple bone screws, for osteochondritis
design factors for screws used, 269 dissecans fixation, 196-198,200
for talar neck fractures, 271-272 Hip
for talus fractures, 270-271 arterial supply to femoral head, 53-54
for tarsal navicular fractures, 275-276 bone density of femoral head, 52
for tarsometatarsal fracture dislocations, 276, 278 Pauwel's classification, 54
types of screws used, 269-270 structural anatomy of, 51-52
Forging, definition of, 3-4 vascular anatomy, 52-54
Fonn-cutting, 11-12 Hip fracture fixation, 56-68
advantages of, 56
G cannulated screw operative technique, 64-66
Gap size, in anterior eruciate ligament reconstruction, cannulated screw system for, 63-64
212 clinical results of follow-up, 66-68
Garden index, 58 and femoral head bone density, 62-63
Garden's classification and healing problems, 56
hip fractures, 53-55 indications for, 56
Type I, 54, 55 with multiple pins, 61-62
Type II, 54, 55, 61 and osteonecrosis, 57-58, 68
Type III, 54, 55 purpose of fixation screws, 60
Type N, 55, 59 and quality of reduction, 58, 60
322 Index

Hip fracture fixation (cont.) L

screw position in femoral neck/head, 61- 62 Lag screws, 60
screw removal after fracture healing, 66 Lateral compression injury, pelvis, 108
Hip fractures Lateral malleolar fractures, fixation of, 230-234
Garden's classification, 53-55
incidence of, 51 M
prosthetic replacement, 56 Machining
Holding power, of screws, 23 definition of, 4
Hot working, 8 in metal screw manufacturing, 6-8
definition of, 3 Malunion
Humeral fracture fixation and ankle fracture fixation, 239
distal humerus fractures, 308-313 and juxtaarticular fracture fixation, 252
four-part fracture, 300 and tibial plateau fracture fixation, 179
three-part proximal fracture, 298-300 Medial malleolar fractures, fixation of, 234-236
two-part fracture, 296-298 Medial plateau fractures, tibial plateau fractures, 176
Men, survival after hip fracture fixation, 67-68
I Metal implant manufacturing, 6-9
Image resolution, fluoroscopic observation, 42-44 broaching, 2-3, 9-10
Infection gun drilling, 10-11
and ankle fracture fixation, 239 machining, 6-8
and juxtaarticular tibial fracture fixation, 252 tapping, 4, 11
Insertion torque, in anterior cruciate ligament thread machining, 11-13
reconstruction, 212 tuming,5,9
Metal implants
J history of metallic materials used, 1-2
Jigs, cannulated screw systems, 36 stainless steel, 5-6
Juxtaarticular tibial fractures, composite fixation, titanium alloys, 6
241-257 Milling
advantages of cannulated screws, 246 definition of, 4
classification of, 243-244 thread milling, 12
closed treatment, 241 Minimal slip (SCFE), meaning of, 76
complications of, 250, 252 Moderate slip (SCFE), meaning of, 76
distal tibia (pilon) fracture fixation, 247-249 Moore pins, 78
external fixator, application of, 250
history of treatment, 241-243 N
limited open reduction, 243 Neer classification, shoulder fractures, 293
open reduction, 242 Nonunion
operative treatment, benefits of, 241- 242 and ankle arthrodesis, 266
postoperative care, 250 and ankle fracture fixation, 239
postoperative results, 257 and juxtaarticular fracture fixation, 252
preoperative planning, 244 Notchplasty, anterior cruciate ligament reconstruc-
proximal tibia fracture fixation, 247 tion,218
screw shaft, for juxtaarticular fractures, 246, 247
steps in procedure, 245-246 o
types of screws used, 246-247 Odontoid fracture fixation, 280-282
postoperative results, 282
K procedure in, 282
Knee, tibial plateau fracture fixation, 170- 188, 198- screws used for, 281
204 Olecranon fractures, 314-316
Knee arthroscopy with screw fixation classification of, 306-307
advantages of cannulated screws, 189 fixation, 314-316
for osteochondritis dissecans, 190-198 Osteoarthritis, and slipped capital femoral epiphysis
Knowles pins, 61 (SCFE), 72-73, 77
Index 323

Osteochondritis dissecans, 190-198 Pinning, in slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE)

categories ofiesions, 190 fixation, 78
causes of, 190 Plastic formation, definition of, 4
history of treatment, 190-191 Posterior malleolar fractures, fixation of, 236-238
postoperative management, 195 Powder metallurgy techniques, definition of, 4
treatment and type of lesions, 191-195 Pre slip (SCFE), meaning of, 76
Osteochondritis dissecans fixation Prosthetic replacement, hip fractures, 56
4.0-mm cannulated screw method, 192-196 Proximal tibia fracture fixation, 247
HerbertjWhipple bone screws, 196-198
history of use, 190-191 R
postoperative results, 192 Racial factors, slipped capital femoral epiphysis
treatment principles, 191-192 (SCFE) fixation, 72
Osteonecrosis, and hip fracture fixation, 57-58, 68 Radial head fractures, 313-314
Osteopenia, iliosacral fixation and osteopenic bone, classification of, 307, 309
124-125 fixation, 313-314
p intraoperative imaging of pelvis/acetabulum, 112,
Passivation, definition of, 4 141
Pauwel's classification, hip fractures, 54 during sacral fracture fixation, 168
Pelvic fracture See also Fluoroscopic observation
acute management of, 108 Rasmussen classification, tibial plateau fractures,
algorithm for stabilization, 108-109 172
assessment of, 106-107 Reduction, intracapsular hip fractures
classification of injuries, 107-108, 109-110, 149 and Garden index, 58
CT scan of, 150, 151 in hip fracture fixation, 58, 60
radiography of, 150 Reflex sympathetic dystrophy, and ankle fracture
unstable pelvis, assessment of, 150- 151 fixation,239
Pelvic fracture fixation, 108-143 Reudi classification, juxtaarticular tibia fracture,
advantages of cannulated screws, 152 composite fixation, 242, 243
bilateral versus sacral fractures, 124 Rotator cuff tears, 293
cannulated screws for, 113-114
clinical results, 142-143 S
complications of, 111-112, 152, 155, 161 Sacral fracture fixation
contraindications to fixation, 111 cannulated systems used, 167-168
CT guidance for screw insertion, 141-142 fluoroscopy during procedure, 168
iliosacral fixation and osteopenic bone, 124-125 open reduction, 167
indications for fixation, 109-110, 151- 152 operative method, 166-167
intraoperative imaging, 112 postoperative care, 168
mechanical criteria for fixation devices, 112-113 Sacral fractures
patient position for, 152-153 assessment of, 165
risks associated with, 121, 124 classification of, 163-164
sacroiliac joint fixation, 114, 120-121 impaction in, 163
surgical technique, 153-154 indications for surgery, 165
time for fixation, 152 preoperative planning, 165-166
Pelvic ring disruption Zones I through III fractures, 164-165
internal fixation, indications for, 109- 110 Sacroiliac joint fixation, 114, 120-121
other injuries related to, 97 fixation methods, 114, 120
Pelvis longitudinal fracture, screw insertion, 120-121
nerves adjacent to, 105, 147 percutaneous fixation of, 120-123
stability of, 146-147 Sacrum, anatomy of, 99, 101-102, 147-149
structural anatomy of, 98-104, 146-147 Schatzker classification, tibial plateau fractures, 172,
vascular supply of, 105, 147-149 173,199,201,243
Pilon fracture, definition of, 243 Sciatic nerve, traction injury to, 111
324 Index

Screw head Severe slip (SCFE), meaning of, 76

for acetabular reconstruction, 89 Shoulder, anatomy of, 290-292
for ankle fracture fixation, 230 Shoulder fracture fixation
of cannulated screws, 37 advantages of cannulated screws, 295
for foot fracture fixation, 270 for four-part humerus fractures, 300
for hip fracture fixation, 63 glenoid neck fractures, 302
for juxtaarticular tibial fractures, 246, 247 for glenOid rim and fossa fractures, 300-302
for sacral fracture fixation, 167 safe zones for guide pin placement, 293
for shoulder fractures, 296 for three-part proximal humerus fractures, 298-300
for slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) for two-part humerus fractures, 296-298
fixation, 79 types of screws used, 296
for spinal fixation, 281, 284, 286, 287 Shoulder fractures
Screw removal assessment of, 294-295
after hip fracture healing, 66 classification of, 293-294
slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) fixation, mechanisms of injury, 293
80 Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE)
Screws advantages of cannulated screws, 78
bending strength of, 20-23 bilaterality frequency, 73
and bone shear strength, 24-26 causes of, 72
cannulated screws, 34-38 classification of, 76
design aspects of bone screws, 31-38 incidence of, 72
holding power of, 23 pathological factors, 73
length of engagement, 24 radiologic appearance, 75-76
metal, manufacturing of, 6-9 symptoms of, 75
pilot hole as screw hole, 28 as type of femoral neck fracture, 76-77
tapping, 28-30 vascular anatomy, 74-75
threads, 33-34 Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE), fixation, 77-
thread shape factor, 26-28 85
torsional strength of, 15-20 advantages of, 77-78
in vivo effect, 30 case examples, 80-85
Screw shaft pinning devices, 79
of cannulated screws, 37 radiographic appearance, 81-84
for foot fracture fixation, 269-270 screw removal, 80
for hip fracture fixation, 63 surgical technique, 79-80
for shoulder fractures, 296 Spinal fixation
Screw thread advantages of cannulated screws, 280, 288
for acetabular reconstruction, 89 contraindications to, 281
for ankle fracture fixation, 230 odontoid fracture fixation, 280-282
of cannulated screws, 37-38 posterior stabilization of C-l and C-2, 282-286
for foot fracture fixation, 269-270 thoracic and lumbar spine fixation, 286- 287
for hip fracture fixation, 64 Stainless steel
for juxtaarticular tibial fractures, 246,247 for cannulated screws, 63
for sacral fracture fixation, 167 use for implants, 5-6
for shoulder fractures, 296 Steinmann pins, 78
for slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) Strain, definition of, 4
fixation, 79 Stress, definition of, 4
for spinal fixation, 281,284,286, 287 Syndesmosis, tibia-fibula fixation of, 238-239
Segmental deficiencies, acetabulum, characteristics of,
87 T
Self-tapping screws, 30 T alar neck fractures
manufacturing of, 11 classification of, 271
production of, 11 fixation, 271-272
in slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) fixation, Talus fracture fixation, 270-271
79 Tap, definition of, 4
Index 325

Tapping, 28-30 complications of, 201

in metal implant manufacturing, 4, 11 self-tapping postoperative management, 203-204
screws, 30 postoperative results, 201-202
Tarsal navicular fractures preoperative assessment, 199,201
classification of, 275 surgical technique, 202-204
fixation, 275-276 Tibial tunnel, anterior cruciate ligament
Tarsometatarsal fracture dislocations, fixation for, reconstruction, 219-220
276,278 Titanium alloys
Thread machining for cannulated screws, 63
metal implant manufacturing, 11-13 use for implants, 6
thread cutting using dies, 13 Torsional strength, of screws, 15-20
thread grinding, 12 Toughness, definition of, 4
thread milling, 12 Trendelenburg's sign, 75
thread turning, 11-12 Turning
Threads definition of, 5
of bone screws, 32-34 metal implant manufacturing, 5, 9
See also Screw thread thread turning, 11-12
Thread shape factor, 26-28
Tibial plateau, anatomy of, 170-171 U
Tibial plateau fracture Ultimate tensile strength, definition of, 5
classification of, 172-178
and ligament injuries, 171 V
preoperative evaluation, 171 Vertical shear injury, pelvis, 108
treatment issue, 178-179 Vivo effect, in screws, 30
Type I/split fractures, 173
Type II/split central depression fractures, 173 w
Type III/central depression fractures, 173 Ward's triangle, 51
Type IV/medial plateau fractures, 173 Wolf's law, 51
Type V/bicondylar fractures, 173, 178 Women
Type VI fractures, 178 and hip fractures, 51
Tibial plateau fracture fixation, 170-188 survival after hip fracture fixation, 67
cannulated screw systems used, 181-182 Work-holding device, 7
clinical results, 186-188 definition of, 5
complications of, 179, 181 Workpiece, 7
method for comminuted split compression fracture, definition of, 5
182-184 Wound problems
method for simple split fractures, 185- 186 and ankle fracture fixation, 239
See also Juxtaarticular tibial fractures, composite and juxtaarticular fracture fixation, 252
Tibial plateau fracture fixation with arthroscopic y
reduction/percutaneous fixation, 199-203 Yield strength, definition of, 5

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