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Demonstrator: Lorymel M.

Bongbong Target Learners: Grade 8

Subject: Mathematics 8

I. Objectives: Given the materials and activities, the students will be able to do the following
with at least 75% level of accuracy:
a. name the largest and the smallest angle given the sides of a triangle;
b. arrange the sides of a triangle in order of increasing length given the angles, and
c. cite ways to promote equality and prevent inequality.

II. Subject Matter: Theorems Involving Inequalities in a Triangle (M8GE-IVb-1))

Reference : Mathematics Learner’s Module Grade 8 pages 381 – 408
Skills : Drawing, analyzing and solving
Materials : Ruler, protractor, pentel pen, manila paper
Value Integration : Disadvantage of inequalities

III. Procedure: 5 A’s Method

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
Let us all stand for the opening prayer. (Students stand and _____ leads the prayer.)
_____ please lead the prayer.
 Greetings
Good morning class. Good morning Ma’am.
 Checking of Attendance
Are there absent today? Yes/None Ma’am.
Class secretary please check the attendance
and take note those who sent an excuse
 Passing of Assignment
Do you have an assignment? Yes/None Ma’am.
Pass it to the center aisle then pass it
 Setting of Standards
In order to start and end this session
successfully, I want you to cooperate in our
discussion. Also, I want you to follow some
rules that I’m going to give you right now.
 Avoid going in and out of the classroom
while the class is going on. If you want to
be excused, ask my permission.
 Avoid talking to your seatmate.
 Do not answer in chorus. Raise your right
hand if you want to answer.
 Turn off your cellular phones during class
Is it clear class? Yes Ma’am.
A. Awareness
1. Motivation

Class, I have here artworks posted on the

board. Observe properly.

What features prevail in the artworks shown? Triangles

Have you observed inequalities in triangles in

the designs? Explain. Yes. Some sides are longer than the others and
some corners are larger than the others.
What is the significance of their triangular
designs? Possible Answers: Interesting, practical, creative,

How can you justify inequalities in these

designs? Possible Answer: Inequalities in triangle in these
artworks and designs are necessary in order to
achieve beauty, artistry, creativity and usefulness
to the designs.

Very good!

Now class, what if the sides and angles of a

triangle are not congruent, what do you think? (student’s answers vary)

Do you know class about certain theorems of

inequalities in a triangle? No Ma’am.
2. Statement of the Aim

So be with me this morning as I discuss to you

about “Theorems Involving Inequalities in a

B. Activity

For us to draw deeper understanding for this

topic, let’s have an activity which will be done
by group. The class will be divided into two.
Each group will construct a triangle.

Are you ready class?

Yes Ma’am!
(The teacher presents the activity)
Do the following in your group;

1. Use a ruler to draw a triangle

named OPQ.
2. Make sure that side OP is
vertical which measures 15 cm,
side PQ is horizontal which
measures 20 cm, and side OQ is
diagonal which measures 25
3. Use protractor to measure the
angles O, P and Q.
4. Indicate on the triangle OPQ the
measures of the three sides and
their opposite angles.
Let’s proceed to our activity.
Let one student to paste their figure on the
board. Student does as told.
Let another student to explain the figure on the
Student does as told.
C. Analysis
What have you observed about the sides of the I observed that the sides and angles of triangle
triangle OPQ? OPQ have different measures.

How are you going to describe the three sides The three sides are not congruent.
of triangle OPQ?
How about the angles then? The three angles also are not congruent.

What is the shortest side? The shortest side is OP.

What is the smallest angle? The smallest angle is angle Q.

Are the side OP and angle Q opposite? They are opposite because they are facing each

So the smallest angle is opposite the shortest

What side is longer than OP? The side which is longer than OP is PQ.
What angle is greater than angle Q?
The angle which is greater than Q is angle O.

Are angle O and side PQ opposite?

They are opposite because they are facing each
Then, how are you going to describe the
longest side and the largest angles?
The largest side and the largest angle are also
opposite to each other.

D. Abstraction
How are you going to conclude this triangle
OPQ in terms of inequalities of the sides and
When the sides of a certain triangle are not
congruent then the angles also are not congruent.
Another hand!

When the sides of a certain triangle are not

congruent then the opposite angles are of those
sides are also not congruent.

Very good!
For your better understanding here are two
theorems which involve inequalities in a
Everybody read. If two sides of a triangle are not congruent, then
the angles opposite these two sides are not
congruent, and the larger angle is opposite the
longer side.

If two angles of a triangle are not congruent, then

the sides opposite these two angles are not
congruent, and the longer side is opposite the
larger angle.
Values Integration
A while ago class we have discussed the
inequalities of a triangle.

Class, in connection to our real-life situation

how are you going to promote equality and
prevent inequality? I can promote equality and prevent inequality by
being fair to everybody in everything that I do.
Equality begins with being fair in just simple
action. Just like falling in line in the canteen, in
withdraw machine, or even in the bank, those
simple actions have great impacts on the society
since to promote equality and the same time
prevent inequality among people.
E. Application
Now let’s have an activity. I will call a student
to answer some of my questions.
Directions: Name the largest and the smallest
angle of the following triangles given the
length of the sides.

1. In triangle ABC, side AB = 12, side

AC = 16 and side BC = 19.
Angle B and Angle A
2. In triangle DEF, side DE = 40, side DF
= 35 and side FE = 55. Angle D and Angle E
3. In triangle GHI, side GI = 32, side GH
= 50 and side HI = 35. Angle I and Angle H

4. In triangle JKL, side JK = 28, side KL Angle J and Angle K

= 40 and side JL = 20
5. In triangle MNO, side MN = 22, side Angle M and Angle O
MO = 38 and side NO = 50.
IV. Evaluation
Directions: Arrange the sides of the following
triangles in the order of increasing lengths
given the measures of angles.

Sides ED, RD, RE

Sides ZY, XY XZ

Sides LS, DS, DL

V. Assignment
Study in advance on how to prove theorem
involving inequalities in a triangle.

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