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Indian Geotechnical Conference – 2010, GEOtrendz

December 16–18, 2010

IGS Mumbai Chapter & IIT Bombay

Interpretation of Geotechnical Report

Sanjeev Gupta
Senior Manager,

Infrastructure /Tata Consulting Engineers, Mumbai

Geotechnical engineering deals with the safe transmittal of loads due to various engineering applications to, and
into, the soil or rock mass. The soil and rock mass formations are heterogeneous and generally are subjected to
stresses (due to various engineering applications) which are additional to those presently existing in the earth
mass from its self weight and geological history. Due to these earth mass properties, the amalgamation of experience,
study of what others have done in somewhat similar situations and site specific geotechnical information are
required to produce an economical, practical and safe substructure design. The correct interpretation of the
results obtained from field exploration and laboratory test program is one of the most important crucial parts of
geotechnical engineering. Through this paper, the Author shares his experience about problems faced in various
projects while reviewing the geotechnical investigation reports for interpreting geotechnical parameters required
for design of structures. Author has made some suggestions which could be useful to resolve issues under such

1. INTRODUCTION (b) Geotechnical parameters for determining the load

For any development to take place, whether within cities carrying capacity of substrata with the proposed
or outside hills or plains, dry/marshy ground, it is essential foundation system.
to provide a technical criteria and guidance for its planning, (c) Deformation characteristics of sub-surface strata.
design and construction. Geological and geotechnical (d) Anticipation of any peculiar phenomena, its effect
investigations are crucial to establish various properties during the construction and on the proposed
determining the behaviour of the soil / rocky strata at site. foundation system like artesian conditions etc.
In such cases it becomes one of the prime responsibilities (e) Ground water level, its seasonal fluctuations and
of a geotechnical engineer to make correct foundation its effect during and after construction.
recommendations and provide the correct and economical (f) Chemical content and PH values of both soil and
solution with respect to site condition. This is only possible ground water.
by conducting proper tests and making correct (g) Construction problems during excavation.
interpretation of parameters obtained from various tests. (h) Assessment of effect of the proposed development
2. PURPOSE OF GEOTECHNICAL on the adjoining structures or facilities during and
INVESTIGATION after construction and its extent.
It is necessary to review the need of investigation and the (i) Any geotechnical related environmental problems
information sought there-from before the commencement that can be caused due to the proposed
of investigation in order to have the desired design development.
parameters. Primary objective of an investigation is to Besides above, geotechnical investigations are also
determine sub-surface stratification with an additional aim conducted to determine the cause of geotechnical nature of
of assessing the following from an investigation: any failure or defects in any existing structure or system.
(a) The type of foundation system (shallow or deep 3. FACTORS AFFECTING INTERPRETATION
foundation system) with respect to the sub-surface The foundation of correct interpretation begins by proper
characteristics, location and structures. provision of items (tests) in the tender document, appropriate
1126 Sanjeev Gupta

to local geology with due consideration to the limitations to the time of commencement of project, creating
of the various field and laboratory tests. Wherever the difficult situation for the foundation
parameters are critical there should be provision of recommendations especially in absence of record
obtaining such parameters by using a minimum of two about the thickness of backfill. In such cases it is
alternative methods. worth reconfirming the depth of founding strata
Besides the proper specification /BOQ, it is necessary by excavating few trial pits at scattered location
to select a contractor who is a geotechnical specialist. before recommending founding levels as column
However, sometimes, inspite of taking all precaution it is sizes increase with increase in their heights.
observed that poor workmanship, improper calibration of Similarly it is difficult to trace the bore hole
equipment and personal negligence result in reporting of locations without proper co-ordinates. Error in co-
unrealistic values. Major cause of misinterpretations are ordinates will affect the design assumptions and
inexperienced supervisors, lack of inter coordination sometime could lead to major contractual
between field data (bore logs) and laboratory test data; it problems. Hence it may be noted that co-ordinates
could be a result of improper labelling of samples while and ground levels are one of the most important
transporting to laboratory, human error while incorporating information required in the report.
the results in the report. In most of the cases, after For the sites where detailed surveying is not
completion of report it becomes difficult to reach to the completed and survey pillars are not stabilised co-
cause when the report is used to interpret geotechnical ordinates can be obtained by using hand-held GPS
parameters for design of structures due to passage of time. (preferably in UTM) and levels can be taken with
In an important project having large quantum of respect to a nearby permanent object. This
geotechnical investigation, inter coordination problems can information should become a part of soil
be minimised by taking the advantage of technology, that investigation report.
is developing digital record of field samples collected and (b) Correct identification of strata- It is observed that
samples tested in the laboratory which could be used later sometimes the identification of strata is not done
for clarifying doubts / correcting interpretation at the time as per the guideline of IS 1498 and IS 11315 part
of inconsistency in the report. This suggestion is made 5. There are several cases where soil strata in the
considering that the storage of samples may be difficult for bore log are described to suit all types of
longer duration as it requires larger space. Review of interim classification example – “Brownish to greyish
reports may also help in reducing inconsistency up to certain Medium dense clayey silty sand”. In such cases
extent. up to certain extent laboratory results can be used
Interpretation problems may exaggerate if engineer while making recommendations. But it is a
handling the geotechnical aspects is not qualified and difficult situation when the bore logs and
proficient for handling the geotechnical aspects of the laboratory results are very different. In such cases,
project assigned to him. recommendations are more like a guess based on
Further the process of revising IS codes /introduction other bore logs information especially in erratic
of new codes is not able to match the pace of development soils. Sample photographs with proper
of new technology due to which there are lack of acceptable identification tag, if stored could be an important
guidelines in some areas which also leads to conflict in tool for resolving the issue.
interpretation. (c) Collection of water samples: Some time water
samples are collected during the drilling operation,
4. SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT resulting in collection of water used for drilling
Following points can help in minimising problem in the instead of ground water and reporting chemical
interpretation of report: content of drilling water in place of ground water.
(a) Test locations –Less importance is assigned for If ground water is found to have high sulphate or
recording the co-ordinates and R.L of test location. chloride content in any of such cases and if
It is common to indicate depth of bore hole with detected after the award of civil contract, it could
respect (w.r.t) to existing ground level and not w.r.t lead to major contractual problem. Hence ground
R.L especially on site having flat ground, water samples should be collected after 48 hours
forgetting that there can be an ample gap of time of completion of drilling activities that is when
for project to commence after the completion of water in bore holes reaches its equilibrium. Further
geotechnical investigation. Ground levels may it is advisable to use fumigated bottle for collection
change (normally increases due to backfilling) up of water sample.
Interpretation of Geotechnical Report 1127

(d) Evaluating consolidation in clay: Collection of of typographical errors. In fractured rock reverse
UDS sample is always topic of debate and SPT (recording penetration against 6 consecutive
consolidation results are very sensitive to sample 20 blows) can be helpful in obtaining shear
disturbance. Any disturbance of sample affects the strength of rock by using recommendations of Cole
consolidation results leading to erroneous and Stroud (1997) . In reverse SPT, first 20 blows
interpretation. In such cases provision of alternate are considered as seating blows.
item of conducting static cone penetration test is (f) Unconfined Compression strength (UCS) of rock
always advantageous. In hard clay expected sample: It is observed that often UCC dry and
consolidation may be negligible; UDS sample may saturated are performed at different depth in order
be collected by using triple tube barrel. Preserving to have more spread test results. But it defeats the
field moisture content of UDS /SPT samples is purpose of comparing effect of saturation on rock
important as it also helps in obtaining cohesion samples. Further in several cases it is found that
by using following graphs. average strength of saturated rock samples are
more than average values of dry samples. In such
cases one has to take decision based on his
experience while recommending a value; one way
is to use minimum saturated value but sometimes,
it could be too low. Hence it is suggested to test
similar samples (probably from same source) for
dry and saturated conditions.
(g) Point load test: It is preferred in place of UCS as
it is quicker. It is suggested to limit its use for
rock classification and not to use it as a substitute
to UCS as the correlation between UCS and point
load tests are approximate, on an average UCS is
20~25times point load strength index but can vary
up to 100 % with different rock types especially
for anisotropic rock. Test is not reliable if strength
is less than 1Mpa. It is noticed that guideline for
sampling specified in clause no 5 of IS: 8764 are
very rarely followed, as per the code
recommendations are to be made out of minimum
10 test specimen. IS Code also suggests to report
numerical values for water content & degree of
saturation at the time of testing which is very rarely
followed. All these limitations affect the accuracy
of interpretation, hence it is better to conduct UCS
(e) SPT test: There is no standard practice for bore test and minimise the problems.
logs showing SPT values at refusal. Reports simply
(h) Pressuremeter tests: Pressuremeter tests are useful
indicate it as refusal. Where test could not be
in the hard clay /soft rocks /highly weathered /
conducted to full depth , better practice could be
highly fractured rock. Pressuremeter test has got
to show SPT values as 70/100 or 50/100 in bore
very little significance in a hard rock whose
logs indicating that 70 (or 50) blows resulted in a
strength is beyond the instrument capacity.
penetration of 100mm.
Limitations of pressure meter test need to be
Although code specifies to record SPT values for
understood while making the interpretation.
three consecutive 150mm penetration, it is
Unless the soil is isotropic the value of Young’s
advisable to have a record of four consecutive
modulus/deformation modulus (pressuremeter
150mm penetration as it helps in reconfirming
modulus) obtained from pressuremeter is lateral
the trend of N values.
and different from vertical values needed for
Sudden variation if observed need to be
settlement analysis. For this reason pressuremeter
substantiated (in bore log) with observations made
modulus usually has more relevance to laterally
during investigation. It will eliminate the doubt
loaded piles and drilled caissons.
1128 Sanjeev Gupta

Many geotechnical engineers believe that effect better to have the core logs as it can be helpful in
of any type of disturbance on the pressuremeter interpretation of results.
results is insignificant, but it may be noted that (j) Deformation modulus of rock: It is noticed that
the sensitive soil/rocks (like Phyllite) tends to IS code guidelines about taking at least 10 readings
expand in the cavity when hole is opened causing over the load range to define the axial and
considerable disturbance to the results obtained diametric stress strain curve are not strictly
by conducting pressuremeter test. Inconsistencies followed. In one incident it was observed that the
in results are also observed due to equipment values were not reported at 50% of the ultimate
configuration and user technique. stress as indicated in IS: 9221. Hence it necessary
Despite all above limitations it is one of the to have stress strain curve in the report to ensure
effective tests for obtaining parameters of deeply that correct interpretative values are reported.
located strata. Test need to be performed by the
person specialised in conducting this type of test
for correct interpretation. The responsibility of planning the geotechnical work should
(i) Cross hole test – Often the reported value of be with a person who is qualified and proficient for handling
Poisson ratio (µ) in rocky strata are very near to the geotechnical aspects of the project. It is advisable to
soil (ì are reported between 0.45~0.4) may be due prepare specification / BOQ after site visit and after studying
to presence of filling material in the rock joints/ various available data pertaining to the site.
fractures at the testing depth which are not Selection of the appropriate agency is important. For
indicated in the report, it creates confusion at the important and fast track projects it is better to appoint a
time of interpretation. It is necessary to obtain contractor with proven capabilities.
correct value of ì as it is directly used to calculate Control on the quality of data up to certain extent in
Shear Modulus (G) and also indirectly affect projects involving large quantum of geotechnical
deformation modulus value. investigation can be kept by reviewing daily bore logs and
Some engineers recommend boring in bore holes interim reports if an engineer is appointed at the time of
identified for cross holes without conducting SPT investigation to oversee day to day work. For critical
and without obtaining rock cores which is a wrong projects, the parameters should be obtained by using
practice as SPT helps in estimating appropriate minimum two alternative methods so that results can be
insitu density and rock core examination helps to compared.
understand shear and compression wave velocity It must be remembered that geotechnical engineering
in a better way. Further knowledge about the is a highly specialised area of civil engineering and it is
stiffness of soil helps during the interpretation incumbent upon geotechnical agencies to take all care to
(through literature review). report the data with minimum ambiguities. The very
Errors in reporting shear wave velocity and foundations of the project depend upon these decisions.
compression wave velocity values were also REFERENCES
noticed in a few cases. If such errors are noticed
Bowles, J.E. (1988). Foundation Analysis and Design, 4th
after a gap of time than it becomes difficult to trace
Ed., McGraw-Hill.
the cause of error and one has to consider the
values indicated for weaker strata(conservative) Cole, K.W. and Stroud, M.A. (1977). Rock socketed piles
in the report for the design. at Coventry Point, Market Way, Coventry, Proc. Piles
There is a standard practice to conduct test at a in Weak Rock, Inst. Of Civil Engrs., London
regular interval. Additionally, it is suggested to IS 1892 – 1979. Code of Practice for Site Investigation for
conduct this test at every change of strata, as it Foundations, BIS, New Delhi.
helps in deciding the founding depth especially IS 8764 – 1998. Method for Detrmination of Point Load
for the structures sensitive to earthquake like Strength Index of Rocks, BIS, New Delhi.
nuclear plant. IS 9221 – 1979. Method for Determination of Modulus of
Since Cross hole test is a non destructive test it is elasticity and Poisson’s Ratio of Rocks, Materials in
suggested to record three values at every test Uniaxial Compression,BIS, New Delhi.
interval by repeating the test so as to avoid the Lambe, T.W. and Whitman, R.V. (1969). Soil Mechanics,
reporting errors, as at later stage there is hardly John Wiley and Sons, New York.
any source to reconfirm the same. It is always Terzaghi, K. (1943). Theoretical Soil Mechanics, John
Wiley and Sons, New York.

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