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In the second half, emissary to the extraterrestrial Zetas, and lifetime contactee, Nancy Lieder,

returned to C2C. She shared messages from the Zetas, including the latest revelations about
Planet X or Nibiru, and addressed how predictions by the Zetas are coming to fruition related to
plate movements, volcanoes, and an Earth wobble. Nibiru could be considered a hybrid between
a planet and a brown dwarf and is on a 3,600-year sling orbit between our sun and a dead dark
star, she outlined. It's a gigantic planet that has its own heat and light source and is inhabited by
the Anunnaki race, she continued.

Additionally, Nibiru has some 2,000 moons that trail behind it and form long tubes, and "the
sunlight ricochets down those tubes and comes out like a flashlight pointing toward Earth" that
people detect as bright orbs around the sun, she stated. "We are poised at this point to say that
Nibiru is parked next to the sun," she announced, "just where the Zetas said it would be, and they
[astronomers] are going to find it on the Dark Energy Survey," which can see objects closer in.

An Earth wobble is becoming increasingly obvious, and is caused by the passage of Planet X,
along with a eventual pole shift, leading to coastal flooding from enormous tsunami-like waves,
she warned. Lieder also believes that electro-magnetic pulse mishaps are on the increase due to
Nibiru's approach, and cited crashed planes and electric trains (the recent Hoboken, NJ train
crash) as evidence. Further, she contends a massive cover-up is taking place, and the President
Obama failed in his efforts to admit that Nibiru is a real and present danger. For more, check out
this page of related images/info she provided.

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